 * @file svc.h
 * @brief Wrappers for kernel syscalls.
 * @copyright libnx Authors
#pragma once
#include "../utils/types.h"

/// Memory information structure.
typedef struct {
    u64 addr;            ///< Base address.
    u64 size;            ///< Size.
    u32 type;            ///< Memory type (see lower 8 bits of \ref MemoryState).
    u32 attr;            ///< Memory attributes (see \ref MemoryAttribute).
    u32 perm;            ///< Memory permissions (see \ref Permission).
    u32 device_refcount; ///< Device reference count.
    u32 ipc_refcount;    ///< IPC reference count.
    u32 padding;         ///< Padding.
} MemoryInfo;

/// Memory permission bitmasks.
typedef enum {
    Perm_None     = 0,               ///< No permissions.
    Perm_R        = BIT(0),          ///< Read permission.
    Perm_W        = BIT(1),          ///< Write permission.
    Perm_X        = BIT(2),          ///< Execute permission.
    Perm_Rw       = Perm_R | Perm_W, ///< Read/write permissions.
    Perm_Rx       = Perm_R | Perm_X, ///< Read/execute permissions.
    Perm_DontCare = BIT(28),         ///< Don't care
} Permission;

/// Secure monitor arguments.
typedef struct {
    u64 X[8]; ///< Values of X0 through X7.
} SecmonArgs;

_Static_assert(sizeof(SecmonArgs) == 0x40, "SecmonArgs definition");

#define DeviceName_SDMMC1A 19
#define DeviceName_SDMMC2A 20
#define DeviceName_SDMMC3A 21
#define DeviceName_SDMMC4A 22

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief Returns a virtual address mapped to a given IO range.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x55.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
 * @warning Only exists on [10.0.0+]. For older versions use \ref svcLegacyQueryIoMapping.
Result svcQueryIoMapping(u64* virtaddr, u64* out_size, u64 physaddr, u64 size);

 * @brief Returns a virtual address mapped to a given IO range.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x55.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
 * @warning Only exists on [1.0.0-9.2.0]. For newer versions use \ref svcQueryIoMapping.
Result svcLegacyQueryIoMapping(u64* virtaddr, u64 physaddr, u64 size);

 * @brief Attaches a device address space to a device.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x57.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
Result svcAttachDeviceAddressSpace(u64 device, Handle handle);

 * @brief Query information about an address. Will always fetch the lowest page-aligned mapping that contains the provided address.
 * @param[out] meminfo_ptr \ref MemoryInfo structure which will be filled in.
 * @param[out] pageinfo Page information which will be filled in.
 * @param[in] addr Address to query.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x06.
Result svcQueryMemory(MemoryInfo* meminfo_ptr, u32 *pageinfo, u64 addr);

 * @brief Sets the memory permissions for the specified memory with the supplied process handle.
 * @param[in] proc Process handle.
 * @param[in] addr Address of the memory.
 * @param[in] size Size of the memory.
 * @param[in] perm Permissions (see \ref Permission).
 * @return Result code.
 * @remark This returns an error (0xD801) when \p perm is >0x5, hence -WX and RWX are not allowed.
 * @note Syscall number 0x73.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
Result svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(Handle proc, u64 addr, u64 size, u32 perm);

 * @brief Set the memory permissions of a (page-aligned) range of memory.
 * @param[in] addr Start address of the range.
 * @param[in] size Size of the range, in bytes.
 * @param[in] perm Permissions (see \ref Permission).
 * @return Result code.
 * @remark Perm_X is not allowed. Setting write-only is not allowed either (Perm_W).
 *         This can be used to move back and forth between Perm_None, Perm_R and Perm_Rw.
 * @note Syscall number 0x01.
Result svcSetMemoryPermission(void* addr, u64 size, u32 perm);

 * @brief Creates a thread.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x08.
Result svcCreateThread(Handle* out, void* entry, void* arg, void* stack_top, int prio, int cpuid);

 * @brief Starts a freshly created thread.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x09.
Result svcStartThread(Handle handle);

 * @brief Exits the current thread.
 * @note Syscall number 0x0A.
void __attribute__((noreturn)) svcExitThread(void);

 * @brief Closes a handle, decrementing the reference count of the corresponding kernel object.
 * This might result in the kernel freeing the object.
 * @param handle Handle to close.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x16.
Result svcCloseHandle(Handle handle);

 * @brief Waits on one or more synchronization objects, optionally with a timeout.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x18.
 * @note \p handleCount must not be greater than \ref MAX_WAIT_OBJECTS. This is a Horizon kernel limitation.
 * @note This is the raw syscall, which can be cancelled by \ref svcCancelSynchronization or other means. \ref waitHandles or \ref waitMultiHandle should normally be used instead.
Result svcWaitSynchronization(s32* index, const Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, u64 timeout);

 * @brief Waits on a single synchronization object, optionally with a timeout.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Wrapper for \ref svcWaitSynchronization.
 * @note This is the raw syscall, which can be cancelled by \ref svcCancelSynchronization or other means. \ref waitSingleHandle should normally be used instead.
static inline Result svcWaitSynchronizationSingle(Handle handle, u64 timeout) {
    s32 tmp;
    return svcWaitSynchronization(&tmp, &handle, 1, timeout);

 * @brief Creates an IPC session.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x40.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
Result svcCreateSession(Handle *server_handle, Handle *client_handle, u32 unk0, u64 unk1);//unk* are normally 0?

 * @brief Sends an IPC synchronization request to a session.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x21.
Result svcSendSyncRequest(Handle session);

 * @brief Performs IPC input/output.
 * @return Result code.
 * @note Syscall number 0x43.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
Result svcReplyAndReceive(s32* index, const Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, Handle replyTarget, u64 timeout);

 * @brief Maps the src address from the supplied process handle into the current process.
 * @param[in] dst Address to which map the memory in the current process.
 * @param[in] proc Process handle.
 * @param[in] src Source mapping address.
 * @param[in] size Size of the memory.
 * @return Result code.
 * @remark This allows mapping code and rodata with RW- permission.
 * @note Syscall number 0x74.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
Result svcMapProcessMemory(void* dst, Handle proc, u64 src, u64 size);

 * @brief Undoes the effects of \ref svcMapProcessMemory.
 * @param[in] dst Destination mapping address
 * @param[in] proc Process handle.
 * @param[in] src Address of the memory in the process.
 * @param[in] size Size of the memory.
 * @return Result code.
 * @remark This allows mapping code and rodata with RW- permission.
 * @note Syscall number 0x75.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
Result svcUnmapProcessMemory(void* dst, Handle proc, u64 src, u64 size);

 * @brief Calls a secure monitor function (TrustZone, EL3).
 * @param regs Arguments to pass to the secure monitor.
 * @return Return value from the secure monitor.
 * @note Syscall number 0x7F.
 * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available.
u64 svcCallSecureMonitor(SecmonArgs* regs);

#ifdef __cplusplus
