/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <mesosphere.hpp> namespace ams::kern::arch::arm64::cpu { /* Declare prototype to be implemented in asm. */ void SynchronizeAllCoresImpl(s32 *sync_var, s32 num_cores); namespace { class KScopedCoreMigrationDisable { public: ALWAYS_INLINE KScopedCoreMigrationDisable() { GetCurrentThread().DisableCoreMigration(); } ALWAYS_INLINE ~KScopedCoreMigrationDisable() { GetCurrentThread().EnableCoreMigration(); } }; /* Nintendo registers a handler for a SGI on thread termination, but does not handle anything. */ /* This is sufficient, because post-interrupt scheduling is all they really intend to occur. */ class KThreadTerminationInterruptHandler : public KInterruptHandler { public: constexpr KThreadTerminationInterruptHandler() : KInterruptHandler() { /* ... */ } virtual KInterruptTask *OnInterrupt(s32 interrupt_id) override { return nullptr; } }; class KPerformanceCounterInterruptHandler : public KInterruptHandler { private: static inline KLightLock s_lock; private: u64 counter; s32 which; bool done; public: constexpr KPerformanceCounterInterruptHandler() : KInterruptHandler(), counter(), which(), done() { /* ... */ } static KLightLock &GetLock() { return s_lock; } void Setup(s32 w) { this->done = false; this->which = w; } void Wait() { while (!this->done) { __asm__ __volatile__("yield"); } } u64 GetCounter() const { return this->counter; } /* Nintendo misuses this per their own API, but it's functional. */ virtual KInterruptTask *OnInterrupt(s32 interrupt_id) override { if (this->which < 0) { this->counter = cpu::GetCycleCounter(); } else { this->counter = cpu::GetPerformanceCounter(this->which); } DataMemoryBarrier(); this->done = true; return nullptr; } }; class KCacheHelperInterruptHandler : public KInterruptHandler { private: static constexpr s32 ThreadPriority = 8; public: enum class Operation { Idle, InvalidateInstructionCache, StoreDataCache, FlushDataCache, }; private: KLightLock lock; KLightLock cv_lock; KLightConditionVariable cv; std::atomic<u64> target_cores; volatile Operation operation; private: static void ThreadFunction(uintptr_t _this) { reinterpret_cast<KCacheHelperInterruptHandler *>(_this)->ThreadFunctionImpl(); } void ThreadFunctionImpl() { const s32 core_id = GetCurrentCoreId(); while (true) { /* Wait for a request to come in. */ { KScopedLightLock lk(this->cv_lock); while ((this->target_cores & (1ul << core_id)) == 0) { this->cv.Wait(std::addressof(this->cv_lock)); } } /* Process the request. */ this->ProcessOperation(); /* Broadcast, if there's nothing pending. */ { KScopedLightLock lk(this->cv_lock); if (this->target_cores == 0) { this->cv.Broadcast(); } } } } void ProcessOperation(); public: constexpr KCacheHelperInterruptHandler() : KInterruptHandler(), lock(), cv_lock(), cv(), target_cores(), operation(Operation::Idle) { /* ... */ } void Initialize(s32 core_id) { /* Reserve a thread from the system limit. */ MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(Kernel::GetSystemResourceLimit().Reserve(ams::svc::LimitableResource_ThreadCountMax, 1)); /* Create a new thread. */ KThread *new_thread = KThread::Create(); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(new_thread != nullptr); MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(KThread::InitializeKernelThread(new_thread, ThreadFunction, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this), ThreadPriority, core_id)); /* Register the new thread. */ KThread::Register(new_thread); /* Run the thread. */ new_thread->Run(); } virtual KInterruptTask *OnInterrupt(s32 interrupt_id) override { this->ProcessOperation(); return nullptr; } void RequestOperation(Operation op) { KScopedLightLock lk(this->lock); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(this->operation == Operation::Idle); /* Send and wait for acknowledgement of request. */ { KScopedLightLock cv_lk(this->cv_lock); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(this->target_cores == 0); /* Set operation. */ this->operation = op; /* Create core masks for us to use. */ constexpr u64 AllCoresMask = (1ul << cpu::NumCores) - 1ul; const u64 other_cores_mask = AllCoresMask & ~(1ul << GetCurrentCoreId()); if ((op == Operation::InvalidateInstructionCache) || (Kernel::GetState() == Kernel::State::Initializing)) { /* For certain operations, we want to send an interrupt. */ this->target_cores = other_cores_mask; DataSynchronizationBarrier(); const u64 target_mask = this->target_cores; DataSynchronizationBarrier(); Kernel::GetInterruptManager().SendInterProcessorInterrupt(KInterruptName_CacheOperation, target_mask); this->ProcessOperation(); while (this->target_cores != 0) { __asm__ __volatile__("yield"); } } else { /* Request all cores. */ this->target_cores = AllCoresMask; /* Use the condvar. */ this->cv.Broadcast(); while (this->target_cores != 0) { this->cv.Wait(std::addressof(this->cv_lock)); } } } /* Go idle again. */ this->operation = Operation::Idle; } }; /* Instances of the interrupt handlers. */ KThreadTerminationInterruptHandler g_thread_termination_handler; KCacheHelperInterruptHandler g_cache_operation_handler; KPerformanceCounterInterruptHandler g_performance_counter_handler[cpu::NumCores]; /* Expose this as a global, for asm to use. */ s32 g_all_core_sync_count; template<bool Init, typename F> ALWAYS_INLINE void PerformCacheOperationBySetWayImpl(int level, F f) { /* Used in multiple locations. */ const u64 level_sel_value = static_cast<u64>(level << 1); u64 ccsidr_value; if constexpr (Init) { /* During init, we can just set the selection register directly. */ cpu::SetCsselrEl1(level_sel_value); cpu::InstructionMemoryBarrier(); ccsidr_value = cpu::GetCcsidrEl1(); } else { /* After init, we need to care about interrupts. */ KScopedInterruptDisable di; cpu::SetCsselrEl1(level_sel_value); cpu::InstructionMemoryBarrier(); ccsidr_value = cpu::GetCcsidrEl1(); } /* Get cache size id info. */ CacheSizeIdRegisterAccessor ccsidr_el1(ccsidr_value); const int num_sets = ccsidr_el1.GetNumberOfSets(); const int num_ways = ccsidr_el1.GetAssociativity(); const int line_size = ccsidr_el1.GetLineSize(); const u64 way_shift = static_cast<u64>(__builtin_clz(num_ways)); const u64 set_shift = static_cast<u64>(line_size + 4); for (int way = 0; way <= num_ways; way++) { for (int set = 0; set <= num_sets; set++) { const u64 way_value = static_cast<u64>(way) << way_shift; const u64 set_value = static_cast<u64>(set) << set_shift; f(way_value | set_value | level_sel_value); } } } ALWAYS_INLINE void FlushDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl(const u64 sw_value) { __asm__ __volatile__("dc cisw, %[v]" :: [v]"r"(sw_value) : "memory"); } ALWAYS_INLINE void StoreDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl(const u64 sw_value) { __asm__ __volatile__("dc csw, %[v]" :: [v]"r"(sw_value) : "memory"); } template<bool Init, typename F> ALWAYS_INLINE void PerformCacheOperationBySetWayShared(F f) { CacheLineIdRegisterAccessor clidr_el1; const int levels_of_coherency = clidr_el1.GetLevelsOfCoherency(); const int levels_of_unification = clidr_el1.GetLevelsOfUnification(); for (int level = levels_of_coherency; level >= levels_of_unification; level--) { PerformCacheOperationBySetWayImpl<Init>(level, f); } } template<bool Init, typename F> ALWAYS_INLINE void PerformCacheOperationBySetWayLocal(F f) { CacheLineIdRegisterAccessor clidr_el1; const int levels_of_unification = clidr_el1.GetLevelsOfUnification(); for (int level = levels_of_unification - 1; level >= 0; level--) { PerformCacheOperationBySetWayImpl<Init>(level, f); } } void KCacheHelperInterruptHandler::ProcessOperation() { switch (this->operation) { case Operation::Idle: break; case Operation::InvalidateInstructionCache: InstructionMemoryBarrier(); break; case Operation::StoreDataCache: PerformCacheOperationBySetWayLocal<false>(StoreDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl); DataSynchronizationBarrier(); break; case Operation::FlushDataCache: PerformCacheOperationBySetWayLocal<false>(FlushDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl); DataSynchronizationBarrier(); break; } } ALWAYS_INLINE void SetEventLocally() { __asm__ __volatile__("sevl" ::: "memory"); } ALWAYS_INLINE void WaitForEvent() { __asm__ __volatile__("wfe" ::: "memory"); } ALWAYS_INLINE Result InvalidateDataCacheRange(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(start, DataCacheLineSize)); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(end, DataCacheLineSize)); R_UNLESS(UserspaceAccess::InvalidateDataCache(start, end), svc::ResultInvalidCurrentMemory()); DataSynchronizationBarrier(); return ResultSuccess(); } ALWAYS_INLINE Result