/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <vapours.hpp> namespace ams::crypto::impl { namespace { constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE BigNum::Word GetTop2Bits(BigNum::Word w) { return (w >> (BigNum::BitsPerWord - 2)) & 0x3u; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void MultWord(BigNum::Word *dst, BigNum::Word lhs, BigNum::Word rhs) { static_assert(sizeof(BigNum::DoubleWord) == sizeof(BigNum::Word) * 2); BigNum::DoubleWord result = static_cast<BigNum::DoubleWord>(lhs) * static_cast<BigNum::DoubleWord>(rhs); dst[0] = static_cast<BigNum::Word>(result & ~BigNum::Word()); dst[1] = static_cast<BigNum::Word>(result >> BITSIZEOF(BigNum::Word)); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE BigNum::HalfWord GetUpperHalf(BigNum::Word word) { static_assert(sizeof(BigNum::Word) == sizeof(BigNum::HalfWord) * 2); return static_cast<BigNum::HalfWord>((word >> BITSIZEOF(BigNum::HalfWord)) & ~BigNum::HalfWord()); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE BigNum::HalfWord GetLowerHalf(BigNum::Word word) { static_assert(sizeof(BigNum::Word) == sizeof(BigNum::HalfWord) * 2); return static_cast<BigNum::HalfWord>(word & ~BigNum::HalfWord()); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE BigNum::Word ToUpperHalf(BigNum::HalfWord half) { static_assert(sizeof(BigNum::Word) == sizeof(BigNum::HalfWord) * 2); return static_cast<BigNum::Word>(half) << BITSIZEOF(BigNum::HalfWord); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE BigNum::Word ToLowerHalf(BigNum::HalfWord half) { static_assert(sizeof(BigNum::Word) == sizeof(BigNum::HalfWord) * 2); return static_cast<BigNum::Word>(half); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE BigNum::Word DivWord(const BigNum::Word *w, BigNum::Word div) { using Word = BigNum::Word; using HalfWord = BigNum::HalfWord; Word work[2] = { w[0], w[1] }; HalfWord r_hi = 0, r_lo = 0; HalfWord d_hi = GetUpperHalf(div); HalfWord d_lo = GetLowerHalf(div); if (d_hi == BigNum::MaxHalfWord) { r_hi = GetUpperHalf(work[1]); } else { r_hi = GetLowerHalf(work[1] / (d_hi + 1)); } { const Word hh = static_cast<Word>(r_hi) * static_cast<Word>(d_hi); const Word hl = static_cast<Word>(r_hi) * static_cast<Word>(d_lo); const Word uhl = ToUpperHalf(static_cast<HalfWord>(hl)); if ((work[0] -= uhl) > (BigNum::MaxWord - uhl)) { work[1]--; } work[1] -= GetUpperHalf(hl); work[1] -= hh; const Word udl = ToUpperHalf(d_lo); while (work[1] > d_hi || (work[1] == d_hi && work[0] >= udl)) { if ((work[0] -= udl) > (BigNum::MaxWord - udl)) { work[1]--; } work[1] -= d_hi; r_hi++; } } if (d_hi == BigNum::MaxHalfWord) { r_lo = GetLowerHalf(work[1]); } else { r_lo = GetLowerHalf((ToUpperHalf(static_cast<HalfWord>(work[1])) + GetUpperHalf(work[0])) / (d_hi + 1)); } { const Word ll = static_cast<Word>(r_lo) * static_cast<Word>(d_lo); const Word lh = static_cast<Word>(r_lo) * static_cast<Word>(d_hi); if ((work[0] -= ll) > (BigNum::MaxWord - ll)) { work[1]--; } const Word ulh = ToUpperHalf(static_cast<HalfWord>(lh)); if ((work[0] -= ulh) > (BigNum::MaxWord - ulh)) { work[1]--; } work[1] -= GetUpperHalf(lh); while ((work[1] > 0) || (work[1] == 0 && work[0] >= div)) { if ((work[0] -= div) > (BigNum::MaxWord - div)) { work[1]--; } r_lo++; } } return ToUpperHalf(r_hi) + r_lo; } } bool BigNum::IsZero(const Word *w, size_t num_words) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { if (w[i]) { return false; } } return true; } int BigNum::Compare(const Word *lhs, const Word *rhs, size_t num_words) { for (s32 i = static_cast<s32>(num_words) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (lhs[i] > rhs[i]) { return 1; } else if (lhs[i] < rhs[i]) { return -1; } } return 0; } size_t BigNum::CountWords(const Word *w, size_t