/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <exosphere.hpp> #include "../secmon_cache.hpp" #include "../secmon_cpu_context.hpp" #include "../secmon_error.hpp" #include "../secmon_misc.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_power_management.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_se_lock.hpp" #include "sc7fw_bin.h" namespace ams::secmon { /* Declare assembly functionality. */ void *GetCoreExceptionStackVirtual(); } namespace ams::secmon::smc { /* Declare assembly power-management functionality. */ void PivotStackAndInvoke(void *stack, void (*function)()); void FinalizePowerOff(); namespace { constexpr inline const uintptr_t PMC = MemoryRegionVirtualDevicePmc.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t APB_MISC = MemoryRegionVirtualDeviceApbMisc.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t GPIO = MemoryRegionVirtualDeviceGpio.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t CLK_RST = MemoryRegionVirtualDeviceClkRst.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t EVP = secmon::MemoryRegionVirtualDeviceExceptionVectors.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t FLOW_CTLR = MemoryRegionVirtualDeviceFlowController.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t AHB_ARBC = MemoryRegionVirtualDeviceSystem.GetAddress(); constexpr inline uintptr_t CommonSmcStackTop = MemoryRegionVirtualTzramVolatileData.GetEndAddress() - (0x80 * (NumCores - 1)); enum PowerStateType { PowerStateType_StandBy = 0, PowerStateType_PowerDown = 1, }; enum PowerStateId { PowerStateId_Sc7 = 27, }; /* http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.den0022d/Power_State_Coordination_Interface_PDD_v1_1_DEN0022D.pdf Page 46 */ struct SuspendCpuPowerState { using StateId = util::BitPack32::Field< 0, 16, PowerStateId>; using StateType = util::BitPack32::Field<16, 1, PowerStateType>; using PowerLevel = util::BitPack32::Field<24, 2, u32>; }; constinit bool g_charger_hi_z_mode_enabled = false; constinit const reg::BitsMask CpuPowerGateStatusMasks[NumCores] = { PMC_REG_BITS_MASK(PWRGATE_STATUS_CE0), PMC_REG_BITS_MASK(PWRGATE_STATUS_CE1), PMC_REG_BITS_MASK(PWRGATE_STATUS_CE2), PMC_REG_BITS_MASK(PWRGATE_STATUS_CE3), }; constinit const APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE_PARTID CpuPowerGateTogglePartitionIds[NumCores] = { APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE_PARTID_CE0, APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE_PARTID_CE1, APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE_PARTID_CE2, APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE_PARTID_CE3, }; bool IsCpuPoweredOn(const reg::BitsMask mask) { return reg::HasValue(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_STATUS, REG_BITS_VALUE_FROM_MASK(mask, APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_STATUS_STATUS_ON)); } void PowerOnCpu(const reg::BitsMask mask, u32 toggle_partid) { /* If the cpu is already on, we have nothing to do. */ if (IsCpuPoweredOn(mask)) { return; } /* Wait until nothing is being powergated. */ int timeout = 5000; while (true) { if (reg::HasValue(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE, PMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(PWRGATE_TOGGLE_START, DISABLE))) { break; } util::WaitMicroSeconds(1); if ((--timeout) < 0) { /* NOTE: Nintendo doesn't do any error handling here... */ return; } } /* Toggle on the cpu partition. */ reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE, PMC_REG_BITS_ENUM (PWRGATE_TOGGLE_START, ENABLE), PMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(PWRGATE_TOGGLE_PARTID, toggle_partid)); /* Wait up to 5000 us for the powergate to complete. */ timeout = 5000; while (true) { if (IsCpuPoweredOn(mask)) { break; } util::WaitMicroSeconds(1); if ((--timeout) < 0) { /* NOTE: Nintendo doesn't do any error handling here... */ return; } } } void ResetCpu(int which_core) { reg::Write(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_CPUG_CMPLX_SET, REG_BITS_VALUE(which_core + 0x00, 1, 1), /* CPURESETn */ REG_BITS_VALUE(which_core + 0x10, 1, 1)); /* CORERESETn */ } void StartCpu(int which_core) { reg::Write(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_CPUG_CMPLX_CLR, REG_BITS_VALUE(which_core + 0x00, 1, 1), /* CPURESETn */ REG_BITS_VALUE(which_core + 0x10, 1, 1)); /* CORERESETn */ } void PowerOffCpuImpl() { /* Get the current core id. */ const auto core_id = hw::GetCurrentCoreId(); /* Configure the flow controller to prepare for shutting down the current core. */ flow::SetCpuCsr(core_id, FLOW_CTLR_CPUN_CSR_ENABLE_EXT_POWERGATE_CPU_ONLY); flow::SetHaltCpuEvents(core_id, false); flow::SetCc4Ctrl(core_id, 0); /* Save the core's context for restoration on next power-on. */ SaveDebugRegisters(); SetCoreOff(); /* Ensure there are no pending memory transactions prior to our power-down. */ FlushEntireDataCache(); /* Finalize our powerdown and wait for an interrupt. */ FinalizePowerOff(); } void ValidateSocStateForSuspend() { /* Validate that all other cores are off. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_STATUS, PMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(PWRGATE_STATUS_CE123, 0))); /* Validate that the bpmp is appropriately halted. */ const bool jtag = IsJtagEnabled(); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(FLOW_CTLR + FLOW_CTLR_HALT_COP_EVENTS) == reg::Encode(FLOW_REG_BITS_ENUM (HALT_COP_EVENTS_MODE, FLOW_MODE_STOP), FLOW_REG_BITS_ENUM_SEL(HALT_COP_EVENTS_JTAG, jtag, ENABLED, DISABLED))); /* Further validations aren't guaranteed on < 6.0.0. */ if (GetTargetFirmware() < TargetFirmware_6_0_0) { return; } /* Validate that USB2, APB-DMA, AHB-DMA are held in reset. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_H, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(RST_DEVICES_H_SWR_USB2_RST, ENABLE), CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(RST_DEVICES_H_SWR_APBDMA_RST, ENABLE), CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(RST_DEVICES_H_SWR_AHBDMA_RST, ENABLE))); /* Validate that USBD is held in reset. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_L, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(RST_DEVICES_L_SWR_USBD_RST, ENABLE))); /* Validate that AHB-DMA, USB, USB2, COP are not allowed to arbitrate on the AHB. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(AHB_ARBC + AHB_ARBITRATION_DISABLE, AHB_REG_BITS_ENUM(ARBITRATION_DISABLE_COP, DISABLE), AHB_REG_BITS_ENUM(ARBITRATION_DISABLE_AHBDMA, DISABLE), AHB_REG_BITS_ENUM(ARBITRATION_DISABLE_USB, DISABLE), AHB_REG_BITS_ENUM(ARBITRATION_DISABLE_USB2, DISABLE))); /* Validate that the GPIO controller has clock enabled. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_L, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_L_CLK_ENB_GPIO, ENABLE))); /* Validate that both FUSE and KFUSE have clock enabled. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_H, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_H_CLK_ENB_FUSE, ENABLE), CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_H_CLK_ENB_KFUSE, ENABLE))); /* Validate that all of IRAM has clock enabled. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_U, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_U_CLK_ENB_IRAMA, ENABLE), CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_U_CLK_ENB_IRAMB, ENABLE), CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_U_CLK_ENB_IRAMC, ENABLE), CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_U_CLK_ENB_IRAMD, ENABLE))); /* Validate that ACTMON has clock enabled. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_V, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_V_CLK_ENB_ACTMON, ENABLE))); /* Validate that ENTROPY has clock enabled. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_W, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(CLK_OUT_ENB_W_CLK_ENB_ENTROPY, ENABLE))); } void GenerateCryptographicallyRandomBytes(void * const dst, int size) { /* Flush the region we're about to fill to ensure consistency with the SE. */ hw::FlushDataCache(dst, size); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Generate random bytes. */ se::GenerateRandomBytes(dst, size); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Flush to ensure the CPU sees consistent data for the region. */ hw::FlushDataCache(dst, size); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); } void SaveSecureContextForErista() { /* Generate a random key source. */ util::AlignedBuffer<hw::DataCacheLineSize, se::AesBlockSize> key_source; GenerateCryptographicallyRandomBytes(key_source, se::AesBlockSize); const u32 * const key_source_32 = reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(static_cast<u8 *>(key_source)); /* Ensure that the key source registers are not locked. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(pmc::GetSecureRegisterLockState(pmc::SecureRegister_KeySourceReadWrite) != pmc::LockState::Locked); /* Write the key source, lock writes to the key source, and verify that the key source is write-locked. */ reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH24, key_source_32[0]); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH25, key_source_32[1]); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH26, key_source_32[2]); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH27, key_source_32[3]); pmc::LockSecureRegister(pmc::SecureRegister_KeySourceWrite); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(pmc::GetSecureRegisterLockState(pmc::SecureRegister_KeySourceWrite) == pmc::LockState::Locked); /* Verify the key source is correct in registers, and read-lock the key source registers. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH24) == key_source_32[0]); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH25) == key_source_32[1]); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH26) == key_source_32[2]); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH27) == key_source_32[3]); pmc::LockSecureRegister(pmc::SecureRegister_KeySourceRead); /* Ensure that the key source registers are locked. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(pmc::GetSecureRegisterLockState(pmc::SecureRegister_KeySourceReadWrite) == pmc::LockState::Locked); /* Generate a random kek into keyslot 2. */ se::SetRandomKey(pkg1::AesKeySlot_TzramSaveKek); /* Verify that the se is in a validate state, context save, and validate again. */ { se::ValidateErrStatus(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { se::ValidateErrStatus(); }; { /* Transition to non-secure mode for the duration of the context save operation. */ se::SetSecure(false); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { se::SetSecure(true); }; /* Get a pointer to the context storage. */ se::Context * const context = MemoryRegionVirtualDramSecureDataStoreSecurityEngineState.GetPointer<se::Context>(); static_assert(MemoryRegionVirtualDramSecureDataStoreSecurityEngineState.GetSize() == sizeof(*context)); /* Save the context. */ se::SaveContext(context); /* Ensure that the cpu sees consistent data. */ hw::FlushDataCache(context, sizeof(*context)); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Write the context pointer to pmc scratch, so that the bootrom will restore it on wake. */ reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH43, MemoryRegionPhysicalDramSecureDataStoreSecurityEngineState.GetAddress()); } } /* Clear keyslot 3, and then derive the save key. */ se::ClearAesKeySlot(pkg1::AesKeySlot_TzramSaveKey); se::SetEncryptedAesKey256(pkg1::AesKeySlot_TzramSaveKey, pkg1::AesKeySlot_TzramSaveKek, key_source, se::AesBlockSize); /* Declare a temporary block to be used as both iv and mac. */ u32 temp_block[se::AesBlockSize / sizeof(u32)] = {}; /* Ensure that the SE sees consistent data for tzram. */ const void * const tzram_save_src = MemoryRegionVirtualTzramReadOnlyAlias.GetPointer<u8>() + MemoryRegionVirtualTzramVolatileData.GetSize() + MemoryRegionVirtualTzramVolatileStack.GetSize(); void * const tzram_save_dst = MemoryRegionVirtualIramSc7Work.GetPointer<void>(); constexpr size_t TzramSaveSize = MemoryRegionVirtualDramSecureDataStoreTzram.GetSize(); hw::FlushDataCache(tzram_save_src, TzramSaveSize); hw::FlushDataCache(tzram_save_dst, TzramSaveSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Encrypt tzram using our random key. */ se::EncryptAes256Cbc(tzram_save_dst, TzramSaveSize, pkg1::AesKeySlot_TzramSaveKey, tzram_save_src, TzramSaveSize, temp_block, se::AesBlockSize); hw::FlushDataCache(tzram_save_dst, TzramSaveSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Copy the data from work space to the secure storage destination. */ void * const tzram_store_dst = MemoryRegionVirtualDramSecureDataStoreTzram.GetPointer<void>(); std::memcpy(tzram_store_dst, tzram_save_dst, TzramSaveSize); hw::FlushDataCache(tzram_store_dst, TzramSaveSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Compute cmac of tzram into our temporary block. */ se::ComputeAes256Cmac(temp_block, se::AesBlockSize, pkg1::AesKeySlot_TzramSaveKey, tzram_save_src, TzramSaveSize); /* Ensure that the cmac registers are not locked. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(pmc::GetSecureRegisterLockState(pmc::SecureRegister_CmacReadWrite) != pmc::LockState::Locked); /* Write the cmac, lock writes to the cmac, and verify that the cmac is write-locked. */ reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH112, temp_block[0]); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH113, temp_block[1]); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH114, temp_block[2]); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH115, temp_block[3]); pmc::LockSecureRegister(pmc::SecureRegister_CmacWrite); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(pmc::GetSecureRegisterLockState(pmc::SecureRegister_CmacWrite) == pmc::LockState::Locked); /* Verify the key source is correct in registers, and read-lock the key source registers. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH112) == temp_block[0]); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH113) == temp_block[1]); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH114) == temp_block[2]); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH115) == temp_block[3]); pmc::LockSecureRegister(pmc::SecureRegister_CmacRead); /* Ensure that the key source registers are locked. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(pmc::GetSecureRegisterLockState(pmc::SecureRegister_CmacReadWrite) == pmc::LockState::Locked); } void SaveSecureContextForMariko() { /* Save security engine context to TZRAM SE carveout (inaccessible to cpu). */ se::SaveContextAutomatic(); /* Save TZRAM to shadow-TZRAM in always-on power domain. */ se::SaveTzramAutomatic(); } void SaveSecureContext() { /* Save the appropriate secure context. */ const auto soc_type = GetSocType(); if (soc_type == fuse::SocType_Erista) { SaveSecureContextForErista(); } else /* if (soc_type == fuse::SocType_Mariko) */ { SaveSecureContextForMariko(); } /* Save the debug code. */ #if defined(AMS_BUILD_FOR_DEBUGGING) || defined(AMS_BUILD_FOR_AUDITING) { const void * const debug_code_src = MemoryRegionVirtualDebugCode.GetPointer<void>(); void * const debug_code_dst = MemoryRegionVirtualDramDebugDataStore.GetPointer<void>(); std::memcpy(debug_code_dst, debug_code_src, MemoryRegionVirtualDebugCode.GetSize()); hw::FlushDataCache(debug_code_dst, MemoryRegionVirtualDebugCode.GetSize()); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); } #endif } void LoadAndStartSc7BpmpFirmware() { /* Set BPMP reset. */ reg::Write(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_SET, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(RST_DEV_L_SET_SET_COP_RST, ENABLE)); /* Set the PMC as insecure, so that the BPMP firmware can access it. */ reg::ReadWrite(APB_MISC + APB_MISC_SECURE_REGS_APB_SLAVE_SECURITY_ENABLE_REG0_0, SLAVE_SECURITY_REG_BITS_ENUM(0, PMC, DISABLE)); /* Set the exception vectors for the bpmp. RESET should point to RESET, all others should point to generic exception/panic. */ constexpr const u32 Sc7FirmwareResetVector = static_cast<u32>(MemoryRegionPhysicalIramSc7Firmware.GetAddress() + 0x0); constexpr const u32 Sc7FirmwarePanicVector = static_cast<u32>(MemoryRegionPhysicalIramSc7Firmware.GetAddress() + 0x4); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_RESET_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwareResetVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_UNDEF_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_SWI_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_PREFETCH_ABORT_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_DATA_ABORT_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_RSVD_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_IRQ_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); reg::Write(EVP + EVP_COP_FIQ_VECTOR, Sc7FirmwarePanicVector); /* Disable activity monitor bpmp monitoring, so that we don't panic upon bpmp wake. */ actmon::StopMonitoringBpmp(); /* Load the bpmp firmware. */ void * const sc7fw_load_address = MemoryRegionVirtualIramSc7Firmware.GetPointer<void>(); std::memcpy(sc7fw_load_address, sc7fw_bin, sc7fw_bin_size); hw::FlushDataCache(sc7fw_load_address, sc7fw_bin_size); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Ensure that the bpmp firmware was loaded. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(crypto::IsSameBytes(sc7fw_load_address, sc7fw_bin, sc7fw_bin_size)); /* Clear BPMP reset. */ reg::Write(CLK_RST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_CLR, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(RST_DEV_L_CLR_CLR_COP_RST, ENABLE)); /* Start the bpmp. */ reg::Write(FLOW_CTLR + FLOW_CTLR_HALT_COP_EVENTS, FLOW_REG_BITS_ENUM(HALT_COP_EVENTS_MODE, FLOW_MODE_NONE)); } void SaveSecureContextAndSuspend() { /* Ensure there are no pending memory transactions before we continue */ FlushEntireDataCache(); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Save all secure context (security engine state + tzram). */ SaveSecureContext(); /* Load and start the sc7 firmware on the bpmp. */ if (GetTargetFirmware() >= TargetFirmware_2_0_0) { LoadAndStartSc7BpmpFirmware(); } /* Log