StoreDataCacheRange(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(start, DataCacheLineSize)); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(end, DataCacheLineSize)); R_UNLESS(UserspaceAccess::StoreDataCache(start, end), svc::ResultInvalidCurrentMemory()); DataSynchronizationBarrier(); return ResultSuccess(); } ALWAYS_INLINE Result FlushDataCacheRange(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(start, DataCacheLineSize)); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(end, DataCacheLineSize)); R_UNLESS(UserspaceAccess::FlushDataCache(start, end), svc::ResultInvalidCurrentMemory()); DataSynchronizationBarrier(); return ResultSuccess(); } ALWAYS_INLINE Result InvalidateInstructionCacheRange(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(start, InstructionCacheLineSize)); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(util::IsAligned(end, InstructionCacheLineSize)); R_UNLESS(UserspaceAccess::InvalidateInstructionCache(start, end), svc::ResultInvalidCurrentMemory()); EnsureInstructionConsistency(); return ResultSuccess(); } } void FlushEntireDataCacheSharedForInit() { return PerformCacheOperationBySetWayShared<true>(FlushDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl); } void FlushEntireDataCacheLocalForInit() { return PerformCacheOperationBySetWayLocal<true>(FlushDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl); } void FlushEntireDataCache() { return PerformCacheOperationBySetWayShared<false>(FlushDataCacheLineBySetWayImpl); } Result InvalidateDataCache(void *addr, size_t size) { KScopedCoreMigrationDisable dm; const uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr); const uintptr_t end = start + size; uintptr_t aligned_start = util::AlignDown(start, DataCacheLineSize); uintptr_t aligned_end = util::AlignUp(end, DataCacheLineSize); if (aligned_start != start) { R_TRY(FlushDataCacheRange(aligned_start, aligned_start + DataCacheLineSize)); aligned_start += DataCacheLineSize; } if (aligned_start < aligned_end && (aligned_end != end)) { aligned_end -= DataCacheLineSize; R_TRY(FlushDataCacheRange(aligned_end, aligned_end + DataCacheLineSize)); } if (aligned_start < aligned_end) { R_TRY(InvalidateDataCacheRange(aligned_start, aligned_end)); } return ResultSuccess(); } Result StoreDataCache(const void *addr, size_t size) { KScopedCoreMigrationDisable dm; const uintptr_t start = util::AlignDown(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), DataCacheLineSize); const uintptr_t end = util::AlignUp( reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), DataCacheLineSize); return StoreDataCacheRange(start, end); } Result FlushDataCache(const void *addr, size_t size) { KScopedCoreMigrationDisable dm; const uintptr_t start = util::AlignDown(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), DataCacheLineSize); const uintptr_t end = util::AlignUp( reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), DataCacheLineSize); return FlushDataCacheRange(start, end); } Result InvalidateInstructionCache(void *addr, size_t size) { KScopedCoreMigrationDisable dm; const uintptr_t start = util::AlignDown(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), InstructionCacheLineSize); const uintptr_t end = util::AlignUp( reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), InstructionCacheLineSize); R_TRY(InvalidateInstructionCacheRange(start, end)); /* Request the interrupt helper to invalidate, too. */ g_cache_operation_handler.RequestOperation(KCacheHelperInterruptHandler::Operation::InvalidateInstructionCache); return ResultSuccess(); } void InitializeInterruptThreads(s32 core_id) { /* Initialize the cache operation handler. */ g_cache_operation_handler.Initialize(core_id); /* Bind all handlers to the relevant interrupts. */ Kernel::GetInterruptManager().BindHandler(std::addressof(g_cache_operation_handler), KInterruptName_CacheOperation, core_id, KInterruptController::PriorityLevel_High, false, false); Kernel::GetInterruptManager().BindHandler(std::addressof(g_thread_termination_handler), KInterruptName_ThreadTerminate, core_id, KInterruptController::PriorityLevel_Scheduler, false, false); if (KTargetSystem::IsUserPmuAccessEnabled()) { SetPmUserEnrEl0(1ul); } Kernel::GetInterruptManager().BindHandler(std::addressof(g_performance_counter_handler[core_id]), KInterruptName_PerformanceCounter, core_id, KInterruptController::PriorityLevel_Timer, false, false); } void SynchronizeAllCores() { SynchronizeAllCoresImpl(&g_all_core_sync_count, static_cast<s32>(cpu::NumCores)); } }