num_words) { s32 i = static_cast<s32>(num_words) - 1; while (i >= 0 && !w[i]) { i--; } return i + 1; } size_t BigNum::CountSignificantBits(Word w) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < BitsPerWord && w != 0; i++) { w >>= 1; } return i; } void BigNum::ClearToZero(Word *w, size_t num_words) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { w[i] = 0; } } void BigNum::SetToWord(Word *w, size_t num_words, Word v) { ClearToZero(w, num_words); w[0] = v; } void BigNum::Copy(Word *dst, const Word *src, size_t num_words) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { dst[i] = src[i]; } } BigNum::Word BigNum::LeftShift(Word *dst, const Word *w, size_t num_words, const size_t shift) { if (shift >= BitsPerWord) { return 0; } const size_t invshift = BitsPerWord - shift; Word carry = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { const Word cur = w[i]; dst[i] = (cur << shift) | carry; carry = shift ? (cur >> invshift) : 0; } return carry; } BigNum::Word BigNum::RightShift(Word *dst, const Word *w, size_t num_words, const size_t shift) { if (shift >= BitsPerWord) { return 0; } const size_t invshift = BitsPerWord - shift; Word carry = 0; for (s32 i = static_cast<s32>(num_words) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const Word cur = w[i]; dst[i] = (cur >> shift) | carry; carry = shift ? (cur << invshift) : 0; } return carry; } BigNum::Word BigNum::MultSub(Word *dst, const Word *w, const Word *v, size_t num_words, Word mult) { /* If multiplying by zero, nothing to do. */ if (mult == 0) { return 0; } Word borrow = 0, work[2]; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { /* Multiply, calculate borrow for next. */ MultWord(work, mult, v[i]); if ((dst[i] = (w[i] - borrow)) > (MaxWord - borrow)) { borrow = 1; } else { borrow = 0; } if ((dst[i] -= work[0]) > (MaxWord - work[0])) { borrow++; } borrow += work[1]; } return borrow; } bool BigNum::ExpMod(Word *dst, const Word *src, const Word *exp, size_t exp_words, const Word *mod, size_t mod_words, WordAllocator *allocator) { /* Nintendo uses an algorithm that relies on powers of exp. */ bool needs_exp[4] = {}; if (exp_words > 1) { needs_exp[2] = true; needs_exp[3] = true; } else { Word exp_w = exp[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < BitsPerWord / 2; i++) { /* Nintendo at each step determines needed exponent from a pair of two bits. */ needs_exp[exp_w & 0x3u] = true; exp_w >>= 2; } if (needs_exp[3]) { needs_exp[2] = true; } } /* Allocate space for powers 1, 2, 3. */ auto power_1 = allocator->Allocate(mod_words); auto power_2 = allocator->Allocate(mod_words); auto power_3 = allocator->Allocate(mod_words); if (!(power_1.IsValid() && power_2.IsValid() && power_3.IsValid())) { return false; } decltype(power_1)* powers[3] = { &power_1, &power_2, &power_3 }; /* Set the powers of src. */ Copy(power_1.GetBuffer(), src, mod_words); if (needs_exp[2]) { if (!MultMod(power_2.GetBuffer(), power_1.GetBuffer(), src, mod, mod_words, allocator)) { return false; } } if (needs_exp[3]) { if (!MultMod(power_3.GetBuffer(), power_2.GetBuffer(), src, mod, mod_words, allocator)) { return false; } } /* Allocate space to work. */ auto work = allocator->Allocate(mod_words); if (!work.IsValid()) { return false; } SetToWord(work.GetBuffer(), work.GetCount(), 1); /* Ensure we're working with the correct exponent word count. */ exp_words = CountWords(exp, exp_words); for (s32 i = static_cast<s32>(exp_words - 1); i >= 0; i--) { Word cur_word = exp[i]; size_t cur_bits = BitsPerWord; /* Remove leading zeroes in first word. */ if (i == static_cast<s32>(exp_words - 1)) { while (!GetTop2Bits(cur_word)) { cur_word <<= 2; cur_bits -= 2; } } /* Compute current modular multiplicative step. */ for (size_t