/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stratosphere.hpp> #include "settings_static_object.hpp" #include "settings_system_save_data.hpp" namespace ams::settings::impl { namespace { constexpr s64 LazyWriterDelayMilliSeconds = 500; constexpr inline const char *MountNameSeparator = ":"; constexpr inline const char *DirectoryNameSeparator = "/"; constexpr inline const char *SystemSaveDataFileName = "file"; class LazyFileAccessor final { NON_COPYABLE(LazyFileAccessor); NON_MOVEABLE(LazyFileAccessor); private: static constexpr size_t FileNameLengthMax = 31; private: bool m_is_activated; bool m_is_busy; bool m_is_cached; bool m_is_modified; bool m_is_file_size_changed; char m_mount_name[fs::MountNameLengthMax + 1]; char m_file_path[fs::MountNameLengthMax + 1 + 1 + FileNameLengthMax + 1]; int m_open_mode; s64 m_file_size; s64 m_offset; size_t m_size; u8 m_buffer[512_KB]; os::Mutex m_mutex; os::TimerEvent m_timer_event; os::ThreadType m_thread; alignas(os::ThreadStackAlignment) u8 m_thread_stack[4_KB]; public: LazyFileAccessor() : m_is_activated(false), m_is_busy(false), m_is_cached(false), m_is_modified(false), m_is_file_size_changed(false), m_mount_name{}, m_file_path{}, m_open_mode(0), m_file_size(0), m_offset(0), m_size(0), m_mutex(false), m_timer_event(os::EventClearMode_AutoClear), m_thread{} { std::memset(m_buffer, 0, sizeof(m_buffer)); std::memset(m_thread_stack, 0, sizeof(m_thread_stack)); } Result Activate(); Result Commit(const char *name, bool synchronous); Result Create(const char *name, s64 size); Result Open(const char *name, int mode); void Close(); Result Read(s64 offset, void *dst, size_t size); Result Write(s64 offset, const void *src, size_t size); Result SetFileSize(s64 size); private: static void ThreadFunc(void *arg); template<size_t N> static int CreateFilePath(char (&path)[N], const char *name); static bool AreEqual(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, size_t size); void SetMountName(const char *name); bool CompareMountName(const char *name) const; void InvokeWriteBackLoop(); Result CommitSynchronously(); }; LazyFileAccessor &GetLazyFileAccessor() { return StaticObject<LazyFileAccessor, void>::Get(); } Result LazyFileAccessor::Activate() { std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); if (!m_is_activated) { /* Create and start the lazy writer thread. */ R_TRY(os::CreateThread(std::addressof(m_thread), LazyFileAccessor::ThreadFunc, this, m_thread_stack, sizeof(m_thread_stack), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_PRIORITY(settings, LazyWriter))); os::SetThreadNamePointer(std::addressof(m_thread), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_NAME(settings, LazyWriter)); os::StartThread(std::addressof(m_thread)); m_is_activated = true; } return ResultSuccess(); } Result LazyFileAccessor::Commit(const char *name, bool synchronous) { AMS_ASSERT(name != nullptr); AMS_UNUSED(name); std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_activated); AMS_ASSERT(!m_is_busy); AMS_ASSERT(this->CompareMountName(name)); if (synchronous) { /* Stop the timer and commit synchronously. */ m_timer_event.Stop(); R_TRY(this->CommitSynchronously()); } else { /* Start the timer to write. */ m_timer_event.StartOneShot(TimeSpan::FromMilliSeconds(LazyWriterDelayMilliSeconds)); } return ResultSuccess(); } Result LazyFileAccessor::Create(const char *name, s64 size) { AMS_ASSERT(name != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(size >= 0); std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_activated); AMS_ASSERT(!m_is_busy); if (m_is_cached) { /* Stop the timer and commit synchronously. */ m_timer_event.Stop(); R_TRY(this->CommitSynchronously()); /* Reset the current state. */ m_is_cached = false; this->SetMountName(""); m_open_mode = 0; m_file_size = 0; /* Clear the buffer. */ std::memset(m_buffer, 0, sizeof(m_buffer)); } /* Create the save file. */ this->CreateFilePath(m_file_path, name); R_TRY(fs::CreateFile(m_file_path, size)); /* Initialize the accessor. */ m_is_cached = true; m_is_modified = true; this->SetMountName(name); m_open_mode = fs::OpenMode_Write; m_file_size = size; m_offset = 0; m_size = size; /* Start the timer to write. */ m_timer_event.StartOneShot(TimeSpan::FromMilliSeconds(LazyWriterDelayMilliSeconds)); return ResultSuccess(); } Result LazyFileAccessor::Open(const char *name, int mode) { AMS_ASSERT(name != nullptr); std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_activated); AMS_ASSERT(!m_is_busy); bool caches = true; if (m_is_cached) { /* Check if the current mount matches the requested mount. */ if (this->CompareMountName(name)) { /* Check if the mode matches, or the existing mode is read-only. */ if (m_open_mode == mode || m_open_mode == fs::OpenMode_Read) { m_is_busy = true; m_open_mode = mode; return ResultSuccess(); } caches = false; } /* Stop the timer and commit synchronously. */ m_timer_event.Stop(); R_TRY(this->CommitSynchronously()); } if (caches) { /* Create the save file if needed. */ this->CreateFilePath(m_file_path, name); /* Open the save file. */ fs::FileHandle file = {}; R_TRY(fs::OpenFile(std::addressof(file), m_file_path, fs::OpenMode_Read)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { fs::CloseFile(file); }; /* Get the save size. */ s64 file_size = 0; R_TRY(fs::GetFileSize(std::addressof(file_size), file)); AMS_ASSERT(0 <= file_size && file_size <= static_cast<s64>(sizeof(m_buffer))); R_UNLESS(file_size <= static_cast<s64>(sizeof(m_buffer)), settings::ResultTooLargeSystemSaveData()); /* Read the save file. */ R_TRY(fs::ReadFile(file, 0, m_buffer, static_cast<size_t>(file_size))); m_is_cached = true; this->SetMountName(name); m_file_size = file_size; } m_is_busy = true; m_open_mode = mode; return ResultSuccess(); } void LazyFileAccessor::Close() { std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_activated); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_busy); m_is_busy = false; } Result LazyFileAccessor::Read(s64 offset, void *dst, size_t size) { AMS_ASSERT(offset >= 0); AMS_ASSERT(dst != nullptr); std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_activated); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_busy); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_cached); AMS_ASSERT((m_open_mode & fs::OpenMode_Read) != 0); AMS_ASSERT(offset + static_cast<s64>(size) <= m_file_size); std::memcpy(dst, m_buffer + offset, size); return ResultSuccess(); } Result LazyFileAccessor::Write(s64 offset, const void *src, size_t size) { AMS_ASSERT(offset >= 0); AMS_ASSERT(src != nullptr); std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_activated); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_busy); AMS_ASSERT(m_is_cached); AMS_ASSERT((m_open_mode & ::ams::fs::OpenMode_Write) != 0); s64 end = offset + static_cast<s64>(size); AMS_ASSERT(end <= static_cast<s64>(m_size)); /* Succeed if there's nothing to write. */ R_SUCCEED_IF(this->AreEqual(m_buffer + offset, src, size)); /* Copy to dst. */ std::memcpy(m_buffer + offset, src, size); /* Update offset and size. */ if (m_is_modified) { end = std::max(end, m_offset + static_cast<s64>(m_size)); m_offset = std::min(m_offset, offset); m_size = static_cast<size_t>(end - m_offset); } else { m_is_modified = true; m_offset = offset; m_size = size; } return ResultSuccess(); } Result LazyFileAccessor::SetFileSize(s64 size) { std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); const s64 prev_file_size = m_file_size; /* If the existing file size exceeds the new file size, reset the state or truncate. */ if (m_file_size >= size) { if (m_is_modified) { /* If the current offset exceeds the new file size, reset the state. */ if (m_offset >= size) { m_is_modified = false; m_offset = 0; m_size = 0; } else if (m_offset + static_cast<s64>(m_size) > size) { /* Truncate the buffer for the new file size. */ m_size = size - m_offset; } } } else { /* If unmodified, mark as modified and move the offset to the current end of the file. */ if (!m_is_modified) { m_is_modified = true; m_offset = m_file_size; } /* Zero-initialize the expanded file segment. */ std::memset(m_buffer + m_file_size, 0, size - m_file_size); /* Update the current buffer size. */ m_size = size - m_offset; } /* Update state. */ m_is_file_size_changed = prev_file_size != size; m_file_size = size; return ResultSuccess(); } void LazyFileAccessor::ThreadFunc(void *arg) { AMS_ASSERT(arg != nullptr); reinterpret_cast<LazyFileAccessor *>(arg)->InvokeWriteBackLoop(); } template<size_t N> int LazyFileAccessor::CreateFilePath(char (&path)[N], const char *name) { AMS_ASSERT(name != nullptr); const auto len = static_cast<int>(N); s32 pos = util::Strlcpy(path, name, len); pos += util::Strlcpy(path + pos, MountNameSeparator, len - pos); pos += util::Strlcpy(path + pos, DirectoryNameSeparator, len - pos); pos += util::Strlcpy(path + pos, SystemSaveDataFileName, len - pos); return pos; } bool LazyFileAccessor::AreEqual(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, size_t size) { AMS_ASSERT(lhs != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(rhs != nullptr); auto lhs8 = static_cast<const u8 *>(lhs); auto rhs8 = static_cast<const u8 *>(rhs); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (*(lhs8++) != *(rhs8++)) { return false; } } return true; } void LazyFileAccessor::SetMountName(const char *name) { AMS_ASSERT(name != nullptr); util::Strlcpy(m_mount_name, name, sizeof(m_mount_name)); } bool LazyFileAccessor::CompareMountName(const char *name) const { return util::Strncmp(m_mount_name, name, sizeof(m_mount_name)) == 0; } void LazyFileAccessor::InvokeWriteBackLoop() { while (true) { m_timer_event.Wait(); std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex); if (!m_is_busy) { R_ABORT_UNLESS(this->CommitSynchronously()); } } } Result LazyFileAccessor::CommitSynchronously() { /* If we have data cached/modified, we need to commit. */ if (m_is_cached && (m_is_file_size_changed || m_is_modified)) { /* Get the save file path. */ this->CreateFilePath(m_file_path, m_mount_name); { /* Open the save file. */ fs::FileHandle file; R_TRY(fs::OpenFile(std::addressof(file), m_file_path, fs::OpenMode_Write)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { fs::CloseFile(file); }; /* If we need to, update the file size. */ if (m_is_file_size_changed) { R_TRY(fs::SetFileSize(file, m_file_size)); m_is_file_size_changed = false; } /* If we need to, write the file data. */ if (m_is_modified) { /* Write to the file. */ R_TRY(fs::WriteFile(file, m_offset, m_buffer + m_offset, m_size, fs::WriteOption::None)); R_TRY(fs::FlushFile(file)); /* Reset state. */ m_is_modified = false; m_offset = 0; m_size = 0; } } /* Commit the savedata. */ R_TRY(fs::CommitSaveData(m_mount_name)); } return ResultSuccess(); } } void SystemSaveData::SetSystemSaveDataId(u64 id) { m_system_save_data_id = id; } void SystemSaveData::SetTotalSize(s64 size) { m_total_size = size; } void SystemSaveData::SetJournalSize(s64 size) { m_journal_size = size; } void SystemSaveData::SetFlags(u32 flags) { m_flags = flags; } void SystemSaveData::SetMountName(const char *name) { AMS_ASSERT(name != nullptr); util::Strlcpy(m_mount_name, name, sizeof(m_mount_name)); } Result SystemSaveData::Mount(bool create_save) { /* Activate the file accessor. */ R_TRY(GetLazyFileAccessor().Activate()); /* Don't allow automatic save data creation. */ fs::DisableAutoSaveDataCreation(); /* Attempt to get the flags of existing save data. */ u32 cur_flags = 0; const auto flags_result = fs::GetSaveDataFlags(std::addressof(cur_flags), m_save_data_space_id, m_system_save_data_id); /* If the save data exists, ensure flags are correct. */ if (R_SUCCEEDED(flags_result)) { if (cur_flags != m_flags) { R_TRY(fs::SetSaveDataFlags(m_system_save_data_id, m_save_data_space_id, m_flags)); } } else { /* Unless we can create save data, return the error we got when retrieving flags. */ R_UNLESS(create_save, flags_result); /* Create the save data. */ R_TRY(fs::CreateSystemSaveData(m_save_data_space_id, m_system_save_data_id, ncm::SystemProgramId::Settings.value, m_total_size, m_journal_size, m_flags)); } /* Mount the save data. */ return fs::MountSystemSaveData(m_mount_name, m_save_data_space_id, m_system_save_data_id); } Result SystemSaveData::Commit(bool synchronous) { return GetLazyFileAccessor().Commit(m_mount_name, synchronous); } Result SystemSaveData::Create(s64 size) { return GetLazyFileAccessor().Create(m_mount_name, size); } Result SystemSaveData::OpenToRead() { return GetLazyFileAccessor().Open(m_mount_name, fs::OpenMode_Read); } Result SystemSaveData::OpenToWrite() { return GetLazyFileAccessor().Open(m_mount_name, fs::OpenMode_Write); } void SystemSaveData::Close() { GetLazyFileAccessor().Close(); } Result SystemSaveData::Read(s64 offset, void *buf, size_t size) { AMS_ASSERT(offset >= 0); AMS_ASSERT(buf != nullptr); return GetLazyFileAccessor().Read(offset, buf, size); } Result SystemSaveData::Write(s64 offset, const void *buf, size_t size) { AMS_ASSERT(offset >= 0); AMS_ASSERT(buf != nullptr); return GetLazyFileAccessor().Write(offset, buf, size); } Result SystemSaveData::Flush() { /* N doesn't do anything here. */ return ResultSuccess(); } Result SystemSaveData::SetFileSize(s64 size) { return GetLazyFileAccessor().SetFileSize(size); } }