# hekate - Nyx ![Image of Hekate](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3665130/60391760-bc1e8c00-9afe-11e9-8b7a-b065873081b2.png) Custom Graphical Nintendo Switch bootloader, firmware patcher, tools, and many more. ## Bootloader folders and files | Folder/File | Description | | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | bootloader | Main folder. | | \|__ bootlogo.bmp | It is used when custom is on and no logopath found. Can be skipped. | | \|__ hekate_ipl.ini | Main bootloader configuration and boot entries. | | \|__ patches.ini | Add external patches. Can be skipped. A template can be found [here](./res/patches_template.ini) | | \|__ update.bin | If newer, it is loaded at boot. For modchips. Auto updated. Can be skipped. | | bootloader/ini/ | For individual inis. 'More configs...' menu. Autoboot is supported. | | bootloader/res/ | Nyx user resources. Icons and more. | | \|__ background.bmp | Nyx - custom background. | | \|__ icon_switch.bmp | Nyx - Default icon for CFWs. | | \|__ icon_payload.bmp | Nyx - Default icon for Payloads. | | \|__ icon_lakka.bmp | Nyx - Default icon for Lakka. | | bootloader/sys/ | For system modules. | | \|__ emummc.kipm | emuMMC KIP1 module. Important! | | \|__ libsys_lp0.bso | LP0 (sleep mode) module. Important! | | \|__ libsys_minerva.bso | Minerva Training Cell. Used for DRAM Frequency training. Important! | | \|__ nyx.bin | Nyx - Our GUI. Important! | | \|__ res.pak | Nyx resources package. Important! | | bootloader/screenshots/ | Folder where Nyx screenshots are saved | | bootloader/payloads/ | For payloads. 'Payloads...' menu. Autoboot only supported by including them into an ini. All CFW bootloaders, tools, Linux payloads are supported. | | bootloader/libtools/ | Future reserved | | sept | Sept folder. This must always get updated via the Atmosphère release zip. Needed for tools and booting HOS on 7.0.0 and up. Unused for booting HOS if `fss0=` key is defined. | **Note**: Sept files for booting 7.0.0 and up are expected at /sept folder at root of sd card. ## Bootloader configuration The bootloader can be configured via 'bootloader/hekate_ipl.ini' (if it is present on the SD card). Each ini section represents a boot entry, except for the special section 'config' that controls the global configuration. There are four possible type of entries. "**[ ]**": Boot entry, "**{ }**": Caption, "**#**": Comment, "*newline*": .ini cosmetic newline. You can find a template [Here](./res/hekate_ipl_template.ini) ### Global Configuration keys/values when boot entry is **config**: | Config option | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | autoboot=0 | 0: Disable, #: Boot entry number to auto boot. | | autoboot_list=0 | 0: Read `autoboot` boot entry from hekate_ipl.ini, 1: Read from ini folder (ini files are ASCII ordered). | | bootwait=3 | 0: Disable (It also disables bootlogo. Having **VOL-** pressed since injection goes to menu.), #: Time to wait for **VOL-** to enter menu. | | autohosoff=1 | 0: Disable, 1: If woke up from HOS via an RTC alarm, shows logo, then powers off completely, 2: No logo, immediately powers off.| | autonogc=1 | 0: Disable, 1: Automatically applies nogc patch if unburnt fuses found and a >= 4.0.0 HOS is booted. | | bootprotect=0 | 0: Disable, 1: Protect bootloader folder from being corrupted by disallowing reading or editing in HOS. | | updater2p=0 | 0: Disable, 1: Force updates (if needed) the reboot2payload binary to be hekate. | | backlight=100 | Screen backlight level. 0-255. | ### Nyx Global Configuration keys/values for (nyx.ini): | Config option | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | themecolor=167 | Sets Nyx color of text highlights. | | timeoff=100 | Sets time offset in HEX. Must be in HOS epoch format | | homescreen=0 | Sets home screen. 0: Home menu, 1: All configs (merges Launch and More configs), 2: Launch, 3: More Configs. | | verification=1 | 0: Disable Backup/Restore verification, 1: Sparse (block based, fast and mostly reliable), 2: Full (sha256 based, slow and 100% reliable). | | umsemmcrw=0 | 1: eMMC/emuMMC UMS will be mounted as writable by default. | | jcdisable=0 | 1: Disables Joycon driver completely. | ### Boot entry key/value combinations: | Config option | Description | | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | warmboot={SD path} | Replaces the warmboot binary | | secmon={SD path} | Replaces the security monitor binary | | kernel={SD path} | Replaces the kernel binary | | kip1={SD path} | Replaces/Adds kernel initial process. Multiple can be set. | | kip1={SD folder}/* | Loads every .kip/.kip1 inside a folder. Compatible with single kip1 keys. | | fss0={SD path} | Takes a fusee-secondary binary and `extracts` all needed parts from it. kips, exosphere, warmboot and sept. | | fss0experimental=1 | Enables loading of