CTCaer 185526d134 Introducing Bootloader Development Kit (BDK)
BDK will allow developers to use the full collection of drivers,
with limited editing, if any, for making payloads for Nintendo Switch.

Using a single source for everything will also help decoupling
Switch specific code and easily port it to other Tegra X1/X1+ platforms.
And maybe even to lower targets.

Everything is now centrilized into bdk folder.
Every module or project can utilize it by simply including it.

This is just the start and it will continue to improve.
2020-06-14 15:25:21 +03:00

555 lines
16 KiB

* @file lv_group.c
#include "lv_group.h"
#if USE_LV_GROUP != 0
#include <stddef.h>
static void style_mod_def(lv_style_t * style);
static void style_mod_edit_def(lv_style_t * style);
static void lv_group_refocus(lv_group_t *g);
static void obj_to_foreground(lv_obj_t * obj);
* Create a new object group
* @return pointer to the new object group
lv_group_t * lv_group_create(void)
lv_group_t * group = lv_mem_alloc(sizeof(lv_group_t));
if(group == NULL) return NULL;
lv_ll_init(&group->obj_ll, sizeof(lv_obj_t *));
group->style_mod = style_mod_def;
group->style_mod_edit = style_mod_edit_def;
group->obj_focus = NULL;
group->frozen = 0;
group->focus_cb = NULL;
group->click_focus = 1;
group->editing = 0;
return group;
* Delete a group object
* @param group pointer to a group
void lv_group_del(lv_group_t * group)
/*Defocus the the currently focused object*/
if(group->obj_focus != NULL) {
(*group->obj_focus)->signal_func(*group->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS, NULL);
/*Remove the objects from the group*/
lv_obj_t ** obj;
LL_READ(group->obj_ll, obj) {
(*obj)->group_p = NULL;
* Add an object to a group
* @param group pointer to a group
* @param obj pointer to an object to add
void lv_group_add_obj(lv_group_t * group, lv_obj_t * obj)
if(group == NULL) return;
/*If the object is already in a group and focused then defocus it*/
if(obj->group_p) {
if(lv_obj_is_focused(obj)) {
LV_LOG_INFO("group: assign object to an other group");
obj->group_p = group;
lv_obj_t ** next = lv_ll_ins_tail(&group->obj_ll);
if(next == NULL) return;
*next = obj;
/* If the head and the tail is equal then there is only one object in the linked list.
* In this case automatically activate it*/
if(lv_ll_get_head(&group->obj_ll) == next) {
* Remove an object from its group
* @param obj pointer to an object to remove
void lv_group_remove_obj(lv_obj_t * obj)
lv_group_t * g = obj->group_p;
if(g == NULL) return;
if(g->obj_focus == NULL) return; /*Just to be sure (Not possible if there is at least one object in the group)*/
/*Focus on the next object*/
if(*g->obj_focus == obj) {
/*If this is the only object in the group then focus to nothing.*/
if(lv_ll_get_head(&g->obj_ll) == g->obj_focus && lv_ll_get_tail(&g->obj_ll) == g->obj_focus) {
(*g->obj_focus)->signal_func(*g->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS, NULL);
/*If there more objects in the group then focus to the next/prev object*/
else {
/* If the focuses object is still the same then it was the only object in the group but it will be deleted.
* Set the `obj_focus` to NULL to get back to the initial state of the group with zero objects*/
if(*g->obj_focus == obj) {
g->obj_focus = NULL;
/*Search the object and remove it from its group */
lv_obj_t ** i;
LL_READ(g->obj_ll, i) {
if(*i == obj) {
lv_ll_rem(&g->obj_ll, i);
obj->group_p = NULL;
* Focus on an object (defocus the current)
* @param obj pointer to an object to focus on
void lv_group_focus_obj(lv_obj_t * obj)
lv_group_t * g = obj->group_p;
if(g == NULL) return;
if(g->frozen != 0) return;
/*On defocus edit mode must be leaved*/
lv_group_set_editing(g, false);
lv_obj_t ** i;
LL_READ(g->obj_ll, i) {
if(*i == obj) {
if(g->obj_focus == i) return; /*Don't focus the already focused object again*/
if(g->obj_focus != NULL) {
(*g->obj_focus)->signal_func(*g->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS, NULL);
g->obj_focus = i;
if(g->obj_focus != NULL) {
(*g->obj_focus)->signal_func(*g->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS, NULL);
if(g->focus_cb) g->focus_cb(g);
/*If the object or its parent has `top == true` bring it to the foregorund*/
* Focus the next object in a group (defocus the current)
* @param group pointer to a group
void lv_group_focus_next(lv_group_t * group)
if(group->frozen) return;
if(group->obj_focus) {
(*group->obj_focus)->signal_func(*group->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS, NULL);
lv_obj_t ** obj_next;
if(group->obj_focus == NULL) obj_next = lv_ll_get_head(&group->obj_ll);
else obj_next = lv_ll_get_next(&group->obj_ll, group->obj_focus);
if(obj_next == NULL) {
