[config] autoboot=0 autoboot_list=0 bootwait=3 backlight=100 autohosoff=0 autonogc=1 updater2p=1 bootprotect=0 {-------- Stock -------} [Stock] fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin stock=1 emummc_force_disable=1 # This disables kernel patching and CFW kips. # Includes exosphere and warmboot, ONLY when >= 7.0.0 and Erista. # Includes exosphere on Mariko. # Exosphere/warmboot are not identifiable as it is now. # This is the closest to OFW, especially when AutoRCM is needed. {-- Custom Firmwares --} [Atmo Vanilla] fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin # Note: # The above adheres to emummc.ini. It will launch emuMMC if enabled, otherwise sysMMC # You can have 2 entries of everything where one can boot with emuMMC and one without, # via the emummc_force_disable=1 and emummcforce=1 keys. Examples follow below. [Atmo EMU] fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin emummcforce=1 [Atmo SYS] fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin emummc_force_disable=1 [Atmo with extra kips] fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin kip1=cfw/mods/mods_extra/* kip1=cfw/mods/mods_extra/single/extra.kip # Note: # The above can be used with any fss0 entry. Like the ones above. # You can even override atmosphere (fss0) kips with this. {-- Custom Firmwares Old methods --} [CFW FSS0 extra kips & patches] fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin kip1patch=name_of_patch kip1=cfw/mods/mods_extra/* kip1=cfw/mods/mods_extra/single/extra.kip # Note: # Both options for kip1 can be used. Wildcard and single. # You can override kips loaded from FSS0 if you define them after the fss0 key. # If kip1 patch resides in patches.ini and that file OR the patch for # current HOS version does not exist, it will error out. [CFW KIPs method] secmon=cfw/mods/exosphere.bin warmboot=cfw/mods/lp0fw.bin kip1=cfw/mods/loader.kip kip1=cfw/mods/boot.kip kip1=cfw/mods/spl.kip kip1=cfw/mods/sm.kip kip1=cfw/mods/pm.kip kip1=cfw/mods/ams_mitm.kip atmosphere=1 # Note: # All kips defined method. This can be changed to what is below also. # atmosphere=1 key is IMPORTANT when no FFS0 is defined. [CFW KIPs method with wildcard] secmon=cfw/mods/exosphere.bin warmboot=cfw/mods/lp0fw.bin kip1=cfw/mods/* kip1=cfw/mods/extra/extra.kip atmosphere=1 { } # Note: # All kips parsed from a directory, plus extra added. {------- Tools -------} [memloader] payload=bootloader/payloads/memloader.bin # hekate - CTCaer mod v5.5.3 .ini template # All entries in this template can have these stylistic keys. # Like logopath= key which is for bootlogo and icon= key for Nyx icon. # Other than these there many other keys to choose from, like the exosphere configuration keys. # All of them are descibed in the main README. # NOT TO BE USED AS IS! # Pick [config] and then only the needed [sections]. # or { } lines can be ommited. # If [config] is not copied, hekate will create one with defaults. # Note: The keys in a section are parsed sequentially. # This is important for override order of keys (if any double or matching functionality). # Disclaimer: There are many combos, that allow hekate to basically boot everything NATIVELY. # hekate will ALWAYS do what YOU tell it to do. If you get an error, # that means that hekate_ipl.ini was wrongly made or files are missing!