* fs.mitm: skeleton the use of special allocation in romfs build
* pm: add api for ams.mitm to steal application memory
* pm/mitm: okay, that api won't work, try a different one
* romfs: revert memory usage increases; we'll handle torture games case-by-case.
* pm/romfs: first (broken?) pass at dynamic heap.
I cannot wait to figure out all the ways this is wrong.
* Release the dynamic heap a little more eagerly
* romfs: animal crossing is also not a nice game
* romfs: fix issues in close-during-build
* romfs: zelda is a blight upon this earth
* ams: update to build with gcc10/c++20
* remove mno-outline-atomics
* ams: take care of most TODO C++20s
* fusee/sept: update for gcc10
* whoosh, your code now uses pre-compiled headers
* make: dependency fixes