diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5525b317b..8cf203baf 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ In no particular order, we credit the following for their invaluable contributio * __Marcus Geelnard__ for the [bcl-1.2.0](https://sourceforge.net/projects/bcl/files/bcl/bcl-1.2.0) library. * __naehrwert__ and __st4rk__ for the original [hekate](https://github.com/nwert/hekate) project and its hwinit code base. * __CTCaer__ for the continued [hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate) project's fork and the [minerva_tc](https://github.com/CTCaer/minerva_tc) project. +* __m4xw__ for development of the [emuMMC](https://github.com/m4xw/emummc) project. * __Riley__ for suggesting "Atmosphere" as a Horizon OS reimplementation+customization project name. * __hedgeberg__ for research and hardware testing. * __lioncash__ for code cleanup and general improvements. diff --git a/common/include/atmosphere/version.h b/common/include/atmosphere/version.h index 6aaf662fb..fd07c5b20 100644 --- a/common/include/atmosphere/version.h +++ b/common/include/atmosphere/version.h @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ #define ATMOSPHERE_VERSION_H #define ATMOSPHERE_RELEASE_VERSION_MAJOR 0 -#define ATMOSPHERE_RELEASE_VERSION_MINOR 8 -#define ATMOSPHERE_RELEASE_VERSION_MICRO 10 +#define ATMOSPHERE_RELEASE_VERSION_MINOR 9 +#define ATMOSPHERE_RELEASE_VERSION_MICRO 0 #define ATMOSPHERE_SUPPORTED_HOS_VERSION_MAJOR 8 #define ATMOSPHERE_SUPPORTED_HOS_VERSION_MINOR 0 diff --git a/docs/changelog.md b/docs/changelog.md index 863d2d257..6b12686be 100644 --- a/docs/changelog.md +++ b/docs/changelog.md @@ -1,4 +1,28 @@ # Changelog +## 0.9.0 ++ Creport output was improved significantly. + + Thread names are now dumped on crash in addition to 0x100 of TLS from each thread. + + This significantly aids debugging efforts for crashes. + + Support was added for 32-bit stackframes, so reports can now be generated for 32-bit games. ++ `dmnt`'s Cheat VM was extended to add a new debug opcode. ++ With thanks to/collaboration with @m4xw and @CTCaer, support was added for redirecting NAND to the SD card (emummc). + + Please note, this support is very much **beta/experimental**. + + It is quite likely we have not identified all bugs -- those will be fixed as they are reported over the next few days/weeks. + + In addition, some niceties (e.g. having a separate Atmosphere folder per emummc instance) still need some thought put in before they can be implemented in a way that makes everyone happy. + + If you are not an advanced user, you may wish to think about waiting for the inevitable 0.9.1 bugfix update before using emummc as your default boot option. + + You may especially wish to consider waiting if you are using Atmosphere on a unit with the RCM bug patched. + + Emummc is managed by editing the emummc section of "emummc/emummc.ini". + + To enable emummc, set `emummc!emummc_enabled` = 1. + + Support is included for redirecting NAND to a partition on the SD card. + + This can be done by setting `emummc!emummc_sector` to the start sector of your partition (e.g., `emummc_sector = 0x1A010000`). + + Support is also included for redirecting NAND to a collection of loose files on the SD card. + + This can be done by setting `emummc!emummc_path` to the folder (with archive bit set) containing the NAND boot partitions' files "boot0" and "boot1", and the raw NAND image files "00", "01", "02", etc. (single "00" file with the whole NAND image requires exFAT mode while multipart NAND can be used in both exFAT and FAT32 modes). + + The `Nintendo` contents directory can be redirected arbitrarily. + + By default, it will be redirected to `emummc/Nintendo_XXXX`, where `XXXX` is the hexadecimal representation of the emummc's ID. + + The current emummc ID may be selected by changing `emummc!emummc_id` in emummc.ini. + + This can be set to any arbitrary directory by setting `emummc!emummc_nintendo_path`. + + To create a backup usable for emummc, users may use tools provided by the [hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate) project. + + If, when using emummc, you encounter a bug, *please