/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include namespace ams::kern { namespace { constexpr u64 InitialProcessIdMin = 1; constexpr u64 InitialProcessIdMax = 0x50; constexpr u64 ProcessIdMin = InitialProcessIdMax + 1; constexpr u64 ProcessIdMax = std::numeric_limits::max(); constinit util::Atomic g_initial_process_id = InitialProcessIdMin; constinit util::Atomic g_process_id = ProcessIdMin; Result TerminateChildren(KProcess *process, const KThread *thread_to_not_terminate) { /* Request that all children threads terminate. */ { KScopedLightLock proc_lk(process->GetListLock()); KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (thread_to_not_terminate != nullptr && process->GetPinnedThread(GetCurrentCoreId()) == thread_to_not_terminate) { /* NOTE: Here Nintendo unpins the current thread instead of the thread_to_not_terminate. */ /* This is valid because the only caller which uses non-nullptr as argument uses GetCurrentThreadPointer(), */ /* but it's still notable because it seems incorrect at first glance. */ process->UnpinCurrentThread(); } auto &thread_list = process->GetThreadList(); for (auto it = thread_list.begin(); it != thread_list.end(); ++it) { if (KThread *thread = std::addressof(*it); thread != thread_to_not_terminate) { if (thread->GetState() != KThread::ThreadState_Terminated) { thread->RequestTerminate(); } } } } /* Wait for all children threads to terminate.*/ while (true) { /* Get the next child. */ KThread *cur_child = nullptr; { KScopedLightLock proc_lk(process->GetListLock()); auto &thread_list = process->GetThreadList(); for (auto it = thread_list.begin(); it != thread_list.end(); ++it) { if (KThread *thread = std::addressof(*it); thread != thread_to_not_terminate) { if (thread->GetState() != KThread::ThreadState_Terminated) { if (AMS_LIKELY(thread->Open())) { cur_child = thread; break; } } } } } /* If we didn't find any non-terminated children, we're done. */ if (cur_child == nullptr) { break; } /* Terminate and close the thread. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { cur_child->Close(); }; if (Result terminate_result = cur_child->Terminate(); svc::ResultTerminationRequested::Includes(terminate_result)) { return terminate_result; } } return ResultSuccess(); } class ThreadQueueImplForKProcessEnterUserException final : public KThreadQueue { private: KThread **m_exception_thread; public: constexpr ThreadQueueImplForKProcessEnterUserException(KThread **t) : KThreadQueue(), m_exception_thread(t) { /* ... */ } virtual void EndWait(KThread *waiting_thread, Result wait_result) override { /* Set the exception thread. */ *m_exception_thread = waiting_thread; /* Invoke the base end wait handler. */ KThreadQueue::EndWait(waiting_thread, wait_result); } virtual void CancelWait(KThread *waiting_thread, Result wait_result, bool cancel_timer_task) override { /* Remove the thread as a waiter on its mutex owner. */ waiting_thread->GetLockOwner()->RemoveWaiter(waiting_thread); /* Invoke the base cancel wait handler. */ KThreadQueue::CancelWait(waiting_thread, wait_result, cancel_timer_task); } }; } void KProcess::Finalize() { /* Delete the process local region. */ this->DeleteThreadLocalRegion(m_plr_address); /* Get the used memory size. */ const size_t used_memory_size = this->GetUsedUserPhysicalMemorySize(); /* Finalize the page table. */ m_page_table.Finalize(); /* Free the system resource. */ if (m_system_resource_address != Null) { /* Check that we have no outstanding allocations. */ MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_memory_block_slab_manager.GetUsed() == 0); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_block_info_manager.GetUsed() == 0); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_page_table_manager.GetUsed() == 0); /* Free the memory. */ KSystemControl::FreeSecureMemory(m_system_resource_address, m_system_resource_num_pages * PageSize, m_memory_pool); /* Clear our tracking variables. */ m_system_resource_address = Null; m_system_resource_num_pages = 0; /* Finalize optimized memory. If memory wasn't optimized, this is a no-op. */ Kernel::GetMemoryManager().FinalizeOptimizedMemory(this->GetId(), m_memory_pool); } /* Release memory to the resource limit. */ if (m_resource_limit != nullptr) { MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(used_memory_size >= m_memory_release_hint); m_resource_limit->Release(ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax, used_memory_size, used_memory_size - m_memory_release_hint); m_resource_limit->Close(); } /* Free all shared memory infos. */ { auto it = m_shared_memory_list.begin(); while (it != m_shared_memory_list.end()) { KSharedMemoryInfo *info = std::addressof(*it); KSharedMemory *shmem = info->GetSharedMemory(); while (!info->Close()) { shmem->Close(); } shmem->Close(); it = m_shared_memory_list.erase(it); KSharedMemoryInfo::Free(info); } } /* Close all references to our io regions. */ { auto it = m_io_region_list.begin(); while (it != m_io_region_list.end()) { KIoRegion *io_region = std::addressof(*it); it = m_io_region_list.erase(it); io_region->Close(); } } /* Our thread local page list must be empty at this point. */ MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_partially_used_tlp_tree.empty()); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_fully_used_tlp_tree.empty()); /* Log that we finalized for debug. */ MESOSPHERE_LOG("KProcess::Finalize() pid=%ld name=%-12s\n", m_process_id, m_name); /* Perform inherited finalization. */ KAutoObjectWithSlabHeapAndContainer::Finalize(); } Result