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* Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include "sprofile_srv_profile_manager.hpp"
#include "sprofile_srv_fs_utils.hpp"
namespace ams::sprofile::srv {
namespace {
constexpr const char PrimaryDirectoryName[] = "primary";
constexpr const char TemporaryDirectoryName[] = "temp";
Result CreateSaveData(const ProfileManager::SaveDataInfo &save_data_info) {
R_TRY_CATCH(fs::CreateSystemSaveData(save_data_info.id, save_data_info.size, save_data_info.journal_size, save_data_info.flags)) {
R_CATCH(fs::ResultPathAlreadyExists) { /* Nintendo accepts already-existing savedata here. */ }
return ResultSuccess();
void SafePrint(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
void SafePrint(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
const size_t len = util::TVSNPrintf(dst, dst_size, fmt, vl);
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(len < dst_size);
void CreateMetadataPathImpl(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount, const char *dir) {
SafePrint(dst, dst_size, "%s:/%s/metadata", mount, dir);
void CreatePrimaryMetadataPath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount) {
CreateMetadataPathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, PrimaryDirectoryName);
void CreateTemporaryMetadataPath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount) {
CreateMetadataPathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, TemporaryDirectoryName);
void CreateProfilePathImpl(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount, const char *dir, const Identifier &id) {
SafePrint(dst, dst_size, "%s:/%s/profiles/%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", mount, dir, id.data[0], id.data[1], id.data[2], id.data[3], id.data[4], id.data[5], id.data[6]);
void CreatePrimaryProfilePath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount, const Identifier &id) {
CreateProfilePathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, PrimaryDirectoryName, id);
void CreateTemporaryProfilePath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount, const Identifier &id) {
CreateProfilePathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, TemporaryDirectoryName, id);
void CreateDirectoryPathImpl(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount, const char *dir) {
SafePrint(dst, dst_size, "%s:/%s", mount, dir);
void CreatePrimaryDirectoryPath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount) {
CreateDirectoryPathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, PrimaryDirectoryName);
void CreateTemporaryDirectoryPath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount) {
CreateDirectoryPathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, TemporaryDirectoryName);
void CreateProfileDirectoryPathImpl(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount, const char *dir) {
SafePrint(dst, dst_size, "%s:/%s/profiles", mount, dir);
void CreatePrimaryProfileDirectoryPath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount) {
CreateProfileDirectoryPathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, PrimaryDirectoryName);
void CreateTemporaryProfileDirectoryPath(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *mount) {
CreateProfileDirectoryPathImpl(dst, dst_size, mount, TemporaryDirectoryName);
ProfileManager::ProfileManager(const SaveDataInfo &save_data_info)
: m_save_data_info(save_data_info), m_save_file_mounted(false), m_profile_importer(util::nullopt),
m_profile_metadata(util::nullopt), m_service_profile(util::nullopt), m_update_observer_manager()
/* ... */
void ProfileManager::InitializeSaveData() {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_general_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_fs_mutex);
/* Ensure the savedata exists. */
if (R_SUCCEEDED(CreateSaveData(m_save_data_info))) {
m_save_file_mounted = R_SUCCEEDED(fs::MountSystemSaveData(m_save_data_info.mount_name, m_save_data_info.id));
Result ProfileManager::ResetSaveData() {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_service_profile_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_profile_metadata_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk3(m_general_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk4(m_fs_mutex);
/* Unmount save file. */
m_save_file_mounted = false;
/* Delete save file. */
R_TRY(fs::DeleteSystemSaveData(fs::SaveDataSpaceId::System, m_save_data_info.id, fs::InvalidUserId));
/* Unload profile. */
m_profile_metadata = util::nullopt;
m_service_profile = util::nullopt;
/* Create the save data. */
/* Try to mount the save file. */
const auto result = fs::MountSystemSaveData(m_save_data_info.mount_name, m_save_data_info.id);
m_save_file_mounted = R_SUCCEEDED(result);
return result;
Result ProfileManager::OpenProfileImporter() {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_profile_metadata_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_profile_importer_mutex);
/* Check that we don't already have an importer. */
R_UNLESS(!m_profile_importer.has_value(), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
/* Create importer. */
return ResultSuccess();
void ProfileManager::CloseProfileImporter() {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_profile_importer_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_general_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk3(m_fs_mutex);
/* Close our importer. */
m_profile_importer = util::nullopt;
