image: repository: tag: "v1.12.6" useUnprivilegedImage: true env: - name: QDRANT__TELEMETRY_DISABLED value: "true" ingress: enabled: true ingressClassName: "ingress-internal" annotations: vault-issuer hosts: - host: qdrant.dc paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix servicePort: 6333 tls: - hosts: - qdrant.dc secretName: tls-qdrant updateVolumeFsOwnership: false persistence: accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] size: 10Gi # storageClassName: # modification example for configuration to overwrite defaults config: cluster: enabled: false # api key for authentication at qdrant # false: no api key will be configured # true: an api key will be auto-generated # string: the given string will be set as an apikey apiKey: true # read-only api key for authentication at qdrant # false: no read-only api key will be configured # true: an read-only api key will be auto-generated # string: the given string will be set as a read-only apikey readOnlyApiKey: true