KProcess::Initialize(const ams::svc::CreateProcessParameter ¶ms) { /* Validate that the intended kernel version is high enough for us to support. */ R_UNLESS(m_capabilities.GetIntendedKernelVersion() >= ams::svc::RequiredKernelVersion, svc::ResultInvalidCombination()); /* Validate that the intended kernel version isn't too high for us to support. */ R_UNLESS(m_capabilities.GetIntendedKernelVersion() <= ams::svc::SupportedKernelVersion, svc::ResultInvalidCombination()); /* Create and clear the process local region. */ R_TRY(this->CreateThreadLocalRegion(std::addressof(m_plr_address))); m_plr_heap_address = this->GetThreadLocalRegionPointer(m_plr_address); std::memset(m_plr_heap_address, 0, ams::svc::ThreadLocalRegionSize); /* Copy in the name from parameters. */ static_assert(sizeof(params.name) < sizeof(m_name)); std::memcpy(m_name, params.name, sizeof(params.name)); m_name[sizeof(params.name)] = 0; /* Set misc fields. */ m_state = State_Created; m_main_thread_stack_size = 0; m_creation_time = KHardwareTimer::GetTick(); m_used_kernel_memory_size = 0; m_ideal_core_id = 0; m_flags = params.flags; m_version = params.version; m_program_id = params.program_id; m_code_address = params.code_address; m_code_size = params.code_num_pages * PageSize; m_is_application = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_IsApplication); m_is_jit_debug = false; /* Set thread fields. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < cpu::NumCores; i++) { m_running_threads[i] = nullptr; m_pinned_threads[i] = nullptr; m_running_thread_idle_counts[i] = 0; } /* Set max memory based on address space type. */ switch ((params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpaceMask)) { case ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpace32Bit: case ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpace64BitDeprecated: case ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpace64Bit: m_max_process_memory = m_page_table.GetHeapRegionSize(); break; case ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpace32BitWithoutAlias: m_max_process_memory = m_page_table.GetHeapRegionSize() + m_page_table.GetAliasRegionSize(); break; MESOSPHERE_UNREACHABLE_DEFAULT_CASE(); } /* Generate random entropy. */ KSystemControl::GenerateRandomBytes(m_entropy, sizeof(m_entropy)); /* Clear remaining fields. */ m_num_running_threads = 0; m_num_process_switches = 0; m_num_thread_switches = 0; m_num_fpu_switches = 0; m_num_supervisor_calls = 0; m_num_ipc_messages = 0; m_is_signaled = false; m_attached_object = nullptr; m_exception_thread = nullptr; m_is_suspended = false; m_memory_release_hint = 0; m_schedule_count = 0; m_is_handle_table_initialized = false; /* We're initialized! */ m_is_initialized = true; return ResultSuccess(); } Result KProcess::Initialize(const ams::svc::CreateProcessParameter ¶ms, const KPageGroup &pg, const u32 *caps, s32 num_caps, KResourceLimit *res_limit, KMemoryManager::Pool pool, bool immortal) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(res_limit != nullptr); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS((params.code_num_pages * PageSize) / PageSize == static_cast(params.code_num_pages)); /* Set members. */ m_memory_pool = pool; m_resource_limit = res_limit; m_system_resource_address = Null; m_system_resource_num_pages = 0; m_is_immortal = immortal; /* Setup page table. */ /* NOTE: Nintendo passes process ID despite not having set it yet. */ /* This goes completely unused, but even so... */ { const auto as_type = static_cast(params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpaceMask); const bool enable_aslr = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_EnableAslr) != 0; const bool enable_das_merge = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_DisableDeviceAddressSpaceMerge) == 0; const bool is_app = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_IsApplication) != 0; auto *mem_block_manager = std::addressof(is_app ? Kernel::GetApplicationMemoryBlockManager() : Kernel::GetSystemMemoryBlockManager()); auto *block_info_manager = std::addressof(is_app ? Kernel::GetApplicationBlockInfoManager() : Kernel::GetSystemBlockInfoManager()); auto *pt_manager = std::addressof(is_app ? Kernel::GetApplicationPageTableManager() : Kernel::GetSystemPageTableManager()); R_TRY(m_page_table.Initialize(m_process_id, as_type, enable_aslr, enable_das_merge, !enable_aslr, pool, params.code_address, params.code_num_pages * PageSize, mem_block_manager, block_info_manager, pt_manager, res_limit)); } auto pt_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { m_page_table.Finalize(); }; /* Ensure we can insert the code region. */ R_UNLESS(m_page_table.CanContain(params.code_address, params.code_num_pages * PageSize, KMemoryState_Code), svc::ResultInvalidMemoryRegion()); /* Map the code region. */ R_TRY(m_page_table.MapPageGroup(params.code_address, pg, KMemoryState_Code, KMemoryPermission_KernelRead)); /* Initialize capabilities. */ R_TRY(m_capabilities.Initialize(caps, num_caps, std::addressof(m_page_table))); /* Initialize the process id. */ m_process_id = g_initial_process_id++; MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(InitialProcessIdMin <= m_process_id); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_process_id <= InitialProcessIdMax); /* Initialize the rest of the process. */ R_TRY(this->Initialize(params)); /* Open a reference to the resource limit. */ m_resource_limit->Open(); /* We succeeded! */ pt_guard.Cancel(); return ResultSuccess(); } Result KProcess::Initialize(const