image: repository: b4bz/homer tag: v23.05.1 initContainers: clone-assets: name: clone-assets image: alpine/git command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c" ] args: - "git clone --depth=1 ${THEME_SOURCE} /tmp/theme && git clone --depth=1 ${ICON_SOURCE} /tmp/icons && cp -rv /tmp/theme/assets/* /tmp/icons/png /www/assets/" env: - name: THEME_SOURCE value: - name: ICON_SOURCE value: volumeMounts: - name: assets mountPath: /www/assets ingress: main: enabled: true annotations: vault-issuer "true" hosts: - host: home.dc paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix tls: - secretName: homer-tls hosts: - home.dc persistence: assets: enabled: true type: emptyDir mountPath: /www/assets configmap: # -- Store homer configuration as a ConfigMap config: enabled: true # -- Homer configuration. See [image documentation]( for more information. # @default -- See values.yaml data: config.yml: | --- title: "Hive Dashboard" subtitle: "Homer on the Hive" #logo: "logo.png" header: false footer: false columns: "4" stylesheet: - "assets/custom.css" theme: default colors: light: highlight-primary: "#fff5f2" highlight-secondary: "#fff5f2" highlight-hover: "#bebebe" background: "#12152B" card-background: "#fff5f2" text: "#ffffff" text-header: "#fafafa" text-title: "#000000" text-subtitle: "#111111" card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) link: "#3273dc" link-hover: "#2e4053" background-image: "../assets/wallpaper-light.jpeg" # Change wallpaper.jpeg to the name of your own custom wallpaper! dark: highlight-primary: "#181C3A" highlight-secondary: "#181C3A" highlight-hover: "#1F2347" background: "#12152B" card-background: "#181C3A" text: "#eaeaea" text-header: "#7C71DD" text-title: "#fafafa" text-subtitle: "#8B8D9C" card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) link: "#c1c1c1" link-hover: "#fafafa" background-image: "../assets/wallpaper.jpeg" #message: # Optional navbar links: [] # Allows for navbar (dark mode, layout, and search) without any links #links: # - name: "Contribute" # icon: "fab fa-github" # url: "" # target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute # - name: "Wiki" # icon: "fas fa-book" # url: "" # this will link to a second homer page that will load config from additionnal-page.yml and keep default config values as in config.yml file # see url field and assets/additionnal-page.yml.dist used in this example: # - name: "another page!" # icon: "fas fa-file-alt" # url: "#additionnal-page" # Services # First level array represent a group. # Leave only a "items" key if not using group (group name, icon & tagstyle are optional, section separation will not be displayed). services: - name: "// Admin" icon: "fas fa-tools" items: - logo: assets/png/openwrt.png name: OpenWRT url: https://openwrt.lan target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/adguardhome.png name: AdGuard Home url: https://adguard.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/argocd.png name: ArgoCD url: https://argocd.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/vault.png name: Vault url: https://vault.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/grafana.png name: Grafana url: https://grafana.dc target: "_blank" - logo: https://cilium.dc/favicon.ico name: Hubble-UI [Cilium] url: https://cilium.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/minio.png name: MinIO url: https://minio.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/google-mail.png name: Ntfy subtitle: "Send/Receive Notifications" url: https://notify.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/bookstack.png name: Scan Server subtitle: "Scan Documents to Paperless" url: https://scan.dc target: "_blank" - name: "// Arrrrrr" icon: "fas fa-download" items: - logo: assets/png/ombi.png name: Ombi subtitle: "Request / Discover Movies/Series" url: https://ombi.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/radarr.png name: Radarr subtitle: "Movie Loadarr" url: https://radarr.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/sonarr.png name: Sonarr subtitle: "TV Show Loadarr" url: https://sonarr.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/lidarr.png name: Lidarr subtitle: "Music Loadarr" url: https://lidarr.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/bazarr.png name: Bazarr subtitle: "Subtitle Loadarr" url: https://bazarr.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/prowlarr.png name: Prowlarr subtitle: "API Collector" url: https://prowlarr.dc target: "_blank" - name: "// Apps" icon: "fas fa-cloud" items: - logo: assets/png/drone.png name: Woodpecker CI url: target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/gitea.png name: Gitea url: target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/octoprint.png name: OctoPrint url: https://octo.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/paperless-ng.png name: Paperless url: https://paperless.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/nodered.png name: NodeRed subtitle: "Home Automation" target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/home-assistant.png name: Home Assistant url: https://hass.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/navidrome.png name: Navidrome subtitle: "Music Streaming" url: https://music.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/kodi.png name: Kodi subtitle: "Mediacenter" url: https://libreelec.lan:8080 target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/valetudo.png name: Vacuum Robot subtitle: "My Valetudo Vacuum Bot" url: https://vacuum.lan target: "_blank" - name: "// Loader" icon: "fas fa-download" items: - logo: assets/png/qbittorrent.png name: Torrent subtitle: "Torrents" url: https://torrent.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/pyload.png name: pyLoad url: https://pyload.dc target: "_blank" - logo: assets/png/youtubedl.png name: YouTube-dl url: https://youtubedl.dc target: "_blank"