enabled: true imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent imagePullSecrets: [] serviceAccount: create: true annotations: {} name: "" podAnnotations: {} podSecurityContext: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: - operator: Exists affinity: {} extraHostPathMounts: [] extraConfigmapMounts: [] daemonSetAnnotations: {} extraVolumes: [] updateStrategy: {} daemonSetLabelsOverride: {} selectorLabelsOverride: {} podLabelsOverride: {} serviceLabelsOverride: {} # Set DNS policy for tetragon pods. # # Recommended DNS policy for tetragon pod depends on whether the export container # needs to resolve external DNS names (e.g. an S3 URL) or internal ones (e.g. a Kubernetes # DNS name for elasticsearch service). # # - For external DNS names, use "Default" so that the export container continues to function # properly in case there is a connectivity issue between the export container and core-dns. # - For internal DNS names, use "ClusterFirstWithHostNet" so that the export container can # resolve them. # # https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/#pod-s-dns-policy dnsPolicy: Default # exportDirectory specifies directory to put Hubble and FGS JSON export files. exportDirectory: "/var/run/cilium/tetragon" # exportFileRotationInterval specifies file creation interval for hubble-export-s3. exportFileCreationInterval: "120s" # # Configures whether Tetragon pods run on the host network. # # IMPORTANT: Tetragon must be on the host network for the process visibility to # function properly. # hostNetwork: true tetragon: enabled: true image: override: ~ repository: quay.io/cilium/tetragon tag: v0.8.0 resources: {} extraArgs: {} extraEnv: [] # extraEnv: # - name: foo # value: bar extraVolumeMounts: [] securityContext: privileged: true # Tetragon puts processes in an LRU cache. The cache is used to find ancestors for subsequently exec'ed # processes. processCacheSize: 65536 # JSON export filename. Set it to an empty string to disable JSON export altogether. exportFilename: tetragon.log # Size in megabytes at which to rotate JSON export files. exportFileMaxSizeMB: 10 # Number of rotated files to retain. exportFileMaxBackups: 5 # Compress rotated JSON export files. exportFileCompress: false # Rate-limit event export (events per minute), Set to -1 to export all events. exportRateLimit: -1 # Allowlist for JSON export. For example, to export only process_connect events from # the default namespace: # # exportAllowList: | # {"namespace":["default"],"event_set":["PROCESS_EXEC"]} exportAllowList: |- {"event_set":["PROCESS_EXEC", "PROCESS_EXIT", "PROCESS_KPROBE"]} # Denylist for JSON export. For example, to exclude exec events that look similar to # Kubernetes health checks and all the events from kube-system namespace and the host: # # exportDenyList: | # {"health_check":true} # {"namespace":["kube-system",""]} # exportDenyList: |- {"health_check":true} {"namespace":["", "cilium", "kube-system"]} # Access Kubernetes API to associate Tetragon events with Kubernetes pods. enableK8sAPI: true # Access Cilium API to associate Tetragon events with Cilium endpoints and DNS cache. enableCiliumAPI: true # enableProcessCred enables Capabilities visibility in exec and kprobe events. enableProcessCred: true # enableProcessNs enables Namespaces visibility in exec and kprobe events. enableProcessNs: true # Set --btf option to explicitly specify an absolute path to a btf file. For advanced users only. btf: "" # Override the command. For advanced users only. commandOverride: [] # Override the arguments. For advanced users only. argsOverride: [] prometheus: # -- Whether to enable exposing Tetragon metrics. enabled: true # -- The port at which to expose metrics. port: 2112 serviceMonitor: # -- Whether to create a 'ServiceMonitor' resource targeting the 'tetragon' pods. enabled: false # -- The set of labels to place on the 'ServiceMonitor' resource. labelsOverride: {} tetragonOperator: # -- Enable the tetragon-operator component (required). enabled: true # -- tetragon-operator image. image: override: ~ repository: quay.io/cilium/tetragon-operator tag: v0.8.0 # tetragon-operator image-digest suffix: "" export: # "stdout". "" to disable. mode: "stdout" resources: {} extraArgs: {} extraEnv: [] # extraEnv: # - name: foo # value: bar extraVolumeMounts: [] securityContext: {} # Override the command. For advanced users only. commandOverride: [ ] # Override the arguments. For advanced users only. argsOverride: [ ] # filenames defines list of files for fluentd to tail and export. filenames: - tetragon.log stdout: image: override: ~ repository: quay.io/cilium/hubble-export-stdout tag: v1.0.2