# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crowdsecurity/helm-charts/main/charts/crowdsec/values.schema.json # Default values for crowdsec-chart. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # -- for raw logs format: json or cri (docker|containerd) container_runtime: containerd image: # -- docker image repository name repository: crowdsecurity/crowdsec # -- pullPolicy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- docker image tag tag: "" # Here you can specify your own custom configuration to be loaded in crowdsec agent or lapi # Each config needs to be a multi-line using '|' in YAML specs # for the agent those configs will be loaded : parsers, scenarios, postoverflows, simulation.yaml # for the lapi those configs will be loaded : profiles.yaml, notifications, console.yaml config: # -- To better understand stages in parsers, you can take a look at https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/parsers/intro/ parsers: s00-raw: {} s01-parse: {} # example-parser.yaml: | # filter: "evt.Line.Labels.type == 'myProgram'" # onsuccess: next_stage # .... s02-enrich: {} # -- to better understand how to write a scenario, you can take a look at https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/scenarios/intro scenarios: {} # myScenario.yaml: | # type: trigger # name: myName/MyScenario # description: "Detect bruteforce on myService" # filter: "evt.Meta.log_type == 'auth_bf_log'" # ... # -- to better understand how to write a postoverflow, you can take a look at (https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/whitelist/create/#whitelist-in-postoverflows) postoverflows: s00-enrich: {} # rdnsEnricher.yaml: | # ... s01-whitelist: {} # myRdnsWhitelist.yaml: | # ... # -- Simulation configuration (https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/scenarios/simulation/) simulation.yaml: "" # | # simulation: false # exclusions: # - crowdsecurity/ssh-bf console.yaml: "" # | # share_manual_decisions: true # share_tainted: true # share_custom: true # -- Profiles configuration (https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/profiles/format/#profile-configuration-example) profiles.yaml: "" # | # name: default_ip_remediation # debug: true # filters: # - Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip" # ... # -- notifications configuration (https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/notification_plugins/intro) notifications: {} # email.yaml: | # type: email # name: email_default # One of "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "off" # log_level: info # ... # slack.yaml: "" # http.yaml: "" # splunk.yaml: "" tls: enabled: false caBundle: true insecureSkipVerify: false certManager: enabled: true bouncer: secret: "{{ .Release.Name }}-bouncer-tls" reflector: namespaces: [] agent: tlsClientAuth: true secret: "{{ .Release.Name }}-agent-tls" reflector: namespaces: [] lapi: secret: "{{ .Release.Name }}-lapi-tls" # If you want to specify secrets that will be used for all your crowdsec-agents # secrets can be provided as env variables secrets: # -- agent username (default is generated randomly) username: "" # -- agent password (default is generated randomly) password: "" # lapi will deploy pod with crowdsec lapi and dashboard as deployment lapi: # -- environment variables from crowdsecurity/crowdsec docker image env: - name: DISABLE_ONLINE_API value: "true" # by default disable the agent because it only needs the local API. #- name: DISABLE_AGENT # value: "true" # -- Enable ingress lapi object ingress: enabled: false annotations: # we only want http to the backend so we need this annotation nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTP" # labels: {} ingressClassName: "" # nginx host: "" # crowdsec-api.example.com # tls: {} dashboard: # -- Enable Metabase Dashboard (by default disabled) enabled: true image: # -- docker image repository name repository: metabase/metabase # -- pullPolicy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- docker image tag tag: "v0.41.5" # -- Metabase SQLite static DB containing Dashboards assetURL: https://crowdsec-statics-assets.