/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include namespace ams::fs { /* ACCURATE_TO_VERSION: */ namespace StringTraits { constexpr inline char DirectorySeparator = '/'; constexpr inline char DriveSeparator = ':'; constexpr inline char Dot = '.'; constexpr inline char NullTerminator = '\x00'; constexpr inline char AlternateDirectorySeparator = '\\'; constexpr inline const char InvalidCharacters[6] = { ':', '*', '?', '<', '>', '|' }; constexpr inline const char InvalidCharactersForHostName[6] = { ':', '*', '<', '>', '|', '$' }; constexpr inline const char InvalidCharactersForMountName[5] = { '*', '?', '<', '>', '|' }; namespace impl { template consteval u64 MakeInvalidCharacterMask(size_t n) { u64 mask = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInvalidCharacters; ++i) { if ((static_cast(InvalidCharacterSet[i]) >> 6) == n) { mask |= static_cast(1) << (static_cast(InvalidCharacterSet[i]) & 0x3F); } } return mask; } template constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsInvalidCharacterImpl(char c) { constexpr u64 Masks[4] = { MakeInvalidCharacterMask(0), MakeInvalidCharacterMask(1), MakeInvalidCharacterMask(2), MakeInvalidCharacterMask(3) }; return (Masks[static_cast(c) >> 6] & (static_cast(1) << (static_cast(c) & 0x3F))) != 0; } } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsInvalidCharacter(char c) { return impl::IsInvalidCharacterImpl(c); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsInvalidCharacterForHostName(char c) { return impl::IsInvalidCharacterImpl(c); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsInvalidCharacterForMountName(char c) { return impl::IsInvalidCharacterImpl(c); } } constexpr inline size_t WindowsDriveLength = 2; constexpr inline size_t UncPathPrefixLength = 2; constexpr inline size_t DosDevicePathPrefixLength = 4; class PathFlags { private: static constexpr u32 WindowsPathFlag = (1 << 0); static constexpr u32 RelativePathFlag = (1 << 1); static constexpr u32 EmptyPathFlag = (1 << 2); static constexpr u32 MountNameFlag = (1 << 3); static constexpr u32 BackslashFlag = (1 << 4); static constexpr u32 AllCharactersFlag = (1 << 5); private: u32 m_value; public: constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE PathFlags() : m_value(0) { /* ... */ } #define DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(__WHICH__) \ constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool Is ## __WHICH__ ##Allowed() const { return (m_value & __WHICH__ ## Flag) != 0; } \ constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void Allow ## __WHICH__ () { m_value |= __WHICH__ ## Flag; } DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(WindowsPath) DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(RelativePath) DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(EmptyPath) DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(MountName) DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(Backslash) DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER(AllCharacters) #undef DECLARE_PATH_FLAG_HANDLER }; template requires (std::same_as || std::same_as) constexpr inline bool IsDosDevicePath(const T *path) { AMS_ASSERT(path != nullptr); using namespace StringTraits; return path[0] == AlternateDirectorySeparator && path[1] == AlternateDirectorySeparator && (path[2] == Dot || path[2] == '?') && (path[3] == DirectorySeparator || path[3] == AlternateDirectorySeparator); } template requires (std::same_as || std::same_as) constexpr inline bool IsUncPath(const T *path, bool allow_forward_slash = true, bool allow_back_slash = true) { AMS_ASSERT(path != nullptr); using namespace StringTraits; return (allow_forward_slash && path[0] == DirectorySeparator && path[1] == DirectorySeparator) || (allow_back_slash && path[0] == AlternateDirectorySeparator && path[1] == AlternateDirectorySeparator); } constexpr inline bool IsWindowsDrive(const char *path) { AMS_ASSERT(path != nullptr); return (('a' <= path[0] && path[0] <= 'z') || ('A' <= path[0] && path[0] <= 'Z')) && path[1] == StringTraits::DriveSeparator; } constexpr inline bool IsWindowsPath(const char *path, bool allow_forward_slash_unc) { return IsWindowsDrive(path) || IsDosDevicePath(path) || IsUncPath(path, allow_forward_slash_unc, true); } constexpr inline int GetWindowsSkipLength(const char *path) { if (IsDosDevicePath(path)) { return DosDevicePathPrefixLength; } else if (IsWindowsDrive(path)) { return WindowsDriveLength; } else if (IsUncPath(path)) { return UncPathPrefixLength; } else { return 0; } } constexpr inline bool IsPathAbsolute(const char *path) { return