# # IMPORTANT NOTE # # This chart inherits from our common library chart. You can check the default values/options here: # https://github.com/k8s-at-home/library-charts/tree/main/charts/stable/common/values.yaml # image: # -- image repository repository: octoprint/octoprint # -- image tag tag: 1.8.4-minimal # -- image pull policy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- environment variables. # @default -- See below env: # -- Set the container timezone TZ: UTC # -- Configures service settings for the chart. # @default -- See values.yaml service: main: enabled: true ports: http: port: 80 targetPort: 5000 # Webcam Stream stream: enabled: false ports: http-stream: enabled: true port: 80 targetPort: 8080 # Octoprint settings octoprint: # Octoprint Plugins plugins: # Install plugins before starting octoprint? install: false # Upgrade installed plugins? upgrade: false ## List of plugins to install/upgrade #plugins: #- https://github.com/tg44/OctoPrint-Prometheus-Exporter/archive/master.zip #- https://github.com/LazeMSS/OctoPrint-UICustomizer/archive/main.zip #- https://github.com/NilsRo/OctoPrint-SlicerEstimator/archive/master.zip # Webcam Streamer config for mjpg & ustreamer # Requires to enable one of mjpg_streamer and ustreamer streamer: device: /dev/video0 resolution: 640x480 framerate: 15 port: 8080 resolution: 640x480 # ustreamer-only - YUYV, UYVY, RGB565, RGB24, MJPEG, JPEG; default: YUYV format: YUYV encoder: CPU quality: 70 ## Choose on of these if you want to stream a webcam feed: # mjpg-streamer the old classic mjpg_streamer: enabled: false image: badsmoke/mjpg-streamer tag: latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # ustreamer - new, written in go ustreamer: enabled: false image: lib42/ustreamer tag: latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Pod annotations e.g. for octoprint prometheus exporter #podAnnotations: # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "5000" # prometheus.io/path: "/plugin/prometheus_exporter/metrics" ingress: # -- Enable and configure ingress settings for the chart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml main: enabled: false #annotations: # # Increased body-size lets you upload bigger gcode # nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 100m securityContext: # -- (bool) Privileged securityContext may be required if USB devics are accessed directly through the host machine privileged: true # -- Configure persistence settings for the chart under this key. # @default -- See values.yaml persistence: data: enabled: false mountPath: /octoprint accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 1Gi # -- Configure a hostPathMount to mount a USB device in the container. # @default -- See values.yaml printer: enabled: false type: hostPath hostPath: /dev/ttyACM0 # Device path of webcam camera: enabled: false type: hostPath hostPath: /dev/video0