/** * @file smc.c * @copyright libnx Authors */ #include #include #include "smc.h" #include "../utils/fatal.h" void smcRebootToRcm(void) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xC3000401; /* smcSetConfig */ args.X[1] = SplConfigItem_NeedsReboot; /* Exosphere reboot */ args.X[3] = 1; /* Perform reboot to RCM. */ svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); } void smcRebootToIramPayload(void) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xC3000401; /* smcSetConfig */ args.X[1] = SplConfigItem_NeedsReboot; /* Exosphere reboot */ args.X[3] = 2; /* Perform reboot to payload at 0x40010000 in IRAM. */ svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); } void smcPerformShutdown(void) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xC3000401; /* smcSetConfig */ args.X[1] = SplConfigItem_NeedsShutdown; /* Exosphere shutdown */ args.X[3] = 1; /* Perform shutdown. */ svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); } Result smcGetConfig(SplConfigItem config_item, u64 *out_config) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xC3000002; /* smcGetConfig */ args.X[1] = (u64)config_item; /* config item */ Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); if (rc == 0) { if (args.X[0] == 0) { if (out_config) { *out_config = args.X[1]; } } else { /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); } } return rc; } SplHardwareType splGetHardwareType(void) { u64 value; Result rc = smcGetConfig(SplConfigItem_HardwareType, &value); if (rc != 0) { fatal_abort(Fatal_BadResult); } return (SplHardwareType)value; } SplSocType splGetSocType(void) { static SplSocType soc_type; static bool soc_type_set = false; if (soc_type_set) return soc_type; switch (splGetHardwareType()) { case SplHardwareType_Icosa: case SplHardwareType_Copper: soc_type = SplSocType_Erista; break; case SplHardwareType_Hoag: case SplHardwareType_Iowa: case SplHardwareType_Calcio: case SplHardwareType_Five: soc_type = SplSocType_Mariko; break; default: fatal_abort(Fatal_InvalidEnum); } soc_type_set = true; return soc_type; } Result smcCopyToIram(uintptr_t iram_addr, const void *src_addr, u32 size) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xF0000201; /* smcAmsIramCopy */ args.X[1] = (u64)src_addr; /* DRAM address */ args.X[2] = (u64)iram_addr; /* IRAM address */ args.X[3] = size; /* Amount to copy */ args.X[4] = 1; /* 1 = Write */ Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); if (rc == 0) { if (args.X[0] != 0) { /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); } } return rc; } Result smcCopyFromIram(void *dst_addr, uintptr_t iram_addr, u32 size) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xF0000201; /* smcAmsIramCopy */ args.X[1] = (u64)dst_addr; /* DRAM address */ args.X[2] = (u64)iram_addr; /* IRAM address */ args.X[3] = size; /* Amount to copy */ args.X[4] = 0; /* 0 = Read */ Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); if (rc == 0) { if (args.X[0] != 0) { /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); } } return rc; } Result smcReadWriteRegister(u32 phys_addr, u32 value, u32 mask) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xF0000002; /* smcAmsReadWriteRegister */ args.X[1] = phys_addr; /* MMIO address */ args.X[2] = mask; /* mask */ args.X[3] = value; /* value */ Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); if (rc == 0) { if (args.X[0] != 0) { /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); } } return rc; } Result smcGetEmummcConfig(exo_emummc_mmc_t mmc_id, exo_emummc_config_t *out_cfg, void *out_paths) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xF0000404; /* smcAmsGetEmunandConfig */ args.X[1] = mmc_id; args.X[2] = (u64)out_paths; /* out path */ Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); if (rc == 0) { if (args.X[0] != 0) { /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); } if (rc == 0) { memcpy(out_cfg, &args.X[1], sizeof(*out_cfg)); } } return rc; } Result smcGenerateRandomBytes(void *dst, u32 size) { SecmonArgs args; args.X[0] = 0xC3000006; /* smcGenerateRandomBytes */ args.X[1] = size; Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); if (rc == 0) { if (args.X[0] != 0) { /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); } if (rc == 0) { memcpy(dst, &args.X[1], size); } } return rc; } u64 smcGenerateRandomU64(void) { u64 random; Result rc = smcGenerateRandomBytes(&random, sizeof(random)); if (rc != 0) { fatal_abort(Fatal_BadResult); } return random; }