IsWindowsPath(path, false) || path[0] == StringTraits::DirectorySeparator; } constexpr inline bool IsPathRelative(const char *path) { return path[0] && !IsPathAbsolute(path); } constexpr inline bool IsCurrentDirectory(const char *path) { return path[0] == StringTraits::Dot && (path[1] == StringTraits::NullTerminator || path[1] == StringTraits::DirectorySeparator); } constexpr inline bool IsParentDirectory(const char *path) { return path[0] == StringTraits::Dot && path[1] == StringTraits::Dot && (path[2] == StringTraits::NullTerminator || path[2] == StringTraits::DirectorySeparator); } constexpr inline bool IsPathStartWithCurrentDirectory(const char *path) { return IsCurrentDirectory(path) || IsParentDirectory(path); } constexpr inline bool IsSubPath(const char *lhs, const char *rhs) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(lhs != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(rhs != nullptr); /* Import StringTraits names for current scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Special case certain paths. */ if (IsUncPath(lhs) && !IsUncPath(rhs)) { return false; } if (!IsUncPath(lhs) && IsUncPath(rhs)) { return false; } if (lhs[0] == DirectorySeparator && lhs[1] == NullTerminator && rhs[0] == DirectorySeparator && rhs[1] != NullTerminator) { return true; } if (rhs[0] == DirectorySeparator && rhs[1] == NullTerminator && lhs[0] == DirectorySeparator && lhs[1] != NullTerminator) { return true; } /* Check subpath. */ for (size_t i = 0; /* ... */; ++i) { if (lhs[i] == NullTerminator) { return rhs[i] == DirectorySeparator; } else if (rhs[i] == NullTerminator) { return lhs[i] == DirectorySeparator; } else if (lhs[i] != rhs[i]) { return false; } } } /* Path utilities. */ constexpr inline void Replace(char *dst, size_t dst_size, char old_char, char new_char) { AMS_ASSERT(dst != nullptr); for (char *cur = dst; cur < dst + dst_size && *cur; ++cur) { if (*cur == old_char) { *cur = new_char; } } } constexpr inline Result CheckUtf8(const char *s) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(s != nullptr); /* Iterate, checking for utf8-validity. */ while (*s) { char utf8_buf[4] = {}; const auto pick_res = util::PickOutCharacterFromUtf8String(utf8_buf, std::addressof(s)); R_UNLESS(pick_res == util::CharacterEncodingResult_Success, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); u32 dummy; const auto cvt_res = util::ConvertCharacterUtf8ToUtf32(std::addressof(dummy), utf8_buf); R_UNLESS(cvt_res == util::CharacterEncodingResult_Success, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); } R_SUCCEED(); } /* Path formatting. */ class PathNormalizer { private: enum class PathState { Start, Normal, FirstSeparator, Separator, CurrentDir, ParentDir, }; private: static constexpr void ReplaceParentDirectoryPath(char *dst, const char *src) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Start with a dir-separator. */ dst[0] = DirectorySeparator; auto i = 1; while (src[i] != NullTerminator) { if ((src[i - 1] == DirectorySeparator || src[i - 1] == AlternateDirectorySeparator) && src[i + 0] == Dot && src[i + 1] == Dot && (src[i + 2] == DirectorySeparator || src[i + 2] == AlternateDirectorySeparator)) { dst[i - 1] = DirectorySeparator; dst[i + 0] = Dot; dst[i + 1] = Dot; dst[i + 2] = DirectorySeparator; i += 3; } else { if (src[i - 1] == AlternateDirectorySeparator && src[i + 0] == Dot && src[i + 1] == Dot && src[i + 2] == NullTerminator) { dst[i - 1] = DirectorySeparator; dst[i + 0] = Dot; dst[i + 1] = Dot; i += 2; break; } dst[i] = src[i]; ++i; } } dst[i] = StringTraits::NullTerminator; } public: static constexpr bool IsParentDirectoryPathReplacementNeeded(const char *path) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; if (path[0] != DirectorySeparator && path[0] != AlternateDirectorySeparator) { return false; } /* Check to find a parent reference using alternate separators. */ if (path[0] != NullTerminator && path[1] != NullTerminator && path[2] != NullTerminator) { size_t i; for (i = 0; path[i + 3] != NullTerminator; ++path) { if (path[i + 1] != Dot || path[i + 2] != Dot) { continue; } const char c0 = path[i + 0]; const char c3 = path[i + 3]; if (c0 == AlternateDirectorySeparator && (c3 == DirectorySeparator || c3 == AlternateDirectorySeparator || c3 == NullTerminator)) { return true; } if (c3 == AlternateDirectorySeparator && (c0 == DirectorySeparator || c0 == AlternateDirectorySeparator)) { return true; } } if (path[i + 0] == AlternateDirectorySeparator && path[i + 1] == Dot && path[i + 2] == Dot /* && path[i + 3] == NullTerminator */) { return true; } } return false; } static constexpr Result IsNormalized(bool *out, size_t *out_len, const char *path, bool allow_all_characters = false) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Parse the path. */ auto state = PathState::Start; size_t len = 0; while (path[len] != NullTerminator) { /* Get the current character. */ const char c = path[len++]; /* Check the current character is valid. */ if (!allow_all_characters && state != PathState::Start) { R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacter(c), fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); } /* Process depending on current state. */ switch (state) { /* Import the PathState enums for convenience. */ using enum PathState; case Start: R_UNLESS(c == DirectorySeparator, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); state = FirstSeparator; break; case Normal: if (c == DirectorySeparator) { state = Separator; } break; case FirstSeparator: case Separator: if (c == DirectorySeparator) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } if (c == Dot) { state = CurrentDir; } else { state = Normal; } break; case CurrentDir: if (c == DirectorySeparator) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } if (c == Dot) { state = ParentDir; } else { state = Normal; } break; case ParentDir: if (c == DirectorySeparator) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } state = Normal; break; AMS_UNREACHABLE_DEFAULT_CASE(); } } /* Check the final state. */ switch (state) { /* Import the PathState enums for convenience. */ using enum PathState; case Start: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); case Normal: case FirstSeparator: *out = true; break; case Separator: case CurrentDir: case ParentDir: *out = false; break; AMS_UNREACHABLE_DEFAULT_CASE(); } /* Set the output length. */ *out_len = len; R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr Result Normalize(char *dst, size_t *out_len, const char *path, size_t max_out_size, bool is_windows_path, bool is_drive_relative_path, bool allow_all_characters = false) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Prepare to iterate. */ const char *cur_path = path; size_t total_len = 0; /* If path begins with a separator, check that we're not drive relative. */ if (cur_path[0] != DirectorySeparator) { R_UNLESS(is_drive_relative_path, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); dst[total_len++] = DirectorySeparator; } /* We're going to need to do path replacement, potentially. */ char *replacement_path = nullptr; size_t replacement_path_size = 0; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { if (replacement_path != nullptr) { if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) { delete[] replacement_path; } else { ::ams::fs::impl::Deallocate(replacement_path, replacement_path_size); } } }; /* Perform path replacement, if necessary. */ if (IsParentDirectoryPathReplacementNeeded(cur_path)) { if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) { replacement_path_size = fs::EntryNameLengthMax + 1; replacement_path = new char[replacement_path_size]; } else { replacement_path_size = fs::EntryNameLengthMax + 1; replacement_path = static_cast(::ams::fs::impl::Allocate(replacement_path_size)); } ReplaceParentDirectoryPath(replacement_path, cur_path); cur_path = replacement_path; } /* Iterate, normalizing path components. */ bool skip_next_sep = false; size_t i = 0; while (cur_path[i] != NullTerminator) { /* Process a directory separator, if we run into one. */ if (cur_path[i] == DirectorySeparator) { /* Swallow separators. */ do { ++i; } while (cur_path[i] == DirectorySeparator); /* Check if we hit end of string. */ if (cur_path[i] == NullTerminator) { break; } /* If we aren't skipping the separator, write it, checking that we remain in bounds. */ if (!skip_next_sep) { if (total_len + 1 == max_out_size) { dst[total_len] = NullTerminator; *out_len = total_len; R_THROW(fs::ResultTooLongPath()); } dst[total_len++] = DirectorySeparator; } /* Don't skip the next separator. */ skip_next_sep = false; } /* Get the length of the current directory component. */ size_t dir_len = 0; while (cur_path[i + dir_len] != DirectorySeparator && cur_path[i + dir_len] != NullTerminator) { /* Check for validity. */ if (!allow_all_characters) { R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacter(cur_path[i + dir_len]), fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); } ++dir_len; } /* Handle the current dir component. */ if (IsCurrentDirectory(cur_path + i)) { skip_next_sep = true; } else if (IsParentDirectory(cur_path + i)) { /* We should have just written a separator. */ AMS_ASSERT(dst[total_len - 1] == DirectorySeparator); /* We should have started with a separator, for