mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 20:31:14 +00:00
pgl: implement LaunchProgramFromHost, GetHostContentMetaInfo
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 383 additions and 2 deletions
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
namespace ams::pgl {
enum LaunchFlags : u8 {
LaunchFlags_None = 0,
LaunchFlags_EnableDetailedCrashReport = (1 << 0),
LaunchFlags_EnableCrashReportScreenShotForProduction = (1 << 1),
LaunchFlags_EnableCrashReportScreenShotForDevelop = (1 << 2),
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include "pgl_srv_shell_host_utils.hpp"
#include "pgl_srv_shell.hpp"
namespace ams::pgl::srv {
namespace {
constexpr inline char HostPackageMountName[] = "HostPackageRead";
static_assert(sizeof(HostPackageMountName) - 1 <= fs::MountNameLengthMax);
struct CaseInsensitiveCharTraits : public std::char_traits<char> {
static char to_upper(char c) {
return std::toupper(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
static bool eq(char c1, char c2) {
return to_upper(c1) == to_upper(c2);
static bool lt(char c1, char c2) {
return to_upper(c1) < to_upper(c2);
static int compare(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
while ( n-- != 0 ) {
if ( to_upper(*s1) < to_upper(*s2) ) return -1;
if ( to_upper(*s1) > to_upper(*s2) ) return 1;
++s1; ++s2;
return 0;
static const char *find(const char *s, int n, char a) {
auto const ua (to_upper(a));
while ( n-- != 0 )
if (to_upper(*s) == ua)
return s;
return nullptr;
using PathView = std::basic_string_view<char, CaseInsensitiveCharTraits>;
enum class ExtensionType {
None = 0,
Nsp = 1,
Nspd = 2,
bool HasSuffix(const char *str, const char *suffix) {
const size_t suffix_len = std::strlen(suffix);
const size_t str_len = std::strlen(str);
if (suffix_len > str_len) {
return false;
return (PathView(str).substr(str_len - suffix_len) == PathView(suffix));
class HostPackageReader {
char content_path[fs::EntryNameLengthMax] = {};
ExtensionType extension_type = ExtensionType::None;
char mount_name[fs::MountNameLengthMax] = {};
bool is_mounted = false;
ncm::AutoBuffer content_meta_buffer;
ncm::ProgramId program_id = ncm::InvalidProgramId;
u32 program_version = 0;
ncm::ContentMetaType content_meta_type = static_cast<ncm::ContentMetaType>(0);
u8 program_index = 0;
HostPackageReader() : content_meta_buffer() { /* ... */ }
~HostPackageReader() {
if (this->is_mounted) {
Result Initialize(const char *package, const char *mount) {
/* Copy in the content path. */
R_UNLESS(strlen(package) <= sizeof(this->content_path) - 1, pgl::ResultBufferNotEnough());
std::strcpy(this->content_path, package);
/* Set the extension type. */
/* Copy in mount name. */
R_UNLESS(strlen(mount) <= sizeof(this->mount_name) - 1, pgl::ResultBufferNotEnough());
std::strcpy(this->mount_name, mount);
/* Mount the package. */
R_TRY(fs::MountApplicationPackage(this->mount_name, this->content_path));
this->is_mounted = true;
/* Set the content meta buffer. */
/* Ensure we have a content meta buffer. */
R_UNLESS(this->content_meta_buffer.Get() != nullptr, pgl::ResultContentMetaNotFound());
return ResultSuccess();
Result ReadProgramInfo() {
/* First, read the program index. */
/* Next, create a key for the rest of the fields. */
const auto key = ncm::PackagedContentMetaReader(this->content_meta_buffer.Get(), this->content_meta_buffer.GetSize()).GetKey();
/* Set fields. */
this->program_id = {key.id};
this->program_version = key.version;
this->content_meta_type = key.type;
return ResultSuccess();
Result GetContentPath(lr::Path *out, ncm::ContentType type, std::optional<u8> index) const {
switch (this->extension_type) {
case ExtensionType::Nsp: return this->GetContentPathInNsp(out, type, index);
case ExtensionType::Nspd: return this->GetContentPathInNspd(out, type, index);
ncm::ProgramId GetProgramId() const {
return this->program_id;
u32 GetProgramVersion() const {
return this->program_version;
