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#include "FsProcess.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <memory>
#include <tc/io/FileNotFoundException.h>
#include <tc/io/DirectoryNotFoundException.h>
nstool::FsProcess::FsProcess() :
void nstool::FsProcess::process()
if (mInputFs == nullptr)
throw tc::InvalidOperationException(mModuleLabel, "No input filesystem");
if (mShowFsInfo)
fmt::print("[{:s}]\n", mFsFormatName.isSet() ? mFsFormatName.get() : "FileSystem/Info");
for (auto itr = mProperties.begin(); itr != mProperties.end(); itr++)
fmt::print(" {:s}\n", *itr);
if (mShowFsTree)
if (mExtractJobs.empty() == false)
void nstool::FsProcess::setInputFileSystem(const std::shared_ptr<tc::io::IFileSystem>& input_fs)
mInputFs = input_fs;
void nstool::FsProcess::setFsFormatName(const std::string& fs_format_name)
mFsFormatName = fs_format_name;
void nstool::FsProcess::setShowFsInfo(bool show_fs_info)
mShowFsInfo = show_fs_info;
void nstool::FsProcess::setFsProperties(const std::vector<std::string>& properties)
mProperties = properties;
void nstool::FsProcess::setShowFsTree(bool show_fs_tree)
mShowFsTree = show_fs_tree;
void nstool::FsProcess::setFsRootLabel(const std::string& root_label)
mFsRootLabel = root_label;
void nstool::FsProcess::setExtractJobs(const std::vector<nstool::ExtractJob>& extract_jobs)
mExtractJobs = extract_jobs;
void nstool::FsProcess::printFs()
fmt::print("[{:s}/Tree]\n", (mFsFormatName.isSet() ? mFsFormatName.get() : "FileSystem"));
visitDir(tc::io::Path("/"), tc::io::Path("/"), false, true);
void nstool::FsProcess::extractFs()
fmt::print("[{:s}/Extract]\n", (mFsFormatName.isSet() ? mFsFormatName.get() : "FileSystem"));
for (auto itr = mExtractJobs.begin(); itr != mExtractJobs.end(); itr++)
// check if root path (legacy case)
if (itr->virtual_path == tc::io::Path("/"))
visitDir(tc::io::Path("/"), itr->extract_path, true, false);
//fmt::print("Root Dir Virtual Path: \"{:s}\"\n", itr->virtual_path.to_string());
// root directory extract successful, continue to next job
// otherwise determine if this is a file or subdirectory
try {
std::shared_ptr<tc::io::IStream> file_stream;
mInputFs->openFile(itr->virtual_path, tc::io::FileMode::Open, tc::io::FileAccess::Read, file_stream);
//fmt::print("Valid File Path: \"{:s}\"\n", itr->virtual_path.to_string());
// the output path for this file will depend on the user specified extract path
std::shared_ptr<tc::io::IFileSystem> local_fs = std::make_shared<tc::io::LocalFileSystem>(tc::io::LocalFileSystem());
// case: the extract_path is a valid path to an existing directory
// behaviour: extract the file, preserving the original filename, to the specified directory
// method: try getDirectoryListing(itr->extract_path), if this is does not throw, then we can be sure this is a valid path to a directory, file_extract_path = itr->extract_path + itr->virtual_path.back()
try {
tc::io::sDirectoryListing dir_listing;
local_fs->getDirectoryListing(itr->extract_path, dir_listing);
tc::io::Path file_extract_path = itr->extract_path + itr->virtual_path.back();
fmt::print("Saving {:s}...\n", file_extract_path.to_string());
writeStreamToFile(file_stream, itr->extract_path + itr->virtual_path.back(), mDataCache);
} catch (tc::io::DirectoryNotFoundException&) {
// acceptable exception, just means directory didn't exist
// case: the extract_path up until the last element is a valid path to an existing directory, but the full path specifies neither a directory or a file
// behaviour: treat extract_path as the intended location to write the extracted file (the original filename is not preserved, instead specified by the user in the final element of the extract path)
