CTCaer 185526d134 Introducing Bootloader Development Kit (BDK)
BDK will allow developers to use the full collection of drivers,
with limited editing, if any, for making payloads for Nintendo Switch.

Using a single source for everything will also help decoupling
Switch specific code and easily port it to other Tegra X1/X1+ platforms.
And maybe even to lower targets.

Everything is now centrilized into bdk folder.
Every module or project can utilize it by simply including it.

This is just the start and it will continue to improve.
2020-06-14 15:25:21 +03:00

358 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018 CTCaer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "lv_obj.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_mem.h"
#define STYLE_MIX_MAX 256
#define STYLE_MIX_SHIFT 8 /*log2(STYLE_MIX_MAX)*/
#define VAL_PROP(v1, v2, r) v1 + (((v2-v1) * r) >> STYLE_MIX_SHIFT)
#define STYLE_ATTR_MIX(attr, r) if(start->attr != end->attr) {res->attr = VAL_PROP(start->attr, end->attr, r);} else {res->attr = start->attr;}
typedef struct {
lv_style_t style_start; /*Save not only pointers because can be same as 'style_anim' then it will be modified too*/
lv_style_t style_end;
lv_style_t * style_anim;
void (*end_cb)(void *);
} lv_style_anim_dsc_t;
static void style_animator(lv_style_anim_dsc_t * dsc, int32_t val);
static void style_animation_common_end_cb(void * ptr);
lv_style_t lv_style_scr;
lv_style_t lv_style_transp;
lv_style_t lv_style_transp_fit;
lv_style_t lv_style_transp_tight;
lv_style_t lv_style_plain;
lv_style_t lv_style_plain_color;
lv_style_t lv_style_pretty;
lv_style_t lv_style_pretty_color;
lv_style_t lv_style_btn_rel;
lv_style_t lv_style_btn_pr;
lv_style_t lv_style_btn_tgl_rel;
lv_style_t lv_style_btn_tgl_pr;
lv_style_t lv_style_btn_ina;
* Init the basic styles
void lv_style_init(void)
/* Not White/Black/Gray colors are created by HSV model with
* HUE = 210*/
/*Screen style*/
lv_style_scr.glass = 0;
lv_style_scr.body.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
lv_style_scr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
lv_style_scr.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
lv_style_scr.body.radius = 0;
lv_style_scr.body.padding.ver = LV_DPI / 12;
lv_style_scr.body.padding.hor = LV_DPI / 12;
lv_style_scr.body.padding.inner = LV_DPI / 12;
lv_style_scr.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
lv_style_scr.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
lv_style_scr.body.border.width = 0;
lv_style_scr.body.border.part = LV_BORDER_FULL;
lv_style_scr.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
lv_style_scr.body.shadow.type = LV_SHADOW_FULL;
lv_style_scr.body.shadow.width = 0;
lv_style_scr.text.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
lv_style_scr.text.color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFBFBFB);
lv_style_scr.text.font = LV_FONT_DEFAULT;
lv_style_scr.text.letter_space = 3; // Important
lv_style_scr.text.line_space = 2;
lv_style_scr.image.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
lv_style_scr.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
lv_style_scr.image.intense = LV_OPA_TRANSP;
lv_style_scr.line.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
lv_style_scr.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
lv_style_scr.line.width = 2;
lv_style_scr.line.rounded = 0;
/*Plain style (by default near the same as the screen style)*/
memcpy(&lv_style_plain, &lv_style_scr, sizeof(lv_style_t));
/*Plain color style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_plain_color, &lv_style_plain, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_plain_color.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0);
lv_style_plain_color.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0);
lv_style_plain_color.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0);
lv_style_plain_color.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x55, 0x96, 0xd8);
lv_style_plain_color.body.grad_color = lv_style_plain_color.body.main_color;
/*Pretty style */
memcpy(&lv_style_pretty, &lv_style_plain, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_pretty.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
lv_style_pretty.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
lv_style_pretty.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
lv_style_pretty.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
lv_style_pretty.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
lv_style_pretty.body.radius = LV_DPI / 15;
lv_style_pretty.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x40, 0x40, 0x40);
lv_style_pretty.body.border.width = LV_DPI / 50 >= 1 ? LV_DPI / 50 : 1;
lv_style_pretty.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_30;