ncm::ContentMetaType GetContentMetaType() const {
return this->content_meta_type;
u8 GetProgramIndex() const {
return this->program_index;
Result GetContentPathInNsp(lr::Path *out, ncm::ContentType type, std::optional<u8> index) const {
/* Create a reader. */
auto reader = ncm::PackagedContentMetaReader(this->content_meta_buffer.Get(), this->content_meta_buffer.GetSize());
/* Get the content info. */
const ncm::PackagedContentInfo *content_info = nullptr;
if (index) {
content_info = reader.GetContentInfo(type, *index);
} else {
content_info = reader.GetContentInfo(type);
R_UNLESS(content_info != nullptr, pgl::ResultApplicationContentNotFound());
/* Get the content id string. */
ncm::ContentIdString id_str;
ncm::GetStringFromContentId(id_str.data, sizeof(id_str.data), content_info->GetId());
/* Get the file name. */
char file_name[ncm::ContentIdStringLength + 5];
const size_t len = std::snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s.nca", id_str.data);
R_UNLESS(len + 1 == sizeof(file_name), pgl::ResultBufferNotEnough());
/* Ensure we have the content. */
bool has_content;
R_TRY(this->SearchContent(std::addressof(has_content), out, file_name, fs::OpenDirectoryMode_File));
R_UNLESS(has_content, pgl::ResultApplicationContentNotFound());
return ResultSuccess();
Result GetContentPathInNspd(lr::Path *out, ncm::ContentType type, std::optional<u8> index) const {
/* Get the content name. */
const char *content_name = nullptr;
switch (type) {
case ncm::ContentType::Program: content_name = "program"; break;
case ncm::ContentType::Control: content_name = "control"; break;
case ncm::ContentType::HtmlDocument: content_name = "htmlDocument"; break;
case ncm::ContentType::LegalInformation: content_name = "legalInformation"; break;
/* Get the file name. */
/* NSPD does not support indexed content, so we always use 0 as the index. */
char file_name[0x20];
const size_t len = std::snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s%d.ncd", content_name, 0);
R_UNLESS(len + 1 <= sizeof(file_name), pgl::ResultBufferNotEnough());
/* Ensure we have the content. */
bool has_content;
R_TRY(this->SearchContent(std::addressof(has_content), out, file_name, fs::OpenDirectoryMode_Directory));
R_UNLESS(has_content, pgl::ResultApplicationContentNotFound());
return ResultSuccess();
Result GetProgramIndex(u8 *out) {
/* Nspd programs do not have indices. */
if (this->extension_type == ExtensionType::Nspd) {
*out = 0;
return ResultSuccess();
/* Create a reader. */
auto reader = ncm::PackagedContentMetaReader(this->content_meta_buffer.Get(), this->content_meta_buffer.GetSize());
/* Get the program content info. */
auto program_content_info = reader.GetContentInfo(ncm::ContentType::Program);
R_UNLESS(program_content_info, pgl::ResultApplicationContentNotFound());
/* Return the index. */
*out = program_content_info->GetIdOffset();
return ResultSuccess();
Result SetExtensionType() {
/* First, clear the suffix if the path is a program ncd. */
if (HasSuffix(this->content_path, "program0.ncd/")) {
this->content_path[strnlen(this->content_path, sizeof(this->content_path)) - std::strlen("program0.ncd/")] = 0;
if (HasSuffix(this->content_path, ".nsp")) {
this->extension_type = ExtensionType::Nsp;
return ResultSuccess();
} else if (HasSuffix(this->content_path, ".nspd") || HasSuffix(this->content_path, ".nspd/")) {
this->extension_type = ExtensionType::Nspd;
return ResultSuccess();
} else {
return fs::ResultPathNotFound();
Result SetContentMetaBuffer() {
constexpr const char ContentMetaFileExtension[] = ".cnmt.nca";
constexpr const char ContentMetaDirectoryExtension[] = "meta0.ncd";
/* Find the Content meta path. */
bool has_content = false;
lr::Path meta_path;
switch (this->extension_type) {
case ExtensionType::Nsp: R_TRY(this->SearchContent(std::addressof(has_content), std::addressof(meta_path), ContentMetaFileExtension, fs::OpenDirectoryMode_File)); break;