our suspension. */ /* NOTE: Nintendo only does this on dev, but we will always do it. */ if (true /* !pkg1::IsProduction() */) { log::Initialize(secmon::GetLogPort(), secmon::GetLogBaudRate(), secmon::GetLogFlags()); log::SendText("OYASUMI\n", 8); log::Flush(); } /* If we're on erista, configure the bootrom to allow our custom warmboot firmware. */ if (GetSocType() == fuse::SocType_Erista) { reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH31, 0x2202E012); reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH32, 0x6001DC28); } /* Finalize our powerdown and wait for an interrupt. */ FinalizePowerOff(); } SmcResult SuspendCpuImpl(SmcArguments &args) { /* Decode arguments. */ const util::BitPack32 power_state = { static_cast<u32>(args.r[1]) }; const uintptr_t entry_point = args.r[2]; const uintptr_t context_id = args.r[3]; const auto state_type = power_state.Get<SuspendCpuPowerState::StateType>(); const auto state_id = power_state.Get<SuspendCpuPowerState::StateId>(); const auto core_id = hw::GetCurrentCoreId(); /* Validate arguments. */ SMC_R_UNLESS(state_type == PowerStateType_PowerDown, PsciDenied); SMC_R_UNLESS(state_id == PowerStateId_Sc7, PsciDenied); /* Orchestrate charger transition to Hi-Z mode if needed. */ if (IsChargerHiZModeEnabled()) { /* Ensure we can do comms over i2c-1. */ clkrst::EnableI2c1Clock(); /* If the charger isn't in hi-z mode, perform a transition. */ if (!charger::IsHiZMode()) { charger::EnterHiZMode(); /* Wait up to 50ms for the transition to complete. */ const auto start_time = util::GetMicroSeconds(); auto current_time = start_time; while ((current_time - start_time) <= 50'000) { if (auto intr_status = reg::Read(GPIO + 0x634); (intr_status & 1) == 0) { /* Wait 256 us to ensure the transition completes. */ util::WaitMicroSeconds(256); break; } current_time = util::GetMicroSeconds(); } } /* Disable i2c-1, since we're done communicating over it. */ clkrst::DisableI2c1Clock(); } /* Enable wake event detection. */ pmc::EnableWakeEventDetection(); /* Ensure that i2c-5 is usable for communicating with the pmic. */ clkrst::EnableI2c5Clock(); i2c::Initialize(i2c::Port_5); /* Orchestrate sleep entry with the pmic. */ pmic::EnableSleep(); /* Ensure that the soc is in a state valid for us to suspend. */ if (GetTargetFirmware() >= TargetFirmware_2_0_0) { ValidateSocStateForSuspend(); } /* Configure the pmc for sc7 entry. */ pmc::ConfigureForSc7Entry(); /* Configure the flow controller for sc7 entry. */ flow::SetCc4Ctrl(core_id, 0); flow::SetHaltCpuEvents(core_id, false); flow::ClearL2FlushControl(); flow::SetCpuCsr(core_id, FLOW_CTLR_CPUN_CSR_ENABLE_EXT_POWERGATE_CPU_TURNOFF_CPURAIL); /* Save the entry context. */ SetEntryContext(core_id, entry_point, context_id); /* Configure the cpu context for reset. */ SaveDebugRegisters(); SetCoreOff(); SetResetExpected(true); /* Switch to use the common smc stack (all other cores are off), and perform suspension. */ PivotStackAndInvoke(reinterpret_cast<void *>(CommonSmcStackTop), SaveSecureContextAndSuspend); /* This code will never be reached. */ __builtin_unreachable(); } } void PowerOffCpu() { /* Get the current core id. */ const auto core_id = hw::GetCurrentCoreId(); /* Note that we're expecting a reset for the current core. */ SetResetExpected(true); /* If we're on the final core, shut down directly. Otherwise, invoke with special stack. */ if (core_id == NumCores - 1) { PowerOffCpuImpl(); } else { PivotStackAndInvoke(GetCoreExceptionStackVirtual(), PowerOffCpuImpl); } /* This code will never be reached. */ __builtin_unreachable(); } SmcResult SmcPowerOffCpu(SmcArguments &args) { AMS_UNUSED(args); PowerOffCpu(); } SmcResult SmcPowerOnCpu(SmcArguments &args) { /* Get and validate the core to power on. */ const int which_core = args.r[1]; SMC_R_UNLESS(0 <= which_core && which_core < NumCores, PsciInvalidParameters); /* Ensure the core isn't already on. */ SMC_R_UNLESS(!IsCoreOn(which_core), PsciAlreadyOn); /* Save the entry context. */ SetEntryContext(which_core, args.r[2], args.r[3]); /* Reset the cpu. */ ResetCpu(which_core); /* Turn on the core. */ PowerOnCpu(CpuPowerGateStatusMasks[which_core], CpuPowerGateTogglePartitionIds[which_core]); /* Start the core. */ StartCpu(which_core); return SmcResult::PsciSuccess; } SmcResult SmcSuspendCpu(SmcArguments &args) { return LockSecurityEngineAndInvoke(args, SuspendCpuImpl); } bool IsChargerHiZModeEnabled() { return g_charger_hi_z_mode_enabled; } void SetChargerHiZModeEnabled(bool en) { g_charger_hi_z_mode_enabled = en; } }