apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: searxng-config namespace: searxng data: settings.yml: | --- use_default_settings: engines: remove: - soundcloud server: limiter: false image_proxy: false search: default_lang: en formats: - html - json # autocomplete: google general: instance_name: HiveSearch ui: static_use_hash: true default_theme: simple theme_args: simple_style: dark infinite_scroll: true results_on_new_tab: true enabled_plugins: - Basic Calculator - Hash plugin - Hostname replace - Open Access DOI rewrite - Self Informations - Tracker URL remover - Unit converter plugin hostname_replace: (www\.)?reddit\.com$: redlib.rostvik.site limiter.toml: | [real_ip] # Number of values to trust for X-Forwarded-For. x_for = 1 # The prefix defines the number of leading bits in an address that are compared # to determine whether or not an address is part of a (client) network. ipv4_prefix = 32 ipv6_prefix = 48 [botdetection.ip_limit] # To get unlimited access in a local network, by default link-lokal addresses # (networks) are not monitored by the ip_limit filter_link_local = true # activate link_token method in the ip_limit method link_token = false [botdetection.ip_lists] # In the limiter, the ip_lists method has priority over all other methods -> if # an IP is in the pass_ip list, it has unrestricted access and it is also not # checked if e.g. the "user agent" suggests a bot (e.g. curl). block_ip = [ ] pass_ip = [ '', # IPv4 private network ] # Activate passlist of (hardcoded) IPs from the SearXNG organization, # e.g. `check.searx.space`. pass_searxng_org = false