tipc: implement ServerManager processing logic

This commit is contained in:
Michael Scire 2021-04-09 01:56:24 -07:00 committed by SciresM
parent 822875ecf5
commit affeeb2724

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
class PortManagerBase : public PortManagerInterface {
enum MessageType {
enum MessageType : u8 {
MessageType_AddSession = 0,
MessageType_TriggerResume = 1,
@ -96,17 +96,33 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
os::WaitableHolderType m_message_queue_holder;
uintptr_t m_message_queue_storage[MaxSessions];
ObjectManagerBase *m_object_manager;
ServerManagerImpl *m_server_manager;
PortManagerBase() : m_id(), m_num_sessions(), m_port_number(), m_waitable_manager(), m_deferral_manager(), m_message_queue(), m_message_queue_holder(), m_message_queue_storage(), m_object_manager() {
PortManagerBase() : m_id(), m_num_sessions(), m_port_number(), m_waitable_manager(), m_deferral_manager(), m_message_queue(), m_message_queue_holder(), m_message_queue_storage(), m_object_manager(), m_server_manager() {
/* Setup our message queue. */
os::InitializeMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), m_message_queue_storage, util::size(m_message_queue_storage));
os::InitializeWaitableHolder(std::addressof(m_message_queue_holder), std::addressof(m_message_queue), os::MessageQueueWaitType::ForNotEmpty);
void InitializeBase(s32 id, ObjectManagerBase *manager) {
constexpr s32 GetPortIndex() const {
return m_port_number;
s32 GetSessionCount() const {
return m_num_sessions;
ObjectManagerBase *GetObjectManager() const {
return m_object_manager;
void InitializeBase(s32 id, ServerManagerImpl *sm, ObjectManagerBase *manager) {
/* Set our id. */
m_id = id;
/* Set our server manager. */
m_server_manager = sm;
/* Reset our session count. */
m_num_sessions = 0;
@ -149,22 +165,128 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
return m_object_manager->ReplyAndReceive(out_holder, out_object, reply_target, std::addressof(m_waitable_manager));
void ProcessMessages() {
/* While we have messages in our queue, receive and handle them. */
uintptr_t message_type, message_data;
while (os::TryReceiveMessageQueue(std::addressof(message_type), std::addressof(m_message_queue))) {
/* Receive the message's data. */
os::ReceiveMessageQueue(std::addressof(message_data), std::addressof(m_message_queue));
/* Handle the specific message. */
switch (static_cast<MessageType>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<MessageType>::type>(message_type))) {
case MessageType_AddSession:
/* Get the handle from where it's packed into the message type. */
const svc::Handle session_handle = static_cast<svc::Handle>(message_type >> BITSIZEOF(u32));
/* Allocate a service object for the port. */
auto *service_object = m_server_manager->AllocateObject(static_cast<size_t>(message_data));
/* Create a waitable object for the session. */
tipc::WaitableObject object;
/* Setup the object. */
object.InitializeAsSession(session_handle, true, service_object);
/* Register the object. */
case MessageType_TriggerResume:
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Perform the resume. */
const auto resume_key = ConvertMessageToKey(message_data);
m_deferral_manager.Resume(resume_key, this);
void CloseSession(WaitableObject &object) {
/* Get the object's handle. */
const auto handle = object.GetHandle();
/* Close the object with our manager. */
/* Close the handle itself. */
/* Decrement our session count. */
void CloseSessionIfNecessary(WaitableObject &object, bool necessary) {
if (necessary) {
/* Get the object's handle. */
const auto handle = object.GetHandle();
/* Close the object with our manager. */
/* Close the handle itself. */
/* Decrement our session count. */
void StartRegisterRetry(ResumeKey key) {
/* Begin the retry. */
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Begin the retry. */
void ProcessRegisterRetry(WaitableObject &object) {
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Process the retry. */
bool TestResume(ResumeKey key) {
/* Check to see if the key corresponds to some deferred message. */
return m_deferral_manager.TestResume(key);
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Check to see if the key corresponds to some deferred message. */
return m_deferral_manager.TestResume(key);
} else {
return false;
void TriggerResume(ResumeKey key) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Send the key as a message. */
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), static_cast<uintptr_t>(MessageType_TriggerResume));
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), ConvertKeyToMessage(key));
void TriggerAddSession(svc::Handle session_handle, size_t port_index) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Send information about the session as a message. */
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), static_cast<uintptr_t>(MessageType_AddSession) | (static_cast<u64>(session_handle) << BITSIZEOF(u32)));
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), static_cast<uintptr_t>(port_index));
static bool IsRequestDeferred() {
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Get the message buffer. */
@ -199,9 +321,9 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
/* ... */
void Initialize(s32 id) {
void Initialize(s32 id, ServerManagerImpl *sm) {
/* Initialize our base. */
this->InitializeBase(id, std::addressof(m_object_manager_impl));
this->InitializeBase(id, sm, std::addressof(m_object_manager_impl));
/* Initialize our object manager. */
@ -217,7 +339,7 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
using PortAllocatorTuple = std::tuple<typename PortInfos::Allocator...>;
os::SdkMutex m_mutex;
os::Mutex m_mutex;
os::TlsSlot m_tls_slot;
PortManagerTuple m_port_managers;
PortAllocatorTuple m_port_allocators;
@ -253,10 +375,12 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