/*Pretty color style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_pretty_color, &lv_style_pretty, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_pretty_color.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0);
lv_style_pretty_color.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0);
lv_style_pretty_color.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0);
lv_style_pretty_color.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x6b, 0x9a, 0xc7);
lv_style_pretty_color.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x2b, 0x59, 0x8b);
lv_style_pretty_color.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x15, 0x2c, 0x42);
/*Transparent style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_transp, &lv_style_plain, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_transp.body.empty = 1;
lv_style_transp.glass = 1;
lv_style_transp.body.border.width = 0;
/*Transparent fitting size*/
memcpy(&lv_style_transp_fit, &lv_style_transp, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_transp_fit.body.padding.hor = 0;
lv_style_transp_fit.body.padding.ver = 0;
/*Transparent tight style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_transp_tight, &lv_style_transp_fit, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_transp_tight.body.padding.inner = 0;
/*Button released style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_btn_rel, &lv_style_plain, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_btn_rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x76, 0xa2, 0xd0);
lv_style_btn_rel.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x19, 0x3a, 0x5d);
lv_style_btn_rel.body.radius = LV_DPI / 15;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.padding.hor = LV_DPI / 4;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.padding.ver = LV_DPI / 6;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.padding.inner = LV_DPI / 10;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x0b, 0x19, 0x28);
lv_style_btn_rel.body.border.width = LV_DPI / 50 >= 1 ? LV_DPI / 50 : 1;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_70;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
lv_style_btn_rel.body.shadow.width = 0;
lv_style_btn_rel.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
lv_style_btn_rel.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
/*Button pressed style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_btn_pr, &lv_style_btn_rel, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_btn_pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x33, 0x62, 0x94);
lv_style_btn_pr.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x10, 0x26, 0x3c);
lv_style_btn_pr.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xa4, 0xb5, 0xc6);
lv_style_btn_pr.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xa4, 0xb5, 0xc6);
lv_style_btn_pr.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xa4, 0xb5, 0xc6);
/*Button toggle released style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_btn_tgl_rel, &lv_style_btn_rel, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_btn_tgl_rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x0a, 0x11, 0x22);
lv_style_btn_tgl_rel.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x37, 0x62, 0x90);
lv_style_btn_tgl_rel.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x01, 0x07, 0x0d);
lv_style_btn_tgl_rel.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xc8, 0xdd, 0xf4);
lv_style_btn_tgl_rel.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xc8, 0xdd, 0xf4);
lv_style_btn_tgl_rel.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xc8, 0xdd, 0xf4);
/*Button toggle pressed style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_btn_tgl_pr, &lv_style_btn_tgl_rel, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_btn_tgl_pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x02, 0x14, 0x27);
lv_style_btn_tgl_pr.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x2b, 0x4c, 0x70);
lv_style_btn_tgl_pr.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xa4, 0xb5, 0xc6);
lv_style_btn_tgl_pr.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xa4, 0xb5, 0xc6);
lv_style_btn_tgl_pr.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xa4, 0xb5, 0xc6);
/*Button inactive style*/
memcpy(&lv_style_btn_ina, &lv_style_btn_rel, sizeof(lv_style_t));
lv_style_btn_ina.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xd8, 0xd8, 0xd8);
lv_style_btn_ina.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xd8, 0xd8, 0xd8);
lv_style_btn_ina.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x90, 0x90, 0x90);
lv_style_btn_ina.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x70, 0x70, 0x70);