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/metabase_sqlite.zip ## Ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: {} # limits: # memory: 2Gi # requests: # cpu: 150m # memory: 1700Mi # -- Enable ingress object ingress: enabled: true annotations: # metabase only supports http so we need this annotation cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: vault-issuer nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTP" # labels: {} ingressClassName: "ingress-internal" # nginx host: "crowdsec.dc" # metabase.example.com tls: - secretName: crowdsec-tls hosts: - crowdsec.dc resources: limits: memory: 100Mi requests: cpu: 150m memory: 100Mi # -- Enable persistent volumes persistentVolume: # -- Persistent volume for data folder. Stores e.g. registered bouncer api keys data: enabled: true accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: "" existingClaim: "" size: 1Gi # -- Persistent volume for config folder. Stores e.g. online api credentials config: enabled: true accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: "" existingClaim: "" size: 100Mi service: type: ClusterIP labels: {} annotations: {} externalIPs: [] loadBalancerIP: null loadBalancerClass: null externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster # -- nodeSelector for lapi nodeSelector: {} # -- tolerations for lapi tolerations: {} # -- Enable service monitoring (exposes "metrics" port "6060" for Prometheus) metrics: enabled: false # -- Creates a ServiceMonitor so Prometheus will monitor this service # -- Prometheus needs to be configured to watch on all namespaces for ServiceMonitors # -- See the documentation: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack#prometheusioscrape # -- See also: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/issues/106#issuecomment-700847774 serviceMonitor: enabled: false strategy: type: RollingUpdate # agent will deploy pod on every node as daemonSet to read wanted pods logs agent: # -- To add custom acquisitions using available datasources (https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/data_sources/intro) additionalAcquisition: [] # - source: kinesis # stream_name: my-stream # labels: # type: mytype # - source: syslog # listen_addr: # listen_port: 4242 # labels: # type: syslog acquisition: # -- Specify each pod you want to process it logs (namespace, podName and program) - namespace: "ingress-internal" #ingress-nginx # -- to select pod logs to process podName: "ingress-internel-*" #ingress-nginx-controller-* # -- program name related to specific parser you will use (see https://hub.crowdsec.net/author/crowdsecurity/configurations/docker-logs) program: "nginx" #nginx - namespace: "ingress-external" #ingress-nginx podName: "ingress-external-*" #ingress-nginx-controller-* program: "nginx" #nginx resources: limits: memory: 100Mi requests: cpu: 150m memory: 100Mi # -- Enable persistent volumes persistentVolume: # -- Persistent volume for config folder. Stores local config (parsers, scenarios etc.) config: enabled: false accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: "" existingClaim: "" size: 100Mi # -- environment variables from crowdsecurity/crowdsec docker image env: # by default we configure the docker-logs parser to be able to parse docker logs in k8s # by default we disable local API on the agent pod # - name: SCENARIOS # value: "scenario/name otherScenario/name" # - name: PARSERS # value: "parser/name otherParser/name" # - name: POSTOVERFLOWS # value: "postoverflow/name otherPostoverflow/name" # - name: CONFIG_FILE # value: "/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml" # - name: DSN # value: "file:///var/log/toto.log" # - name: TYPE # value: "Labels.type_for_time-machine_mode" # - name: TEST_MODE # value: "false" # - name: TZ # value: "" # - name: DISABLE_AGENT # value: "false" - name: DISABLE_ONLINE_API value: "true" - name: COLLECTIONS value: "crowdsecurity/nginx" # - name: LEVEL_TRACE # value: "false" # - name: LEVEL_DEBUG # value: "false" # - name: LEVEL_INFO # value: "false" # -- nodeSelector for agent nodeSelector: {} # -- tolerations for agent tolerations: {} # -- Enable service monitoring (exposes "metrics" port "6060" for Prometheus) metrics: enabled: false # -- Creates a ServiceMonitor so Prometheus will monitor this service # -- Prometheus needs to be configured to watch on all namespaces for ServiceMonitors # -- See the documentation: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack#prometheusioscrape # -- See also: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/issues/106#issuecomment-700847774 serviceMonitor: enabled: false service: type: ClusterIP labels: {} annotations: {} externalIPs: [] loadBalancerIP: null loadBalancerClass: null externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster # -- wait-for-lapi init container wait_for_lapi: image: # -- docker image repository name repository: busybox # -- pullPolicy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- docker image tag tag: "1.28" #service: {}