#pragma once #include <string> #include <fnd/MemoryBlob.h> #include <fnd/ISerialiseableBinary.h> #include <crypto/rsa.h> namespace es { class ETicketBody_V2 : public fnd::ISerialiseableBinary { public: enum TitleKeyEncType { AES128_CBC, RSA2048 }; enum LicenseType { ES_LICENSE_PERMANENT = 0, ES_LICENSE_DEMO = 1, ES_LICENSE_TRIAL = 2, ES_LICENSE_RENTAL = 3, ES_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION = 4, ES_LICENSE_SERVICE = 5, }; ETicketBody_V2(); ETicketBody_V2(const ETicketBody_V2& other); ETicketBody_V2(const byte_t* bytes, size_t len); bool operator==(const ETicketBody_V2& other) const; bool operator!=(const ETicketBody_V2& other) const; void operator=(const ETicketBody_V2& other); // to be used after export const byte_t* getBytes() const; size_t getSize() const; // export/import binary virtual void exportBinary(); virtual void importBinary(const byte_t* bytes, size_t len); // variables virtual void clear(); const std::string& getIssuer() const; void setIssuer(const std::string& issuer); const byte_t* getEncTitleKey() const; void setEncTitleKey(const byte_t* data, size_t len); TitleKeyEncType getTitleKeyEncType() const; void setTitleKeyEncType(TitleKeyEncType type); uint16_t getTicketVersion() const; void setTicketVersion(uint16_t version); LicenseType getLicenseType() const; void setLicenseType(LicenseType type); byte_t getCommonKeyId() const; void setCommonKeyId(byte_t id); bool isPreInstall() const; void setIsPreInstall(bool isPreInstall); bool isSharedTitle() const; void setIsSharedTitle(bool isSharedTitle); bool allowAllContent() const; void setAllowAllContent(bool allowAllContent); const byte_t* getReservedRegion() const; void setReservedRegion(const byte_t* data, size_t len); uint64_t getTicketId() const; void setTicketId(uint64_t id); uint64_t getDeviceId() const; void setDeviceId(uint64_t id); const byte_t* getRightsId() const; void setRightsId(const byte_t* id); uint32_t getAccountId() const; void setAccountId(uint32_t id); uint32_t getSectionTotalSize() const; void setSectionTotalSize(uint32_t size); uint32_t getSectionHeaderOffset() const; void setSectionHeaderOffset(uint32_t offset); uint16_t getSectionNum() const; void setSectionNum(uint16_t num); uint16_t getSectionEntrySize() const; void setSectionEntrySize(uint16_t size); private: const std::string kModuleName = "ES_ETICKET_BODY_V2"; static const size_t kIssuerLen = 0x40; static const byte_t kFormatVersion = 2; static const size_t kEncTitleKeyLen = crypto::rsa::kRsa2048Size; static const size_t kReservedRegionLen = 8; static const size_t kRightsIdLen = 16; enum PropertyMaskFlags { FLAG_PRE_INSTALL, FLAG_SHARED_TITLE, FLAG_ALLOW_ALL_CONTENT }; #pragma pack (push, 1) struct sTicketBody_v2 { char issuer[kIssuerLen]; byte_t enc_title_key[kEncTitleKeyLen]; byte_t format_version; byte_t title_key_enc_type; le_uint16_t ticket_version; byte_t license_type; byte_t common_key_id; byte_t property_mask; byte_t reserved_0; byte_t reserved_region[kReservedRegionLen]; // explicitly reserved le_uint64_t ticket_id; le_uint64_t device_id; byte_t rights_id[kRightsIdLen]; le_uint32_t account_id; le_uint32_t sect_total_size; le_uint32_t sect_header_offset; le_uint16_t sect_num; le_uint16_t sect_entry_size; }; #pragma pack (pop) // raw binary fnd::MemoryBlob mBinaryBlob; // variables std::string mIssuer; byte_t mEncTitleKey[kEncTitleKeyLen]; TitleKeyEncType mEncType; // 0 = aes-cbc, 1 = rsa2048 uint16_t mTicketVersion; LicenseType mLicenseType; byte_t mCommonKeyId; bool mPreInstall; bool mSharedTitle; bool mAllowAllContent; byte_t mReservedRegion[kReservedRegionLen]; // explicitly reserved uint64_t mTicketId; uint64_t mDeviceId; byte_t mRightsId[kRightsIdLen]; uint32_t mAccountId; uint32_t mSectTotalSize; uint32_t mSectHeaderOffset; uint16_t mSectNum; uint16_t mSectEntrySize; // helpers bool isEqual(const ETicketBody_V2& other) const; void copyFrom(const ETicketBody_V2& other); }; }