/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <switch.h> #include <stratosphere.hpp> #include "spl_secmon_wrapper.hpp" #include "spl_smc_wrapper.hpp" #include "spl_ctr_drbg.hpp" /* Convenient. */ constexpr size_t DeviceAddressSpaceAlignSize = 0x400000; constexpr size_t DeviceAddressSpaceAlignMask = DeviceAddressSpaceAlignSize - 1; constexpr u32 WorkBufferMapBase = 0x80000000u; constexpr u32 CryptAesInMapBase = 0x90000000u; constexpr u32 CryptAesOutMapBase = 0xC0000000u; constexpr size_t CryptAesSizeMax = static_cast<size_t>(CryptAesOutMapBase - CryptAesInMapBase); constexpr size_t RsaPrivateKeySize = 0x100; constexpr size_t RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize = 0x30; constexpr size_t LabelDigestSizeMax = 0x20; /* Types. */ struct SeLinkedListEntry { u32 num_entries; u32 address; u32 size; }; struct SeCryptContext { SeLinkedListEntry in; SeLinkedListEntry out; }; class DeviceAddressSpaceMapHelper { private: Handle das_hnd; u64 dst_addr; u64 src_addr; size_t size; u32 perm; public: DeviceAddressSpaceMapHelper(Handle h, u64 dst, u64 src, size_t sz, u32 p) : das_hnd(h), dst_addr(dst), src_addr(src), size(sz), perm(p) { if (R_FAILED(svcMapDeviceAddressSpaceAligned(this->das_hnd, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, this->src_addr, this->size, this->dst_addr, this->perm))) { std::abort(); } } ~DeviceAddressSpaceMapHelper() { if (R_FAILED(svcUnmapDeviceAddressSpace(this->das_hnd, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, this->src_addr, this->size, this->dst_addr))) { std::abort(); } } }; /* Globals. */ static CtrDrbg g_drbg; static Event g_se_event; static IEvent *g_se_keyslot_available_event = nullptr; static Handle g_se_das_hnd; static u32 g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr; static __attribute__((aligned(0x1000))) u8 g_work_buffer[0x1000]; constexpr size_t MaxWorkBufferSize = sizeof(g_work_buffer) / 2; static HosMutex g_async_op_lock; void SecureMonitorWrapper::InitializeCtrDrbg() { u8 seed[CtrDrbg::SeedSize]; if (SmcWrapper::GenerateRandomBytes(seed, sizeof(seed)) != SmcResult_Success) { std::abort(); } g_drbg.Initialize(seed); } void SecureMonitorWrapper::InitializeSeEvents() { u64 irq_num; SmcWrapper::GetConfig(&irq_num, 1, SplConfigItem_SecurityEngineIrqNumber); Handle hnd; if (R_FAILED(svcCreateInterruptEvent(&hnd, irq_num, 1))) { std::abort(); } eventLoadRemote(&g_se_event, hnd, true); g_se_keyslot_available_event = CreateWriteOnlySystemEvent(); g_se_keyslot_available_event->Signal(); } void SecureMonitorWrapper::InitializeDeviceAddressSpace() { constexpr u64 DeviceName_SE = 29; /* Create Address Space. */ if (R_FAILED(svcCreateDeviceAddressSpace(&g_se_das_hnd, 0, (1ul << 32)))) { std::abort(); } /* Attach it to the SE. */ if (R_FAILED(svcAttachDeviceAddressSpace(DeviceName_SE, g_se_das_hnd))) { std::abort(); } const u64 work_buffer_addr = reinterpret_cast<u64>(g_work_buffer); g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr = WorkBufferMapBase + (work_buffer_addr & DeviceAddressSpaceAlignMask); /* Map the work buffer for the SE. */ if (R_FAILED(svcMapDeviceAddressSpaceAligned(g_se_das_hnd, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, work_buffer_addr, sizeof(g_work_buffer), g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr, 3))) { std::abort(); } } void SecureMonitorWrapper::Initialize() { /* Initialize the Drbg. */ InitializeCtrDrbg(); /* Initialize SE interrupt + keyslot events. */ InitializeSeEvents(); /* Initialize DAS for the SE. */ InitializeDeviceAddressSpace(); } void SecureMonitorWrapper::CalcMgf1AndXor(void *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size) { uint8_t *dst_u8 = reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(dst); u32 ctr = 0; while (dst_size > 0) { size_t cur_size = SHA256_HASH_SIZE; if (cur_size > dst_size) { cur_size = dst_size; } dst_size -= cur_size; u32 ctr_be = __builtin_bswap32(ctr++); u8 hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; { Sha256Context ctx; sha256ContextCreate(&ctx); sha256ContextUpdate(&ctx, src, src_size); sha256ContextUpdate(&ctx, &ctr_be, sizeof(ctr_be)); sha256ContextGetHash(&ctx, hash); } for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { *(dst_u8++) ^= hash[i]; } } } size_t SecureMonitorWrapper::DecodeRsaOaep(void *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *label_digest, size_t label_digest_size, const void *src, size_t src_size) { /* Very basic validation. */ if (dst_size == 0 || src_size != 0x100 || label_digest_size != SHA256_HASH_SIZE) { return 0; } u8 block[0x100]; std::memcpy(block, src, sizeof(block)); /* First, validate byte 0 == 0, and unmask DB. */ int invalid = block[0]; u8 *salt = block + 1; u8 *db = salt + SHA256_HASH_SIZE; CalcMgf1AndXor(salt, SHA256_HASH_SIZE, db, src_size - (1 + SHA256_HASH_SIZE)); CalcMgf1AndXor(db, src_size - (1 + SHA256_HASH_SIZE), salt, SHA256_HASH_SIZE); /* Validate label digest. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < SHA256_HASH_SIZE; i++) { invalid |= db[i] ^ reinterpret_cast<const u8 *>(label_digest)[i]; } /* Locate message after 00...0001 padding. */ const u8 *padded_msg = db + SHA256_HASH_SIZE; size_t padded_msg_size = src_size - (1 + 2 * SHA256_HASH_SIZE); size_t msg_ind = 0; int not_found = 1; int wrong_padding = 0; size_t i = 0; while (i < padded_msg_size) { int zero = (padded_msg[i] == 0); int one = (padded_msg[i] == 1); msg_ind += static_cast<size_t>(not_found & one) * (++i); not_found &= ~one; wrong_padding |= (not_found & ~zero); } if (invalid | not_found | wrong_padding) { return 0; } /* Copy message out. */ size_t msg_size = padded_msg_size - msg_ind; if (msg_size > dst_size) { return 0; } std::memcpy(dst, padded_msg + msg_ind, msg_size); return msg_size; } void SecureMonitorWrapper::WaitSeOperationComplete() { eventWait(&g_se_event, U64_MAX); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ConvertToSplResult(SmcResult result) { if (result == SmcResult_Success) { return ResultSuccess; } if (result < SmcResult_Max) { return MAKERESULT(Module_Spl, static_cast<u32>(result)); } return ResultSplUnknownSmcResult; } SmcResult SecureMonitorWrapper::WaitCheckStatus(AsyncOperationKey op_key) { WaitSeOperationComplete(); SmcResult op_res; SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::CheckStatus(&op_res, op_key); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return res; } return op_res; } SmcResult SecureMonitorWrapper::WaitGetResult(void *out_buf, size_t out_buf_size, AsyncOperationKey op_key) { WaitSeOperationComplete(); SmcResult op_res; SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::GetResult(&op_res, out_buf, out_buf_size, op_key); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return res; } return op_res; } SmcResult SecureMonitorWrapper::DecryptAesBlock(u32 keyslot, void *dst, const void *src) { struct DecryptAesBlockLayout { SeCryptContext crypt_ctx; u8 in_block[AES_BLOCK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(AES_BLOCK_SIZE))); u8 out_block[AES_BLOCK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(AES_BLOCK_SIZE))); }; DecryptAesBlockLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<DecryptAesBlockLayout *>(g_work_buffer); layout->crypt_ctx.in.num_entries = 0; layout->crypt_ctx.in.address = g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr + offsetof(DecryptAesBlockLayout, in_block); layout->crypt_ctx.in.size = sizeof(layout->in_block); layout->crypt_ctx.out.num_entries = 0; layout->crypt_ctx.out.address = g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr + offsetof(DecryptAesBlockLayout, out_block); layout->crypt_ctx.out.size = sizeof(layout->out_block); std::memcpy(layout->in_block, src, sizeof(layout->in_block)); armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); { std::scoped_lock<HosMutex> lk(g_async_op_lock); AsyncOperationKey op_key; const IvCtr iv_ctr = {}; const u32 mode = SmcWrapper::GetCryptAesMode(SmcCipherMode_CbcDecrypt, keyslot); const u32 dst_ll_addr = g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr + offsetof(DecryptAesBlockLayout, crypt_ctx.out); const u32 src_ll_addr = g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr + offsetof(DecryptAesBlockLayout, crypt_ctx.in); SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::CryptAes(&op_key, mode, iv_ctr, dst_ll_addr, src_ll_addr, sizeof(layout->in_block)); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return res; } if ((res = WaitCheckStatus(op_key)) != SmcResult_Success) { return res; } } armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); std::memcpy(dst, layout->out_block, sizeof(layout->out_block)); return SmcResult_Success; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GetConfig(u64 *out, SplConfigItem which) { /* Nintendo explicitly blacklists package2 hash here, amusingly. */ /* This is not blacklisted in safemode, but we're never in safe mode... */ if (which == SplConfigItem_Package2Hash) { return ResultSplInvalidArgument; } SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::GetConfig(out, 1, which); /* Nintendo has some special handling here for hardware type/is_retail. */ if (which == SplConfigItem_HardwareType && res == SmcResult_InvalidArgument) { *out = 0; res = SmcResult_Success; } if (which == SplConfigItem_IsRetail && res == SmcResult_InvalidArgument) { *out = 0; res = SmcResult_Success; } return ConvertToSplResult(res); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ExpMod(void *out, size_t out_size, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *exp, size_t exp_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size) { struct ExpModLayout { u8 base[0x100]; u8 exp[0x100]; u8 mod[0x100]; }; ExpModLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<ExpModLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate sizes. */ if (base_size > sizeof(layout->base)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (exp_size > sizeof(layout->exp)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (mod_size > sizeof(layout->mod)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (out_size > MaxWorkBufferSize) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } /* Copy data into work buffer. */ const size_t base_ofs = sizeof(layout->base) - base_size; const size_t mod_ofs = sizeof(layout->mod) - mod_size; std::memset(layout, 0, sizeof(*layout)); std::memcpy(layout->base + base_ofs, base, base_size); std::memcpy(layout->exp, exp, exp_size); std::memcpy(layout->mod + mod_ofs, mod, mod_size); /* Do exp mod operation. */ armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); { std::scoped_lock<HosMutex> lk(g_async_op_lock); AsyncOperationKey op_key; SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::ExpMod(&op_key, layout->base, layout->exp, exp_size, layout->mod); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } if ((res = WaitGetResult(g_work_buffer, out_size, op_key)) != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } } armDCacheFlush(g_work_buffer, sizeof(out_size)); std::memcpy(out, g_work_buffer, out_size); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::SetConfig(SplConfigItem which, u64 value) { return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::SetConfig(which, &value, 1)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GenerateRandomBytesInternal(void *out, size_t size) { if (!g_drbg.GenerateRandomBytes(out, size)) { /* We need to reseed. */ { u8 seed[CtrDrbg::SeedSize]; SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::GenerateRandomBytes(seed, sizeof(seed)); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } g_drbg.Reseed(seed); g_drbg.GenerateRandomBytes(out, size); } } return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GenerateRandomBytes(void *out, size_t size) { u8 *cur_dst = reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(out); for (size_t ofs = 0; ofs < size; ofs += CtrDrbg::MaxRequestSize) { const size_t cur_size = std::min(size - ofs, CtrDrbg::MaxRequestSize); Result rc = GenerateRandomBytesInternal(cur_dst, size); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } cur_dst += cur_size; } return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::IsDevelopment(bool *out) { u64 is_retail; Result rc = this->GetConfig(&is_retail, SplConfigItem_IsRetail); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } *out = (is_retail == 0); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::SetBootReason(BootReasonValue boot_reason) { if (this->IsBootReasonSet()) { return ResultSplBootReasonAlreadySet; } this->boot_reason = boot_reason; this->boot_reason_set = true; return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GetBootReason(BootReasonValue *out) { if (!this->IsBootReasonSet()) { return ResultSplBootReasonNotSet; } *out = GetBootReason(); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GenerateAesKek(AccessKey *out_access_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 generation, u32 option) { return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::GenerateAesKek(out_access_key, key_source, generation, option)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::LoadAesKey(u32 keyslot, const void *owner, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source) { Result rc = ValidateAesKeyslot(keyslot, owner); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::LoadAesKey(keyslot, access_key, key_source)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GenerateAesKey(AesKey *out_key, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source) { Result rc; SmcResult smc_rc; static const KeySource s_generate_aes_key_source = { .data = {0x89, 0x61, 0x5E, 0xE0, 0x5C, 0x31, 0xB6, 0x80, 0x5F, 0xE5, 0x8F, 0x3D, 0xA2, 0x4F, 0x7A, 0xA8} }; ScopedAesKeyslot keyslot_holder(this); if (R_FAILED((rc = keyslot_holder.Allocate()))) { return rc; } smc_rc = SmcWrapper::LoadAesKey(keyslot_holder.GetKeyslot(), access_key, s_generate_aes_key_source); if (smc_rc == SmcResult_Success) { smc_rc = DecryptAesBlock(keyslot_holder.GetKeyslot(), out_key, &key_source); } return ConvertToSplResult(smc_rc); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::DecryptAesKey(AesKey *out_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 generation, u32 option) { Result rc; static const KeySource s_decrypt_aes_key_source = { .data = {0x11, 0x70, 0x24, 0x2B, 0x48, 0x69, 0x11, 0xF1, 0x11, 0xB0, 0x0C, 0x47, 0x7C, 0xC3, 0xEF, 0x7E} }; AccessKey access_key; if (R_FAILED((rc = GenerateAesKek(&access_key, s_decrypt_aes_key_source, generation, option)))) { return rc; } return GenerateAesKey(out_key, access_key, key_source); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::CryptAesCtr(void *dst, size_t dst_size, u32 keyslot, const void *owner, const void *src, size_t src_size, const IvCtr &iv_ctr) { Result rc = ValidateAesKeyslot(keyslot, owner); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } /* Succeed immediately if there's nothing to crypt. */ if (src_size == 0) { return ResultSuccess; } /* Validate sizes. */ if (src_size > dst_size || src_size % AES_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } /* We can only map 0x400000 aligned buffers for the SE. With that in mind, we have some math to do. */ const uintptr_t src_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src); const uintptr_t dst_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dst); const uintptr_t src_addr_page_aligned = src_addr & ~0xFFFul; const uintptr_t dst_addr_page_aligned = dst_addr & ~0xFFFul; const size_t src_size_page_aligned = ((src_addr + src_size + 0xFFFul) & ~0xFFFul) - src_addr_page_aligned; const size_t dst_size_page_aligned = ((dst_addr + dst_size + 0xFFFul) & ~0xFFFul) - dst_addr_page_aligned; const u32 src_se_map_addr = CryptAesInMapBase + (src_addr_page_aligned & DeviceAddressSpaceAlignMask); const u32 dst_se_map_addr = CryptAesOutMapBase + (dst_addr_page_aligned & DeviceAddressSpaceAlignMask); const u32 src_se_addr = CryptAesInMapBase + (src_addr & DeviceAddressSpaceAlignMask); const u32 dst_se_addr = CryptAesOutMapBase + (dst_addr & DeviceAddressSpaceAlignMask); /* Validate aligned sizes. */ if (src_size_page_aligned > CryptAesSizeMax || dst_size_page_aligned > CryptAesSizeMax) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } /* Helpers for mapping/unmapping. */ DeviceAddressSpaceMapHelper in_mapper(g_se_das_hnd, src_se_map_addr, src_addr_page_aligned, src_size_page_aligned, 1); DeviceAddressSpaceMapHelper out_mapper(g_se_das_hnd, dst_se_map_addr, dst_addr_page_aligned, dst_size_page_aligned, 2); /* Setup SE linked list entries. */ SeCryptContext *crypt_ctx = reinterpret_cast<SeCryptContext *>(g_work_buffer); crypt_ctx->in.num_entries = 0; crypt_ctx->in.address = src_se_addr; crypt_ctx->in.size = src_size; crypt_ctx->out.num_entries = 0; crypt_ctx->out.address = dst_se_addr; crypt_ctx->out.size = dst_size; armDCacheFlush(crypt_ctx, sizeof(*crypt_ctx)); armDCacheFlush(const_cast<void *>(src), src_size); armDCacheFlush(dst, dst_size); { std::scoped_lock<HosMutex> lk(g_async_op_lock); AsyncOperationKey op_key; const u32 mode = SmcWrapper::GetCryptAesMode(SmcCipherMode_Ctr, keyslot); const u32 dst_ll_addr = g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr + offsetof(SeCryptContext, out); const u32 src_ll_addr = g_se_mapped_work_buffer_addr + offsetof(SeCryptContext, in); SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::CryptAes(&op_key, mode, iv_ctr, dst_ll_addr, src_ll_addr, src_size); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } if ((res = WaitCheckStatus(op_key)) != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } } armDCacheFlush(dst, dst_size); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ComputeCmac(Cmac *out_cmac, u32 keyslot, const void *owner, const void *data, size_t size) { Result rc = ValidateAesKeyslot(keyslot, owner); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } if (size > MaxWorkBufferSize) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } std::memcpy(g_work_buffer, data, size); return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::ComputeCmac(out_cmac, keyslot, g_work_buffer, size)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::AllocateAesKeyslot(u32 *out_keyslot, const void *owner) { if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() <= FirmwareVersion_100) { /* On 1.0.0, keyslots were kind of a wild west. */ *out_keyslot = 0; return ResultSuccess; } for (size_t i = 0; i < GetMaxKeyslots(); i++) { if (this->keyslot_owners[i] == 0) { this->keyslot_owners[i] = owner; *out_keyslot = static_cast<u32>(i); return ResultSuccess; } } g_se_keyslot_available_event->Clear(); return ResultSplOutOfKeyslots; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ValidateAesKeyslot(u32 keyslot, const void *owner) { if (keyslot >= GetMaxKeyslots()) { return ResultSplInvalidKeyslot; } if (this->keyslot_owners[keyslot] != owner && GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() > FirmwareVersion_100) { return ResultSplInvalidKeyslot; } return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::FreeAesKeyslot(u32 keyslot, const void *owner) { if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() <= FirmwareVersion_100) { /* On 1.0.0, keyslots were kind of a wild west. */ return ResultSuccess; } Result rc = ValidateAesKeyslot(keyslot, owner); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } /* Clear the keyslot. */ { AccessKey access_key = {}; KeySource key_source = {}; SmcWrapper::LoadAesKey(keyslot, access_key, key_source); } this->keyslot_owners[keyslot] = nullptr; g_se_keyslot_available_event->Signal(); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::DecryptRsaPrivateKey(void *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 option) { struct DecryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout { u8 data[RsaPrivateKeySize + RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize]; }; DecryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<DecryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate size. */ if (src_size < RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize || src_size > sizeof(DecryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } std::memcpy(layout->data, src, src_size); armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); SmcResult smc_res; size_t copy_size = 0; if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() >= FirmwareVersion_500) { copy_size = std::min(dst_size, src_size - RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize); smc_res = SmcWrapper::DecryptOrImportRsaPrivateKey(layout->data, src_size, access_key, key_source, SmcDecryptOrImportMode_DecryptRsaPrivateKey); } else { smc_res = SmcWrapper::DecryptRsaPrivateKey(©_size, layout->data, src_size, access_key, key_source, option); copy_size = std::min(dst_size, copy_size); } armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); if (smc_res == SmcResult_Success) { std::memcpy(dst, layout->data, copy_size); } return ConvertToSplResult(smc_res); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ImportSecureExpModKey(const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 option) { struct ImportSecureExpModKeyLayout { u8 data[RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize + 2 * RsaPrivateKeySize + 0x10]; }; ImportSecureExpModKeyLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<ImportSecureExpModKeyLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate size. */ if (src_size > sizeof(ImportSecureExpModKeyLayout)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } std::memcpy(layout, src, src_size); armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); SmcResult smc_res; if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() >= FirmwareVersion_500) { smc_res = SmcWrapper::DecryptOrImportRsaPrivateKey(layout->data, src_size, access_key, key_source, option); } else { smc_res = SmcWrapper::ImportSecureExpModKey(layout->data, src_size, access_key, key_source, option); } return ConvertToSplResult(smc_res); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::SecureExpMod(void *out, size_t out_size, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size, u32 option) { struct SecureExpModLayout { u8 base[0x100]; u8 mod[0x100]; }; SecureExpModLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<SecureExpModLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate sizes. */ if (base_size > sizeof(layout->base)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (mod_size > sizeof(layout->mod)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (out_size > MaxWorkBufferSize) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } /* Copy data into work buffer. */ const size_t base_ofs = sizeof(layout->base) - base_size; const size_t mod_ofs = sizeof(layout->mod) - mod_size; std::memset(layout, 0, sizeof(*layout)); std::memcpy(layout->base + base_ofs, base, base_size); std::memcpy(layout->mod + mod_ofs, mod, mod_size); /* Do exp mod operation. */ armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); { std::scoped_lock<HosMutex> lk(g_async_op_lock); AsyncOperationKey op_key; SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::SecureExpMod(&op_key, layout->base, layout->mod, option); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } if ((res = WaitGetResult(g_work_buffer, out_size, op_key)) != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } } armDCacheFlush(g_work_buffer, sizeof(out_size)); std::memcpy(out, g_work_buffer, out_size); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ImportSslKey(const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source) { return ImportSecureExpModKey(src, src_size, access_key, key_source, SmcDecryptOrImportMode_ImportSslKey); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::SslExpMod(void *out, size_t out_size, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size) { return SecureExpMod(out, out_size, base, base_size, mod, mod_size, SmcSecureExpModMode_Ssl); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ImportEsKey(const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 option) { if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() >= FirmwareVersion_500) { return ImportSecureExpModKey(src, src_size, access_key, key_source, SmcDecryptOrImportMode_ImportEsKey); } else { struct ImportEsKeyLayout { u8 data[RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize + 2 * RsaPrivateKeySize + 0x10]; }; ImportEsKeyLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<ImportEsKeyLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate size. */ if (src_size > sizeof(ImportEsKeyLayout)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } std::memcpy(layout, src, src_size); armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::ImportEsKey(layout->data, src_size, access_key, key_source, option)); } } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::UnwrapEsRsaOaepWrappedKey(AccessKey *out_access_key, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size, const void *label_digest, size_t label_digest_size, u32 generation, EsKeyType type) { struct UnwrapEsKeyLayout { u8 base[0x100]; u8 mod[0x100]; }; UnwrapEsKeyLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<UnwrapEsKeyLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate sizes. */ if (base_size > sizeof(layout->base)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (mod_size > sizeof(layout->mod)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } if (label_digest_size > LabelDigestSizeMax) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } /* Copy data into work buffer. */ const size_t base_ofs = sizeof(layout->base) - base_size; const size_t mod_ofs = sizeof(layout->mod) - mod_size; std::memset(layout, 0, sizeof(*layout)); std::memcpy(layout->base + base_ofs, base, base_size); std::memcpy(layout->mod + mod_ofs, mod, mod_size); /* Do exp mod operation. */ armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); { std::scoped_lock<HosMutex> lk(g_async_op_lock); AsyncOperationKey op_key; SmcResult res = SmcWrapper::UnwrapTitleKey(&op_key, layout->base, layout->mod, label_digest, label_digest_size, SmcWrapper::GetUnwrapEsKeyOption(type, generation)); if (res != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } if ((res = WaitGetResult(g_work_buffer, sizeof(*out_access_key), op_key)) != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(res); } } armDCacheFlush(g_work_buffer, sizeof(*out_access_key)); std::memcpy(out_access_key, g_work_buffer, sizeof(*out_access_key)); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::UnwrapTitleKey(AccessKey *out_access_key, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size, const void *label_digest, size_t label_digest_size, u32 generation) { return UnwrapEsRsaOaepWrappedKey(out_access_key, base, base_size, mod, mod_size, label_digest, label_digest_size, generation, EsKeyType_TitleKey); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::UnwrapCommonTitleKey(AccessKey *out_access_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 generation) { return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::UnwrapCommonTitleKey(out_access_key, key_source, generation)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ImportDrmKey(const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source) { return ImportSecureExpModKey(src, src_size, access_key, key_source, SmcDecryptOrImportMode_ImportDrmKey); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::DrmExpMod(void *out, size_t out_size, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size) { return SecureExpMod(out, out_size, base, base_size, mod, mod_size, SmcSecureExpModMode_Drm); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::UnwrapElicenseKey(AccessKey *out_access_key, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size, const void *label_digest, size_t label_digest_size, u32 generation) { return UnwrapEsRsaOaepWrappedKey(out_access_key, base, base_size, mod, mod_size, label_digest, label_digest_size, generation, EsKeyType_ElicenseKey); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::LoadElicenseKey(u32 keyslot, const void *owner, const AccessKey &access_key) { /* Right now, this is just literally the same function as LoadTitleKey in N's impl. */ return LoadTitleKey(keyslot, owner, access_key); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ImportLotusKey(const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 option) { if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() >= FirmwareVersion_500) { option = SmcDecryptOrImportMode_ImportLotusKey; } return ImportSecureExpModKey(src, src_size, access_key, key_source, option); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::DecryptLotusMessage(u32 *out_size, void *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *base, size_t base_size, const void *mod, size_t mod_size, const void *label_digest, size_t label_digest_size) { /* Validate sizes. */ if (dst_size > MaxWorkBufferSize || label_digest_size != LabelDigestSizeMax) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } /* Nintendo doesn't check this result code, but we will. */ Result rc = SecureExpMod(g_work_buffer, 0x100, base, base_size, mod, mod_size, SmcSecureExpModMode_Lotus); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } size_t data_size = DecodeRsaOaep(dst, dst_size, label_digest, label_digest_size, g_work_buffer, 0x100); if (data_size == 0) { return ResultSplDecryptionFailed; } *out_size = static_cast<u32>(data_size); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GenerateSpecificAesKey(AesKey *out_key, const KeySource &key_source, u32 generation, u32 which) { return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::GenerateSpecificAesKey(out_key, key_source, generation, which)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::LoadTitleKey(u32 keyslot, const void *owner, const AccessKey &access_key) { Result rc = ValidateAesKeyslot(keyslot, owner); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { return rc; } return ConvertToSplResult(SmcWrapper::LoadTitleKey(keyslot, access_key)); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::GetPackage2Hash(void *dst, const size_t size) { u64 hash[4]; if (size < sizeof(hash)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } SmcResult smc_res; if ((smc_res = SmcWrapper::GetConfig(hash, 4, SplConfigItem_Package2Hash)) != SmcResult_Success) { return ConvertToSplResult(smc_res); } std::memcpy(dst, hash, sizeof(hash)); return ResultSuccess; } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::ReEncryptRsaPrivateKey(void *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size, const AccessKey &access_key_dec, const KeySource &source_dec, const AccessKey &access_key_enc, const KeySource &source_enc, u32 option) { struct ReEncryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout { u8 data[RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize + 2 * RsaPrivateKeySize + 0x10]; AccessKey access_key_dec; KeySource source_dec; AccessKey access_key_enc; KeySource source_enc; }; ReEncryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout *layout = reinterpret_cast<ReEncryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout *>(g_work_buffer); /* Validate size. */ if (src_size < RsaPrivateKeyMetaSize || src_size > sizeof(ReEncryptRsaPrivateKeyLayout)) { return ResultSplInvalidSize; } std::memcpy(layout, src, src_size); layout->access_key_dec = access_key_dec; layout->source_dec = source_dec; layout->access_key_enc = access_key_enc; layout->source_enc = source_enc; armDCacheFlush(layout, sizeof(*layout)); SmcResult smc_res = SmcWrapper::ReEncryptRsaPrivateKey(layout->data, src_size, layout->access_key_dec, layout->source_dec, layout->access_key_enc, layout->source_enc, option); if (smc_res == SmcResult_Success) { size_t copy_size = std::min(dst_size, src_size); armDCacheFlush(layout, copy_size); std::memcpy(dst, layout->data, copy_size); } return ConvertToSplResult(smc_res); } Result SecureMonitorWrapper::FreeAesKeyslots(const void *owner) { for (size_t i = 0; i < GetMaxKeyslots(); i++) { if (this->keyslot_owners[i] == owner) { FreeAesKeyslot(i, owner); } } return ResultSuccess; } Handle SecureMonitorWrapper::GetAesKeyslotAvailableEventHandle() { return g_se_keyslot_available_event->GetHandle(); }