be sure to report it* -- that's the only way we can fix it. :) ## 0.8.10 + A bug was fixed that could cause incorrect system memory allocation on 5.0.0. + 5.0.0 should now correctly have an additional 12 MiB allocated for sysmodules. diff --git a/emummc/.gitignore b/emummc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c00ac63a --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +*.kip +*.data +*.elf +build +.vscode/ipch +.vscode/settings.json +*.exe +*.kip* +emummc.caps diff --git a/emummc/.gitrepo b/emummc/.gitrepo new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f949b074 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/.gitrepo @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +; DO NOT EDIT (unless you know what you are doing) +; +; This subdirectory is a git "subrepo", and this file is maintained by the +; git-subrepo command. See https://github.com/git-commands/git-subrepo#readme +; +[subrepo] + remote = https://github.com/m4xw/emuMMC + branch = develop + commit = e72e8f1c8fb7ad8fe7cdedc3784729ea8e11f927 + parent = 87a1aa17a7693ef39ffea91ad0fa1b530f278bb0 + method = rebase + cmdver = 0.4.0 diff --git a/emummc/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json b/emummc/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91df1079b --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +{ + "configurations": [ + { + "name": "Switch", + "includePath": [ + "/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/aarch64-none-elf/include", + "/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/lib/gcc/aarch64-none-elf/8.3.0/include", + "${workspaceFolder}/libnx-patched/nx/include", + "/opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch/include", + "/opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch/include/freetype2", + "${workspaceFolder}/source", + "${workspaceFolder}/source/emmc", + "${workspaceFolder}/source/libs/fatfs", + "${workspaceFolder}/source/power", + "${workspaceFolder}/source/soc", + "${workspaceFolder}/source/utils", + "${workspaceFolder}/**" + ], + "defines": [ + "_DEBUG", + "UNICODE", + "_UNICODE", + "__aarch64__", + "__SWITCH__", + "INNER_HEAP_SIZE=0x80000" + ], + "windowsSdkVersion": "10.0.17763.0", + "compilerPath": "/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/bin/aarch64-none-elf-gcc", + "cStandard": "c11", + "cppStandard": "c++11", + "intelliSenseMode": "gcc-x64" + } + ], + "version": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/emummc/LICENSE b/emummc/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d159169d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/emummc/Makefile b/emummc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..664399753 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +.SUFFIXES: + +ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITPRO)),) +$(error "Please set DEVKITPRO in your environment. export DEVKITPRO=/devkitpro") +endif + +TARGET := emummc +BUILD := build +SOURCES := source/nx source source/utils source/emmc source/soc source/power source/emuMMC source/FS source/libs/fatfs +DATA := data +INCLUDES := include +EXEFS_SRC := exefs_src + +ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR))) +EMUMMCDIR ?= $(CURDIR) +else +EMUMMCDIR ?= $(CURDIR)/../ +endif + +include $(EMUMMCDIR)/nx/switch_rules + +ARCH := -march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a57 -mtp=soft -fPIE + +DEFINES := -DINNER_HEAP_SIZE=0x80000 + +CFLAGS := -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections -Wno-unused-function \ + $(ARCH) $(DEFINES) + +CFLAGS += $(INCLUDE) -D__SWITCH__ + +CXXFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++17 + +ASFLAGS := -g $(ARCH) +LDFLAGS = -specs=$(EMUMMCDIR)/nx/switch.specs -g $(ARCH) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $*.map) + +ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR))) + +export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET) +export TOPDIR := $(EMUMMCDIR) + +export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ + $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) + +export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD) + +CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))) +CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))) +SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s))) +BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*))) + +ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),) + export LD := $(CC) +else + export LD := $(CXX) +endif + +export OFILES_BIN := $(addsuffix .o,$(BINFILES)) +export OFILES_SRC := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(SFILES:.s=.o) +export OFILES := $(OFILES_BIN) $(OFILES_SRC) +export HFILES_BIN := $(addsuffix .h,$(subst .,_,$(BINFILES))) + +export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ + $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \ + -I$(CURDIR)/$(BUILD) + +export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) + +export BUILD_EXEFS_SRC := $(TOPDIR)/$(EXEFS_SRC) + +ifeq ($(strip $(CONFIG_JSON)),) + jsons := $(wildcard *.json) + ifneq (,$(findstring $(TARGET).json,$(jsons))) + export APP_JSON := $(TOPDIR)/$(TARGET).json + else + ifneq (,$(findstring config.json,$(jsons))) + export APP_JSON := $(TOPDIR)/config.json + endif + endif +else + export APP_JSON := $(TOPDIR)/$(CONFIG_JSON) +endif + +.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean all + +all: $(BUILD) + +$(BUILD): + @[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@ + @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile + +clean: + @echo clean ... + @rm -fr $(BUILD) $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).kip + +else +.PHONY: all + +DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d) + +all : $(OUTPUT).kip + +$(OUTPUT).kip : $(OUTPUT).elf + +$(OUTPUT).elf : $(OFILES) + +$(OFILES_SRC) : $(HFILES_BIN) + +%.bin.o %_bin.h : %.bin + @echo $(notdir $<) + @$(bin2o) + +-include $(DEPENDS) + +endif diff --git a/emummc/README.md b/emummc/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4e46cb134 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# emuMMC +*A SDMMC driver replacement for Nintendo's Filesystem Services, by **m4xw*** + +### Supported Horizon Versions +**1.0.0 - 8.0.1** + +## Features +* Arbitrary SDMMC backend selection + **This allows loading eMMC from SD or even SD from eMMC** +* On the fly hooking / patching, fully self-infesting + **Only one payload required for all versions!** +* File-based SDMMC backend support (from SD) + **This allows loading eMMC images from hekate-backups (split or not)** +* SDMMC device based sector offset (*currently eMMC only*) + **Raw partition support for eMMC from SD with less performance overhead** +* Full support for `/Nintendo` folder redirection to a arbitrary path + **No 8 char length restriction!** +* exosphere based context configuration + **This includes full support for multiple emuMMC images** + +## Compiling +### hekate +Run `./build.sh` and copy the produced kipm (Kernel Initial Process Modification) file to `/bootloader/sys/` + +### Atmosphere +Run `make`, the resulting kip can be used for code injection via fusee (place at `/atmosphere/emummc.kip`) + +## License +**emuMMC is released as GPLv2** + +## Credits +* **CTCaer** - The CTCaer hekate fork, file-based emuMMC support, SDMMC driver fixes among other things +* **SciresM, hexkyz** - The Atmosphere project, FS offsets, additional research related to newer FS versions +* **naehrwert** - The hekate project, its SDMMC driver and being very helpful in the early research phase +* **jakibaki** - KIP Inject PoC, used in the early dev phase +* **switchbrew/devkitPro** - devkitA64 and libnx sources diff --git a/emummc/build.sh b/emummc/build.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b33895374 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -e + +make clean +make -j +./hactool.exe -t kip emummc.kip --uncompressed emummc_unpacked.kip +python2.7 tools/kip1converter.py emummc_unpacked.kip emummc.data +cat emummc.caps emummc.data > emummc.kipm diff --git a/emummc/emummc.json b/emummc/emummc.