/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "memory_map.h" #include "configitem.h" #include "cpu_context.h" #include "synchronization.h" #include "masterkey.h" #include "mc.h" #include "memory_map.h" #include "pmc.h" #include "randomcache.h" #include "sealedkeys.h" #include "smc_api.h" #include "smc_user.h" #include "smc_ams.h" #include "se.h" #include "userpage.h" #include "titlekey.h" #include "sc7.h" #include "exocfg.h" #define DEBUG_LOG_SMCS 0 #define DEBUG_PANIC_ON_FAILURE 0 /* User SMC prototypes */ uint32_t smc_set_config_user(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_get_config_user(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_check_status(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_get_result(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_exp_mod(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_get_random_bytes_for_user(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_generate_aes_kek(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_load_aes_key(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_crypt_aes(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_generate_specific_aes_key(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_compute_cmac(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_load_rsa_oaep_key(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_decrypt_rsa_private_key(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_load_secure_exp_mod_key(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_secure_exp_mod(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_load_titlekey(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_unwrap_aes_wrapped_titlekey(smc_args_t *args); /* 5.x SMC prototypes. */ uint32_t smc_encrypt_rsa_key_for_import(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_decrypt_or_import_rsa_key(smc_args_t *args); /* Privileged SMC prototypes */ uint32_t smc_cpu_suspend(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_cpu_off(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_cpu_on(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_get_config_priv(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_get_random_bytes_for_priv(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_panic(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_configure_carveout(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_read_write_register(smc_args_t *args); /* Atmosphere SMC prototypes */ uint32_t smc_ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args); uint32_t smc_ams_write_address(smc_args_t *args); /* TODO: Provide a way to set this. It's 0 on non-recovery boot anyway... */ static uint32_t g_smc_blacklist_mask = 0; typedef struct { uint32_t id; uint32_t blacklist_mask; uint32_t (*handler)(smc_args_t *args); } smc_table_entry_t; typedef struct { smc_table_entry_t *handlers; uint32_t num_handlers; } smc_table_t; static smc_table_entry_t g_smc_user_table[] = { {0, 4, NULL}, {0xC3000401, 4, smc_set_config_user}, {0xC3000002, 1, smc_get_config_user}, {0xC3000003, 1, smc_check_status}, {0xC3000404, 1, smc_get_result}, {0xC3000E05, 4, smc_exp_mod}, {0xC3000006, 1, smc_get_random_bytes_for_user}, {0xC3000007, 1, smc_generate_aes_kek}, {0xC3000008, 1, smc_load_aes_key}, {0xC3000009, 1, smc_crypt_aes}, {0xC300000A, 1, smc_generate_specific_aes_key}, {0xC300040B, 1, smc_compute_cmac}, {0xC300100C, 1, smc_load_rsa_oaep_key}, {0xC300100D, 2, smc_decrypt_rsa_private_key}, {0xC300100E, 4, smc_load_secure_exp_mod_key}, {0xC300060F, 2, smc_secure_exp_mod}, {0xC3000610, 4, smc_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey}, {0xC3000011, 4, smc_load_titlekey}, {0xC3000012, 4, smc_unwrap_aes_wrapped_titlekey} }; #define SMC_USER_HANDLERS (sizeof(g_smc_user_table) / sizeof(g_smc_user_table[0])) static smc_table_entry_t g_smc_priv_table[] = { {0, 4, NULL}, {0xC4000001, 4, smc_cpu_suspend}, {0x84000002, 4, smc_cpu_off}, {0xC4000003, 1, smc_cpu_on}, {0xC3000004, 1, smc_get_config_priv}, {0xC3000005, 1, smc_get_random_bytes_for_priv}, {0xC3000006, 1, smc_panic}, {0xC3000007, 1, smc_configure_carveout}, {0xC3000008, 1, smc_read_write_register} }; #define SMC_PRIV_HANDLERS (sizeof(g_smc_priv_table) / sizeof(g_smc_priv_table[0])) /* This is a table used for atmosphere-specific SMCs. */ static smc_table_entry_t g_smc_ams_table[] = { {0, 4, NULL}, {0xF0000201, 0, smc_ams_iram_copy}, {0xF0000002, 0, smc_read_write_register}, {0xF0000003, 0, smc_ams_write_address}, }; #define SMC_AMS_HANDLERS (sizeof(g_smc_ams_table) / sizeof(g_smc_ams_table[0])) static smc_table_t g_smc_tables[SMC_HANDLER_COUNT + 1] = { { /* SMC_HANDLER_USER */ g_smc_user_table, SMC_USER_HANDLERS }, { /* SMC_HANDLER_PRIV */ g_smc_priv_table, SMC_PRIV_HANDLERS }, { /* SMC_HANDLER_AMS */ g_smc_ams_table, SMC_AMS_HANDLERS } }; static atomic_flag g_is_user_smc_in_progress = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; static atomic_flag g_is_priv_smc_in_progress = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; /* Global for smc_configure_carveout. */ static bool g_configured_carveouts[2] = {false, false}; static bool g_has_suspended = false; void set_suspend_for_debug(void) { g_has_suspended = true; } void set_version_specific_smcs(void) { switch (exosphere_get_target_firmware()) { case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_100: /* 1.0.0 doesn't have ConfigureCarveout or ReadWriteRegister. */ g_smc_priv_table[7].handler = NULL; g_smc_priv_table[8].handler = NULL; /* 1.0.0 doesn't have UnwrapAesWrappedTitlekey. */ g_smc_user_table[0x12].handler = NULL; break; case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_200: case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_300: case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_400: /* Do nothing. */ break; case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_500: case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_600: case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_620: case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_700: case ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_800: /* No more LoadSecureExpModKey. */ g_smc_user_table[0xE].handler = NULL; g_smc_user_table[0xC].id = 0xC300D60C; g_smc_user_table[0xC].handler = smc_encrypt_rsa_key_for_import; g_smc_user_table[0xD].handler = smc_decrypt_or_import_rsa_key; break; default: panic_predefined(0xA); } } uintptr_t get_smc_core012_stack_address(void) { return TZRAM_GET_SEGMENT_ADDRESS(TZRAM_SEGMENT_ID_CORE012_STACK) + 0x1000; } uintptr_t get_exception_entry_stack_address(unsigned int core_id) { /* For core3, this is also the smc stack */ if (core_id == 3) { return TZRAM_GET_SEGMENT_ADDRESS(TZRAM_SEGMENT_ID_CORE3_STACK) + 0x1000; } else { return TZRAM_GET_SEGMENT_ADDRESS(TZRAM_SEGEMENT_ID_SECMON_EVT) + 0x80 * (core_id + 1); } } bool try_set_user_smc_in_progress(void) { return lock_try_acquire(&g_is_user_smc_in_progress); } void set_user_smc_in_progress(void) { lock_acquire(&g_is_user_smc_in_progress); } void clear_user_smc_in_progress(void) { lock_release(&g_is_user_smc_in_progress); } /* Privileged SMC lock must be available to exceptions.s. */ void set_priv_smc_in_progress(void) { lock_acquire(&g_is_priv_smc_in_progress); } void clear_priv_smc_in_progress(void) { lock_release(&g_is_priv_smc_in_progress); } uint32_t (*g_smc_callback)(void *, uint64_t) = NULL; uint64_t g_smc_callback_key = 0; uint64_t try_set_smc_callback(uint32_t (*callback)(void *, uint64_t)) { uint64_t key; if (g_smc_callback_key) { return 0; } se_generate_random(KEYSLOT_SWITCH_RNGKEY, &key, sizeof(uint64_t)); g_smc_callback_key = key; g_smc_callback = callback; return key; } void clear_smc_callback(uint64_t key) { if (g_smc_callback_key == key) { g_smc_callback_key = 0; } } _Atomic uint64_t num_smcs_called = 0; void call_smc_handler(uint32_t handler_id, smc_args_t *args) { unsigned char smc_id, call_range; unsigned int result; unsigned int (*smc_handler)(smc_args_t *args); /* Validate top-level handler. */ if (handler_id >= SMC_HANDLER_COUNT) { generic_panic(); } /* If user-handler, detect if talking to Atmosphere/validate calling core. */ if (handler_id == SMC_HANDLER_USER) { if ((call_range = (unsigned char)((args->X[0] >> 24) & 0x3F)) == SMC_CALL_RANGE_TRUSTED_APP) { /* Nintendo's SMCs are all OEM-specific. */ /* Pending a reason not to, we will