images: tag: "v3.5.4" pullPolicy: Always workflow: serviceAccount: create: true name: "argo-workflow" rbac: create: true controller: image: registry: repository: argoproj/workflow-controller # -- enable Workflow Archive to store the status of workflows. Postgres and MySQL (>= 5.7.8) are available. ## Ref: persistence: {} # connectionPool: # maxIdleConns: 100 # maxOpenConns: 0 # # save the entire workflow into etcd and DB # nodeStatusOffLoad: false # # enable archiving of old workflows # archive: false # postgresql: # host: localhost # port: 5432 # database: postgres # tableName: argo_workflows # # the database secrets must be in the same namespace of the controller # userNameSecret: # name: argo-postgres-config # key: username # passwordSecret: # name: argo-postgres-config # key: password # ssl: true # # sslMode must be one of: disable, require, verify-ca, verify-full # # you can find more information about those ssl options here: # sslMode: require # -- Default values that will apply to all Workflows from this controller, unless overridden on the Workflow-level. # Only valid for 2.7+ ## See more: workflowDefaults: spec: serviceAccountName: argo-workflow # spec: # ttlStrategy: # secondsAfterCompletion: 84600 # # Ref: # artifactRepositoryRef: # configMap: my-artifact-repository # default is "artifact-repositories" # key: v2-s3-artifact-repository # default can be set by the `` annotation in config map. # -- Number of workflow workers workflowWorkers: 2 # 32 # -- Number of workflow TTL workers workflowTTLWorkers: 1 # 4 # -- Number of pod cleanup workers podCleanupWorkers: 1 # 4 # -- Number of cron workflow workers # Only valid for 3.5+ cronWorkflowWorkers: 1 # 8 # -- Restricts the Workflows that the controller will process. # Only valid for 2.9+ workflowRestrictions: {} # templateReferencing: Strict|Secure # workflows. This controls where the service account and RBAC resources will # be created. Only valid when singleNamespace is false. workflowNamespaces: - workflows extraEnv: [] # - name: FOO # value: "bar" navColor: "" clusterWorkflowTemplates: # -- Create a ClusterRole and CRB for the controller to access ClusterWorkflowTemplates. enabled: true # mainContainer adds default config for main container that could be overriden in workflows template mainContainer: imagePullPolicy: "" resources: {} env: [] envFrom: [] securityContext: {} # executor controls how the init and wait container should be customized executor: image: registry: repository: argoproj/argoexec tag: "" pullPolicy: "" resources: {} # -- Passes arguments to the executor processes args: [] # -- Adds environment variables for the executor. env: [] # -- sets security context for the executor container securityContext: {} server: enabled: true image: registry: repository: argoproj/argocli tag: "" ## Ingress configuration. # ref: ingress: # -- Enable an ingress resource enabled: true # -- Additional ingress annotations annotations: vault-issuer # -- Additional ingress labels labels: {} # -- Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource ingressClassName: "ingress-internal" # -- List of ingress hosts ## Hostnames must be provided if Ingress is enabled. ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace hosts: - workflows.dc tls: - secretName: argoworkflows-tls hosts: - workflows.dc