/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 CTCaer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "ini.h" #include "../gfx/gfx.h" #include "../gfx/tui.h" #include "../libs/fatfs/ff.h" #include "../soc/t210.h" #include "../utils/btn.h" #include "../utils/list.h" #include "../utils/util.h" extern hekate_config h_cfg; extern int sd_mount(); extern int sd_unmount(); void set_default_configuration() { h_cfg.autoboot = 0; h_cfg.autoboot_list = 0; h_cfg.bootwait = 3; h_cfg.verification = 2; h_cfg.se_keygen_done = 0; h_cfg.sbar_time_keeping = 0; h_cfg.backlight = 100; h_cfg.autohosoff = 0; h_cfg.errors = 0; h_cfg.autonogc = 1; h_cfg.sept_run = EMC(EMC_SCRATCH0) & EMC_SEPT_RUN; } int create_config_entry() { if (!sd_mount()) return 1; char lbuf[16]; FIL fp; bool mainIniFound = false; LIST_INIT(ini_sections); if (ini_parse(&ini_sections, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", false)) mainIniFound = true; else { u8 res = f_open(&fp, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", FA_READ); if (res == FR_NO_FILE || res == FR_NO_PATH) { f_mkdir("bootloader"); f_mkdir("bootloader/ini"); f_mkdir("bootloader/payloads"); f_mkdir("bootloader/sys"); } else { if (!res) f_close(&fp); return 1; } } if (f_open(&fp, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) != FR_OK) return 1; // Add config entry. f_puts("[config]\nautoboot=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.autoboot, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nautoboot_list=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.autoboot_list, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nbootwait=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.bootwait, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nverification=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.verification, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nbacklight=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.backlight, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nautohosoff=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.autohosoff, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\nautonogc=", &fp); itoa(h_cfg.autonogc, lbuf, 10); f_puts(lbuf, &fp); f_puts("\n", &fp); if (mainIniFound) { // Re-construct existing entries. LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_sec_t, ini_sec, &ini_sections, link) { if (!strcmp(ini_sec->name, "config")) continue; switch (ini_sec->type) { case INI_CHOICE: // Re-construct Boot entry [ ]. f_puts("[", &fp); f_puts(ini_sec->name, &fp); f_puts("]\n", &fp); // Re-construct boot entry's config. LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_kv_t, kv, &ini_sec->kvs, link) { f_puts(kv->key, &fp); f_puts("=", &fp); f_puts(kv->val, &fp); f_puts("\n", &fp); } break; case INI_CAPTION: // Re-construct caption entry { }. f_puts("{", &fp); f_puts(ini_sec->name, &fp); f_puts("}\n", &fp); break; case INI_NEWLINE: // Re-construct cosmetic newline \n. f_puts("\n", &fp); break; case INI_COMMENT: // Re-construct comment entry #. f_puts("#", &fp); f_puts(ini_sec->name, &fp); f_puts("\n", &fp); break; } } } f_close(&fp); sd_unmount(); if (mainIniFound) ini_free(&ini_sections); return 0; } static void _save_config() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); if (!create_config_entry()) gfx_puts(&gfx_con, "\nConfiguration was saved!\n"); else EPRINTF("\nConfiguration saving failed!"); gfx_puts(&gfx_con, "\nPress any key..."); } static void _config_autoboot_list(void *ent) { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); u32 *temp_autoboot = NULL; LIST_INIT(ini_sections); u8 max_entries = 30; ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * (max_entries + 3)); u32 *boot_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * max_entries); char *boot_text = (char *)malloc(512 * max_entries); for (u32 j = 0; j < max_entries; j++) boot_values[j] = j; if (sd_mount()) { if (ini_parse(&ini_sections, "bootloader/ini", true)) { // Build configuration menu. ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; u32 i = 2; LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_sec_t, ini_sec, &ini_sections, link) { // Skip other ini entries for autoboot. if (ini_sec->type == INI_CHOICE) { if (!strcmp(ini_sec->name, "config")) continue; if (strlen(ini_sec->name) > 510) ments[i].caption = ini_sec->name; else { if (h_cfg.autoboot != (i - 1) || !h_cfg.autoboot_list) boot_text[(i - 1) * 512] = ' '; else boot_text[(i - 1) * 512] = '*'; memcpy(boot_text + (i - 1) * 512 + 1, ini_sec->name, strlen(ini_sec->name) + 1); boot_text[strlen(ini_sec->name) + (i - 1) * 512 + 1] = 0; ments[i].caption = &boot_text[(i - 1) * 512]; } ments[i].type = ini_sec->type; ments[i].data = &boot_values[i - 1]; i++; if ((i - 1) > max_entries) break; } } memset(&ments[i], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "Select an entry to auto boot", 0, 0}; temp_autoboot = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_autoboot != NULL) { h_cfg.autoboot = *(u32 *)temp_autoboot; h_cfg.autoboot_list = 1; _save_config(); ment_t *tmp = (ment_t *)ent; tmp->data = NULL; } else goto out2; } else { EPRINTF("Could not open 'bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini'.\nMake sure it exists!."); goto out; } } out:; btn_wait(); out2:; free(ments); free(boot_values); free(boot_text); ini_free(&ini_sections); sd_unmount(); } void config_autoboot() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); u32 *temp_autoboot = NULL; LIST_INIT(ini_sections); u8 max_entries = 30; ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * (max_entries + 5)); u32 *boot_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * max_entries); char *boot_text = (char *)malloc(512 * max_entries); for (u32 j = 0; j < max_entries; j++) boot_values[j] = j; if (sd_mount()) { if (ini_parse(&ini_sections, "bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini", false)) { // Build configuration menu. ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; ments[2].type = MENT_DATA; if (!h_cfg.autoboot) ments[2].caption = "*Disable"; else ments[2].caption = " Disable"; ments[2].data = &boot_values[0]; ments[3].type = MENT_HDLR_RE; if (h_cfg.autoboot_list) ments[3].caption = "*More configs..."; else ments[3].caption = " More configs..."; ments[3].handler = _config_autoboot_list; ments[3].data = (void *)0xCAFE; ments[4].type = MENT_CHGLINE; u32 i = 5; LIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(ini_sec_t, ini_sec, &ini_sections, link) { // Skip other ini entries for autoboot. if (ini_sec->type == INI_CHOICE) { if (!strcmp(ini_sec->name, "config")) continue; if (strlen(ini_sec->name) > 510) ments[i].caption = ini_sec->name; else { if (h_cfg.autoboot != (i - 4) || h_cfg.autoboot_list) boot_text[(i - 4) * 512] = ' '; else boot_text[(i - 4) * 512] = '*'; memcpy(boot_text + (i - 4) * 512 + 1, ini_sec->name, strlen(ini_sec->name) + 1); boot_text[strlen(ini_sec->name) + (i - 4) * 512 + 1] = 0; ments[i].caption = &boot_text[(i - 4) * 512]; } ments[i].type = ini_sec->type; ments[i].data = &boot_values[i - 4]; i++; if ((i - 4) > max_entries) break; } } if (i < 6 && !h_cfg.autoboot_list) { ments[i].type = MENT_CAPTION; ments[i].caption = "No main configurations found..."; ments[i].color = 0xFFFFDD00; i++; } memset(&ments[i], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "Disable or select entry to auto boot", 0, 0}; temp_autoboot = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_autoboot != NULL) { h_cfg.autoboot = *(u32 *)temp_autoboot; h_cfg.autoboot_list = 0; _save_config(); } else goto out2; } else { EPRINTF("Could not open 'bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini'.\nMake sure it exists!."); goto out; } } out:; btn_wait(); out2:; free(ments); free(boot_values); free(boot_text); ini_free(&ini_sections); sd_unmount(); if (temp_autoboot == NULL) return; } #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC optimize ("Os") void config_bootdelay() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); u32 delay_entries = 6; ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * (delay_entries + 3)); u32 *delay_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * delay_entries); char *delay_text = (char *)malloc(32 * delay_entries); for (u32 j = 0; j < delay_entries; j++) delay_values[j] = j; ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; ments[2].type = MENT_DATA; if (h_cfg.bootwait) ments[2].caption = " 0 seconds (Bootlogo disabled)"; else ments[2].caption = "*0 seconds (Bootlogo disabled)"; ments[2].data = &delay_values[0]; u32 i = 0; for (i = 1; i < delay_entries; i++) { if (h_cfg.bootwait != i) delay_text[i * 32] = ' '; else delay_text[i * 32] = '*'; delay_text[i * 32 + 1] = i + '0'; memcpy(delay_text + i * 32 + 2, " seconds", 9); ments[i + 2].type = MENT_DATA; ments[i + 2].caption = delay_text + i * 32; ments[i + 2].data = &delay_values[i]; } memset(&ments[i + 2], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "Time delay for entering