#include using namespace nx; void AciHeader::calculateSectionOffsets() { mFac.offset = align(mHeaderOffset, kAciAlignSize) + align(sizeof(sAciHeader), kAciAlignSize); mSac.offset = mFac.offset + align(mFac.size, kAciAlignSize); mKc.offset = mSac.offset + align(mSac.size, kAciAlignSize); } bool AciHeader::isEqual(const AciHeader & other) const { return (mHeaderOffset == other.mHeaderOffset) \ && (mType == other.mType) \ && (mAcidSize == other.mAcidSize) \ && (mProgramId == other.mProgramId) \ && (mFac == other.mFac) \ && (mSac == other.mSac) \ && (mKc == other.mKc); } void AciHeader::copyFrom(const AciHeader & other) { if (other.getSize()) { importBinary(other.getBytes(), other.getSize()); } else { mHeaderOffset = other.mHeaderOffset; mType = other.mType; mAcidSize = other.mAcidSize; mProgramId = other.mProgramId; mFac = other.mFac; mSac = other.mSac; mKc = other.mKc; } } AciHeader::AciHeader() { clear(); } AciHeader::AciHeader(const AciHeader & other) { importBinary(other.getBytes(), other.getSize()); } AciHeader::AciHeader(const byte_t * bytes, size_t len) { importBinary(bytes, len); } bool AciHeader::operator==(const AciHeader & other) const { return isEqual(other); } bool AciHeader::operator!=(const AciHeader & other) const { return !isEqual(other); } void AciHeader::operator=(const AciHeader & other) { this->importBinary(other.getBytes(), other.getSize()); } const byte_t * AciHeader::getBytes() const { return mBinaryBlob.getBytes(); } size_t AciHeader::getSize() const { return mBinaryBlob.getSize(); } void AciHeader::exportBinary() { mBinaryBlob.alloc(sizeof(sAciHeader)); sAciHeader* hdr = (sAciHeader*)mBinaryBlob.getBytes(); // set type switch (mType) { case (TYPE_ACI0): hdr->set_signature(kAciStructSig.c_str()); break; case (TYPE_ACID): hdr->set_signature(kAciDescStructSig.c_str()); break; default: throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Unexpected ACI type"); } // set offset/size calculateSectionOffsets(); hdr->fac().set_offset(mFac.offset); hdr->fac().set_size(mFac.size); hdr->sac().set_offset(mSac.offset); hdr->sac().set_size(mSac.size); hdr->kc().set_offset(mKc.offset); hdr->kc().set_size(mKc.size); uint32_t flags = 0; if (mIsProduction) flags |= BIT(0); hdr->set_flags(flags); if (mType == TYPE_ACI0) { // set program hdr->set_program_id(mProgramId); } else if (mType == TYPE_ACID) { mAcidSize = getAciSize(); hdr->set_size(mAcidSize); hdr->set_program_id_min(mProgramIdMin); hdr->set_program_id_max(mProgramIdMax); } } void AciHeader::importBinary(const byte_t * bytes, size_t len) { if (len < sizeof(sAciHeader)) { throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "ACI header too small"); } clear(); mBinaryBlob.alloc(sizeof(sAciHeader)); memcpy(mBinaryBlob.getBytes(), bytes, sizeof(sAciHeader)); sAciHeader* hdr = (sAciHeader*)mBinaryBlob.getBytes(); if (memcmp(hdr->signature(), kAciStructSig.c_str(), 4) == 0) { mType = TYPE_ACI0; } else if (memcmp(hdr->signature(), kAciDescStructSig.c_str(), 4) == 0) { mType = TYPE_ACID; } else { throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "ACI header corrupt"); } if (mType == TYPE_ACI0) { mProgramId = hdr->program_id(); mIsProduction = false; mAcidSize = 0; mProgramIdMin = 0; mProgramIdMax = 0; } else if (mType == TYPE_ACID) { mProgramId = 0; mIsProduction = (hdr->flags() & BIT(0)) == BIT(0); mAcidSize = hdr->size(); mProgramIdMin = hdr->program_id_min(); mProgramIdMax = hdr->program_id_max(); } // the header offset is the MIN(sac.offset, fac.offset, kc.offset) - sizeof(sHeader) mHeaderOffset = MAX(MIN(hdr->sac().offset(), MIN(hdr->fac().offset(), hdr->kc().offset())), align(sizeof(sAciHeader), kAciAlignSize)) - align(sizeof(sAciHeader), kAciAlignSize); mFac.offset = hdr->fac().offset() - mHeaderOffset; mFac.size = hdr->fac().size(); mSac.offset = hdr->sac().offset() - mHeaderOffset; mSac.size = hdr->sac().size(); mKc.offset = hdr->kc().offset() - mHeaderOffset; mKc.size = hdr->kc().size(); } void nx::AciHeader::clear() { mBinaryBlob.clear(); mHeaderOffset = 0; mType = TYPE_ACI0; mProgramId = 0; mProgramIdMin = 0; mProgramIdMax = 0; mAcidSize = 0; mIsProduction = false; mFac.offset = 0; mFac.size = 0; mSac.offset = 0; mSac.size = 0; mKc.offset = 0; mKc.size = 0; } size_t nx::AciHeader::getAciSize() const { return MAX(MAX(MAX(mSac.offset + mSac.size, mKc.offset + mKc.size), mFac.offset + mFac.size), sizeof(sAciHeader)); } size_t nx::AciHeader::getAcidSize() const { return mAcidSize; } /* void nx::AciHeader::setAcidSize(size_t size) { mAcidSize = size; } */ uint64_t nx::AciHeader::getProgramIdMin() const { return mProgramIdMin; } void nx::AciHeader::setProgramIdMin(uint64_t program_id) { mProgramIdMin = program_id; } uint64_t nx::AciHeader::getProgramIdMax() const { return mProgramIdMax; } void nx::AciHeader::setProgramIdMax(uint64_t program_id) { mProgramIdMax = program_id; } void nx::AciHeader::setHeaderOffset(size_t offset) { mHeaderOffset = offset; } AciHeader::AciType AciHeader::getAciType() const { return mType; } void AciHeader::setAciType(AciType type) { mType = type; } bool nx::AciHeader::isProduction() const { return mIsProduction; } void nx::AciHeader::setIsProduction(bool isProduction) { mIsProduction = isProduction; } uint64_t AciHeader::getProgramId() const { return mProgramId; } void AciHeader::setProgramId(uint64_t program_id) { mProgramId = program_id; } const AciHeader::sSection & AciHeader::getFacPos() const { return mFac; } void AciHeader::setFacSize(size_t size) { mFac.size = size; } const AciHeader::sSection & AciHeader::getSacPos() const { return mSac; } void AciHeader::setSacSize(size_t size) { mSac.size = size; } const AciHeader::sSection & AciHeader::getKcPos() const { return mKc; } void AciHeader::setKcSize(size_t size) { mKc.size = size; }