#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ldr_process_manager.hpp" #include "ldr_debug_monitor.hpp" #include "ldr_shell.hpp" #include "ldr_ro_service.hpp" extern "C" { extern u32 __start__; u32 __nx_applet_type = AppletType_None; #define INNER_HEAP_SIZE 0x200000 size_t nx_inner_heap_size = INNER_HEAP_SIZE; char nx_inner_heap[INNER_HEAP_SIZE]; void __libnx_initheap(void); void __appInit(void); void __appExit(void); } void __libnx_initheap(void) { void* addr = nx_inner_heap; size_t size = nx_inner_heap_size; /* Newlib */ extern char* fake_heap_start; extern char* fake_heap_end; fake_heap_start = (char*)addr; fake_heap_end = (char*)addr + size; } void __appInit(void) { Result rc; /* Initialize services we need (TODO: SPL) */ rc = smInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { fatalSimple(MAKERESULT(Module_Libnx, LibnxError_InitFail_SM)); } rc = fsInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { fatalSimple(MAKERESULT(Module_Libnx, LibnxError_InitFail_FS)); } rc = lrInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { fatalSimple(0xCAFE << 4 | 1); } rc = fsldrInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { fatalSimple(0xCAFE << 4 | 2); } rc = splInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { fatalSimple(0xCAFE << 4 | 3); } /* Check for exosphere API compatibility. */ u64 exosphere_cfg; if (R_FAILED(splGetConfig((SplConfigItem)65000, &exosphere_cfg))) { //fatalSimple(0xCAFE << 4 | 0xFF); /* TODO: Does Loader need to know about target firmware/master key revision? If so, extract from exosphere_cfg. */ } //splExit(); } void __appExit(void) { /* Cleanup services. */ fsdevUnmountAll(); fsldrExit(); lrExit(); fsExit(); smExit(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { consoleDebugInit(debugDevice_SVC); /* TODO: What's a good timeout value to use here? */ WaitableManager *server_manager = new WaitableManager(U64_MAX); /* Add services to manager. */ server_manager->add_waitable(new ServiceServer("ldr:pm", 1)); server_manager->add_waitable(new ServiceServer("ldr:shel", 3)); server_manager->add_waitable(new ServiceServer("ldr:dmnt", 2)); if (!kernelAbove300()) { /* On 1.0.0-2.3.0, Loader services ldr:ro instead of ro. */ server_manager->add_waitable(new ServiceServer("ldr:ro", 0x20)); } /* Loop forever, servicing our services. */ server_manager->process(); /* Cleanup. */ delete server_manager; return 0; }