Fix: gitconfig

This commit is contained in:
nold 2020-04-26 19:37:22 +02:00
parent 4775a9dd7a
commit 313be4ea23
1 changed files with 43 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,45 @@
# Das ist Git's benutzerspezifische Konfiguraionsdatei.
# Bitte passen Sie die folgenden Zeilen an und kommentieren Sie diese aus:
name = nold
email =
name = nold
showUntrackedFiles = all
f = fetch -v
l = log --all --graph --decorate=full --pretty=fuller --date-order --full-history
r = rebase origin/master master
c = commit -m
s = status
logv = log --graph --decorate=full --date-order --full-history --date=local master HEAD
logvr = log --graph --decorate=full --date-order --full-history --date=local master HEAD origin/master
logva = log --graph --decorate=full --date-order --full-history --date=local --all
logpf = log --patch --follow
dt = difftool
mt = mergetool
default = simple
autocrlf = input
ui = auto
#[color "diff"]
# whitespace = red reverse
rebase = true
requireForce = true
tool = vimdiff3
conflictstyle = diff3
ff = only
# tool = vimdiff
prompt = false
prompt = false