#include bool nx::XciHeader::isEqual(const XciHeader& other) const { return ( mRomAreaStartPage == other.mRomAreaStartPage \ & mBackupAreaStartPage == other.mBackupAreaStartPage \ & mKekIndex == other.mKekIndex \ & mTitleKeyDecIndex == other.mTitleKeyDecIndex \ & mRomSize == other.mRomSize \ & mCardHeaderVersion == other.mCardHeaderVersion \ & mFlags == other.mFlags \ & mPackageId == other.mPackageId \ & mValidDataEndPage == other.mValidDataEndPage \ & mAesCbcIv == other.mAesCbcIv \ & mPartitionFsHeaderAddress == other.mPartitionFsHeaderAddress \ & mPartitionFsHeaderSize == other.mPartitionFsHeaderSize \ & mPartitionFsHeaderHash == other.mPartitionFsHeaderHash \ & mInitialDataHash == other.mInitialDataHash \ & mSelSec == other.mSelSec \ & mSelT1Key == other.mSelT1Key \ & mSelKey == other.mSelKey \ & mLimAreaPage == other.mLimAreaPage \ & mFwVersion[0] == other.mFwVersion[0] \ & mFwVersion[1] == other.mFwVersion[1] \ & mAccCtrl1 == other.mAccCtrl1 \ & mWait1TimeRead == other.mWait1TimeRead \ & mWait2TimeRead == other.mWait2TimeRead \ & mWait1TimeWrite == other.mWait1TimeWrite \ & mWait2TimeWrite == other.mWait2TimeWrite \ & mFwMode == other.mFwMode \ & mUppVersion == other.mUppVersion \ & memcmp(mUppHash, other.mUppHash, xci::kUppHashLen) \ & mUppId == other.mUppId); } void nx::XciHeader::copyFrom(const XciHeader& other) { mRomAreaStartPage = other.mRomAreaStartPage; mBackupAreaStartPage = other.mBackupAreaStartPage; mKekIndex = other.mKekIndex; mTitleKeyDecIndex = other.mTitleKeyDecIndex; mRomSize = other.mRomSize; mCardHeaderVersion = other.mCardHeaderVersion; mFlags = other.mFlags; mPackageId = other.mPackageId; mValidDataEndPage = other.mValidDataEndPage; mAesCbcIv = other.mAesCbcIv; mPartitionFsHeaderAddress = other.mPartitionFsHeaderAddress; mPartitionFsHeaderSize = other.mPartitionFsHeaderSize; mPartitionFsHeaderHash = other.mPartitionFsHeaderHash; mInitialDataHash = other.mInitialDataHash; mSelSec = other.mSelSec; mSelT1Key = other.mSelT1Key; mSelKey = other.mSelKey; mLimAreaPage = other.mLimAreaPage; mFwVersion[0] = other.mFwVersion[0]; mFwVersion[1] = other.mFwVersion[1]; mAccCtrl1 = other.mAccCtrl1; mWait1TimeRead = other.mWait1TimeRead; mWait2TimeRead = other.mWait2TimeRead; mWait1TimeWrite = other.mWait1TimeWrite; mWait2TimeWrite = other.mWait2TimeWrite; mFwMode = other.mFwMode; mUppVersion = other.mUppVersion; memcpy(mUppHash, other.mUppHash, xci::kUppHashLen); mUppId = other.mUppId; } nx::XciHeader::XciHeader() { } nx::XciHeader::XciHeader(const XciHeader& other) { importBinary(other.getBytes(), other.getSize()); } nx::XciHeader::XciHeader(const byte_t* bytes, size_t len) { importBinary(bytes, len); } bool nx::XciHeader::operator==(const XciHeader& other) const { return isEqual(other); } bool nx::XciHeader::operator!=(const XciHeader& other) const { return isEqual(other) == false; } void nx::XciHeader::operator=(const XciHeader& other) { copyFrom(other); } // to be used after export const byte_t* nx::XciHeader::getBytes() const { return mBinaryBlob.getBytes(); } size_t nx::XciHeader::getSize() const { return mBinaryBlob.getSize(); } // export/import binary void nx::XciHeader::exportBinary() { fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "exportBinary() not implemented"); } void nx::XciHeader::importBinary(const byte_t* bytes, size_t len) { // check input data size if (len < sizeof(sXciHeader)) { throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "XCI header size is too small"); } // clear internal members clear(); // allocate internal local binary copy mBinaryBlob.alloc(sizeof(sXciHeader)); memcpy(mBinaryBlob.getBytes(), bytes, mBinaryBlob.getSize()); // get sXciHeader ptr const nx::sXciHeader* hdr = (const nx::sXciHeader*)mBinaryBlob.getBytes(); // check XCI signature if (std::string(hdr->signature, 4) != xci::kXciSig) { throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "XCI header corrupt"); } mRomAreaStartPage = hdr->rom_area_start_page.get(); mBackupAreaStartPage = hdr->backup_area_start_page.get(); mKekIndex = hdr->key_flag & 7; mTitleKeyDecIndex = (hdr->key_flag >> 4) & 7; mRomSize = hdr->rom_size; mCardHeaderVersion = hdr->card_header_version; mFlags = hdr->flags; mPackageId = hdr->package_id.get(); mValidDataEndPage = hdr->valid_data_end_page.