j = 0; j < cur_bits; j += 2, cur_word <<= 2) { /* Exponentiate current work to the 4th power. */ if (!MultMod(work.GetBuffer(), work.GetBuffer(), work.GetBuffer(), mod, mod_words, allocator)) { return false; } if (!MultMod(work.GetBuffer(), work.GetBuffer(), work.GetBuffer(), mod, mod_words, allocator)) { return false; } if (const Word top = GetTop2Bits(cur_word)) { if (!MultMod(work.GetBuffer(), work.GetBuffer(), powers[top - 1]->GetBuffer(), mod, mod_words, allocator)) { return false; } } } } /* Copy work to output. */ Copy(dst, work.GetBuffer(), mod_words); return true; } bool BigNum::MultMod(Word *dst, const Word *src, const Word *mult, const Word *mod, size_t num_words, WordAllocator *allocator) { /* Allocate work. */ auto work = allocator->Allocate(2 * num_words); if (!work.IsValid()) { return false; } /* Multiply. */ if (!Mult(work.GetBuffer(), src, mult, num_words, allocator)) { return false; } /* Mod. */ if (!Mod(dst, work.GetBuffer(), 2 * num_words, mod, num_words, allocator)) { return false; } return true; } bool BigNum::Mod(Word *dst, const Word *src, size_t src_words, const Word *mod, size_t mod_words, WordAllocator *allocator) { /* Allocate work. */ auto work = allocator->Allocate(src_words); if (!work.IsValid()) { return false; } if (!DivMod(work.GetBuffer(), dst, src, src_words, mod, mod_words, allocator)) { return false; } return true; } bool BigNum::DivMod(Word *quot, Word *rem, const Word *top, size_t top_words, const Word *bot, size_t bot_words, WordAllocator *allocator) { /* Allocate work. */ auto top_work = allocator->Allocate(top_words + 1); auto bot_work = allocator->Allocate(bot_words); if (!(top_work.IsValid() && bot_work.IsValid())) { return false; } /* Prevent division by zero. */ size_t bot_work_words = CountWords(bot, bot_words); if (bot_work_words == 0) { return false; } ClearToZero(quot, top_words); ClearToZero(top_work.GetBuffer(), bot_work_words); /* Align to edges. */ const size_t shift = BitsPerWord - CountSignificantBits(bot[bot_work_words - 1]); top_work.GetBuffer()[top_words] = LeftShift(top_work.GetBuffer(), top, top_words, shift); LeftShift(bot_work.GetBuffer(), bot, bot_work_words, shift); const Word tb = bot_work.GetBuffer()[bot_work_words - 1]; /* Repeatedly div + sub. */ for (s32 i = (top_words - bot_work_words); i >= 0; i--) { Word cur_word; if (tb == MaxWord) { cur_word = top_work.GetBuffer()[i + bot_work_words]; } else { cur_word = DivWord(top_work.GetBuffer() + i + bot_work_words - 1, tb + 1); } top_work.GetBuffer()[i + bot_work_words] -= MultSub(top_work.GetBuffer() + i, top_work.GetBuffer() + i, bot_work.GetBuffer(), bot_work_words, cur_word); while (top_work.GetBuffer()[i + bot_work_words] || Compare(top_work.GetBuffer() + i, bot_work.GetBuffer(), bot_work_words) >= 0) { cur_word++; top_work.GetBuffer()[i + bot_work_words] -= Sub(top_work.GetBuffer() + i, top_work.GetBuffer() + i, bot_work.GetBuffer(), bot_work_words); } quot[i] = cur_word; } /* Calculate remainder. */ ClearToZero(rem, bot_words); RightShift(rem, top_work.GetBuffer(), bot_work_words, shift); return true; } bool BigNum::Mult(Word *dst, const Word *lhs, const Word *rhs, size_t num_words, WordAllocator *allocator) { /* Allocate work. */ auto work = allocator->Allocate(2 * num_words); if (!work.IsValid()) { return false; } ClearToZero(work.GetBuffer(), work.GetCount()); /* Repeatedly add and multiply. */ const size_t lhs_words = CountWords(lhs, num_words); const size_t rhs_words = CountWords(rhs, num_words); for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs_words; i++) { work.GetBuffer()[i + rhs_words] += MultAdd(work.GetBuffer() + i, rhs, rhs_words, lhs[i]); } /* Copy to output. */ Copy(dst, work.GetBuffer(), work.GetCount()); return true; } }