non-windows paths. */ if (!is_windows_path) { AMS_ASSERT(dst[0] == DirectorySeparator); } /* Remove the previous component. */ if (total_len == 1) { R_UNLESS(is_windows_path, fs::ResultDirectoryUnobtainable()); --total_len; } else { total_len -= 2; do { if (dst[total_len] == DirectorySeparator) { break; } } while ((--total_len) != 0); } /* We should be pointing to a directory separator, for non-windows paths. */ if (!is_windows_path) { AMS_ASSERT(dst[total_len] == DirectorySeparator); } /* We should remain in bounds. */ AMS_ASSERT(total_len < max_out_size); } else { /* Copy, possibly truncating. */ if (total_len + dir_len + 1 > max_out_size) { const size_t copy_len = max_out_size - (total_len + 1); for (size_t j = 0; j < copy_len; ++j) { dst[total_len++] = cur_path[i + j]; } dst[total_len] = NullTerminator; *out_len = total_len; R_THROW(fs::ResultTooLongPath()); } for (size_t j = 0; j < dir_len; ++j) { dst[total_len++] = cur_path[i + j]; } } /* Advance past the current directory component. */ i += dir_len; } if (skip_next_sep) { --total_len; } if (total_len == 0 && max_out_size != 0) { total_len = 1; dst[0] = DirectorySeparator; } /* NOTE: Probable nintendo bug, as max_out_size must be at least total_len + 1 for the null terminator. */ R_UNLESS(max_out_size >= total_len - 1, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); dst[total_len] = NullTerminator; /* Check that the result path is normalized. */ bool is_normalized; size_t dummy; R_TRY(IsNormalized(std::addressof(is_normalized), std::addressof(dummy), dst, allow_all_characters)); /* Assert that the result path is normalized. */ AMS_ASSERT(is_normalized); /* Set the output length. */ *out_len = total_len; R_SUCCEED(); } }; class PathFormatter { private: static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Result CheckSharedName(const char *name, size_t len) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; if (len == 1) { R_UNLESS(name[0] != Dot, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); } else if (len == 2) { R_UNLESS(name[0] != Dot || name[1] != Dot, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacter(name[i]), fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); } R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Result CheckHostName(const char *name, size_t len) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; if (len == 2) { R_UNLESS(name[0] != Dot || name[1] != Dot, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacterForHostName(name[i]), fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); } R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr Result CheckInvalidBackslash(bool *out_contains_backslash, const char *path, bool allow_backslash) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Default to no backslashes, so we can just write if we see one. */ *out_contains_backslash = false; while (*path != NullTerminator) { if (*(path++) == AlternateDirectorySeparator) { *out_contains_backslash = true; R_UNLESS(allow_backslash, fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); } } R_SUCCEED(); } public: static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Result CheckPathFormat(const char *path, const PathFlags &flags) { bool normalized; size_t len; R_RETURN(IsNormalized(std::addressof(normalized), std::addressof(len), path, flags)); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Result SkipMountName(const char **out, size_t *out_len, const char *path) { return ParseMountName(out, out_len, nullptr, 0, path); } static constexpr Result ParseMountName(const char **out, size_t *out_len, char *out_mount_name, size_t out_mount_name_buffer_size, const char *path) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(path != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(out_len != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(out != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT((out_mount_name == nullptr) == (out_mount_name_buffer_size == 0)); /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Determine max mount length. */ const auto max_mount_len = out_mount_name_buffer_size == 0 ? MountNameLengthMax + 1 : std::min(MountNameLengthMax + 1, out_mount_name_buffer_size); /* Parse the path until we see a drive separator. */ size_t mount_len = 0; for (/* ... */; mount_len < max_mount_len && path[mount_len]; ++mount_len) { const char c = path[mount_len]; /* If we see a drive separator, advance, then we're done with the pre-drive separator part of the mount. */ if (c == DriveSeparator) { ++mount_len; break; } /* If we see a directory separator, we're not in a mount name. */ if (c == DirectorySeparator || c == AlternateDirectorySeparator) { *out = path; *out_len = 0; R_SUCCEED(); } } /* Check to be sure we're actually looking at a mount name. */ if (mount_len <= 2 || path[mount_len - 1] != DriveSeparator) { *out = path; *out_len = 0; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Check that all characters in the mount name are allowable. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < mount_len; ++i) { R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacterForMountName(path[i]), fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); } /* Copy out the mount name. */ if (out_mount_name_buffer_size > 0) { R_UNLESS(mount_len < out_mount_name_buffer_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); for (size_t i = 0; i < mount_len; ++i) { out_mount_name[i] = path[i]; } out_mount_name[mount_len] = NullTerminator; } /* Set the output. */ *out = path + mount_len; *out_len = mount_len; R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Result SkipRelativeDotPath(const char **out, size_t *out_len, const char *path) { return ParseRelativeDotPath(out, out_len, nullptr, 0, path); } static constexpr Result ParseRelativeDotPath(const char **out, size_t *out_len, char *out_relative, size_t out_relative_buffer_size, const char *path) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(path != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(out_len != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(out != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT((out_relative == nullptr) == (out_relative_buffer_size == 0)); /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Initialize the output buffer, if we have one. */ if (out_relative_buffer_size > 0) { out_relative[0] = NullTerminator; } /* Check if the path is relative. */ if (path[0] == Dot && (path[1] == NullTerminator || path[1] == DirectorySeparator || path[1] == AlternateDirectorySeparator)) { if (out_relative_buffer_size > 0) { R_UNLESS(out_relative_buffer_size >= 2, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); out_relative[0] = Dot; out_relative[1] = NullTerminator; } *out = path + 1; *out_len = 1; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Ensure the path isn't a parent directory. */ R_UNLESS(!(path[0] == Dot && path[1] == Dot), fs::ResultDirectoryUnobtainable()); /* There was no relative dot path. */ *out = path; *out_len = 0; R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr Result SkipWindowsPath(const char **out, size_t *out_len, bool *out_normalized, const char *path, bool has_mount_name) { /* We're normalized if and only if the parsing doesn't throw ResultNotNormalized(). */ *out_normalized = true; R_TRY_CATCH(ParseWindowsPath(out, out_len, nullptr, 0, path, has_mount_name)) { R_CATCH(fs::ResultNotNormalized) { *out_normalized = false; } } R_END_TRY_CATCH; ON_RESULT_INCLUDED(fs::ResultNotNormalized) { *out_normalized = false; }; R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr Result ParseWindowsPath(const char **out, size_t *out_len, char *out_win, size_t out_win_buffer_size, const char *path, bool has_mount_name) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(path != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(out_len != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(out != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT((out_win == nullptr) == (out_win_buffer_size == 0)); /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Initialize the output buffer, if we have one. */ if (out_win_buffer_size > 0) { out_win[0] = NullTerminator; } /* Handle path start. */ const char *cur_path = path; if (has_mount_name && path[0] == DirectorySeparator) { if (path[1] == AlternateDirectorySeparator && path[2] == AlternateDirectorySeparator) { R_UNLESS(out_win_buffer_size > 0, fs::ResultNotNormalized()); ++cur_path; } else if (IsWindowsDrive(path + 1)) { R_UNLESS(out_win_buffer_size > 0, fs::ResultNotNormalized()); ++cur_path; } } /* Handle windows drive. */ if (IsWindowsDrive(cur_path)) { /* Parse up to separator. */ size_t win_path_len = WindowsDriveLength; for (/* ... */; cur_path[win_path_len] != NullTerminator; ++win_path_len) { R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacter(cur_path[win_path_len]), fs::ResultInvalidCharacter()); if (cur_path[win_path_len] == DirectorySeparator || cur_path[win_path_len] == AlternateDirectorySeparator) { break; } } /* Ensure that we're normalized, if we're required to be. */ if (out_win_buffer_size == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < win_path_len; ++i) { R_UNLESS(cur_path[i] != AlternateDirectorySeparator, fs::ResultNotNormalized()); } } else { /* Ensure we can copy into the normalized buffer. */ R_UNLESS(win_path_len < out_win_buffer_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); for (size_t i = 0; i < win_path_len; ++i) { out_win[i] = cur_path[i]; } out_win[win_path_len] = NullTerminator; fs::Replace(out_win, win_path_len, AlternateDirectorySeparator, DirectorySeparator); } *out = cur_path + win_path_len; *out_len = win_path_len; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Handle DOS device. */ if (IsDosDevicePath(cur_path)) { size_t dos_prefix_len = DosDevicePathPrefixLength; if (IsWindowsDrive(cur_path + dos_prefix_len)) { dos_prefix_len += WindowsDriveLength; } else { --dos_prefix_len; } if (out_win_buffer_size > 0) { /* Ensure we can copy into the normalized buffer. */ R_UNLESS(dos_prefix_len < out_win_buffer_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); for (size_t i = 0; i < dos_prefix_len; ++i) { out_win[i] = cur_path[i]; } out_win[dos_prefix_len] = NullTerminator; fs::Replace(out_win, dos_prefix_len, DirectorySeparator, AlternateDirectorySeparator); } *out = cur_path + dos_prefix_len; *out_len = dos_prefix_len; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Handle UNC path. */ if (IsUncPath(cur_path, false, true)) { const char *final_path = cur_path; R_UNLESS(cur_path[UncPathPrefixLength] != DirectorySeparator, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); R_UNLESS(cur_path[UncPathPrefixLength] != AlternateDirectorySeparator, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); size_t cur_component_offset = 0; size_t pos = UncPathPrefixLength; for (/* ... */; cur_path[pos] != NullTerminator; ++pos) { if (cur_path[pos] == DirectorySeparator || cur_path[pos] == AlternateDirectorySeparator) { if (cur_component_offset != 0) { R_TRY(CheckSharedName(cur_path + cur_component_offset, pos - cur_component_offset)); final_path = cur_path + pos; break; } R_UNLESS(cur_path[pos + 1] != DirectorySeparator, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); R_UNLESS(cur_path[pos + 1] != AlternateDirectorySeparator, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); R_TRY(CheckHostName(cur_path + 2, pos - 2)); cur_component_offset = pos + 1; } } R_UNLESS(cur_component_offset != pos, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); if (cur_component_offset != 0 && final_path == cur_path) { R_TRY(CheckSharedName(cur_path + cur_component_offset, pos - cur_component_offset)); final_path = cur_path + pos; } size_t unc_prefix_len = final_path - cur_path; /* Ensure that we're normalized, if we're required to be. */ if (out_win_buffer_size == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < unc_prefix_len; ++i) { R_UNLESS(cur_path[i] != DirectorySeparator, fs::ResultNotNormalized()); } } else { /* Ensure we can copy into the normalized buffer. */ R_UNLESS(unc_prefix_len < out_win_buffer_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); for (size_t i = 0; i < unc_prefix_len; ++i) { out_win[i] = cur_path[i]; } out_win[unc_prefix_len] = NullTerminator; fs::Replace(out_win, unc_prefix_len, DirectorySeparator, AlternateDirectorySeparator); } *out = cur_path + unc_prefix_len; *out_len = unc_prefix_len; R_SUCCEED(); } /* There's no windows path to parse. */ *out = path; *out_len = 0; R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr Result IsNormalized(bool *out, size_t *out_len, const char *path, const PathFlags &flags = {}) { /* Ensure nothing is null. */ R_UNLESS(out != nullptr, fs::ResultNullptrArgument()); R_UNLESS(out_len != nullptr, fs::ResultNullptrArgument()); R_UNLESS(path != nullptr, fs::ResultNullptrArgument()); /* Verify that the path is valid utf-8. */ R_TRY(fs::CheckUtf8(path)); /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Handle the case where the path is empty. */ if (path[0] == NullTerminator) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsEmptyPathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); *out = true; *out_len = 0; R_SUCCEED(); } /* All normalized paths start with a directory separator...unless they're windows paths, relative paths, or have mount names. */ if (path[0] != DirectorySeparator) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed() || flags.IsRelativePathAllowed() || flags.IsMountNameAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); } /* Check that the path is allowed to be a windows path, if it is. */ if (fs::IsWindowsPath(path, false)) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); } /* Skip past the mount name, if one is present. */ size_t total_len = 0; size_t mount_name_len = 0; R_TRY(SkipMountName(std::addressof(path), std::addressof(mount_name_len), path)); /* If