ams::svc::CreateProcessParameter ¶ms, svc::KUserPointer user_caps, s32 num_caps, KResourceLimit *res_limit, KMemoryManager::Pool pool) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(res_limit != nullptr); /* Set pool and resource limit. */ m_memory_pool = pool; m_resource_limit = res_limit; m_is_immortal = false; /* Get the memory sizes. */ const size_t code_num_pages = params.code_num_pages; const size_t system_resource_num_pages = params.system_resource_num_pages; const size_t code_size = code_num_pages * PageSize; const size_t system_resource_size = system_resource_num_pages * PageSize; /* Reserve memory for the system resource. */ KScopedResourceReservation memory_reservation(this, ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax, code_size + KSystemControl::CalculateRequiredSecureMemorySize(system_resource_size, pool)); R_UNLESS(memory_reservation.Succeeded(), svc::ResultLimitReached()); /* Setup page table resource objects. */ KMemoryBlockSlabManager *mem_block_manager; KBlockInfoManager *block_info_manager; KPageTableManager *pt_manager; m_system_resource_address = Null; m_system_resource_num_pages = 0; if (system_resource_num_pages != 0) { /* Allocate secure memory. */ R_TRY(KSystemControl::AllocateSecureMemory(std::addressof(m_system_resource_address), system_resource_size, pool)); /* Set the number of system resource pages. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_system_resource_address != Null); m_system_resource_num_pages = system_resource_num_pages; /* Initialize slab heaps. */ const size_t rc_size = util::AlignUp(KPageTableSlabHeap::CalculateReferenceCountSize(system_resource_size), PageSize); m_dynamic_page_manager.Initialize(m_system_resource_address + rc_size, system_resource_size - rc_size); m_page_table_heap.Initialize(std::addressof(m_dynamic_page_manager), 0, GetPointer(m_system_resource_address)); m_memory_block_heap.Initialize(std::addressof(m_dynamic_page_manager), 0); m_block_info_heap.Initialize(std::addressof(m_dynamic_page_manager), 0); /* Initialize managers. */ m_page_table_manager.Initialize(std::addressof(m_dynamic_page_manager), std::addressof(m_page_table_heap)); m_memory_block_slab_manager.Initialize(std::addressof(m_dynamic_page_manager), std::addressof(m_memory_block_heap)); m_block_info_manager.Initialize(std::addressof(m_dynamic_page_manager), std::addressof(m_block_info_heap)); mem_block_manager = std::addressof(m_memory_block_slab_manager); block_info_manager = std::addressof(m_block_info_manager); pt_manager = std::addressof(m_page_table_manager); } else { const bool is_app = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_IsApplication); mem_block_manager = std::addressof(is_app ? Kernel::GetApplicationMemoryBlockManager() : Kernel::GetSystemMemoryBlockManager()); block_info_manager = std::addressof(is_app ? Kernel::GetApplicationBlockInfoManager() : Kernel::GetSystemBlockInfoManager()); pt_manager = std::addressof(is_app ? Kernel::GetApplicationPageTableManager() : Kernel::GetSystemPageTableManager()); } /* Ensure we don't leak any secure memory we allocated. */ auto sys_resource_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { if (m_system_resource_address != Null) { /* Check that we have no outstanding allocations. */ MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_memory_block_slab_manager.GetUsed() == 0); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_block_info_manager.GetUsed() == 0); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_page_table_manager.GetUsed() == 0); /* Free the memory. */ KSystemControl::FreeSecureMemory(m_system_resource_address, system_resource_size, pool); /* Clear our tracking variables. */ m_system_resource_address = Null; m_system_resource_num_pages = 0; } }; /* Setup page table. */ /* NOTE: Nintendo passes process ID despite not having set it yet. */ /* This goes completely unused, but even so... */ { const auto as_type = static_cast(params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_AddressSpaceMask); const bool enable_aslr = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_EnableAslr) != 0; const bool enable_das_merge = (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_DisableDeviceAddressSpaceMerge) == 0; R_TRY(m_page_table.Initialize(m_process_id, as_type, enable_aslr, enable_das_merge, !enable_aslr, pool, params.code_address, code_size, mem_block_manager, block_info_manager, pt_manager, res_limit)); } auto pt_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { m_page_table.Finalize(); }; /* Ensure we can insert the code region. */ R_UNLESS(m_page_table.CanContain(params.code_address, code_size, KMemoryState_Code), svc::ResultInvalidMemoryRegion()); /* Map the code region. */ R_TRY(m_page_table.MapPages(params.code_address, code_num_pages, KMemoryState_Code, static_cast(KMemoryPermission_KernelRead | KMemoryPermission_NotMapped))); /* Initialize capabilities. */ R_TRY(m_capabilities.Initialize(user_caps, num_caps, std::addressof(m_page_table))); /* Initialize the process id. */ m_process_id = g_process_id++; MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(ProcessIdMin <= m_process_id); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_process_id <= ProcessIdMax); /* If we should optimize memory allocations, do so. */ if (m_system_resource_address != Null && (params.flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_OptimizeMemoryAllocation) != 0) { R_TRY(Kernel::GetMemoryManager().InitializeOptimizedMemory(m_process_id, pool)); } /* Initialize the rest of the process. */ R_TRY(this->Initialize(params)); /* Open a reference to the resource limit. */ m_resource_limit->Open(); /* We succeeded, so commit our memory reservation and cancel our guards. */ sys_resource_guard.Cancel(); pt_guard.Cancel(); memory_reservation.Commit(); return ResultSuccess(); } void KProcess::DoWorkerTask() { /* Terminate child threads. */ TerminateChildren(this, nullptr); /* Finalize the handle table, if we're not immortal. */ if (!m_is_immortal && m_is_handle_table_initialized) { this->FinalizeHandleTable(); } /* Call the debug callback. */ KDebug::OnExitProcess(this); /* Finish termination. */ this->FinishTermination(); } Result KProcess::StartTermination() { /* Finalize the handle table when we're done, if the process isn't immortal. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { if (!m_is_immortal) { this->FinalizeHandleTable(); } }; /* Terminate child threads other than the current one. */ return TerminateChildren(this, GetCurrentThreadPointer()); } void KProcess::FinishTermination() { /* Only allow termination to occur if the process isn't immortal. */ if (!m_is_immortal) { /* Release resource limit hint. */ if (m_resource_limit != nullptr) { m_memory_release_hint = this->GetUsedUserPhysicalMemorySize(); m_resource_limit->Release(ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax, 0, m_memory_release_hint); } /* Change state. */ { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; this->ChangeState(State_Terminated); } /* Close. */ this->Close(); } } void KProcess::Exit() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Determine whether we need to start terminating */ bool needs_terminate = false; { KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); KScopedSchedulerLock sl; MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_Created); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_CreatedAttached); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_Crashed); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_Terminated); if (m_state == State_Running || m_state == State_RunningAttached || m_state == State_DebugBreak) { this->ChangeState(State_Terminating); needs_terminate = true; } } /* If we need to start termination, do so. */ if (needs_terminate) { this->StartTermination(); /* Note for debug that we're exiting the process. */ MESOSPHERE_LOG("KProcess::Exit() pid=%ld name=%-12s\n", m_process_id, m_name); /* Register the process as a work task. */ KWorkerTaskManager::AddTask(KWorkerTaskManager::WorkerType_Exit, this); } /* Exit the current thread. */ GetCurrentThread().Exit(); MESOSPHERE_PANIC("Thread survived call to exit"); } Result KProcess::Terminate() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Determine whether we need to start terminating */ bool needs_terminate = false; { KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); /* Check whether we're allowed to terminate. */ R_UNLESS(m_state != State_Created, svc::ResultInvalidState()); R_UNLESS(m_state != State_CreatedAttached, svc::ResultInvalidState()); KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (m_state == State_Running || m_state == State_RunningAttached || m_state == State_Crashed || m_state == State_DebugBreak) { this->ChangeState(State_Terminating); needs_terminate = true; } } /* If we need to terminate, do so. */ if (needs_terminate) { /* Start termination. */ if (R_SUCCEEDED(this->StartTermination())) { /* Note for debug that we're terminating the process. */ MESOSPHERE_LOG("KProcess::Terminate() OK pid=%ld name=%-12s\n", m_process_id, m_name); /* Call the debug callback. */ KDebug::OnTerminateProcess(this); /* Finish termination. */ this->FinishTermination(); } else { /* Note for debug that we're terminating the process. */ MESOSPHERE_LOG("KProcess::Terminate() FAIL pid=%ld name=%-12s\n", m_process_id, m_name); /* Register the process as a work task. */ KWorkerTaskManager::AddTask(KWorkerTaskManager::WorkerType_Exit, this); } } return ResultSuccess(); } Result KProcess::AddSharedMemory(KSharedMemory *shmem, KProcessAddress address, size_t size) { /* Lock ourselves, to prevent concurrent access. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); /* Address and size parameters aren't used. */ MESOSPHERE_UNUSED(address, size); /* Try to find an existing info for the memory. */ KSharedMemoryInfo *info = nullptr; for (auto it = m_shared_memory_list.begin(); it != m_shared_memory_list.end(); ++it) { if (it->GetSharedMemory() == shmem) { info = std::addressof(*it); break; } } /* If we didn't find an info, create one. */ if (info == nullptr) { /* Allocate a new info. */ info = KSharedMemoryInfo::Allocate(); R_UNLESS(info != nullptr, svc::ResultOutOfResource()); /* Initialize the info and add it to our list. */ info->Initialize(shmem); m_shared_memory_list.push_back(*info); } /* Open a reference to the shared memory and its info. */ shmem->Open(); info->Open(); return ResultSuccess(); } void KProcess::RemoveSharedMemory(KSharedMemory *shmem, KProcessAddress address, size_t size) { /* Lock ourselves, to prevent concurrent access. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); /* Address and size parameters aren't used. */ MESOSPHERE_UNUSED(address, size); /* Find an existing info for the memory. */ KSharedMemoryInfo *info = nullptr; auto it = m_shared_memory_list.begin(); for (/* ... */; it != m_shared_memory_list.end(); ++it) { if (it->GetSharedMemory() == shmem) { info = std::addressof(*it); break; } } MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(info != nullptr); /* Close a reference to the info and its memory. */ if (info->Close()) { m_shared_memory_list.erase(it); KSharedMemoryInfo::Free(info); } shmem->Close(); } void KProcess::AddIoRegion(KIoRegion *io_region) { /* Lock ourselves, to prevent concurrent access. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); /* Open a reference to the region. */ io_region->Open(); /* Add the region to our list. */ m_io_region_list.push_back(*io_region); } void KProcess::RemoveIoRegion(KIoRegion *io_region) { /* Remove the region from our list. */ { /* Lock ourselves, to prevent concurrent access. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); /* Remove the region from our list. */ m_io_region_list.erase(m_io_region_list.iterator_to(*io_region)); } /* Close our reference to the io region. */ io_region->Close(); } Result KProcess::CreateThreadLocalRegion(KProcessAddress *out) { KThreadLocalPage *tlp = nullptr; KProcessAddress tlr = Null; /* See if we can get a region from a partially used TLP. */ { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (auto it = m_partially_used_tlp_tree.begin(); it != m_partially_used_tlp_tree.end()) { tlr = it->Reserve(); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(tlr != Null); if (it->IsAllUsed()) { tlp = std::addressof(*it); m_partially_used_tlp_tree.erase(it); m_fully_used_tlp_tree.insert(*tlp); } *out = tlr; return ResultSuccess(); } } /* Allocate a new page. */ tlp = KThreadLocalPage::Allocate(); R_UNLESS(tlp != nullptr, svc::ResultOutOfMemory()); auto tlp_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { KThreadLocalPage::Free(tlp); }; /* Initialize the new page. */ R_TRY(tlp->Initialize(this)); /* Reserve a TLR. */ tlr = tlp->Reserve(); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(tlr != Null); /* Insert into our tree. */ { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (tlp->IsAllUsed()) { m_fully_used_tlp_tree.insert(*tlp); } else { m_partially_used_tlp_tree.insert(*tlp); } } /* We succeeded! */ tlp_guard.Cancel(); *out = tlr; return ResultSuccess(); } Result KProcess::DeleteThreadLocalRegion(KProcessAddress addr) { KThreadLocalPage *page_to_free = nullptr; /* Release the region. */ { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; /* Try to find the page in the partially used list. */ auto it = m_partially_used_tlp_tree.find(KThreadLocalPage(util::AlignDown(GetInteger(addr), PageSize))); if (it == m_partially_used_tlp_tree.end()) { /* If we don't find it, it has to be in the fully used list. */ it = m_fully_used_tlp_tree.find(KThreadLocalPage(util::AlignDown(GetInteger(addr), PageSize))); R_UNLESS(it != m_fully_used_tlp_tree.end(), svc::ResultInvalidAddress()); /* Release the region. */ it->Release(addr); /* Move the page out of the fully used list. */ KThreadLocalPage *tlp = std::addressof(*it); m_fully_used_tlp_tree.erase(it); if (tlp->IsAllFree()) { page_to_free = tlp; } else { m_partially_used_tlp_tree.insert(*tlp); } } else { /* Release the region. */ it->Release(addr); /* Handle the all-free case. */ KThreadLocalPage *tlp = std::addressof(*it); if (tlp->IsAllFree()) { m_partially_used_tlp_tree.erase(it); page_to_free = tlp; } } } /* If we should free the page it was in, do so. */ if (page_to_free != nullptr) { page_to_free->Finalize(); KThreadLocalPage::Free(page_to_free); } return ResultSuccess(); } void *KProcess::GetThreadLocalRegionPointer(KProcessAddress addr) { KThreadLocalPage *tlp = nullptr; { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (auto it = m_partially_used_tlp_tree.find(KThreadLocalPage(util::AlignDown(GetInteger(addr), PageSize))); it != m_partially_used_tlp_tree.end()) { tlp = std::addressof(*it); } else if (auto it = m_fully_used_tlp_tree.find(KThreadLocalPage(util::AlignDown(GetInteger(addr), PageSize))); it != m_fully_used_tlp_tree.end()) { tlp = std::addressof(*it); } else { return nullptr; } } return static_cast(tlp->GetPointer()) + (GetInteger(addr) & (PageSize - 1)); } bool KProcess::ReserveResource(ams::svc::LimitableResource which, s64 value) { if (KResourceLimit *rl = this->GetResourceLimit(); rl != nullptr) { return rl->Reserve(which, value); } else { return true; } } bool KProcess::ReserveResource(ams::svc::LimitableResource which, s64 value, s64 timeout) { if (KResourceLimit *rl = this->GetResourceLimit(); rl != nullptr) { return rl->Reserve(which, value, timeout); } else { return true; } } void KProcess::ReleaseResource(ams::svc::LimitableResource which, s64 value) { if (KResourceLimit *rl = this->GetResourceLimit(); rl != nullptr) { rl->Release(which, value); } } void KProcess::ReleaseResource(ams::svc::LimitableResource which, s64 value, s64 hint) { if (KResourceLimit *rl = this->GetResourceLimit(); rl != nullptr) { rl->Release(which, value, hint); } } void KProcess::IncrementRunningThreadCount() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_num_running_threads.Load() >= 0); ++m_num_running_threads; } void KProcess::DecrementRunningThreadCount() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_num_running_threads.Load() > 0); if (const auto prev = m_num_running_threads--; prev == 1) { this->Terminate(); } } bool KProcess::EnterUserException() { /* Get the current thread. */ KThread *cur_thread = GetCurrentThreadPointer(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(this == cur_thread->GetOwnerProcess()); /* Check that we haven't already claimed the exception thread. */ if (m_exception_thread == cur_thread) { return false; } /* Create the wait queue we'll be using. */ ThreadQueueImplForKProcessEnterUserException