2022-12-23 09:40:35 +01:00

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# home directory configuration
this is my personal linux home directory configuration.
use at your own risk!
## quickstart
setting up this configuration is as simple as it gets:
``` bash
git clone
cd dotfiles && bash
to update everything just run `` again.
## structure
### bashrc
... well ... `~/.bashrc`... will not be linked unlike files contained in `dotfiles` directory, but `source`d. leaving the local `~/.bashrc` intact.
### config
directories the will be linked to `~/.config/${name}`.
### configfile
only files from this directory tree will be linked, to the same directory under `~/.config`
### dotfiles
files that are directly located under `$home`.
### fonts
fonts that will be copied to `~/.fonts`
### hosts
custom additions to bashrc for specific hostnames. if no specific host is found in `hosts/$(hostname -s)`, `any` will be used.
### requirements.txt
python libs to install using `pip3`.
## neovim
### help
`<space + ?|tk>` - teleskope keymappings
### navigation
`<ctrl+n>` - toggle nvtree
### editing
`<space + />`- toggle comment_
### tabs
`<tab>` - next tab
`<shift+tab>` - prev tab_
### terminal
`<alt+h>` - horizontal terminal
`<alt+v>` - vertical terminal
### system
`<Space + uu>` - Update NvChad