-- Additional Plugins -- return { ['cappyzawa/trim.nvim'] = { override_options = { config = function() require('trim').setup({ -- if you want to ignore markdown file. -- you can specify filetypes. disable = {"markdown"}, -- if you want to ignore space of top patterns = { [[%s/\s\+$//e]], -- remove unwanted spaces [[%s/\($\n\s*\)\+\%$//]], -- trim last line [[%s/\%^\n\+//]], -- trim first line -- [[%s/\(\n\n\)\n\+/\1/]], -- replace multiple blank lines with a single line }, }) end } }, -- disable dashboard ['goolord/alpha-nvim'] = { disable = true }, -- UI ["NvChad/ui"] = { override_options = { statusline = { separator_style = "arrow", -- default/round/block/arrow overriden_modules = nil, }, -- lazyload it when there are 1+ buffers tabufline = { enabled = true, lazyload = true, overriden_modules = nil, }, } }, }