// method: since this checks n-1 elements, it implies a path with more than one element, so that must be accounted for, as relative paths are valid and single element paths aren't always root
try {
// get path to parent directory
tc::io::Path parent_dir_path = itr->extract_path;
// replace final path element with the current directory alias
parent_dir_path.pop_back(); // remove filename
parent_dir_path.push_back("."); // replace with the current dir name alias
// test parent directory exists
tc::io::sDirectoryListing dir_listing;
local_fs->getDirectoryListing(parent_dir_path, dir_listing);
fmt::print("Saving {:s} as {:s}...\n", itr->virtual_path.to_string(), itr->extract_path.to_string());
writeStreamToFile(file_stream, itr->extract_path, mDataCache);
} catch (tc::io::DirectoryNotFoundException&) {
// acceptable exception, just means the parent directory didn't exist
// extract path could not be determined, inform the user and skip this job
fmt::print("[WARNING] Extract path was invalid, and was skipped: {:s}\n", itr->extract_path.to_string());
} catch (tc::io::FileNotFoundException&) {
// acceptable exception, just means file didn't exist
// not a file, attempt to process this as a directory
try {
tc::io::sDirectoryListing dir_listing;
mInputFs->getDirectoryListing(itr->virtual_path, dir_listing);
visitDir(itr->virtual_path, itr->extract_path, true, false);
//fmt::print("Valid Directory Path: \"{:s}\"\n", itr->virtual_path.to_string());
// directory extract successful, continue to next job
} catch (tc::io::DirectoryNotFoundException&) {
// acceptable exception, just means directory didn't exist
fmt::print("[WARNING] Failed to extract virtual path: \"{:s}\"\n", itr->virtual_path.to_string());
void nstool::FsProcess::visitDir(const tc::io::Path& v_path, const tc::io::Path& l_path, bool extract_fs, bool print_fs)
tc::io::LocalFileSystem local_fs;
// get listing for directory
tc::io::sDirectoryListing info;
mInputFs->getDirectoryListing(v_path, info);
if (print_fs)
for (size_t i = 0; i < v_path.size(); i++)
fmt::print(" ");
fmt::print("{:s}/\n", ((v_path.size() == 1) ? (mFsRootLabel.isSet() ? (mFsRootLabel.get() + ":") : "Root:") : v_path.back()));
if (extract_fs)
// create local dir
// iterate thru child files
size_t cache_read_len;
tc::io::Path out_path;
std::shared_ptr<tc::io::IStream> in_stream;
std::shared_ptr<tc::io::IStream> out_stream;
for (auto itr = info.file_list.begin(); itr != info.file_list.end(); itr++)
if (print_fs)
for (size_t i = 0; i < v_path.size(); i++)
fmt::print(" ");
fmt::print(" {:s}\n", *itr);
if (extract_fs)
// build out path
out_path = l_path + *itr;
fmt::print("Saving {:s}...\n", out_path.to_string());
// begin export
mInputFs->openFile(v_path + *itr, tc::io::FileMode::Open, tc::io::FileAccess::Read, in_stream);
local_fs.openFile(out_path, tc::io::FileMode::OpenOrCreate, tc::io::FileAccess::Write, out_stream);
in_stream->seek(0, tc::io::SeekOrigin::Begin);
out_stream->seek(0, tc::io::SeekOrigin::Begin);
for (int64_t remaining_data = in_stream->length(); remaining_data > 0;)
cache_read_len = in_stream->read(mDataCache.data(), mDataCache.size());
if (cache_read_len == 0)
throw tc::io::IOException(mModuleLabel, fmt::format("Failed to read from {:s}file.", (mFsFormatName.isSet() ? (mFsFormatName.get() + " ") : "")));
out_stream->write(mDataCache.data(), cache_read_len);
remaining_data -= int64_t(cache_read_len);
// iterate thru child dirs
for (auto itr = info.dir_list.begin(); itr != info.dir_list.end(); itr++)
visitDir(v_path + *itr, l_path + *itr, extract_fs, print_fs);
} |