Result ProfileManager::ImportProfile(const sprofile::srv::ProfileDataForImportData &import) {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_profile_importer_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_fs_mutex);
/* Check that we have an importer. */
R_UNLESS(m_profile_importer.has_value(), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
/* Check that the metadata we're importing is a valid version. */
R_UNLESS(IsValidProfileFormatVersion(import.header.version), sprofile::ResultInvalidDataVersion());
/* Check that the metadata we're importing has a valid hash. */
crypto::Md5Generator md5;
md5.Update(std::addressof(import.header), sizeof(import.header));
md5.Update(std::addressof(import.data), sizeof(import.data) - sizeof(import.data.entries[0]) * (util::size(import.data.entries) - std::min<size_t>(import.data.num_entries, util::size(import.data.entries))));
u8 hash[crypto::Md5Generator::HashSize];
md5.GetHash(hash, sizeof(hash));
R_UNLESS(crypto::IsSameBytes(hash, import.hash, sizeof(hash)), sprofile::ResultInvalidDataHash());
/* Succeed if we already have the profile. */
R_SUCCEED_IF(m_profile_importer->HasProfile(import.header.identifier_0, import.header.identifier_1));
/* Check that we're importing the profile. */
R_UNLESS(m_profile_importer->CanImportProfile(import.header.identifier_0), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
/* Create temporary directories. */
/* Create profile. */
char path[0x30];
CreateTemporaryProfilePath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name, import.header.identifier_0);
R_TRY(WriteFile(path, std::addressof(import.data), sizeof(import.data)));
/* Set profile imported. */
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::Commit() {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_service_profile_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_profile_metadata_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk3(m_profile_importer_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk4(m_general_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk5(m_fs_mutex);
/* Check that we have an importer. */
R_UNLESS(m_profile_importer.has_value(), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
/* Commit, and if we fail remount our save. */
/* Setup guard in case we fail. */
auto remount_guard = SCOPE_GUARD {
if (m_profile_importer.has_value()) {
/* Unmount save file. */
m_save_file_mounted = false;
/* Re-mount save file. */
R_ABORT_UNLESS(fs::MountSystemSaveData(m_save_data_info.mount_name, m_save_data_info.id));
m_save_file_mounted = true;
/* Reset our importer. */
m_profile_importer = util::nullopt;
/* Check that we can commit the importer. */
R_UNLESS(m_profile_importer->CanCommit(), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
/* Commit. */
/* Commit the save file. */
/* We successfully committed. */
/* NOTE: Here nintendo generates an "sprofile_update_profile" sreport with the new and old revision keys. */
/* Handle tasks for when we've committed (including notifying update observers). */
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::ImportMetadata(const sprofile::srv::ProfileMetadataForImportMetadata &import) {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_profile_importer_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_fs_mutex);
/* Check that we can import metadata. */
R_UNLESS(m_profile_importer.has_value(), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
R_UNLESS(m_profile_importer->CanImportMetadata(), sprofile::ResultInvalidState());
/* Check that the metadata we're importing is a valid version. */
R_UNLESS(IsValidProfileFormatVersion(import.header.version), sprofile::ResultInvalidMetadataVersion());
/* Check that the metadata we're importing has a valid hash. */
crypto::Md5Generator md5;
md5.Update(std::addressof(import.header), sizeof(import.header));
md5.Update(std::addressof(import.metadata), sizeof(import.metadata));
md5.Update(std::addressof(import.profile_urls), sizeof(import.profile_urls[0]) * std::min<size_t>(import.metadata.num_entries, util::size(import.metadata.entries)));
u8 hash[crypto::Md5Generator::HashSize];
md5.GetHash(hash, sizeof(hash));
R_UNLESS(crypto::IsSameBytes(hash, import.hash, sizeof(hash)), sprofile::ResultInvalidMetadataHash());
/* Create temporary directories. */
/* Create metadata. */
char path[0x30];
CreateTemporaryMetadataPath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
R_TRY(WriteFile(path, std::addressof(import.metadata), sizeof(import.metadata)));
/* Import the metadata. */
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::LoadPrimaryMetadata(ProfileMetadata *out) {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_profile_metadata_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_general_mutex);
/* If we don't have metadata, load it. */
if (!m_profile_metadata.has_value()) {
/* Emplace our metadata. */
auto meta_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { m_profile_metadata = util::nullopt; };
/* Read profile metadata. */
char path[0x30];
CreatePrimaryMetadataPath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
R_TRY(ReadFile(path, std::addressof(*m_profile_metadata), sizeof(*m_profile_metadata), 0));
/* We read the metadata successfully. */
/* Set the output. */
*out = *m_profile_metadata;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::LoadProfile(Identifier profile) {
/* Check if we already have the profile. */
if (m_service_profile.has_value()) {