os::StartThread(m_port_threads + Ix);
ServerManagerImpl() : m_mutex(), m_tls_slot(), m_port_managers(), m_port_allocators() { /* ... */ }
ServerManagerImpl() : m_mutex(true), m_tls_slot(), m_port_managers(), m_port_allocators() { /* ... */ }
os::TlsSlot GetTlsSlot() const { return m_tls_slot; }
os::Mutex &GetMutex() { return m_mutex; }
void Initialize() {
/* Initialize our tls slot. */
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
@ -265,7 +389,7 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
/* Initialize our port managers. */
[this]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->GetPortManager<Ix>().Initialize(static_cast<s32>(Ix)), ...);
(this->GetPortManager<Ix>().Initialize(static_cast<s32>(Ix), this), ...);
@ -288,7 +412,41 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
/* Process for the last port. */
this->LoopAutoForPort<NumPorts - 1>();
tipc::ServiceObjectBase *AllocateObject(size_t port_index) {
/* Check that the port index is valid. */
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(port_index < NumPorts);
/* Try to allocate from each port, in turn. */
tipc::ServiceObjectBase *allocated = nullptr;
return [this, port_index, &allocated]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->TryAllocateObject<Ix>(port_index, allocated), ...);
/* Return the allocated object. */
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(allocated != nullptr);
return allocated;
template<size_t Ix> requires (Ix < NumPorts)
void TryAllocateObject(size_t port_index, tipc::ServiceObjectBase *&allocated) {
/* Check that the port index matches. */
if (port_index == Ix) {
/* Get the allocator. */
auto &allocator = std::get<Ix>(m_port_allocators);
/* Allocate the object. */
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(allocated == nullptr);
allocated = allocator.Allocate();
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(allocated != nullptr);
/* If we should, set the object's deleter. */
if constexpr (IsServiceObjectDeleter<typename std::tuple_element<Ix, PortAllocatorTuple>::type>) {
Result LoopProcess(PortManagerBase &port_manager) {
/* Set our tls slot's value to be the port manager we're processing for. */
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
@ -302,7 +460,113 @@ namespace ams::tipc {
/* Process requests forever. */
svc::Handle reply_target = svc::InvalidHandle;
while (true) {
/* TODO */
/* Reply to our pending request, and receive a new one. */
os::WaitableHolderType *signaled_holder = nullptr;
tipc::WaitableObject signaled_object{};
R_TRY_CATCH(port_manager.ReplyAndReceive(std::addressof(signaled_holder), std::addressof(signaled_object), reply_target)) {
R_CATCH(os::ResultSessionClosedForReceive, os::ResultReceiveListBroken) {
/* Close the object and continue. */
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = svc::InvalidHandle;
if (signaled_holder == nullptr) {
/* A session was signaled, accessible via signaled_object. */
switch (signaled_object.GetType()) {
case WaitableObject::ObjectType_Port:
/* Try to accept a new session */
svc::Handle session_handle;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(svc::AcceptSession(std::addressof(session_handle), signaled_object.GetHandle()))) {
this->TriggerAddSession(session_handle, static_cast<size_t>(port_manager.GetPortIndex()));
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = svc::InvalidHandle;
case WaitableObject::ObjectType_Session:
/* Process the request */
const Result process_result = port_manager.GetObjectManager()->ProcessRequest(signaled_object);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(process_result)) {
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Check if the request is deferred. */
if (PortManagerBase::IsRequestDeferred()) {
/* Process the retry that we began. */
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = svc::InvalidHandle;
} else {
/* We're done processing, so we should reply. */
reply_target = signaled_object.GetHandle();
} else {
/* We're done processing, so we should reply. */
reply_target = signaled_object.GetHandle();
} else {
/* We failed to process, so note the session as closed (or close it). */
port_manager.CloseSessionIfNecessary(signaled_object, !tipc::ResultSessionClosed::Includes(process_result));
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = svc::InvalidHandle;
} else {
/* Our message queue was signaled. */
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = svc::InvalidHandle;
void TriggerAddSession(svc::Handle session_handle, size_t port_index) {
/* Acquire exclusive access to ourselves. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex);
/* Select the best port manager. */
PortManagerBase *best_manager = nullptr;
s32 best_sessions = -1;
const auto session_counts = [this, &best_manager, &best_sessions]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->TrySelectBetterPort<Ix>(best_manager, best_sessions), ...);
/* Trigger the session add on the least-burdened manager. */
best_manager->TriggerAddSession(session_handle, port_index);
template<size_t Ix> requires (Ix < NumPorts)
void TrySelectBetterPort(PortManagerBase *&best_manager, s32 &best_sessions) {
if constexpr (Ix == 0) {
best_manager = std::addressof(this->GetPortManager<Ix>());
best_sessions = std::min(best_manager->GetSessionCount(), static_cast<s32>(SessionsPerPortManager<Ix>));
} else if constexpr (Ix < NumPorts - 1) {
auto &cur_manager = this->GetPortManager<Ix>();
const auto cur_sessions = std::min(cur_manager.GetSessionCount(), static_cast<s32>(SessionsPerPortManager<Ix>));
if (cur_sessions < best_sessions) {
best_manager = std::addressof(cur_manager);
best_sessions = cur_sessions;
} else {
auto &cur_manager = this->GetPortManager<Ix>();
const auto cur_sessions = cur_manager.GetSessionCount();
if (cur_sessions < best_sessions) {
best_manager = std::addressof(cur_manager);
best_sessions = cur_sessions;