wait_queue(std::addressof(m_exception_thread)); /* Claim the exception thread. */ { /* Lock the scheduler. */ KScopedSchedulerLock sl; /* Check that we're not terminating. */ if (cur_thread->IsTerminationRequested()) { return false; } /* If we don't have an exception thread, we can just claim it directly. */ if (m_exception_thread == nullptr) { m_exception_thread = cur_thread; KScheduler::SetSchedulerUpdateNeeded(); return true; } /* Otherwise, we need to wait until we don't have an exception thread. */ /* Add the current thread as a waiter on the current exception thread. */ cur_thread->SetAddressKey(reinterpret_cast(std::addressof(m_exception_thread)) | 1); m_exception_thread->AddWaiter(cur_thread); /* Wait to claim the exception thread. */ cur_thread->BeginWait(std::addressof(wait_queue)); } /* If our wait didn't end due to thread termination, we succeeded. */ return !svc::ResultTerminationRequested::Includes(cur_thread->GetWaitResult()); } bool KProcess::LeaveUserException() { return this->ReleaseUserException(GetCurrentThreadPointer()); } bool KProcess::ReleaseUserException(KThread *thread) { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (m_exception_thread == thread) { m_exception_thread = nullptr; /* Remove waiter thread. */ s32 num_waiters; if (KThread *next = thread->RemoveWaiterByKey(std::addressof(num_waiters), reinterpret_cast(std::addressof(m_exception_thread)) | 1); next != nullptr) { next->EndWait(ResultSuccess()); } KScheduler::SetSchedulerUpdateNeeded(); return true; } else { return false; } } void KProcess::RegisterThread(KThread *thread) { KScopedLightLock lk(m_list_lock); m_thread_list.push_back(*thread); } void KProcess::UnregisterThread(KThread *thread) { KScopedLightLock lk(m_list_lock); m_thread_list.erase(m_thread_list.iterator_to(*thread)); } size_t KProcess::GetUsedUserPhysicalMemorySize() const { const size_t norm_size = m_page_table.GetNormalMemorySize(); const size_t other_size = m_code_size + m_main_thread_stack_size; const size_t sec_size = KSystemControl::CalculateRequiredSecureMemorySize(m_system_resource_num_pages * PageSize, m_memory_pool); return norm_size + other_size + sec_size; } size_t KProcess::GetTotalUserPhysicalMemorySize() const { /* Get the amount of free and used size. */ const size_t free_size = m_resource_limit->GetFreeValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax); const size_t used_size = this->GetUsedNonSystemUserPhysicalMemorySize(); const size_t max_size = m_max_process_memory; if (used_size + free_size > max_size) { return max_size; } else { return free_size + used_size; } } size_t KProcess::GetUsedNonSystemUserPhysicalMemorySize() const { const size_t norm_size = m_page_table.GetNormalMemorySize(); const size_t other_size = m_code_size + m_main_thread_stack_size; return norm_size + other_size; } size_t KProcess::GetTotalNonSystemUserPhysicalMemorySize() const { /* Get the amount of free and used size. */ const size_t free_size = m_resource_limit->GetFreeValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax); const size_t used_size = this->GetUsedUserPhysicalMemorySize(); const size_t sec_size = KSystemControl::CalculateRequiredSecureMemorySize(m_system_resource_num_pages * PageSize, m_memory_pool); const size_t max_size = m_max_process_memory; if (used_size + free_size > max_size) { return max_size - sec_size; } else { return free_size + used_size - sec_size; } } Result KProcess::Run(s32 priority, size_t stack_size) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Lock ourselves, to prevent concurrent access. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); /* Validate that we're in a state where we can initialize. */ const auto state = m_state; R_UNLESS(state == State_Created || state == State_CreatedAttached, svc::ResultInvalidState()); /* Place a tentative reservation of a thread for this process. */ KScopedResourceReservation thread_reservation(this, ams::svc::LimitableResource_ThreadCountMax); R_UNLESS(thread_reservation.Succeeded(), svc::ResultLimitReached()); /* Ensure that we haven't already allocated stack. */ MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_main_thread_stack_size == 0); /* Ensure that we're allocating a valid stack. */ stack_size = util::AlignUp(stack_size, PageSize); R_UNLESS(stack_size + m_code_size <= m_max_process_memory, svc::ResultOutOfMemory()); R_UNLESS(stack_size + m_code_size >= m_code_size, svc::ResultOutOfMemory()); /* Place a tentative reservation of memory for our new stack. */ KScopedResourceReservation mem_reservation(this, ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax, stack_size); R_UNLESS(mem_reservation.Succeeded(), svc::ResultLimitReached()); /* Allocate and map our stack. */ KProcessAddress stack_top = Null; if (stack_size) { KProcessAddress stack_bottom; R_TRY(m_page_table.MapPages(std::addressof(stack_bottom), stack_size / PageSize, KMemoryState_Stack, KMemoryPermission_UserReadWrite)); stack_top = stack_bottom + stack_size; m_main_thread_stack_size = stack_size; } /* Ensure our stack is safe to clean up on exit. */ auto stack_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { if (m_main_thread_stack_size) { MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(m_page_table.UnmapPages(stack_top - m_main_thread_stack_size, m_main_thread_stack_size / PageSize, KMemoryState_Stack)); m_main_thread_stack_size = 0; } }; /* Set our maximum heap size. */ R_TRY(m_page_table.SetMaxHeapSize(m_max_process_memory - (m_main_thread_stack_size + m_code_size))); /* Initialize our handle table. */ R_TRY(this->InitializeHandleTable(m_capabilities.GetHandleTableSize())); auto ht_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { this->FinalizeHandleTable(); }; /* Create a new thread for the process. */ KThread *main_thread = KThread::Create(); R_UNLESS(main_thread != nullptr, svc::ResultOutOfResource()); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { main_thread->Close(); }; /* Initialize the thread. */ R_TRY(KThread::InitializeUserThread(main_thread, reinterpret_cast(GetVoidPointer(this->GetEntryPoint())), 0, stack_top, priority, m_ideal_core_id, this)); /* Register the thread, and commit our reservation. */ KThread::Register(main_thread); thread_reservation.Commit(); /* Add the thread to our handle table. */ ams::svc::Handle thread_handle; R_TRY(m_handle_table.Add(std::addressof(thread_handle), main_thread)); /* Set the thread arguments. */ main_thread->GetContext().SetArguments(0, thread_handle); /* Update our state. */ this->ChangeState((state == State_Created) ? State_Running : State_RunningAttached); auto state_guard = SCOPE_GUARD { this->ChangeState(state); }; /* Run our thread. */ R_TRY(main_thread->Run()); /* Open a reference to represent that we're running. */ this->Open(); /* We succeeded! Cancel our guards. */ state_guard.Cancel(); ht_guard.Cancel(); stack_guard.Cancel(); mem_reservation.Commit(); /* Note for debug that we're running a new process. */ MESOSPHERE_LOG("KProcess::Run() pid=%ld name=%-12s thread=%ld affinity=0x%lx ideal_core=%d active_core=%d\n", m_process_id, m_name, main_thread->GetId(), main_thread->GetVirtualAffinityMask(), main_thread->GetIdealVirtualCore(), main_thread->GetActiveCore()); return ResultSuccess(); } Result KProcess::Reset() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Lock the process and the scheduler. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); KScopedSchedulerLock sl; /* Validate that we're in a state that we can reset. */ R_UNLESS(m_state != State_Terminated, svc::ResultInvalidState()); R_UNLESS(m_is_signaled, svc::ResultInvalidState()); /* Clear signaled. */ m_is_signaled = false; return ResultSuccess(); } Result KProcess::SetActivity(ams::svc::ProcessActivity activity) { /* Lock ourselves and the scheduler. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); KScopedLightLock list_lk(m_list_lock); KScopedSchedulerLock sl; /* Validate our state. */ R_UNLESS(m_state != State_Terminating, svc::ResultInvalidState()); R_UNLESS(m_state != State_Terminated, svc::ResultInvalidState()); /* Either pause or resume. */ if (activity == ams::svc::ProcessActivity_Paused) { /* Verify that we're not suspended. */ R_UNLESS(!m_is_suspended, svc::ResultInvalidState()); /* Suspend all threads. */ auto end = this->GetThreadList().end(); for (auto it = this->GetThreadList().begin(); it != end; ++it) { it->RequestSuspend(KThread::SuspendType_Process); } /* Set ourselves as suspended. */ this->SetSuspended(true); } else { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(activity == ams::svc::ProcessActivity_Runnable); /* Verify that we're suspended. */ R_UNLESS(m_is_suspended, svc::ResultInvalidState()); /* Resume all threads. */ auto end = this->GetThreadList().end(); for (auto it = this->GetThreadList().begin(); it != end; ++it) { it->Resume(KThread::SuspendType_Process); } /* Set ourselves as resumed. */ this->SetSuspended(false); } return ResultSuccess(); } void KProcess::PinCurrentThread() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); /* Get the current thread. */ const s32 core_id = GetCurrentCoreId(); KThread *cur_thread = GetCurrentThreadPointer(); /* If the thread isn't terminated, pin it. */ if (!cur_thread->IsTerminationRequested()) { /* Pin it. */ this->PinThread(core_id, cur_thread); cur_thread->Pin(); /* An update is needed. */ KScheduler::SetSchedulerUpdateNeeded(); } } void KProcess::UnpinCurrentThread() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); /* Get the current thread. */ const s32 core_id = GetCurrentCoreId(); KThread *cur_thread = GetCurrentThreadPointer(); /* Unpin it. */ cur_thread->Unpin(); this->UnpinThread(core_id, cur_thread); /* An update is needed. */ KScheduler::SetSchedulerUpdateNeeded(); } void KProcess::UnpinThread(KThread *thread) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); /* Get the thread's core id. */ const auto core_id = thread->GetActiveCore(); /* Unpin it. */ this->UnpinThread(core_id, thread); thread->Unpin(); /* An update is needed. */ KScheduler::SetSchedulerUpdateNeeded(); } Result KProcess::GetThreadList(s32 *out_num_threads, ams::kern::svc::KUserPointer out_thread_ids, s32 max_out_count) { /* Lock the list. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_list_lock); /* Iterate over the list. */ s32 count = 0; auto end = this->GetThreadList().end(); for (auto it = this->GetThreadList().begin(); it != end; ++it) { /* If we're within array bounds, write the id. */ if (count < max_out_count) { /* Get the thread id. */ KThread *thread = std::addressof(*it); const u64 id = thread->GetId(); /* Copy the id to userland. */ R_TRY(out_thread_ids.CopyArrayElementFrom(std::addressof(id), count)); } /* Increment the count. */ ++count; } /* We successfully iterated the list. */ *out_num_threads = count; return ResultSuccess(); } KProcess::State KProcess::SetDebugObject(void *debug_object) { /* Attaching should only happen to non-null objects while the scheduler is locked. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(debug_object != nullptr); /* Cache our state to return it to the debug object. */ const auto old_state = m_state; /* Set the object. */ m_attached_object = debug_object; /* Check that our state is valid for attach. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state == State_Created || m_state == State_Running || m_state == State_Crashed); /* Update our state. */ if (m_state != State_DebugBreak) { if (m_state == State_Created) { this->ChangeState(State_CreatedAttached); } else { this->ChangeState(State_DebugBreak); } } return old_state; } void KProcess::ClearDebugObject(KProcess::State old_state) { /* Detaching from process should only happen while the scheduler is locked. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); /* Clear the attached object. */ m_attached_object = nullptr; /* Validate that the process is in an attached state. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state == State_CreatedAttached || m_state == State_RunningAttached || m_state == State_DebugBreak || m_state == State_Terminating || m_state == State_Terminated); /* Change the state appropriately. */ if (m_state == State_CreatedAttached) { this->ChangeState(State_Created); } else if (m_state == State_RunningAttached || m_state == State_DebugBreak) { /* Disallow transition back to created from running. */ if (old_state == State_Created) { old_state = State_Running; } this->ChangeState(old_state); } } bool KProcess::EnterJitDebug(ams::svc::DebugEvent event, ams::svc::DebugException exception, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2, uintptr_t param3, uintptr_t param4) { /* Check that we're the current process. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(this == GetCurrentProcessPointer()); /* If we aren't allowed to enter jit debug, don't. */ if ((m_flags & ams::svc::CreateProcessFlag_EnableDebug) == 0) { return false; } /* We're the current process, so we should be some kind of running. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_Created); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_CreatedAttached); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_Terminated); /* Try to enter JIT debug. */ while (true) { /* Lock ourselves and the scheduler. */ KScopedLightLock lk(m_state_lock); KScopedLightLock list_lk(m_list_lock); KScopedSchedulerLock sl; /* If we're attached to a debugger, we're necessarily in debug. */ if (this->IsAttachedToDebugger()) { return true; } /* If the current thread is terminating, we can't enter debug. */ if (GetCurrentThread().IsTerminationRequested()) { return false; } /* We're not attached to debugger, so check that. */ MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_RunningAttached); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state != State_DebugBreak); /* If we're terminating, we can't enter debug. */ if (m_state != State_Running && m_state != State_Crashed) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_state == State_Terminating); return false; } /* If the current thread is suspended, retry. */ if (GetCurrentThread().IsSuspended()) { continue; } /* Suspend all our threads. */ { auto end = this->GetThreadList().end(); for (auto it = this->GetThreadList().begin(); it != end; ++it) { it->RequestSuspend(KThread::SuspendType_Debug); } } /* Change our state to crashed. */ this->ChangeState(State_Crashed); /* Enter jit debug. */ m_is_jit_debug = true; m_jit_debug_event_type = event; m_jit_debug_exception_type = exception; m_jit_debug_params[0] = param1; m_jit_debug_params[1] = param2; m_jit_debug_params[2] = param3; m_jit_debug_params[3] = param4; m_jit_debug_thread_id = GetCurrentThread().GetId(); /* Exit our retry loop. */ break; } /* Check if our state indicates we're in jit debug. */ { KScopedSchedulerLock sl; if (m_state == State_Running || m_state == State_RunningAttached || m_state == State_Crashed || m_state == State_DebugBreak) { return true; } } return false; } KEventInfo *KProcess::GetJitDebugInfo() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); if (m_is_jit_debug) { return KDebugBase::CreateDebugEvent(m_jit_debug_event_type, m_jit_debug_exception_type, m_jit_debug_params[0], m_jit_debug_params[1], m_jit_debug_params[2], m_jit_debug_params[3], m_jit_debug_thread_id); } else { return nullptr; } } void KProcess::ClearJitDebugInfo() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(KScheduler::IsSchedulerLockedByCurrentThread()); m_is_jit_debug = false; } KProcess *KProcess::GetProcessFromId(u64 process_id) { /* Lock the list. */ KProcess::ListAccessor accessor; const auto end = accessor.end(); /* Iterate over the list. */ for (auto it = accessor.begin(); it != end; ++it) { /* Get the process. */ KProcess *process = static_cast(std::addressof(*it)); if (process->GetId() == process_id) { if (AMS_LIKELY(process->Open())) { return process; } } } /* We failed to find the process. */ return nullptr; } Result KProcess::GetProcessList(s32 *out_num_processes, ams::kern::svc::KUserPointer out_process_ids, s32 max_out_count) { /* Lock the list. */ KProcess::ListAccessor accessor; const auto end = accessor.end(); /* Iterate over the list. */ s32 count = 0; for (auto it = accessor.begin(); it != end; ++it) { /* If we're within array bounds, write the id. */ if (count < max_out_count) { /* Get the process id. */ KProcess *process = static_cast(std::addressof(*it)); const u64 id = process->GetId(); /* Copy the id to userland. */ R_TRY(out_process_ids.CopyArrayElementFrom(std::addressof(id), count)); } /* Increment the count. */ ++count; } /* We successfully iterated the list. */ *out_num_processes = count; return ResultSuccess(); } }