# hekate ![Image of Hekate](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/H%C3%A9cate_-_Mallarm%C3%A9.png) Nintendo Switch bootloader, firmware patcher, and more. ## ipl config The ipl can be configured via 'hekate_ipl.ini' (if it is present on the SD card). Each ini section represents a boot entry, except for the special section 'config' that controls the global configuration. ### Possible key/value combinations: | Config option | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | warmboot={SD path} | Replaces the warmboot binary | | secmon={SD path} | Replaces the security monitor binary | | kernel={SD path} | Replaces the kernel binary | | kip1={SD path} | Replaces/Adds kernel initial process. Multiple can be set. | | fullsvcperm=1 | Disables SVC verification | | debugmode=1 | Enables Debug mode | ``` hekate (C) 2018 naehrwert, st4rk. Thanks to: derrek, nedwill, plutoo, shuffle2, smea, thexyz, yellows8. Greetings to: fincs, hexkyz, SciresM, Shiny Quagsire, WinterMute. Open source and free packages used: - FatFs R0.13a, Copyright (C) 2017, ChaN - bcl-1.2.0, Copyright (C) 2003-2006, Marcus Geelnard ___ .-' `'. / \ | ; | | ___.--, _.._ |0) = (0) | _.---'`__.-( (_. __.--'`_.. '.__.\ '--. \_.-' ,.--'` `""` ( ,.--'` ',__ /./; ;, '.__.'` __ _`) ) .---.__.' / | |\ \__..--"" """--.,_ `---' .'.''-._.-'`_./ /\ '. \ _.--''````'''--._`-.__.' | | .' _.-' | | \ \ '. `----` \ \/ .' \ \ '. '-._) \/ / \ \ `=.__`'-. / /\ `) ) / / `"".`\ , _.-'.'\ \ / / ( ( / / `--'` ) ) .-'.' '.'. | ( (/` ( (` ) ) '-; [switchbrew] ```