Make write error fatal but let user choose to continue

Write error to sd is now fatal as per FatFs guidelines.
Let the user choose to continue or to abort and try again.
Add a message to let the user know that we calculate free space

Signed-off-by: Kostas Missos <>
This commit is contained in:
Kostas Missos 2018-05-06 20:34:46 +03:00
parent 90f893f573
commit 73e3cc7be6

View file

@ -396,6 +396,8 @@ int dump_emmc_part(char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part)
u32 maxSplitParts = 0;
int isSmallSdCard = 0;
int partialDumpInProgress = 0;
int res = 0;
int ignoreWriteErrors = 0;
char* outFilename = sd_path;
u32 sdPathLen = strlen(sd_path);
@ -487,6 +489,7 @@ int dump_emmc_part(char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part)
u32 lba_curr = part->lba_start;
u32 bytesWritten = 0;
u32 prevPct = 200;
int retryCount = 0;
// Continue from where we left, if partial dump in proggress.
if (partialDumpInProgress)
@ -512,7 +515,7 @@ int dump_emmc_part(char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part)
itoa(currPartIdx, &outFilename[sdPathLen], 10);
// More parts to dump that do not currently fit the sd card free space
if (isSmallSdCard && currPartIdx >= maxSplitParts)
if ((isSmallSdCard && currPartIdx >= maxSplitParts) || (res && !ignoreWriteErrors))
// Create partial dump index file
if (f_open(&partialIdxFp, partialIdxFilename, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE) == FR_OK)
@ -527,12 +530,19 @@ int dump_emmc_part(char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part)
return 0;
if (res && !ignoreWriteErrors)
gfx_printf(&gfx_con, "%k\nPress any key and try again.%k\n",
0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
return 0;
gfx_puts(&gfx_con, "\n1. Press any key and Power off Switch from the main menu.\n\
2. Move the files from SD card to free space.\n \
Don\'t move the partial.idx file!\n\
3. Unplug and re-plug USB while pressing Vol+.\n\
4. Run hekate - ipl again and press Dump RAW eMMC to continue");
4. Run hekate - ipl again and press Dump RAW eMMC or eMMC USER to continue");
return 1;
@ -546,7 +556,7 @@ int dump_emmc_part(char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part)
bytesWritten = 0;
int retryCount=0;
retryCount = 0;
u32 num = MIN(totalSectors, NUM_SECTORS_PER_ITER);
while(!sdmmc_storage_read(storage, lba_curr, num, buf))
@ -554,17 +564,26 @@ int dump_emmc_part(char *sd_path, sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part)
0xFF0000FF, num, lba_curr, ++retryCount, 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (retryCount >= 6)
if (retryCount >= 10)
goto out;
while (f_write(&fp, buf, NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE * num, NULL)){
gfx_printf(&gfx_con, "%kError writing %d blocks from eMMC LBA %08X to SD Card (try %d)%k\n",
0xFF0000FF, num, lba_curr, ++retryCount, 0xFFFFFFFF);
res = f_write(&fp, buf, NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE * num, NULL);
if (res && !ignoreWriteErrors)
gfx_printf(&gfx_con, "%kFatal error %d when writing to SD Card%k\n\
Press VOL to abort and try again\nPress POWER to ignore errors (will produce a corrupt dump)",
0xFF0000FF, res, 0xFFFFFFFF);
u32 btn = btn_wait();
if (retryCount >= 6)
goto out;
if (btn & BTN_POWER)
ignoreWriteErrors = 1;
u32 pct = (u64)((u64)(lba_curr - part->lba_start) * 100u) / (u64)(part->lba_end - part->lba_start);
if (pct != prevPct)
@ -619,6 +638,7 @@ static void dump_emmc_selected(dumpType_t dumpType)
gfx_puts(&gfx_con, "Checking for available free space...\n");
// Get SD Card free space for partial dumping
f_getfree("", &sd_fs.free_clst, NULL);