treat Trusted Application SMCs as intended to talk to Atmosphere. */ handler_id = SMC_HANDLER_AMS; } else if (get_core_id() != 3) { /* USER SMCs must be called via svcCallSecureMonitor on core 3 (where spl runs) */ generic_panic(); } } /* Validate sub-handler index */ if ((smc_id = (unsigned char)args->X[0]) >= g_smc_tables[handler_id].num_handlers) { generic_panic(); } /* Validate sub-handler */ if (g_smc_tables[handler_id].handlers[smc_id].id != args->X[0]) { generic_panic(); } /* Validate handler. */ if ((smc_handler = g_smc_tables[handler_id].handlers[smc_id].handler) == NULL) { generic_panic(); } bool is_aes_kek = handler_id == SMC_HANDLER_USER && args->X[0] == 0xC3000007; #if DEBUG_LOG_SMCS uint64_t num; if (handler_id == SMC_HANDLER_USER) { num = atomic_fetch_add(&num_smcs_called, 1); *(volatile smc_args_t *)(get_iram_address_for_debug() + 0x100 + ((0x80 * num) & 0x3FFF)) = *args; } #endif /* Call function. */ if (exosphere_get_target_firmware() < ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_800 || (g_smc_tables[handler_id].handlers[smc_id].blacklist_mask & g_smc_blacklist_mask) == 0) { args->X[0] = smc_handler(args); } else { /* Call not allowed due to current boot conditions. */ args->X[0] = 6; } #if DEBUG_LOG_SMCS if (handler_id == SMC_HANDLER_USER) { *(volatile smc_args_t *)(get_iram_address_for_debug() + 0x100 + ((0x80 * num + 0x40) & 0x3FFF)) = *args; } #endif #if DEBUG_PANIC_ON_FAILURE if (args->X[0] && (!is_aes_kek || args->X[3] <= ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_DEFAULT_FOR_DEBUG)) { MAKE_REG32(get_iram_address_for_debug() + 0x4FF0) = handler_id; MAKE_REG32(get_iram_address_for_debug() + 0x4FF4) = smc_id; MAKE_REG32(get_iram_address_for_debug() + 0x4FF8) = get_core_id(); *(volatile smc_args_t *)(get_iram_address_for_debug() + 0x4F00) = *args; panic(PANIC_REBOOT); } #else (void)(is_aes_kek); #endif (void)result; /* FIXME: result unused */ } uint32_t smc_wrapper_sync(smc_args_t *args, uint32_t (*handler)(smc_args_t *)) { uint32_t result; if (!try_set_user_smc_in_progress()) { return 3; } result = handler(args); clear_user_smc_in_progress(); return result; } uint32_t smc_wrapper_async(smc_args_t *args, uint32_t (*handler)(smc_args_t *), uint32_t (*callback)(void *, uint64_t)) { uint32_t result; uint64_t key; if (!try_set_user_smc_in_progress()) { return 3; } if ((key = try_set_smc_callback(callback)) != 0) { result = handler(args); if (result == 0) { /* Pass the status check key back to userland. */ args->X[1] = key; /* Early return, leaving g_is_user_smc_in_progress locked */ return result; } else { /* No status to check. */ clear_smc_callback(key); } } else { /* smcCheckStatus needs to be called. */ result = 3; } clear_user_smc_in_progress(); return result; } uint32_t smc_set_config_user(smc_args_t *args) { /* Actual value presumed in X3 on hardware. */ return configitem_set(false, (ConfigItem)args->X[1], args->X[3]); } uint32_t smc_get_config_user(smc_args_t *args) { uint64_t out_item = 0; uint32_t result; result = configitem_get(false, (ConfigItem)args->X[1], &out_item); args->X[1] = out_item; return result; } uint32_t smc_check_status(smc_args_t *args) { if (g_smc_callback_key == 0) { return 4; } if (args->X[1] != g_smc_callback_key) { return 5; } args->X[1] = g_smc_callback(NULL, 0); g_smc_callback_key = 0; return 0; } uint32_t smc_get_result(smc_args_t *args) { uint32_t status; unsigned char result_buf[0x400]; upage_ref_t page_ref; void *user_address = (void *)args->X[2]; if (g_smc_callback_key == 0) { return 4; } if (args->X[1] != g_smc_callback_key) { return 5; } /* Check result size */ if (args->X[3] > 0x400) { return 2; } args->X[1] = g_smc_callback(result_buf, args->X[3]); g_smc_callback_key = 0; /* Initialize page reference. */ if (upage_init(&page_ref, user_address) == 0) { return 2; } /* Copy result output back to user. */ if (secure_copy_to_user(&page_ref, user_address, result_buf, (size_t)args->X[3]) == 0) { return 2; } return 0; (void)status; /* FIXME: status unused */ } uint32_t smc_exp_mod_get_result(void *buf, uint64_t size) { if (get_exp_mod_done() != 1) { return 3; } if (size != 0x100) { return 2; } se_get_exp_mod_output(buf, 