if(group->wrap) obj_next = lv_ll_get_head(&group->obj_ll);
else obj_next = lv_ll_get_tail(&group->obj_ll);
group->obj_focus = obj_next;
if(group->obj_focus) {
(*group->obj_focus)->signal_func(*group->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS, NULL);
if(group->focus_cb) group->focus_cb(group);
/*If the object or its parent has `top == true` bring it to the foregorund*/
* Focus the previous object in a group (defocus the current)
* @param group pointer to a group
void lv_group_focus_prev(lv_group_t * group)
if(group->frozen) return;
if(group->obj_focus) {
(*group->obj_focus)->signal_func(*group->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS, NULL);
lv_obj_t ** obj_next;
if(group->obj_focus == NULL) obj_next = lv_ll_get_tail(&group->obj_ll);
else obj_next = lv_ll_get_prev(&group->obj_ll, group->obj_focus);
if(obj_next == NULL) {
if(group->wrap) obj_next = lv_ll_get_tail(&group->obj_ll);
else obj_next = lv_ll_get_head(&group->obj_ll);
group->obj_focus = obj_next;
if(group->obj_focus != NULL) {
(*group->obj_focus)->signal_func(*group->obj_focus, LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS, NULL);
if(group->focus_cb) group->focus_cb(group);
/*If the object or its parent has `top == true` bring it to the foregorund*/
* Do not let to change the focus from the current object
* @param group pointer to a group
* @param en true: freeze, false: release freezing (normal mode)
void lv_group_focus_freeze(lv_group_t * group, bool en)
if(en == false) group->frozen = 0;
else group->frozen = 1;
* Send a control character to the focuses object of a group
* @param group pointer to a group
* @param c a character (use LV_GROUP_KEY_.. to navigate)
* @return result of focused object in group.
lv_res_t lv_group_send_data(lv_group_t * group, uint32_t c)
lv_obj_t * act = lv_group_get_focused(group);
if(act == NULL) return LV_RES_OK;
return act->signal_func(act, LV_SIGNAL_CONTROLL, &c);
* Set a function for a group which will modify the object's style if it is in focus
* @param group pointer to a group
* @param style_mod_func the style modifier function pointer
void lv_group_set_style_mod_cb(lv_group_t * group, lv_group_style_mod_func_t style_mod_func)
group->style_mod = style_mod_func;
if(group->obj_focus != NULL) lv_obj_invalidate(*group->obj_focus);
* Set a function for a group which will modify the object's style if it is in focus in edit mode
* @param group pointer to a group
* @param style_mod_func the style modifier function pointer
void lv_group_set_style_mod_edit_cb(lv_group_t * group, lv_group_style_mod_func_t style_mod_func)
group->style_mod_edit = style_mod_func;
if(group->obj_focus != NULL) lv_obj_invalidate(*group->obj_focus);
* Set a function for a group which will be called when a new object is focused
* @param group pointer to a group
* @param focus_cb the call back function or NULL if unused
void lv_group_set_focus_cb(lv_group_t * group, lv_group_focus_cb_t focus_cb)
group->focus_cb = focus_cb;
* Manually set the current mode (edit or navigate).
* @param group pointer to group
* @param edit: true: edit mode; false: navigate mode
void lv_group_set_editing(lv_group_t * group, bool edit)
uint8_t en_val = edit ? 1 : 0;
if(en_val == group->editing) return; /*Do not set the same mode again*/
group->editing = en_val;
lv_obj_t * focused = lv_group_get_focused(group);
if(focused) focused->signal_func(focused, LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS, NULL); /*Focus again to properly leave edit mode*/
* Set the `click_focus` attribute. If enabled then the object will be focused then it is clicked.
* @param group pointer to group
* @param en: true: enable `click_focus`
void lv_group_set_click_focus(lv_group_t * group, bool en)
group->click_focus = en ? 1 : 0;
void lv_group_set_refocus_policy(lv_group_t * group, lv_group_refocus_policy_t policy) {
group->refocus_policy = policy & 0x01;
static void lv_group_refocus(lv_group_t *g) {
/*Refocus must temporarily allow wrapping to work correctly*/
uint8_t temp_wrap = g->wrap;
g->wrap = 1;
if(g->refocus_policy == LV_GROUP_REFOCUS_POLICY_NEXT)
else if(g->refocus_policy == LV_GROUP_REFOCUS_POLICY_PREV)
/*Restore wrap property*/
g->wrap = temp_wrap;
* Set whether focus next/prev will allow wrapping from first->last or last->first.
* @param group pointer to group
* @param en: true: enable `click_focus`
void lv_group_set_wrap(lv_group_t * group, bool en)
group->wrap = en ? 1 : 0;
* Modify a style with the set 'style_mod' function. The input style remains unchanged.
* @param group pointer to group
* @param style pointer to a style to modify
* @return a copy of the input style but modified with the 'style_mod' function
lv_style_t * lv_group_mod_style(lv_group_t * group, const lv_style_t * style)
