/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "lr_registered_location_resolver_impl.hpp" namespace ams::lr { namespace { template bool ResolvePath(Path *out, const LocationRedirector &redirector, const RegisteredLocations &locations, ncm::ProgramId id) { /* Attempt to use a redirection if present. */ if (!redirector.FindRedirection(out, id)) { /* Otherwise try and use a registered location. */ if (!locations.Find(out, id)) { return false; } } return true; } template void RegisterPath(RegisteredLocations &locations, ncm::ProgramId id, const Path& path, ncm::ProgramId owner_id) { /* If we register successfully, we're good. */ if (locations.Register(id, path, owner_id)) { return; } /* Otherwise, clear and register (this should always succeed). */ locations.Clear(); locations.Register(id, path, owner_id); } } RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::~RegisteredLocationResolverImpl() { /* Ensure entries are deallocated */ this->ClearRedirections(); } /* Helper function. */ void RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::ClearRedirections(u32 flags) { m_html_docs_redirector.ClearRedirections(flags); m_program_redirector.ClearRedirections(flags); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RefreshImpl(const ncm::ProgramId *excluding_ids, size_t num_ids) { /* On < 9.0.0, exclusion lists were not supported yet, so simply clear and return. */ if (hos::GetVersion() < hos::Version_9_0_0) { this->ClearRedirections(); R_SUCCEED(); } if (num_ids) { /* If we have exclusion lists, explicitly clear our locations. */ m_registered_program_locations.ClearExcluding(excluding_ids, num_ids); m_registered_html_docs_locations.ClearExcluding(excluding_ids, num_ids); } else { /* If we don't, just perform a general clear (as pre 9.0.0 did). */ this->ClearRedirections(); } /* Clear redirectors using exclusion lists. */ m_program_redirector.ClearRedirectionsExcludingOwners(excluding_ids, num_ids); m_html_docs_redirector.ClearRedirectionsExcludingOwners(excluding_ids, num_ids); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::ResolveProgramPath(sf::Out out, ncm::ProgramId id) { R_UNLESS(ResolvePath(out.GetPointer(), m_program_redirector, m_registered_program_locations, id), lr::ResultProgramNotFound()); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RegisterProgramPathDeprecated(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id) { RegisterPath(m_registered_program_locations, id, path, ncm::InvalidProgramId); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RegisterProgramPath(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id, ncm::ProgramId owner_id) { RegisterPath(m_registered_program_locations, id, path, owner_id); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::UnregisterProgramPath(ncm::ProgramId id) { m_registered_program_locations.Unregister(id); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RedirectProgramPathDeprecated(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id) { m_program_redirector.SetRedirection(id, path); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RedirectProgramPath(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id, ncm::ProgramId owner_id) { m_program_redirector.SetRedirection(id, owner_id, path); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::ResolveHtmlDocumentPath(sf::Out out, ncm::ProgramId id) { R_UNLESS(ResolvePath(out.GetPointer(), m_html_docs_redirector, m_registered_html_docs_locations, id), lr::ResultHtmlDocumentNotFound()); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RegisterHtmlDocumentPathDeprecated(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id) { RegisterPath(m_registered_html_docs_locations, id, path, ncm::InvalidProgramId); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RegisterHtmlDocumentPath(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id, ncm::ProgramId owner_id) { RegisterPath(m_registered_html_docs_locations, id, path, owner_id); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::UnregisterHtmlDocumentPath(ncm::ProgramId id) { m_registered_html_docs_locations.Unregister(id); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RedirectHtmlDocumentPathDeprecated(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id) { m_html_docs_redirector.SetRedirection(id, path); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RedirectHtmlDocumentPath(const Path &path, ncm::ProgramId id, ncm::ProgramId owner_id) { m_html_docs_redirector.SetRedirection(id, owner_id, path); R_SUCCEED(); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::Refresh() { return this->RefreshImpl(nullptr, 0); } Result RegisteredLocationResolverImpl::RefreshExcluding(const sf::InArray &ids) { return this->RefreshImpl(ids.GetPointer(), ids.GetSize()); } }