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize; i++) mAesCbcIv.iv[i] = hdr->aescbc_iv.iv[15-i]; mPartitionFsHeaderAddress = hdr->partition_fs_header_address.get(); mPartitionFsHeaderSize = hdr->partition_fs_header_size.get(); mPartitionFsHeaderHash = hdr->partition_fs_header_hash; mInitialDataHash = hdr->initial_data_hash; mSelSec = hdr->sel_sec.get(); mSelT1Key = hdr->sel_t1_key.get(); mSelKey = hdr->sel_key.get(); mLimAreaPage = hdr->lim_area.get(); // if decrypted if (hdr->reserved_02[sizeof(hdr->reserved_02)-1] == 0x00 && hdr->reserved_02[sizeof(hdr->reserved_02)-2] == 0x00) { mFwVersion[xci::FWVER_MAJOR] = hdr->fw_version[xci::FWVER_MAJOR].get(); mFwVersion[xci::FWVER_MINOR] = hdr->fw_version[xci::FWVER_MINOR].get(); mAccCtrl1 = hdr->acc_ctrl_1.get(); mWait1TimeRead = hdr->wait_1_time_read.get(); mWait2TimeRead = hdr->wait_2_time_read.get(); mWait1TimeWrite = hdr->wait_1_time_write.get(); mWait2TimeWrite = hdr->wait_2_time_write.get(); mFwMode = hdr->fw_mode.get(); mUppVersion = hdr->upp_version.get(); memcpy(mUppHash, hdr->upp_hash, xci::kUppHashLen); mUppId = hdr->upp_id.get(); } } // variables void nx::XciHeader::clear() { mRomAreaStartPage = 0; mBackupAreaStartPage = 0; mKekIndex = 0; mTitleKeyDecIndex = 0; mRomSize = 0; mCardHeaderVersion = 0; mFlags = 0; mPackageId = 0; mValidDataEndPage = 0; memset(mAesCbcIv.iv, 0, sizeof(mAesCbcIv)); mPartitionFsHeaderAddress = 0; mPartitionFsHeaderSize = 0; memset(mPartitionFsHeaderHash.bytes, 0, sizeof(mPartitionFsHeaderHash)); memset(mInitialDataHash.bytes, 0, sizeof(mInitialDataHash)); mSelSec = 0; mSelT1Key = 0; mSelKey = 0; mLimAreaPage = 0; mFwVersion[0] = 0; mFwVersion[1] = 0; mAccCtrl1 = 0; mWait1TimeRead = 0; mWait2TimeRead = 0; mWait1TimeWrite = 0; mWait2TimeWrite = 0; mFwMode = 0; mUppVersion = 0; memset(mUppHash, 0, xci::kUppHashLen); mUppId = 0; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getRomAreaStartPage() const { return mRomAreaStartPage; } void nx::XciHeader::setRomAreaStartPage(uint32_t startPage) { mRomAreaStartPage = startPage; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getBackupAreaStartPage() const { return mBackupAreaStartPage; } void nx::XciHeader::setBackupAreaStartPage(uint32_t startPage) { mBackupAreaStartPage = startPage; } byte_t nx::XciHeader::getKekIndex() const { return mKekIndex; } void nx::XciHeader::setKekIndex(byte_t kekIndex) { mKekIndex = kekIndex; } byte_t nx::XciHeader::getTitleKeyDecIndex() const { return mTitleKeyDecIndex; } void nx::XciHeader::setTitleKeyDecIndex(byte_t index) { mTitleKeyDecIndex = index; } byte_t nx::XciHeader::getRomSizeType() const { return mRomSize; } void nx::XciHeader::setRomSizeType(byte_t romSizeType) { mRomSize = romSizeType; } byte_t nx::XciHeader::getCardHeaderVersion() const { return mCardHeaderVersion; } void nx::XciHeader::setCardHeaderVersion(byte_t version) { mCardHeaderVersion = version; } byte_t nx::XciHeader::getFlags() const { return mFlags; } void nx::XciHeader::setFlags(byte_t flags) { mFlags = flags; } uint64_t nx::XciHeader::getPackageId() const { return mPackageId; } void nx::XciHeader::setPackageId(uint64_t id) { mPackageId = id; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getValidDataEndPage() const { return mValidDataEndPage; } void nx::XciHeader::setValidDataEndPage(uint32_t page) { mValidDataEndPage = page; } const crypto::aes::sAesIvCtr& nx::XciHeader::getAesCbcIv() const { return mAesCbcIv; } void nx::XciHeader::setAesCbcIv(const crypto::aes::sAesIvCtr& iv) { mAesCbcIv = iv; } uint64_t nx::XciHeader::getPartitionFsAddress() const { return mPartitionFsHeaderAddress; } void nx::XciHeader::setPartitionFsAddress(uint64_t address) { mPartitionFsHeaderAddress = address; } uint64_t nx::XciHeader::getPartitionFsSize() const { return mPartitionFsHeaderSize; } void nx::XciHeader::setPartitionFsSize(uint64_t size) { mPartitionFsHeaderSize = size; } const crypto::sha::sSha256Hash& nx::XciHeader::getPartitionFsHash() const { return mPartitionFsHeaderHash; } void nx::XciHeader::setPartitionFsHash(const crypto::sha::sSha256Hash& hash) { mPartitionFsHeaderHash = hash; } const crypto::sha::sSha256Hash& nx::XciHeader::getInitialDataHash() const { return mInitialDataHash; } void nx::XciHeader::setInitialDataHash(const crypto::sha::sSha256Hash& hash) { mInitialDataHash = hash; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getSelSec() const { return mSelSec; } void nx::XciHeader::setSelSec(uint32_t sel_sec) { mSelSec = sel_sec; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getSelT1Key() const { return mSelT1Key; } void nx::XciHeader::setSelT1Key(uint32_t sel_t1_key) { mSelT1Key = sel_t1_key; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getSelKey() const { return mSelKey; } void nx::XciHeader::setSelKey(uint32_t sel_key) { mSelKey = sel_key; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getLimAreaPage() const { return mLimAreaPage; } void nx::XciHeader::setLimAreaPage(uint32_t page) { mLimAreaPage = page; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getFwVerMajor() const { return mFwVersion[xci::FWVER_MAJOR]; } void nx::XciHeader::setFwVerMajor(uint32_t ver) { mFwVersion[xci::FWVER_MAJOR] = ver; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getFwVerMinor() const { return mFwVersion[xci::FWVER_MINOR]; } void nx::XciHeader::setFwVerMinor(uint32_t ver) { mFwVersion[xci::FWVER_MINOR] = ver; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getAccCtrl1() const { return mAccCtrl1; } void nx::XciHeader::setAccCtrl1(uint32_t acc_ctrl_1) { mAccCtrl1 = acc_ctrl_1; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getWait1TimeRead() const { return mWait1TimeRead; } void nx::XciHeader::setWait1TimeRead(uint32_t seconds) { mWait1TimeRead = seconds; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getWait2TimeRead() const { return mWait2TimeRead; } void nx::XciHeader::setWait2TimeRead(uint32_t seconds) { mWait2TimeRead = seconds; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getWait1TimeWrite() const { return mWait1TimeWrite; } void nx::XciHeader::setWait1TimeWrite(uint32_t seconds) { mWait1TimeWrite = seconds; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getWait2TimeWrite() const { return mWait2TimeWrite; } void nx::XciHeader::setWait2TimeWrite(uint32_t seconds) { mWait2TimeWrite = seconds; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getFwMode() const { return mFwMode; } void nx::XciHeader::setFwMode(uint32_t fw_mode) { mFwMode = fw_mode; } uint32_t nx::XciHeader::getUppVersion() const { return mUppVersion; } void nx::XciHeader::setUppVersion(uint32_t version) { mUppVersion = version; } const byte_t* nx::XciHeader::getUppHash() const { return mUppHash; } void nx::XciHeader::setUppHash(const byte_t* hash) { memcpy(mUppHash, hash, xci::kUppHashLen); } uint64_t nx::XciHeader::getUppId() const { return mUppId; } void nx::XciHeader::setUppId(uint64_t id) { mUppId = id; }