controllers: main: containers: main: image: repository: mintplexlabs/anythingllm tag: master env: STORAGE_DIR: /data # SERVER_PORT=3001 # STORAGE_DIR="/app/server/storage" # UID='1000' # GID='1000' # # JWT_SECRET="my-random-string-for-seeding" # Only needed if AUTH_TOKEN is set. Please generate random string at least 12 chars long. # ########################################### ######## LLM API SElECTION ################ ########################################### LLM_PROVIDER: 'localai' LOCAL_AI_BASE_PATH: '' # LOCAL_AI_MODEL_PREF: 'luna-ai-llama2' LOCAL_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT: 1024 # LOCAL_AI_API_KEY="sk-123abc" ########################################### ######## Embedding API SElECTION ########## ########################################### EMBEDDING_ENGINE: 'localai' EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH: '' EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF: 'text-embedding-ada-002' # EMBEDDING_MODEL_MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH=1000 # The max chunk size in chars a string to embed can be ########################################### ######## Vector Database Selection ######## ########################################### # Enable all below if you are using vector database: LanceDB. VECTOR_DB: "lancedb" ingress: main: annotations: vault-issuer enabled: true hosts: - host: chat.dc paths: - path: / service: name: main port: http tls: - hosts: - chat.dc secretName: anythingllm-tls persistence: data: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce enabled: true mountPath: /data readOnly: false size: 10Gi type: persistentVolumeClaim securityContext: privileged: false service: main: ports: http: enabled: true port: 3001 type: ClusterIP