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c23e32224 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/emummc.json @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +{ + "name": "FS", + "title_id": "0x0100000000000000", + "main_thread_stack_size": "0x00008000", + "main_thread_priority": 45, + "default_cpu_id": 3, + "process_category": 1, + "kernel_capabilities": [ + { + "type": "map_page", + "value": "0x60006000" + }, + { + "type": "map", + "value": { + "address": "0x6000D000", + "size": "0x1000", + "is_ro": false, + "is_io": true + } + }, + { + "type": "map", + "value": { + "address": "0x700b0000", + "is_ro": false, + "size": "0x00005000", + "is_io": true + } + }, + { + "type": "map", + "value": { + "address": "0x7000C000", + "is_ro": false, + "size": "0x00002000", + "is_io": true + } + }, + { + "type": "map", + "value": { + "address": "0x70000000", + "is_ro": false, + "size": "0x00004000", + "is_io": true + } + }, + { + "type": "handle_table_size", + "value": 256 + }, + { + "type": "irq_pair", + "value": [ + 46, + 47 + ] + }, + { + "type": "irq_pair", + "value": [ + 51, + 63 + ] + }, + { + "type": "syscalls", + "value": { + "svcSetHeapSize": "0x01", + "svcSetMemoryPermission": "0x02", + "svcSetMemoryAttribute": "0x03", + "svcMapMemory": "0x04", + "svcUnmapMemory": "0x05", + "svcQueryMemory": "0x06", + "svcExitProcess": "0x07", + "svcCreateThread": "0x08", + "svcStartThread": "0x09", + "svcExitThread": "0x0a", + "svcSleepThread": "0x0b", + "svcGetThreadPriority": "0x0c", + "svcSetThreadPriority": "0x0d", + "svcGetThreadCoreMask": "0x0e", + "svcSetThreadCoreMask": "0x0f", + "svcGetCurrentProcessorNumber": "0x10", + "svcSignalEvent": "0x11", + "svcClearEvent": "0x12", + "svcMapSharedMemory": "0x13", + "svcUnmapSharedMemory": "0x14", + "svcCreateTransferMemory": "0x15", + "svcCloseHandle": "0x16", + "svcResetSignal": "0x17", + "svcWaitSynchronization": "0x18", + "svcCancelSynchronization": "0x19", + "svcArbitrateLock": "0x1a", + "svcArbitrateUnlock": "0x1b", + "svcWaitProcessWideKeyAtomic": "0x1c", + "svcSignalProcessWideKey": "0x1d", + "svcGetSystemTick": "0x1e", + "svcConnectToNamedPort": "0x1f", + "svcSendSyncRequestLight": "0x20", + "svcSendSyncRequest": "0x21", + "svcSendSyncRequestWithUserBuffer": "0x22", + "svcSendAsyncRequestWithUserBuffer": "0x23", + "svcGetProcessId": "0x24", + "svcGetThreadId": "0x25", + "svcBreak": "0x26", + "svcOutputDebugString": "0x27", + "svcReturnFromException": "0x28", + "svcGetInfo": "0x29", + "svcWaitForAddress": "0x34", + "svcSignalToAddress": "0x35", + "svcCreateSession": "0x40", + "svcAcceptSession": "0x41", + "svcReplyAndReceiveLight": "0x42", + "svcReplyAndReceive": "0x43", + "svcReplyAndReceiveWithUserBuffer": "0x44", + "svcCreateEvent": "0x45", + "svcCreateInterruptEvent": "0x53", + "svcQueryIoMapping": "0x55", + "svcCreateDeviceAddressSpace": "0x56", + "svcAttachDeviceAddressSpace": "0x57", + "svcDetachDeviceAddressSpace": "0x58", + "svcMapDeviceAddressSpaceAligned": "0x5a", + "svcUnmapDeviceAddressSpace": "0x5c", + "svcGetSystemInfo": "0x6f", + "svcSetProcessMemoryPermission": "0x73", + "svcCallSecureMonitor": "0x7f" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/emummc/nx/switch.ld b/emummc/nx/switch.ld new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9aaae2fe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/nx/switch.ld @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +OUTPUT_ARCH(aarch64) +ENTRY(_start) + +PHDRS +{ + code PT_LOAD FLAGS(5) /* Read | Execute */; + rodata PT_LOAD FLAGS(4) /* Read */; + data PT_LOAD FLAGS(6) /* Read | Write */; + dyn PT_DYNAMIC; +} + +SECTIONS +{ + /* =========== CODE section =========== */ + PROVIDE(__start__ = 0x0); + . = __start__; + __code_start = . ; + + /*.trampoline : + { + KEEP (*(.trampoline)) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code + + .emuMMC_ctx : + { + KEEP (*(.emuMMC_ctx)) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code */ + + .crt0 : + { + KEEP (*(.crt0)) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code + + .init : + { + KEEP( *(.init) ) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code + + .plt : + { + *(.plt) + *(.iplt) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code + + .text : + { + *(.text.unlikely .text.*_unlikely .text.unlikely.*) + *(.text.exit .text.exit.*) + *(.text.startup .text.startup.*) + *(.text.hot .text.hot.