lv_style_copy(&group->style_tmp, style);
if(group->editing) {
if(group->style_mod_edit) group->style_mod_edit(&group->style_tmp);
} else {
if(group->style_mod) group->style_mod(&group->style_tmp);
return &group->style_tmp;
* Get the focused object or NULL if there isn't one
* @param group pointer to a group
* @return pointer to the focused object
lv_obj_t * lv_group_get_focused(const lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return NULL;
if(group->obj_focus == NULL) return NULL;
return *group->obj_focus;
* Get a the style modifier function of a group
* @param group pointer to a group
* @return pointer to the style modifier function
lv_group_style_mod_func_t lv_group_get_style_mod_cb(const lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return false;
return group->style_mod ;
* Get a the style modifier function of a group in edit mode
* @param group pointer to a group
* @return pointer to the style modifier function
lv_group_style_mod_func_t lv_group_get_style_mod_edit_cb(const lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return false;
return group->style_mod_edit;
* Get the focus callback function of a group
* @param group pointer to a group
* @return the call back function or NULL if not set
lv_group_focus_cb_t lv_group_get_focus_cb(const lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return false;
return group->focus_cb;
* Get the current mode (edit or navigate).
* @param group pointer to group
* @return true: edit mode; false: navigate mode
bool lv_group_get_editing(const lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return false;
return group->editing ? true : false;
* Get the `click_focus` attribute.
* @param group pointer to group
* @return true: `click_focus` is enabled; false: disabled
bool lv_group_get_click_focus(const lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return false;
return group->click_focus ? true : false;
* Get whether focus next/prev will allow wrapping from first->last or last->first object.
* @param group pointer to group
* @param en: true: wrapping enabled; false: wrapping disabled
bool lv_group_get_wrap(lv_group_t * group)
if(!group) return false;
return group->wrap ? true : false;
* Default style modifier function
* @param style pointer to a style to modify. (Typically group.style_tmp) It will be OVERWRITTEN.
static void style_mod_def(lv_style_t * style)
/*Make the style to be a little bit orange*/
style->body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
style->body.border.color = LV_COLOR_ORANGE;
/*If not empty or has border then emphasis the border*/
if(style->body.empty == 0 || style->body.border.width != 0) style->body.border.width = LV_DPI / 20;
style->body.main_color = lv_color_mix(style->body.main_color, LV_COLOR_ORANGE, LV_OPA_70);
style->body.grad_color = lv_color_mix(style->body.grad_color, LV_COLOR_ORANGE, LV_OPA_70);
style->body.shadow.color = lv_color_mix(style->body.shadow.color, LV_COLOR_ORANGE, LV_OPA_60);
style->text.color = lv_color_mix(style->text.color, LV_COLOR_ORANGE, LV_OPA_70);
style->body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
style->body.border.color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style->body.border.width = 2;
* Default style modifier function
* @param style pointer to a style to modify. (Typically group.style_tmp) It will be OVERWRITTEN.
static void style_mod_edit_def(lv_style_t * style)
/*Make the style to be a little bit orange*/
style->body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
style->body.border.color = LV_COLOR_GREEN;
/*If not empty or has border then emphasis the border*/
if(style->body.empty == 0 || style->body.border.width != 0) style->body.border.width = LV_DPI / 20;
style->body.main_color = lv_color_mix(style->body.main_color, LV_COLOR_GREEN, LV_OPA_70);
style->body.grad_color = lv_color_mix(style->body.grad_color, LV_COLOR_GREEN, LV_OPA_70);
style->body.shadow.color = lv_color_mix(style->body.shadow.color, LV_COLOR_GREEN, LV_OPA_60);
style->text.color = lv_color_mix(style->text.color, LV_COLOR_GREEN, LV_OPA_70);
style->body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
style->body.border.color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style->body.border.width = 3;
static void obj_to_foreground(lv_obj_t * obj)
/*Search for 'top' attribute*/
lv_obj_t * i = obj;
lv_obj_t * last_top = NULL;
while(i != NULL) {
if(i->top != 0) last_top = i;
i = lv_obj_get_parent(i);
if(last_top != NULL) {
/*Move the last_top object to the foreground*/
lv_obj_t * par = lv_obj_get_parent(last_top);
/*After list change it will be the new head*/
lv_ll_chg_list(&par->child_ll, &par->child_ll, last_top);
#endif /*USE_LV_GROUP != 0*/