# Machinaris Helm Chart # imagePullPolicy: Always # Secret mnemonic that will be used to generate your wallet # Keep this save & don't share it with anyone: wallet: mnemonic: "" # Precreated mnemonic secret: existingSecret: mnemonic # Global environment for every pod env: - name: TZ value: Europe/Amsterdam # Ingress controller for machinaris web ui ingress: enabled: true labels: {} annotations: cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "vault-issuer" traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.tls: 'true' tls: enabled: true host: "machinaris.dc" # Machinaris controller configuration machinaris: # IMPORTANT: Choose which worker will become controller: controller: chia # HTTP/API Service service: type: ClusterIP httpPort: 8926 controllerPort: 8927 # Export plotman metrics apiServiceAnnotations: prometheus.io/scrape: 'true' prometheus.io/port: '8926' prometheus.io/path: '/metrics/plotman' # Global worker configuration worker: image: tag: test persistence: # One Config PVC per fork, incl. the blockchain & configs config: size: "50Gi" storageClass: "ssd" accessMode: "ReadWriteOnce" # Plots & Temp are only supported as hostPath for now # Every "path" is a mountpoint on the host system # Every "path" will be mounted under "mountPath" inside the pod & added to env[plot_dir] # # Except there is fork.{name}.persistence defined # plots: - mountPath: /plots hostPaths: - /chia/farm/0 - /chia/farm/1 - /chia/farm/2 - /chia/farm/3 - /chia/farm/4 - /chia/farm/5 - /chia/farm/6 - /chia/farm/7 - /chia/farm/zfs temp: - mountPath: /plotting hostPaths: - /chia/temp # Enables prometheus metrics exporter sidecar container for every fork metrics: enabled: true image: nold360/chia-fork-exporter serviceAnnotations: prometheus.io/scrape: 'true' prometheus.io/port: '9133' servicePort: 9133 serviceType: ClusterIP resources: requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2000m" # List of all chia forks # Set "enabled: true" if you want to use it forks: - name: chia enabled: true plotter: true mode: fullnode image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris ports: api: 8927 resources: limits: memory: "16Gi" cpu: "6000m" - name: hddcoin enabled: true mode: fullnode image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-hddcoin ports: api: 8930 - name: flax enabled: true mode: fullnode image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-flax ports: api: 8928 - name: chives enabled: true plotter: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-chives mode: fullnode ports: api: 8931 resources: limits: memory: "16Gi" cpu: "6000m" persistence: plots: - mountPath: /plots hostPaths: - /chia/farm/0/chives - /chia/farm/1/chives - /chia/farm/2/chives - /chia/farm/3/chives - /chia/farm/4/chives - /chia/farm/5/chives - /chia/farm/6/chives - /chia/farm/7/chives - /chia/farm/zfs/chives temp: - mountPath: /plotting hostPaths: - /chia/temp - name: silicoin enabled: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-silicoin mode: fullnode ports: api: 8934 - name: staicoin enabled: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-staicoin mode: fullnode ports: api: 8934 - name: btcgreen enabled: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-btcgreen mode: fullnode ports: api: 8938 - name: maize enabled: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-maize mode: fullnode ports: api: 8933 - name: nchain enabled: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-nchain mode: fullnode ports: api: 8929 - name: stor enabled: true image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-stor mode: fullnode ports: api: 8935 - name: shibgreen enabled: false image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-shibgreen mode: fullnode ports: api: 8939 - name: flora enabled: false image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-flora mode: fullnode ports: api: 8932 - name: cryptodoge enabled: false image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-cryptodoge mode: fullnode ports: api: 8937 - name: mmx enabled: false image: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris-mmx mode: fullnode ports: api: 8940 node: 12333