bootloader menu", 0, 0}; u32 *temp_bootwait = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_bootwait != NULL) { h_cfg.bootwait = *(u32 *)temp_bootwait; _save_config(); } free(ments); free(delay_values); free(delay_text); if (temp_bootwait == NULL) return; btn_wait(); } void config_verification() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * 6); u32 *vr_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * 3); char *vr_text = (char *)malloc(64 * 3); for (u32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vr_values[j] = j; ments[j + 2].type = MENT_DATA; ments[j + 2].data = &vr_values[j]; } ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; memcpy(vr_text, " Disable (Fastest)", 19); memcpy(vr_text + 64, " Sparse (Fast)", 16); memcpy(vr_text + 128, " Full (Slow)", 16); for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (h_cfg.verification != i) vr_text[64 * i] = ' '; else vr_text[64 * i] = '*'; ments[2 + i].caption = vr_text + (i * 64); } memset(&ments[5], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "Backup & Restore verification", 0, 0}; u32 *temp_verification = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_verification != NULL) { h_cfg.verification = *(u32 *)temp_verification; _save_config(); } free(ments); free(vr_values); free(vr_text); if (temp_verification == NULL) return; btn_wait(); } void config_backlight() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); u32 bri_entries = 11; ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * (bri_entries + 3)); u32 *bri_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * bri_entries); char *bri_text = (char *)malloc(8 * bri_entries); for (u32 j = 1; j < bri_entries; j++) bri_values[j] = j * 10; ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; u32 i = 0; for (i = 1; i < bri_entries; i++) { if ((h_cfg.backlight / 20) != i) bri_text[i * 32] = ' '; else bri_text[i * 32] = '*'; if (i < 10) { bri_text[i * 32 + 1] = i + '0'; memcpy(bri_text + i * 32 + 2, "0%", 3); } else memcpy(bri_text + i * 32 + 1, "100%", 5); ments[i + 1].type = MENT_DATA; ments[i + 1].caption = bri_text + i * 32; ments[i + 1].data = &bri_values[i]; } memset(&ments[i + 1], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "Backlight brightness", 0, 0}; u32 *temp_backlight = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_backlight != NULL) { h_cfg.backlight = (*(u32 *)temp_backlight) * 2; _save_config(); } free(ments); free(bri_values); free(bri_text); if (temp_backlight == NULL) return; btn_wait(); } void config_auto_hos_poweroff() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * 6); u32 *hp_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * 3); for (u32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { hp_values[j] = j; ments[j + 2].type = MENT_DATA; ments[j + 2].data = &hp_values[j]; } ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; if (h_cfg.autohosoff == 1) { ments[2].caption = " Disable"; ments[3].caption = "*Enable"; ments[4].caption = " Enable (No logo)"; } else if (h_cfg.autohosoff >= 2) { ments[2].caption = " Disable"; ments[3].caption = " Enable"; ments[4].caption = "*Enable (No logo)"; } else { ments[2].caption = "*Disable"; ments[3].caption = " Enable"; ments[4].caption = " Enable (No logo)"; } memset(&ments[5], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "Power off if woke up from HOS", 0, 0}; u32 *temp_autohosoff = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_autohosoff != NULL) { h_cfg.autohosoff = *(u32 *)temp_autohosoff; _save_config(); } free(ments); free(hp_values); if (temp_autohosoff == NULL) return; btn_wait(); } void config_nogc() { gfx_clear_grey(&gfx_ctxt, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(&gfx_con, 0, 0); ment_t *ments = (ment_t *)malloc(sizeof(ment_t) * 5); u32 *cb_values = (u32 *)malloc(sizeof(u32) * 2); for (u32 j = 0; j < 2; j++) { cb_values[j] = j; ments[j + 2].type = MENT_DATA; ments[j + 2].data = &cb_values[j]; } ments[0].type = MENT_BACK; ments[0].caption = "Back"; ments[1].type = MENT_CHGLINE; if (h_cfg.autonogc) { ments[2].caption = " Disable"; ments[3].caption = "*Auto"; } else { ments[2].caption = "*Disable"; ments[3].caption = " Auto"; } memset(&ments[4], 0, sizeof(ment_t)); menu_t menu = {ments, "No Gamecard", 0, 0}; u32 *temp_nogc = (u32 *)tui_do_menu(&gfx_con, &menu); if (temp_nogc != NULL) { h_cfg.autonogc = *(u32 *)temp_nogc; _save_config(); } free(ments); free(cb_values); if (temp_nogc == NULL) return; btn_wait(); } #pragma GCC pop_options