experimental content from a FSS0 storage | | kip1patch=patchname | Enables a kip1 patch. Specify with multiple lines and/or as CSV. If not found, an error will show up | | fullsvcperm=1 | Disables SVC verification (full services permission) | | debugmode=1 | Enables Debug mode. Obsolete when used with exosphere as secmon. | | atmosphere=1 | Enables Atmosphère patching. | | emupath={SD folder} | Forces emuMMC to use the selected one. (=emuMMC/RAW1, =emuMMC/SD00, etc). emuMMC must be created by hekate because it uses the raw_based/file_based files. | | emummcforce=1 | Forces the use of emuMMC. If emummc.ini is disabled or not found, then it causes an error. | | emummc_force_disable=1 | Disables emuMMC, if it's enabled. | | stock=1 | Disables unneeded kernel patching when running stock or semi-stock. `If emuMMC is enabled, emummc_force_disabled=1` is required. emuMMC is not supported on stock. If additional KIPs are needed other than OFW's, you can define them with `kip1` key. No kip should be used that relies on Atmosphère patching, because it will hang. If `NOGC` is needed, use `kip1patch=nogc`. | | id=idname | Identifies boot entry for forced boot via id. Max 7 chars. | | payload={SD path} | Payload launching. Tools, Linux, CFW bootloaders, etc. | | logopath={SD path} | If no logopath, `bootloader/bootlogo.bmp` will be used if exists. If logopath exists, it will load the specified bitmap. | | icon={SD path} | Force Nyx to use the icon defined here. If this is not found, it will check for a bmp named as the boot entry ([Test 2] -> `bootloader/res/Test 2.bmp`). Otherwise default will be used. | ### Boot entry key/value Exosphère combinations: | Config option | Description | | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | nouserexceptions=1 | Disables usermode exception handlers when paired with Exosphère. | | userpmu=1 | Enables user access to PMU when paired with Exosphère. | | cal0blank=1 | Overrides Exosphère config `blank_prodinfo_{sys/emu}mmc`. If that key doesn't exist, `exosphere.ini` will be used. | | cal0writesys=1 | Overrides Exosphère config `allow_writing_to_cal_sysmmc`. If that key doesn't exist, `exosphere.ini` will be used. | **Note1**: When using the wildcard (`/*`) with `kip1` you can still use the normal `kip1` after that to load extra single kips. **Note2**: When using FSS0 it parses exosphere, warmboot and all core kips. You can override the first 2 by using `secmon`/`warmboot` after defining `fss0`. You can define `kip1` to load an extra kip or many via the wildcard (`/*`) usage. **Warning**: Never define *fss0 core* kips when using `fss0` and make sure that the folder (when using `/*`), does not include them. This is in case the kips are incompatible between them. If compatible, you can override `fss0` kips with no issues (useful for testing with intermediate kip changes). ### Payload storage: hekate has a boot storage in the binary that helps it configure it outside of BPMP enviroment: | Offset / Name | Description | | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | '0x94' boot_cfg | bit0: `Force AutoBoot`, bit1: `Show launch log`, bit2: `Boot from ID`, bit3: `Boot to emuMMC`, bit7: `sept run`. | | '0x95' autoboot | If `Force AutoBoot`: 0: Force go to menu, else boot that entry. | | '0x96' autoboot_list | If `Force AutoBoot` and `autoboot` then it boots from ini folder. | | '0x97' extra_cfg | When menu is forced: bit5: `Run UMS`, bit7: `Run Dump pkg1/2`. | | '0x98' xt_str[128] | Depends on the set cfg bits. | | '0x98' ums[1] | When `Run UMS` is set, it will launch the selected UMS. 0: SD, 1: eMMC BOOT0, 2: eMMC BOOT1, 3: eMMC GPP, 4: emuMMC BOOT0, 5: emuMMC BOOT1, 6: emuMMC GPP, | | '0x98' id[8] | When `Boot from ID` is set, it will search all inis automatically and find the boot entry with that id and boot it. Must be NULL terminated. | | '0xA0' emummc_path[120] | When `Boot to emuMMC` is set, it will override the current emuMMC (boot entry or emummc.ini). Must be NULL terminated. | If the main .ini is not found, it is created on the first hekate boot. ``` hekate (c) 2018, naehrwert, st4rk. (c) 2018-2020, CTCaer. Nyx GUI (c) 2019-2020, CTCaer. Thanks to: derrek, nedwill, plutoo, shuffle2, smea, thexyz, yellows8. Greetings to: fincs, hexkyz, SciresM, Shiny Quagsire, WinterMute. Open source and free packages used: - FatFs R0.13a, Copyright (c) 2017, ChaN - bcl-1.2.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Marcus Geelnard - Atmosphère (Exosphere types/panic, prc id kernel patches), Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Atmosphère-NX - elfload, Copyright (c) 2014 Owen Shepherd, Copyright (c) 2018 M4xw - Littlev Graphics Library, Copyright (c) 2016 Gabor Kiss-Vamosi ___ .-' `'. / \ | ; | | ___.--, _.._ |0) = (0) | _.---'`__.-( (_. __.--'`_.. 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