R_SUCCEED_IF(m_service_profile->name == profile);
/* If we fail past this point, we want to have no profile. */
auto prof_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { m_service_profile = util::nullopt; };
/* Create profile path. */
char path[0x30];
CreatePrimaryProfilePath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name, profile);
/* Load the profile. */
m_service_profile = {};
R_TRY(ReadFile(path, std::addressof(m_service_profile->data), sizeof(m_service_profile->data), 0));
/* We succeeded. */
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::GetDataEntry(ProfileDataEntry *out, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Acquire locks. */
std::scoped_lock lk1(m_service_profile_mutex);
std::scoped_lock lk2(m_general_mutex);
/* Load the desired profile. */
if (R_SUCCEEDED(this->LoadProfile(profile))) {
/* Find the specified key. */
for (auto i = 0u; i < std::min<size_t>(m_service_profile->data.num_entries, util::size(m_service_profile->data.entries)); ++i) {
if (m_service_profile->data.entries[i].key == key) {
*out = m_service_profile->data.entries[i];
return ResultSuccess();
return sprofile::ResultKeyNotFound();
Result ProfileManager::GetSigned64(s64 *out, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Get the data entry. */
ProfileDataEntry entry;
R_TRY(this->GetDataEntry(std::addressof(entry), profile, key));
/* Check the type. */
R_UNLESS(entry.type == ValueType_S64, sprofile::ResultInvalidDataType());
/* Set the output value. */
*out = entry.value_s64;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::GetUnsigned64(u64 *out, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Get the data entry. */
ProfileDataEntry entry;
R_TRY(this->GetDataEntry(std::addressof(entry), profile, key));
/* Check the type. */
R_UNLESS(entry.type == ValueType_U64, sprofile::ResultInvalidDataType());
/* Set the output value. */
*out = entry.value_u64;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::GetSigned32(s32 *out, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Get the data entry. */
ProfileDataEntry entry;
R_TRY(this->GetDataEntry(std::addressof(entry), profile, key));
/* Check the type. */
R_UNLESS(entry.type == ValueType_S32, sprofile::ResultInvalidDataType());
/* Set the output value. */
*out = entry.value_s32;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::GetUnsigned32(u32 *out, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Get the data entry. */
ProfileDataEntry entry;
R_TRY(this->GetDataEntry(std::addressof(entry), profile, key));
/* Check the type. */
R_UNLESS(entry.type == ValueType_U32, sprofile::ResultInvalidDataType());
/* Set the output value. */
*out = entry.value_u32;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::GetByte(u8 *out, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Get the data entry. */
ProfileDataEntry entry;
R_TRY(this->GetDataEntry(std::addressof(entry), profile, key));
/* Check the type. */
R_UNLESS(entry.type == ValueType_Byte, sprofile::ResultInvalidDataType());
/* Set the output value. */
*out = entry.value_u8;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::GetRaw(u8 *out_type, u64 *out_value, Identifier profile, Identifier key) {
/* Get the data entry. */
ProfileDataEntry entry;
R_TRY(this->GetDataEntry(std::addressof(entry), profile, key));
/* Set the output type and value. */
*out_type = entry.type;
*out_value = entry.value_u64;
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::CommitImpl() {
/* Ensure primary directories. */
/* Declare re-usable paths. */
char tmp_path[0x30];
char pri_path[0x30];
/* Move the metadata. */
CreateTemporaryMetadataPath(tmp_path, sizeof(tmp_path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
CreatePrimaryMetadataPath(pri_path, sizeof(pri_path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
R_TRY(MoveFile(tmp_path, pri_path));
/* Move all profiles. */
for (auto i = 0; i < m_profile_importer->GetImportingCount(); ++i) {
const auto id = m_profile_importer->GetImportingProfile(i);
CreateTemporaryProfilePath(tmp_path, sizeof(tmp_path), m_save_data_info.mount_name, id);
CreatePrimaryProfilePath(pri_path, sizeof(pri_path), m_save_data_info.mount_name, id);
R_TRY(MoveFile(tmp_path, pri_path));
return ResultSuccess();
void ProfileManager::OnCommitted() {
/* TODO: Here, Nintendo sets the erpt ServiceProfileRevisionKey to the current revision key. */
/* If we need to, invalidate the loaded service profile. */
if (m_service_profile.has_value()) {
for (auto i = 0; i < m_profile_importer->GetImportingCount(); ++i) {
if (m_service_profile->name == m_profile_importer->GetImportingProfile(i)) {
m_service_profile = util::nullopt;
/* Reset profile metadata. */
m_profile_metadata = util::nullopt;
/* Invoke any listeners. */
for (auto i = 0; i < m_profile_importer->GetImportingCount(); ++i) {
/* Reset profile importer. */
m_profile_importer = util::nullopt;
Result ProfileManager::EnsurePrimaryDirectories() {
/* Ensure the primary directories. */
char path[0x30];
CreatePrimaryDirectoryPath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
CreatePrimaryProfileDirectoryPath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
return ResultSuccess();
Result ProfileManager::EnsureTemporaryDirectories() {
/* Ensure the temporary directories. */
char path[0x30];
CreateTemporaryDirectoryPath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
CreateTemporaryProfileDirectoryPath(path, sizeof(path), m_save_data_info.mount_name);
return ResultSuccess();