*) + *(.text .stub .text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code + + .fini : + { + KEEP( *(.fini) ) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :code + + /* =========== RODATA section =========== */ + . = ALIGN(0x1000); + __rodata_start = . ; + + .nx-module-name : { KEEP (*(.nx-module-name)) } :rodata + + .rodata : + { + *(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :rodata + + .eh_frame_hdr : { __eh_frame_hdr_start = .; *(.eh_frame_hdr) *(.eh_frame_entry .eh_frame_entry.*) __eh_frame_hdr_end = .; } :rodata + .eh_frame : ONLY_IF_RO { KEEP (*(.eh_frame)) *(.eh_frame.*) } :rodata + .gcc_except_table : ONLY_IF_RO { *(.gcc_except_table .gcc_except_table.*) } :rodata + .gnu_extab : ONLY_IF_RO { *(.gnu_extab*) } : rodata + + .dynamic : { *(.dynamic) } :rodata :dyn + .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) } :rodata + .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) } :rodata + .rela.dyn : { *(.rela.*) } :rodata + .interp : { *(.interp) } :rodata + .hash : { *(.hash) } :rodata + .gnu.hash : { *(.gnu.hash) } :rodata + .gnu.version : { *(.gnu.version) } :rodata + .gnu.version_d : { *(.gnu.version_d) } :rodata + .gnu.version_r : { *(.gnu.version_r) } :rodata + .note.gnu.build-id : { *(.note.gnu.build-id) } :rodata + + /* =========== DATA section =========== */ + . = ALIGN(0x1000); + __data_start = . ; + + .eh_frame : ONLY_IF_RW { KEEP (*(.eh_frame)) *(.eh_frame.*) } :data + .gcc_except_table : ONLY_IF_RW { *(.gcc_except_table .gcc_except_table.*) } :data + .gnu_extab : ONLY_IF_RW { *(.gnu_extab*) } : data + .exception_ranges : ONLY_IF_RW { *(.exception_ranges .exception_ranges*) } :data + + .tdata ALIGN(8) : + { + __tdata_lma = .; + *(.tdata .tdata.* .gnu.linkonce.td.*) + . = ALIGN(8); + __tdata_lma_end = .; + } :data + + .tbss ALIGN(8) : + { + *(.tbss .tbss.* .gnu.linkonce.tb.*) *(.tcommon) + . = ALIGN(8); + } :data + + .preinit_array ALIGN(8) : + { + PROVIDE (__preinit_array_start = .); + KEEP (*(.preinit_array)) + PROVIDE (__preinit_array_end = .); + } :data + + .init_array ALIGN(8) : + { + PROVIDE (__init_array_start = .); + KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*))) + KEEP (*(.init_array)) + PROVIDE (__init_array_end = .); + } :data + + .fini_array ALIGN(8) : + { + PROVIDE (__fini_array_start = .); + KEEP (*(.fini_array)) + KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*))) + PROVIDE (__fini_array_end = .); + } :data + + .ctors ALIGN(8) : + { + KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors)) /* MUST be first -- GCC requires it */ + KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o) .ctors)) + KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*))) + KEEP (*(.ctors)) + } :data + + .dtors ALIGN(8) : + { + KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors)) + KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o) .dtors)) + KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*))) + KEEP (*(.dtors)) + } :data + + __got_start__ = .; + + .got : { *(.got) *(.igot) } :data + .got.plt : { *(.got.plt) *(.igot.plt) } :data + + __got_end__ = .; + + .data ALIGN(8) : + { + *(.data .data.* .gnu.linkonce.d.*) + SORT(CONSTRUCTORS) + } :data + + __bss_start__ = .; + .bss ALIGN(8) : + { + *(.dynbss) + *(.bss .bss.* .gnu.linkonce.b.*) + *(COMMON) + . = ALIGN(8); + + /* Reserve space for the TLS segment of the main thread */ + __tls_start = .; + . += + SIZEOF(.tdata) + SIZEOF(.tbss); + __tls_end = .; + } : data + __bss_end__ = .; + + . = ALIGN(0x1000); + __end__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ; + + PROVIDE(__injected_size__ = (__end__ - __start__)); + + /* ================== + ==== Metadata ==== + ================== */ + + /* Discard sections that difficult post-processing */ + /DISCARD/ : { *(.group .comment .note) } + + /* Stabs debugging sections. */ + .stab 0 : { *(.stab) } + .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) } + .stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) } + .stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) } + .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) } + .