we had a mount name, check that that was allowed. */ if (mount_name_len > 0) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsMountNameAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); total_len += mount_name_len; } /* Check that the path starts as a normalized path should. */ if (path[0] != DirectorySeparator && !IsPathStartWithCurrentDirectory(path) && !IsWindowsPath(path, false)) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsRelativePathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacter(path[0]), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Process relative path. */ size_t relative_len = 0; R_TRY(SkipRelativeDotPath(std::addressof(path), std::addressof(relative_len), path)); /* If we have a relative path, check that was allowed. */ if (relative_len > 0) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsRelativePathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); total_len += relative_len; if (path[0] == NullTerminator) { *out = true; *out_len = total_len; R_SUCCEED(); } } /* Process windows path. */ size_t windows_len = 0; bool normalized_win = false; R_TRY(SkipWindowsPath(std::addressof(path), std::addressof(windows_len), std::addressof(normalized_win), path, mount_name_len > 0)); /* If the windows path wasn't normalized, we're not normalized. */ if (!normalized_win) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } /* If we had a windows path, check that was allowed. */ if (windows_len > 0) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); total_len += windows_len; /* We can't have both a relative path and a windows path. */ R_UNLESS(relative_len == 0, fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); /* A path ending in a windows path isn't normalized. */ if (path[0] == NullTerminator) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Check that there are no windows directory separators in the path. */ for (size_t i = 0; path[i] != NullTerminator; ++i) { if (path[i] == AlternateDirectorySeparator) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } } } /* Check that parent directory replacement is not needed if backslashes are allowed. */ if (flags.IsBackslashAllowed() && PathNormalizer::IsParentDirectoryPathReplacementNeeded(path)) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Check that the backslash state is valid. */ bool is_backslash_contained = false; R_TRY(CheckInvalidBackslash(std::addressof(is_backslash_contained), path, flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed() || flags.IsBackslashAllowed())); /* Check that backslashes are contained only if allowed. */ if (is_backslash_contained && !flags.IsBackslashAllowed()) { *out = false; R_SUCCEED(); } /* Check that the final result path is normalized. */ size_t normal_len = 0; R_TRY(PathNormalizer::IsNormalized(out, std::addressof(normal_len), path, flags.IsAllCharactersAllowed())); /* Add the normal length. */ total_len += normal_len; /* Set the output length. */ *out_len = total_len; R_SUCCEED(); } static constexpr Result Normalize(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *path, size_t path_len, const PathFlags &flags) { /* Use StringTraits names for remainder of scope. */ using namespace StringTraits; /* Prepare to iterate. */ const char *src = path; size_t cur_pos = 0; bool is_windows_path = false; /* Check if the path is empty. */ if (src[0] == NullTerminator) { if (dst_size != 0) { dst[0] = NullTerminator; } R_UNLESS(flags.IsEmptyPathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); R_SUCCEED(); } /* Handle a mount name. */ size_t mount_name_len = 0; if (flags.IsMountNameAllowed()) { R_TRY(ParseMountName(std::addressof(src), std::addressof(mount_name_len), dst + cur_pos, dst_size - cur_pos, src)); cur_pos += mount_name_len; } /* Handle a drive-relative prefix. */ bool is_drive_relative = false; if (src[0] != DirectorySeparator && !IsPathStartWithCurrentDirectory(src) && !IsWindowsPath(src, false)) { R_UNLESS(flags.IsRelativePathAllowed(), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); R_UNLESS(!IsInvalidCharacter(src[0]), fs::ResultInvalidPathFormat()); dst[cur_pos++] = Dot; is_drive_relative = true; } size_t relative_len = 0; if (flags.IsRelativePathAllowed()) { R_UNLESS(cur_pos < dst_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); R_TRY(ParseRelativeDotPath(std::addressof(src), std::addressof(relative_len), dst + cur_pos, dst_size - cur_pos, src)); cur_pos += relative_len; if (src[0] == NullTerminator) { R_UNLESS(cur_pos < dst_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); dst[cur_pos] = NullTerminator; R_SUCCEED(); } } /* Handle