lv_style_btn_ina.image.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x70, 0x70, 0x70);
lv_style_btn_ina.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x70, 0x70, 0x70);
* Copy a style to an other
* @param dest pointer to the destination style
* @param src pointer to the source style
void lv_style_copy(lv_style_t * dest, const lv_style_t * src)
memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(lv_style_t));
* Mix two styles according to a given ratio
* @param start start style
* @param end end style
* @param res store the result style here
* @param ratio the ratio of mix [0..256]; 0: `start` style; 256: `end` style
void lv_style_mix(const lv_style_t * start, const lv_style_t * end, lv_style_t * res, uint16_t ratio)
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.opa, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.radius, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.border.width, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.border.opa, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.shadow.width, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.padding.hor, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.padding.ver, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(body.padding.inner, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(text.line_space, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(text.letter_space, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(text.opa, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(line.width, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(line.opa, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(image.intense, ratio);
STYLE_ATTR_MIX(image.opa, ratio);
lv_opa_t opa = ratio == STYLE_MIX_MAX ? LV_OPA_COVER : ratio;
res->body.main_color = lv_color_mix(end->body.main_color, start->body.main_color, opa);
res->body.grad_color = lv_color_mix(end->body.grad_color, start->body.grad_color, opa);
res->body.border.color = lv_color_mix(end->body.border.color, start->body.border.color, opa);
res->body.shadow.color = lv_color_mix(end->body.shadow.color, start->body.shadow.color, opa);
res->text.color = lv_color_mix(end->text.color, start->text.color, opa);
res->image.color = lv_color_mix(end->image.color, start->image.color, opa);
res->line.color = lv_color_mix(end->line.color, start->line.color, opa);
if(ratio < (STYLE_MIX_MAX >> 1)) {
res->body.empty = start->body.empty;
res->body.border.part = start->body.border.part;
res->glass = start->glass;
res->text.font = start->text.font;
res->body.shadow.type = start->body.shadow.type;
res->line.rounded = start->line.rounded;
} else {
res->body.empty = end->body.empty;
res->body.border.part = end->body.border.part;
res->glass = end->glass;
res->text.font = end->text.font;
res->body.shadow.type = end->body.shadow.type;
res->line.rounded = end->line.rounded;
* Create an animation from a pre-configured 'lv_style_anim_t' variable
* @param anim pointer to a pre-configured 'lv_style_anim_t' variable (will be copied)
* @return pointer to a descriptor. Really this variable will be animated. (Can be used in `lv_anim_del(dsc, NULL)`)
void * lv_style_anim_create(lv_style_anim_t * anim)
lv_style_anim_dsc_t * dsc;
dsc = lv_mem_alloc(sizeof(lv_style_anim_dsc_t));
if(dsc == NULL) return NULL;
dsc->style_anim = anim->style_anim;
memcpy(&dsc->style_start, anim->style_start, sizeof(lv_style_t));
memcpy(&dsc->style_end, anim->style_end, sizeof(lv_style_t));
memcpy(dsc->style_anim, anim->style_start, sizeof(lv_style_t));
dsc->end_cb = anim->end_cb;
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = (void *)dsc;
a.start = 0;
a.end = STYLE_MIX_MAX;
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)style_animator;
a.path = lv_anim_path_linear;
a.end_cb = style_animation_common_end_cb;
a.act_time = anim->act_time;
a.time = anim->time;
a.playback = anim->playback;
a.playback_pause = anim->playback_pause;
a.repeat = anim->repeat;
a.repeat_pause = anim->repeat_pause;
return dsc;
* Used by the style animations to set the values of a style according to start and end style.
* @param dsc the 'animated variable' set by lv_style_anim_create()
* @param val the current state of the animation between 0 and LV_STYLE_ANIM_RES
static void style_animator(lv_style_anim_dsc_t * dsc, int32_t val)
const lv_style_t * start = &dsc->style_start;
const lv_style_t * end = &dsc->style_end;
lv_style_t * act = dsc->style_anim;
lv_style_mix(start, end, act, val);
* Called when a style animation is ready
* It called the user defined call back and free the allocated memories
* @param ptr the 'animated variable' set by lv_style_anim_create()
static void style_animation_common_end_cb(void * ptr)
lv_style_anim_dsc_t * dsc = ptr; /*To avoid casting*/
if(dsc->end_cb) dsc->end_cb(dsc);