0x100); /* smc_exp_mod is done now. */ clear_user_smc_in_progress(); return 0; } uint32_t smc_exp_mod(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_async(args, user_exp_mod, smc_exp_mod_get_result); } uint32_t smc_get_random_bytes_for_user(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_get_random_bytes); } uint32_t smc_generate_aes_kek(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_generate_aes_kek); } uint32_t smc_load_aes_key(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_load_aes_key); } uint32_t smc_crypt_aes_status_check(void *buf, uint64_t size) { /* Buf and size are unused. */ if (get_crypt_aes_done() != 1) { return 3; } /* smc_crypt_aes is done now. */ clear_user_smc_in_progress(); return 0; } uint32_t smc_crypt_aes(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_async(args, user_crypt_aes, smc_crypt_aes_status_check); } uint32_t smc_generate_specific_aes_key(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_generate_specific_aes_key); } uint32_t smc_compute_cmac(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_compute_cmac); } uint32_t smc_load_rsa_oaep_key(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_load_rsa_oaep_key); } uint32_t smc_decrypt_rsa_private_key(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_decrypt_rsa_private_key); } uint32_t smc_load_secure_exp_mod_key(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_load_secure_exp_mod_key); } uint32_t smc_secure_exp_mod(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_async(args, user_secure_exp_mod, smc_exp_mod_get_result); } uint32_t smc_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey_get_result(void *buf, uint64_t size) { uint64_t *p_sealed_key = (uint64_t *)buf; uint8_t rsa_wrapped_titlekey[0x100]; uint8_t aes_wrapped_titlekey[0x10]; uint8_t titlekey[0x10]; uint64_t sealed_titlekey[2]; if (get_exp_mod_done() != 1) { return 3; } if (size != 0x10) { return 2; } se_get_exp_mod_output(rsa_wrapped_titlekey, 0x100); if (tkey_rsa_oaep_unwrap(aes_wrapped_titlekey, 0x10, rsa_wrapped_titlekey, 0x100) != 0x10) { /* Failed to extract RSA OAEP wrapped key. */ clear_user_smc_in_progress(); return 2; } tkey_aes_unwrap(titlekey, 0x10, aes_wrapped_titlekey, 0x10); seal_titlekey(sealed_titlekey, 0x10, titlekey, 0x10); p_sealed_key[0] = sealed_titlekey[0]; p_sealed_key[1] = sealed_titlekey[1]; /* smc_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey is done now. */ clear_user_smc_in_progress(); return 0; } uint32_t smc_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_async(args, user_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey, smc_unwrap_rsa_oaep_wrapped_titlekey_get_result); } uint32_t smc_load_titlekey(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_load_titlekey); } uint32_t smc_unwrap_aes_wrapped_titlekey(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_unwrap_aes_wrapped_titlekey); } uint32_t smc_encrypt_rsa_key_for_import(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_encrypt_rsa_key_for_import); } uint32_t smc_decrypt_or_import_rsa_key(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, user_decrypt_or_import_rsa_key); } uint32_t smc_cpu_on(smc_args_t *args) { return cpu_on((uint32_t)args->X[1], args->X[2], args->X[3]); } uint32_t smc_cpu_off(smc_args_t *args) { return cpu_off(); } /* Wrapper for cpu_suspend */ uint32_t cpu_suspend_wrapper(smc_args_t *args) { return cpu_suspend(args->X[1], args->X[2], args->X[3]); } uint32_t smc_cpu_suspend(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, cpu_suspend_wrapper); } uint32_t smc_get_config_priv(smc_args_t *args) { uint64_t out_item = 0; uint32_t result; result = configitem_get(true, (ConfigItem)args->X[1], &out_item); args->X[1] = out_item; return result; } uint32_t smc_get_random_bytes_for_priv(smc_args_t *args) { /* This is an interesting SMC. */ /* The kernel must NEVER be unable to get random bytes, if it needs them */ /* As such: */ uint32_t result; if (!try_set_user_smc_in_progress()) { if (args->X[1] > 0x38) { return 2; } /* Retrieve bytes from the cache. */ size_t num_bytes = (size_t)args->X[1]; randomcache_getbytes(&args->X[1], num_bytes); result = 0; } else { /* If the kernel isn't denied service by a usermode SMC, generate fresh random bytes. */ result = user_get_random_bytes(args); /* Also, refill our cache while we have the chance in case we get denied later. */ randomcache_refill(); clear_user_smc_in_progress(); } return result; } uint32_t smc_read_write_register(smc_args_t *args) { uint64_t address = args->X[1]; uint32_t mask = (uint32_t)(args->X[2]); uint32_t value = (uint32_t)(args->X[3]); volatile uint32_t *p_mmio = NULL; /* Address must be aligned. */ if (address & 3) { return 2; } /* Check for PMC registers. */ if (0x7000E400 <= address && address <= 0x7000EFFF) { const uint8_t pmc_whitelist[0x28] = { 0xB9, 0xF9, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17, 0x00, 0xC4, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00 }; /* Offset = Address - PMC_BASE */ uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)(address - 0x7000E400); uint32_t wl_ind = (offset >> 5); /* If address is whitelisted, allow write. */ if (wl_ind < sizeof(pmc_whitelist) && (pmc_whitelist[wl_ind] & (1 << ((offset >> 2) & 0x7)))) { p_mmio = (volatile uint32_t *)(PMC_BASE + offset); } else { return 2; } } else if (exosphere_get_target_firmware() >= ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_400 && MMIO_GET_DEVICE_PA(MMIO_DEVID_MC) <= address && address < MMIO_GET_DEVICE_PA(MMIO_DEVID_MC) + MMIO_GET_DEVICE_SIZE(MMIO_DEVID_MC)) { /* Memory Controller RW supported only on 4.0.0+ */ const uint8_t mc_whitelist[0x68] = { 0x9F, 0x31, 0x30, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xF7, 0x01, 0xCD, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x40, 0x73, 0x3E, 0x2F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x30, 0x05, 0x06, 0xB0, 0x71, 0xC8, 0x43, 0x04, 0x80, 0x1F, 0x08, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0xF0, 0x03, 0x03, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00 }; uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)(address - 0x70019000); uint32_t wl_ind = (offset >> 5); /* If address is whitelisted, allow write. */ if (wl_ind < sizeof(mc_whitelist) && (mc_whitelist[wl_ind] & (1 << ((offset >> 2) & 0x7)))) { p_mmio = (volatile uint32_t *)(MMIO_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESS(MMIO_DEVID_MC) + offset); } else { /* These addresses are not allowed by the whitelist. */ /* They correspond to SMMU DISABLE for the BPMP, and for APB-DMA. */ /* However, smcReadWriteRegister returns 0 for these addresses despite not actually performing the write. */ /* This is "probably" to fuck with hackers who got access to smcReadWriteRegister and are trying to get */ /* control of the BPMP for jamais vu etc., since there's no other reason to return 0 despite failure. */ if (address == 0x7001923C || address == 0x70019298) { return 0; } return 2; } } /* Perform actual write. */ if (p_mmio != NULL) { uint32_t old_value; /* Write whole value. */ if (mask == 0xFFFFFFFF) { old_value = 0; } else { old_value = *p_mmio; } if (mask) { *p_mmio = (old_value & ~mask) | (value & mask); } /* Return old value. */ args->X[1] = old_value; return 0; } return 2; } uint32_t smc_configure_carveout(smc_args_t *args) { unsigned int carveout_id = (unsigned int)args->X[1]; uint64_t address = args->X[2]; uint64_t size = args->X[3]; /* Ensure carveout isn't too big. */ if (size > KERNEL_CARVEOUT_SIZE_MAX) { return 2; } /* Ensure validity of carveout index. */ if (carveout_id > 1) { return 2; } /* Configuration is one-shot, and cannot be done multiple times. */ if (exosphere_get_target_firmware() < ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_300) { if (g_configured_carveouts[carveout_id]) { return 2; } } configure_kernel_carveout(carveout_id + 4, address, size); g_configured_carveouts[carveout_id] = true; return 0; } uint32_t smc_panic(smc_args_t *args) { /* Swap RGB values from args. */ uint32_t color = ((args->X[1] & 0xF) << 8) | ((args->X[1] & 0xF0)) | ((args->X[1] & 0xF00) >> 8); panic((color << 20) | 0x40); } uint32_t smc_ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, ams_iram_copy); } uint32_t smc_ams_write_address(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, ams_write_address); }