#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the prefix on the compiler executables #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFIX := ifeq ($(strip $(ATMOSPHERE_COMPILER_NAME)),gcc) export CC := gcc export CXX := g++ export AS := as export AR := gcc-ar export OBJCOPY := objcopy export STRIP := strip export NM := gcc-nm export RANLIB := gcc-ranlib else ifeq ($(strip $(ATMOSPHERE_COMPILER_NAME)),clang) export CC := clang export CXX := clang++ export AS := llvm-as export AR := llvm-ar export OBJCOPY := llvm-objcopy export STRIP := llvm-strip export NM := llvm-nm export RANLIB := llvm-ranlib endif ISVC=$(or $(VCBUILDHELPER_COMMAND),$(MSBUILDEXTENSIONSPATH32),$(MSBUILDEXTENSIONSPATH)) ifneq (,$(ISVC)) ERROR_FILTER := 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\(.[a-zA-Z]\+\):\([0-9]\+\):/\1(\2):/g' endif #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # allow seeing compiler command lines with make V=1 (similar to autotools' silent) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(V),1) SILENTMSG := @true SILENTCMD := else SILENTMSG := @echo SILENTCMD := @ endif #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # canned command sequence for binary data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define bin2o bin2s -a 8 -H `(echo $(