#!/bin/bash set -u mkdir -p ~/.config/homedir-backup 2>/dev/null echo Doing self-update if ! git pull ; then echo "Git pull failed.. continuing in unknown state..." fi # Creates Directories & linkes files to this repo function linkfiles { for file in $@; do name=$(basename $file) dir=$(dirname $file) if [ "$dir" == "dotfiles" ] ; then targetdir="" elif [ "$( dirname $dir | cut -f1 -d/)" == "configfile" ] ; then targetdir="config/$(echo $dir | cut -f2- -d/)/" mkdir -p "${HOME}/.${targetdir}" else targetdir="$dir/" fi if [ -f hosts/$(hostname -s)/${name} ] ; then dotfile="$(pwd)/hosts/$(hostname -s)/${name}" else dotfile="$(pwd)/$dir/${name}" fi # Backup local dotfiles: if [ ! -L ~/.${targetdir}${name} ] ; then mkdir -p ~/.config/homedir-backup/${targetdir} mv -v "${HOME}/.${targetdir}${name}" ~/.config/homedir-backup/${targetdir} fi # Fix broken links if [ -L ~/.${targetdir}${name} ] ; then rm -f "${HOME}/.${targetdir}${name}" fi ln -s "$dotfile" "${HOME}/.${targetdir}${name}" done } linkfiles 'dotfiles/*' # Clones repo to dir, or pulls repo if dir already exists # Params: # git-repo-url target-dir [clone options] function git-sync { repo=$1 dir=$2 shift; shift if [ ! -d "$dir" ] ; then mkdir -p "$dir" git clone --depth=1 $@ "$repo" "$dir" return 0 else git -C "$dir" pull return 1 fi } linkfiles 'dotfiles/*' # NeoVIM & NvChad git-sync https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad ~/.config/nvim nvim +'hi NormalFloat guibg=#1e222a' +PackerSync +':TSInstall diff lua markdown cpp gitcommit git_rebase yaml toml dockerfile python go php make jq bash vim json5' # Link Config Directories linkfiles 'config/*' # Link Config Files for file in $(find configfile -type f) ; do linkfiles $file done # Install powerline if possible if type pip3 &>/dev/null ; then pip3 install --user -U -r requirements.txt fi # Install vundle plugin manager & plugins mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle 2>/dev/null # Legacy Vim if git-sync https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim; then vim -c ":PluginInstall" -c ":q" -c ":q" else vim -c ":PluginUpdate" -c ":q" -c ":q" fi # Tmux Plugin Manager mkdir -p ~/.tmux/plugins 2>/dev/null git-sync https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm # Copy fonts mkdir -p ~/.fonts/ cp fonts/* ~/.fonts/ # LSP Server if type go &>/dev/null ; then go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest fi if type npm &>/dev/null ; then xargs -a npm-packages.txt npm install fi # Inject bashrc sourcing grep -qE "^source.*$(pwd)/bashrc" ~/.bashrc || echo "source $(pwd)/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc echo echo All Done. Happy Hacking. exit 0