#include #include #include "sm_registration.hpp" static Registration::Process g_process_list[REGISTRATION_LIST_MAX_PROCESS] = {0}; static Registration::Service g_service_list[REGISTRATION_LIST_MAX_SERVICE] = {0}; /* Utilities. */ Registration::Process *Registration::GetProcessForPid(u64 pid) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < REGISTRATION_LIST_MAX_PROCESS; i++) { if (g_process_list[i].pid == pid) { return &g_process_list[i]; } } return NULL; } Registration::Process *Registration::GetFreeProcess() { return GetProcessForPid(0); } Registration::Service *Registration::GetService(u64 service) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < REGISTRATION_LIST_MAX_SERVICE; i++) { if (g_service_list[i].service_name == service) { return &g_service_list[i]; } } return NULL; } Registration::Service *Registration::GetFreeService() { return GetService(0); } bool Registration::IsValidForSac(u8 *sac, size_t sac_size, u64 service, bool is_host) { u8 cur_ctrl; u64 cur_service; bool cur_is_host; size_t remaining = sac_size; while (remaining) { cur_ctrl = *sac++; remaining--; size_t cur_size = (cur_ctrl & 7) + 1; if (cur_size > remaining) { break; } cur_is_host = (cur_ctrl & 0x80) != 0; cur_service = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { cur_service |= ((u64)sac[i]) << (8 * i); } /* Check if the last byte is a wildcard ('*') */ if (sac[cur_size - 1] == '*') { /* Mask cur_service, service with 0xFF.. up until the wildcard. */ cur_service &= U64_MAX >> (8 * (8 - cur_size - 1)); service &= U64_MAX >> (8 * (8 - cur_size - 1)); } if (cur_service == service && (!is_host || cur_is_host)) { return true; } sac += cur_size; remaining -= cur_size; } return false; } bool Registration::ValidateSacAgainstRestriction(u8 *r_sac, size_t r_sac_size, u8 *sac, size_t sac_size) { u8 cur_ctrl; u64 cur_service; bool cur_is_host; size_t remaining = sac_size; while (remaining) { cur_ctrl = *sac++; remaining--; size_t cur_size = (cur_ctrl & 7) + 1; if (cur_size > remaining) { break; } cur_is_host = (cur_ctrl & 0x80) != 0; cur_service = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { cur_service |= ((u64)sac[i]) << (8 * i); } if (!IsValidForSac(r_sac, r_sac_size, cur_service, cur_is_host)) { return false; } sac += cur_size; remaining -= cur_size; } return true; } /* Process management. */ Result Registration::RegisterProcess(u64 pid, u8 *acid_sac, size_t acid_sac_size, u8 *aci0_sac, size_t aci0_sac_size) { Registration::Process *proc = GetFreeProcess(); if (aci0_sac_size > REGISTRATION_MAX_SAC_SIZE) { return 0x1215; } if (proc == NULL) { return 0x215; } if (aci0_sac_size && !ValidateSacAgainstRestriction(acid_sac, acid_sac_size, aci0_sac, aci0_sac_size)) { return 0x1015; } proc->pid = pid; proc->sac_size = aci0_sac_size; std::copy(aci0_sac, aci0_sac + aci0_sac_size, proc->sac); return 0; } Result Registration::UnregisterProcess(u64 pid) { Registration::Process *proc = GetProcessForPid(pid); if (proc == NULL) { return 0x415; } proc->pid = 0; return 0; } /* Service management. */ bool Registration::HasService(u64 service) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < REGISTRATION_LIST_MAX_SERVICE; i++) { if (g_service_list[i].service_name == service) { return true; } } return false; } Result Registration::GetServiceForPid(u64 pid, u64 service, Handle *out) { if (!service) { return 0xC15; } u64 service_name_len = 0; while ((service >> (8 * service_name_len)) & 0xFF) { service_name_len++; } /* If the service has bytes after a null terminator, that's no good. */ if ((service >> (8 * service_name_len))) { return 0xC15; } if (pid >= REGISTRATION_PID_BUILTIN_MAX) { Registration::Process *proc = GetProcessForPid(pid); if (proc == NULL) { return 0x415; } if (!IsValidForSac(proc->sac, proc->sac_size, service, false)) { return 0x1015; } } Registration::Service *target_service = GetService(service); if (target_service == NULL) { /* TODO: This defers the request, somehow? Needs to be RE'd in more detail. */ return 0x6580A; } *out = 0; Result rc = svcConnectToPort(out, target_service->port_h); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { if ((rc & 0x3FFFFF) == 0xE01) { return 0x615; } } return rc; } Result Registration::RegisterServiceForPid(u64 pid, u64 service, u64 max_sessions, bool is_light, Handle *out) { if (!service) { return 0xC15; } u64 service_name_len = 0; while ((service >> (8 * service_name_len)) & 0xFF) { service_name_len++; } /* If the service has bytes after a null terminator, that's no good. */ if ((service >> (8 * service_name_len))) { return 0xC15; } if (pid >= REGISTRATION_PID_BUILTIN_MAX) { Registration::Process *proc = GetProcessForPid(pid); if (proc == NULL) { return 0x415; } if (!IsValidForSac(proc->sac, proc->sac_size, service, true)) { return 0x1015; } } if (HasService(service)) { return 0x815; } Registration::Service *free_service = GetFreeService(); if (free_service == NULL) { return 0xA15; } *out = 0; *free_service = (const Registration::Service){0}; Result rc = svcCreatePort(out, &free_service->port_h, max_sessions, is_light, (char *)&free_service->service_name); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { free_service->service_name = service; free_service->owner_pid = pid; } return rc; } Result Registration::UnregisterServiceForPid(u64 pid, u64 service) { if (!service) { return 0xC15; } u64 service_name_len = 0; while ((service >> (8 * service_name_len)) & 0xFF) { service_name_len++; } /* If the service has bytes after a null terminator, that's no good. */ if ((service >> (8 * service_name_len))) { return 0xC15; } if (pid >= REGISTRATION_PID_BUILTIN_MAX) { Registration::Process *proc = GetProcessForPid(pid); if (proc == NULL) { return 0x415; } if (!IsValidForSac(proc->sac, proc->sac_size, service, true)) { return 0x1015; } } Registration::Service *target_service = GetService(service); if (target_service == NULL) { return 0xE15; } if (target_service->owner_pid != pid) { return 0x1015; } svcCloseHandle(target_service->port_h); *target_service = (const Registration::Service){0}; return 0; }