case ExtensionType::Nspd: R_TRY(this->SearchContent(std::addressof(has_content), std::addressof(meta_path), ContentMetaDirectoryExtension, fs::OpenDirectoryMode_Directory)); break;
R_UNLESS(has_content, pgl::ResultContentMetaNotFound());
/* Read the content meta buffer. */
return ncm::ReadContentMetaPath(std::addressof(this->content_meta_buffer), meta_path.str);
Result SearchContent(bool *out, lr::Path *out_path, const char *extension, fs::OpenDirectoryMode mode) const {
/* Generate the root directory path. */
char root_dir[sizeof(this->mount_name) + 2];
std::snprintf(root_dir, sizeof(root_dir), "%s:/", this->mount_name);
/* Open the root directory. */
fs::DirectoryHandle dir;
R_TRY(fs::OpenDirectory(std::addressof(dir), root_dir, mode));
ON_SCOPE_EXIT { fs::CloseDirectory(dir); };
/* Iterate over directory entries. */
while (true) {
fs::DirectoryEntry entry;
s64 count;
R_TRY(fs::ReadDirectory(std::addressof(count), std::addressof(entry), dir, 1));
if (count == 0) {
/* Check if we match the suffix. */
if (HasSuffix(entry.name, extension)) {
*out = true;
if (out_path) {
const size_t len = std::snprintf(out_path->str, sizeof(out_path->str), "%s/%s", this->content_path, entry.name);
R_UNLESS(len + 1 < sizeof(out_path->str), pgl::ResultBufferNotEnough());
if (entry.type == fs::DirectoryEntryType_Directory) {
out_path->str[len] = '/';
out_path->str[len + 1] = 0;
return ResultSuccess();
/* We didn't find a match. */
*out = false;
return ResultSuccess();
Result LaunchProgramFromHost(os::ProcessId *out, const char *package_path, u32 pm_flags) {
/* Read the package. */
HostPackageReader reader;
R_TRY(reader.Initialize(package_path, HostPackageMountName));
/* Read the program info. */
/* Open a host location resolver. */
lr::LocationResolver host_resolver;
R_TRY(lr::OpenLocationResolver(std::addressof(host_resolver), ncm::StorageId::Host));
/* Get the content path. */
lr::Path content_path;
R_TRY(reader.GetContentPath(std::addressof(content_path), ncm::ContentType::Program, reader.GetProgramIndex()));
/* Erase the program redirection. */
/* Redirect the program path to point to the new path. */
host_resolver.RedirectProgramPath(content_path, reader.GetProgramId());
/* Launch the program. */
return pgl::srv::LaunchProgram(out, ncm::ProgramLocation::Make(reader.GetProgramId(), ncm::StorageId::Host), pm_flags, pgl::LaunchFlags_None);
Result GetHostContentMetaInfo(pgl::ContentMetaInfo *out, const char *package_path) {
/* Read the package. */
HostPackageReader reader;
R_TRY(reader.Initialize(package_path, HostPackageMountName));
/* Read the program info. */
/* Get the content meta info. */
*out = {
.id = reader.GetProgramId().value,
.version = reader.GetProgramVersion(),
.content_type = ncm::ContentType::Program,
.id_offset = reader.GetProgramIndex(),
return ResultSuccess();
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
namespace ams::pgl::srv {
Result LaunchProgramFromHost(os::ProcessId *out, const char *content_path, u32 pm_flags);
Result GetHostContentMetaInfo(pgl::ContentMetaInfo *out, const char *content_path);
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include "pgl_srv_shell.hpp"
#include "pgl_srv_shell_event_observer.hpp"
#include "pgl_srv_shell_host_utils.hpp"
namespace ams::pgl::srv {
@ -28,11 +29,11 @@ namespace ams::pgl::srv {
Result ShellInterface::LaunchProgramFromHost(ams::sf::Out<os::ProcessId> out, const ams::sf::InBuffer &content_path, u32 pm_flags) {
/* TODO */
return pgl::srv::LaunchProgramFromHost(out.GetPointer(), reinterpret_cast<const char *>(content_path.GetPointer()), pm_flags);
Result ShellInterface::GetHostContentMetaInfo(ams::sf::Out<pgl::ContentMetaInfo> out, const ams::sf::InBuffer &content_path) {
/* TODO */
return pgl::srv::GetHostContentMetaInfo(out.GetPointer(), reinterpret_cast<const char *>(content_path.GetPointer()));
Result ShellInterface::GetApplicationProcessId(ams::sf::Out<os::ProcessId> out) {
Reference in a new issue