a windows path. */ if (flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed()) { const char * const orig = src; R_UNLESS(cur_pos < dst_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); size_t windows_len = 0; R_TRY(ParseWindowsPath(std::addressof(src), std::addressof(windows_len), dst + cur_pos, dst_size - cur_pos, src, mount_name_len != 0)); cur_pos += windows_len; if (src[0] == NullTerminator) { /* NOTE: Bug in original code here repeated, should be checking cur_pos + 2. */ R_UNLESS(cur_pos + 1 < dst_size, fs::ResultTooLongPath()); dst[cur_pos + 0] = DirectorySeparator; dst[cur_pos + 1] = NullTerminator; R_SUCCEED(); } if ((src - orig) > 0) { is_windows_path = true; } } /* Check for invalid backslash. */ bool backslash_contained = false; R_TRY(CheckInvalidBackslash(std::addressof(backslash_contained), src, flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed() || flags.IsBackslashAllowed())); /* Handle backslash replacement as necessary. */ if (backslash_contained && flags.IsWindowsPathAllowed()) { /* Create a temporary buffer holding a slash-replaced version of the path. */ /* NOTE: Nintendo unnecessarily allocates and replaces here a fully copy of the path, despite having skipped some of it already. */ const size_t replaced_src_len = path_len - (src - path); char *replaced_src = nullptr; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { if (replaced_src != nullptr) { if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) { delete[] replaced_src; } else { ::ams::fs::impl::Deallocate(replaced_src, replaced_src_len); } } }; if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) { replaced_src = new char[replaced_src_len]; } else { replaced_src = static_cast(::ams::fs::impl::Allocate(replaced_src_len)); } util::Strlcpy(replaced_src, src, replaced_src_len); fs::Replace(replaced_src, replaced_src_len, AlternateDirectorySeparator, DirectorySeparator); size_t dummy; R_TRY(PathNormalizer::Normalize(dst + cur_pos, std::addressof(dummy), replaced_src, dst_size - cur_pos, is_windows_path, is_drive_relative, flags.IsAllCharactersAllowed())); } else { /* We can just do normalization. */ size_t dummy; R_TRY(PathNormalizer::Normalize(dst + cur_pos, std::addressof(dummy), src, dst_size - cur_pos, is_windows_path, is_drive_relative, flags.IsAllCharactersAllowed())); } R_SUCCEED(); } }; inline Result ConvertToFspPath(fssrv::sf::FspPath *out, const char *src) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(out != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(src != nullptr); /* Copy the path. */ const size_t len = util::Strlcpy(out->str, src, sizeof(out->str)); R_UNLESS(len < sizeof(out->str), fs::ResultTooLongPath()); /* Skip mount name. */ const char *path_split_mount_name; size_t skip_len; R_TRY(PathFormatter::SkipMountName(std::addressof(path_split_mount_name), std::addressof(skip_len), src)); /* Perform further validation. */ if (fs::IsWindowsPath(path_split_mount_name, true)) { if ((skip_len == 0 || !util::Strncmp(src, AMS_FS_IMPL_HOST_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_MOUNT_NAME ":", AMS_FS_IMPL_HOST_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_MOUNT_NAME_LEN + 1)) && fs::IsUncPath(out->str + skip_len, true, false)) { out->str[skip_len + 0] = '\\'; out->str[skip_len + 1] = '\\'; } } else { fs::Replace(out->str, sizeof(out->str) - 1, '\\', '/'); } R_SUCCEED(); } Result FormatToFspPath(fssrv::sf::FspPath *out, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))); inline Result FormatToFspPath(fssrv::sf::FspPath *out, const char *fmt, ...) { /* Check pre-conditions. */ AMS_ASSERT(out != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(fmt != nullptr); /* Format the path. */ std::va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); const size_t len = util::VSNPrintf(out->str, sizeof(out->str), fmt, vl); va_end(vl); R_UNLESS(len < sizeof(out->str), fs::ResultTooLongPath()); /* Skip mount name. */ const char *path_split_mount_name; size_t skip_len; R_TRY(PathFormatter::SkipMountName(std::addressof(path_split_mount_name), std::addressof(skip_len), out->str)); /* Perform further validation. */ if (fs::IsWindowsPath(path_split_mount_name, true)) { if ((skip_len == 0 || !util::Strncmp(out->str, AMS_FS_IMPL_HOST_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_MOUNT_NAME ":", AMS_FS_IMPL_HOST_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_MOUNT_NAME_LEN + 1)) && fs::IsUncPath(out->str + skip_len, true, false)) { out->str[skip_len + 0] = '\\'; out->str[skip_len + 1] = '\\'; } } else { fs::Replace(out->str, sizeof(out->str) - 1, '\\', '/'); } R_SUCCEED(); } }