/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace ams::kern { class KPageGroup; class KMemoryManager { public: enum Pool { Pool_Application = 0, Pool_Applet = 1, Pool_System = 2, Pool_SystemNonSecure = 3, Pool_Count, Pool_Shift = 4, Pool_Mask = (0xF << Pool_Shift), /* Aliases. */ Pool_Unsafe = Pool_Application, Pool_Secure = Pool_System, }; enum Direction { Direction_FromFront = 0, Direction_FromBack = 1, Direction_Shift = 0, Direction_Mask = (0xF << Direction_Shift), }; static constexpr size_t MaxManagerCount = 10; private: class Impl { private: using RefCount = u16; public: static size_t CalculateManagementOverheadSize(size_t region_size); static constexpr size_t CalculateOptimizedProcessOverheadSize(size_t region_size) { return (util::AlignUp((region_size / PageSize), BITSIZEOF(u64)) / BITSIZEOF(u64)) * sizeof(u64); } private: KPageHeap m_heap; RefCount *m_page_reference_counts; KVirtualAddress m_management_region; Pool m_pool; Impl *m_next; Impl *m_prev; public: Impl() : m_heap(), m_page_reference_counts(), m_management_region(Null), m_pool(), m_next(), m_prev() { /* ... */ } size_t Initialize(KPhysicalAddress address, size_t size, KVirtualAddress management, KVirtualAddress management_end, Pool p); KPhysicalAddress AllocateBlock(s32 index, bool random) { return m_heap.AllocateBlock(index, random); } KPhysicalAddress AllocateAligned(s32 index, size_t num_pages, size_t align_pages) { return m_heap.AllocateAligned(index, num_pages, align_pages); } void Free(KPhysicalAddress addr, size_t num_pages) { m_heap.Free(addr, num_pages); } void SetInitialUsedHeapSize(size_t reserved_size) { m_heap.SetInitialUsedSize(reserved_size); } void InitializeOptimizedMemory() { std::memset(GetVoidPointer(m_management_region), 0, CalculateOptimizedProcessOverheadSize(m_heap.GetSize())); } void TrackUnoptimizedAllocation(KPhysicalAddress block, size_t num_pages); void TrackOptimizedAllocation(KPhysicalAddress block, size_t num_pages); bool ProcessOptimizedAllocation(KPhysicalAddress block, size_t num_pages, u8 fill_pattern); constexpr Pool GetPool() const { return m_pool; } constexpr size_t GetSize() const { return m_heap.GetSize(); } constexpr KPhysicalAddress GetEndAddress() const { return m_heap.GetEndAddress(); } size_t GetFreeSize() const { return m_heap.GetFreeSize(); } void DumpFreeList() const { return m_heap.DumpFreeList(); } constexpr size_t GetPageOffset(KPhysicalAddress address) const { return m_heap.GetPageOffset(address); } constexpr size_t GetPageOffsetToEnd(KPhysicalAddress address) const { return m_heap.GetPageOffsetToEnd(address); } constexpr void SetNext(Impl *n) { m_next = n; } constexpr void SetPrev(Impl *n) { m_prev = n; } constexpr Impl *GetNext() const { return m_next; } constexpr Impl *GetPrev() const { return m_prev; } void OpenFirst(KPhysicalAddress address, size_t num_pages) { size_t index = this->GetPageOffset(address); const size_t end = index + num_pages; while (index < end) { const RefCount ref_count = (++m_page_reference_counts[index]); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(ref_count == 1); index++; } } void Open(KPhysicalAddress address, size_t num_pages) { size_t index = this->GetPageOffset(address); const size_t end = index + num_pages; while (index < end) { const RefCount ref_count = (++m_page_reference_counts[index]); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(ref_count > 1); index++; } } void Close(KPhysicalAddress address, size_t num_pages) { size_t index = this->GetPageOffset(address); const size_t end = index + num_pages; size_t free_start = 0; size_t free_count = 0; while (index < end) { MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(m_page_reference_counts[index] > 0); const RefCount ref_count = (--m_page_reference_counts[index]); /* Keep track of how many zero refcounts we see in a row, to minimize calls to free. */ if (ref_count == 0) { if (free_count > 0) { free_count++; } else { free_start = index; free_count = 1; } } else { if (free_count > 0) { this->Free(m_heap.GetAddress() + free_start * PageSize, free_count); free_count = 0; } } index++; } if (free_count > 0) { this->Free(m_heap.GetAddress() + free_start * PageSize, free_count); } } }; private: KLightLock m_pool_locks[Pool_Count]; Impl *m_pool_managers_head[Pool_Count]; Impl *m_pool_managers_tail[Pool_Count]; Impl m_managers[MaxManagerCount]; size_t m_num_managers; u64 m_optimized_process_ids[Pool_Count]; bool m_has_optimized_process[Pool_Count]; private: Impl &GetManager(KPhysicalAddress address) { return m_managers[KMemoryLayout::GetPhysicalLinearRegion(address).GetAttributes()]; } const Impl &GetManager(KPhysicalAddress address) const { return m_managers[KMemoryLayout::GetPhysicalLinearRegion(address).GetAttributes()]; } constexpr Impl *GetFirstManager(Pool pool, Direction dir) { return dir == Direction_FromBack ? m_pool_managers_tail[pool] : m_pool_managers_head[pool]; } constexpr Impl *GetNextManager(Impl *cur, Direction dir) { if (dir == Direction_FromBack) { return cur->GetPrev(); } else { return cur->GetNext(); } } Result AllocatePageGroupImpl(KPageGroup *out, size_t num_pages, Pool pool, Direction dir, bool unoptimized, bool random); public: KMemoryManager() : m_pool_locks(), m_pool_managers_head(), m_pool_managers_tail(), m_managers(), m_num_managers(), m_optimized_process_ids(), m_has_optimized_process() { /* ... */ } NOINLINE void Initialize(KVirtualAddress management_region, size_t management_region_size); NOINLINE Result InitializeOptimizedMemory(u64 process_id, Pool pool); NOINLINE void FinalizeOptimizedMemory(u64 process_id, Pool pool); NOINLINE KPhysicalAddress AllocateAndOpenContinuous(size_t num_pages, size_t align_pages, u32 option); NOINLINE Result AllocateAndOpen(KPageGroup *out, size_t num_pages, u32 option); NOINLINE Result AllocateAndOpenForProcess(KPageGroup *out, size_t num_pages, u32 option, u64 process_id, u8 fill_pattern); Pool GetPool(KPhysicalAddress address) const { return this->GetManager(address).GetPool(); } void Open(KPhysicalAddress address, size_t num_pages) { /* Repeatedly open references until we've done so for all pages. */ while (num_pages) { auto &manager = this->GetManager(address); const size_t cur_pages = std::min(num_pages, manager.GetPageOffsetToEnd(address)); { KScopedLightLock lk(m_pool_locks[manager.GetPool()]); manager.Open(address, cur_pages); } num_pages -= cur_pages; address += cur_pages * PageSize; } } void Close(KPhysicalAddress address, size_t num_pages) { /* Repeatedly close references until we've done so for all pages. */ while (num_pages) { auto &manager = this->GetManager(address); const size_t cur_pages = std::min(num_pages, manager.GetPageOffsetToEnd(address)); { KScopedLightLock lk(m_pool_locks[manager.GetPool()]); manager.Close(address, cur_pages); } num_pages -= cur_pages; address += cur_pages * PageSize; } } size_t GetSize() { size_t total = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_num_managers; i++) { total += m_managers[i].GetSize(); } return total; } size_t GetSize(Pool pool) { constexpr Direction GetSizeDirection = Direction_FromFront; size_t total = 0; for (auto *manager = this->GetFirstManager(pool, GetSizeDirection); manager != nullptr; manager = this->GetNextManager(manager, GetSizeDirection)) { total += manager->GetSize(); } return total; } size_t GetFreeSize() { size_t total = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_num_managers; i++) { KScopedLightLock lk(m_pool_locks[m_managers[i].GetPool()]); total += m_managers[i].GetFreeSize(); } return total; } size_t GetFreeSize(Pool pool) { KScopedLightLock lk(m_pool_locks[pool]); constexpr Direction GetSizeDirection = Direction_FromFront; size_t total = 0; for (auto *manager = this->GetFirstManager(pool, GetSizeDirection); manager != nullptr; manager = this->GetNextManager(manager, GetSizeDirection)) { total += manager->GetFreeSize(); } return total; } void DumpFreeList(Pool pool) { KScopedLightLock lk(m_pool_locks[pool]); constexpr Direction DumpDirection = Direction_FromFront; for (auto *manager = this->GetFirstManager(pool, DumpDirection); manager != nullptr; manager = this->GetNextManager(manager, DumpDirection)) { manager->DumpFreeList(); } } public: static size_t CalculateManagementOverheadSize(size_t region_size) { return Impl::CalculateManagementOverheadSize(region_size); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE u32 EncodeOption(Pool pool, Direction dir) { return (pool << Pool_Shift) | (dir << Direction_Shift); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Pool GetPool(u32 option) { return static_cast((option & Pool_Mask) >> Pool_Shift); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Direction GetDirection(u32 option) { return static_cast((option & Direction_Mask) >> Direction_Shift); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE std::tuple DecodeOption(u32 option) { return std::make_tuple(GetPool(option), GetDirection(option)); } }; }