#include #include #include #include "pm_registration.hpp" #include "pm_process_wait.hpp" static ProcessList g_process_list; static HosSemaphore g_sema_finish_launch; static HosMutex g_process_launch_mutex; static Registration::ProcessLaunchState g_process_launch_state; static std::atomic_bool g_debug_next_application(false); static std::atomic g_debug_on_launch_tid(0); static SystemEvent *g_process_event = NULL; static SystemEvent *g_debug_title_event = NULL; static SystemEvent *g_debug_application_event = NULL; static SystemEvent *g_process_launch_start_event = NULL; static const u64 g_memory_resource_limits[5][3] = { {0x010D00000ULL, 0x0CD500000ULL, 0x021700000ULL}, {0x01E100000ULL, 0x080000000ULL, 0x061800000ULL}, {0x014800000ULL, 0x0CD500000ULL, 0x01DC00000ULL}, {0x028D00000ULL, 0x133400000ULL, 0x023800000ULL}, {0x028D00000ULL, 0x0CD500000ULL, 0x089700000ULL} }; /* These are the limits for LimitableResources. */ /* Memory, Threads, Events, TransferMemories, Sessions. */ static u64 g_resource_limits[3][5] = { {0x0, 0x1FC, 0x258, 0x80, 0x31A}, {0x0, 0x60, 0x0, 0x20, 0x1}, {0x0, 0x60, 0x0, 0x20, 0x5}, }; static Handle g_resource_limit_handles[3] = {0}; void Registration::InitializeSystemResources() { g_process_event = new SystemEvent(&IEvent::PanicCallback); g_debug_title_event = new SystemEvent(&IEvent::PanicCallback); g_debug_application_event = new SystemEvent(&IEvent::PanicCallback); g_process_launch_start_event = new SystemEvent(&Registration::ProcessLaunchStartCallback); /* Get memory limits. */ u64 memory_arrangement; if (R_FAILED(splGetConfig(SplConfigItem_MemoryArrange, &memory_arrangement))) { /* TODO: panic. */ } memory_arrangement &= 0x3F; int memory_limit_type; switch (memory_arrangement) { case 2: memory_limit_type = 1; break; case 3: memory_limit_type = 2; break; case 17: memory_limit_type = 3; break; case 18: memory_limit_type = 4; break; default: memory_limit_type = 0; break; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_resource_limits[i][0] = g_memory_resource_limits[memory_limit_type][i]; } /* Create resource limits. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i > 0) { if (R_FAILED(svcCreateResourceLimit(&g_resource_limit_handles[i]))) { /* TODO: Panic. */ } } else { u64 out = 0; if (R_FAILED(svcGetInfo(&out, 9, 0, 0))) { /* TODO: Panic. */ } g_resource_limit_handles[i] = (Handle)out; } for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 5; r++) { if (R_FAILED(svcSetResourceLimitLimitValue(g_resource_limit_handles[i], (LimitableResource)r, g_resource_limits[i][r]))) { /* TODO: Panic. */ } } } } Result Registration::ProcessLaunchStartCallback(Handle *handles, size_t num_handles, u64 timeout) { Registration::HandleProcessLaunch(); return 0; } IWaitable *Registration::GetProcessLaunchStartEvent() { return g_process_launch_start_event; } IWaitable *Registration::GetProcessList() { return &g_process_list; } void Registration::HandleProcessLaunch() { LoaderProgramInfo program_info = {0}; Result rc; u64 launch_flags = g_process_launch_state.launch_flags; const u8 *acid_fac, *aci0_fah, *acid_sac, *aci0_sac; u64 *out_pid = g_process_launch_state.out_pid; u32 reslimit_idx; Process new_process = {0}; new_process.tid_sid = g_process_launch_state.tid_sid; /* Check that this is a real program. