#include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "loader.h" #include "fs_utils.h" #include "stage2.h" #include "lib/ini.h" static loader_ctx_t g_loader_ctx = {0}; loader_ctx_t *get_loader_ctx(void) { return &g_loader_ctx; } static int loadlist_entry_ini_handler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { load_file_t *load_file_ctx = (load_file_t *)user; uintptr_t x = 0; const char *ext = NULL; if (strcmp(section, "stage2") == 0) { if (strstr(name, load_file_ctx->key) == name) { ext = name + strlen(load_file_ctx->key); if (strcmp(ext, "_path") == 0) { /* Copy in the path. */ strncpy(load_file_ctx->path, value, sizeof(load_file_ctx->path)); } else if (strcmp(ext, "_addr") == 0) { /* Read in load address as a hex string. */ sscanf(value, "%x", &x); load_file_ctx->load_address = x; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } return 1; } bool validate_load_address(uintptr_t load_addr) { /* TODO: Actually validate addresses. */ (void)(load_addr); return true; } void load_list_entry(const char *key) { load_file_t load_file_ctx = {0}; struct stat st; size_t size; size_t entry_num; chainloader_entry_t *entry; load_file_ctx.key = key; if (ini_parse_string(get_loader_ctx()->bct0, loadlist_entry_ini_handler, &load_file_ctx) < 0) { printf("Error: Failed to parse BCT.ini!\n"); generic_panic(); } if (load_file_ctx.load_address == 0 || load_file_ctx.path[0] == '\x00') { printf("Error: Failed to determine where to load %s!\n", key); generic_panic(); } if (!check_32bit_address_loadable(load_file_ctx.load_address)) { printf("Error: Load address 0x%08x is invalid (%s)!\n", load_file_ctx.load_address, key); generic_panic(); } if (stat(load_file_ctx.path, &st) == -1) { printf("Error: Failed to stat file %s: %s!\n", load_file_ctx.path, strerror(errno)); generic_panic(); } size = (size_t)st.st_size; if (!check_32bit_address_range_loadable(load_file_ctx.load_address, size)) { printf("Error: %s has an invalid load address & size combination!\n", key); generic_panic(); } entry_num = g_chainloader_num_entries++; entry = &g_chainloader_entries[entry_num]; entry->load_address = load_file_ctx.load_address; entry->size = size; entry->num = entry_num; strcpy(get_loader_ctx()->file_paths[entry_num], load_file_ctx.path); get_loader_ctx()->nb_files++; /* Check for special keys. */ if (strcmp(key, LOADER_PACKAGE2_KEY) == 0) { get_loader_ctx()->package2_loadfile = load_file_ctx; } else if (strcmp(key, LOADER_EXOSPHERE_KEY) == 0) { get_loader_ctx()->exosphere_loadfile = load_file_ctx; } else if (strcmp(key, LOADER_TSECFW_KEY) == 0) { get_loader_ctx()->tsecfw_loadfile = load_file_ctx; } else if (strcmp(key, LOADER_WARMBOOT_KEY) == 0) { get_loader_ctx()->warmboot_loadfile = load_file_ctx; } } void parse_loadlist(const char *ll) { printf("Parsing load list: %s\n", ll); char load_list[0x200] = {0}; strncpy(load_list, ll, 0x200); char *entry, *p; /* entry will point to the start of the current entry. p will point to the current location in the list. */ entry = load_list; p = load_list; while (*p) { if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { /* We're at the end of an entry. */ *p = '\x00'; /* Load the entry. */ load_list_entry(entry); /* Skip to the next delimiter. */ for (; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\x00'; p++) { } if (*p != '|') { printf("Error: Load list is malformed!\n"); generic_panic(); } else { /* Skip to the next entry. */ for (; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '|'; p++) { } entry = p; } } p++; if (*p == '\x00') { /* We're at the end of the line, load the last entry */ load_list_entry(entry); } } } static int loadlist_ini_handler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { loader_ctx_t *loader_ctx = (loader_ctx_t *)user; uintptr_t x = 0; if (strcmp(section, "stage2") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, LOADER_LOADLIST_KEY) == 0) { parse_loadlist(value); } else if (strcmp(name, LOADER_ENTRYPOINT_KEY) == 0) { /* Read in entrypoint as a hex string. */ sscanf(value, "%x", &x); loader_ctx->chainload_entrypoint = x; } else if (strcmp(name, LOADER_CUSTOMSPLASH_KEY) == 0) { strncpy(loader_ctx->custom_splash_path, value, sizeof(loader_ctx->custom_splash_path)); } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } return 1; } static int chainloader_entry_comparator(const void *a, const void *b) { const chainloader_entry_t *e1 = (const chainloader_entry_t *)a; const chainloader_entry_t *e2 = (const chainloader_entry_t *)b; return (int)(e1->load_address - e2->load_address); } static uintptr_t find_carveout(chainloader_entry_t *entries, size_t num_entries, size_t requested) { for(size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { uintptr_t lbound = entries[i].load_address + entries[i].size; if (check_32bit_address_range_loadable(lbound, requested)) { if (i == num_entries - 1 || lbound + requested <= entries[i + 1].load_address) return lbound; } } return 0; } void load_payload(const char *bct0) { loader_ctx_t *ctx = get_loader_ctx(); bool can_load_in_place = true; extern uint8_t __chainloader_start__[], __chainloader_end__[]; extern uint8_t __stack_bottom__[], __stack_top__[]; extern uint8_t __heap_start__[], __heap_end__[]; extern uint8_t __start__[], __end__[]; static chainloader_entry_t nonallocatable_entries[] = { {.load_address = 0x00000000, .size = 0x40010000}, /* Unknown/Invalid + Low IRAM */ {.load_address = 0x40040000, .size = 0x80000000 - 0x40040000}, /* Invalid/MMIO */ {.load_address = (uintptr_t)__chainloader_start__, .size = 0}, {.load_address = (uintptr_t)__stack_bottom__, .size = 0}, {.load_address = (uintptr_t)__heap_start__, .size = 0}, {.load_address = (uintptr_t)__start__, .size = 0}, {.load_address = 0, .size = 0}, /* Min to max loaded address */ }; static const size_t num_nonallocatable_entries = sizeof(nonallocatable_entries) / sizeof(nonallocatable_entries[0]); if (nonallocatable_entries[2].size == 0) { /* Initializers aren't computable at load time */ nonallocatable_entries[2].size = __chainloader_end__ - __chainloader_start__; nonallocatable_entries[3].size = __stack_top__ - __stack_bottom__; nonallocatable_entries[4].size = __heap_end__ - __heap_start__; nonallocatable_entries[5].size = __end__ - __start__; } /* Set BCT0 global. */ ctx->bct0 = bct0; if (ini_parse_string(ctx->bct0, loadlist_ini_handler, ctx) < 0) { printf("Error: Failed to parse BCT.ini!\n"); generic_panic(); } /* Sort the entries by ascending load addresses */ qsort(g_chainloader_entries, g_chainloader_num_entries, sizeof(chainloader_entry_t), chainloader_entry_comparator); /* Check for possible overlap and find the entrypoint, also determine whether we can load in-place */ ctx->file_id_of_entrypoint = ctx->nb_files; for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->nb_files; i++) { if (i != ctx->nb_files - 1 && overlaps( g_chainloader_entries[i].load_address, g_chainloader_entries[i].load_address + g_chainloader_entries[i].size, g_chainloader_entries[i + 1].load_address, g_chainloader_entries[i + 1].load_address + g_chainloader_entries[i + 1].size ) ) { printf( "Error: Loading ranges for files %s and %s overlap!\n", ctx->file_paths[g_chainloader_entries[i].num], ctx->file_paths[g_chainloader_entries[i + 1].num] ); generic_panic(); } if(ctx->chainload_entrypoint >= g_chainloader_entries[i].load_address && ctx->chainload_entrypoint < g_chainloader_entries[i].load_address + g_chainloader_entries[i].size) { ctx->file_id_of_entrypoint = g_chainloader_entries[i].num; } can_load_in_place = can_load_in_place && check_32bit_address_range_in_program( g_chainloader_entries[i].load_address, g_chainloader_entries[i].load_address + g_chainloader_entries[i].size ); } if (ctx->chainload_entrypoint != 0 && ctx->file_id_of_entrypoint >= ctx->nb_files) { printf("Error: Entrypoint not in range of any of the files!\n"); generic_panic(); } if (ctx->chainload_entrypoint == 0 && !can_load_in_place) { printf("Error: Files have to be loaded in place when booting Horizon!\n"); generic_panic(); } if (can_load_in_place) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->nb_files; i++) { chainloader_entry_t *entry = &g_chainloader_entries[i]; entry->src_address = entry->load_address; if (read_from_file((void *)entry->src_address, entry->size, ctx->file_paths[entry->num]) != entry->size) { printf("Error: Failed to read file %s: %s!\n", ctx->file_paths[entry->num], strerror(errno)); generic_panic(); } } } else { size_t total_size = 0; uintptr_t carveout, min_addr, max_addr, pos; for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->nb_files; i++) { total_size += g_chainloader_entries[i].size; } min_addr = g_chainloader_entries[g_chainloader_num_entries - 1].load_address; max_addr = g_chainloader_entries[g_chainloader_num_entries - 1].load_address + g_chainloader_entries[g_chainloader_num_entries - 1].size; nonallocatable_entries[num_nonallocatable_entries - 1].load_address = min_addr; nonallocatable_entries[num_nonallocatable_entries - 1].size = max_addr - min_addr; /* We need to find a carveout, first outside the loaded range, then inside */ qsort(nonallocatable_entries, num_nonallocatable_entries, sizeof(chainloader_entry_t), chainloader_entry_comparator); carveout = find_carveout(nonallocatable_entries, num_nonallocatable_entries, total_size); if (carveout == 0) { carveout = find_carveout(g_chainloader_entries, g_chainloader_num_entries, total_size); } if (carveout == 0) { printf("Error: Failed to find a carveout!\n"); generic_panic(); } /* Finally, read the files into the carveout */ pos = carveout; for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->nb_files; i++) { chainloader_entry_t *entry = &g_chainloader_entries[i]; entry->src_address = pos; if (read_from_file((void *)entry->src_address, entry->size, ctx->file_paths[entry->num]) != entry->size) { printf("Error: Failed to read file %s: %s!\n", ctx->file_paths[entry->num], strerror(errno)); generic_panic(); } pos += entry->size; } } }