 * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <vapours.hpp>
#include <exosphere/fuse.hpp>
#include <exosphere/uart.hpp>
#include <exosphere/secmon/secmon_emummc_context.hpp>

namespace ams::secmon {

    enum SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag : u32 {
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_None                                   = (0u << 0),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForKernel  = (1u << 1),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForUser    = (1u << 2),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_DisableUserModeExceptionHandlers       = (1u << 3),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_EnableUserModePerformanceCounterAccess = (1u << 4),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_ShouldUseBlankCalibrationBinary        = (1u << 5),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_AllowWritingToCalibrationBinarySysmmc  = (1u << 6),
        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_ForceEnableUsb30                       = (1u << 7),

        SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_Default = SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForKernel,

    struct SecureMonitorStorageConfiguration {
        static constexpr u32 Magic = util::FourCC<'E','X','O','0'>::Code;

        u32 magic;
        ams::TargetFirmware target_firmware;
        u32 flags[2];
        u16 lcd_vendor;
        u8  log_port;
        u8  log_flags;
        u32 log_baud_rate;
        u32 reserved1[2];
        EmummcConfiguration emummc_cfg;

        constexpr bool IsValid() const { return this->magic == Magic; }
    static_assert(sizeof(SecureMonitorStorageConfiguration) == 0x130);

    struct SecureMonitorConfiguration {
        ams::TargetFirmware target_firmware;
        s32 key_generation;
        u8  hardware_type;
        u8  soc_type;
        u8  hardware_state;
        u8  log_port;
        u32 flags[2];
        u16 lcd_vendor;
        u8  log_flags;
        u8  reserved0;
        u32 log_baud_rate;
        u32 reserved1[(0x80 - 0x1C) / sizeof(u32)];

        constexpr void CopyFrom(const SecureMonitorStorageConfiguration &storage) {
            this->target_firmware = storage.target_firmware;
            this->flags[0]        = storage.flags[0];
            this->flags[1]        = storage.flags[1];
            this->lcd_vendor      = storage.lcd_vendor;
            this->log_port        = storage.log_port;
            this->log_flags       = storage.log_flags;
            this->log_baud_rate   = storage.log_baud_rate != 0 ? storage.log_baud_rate : 115200;

        void SetFuseInfo() {
            this->hardware_type  = fuse::GetHardwareType();
            this->soc_type       = fuse::GetSocType();
            this->hardware_state = fuse::GetHardwareState();

        constexpr ams::TargetFirmware GetTargetFirmware() const { return this->target_firmware; }
        constexpr int GetKeyGeneration() const { return this->key_generation; }
        constexpr fuse::HardwareType  GetHardwareType()  const { return static_cast<fuse::HardwareType>(this->hardware_type); }
        constexpr fuse::SocType       GetSocType()       const { return static_cast<fuse::SocType>(this->soc_type); }
        constexpr fuse::HardwareState GetHardwareState() const { return static_cast<fuse::HardwareState>(this->hardware_state); }
        constexpr uart::Port GetLogPort() const { return static_cast<uart::Port>(this->log_port); }
        constexpr u8 GetLogFlags() const { return this->log_flags; }

        constexpr u16 GetLcdVendor() const { return this->lcd_vendor; }

        constexpr u32 GetLogBaudRate() const { return this->log_baud_rate; }

        constexpr bool IsProduction() const { return this->GetHardwareState() != fuse::HardwareState_Development; }

        constexpr bool IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForKernel()  const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForKernel)  != 0; }
        constexpr bool IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForUser()    const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForUser)    != 0; }
        constexpr bool DisableUserModeExceptionHandlers()       const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_DisableUserModeExceptionHandlers)       != 0; }
        constexpr bool EnableUserModePerformanceCounterAccess() const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_EnableUserModePerformanceCounterAccess) != 0; }
        constexpr bool ShouldUseBlankCalibrationBinary()        const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_ShouldUseBlankCalibrationBinary)        != 0; }
        constexpr bool AllowWritingToCalibrationBinarySysmmc()  const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_AllowWritingToCalibrationBinarySysmmc)  != 0; }
        constexpr bool IsUsb30ForceEnabled()                    const { return (this->flags[0] & SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_ForceEnableUsb30)                       != 0; }

        constexpr bool IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabled(bool for_kern) const { return for_kern ? this->IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForKernel() : this->IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabledForUser(); }
    static_assert(sizeof(SecureMonitorConfiguration) == 0x80);

    constexpr inline const SecureMonitorConfiguration DefaultSecureMonitorConfiguration = {
        .target_firmware = ams::TargetFirmware_Current,
        .key_generation  = {},
        .hardware_type   = {},
        .soc_type        = {},
        .hardware_state  = {},
        .log_port        = uart::Port_ReservedDebug,
        .flags           = { SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_Default, SecureMonitorConfigurationFlag_None },
        .lcd_vendor      = {},
        .log_flags       = {},
        .reserved0       = {},
        .log_baud_rate   = 115200,
        .reserved1       = {},
