/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Adubbz * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "ncm_fs.hpp" #include "ncm_path_utils.hpp" namespace sts::ncm { Result OpenFile(FILE** out, const char* path, u32 mode) { bool has = false; /* Manually check if the file already exists, so it doesn't get created automatically. */ R_TRY(HasFile(&has, path)); if (!has) { return ResultFsPathNotFound; } const char* fopen_mode = ""; if (mode & FS_OPEN_APPEND) { if (mode & FS_OPEN_READ) { fopen_mode = "r+b"; } else if (mode & FS_OPEN_WRITE) { fopen_mode = "w+b"; } } else { if (mode & FS_OPEN_READ) { fopen_mode = "rb"; } else if (mode & FS_OPEN_WRITE) { fopen_mode = "wb"; } } FILE* f = fopen(path, fopen_mode); if (f == nullptr) { return fsdevGetLastResult(); } *out = f; return ResultSuccess; } Result HasFile(bool* out, const char* path) { struct stat st; if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { *out = true; } else { R_TRY_CATCH(fsdevGetLastResult()) { R_CATCH(ResultFsPathNotFound) { *out = false; } } R_END_TRY_CATCH; } return ResultSuccess; } Result HasDirectory(bool* out, const char* path) { struct stat st; if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { *out = true; } else { R_TRY_CATCH(fsdevGetLastResult()) { R_CATCH(ResultFsPathNotFound) { *out = false; } } R_END_TRY_CATCH; } return ResultSuccess; } Result CheckContentStorageDirectoriesExist(const char* root_path) { char content_root[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; char placeholder_root[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; bool has_root = false; R_TRY(HasDirectory(&has_root, root_path)); if (!has_root) { return ResultNcmStorageRootNotFound; } path::GetContentRootPath(content_root, root_path); bool has_content_root = false; R_TRY(HasDirectory(&has_content_root, content_root)); if (!has_content_root) { return ResultNcmStoragePathNotFound; } path::GetPlaceHolderRootPath(placeholder_root, root_path); bool has_placeholder_root = false; R_TRY(HasDirectory(&has_placeholder_root, placeholder_root)); if (!has_placeholder_root) { return ResultNcmStoragePathNotFound; } return ResultSuccess; } Result EnsureContentAndPlaceHolderRoot(const char* root_path) { char content_root[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; char placeholder_root[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; path::GetContentRootPath(content_root, root_path); R_TRY(EnsureDirectoryRecursively(content_root)); path::GetPlaceHolderRootPath(placeholder_root, root_path); R_TRY(EnsureDirectoryRecursively(placeholder_root)); return ResultSuccess; } Result EnsureDirectoryRecursively(const char* dir_path) { return EnsureRecursively(dir_path, true); } Result EnsureRecursively(const char* path, bool is_dir) { if (!path) { return ResultFsNullptrArgument; } size_t path_len = strlen(path); char working_path_buf[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (path_len + 1 < FS_MAX_PATH) { strncpy(working_path_buf + 1, path, FS_MAX_PATH-1); if (path_len != 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < path_len; i++) { if (i != 0 && working_path_buf[i + 1] == '/' && working_path_buf[i] != ':') { /* Temporarily make the path terminate before the '/' */ working_path_buf[i + 1] = 0; if (mkdir(working_path_buf + 1, S_IRWXU) == -1) { R_TRY_CATCH(fsdevGetLastResult()) { R_CATCH(ResultFsPathAlreadyExists) { /* If the path already exists, that's okay. Anything else is an error. */ } } R_END_TRY_CATCH; } /* Restore the path to its former state */ working_path_buf[i + 1] = '/'; } } } } else { return ResultNcmAllocationFailed; } return ResultSuccess; } Result EnsureParentDirectoryRecursively(const char* path) { return EnsureRecursively(path, false); } Result GetGameCardHandle(FsGameCardHandle* out_handle) { FsDeviceOperator devop; R_TRY(fsOpenDeviceOperator(&devop)); /* Ensure we close even on early return. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { fsDeviceOperatorClose(&devop); }; R_TRY(fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(&devop, out_handle)); return ResultSuccess; } static u32 g_mount_index = 0; static HosMutex g_mount_index_lock; MountName CreateUniqueMountName() { std::scoped_lock lk(g_mount_index_lock); MountName mount_name; g_mount_index++; snprintf(mount_name.name, sizeof(MountName), "@ncm%08x", g_mount_index); return mount_name; } Result MountSystemSaveData(const char* mount_point, FsSaveDataSpaceId space_id, u64 save_id) { if (!mount_point) { return ResultFsNullptrArgument; } FsSave save = { .saveID = save_id, .saveDataType = FsSaveDataType_SystemSaveData, }; FsFileSystem fs; R_TRY(fsMountSystemSaveData(&fs, space_id, &save)); if (fsdevMountDevice(mount_point, fs) == -1) { std::abort(); } return ResultSuccess; } constexpr const char* SystemContentMountName = "@SystemContent"; constexpr const char* UserContentMountName = "@UserContent"; constexpr const char* SdCardContentMountName = "@SdCardContent"; constexpr const char* GameCardMountNameBase = "@Gc"; constexpr const char* GameCardPartitionLetters[3] = { "U", "N", "S" }; /* Maps mount names to their common mount names. */ std::map g_mount_content_storage; Result MountContentStorage(const char* mount_point, FsContentStorageId id) { if (!mount_point) { return ResultFsNullptrArgument; } FsFileSystem fs; R_TRY(fsOpenContentStorageFileSystem(&fs, id)); if (fsdevMountDevice(mount_point, fs) == -1) { std::abort(); } switch (id) { case FS_CONTENTSTORAGEID_NandSystem: g_mount_content_storage[mount_point] = SystemContentMountName; break; case FS_CONTENTSTORAGEID_NandUser: g_mount_content_storage[mount_point] = UserContentMountName; break; case FS_CONTENTSTORAGEID_SdCard: g_mount_content_storage[mount_point] = SdCardContentMountName; break; default: std::abort(); }; return ResultSuccess; } Result MountGameCardPartition(const char* mount_point, const FsGameCardHandle handle, FsGameCardPartiton partition) { if (partition > 2) { std::abort(); } FsFileSystem fs; R_TRY(fsOpenGameCardFileSystem(&fs, &handle, partition)); if (fsdevMountDevice(mount_point, fs) == -1) { std::abort(); } MountName mount = {0}; snprintf(mount.name, sizeof(MountName), "%s%s%08x", GameCardMountNameBase, GameCardPartitionLetters[partition], handle.value); g_mount_content_storage[mount_point] = mount.name; return ResultSuccess; } Result Unmount(const char* mount_point) { if (!mount_point) { return ResultFsNullptrArgument; } /* Erase any content storage mappings which may potentially exist. */ g_mount_content_storage.erase(mount_point); if (fsdevUnmountDevice(mount_point) == -1) { std::abort(); } return ResultSuccess; } Result ConvertToFsCommonPath(char* out_common_path, size_t out_len, const char* path) { if (!out_common_path || !path) { return ResultFsNullptrArgument; } MountName mount_name = {0}; const char* unqual_path = strchr(path, ':'); /* We should be given a qualified path. */ if (!unqual_path || unqual_path > path + 0xf) { return ResultInvalidMountName; } strncpy(mount_name.name, path, unqual_path - path); if (!fsdevGetDeviceFileSystem(mount_name.name) || g_mount_content_storage.find(mount_name.name) == g_mount_content_storage.end()) { return ResultFsMountNameNotFound; } char translated_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; std::string common_mount_name = g_mount_content_storage[mount_name.name]; if (fsdevTranslatePath(path, NULL, translated_path) == -1) { std::abort(); } snprintf(out_common_path, out_len, "%s:%s", common_mount_name.c_str(), translated_path); return ResultSuccess; } Result GetSaveDataFlags(u32* out_flags, u64 save_id) { FsSaveDataExtraData extra_data; R_TRY(fsReadSaveDataFileSystemExtraData(&extra_data, sizeof(FsSaveDataExtraData), save_id)); *out_flags = extra_data.flags; return ResultSuccess; } Result SetSaveDataFlags(u64 save_id, FsSaveDataSpaceId space_id, u32 flags) { FsSaveDataExtraData extra_data; R_TRY(fsReadSaveDataFileSystemExtraData(&extra_data, sizeof(FsSaveDataExtraData), save_id)); extra_data.flags = flags; R_TRY(fsWriteSaveDataFileSystemExtraData(&extra_data, sizeof(FsSaveDataExtraData), space_id, save_id)); return ResultSuccess; } }