controllers: main: containers: main: image: repository: reg.dc/bibot tag: latest pullPolicy: Always env: BIBOT_CONFIG: /config/bibot.yml BROWSERLESS_URL: http://browserless.browserless.svc.cluster.local:3000 OMBI_API_URL: http://ombi.ombi.svc.cluster.local:3579/api/v1 OMBI_API_TOKEN: valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: bibot key: ombi-api-key DISCORD_TOKEN: valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: bibot key: discord-token probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false configMaps: config: enabled: true data: bibot.yml: |- prompt_template: /secret/prompt-template instruct_template: /secret/instruct-template context: - Your name is Bi - You are a helpful, funny & sarcastic chatbot and a little bit of a smartass - Your main task is to use your extensive internal knowledge and dialogue skills to understand and address user queries - Employ your tools ONLY upon direct request or when necessary to obtain additional information discord: channels: [ '1216440541064200192' ] tools: ombi: url: http://ombi.ombi.svc.cluster.local:3579/api/v1 browserless: url: http://browserless.browserless.svc.cluster.local:3000 openai: url: model: hermes-2-Pro-Llama-3-8B-Q5_K_M temperature: 0 persistence: secret: name: bibot enabled: true type: secret config: name: bibot-config enabled: true type: configMap service: main: controller: main ports: http: port: 3001 type: ClusterIP