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = ldrPmGetProgramInfo(new_process.tid_sid.title_id, new_process.tid_sid.storage_id, &program_info)))) { goto HANDLE_PROCESS_LAUNCH_END; } /* Get the resource limit handle, ensure that we can launch the program. */ if ((program_info.application_type & 3) == 1) { if (HasApplicationProcess()) { rc = 0xA0F; goto HANDLE_PROCESS_LAUNCH_END; } reslimit_idx = 1; } else { reslimit_idx = 2 * ((program_info.application_type & 3) == 2); } /* Try to register the title for launch in loader... */ if (R_FAILED((rc = ldrPmRegisterTitle(new_process.tid_sid.title_id, new_process.tid_sid.storage_id, &new_process.ldr_queue_index)))) { goto HANDLE_PROCESS_LAUNCH_END; } /* Make sure the previous application is cleaned up. */ if ((program_info.application_type & 3) == 1) { EnsureApplicationResourcesAvailable(); } /* Try to create the process... */ if (R_FAILED((rc = ldrPmCreateProcess(LAUNCHFLAGS_ARGLOW(launch_flags) | LAUNCHFLAGS_ARGHIGH(launch_flags), new_process.ldr_queue_index, g_resource_limit_handles[reslimit_idx], &new_process.handle)))) { goto PROCESS_CREATION_FAILED; } /* Get the new process's id. */ svcGetProcessId(&new_process.pid, new_process.handle); /* Register with FS. */ acid_fac = program_info.ac_buffer + program_info.acid_sac_size + program_info.aci0_sac_size; aci0_fah = acid_fac + program_info.acid_fac_size; if (R_FAILED((rc = fsprRegisterProgram(new_process.pid, new_process.tid_sid.title_id, new_process.tid_sid.storage_id, aci0_fah, program_info.aci0_fah_size, acid_fac, program_info.acid_fac_size)))) { goto FS_REGISTRATION_FAILED; } /* Register with PM. */ acid_sac = program_info.ac_buffer; aci0_sac = program_info.ac_buffer + program_info.acid_sac_size; if (R_FAILED((rc = smManagerRegisterProcess(new_process.pid, acid_sac, program_info.acid_sac_size, aci0_sac, program_info.aci0_sac_size)))) { goto SM_REGISTRATION_FAILED; } /* Setup process flags. */ if (program_info.application_type & 1) { new_process.flags |= 0x40; } if (kernelAbove200() && LAUNCHFLAGS_NOTIYDEBUGSPECIAL(launch_flags) && (program_info.application_type & 4)) { } if (LAUNCHFLAGS_NOTIFYWHENEXITED(launch_flags)) { new_process.flags |= 1; } if (LAUNCHFLAGS_NOTIFYDEBUGEVENTS(launch_flags) && (!kernelAbove200() || (program_info.application_type & 4))) { new_process.flags |= 0x8; } /* Add process to the list. */ Registration::AddProcessToList(&new_process); /* Signal, if relevant. */ if (new_process.tid_sid.title_id == g_debug_on_launch_tid.load()) { g_debug_title_event->signal_event(); g_debug_on_launch_tid = 0; rc = 0; } else if ((new_process.flags & 0x40) && g_debug_next_application.load()) { g_debug_application_event->signal_event(); g_debug_next_application = false; rc = 0; } else if (LAUNCHFLAGS_STARTSUSPENDED(launch_flags)) { rc = 0; } else { rc = svcStartProcess(new_process.handle, program_info.main_thread_priority, program_info.default_cpu_id, program_info.main_thread_stack_size); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { SetProcessState(new_process.pid, ProcessState_DebugDetached); } } if (R_FAILED(rc)) { Registration::RemoveProcessFromList(new_process.pid); smManagerUnregisterProcess(new_process.pid); } SM_REGISTRATION_FAILED: if (R_FAILED(rc)) { fsprUnregisterProgram(new_process.pid); } FS_REGISTRATION_FAILED: if (R_FAILED(rc)) { svcCloseHandle(new_process.handle); } PROCESS_CREATION_FAILED: if (R_FAILED(rc)) { ldrPmUnregisterTitle(new_process.ldr_queue_index); } HANDLE_PROCESS_LAUNCH_END: g_process_launch_state.result = rc; if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { *out_pid = new_process.pid; } g_sema_finish_launch.Signal(); } Result Registration::LaunchProcess(u64 title_id, FsStorageId storage_id, u64 launch_flags, u64 *out_pid) { Result rc; /* Only allow one mutex to exist. */ g_process_launch_mutex.Lock(); g_process_launch_state.tid_sid.title_id = title_id; g_process_launch_state.tid_sid.storage_id = storage_id; g_process_launch_state.launch_flags = launch_flags; g_process_launch_state.out_pid = out_pid; /* Start a launch, and wait for it to exit. */ g_process_launch_start_event->signal_event(); g_sema_finish_launch.Wait(); rc = g_process_launch_state.result; g_process_launch_mutex.Unlock(); return rc; } Result Registration::LaunchProcessByTidSid(TidSid tid_sid, u64 launch_flags, u64 *out_pid) { return LaunchProcess(tid_sid.title_id, tid_sid.storage_id, launch_flags, out_pid); }; void Registration::HandleSignaledProcess(Process *process) { u64 tmp; /* Reset the signal. */ svcResetSignal(process->handle); ProcessState old_state; old_state = process->state; svcGetProcessInfo(&tmp, process->handle, ProcessInfoType_ProcessState); process->state = (ProcessState)tmp; if (old_state == ProcessState_Crashed && process->state != ProcessState_Crashed) { process->flags &= ~0x4; } switch (process->state) { case ProcessState_Created: case ProcessState_DebugAttached: case ProcessState_Exiting: break; case ProcessState_DebugDetached: case ProcessState_Running: if (process->flags & 8) { process->flags &= ~0x30; process->flags |= 0x10; g_process_event->signal_event(); } break; case ProcessState_Crashed: process->flags |= 6; g_process_event->signal_event(); break; case ProcessState_Exited: if (process->flags & 1) { g_process_event->signal_event(); } else { FinalizeExitedProcess(process); } break; case ProcessState_DebugSuspended: if (process->flags & 8) { process->flags |= 0x30; g_process_event->signal_event(); } break; } } void Registration::FinalizeExitedProcess(Process *process) { g_process_list.Lock(); /* Unregister with FS. */ if (R_FAILED(fsprUnregisterProgram(process->pid))) { /* TODO: Panic. */ } /* Unregister with SM. */ if (R_FAILED(smManagerUnregisterProcess(process->pid))) { /* TODO: Panic. */ } /* Unregister with LDR. */ if (R_FAILED(ldrPmUnregisterTitle(process->ldr_queue_index))) { /* TODO: Panic. */ } /* Remove. */ RemoveProcessFromList(process->pid); g_process_list.Unlock(); } void Registration::AddProcessToList(Process *process) { g_process_list.Lock(); g_process_list.process_waiters.push_back(new ProcessWaiter(process)); g_process_list.Unlock(); } void Registration::RemoveProcessFromList(u64 pid) { g_process_list.Lock(); /* Remove process from list. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g_process_list.process_waiters.size(); i++) { ProcessWaiter *pw = g_process_list.process_waiters[i]; Registration::Process *process = pw->get_process(); if (process->pid == pid) { g_process_list.process_waiters.erase(g_process_list.process_waiters.begin() + i); svcCloseHandle(process->handle); delete pw; break; } } g_process_list.Unlock(); } void Registration::SetProcessState(u64 pid, ProcessState new_state) { g_process_list.Lock(); /* Set process state. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g_process_list.process_waiters.size(); i++) { ProcessWaiter *pw = g_process_list.process_waiters[i]; Registration::Process *process = pw->get_process(); if (process->pid == pid) { process->state = new_state; break; } } g_process_list.Unlock(); } bool Registration::HasApplicationProcess() { bool has_app = false; g_process_list.Lock(); for (auto &pw : g_process_list.process_waiters) { if (pw->get_process()->flags & 0x40) { has_app = true; break; } } g_process_list.Unlock(); return has_app; } void Registration::EnsureApplicationResourcesAvailable() { Handle application_reslimit_h = g_resource_limit_handles[1]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { u64 result; do { if (R_FAILED(svcGetResourceLimitCurrentValue(&result, application_reslimit_h, (LimitableResource)i))) { return; } svcSleepThread(1000000ULL); } while (result); } }