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) } + + /* DWARF debug sections. + Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the beginning + of the section so we begin them at 0. */ + + /* DWARF 1 */ + .debug 0 : { *(.debug) } + .line 0 : { *(.line) } + + /* GNU DWARF 1 extensions */ + .debug_srcinfo 0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) } + .debug_sfnames 0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) } + + /* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2 */ + .debug_aranges 0 : { *(.debug_aranges) } + .debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) } + + /* DWARF 2 */ + .debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info) } + .debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) } + .debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line) } + .debug_frame 0 : { *(.debug_frame) } + .debug_str 0 : { *(.debug_str) } + .debug_loc 0 : { *(.debug_loc) } + .debug_macinfo 0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) } +} diff --git a/emummc/nx/switch.specs b/emummc/nx/switch.specs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..819dc3e24 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/nx/switch.specs @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +%rename link old_link + +*link: +%(old_link) -T %:getenv(PWD /nx/switch.ld) -pie --gc-sections -z text -z nodynamic-undefined-weak --build-id=sha1 --nx-module-name + +*startfile: +crti%O%s crtbegin%O%s + diff --git a/emummc/nx/switch_rules b/emummc/nx/switch_rules new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddbe82e90 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/nx/switch_rules @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITPRO)),) +$(error "Please set DEVKITPRO in your environment. export DEVKITPRO=devkitPro) +endif + +include $(DEVKITPRO)/devkitA64/base_rules + +PORTLIBS := $(PORTLIBS_PATH)/switch +PATH := $(PORTLIBS)/bin:$(PATH) + +LIBNX ?= $(DEVKITPRO)/libnx + +ifeq ($(strip $(APP_TITLE)),) +APP_TITLE := $(notdir $(OUTPUT)) +endif + +ifeq ($(strip $(APP_AUTHOR)),) +APP_AUTHOR := Unspecified Author +endif + +ifeq ($(strip $(APP_VERSION)),) +APP_VERSION := 1.0.0 +endif + +ifeq ($(strip $(APP_ICON)),) +APP_ICON := $(LIBNX)/default_icon.jpg +endif + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%.nacp: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) + @nacptool --create "$(APP_TITLE)" "$(APP_AUTHOR)" "$(APP_VERSION)" $@ $(NACPFLAGS) + @echo built ... $(notdir $@) + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%.npdm: $(APP_JSON) + @npdmtool $< $@ + @echo built ... $(notdir $@) + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +define make_pfs0 + @mkdir -p exefs + @[ $(BUILD_EXEFS_SRC) ] && [ -d $(BUILD_EXEFS_SRC) ] && cp -R $(BUILD_EXEFS_SRC)/* exefs || echo > /dev/null + @cp $*.nso exefs/main + @[ $(APP_JSON) ] && cp $*.npdm exefs/main.npdm || echo > /dev/null + @build_pfs0 exefs $@ + @echo built ... $(notdir $@) +endef + +ifeq ($(strip $(APP_JSON)),) +%.pfs0: %.nso +else +%.pfs0: %.nso %.npdm +endif + $(make_pfs0) + +ifeq ($(strip $(APP_JSON)),) +%.nsp: %.nso +else +%.nsp: %.nso %.npdm +endif + $(make_pfs0) + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%.nso: %.elf + @elf2nso $< $@ + @echo built ... $(notdir $@) + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%.nro: %.elf + @elf2nro $< $@ $(NROFLAGS) + @echo built ... $(notdir $@) + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%.kip: %.elf + @elf2kip $< $(APP_JSON) $@ + @echo built ... $(notdir $@) + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%.elf: + @echo linking $(notdir $@) + @$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@ + @$(NM) -CSn $@ > $(notdir $*.lst) diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/FS.h b/emummc/source/FS/FS.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a2b171ab --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/FS.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __FS_H__ +#define __FS_H__ + +// TODO +#include "../emmc/sdmmc_t210.h" + +#include "FS_versions.h" +#include "FS_offsets.h" +#include "FS_structs.h" + +#define FS_SDMMC_EMMC 0 +#define FS_SDMMC_SD 1 +#define FS_SDMMC_GC 2 + +#define FS_EMMC_PARTITION_GPP 0 +#define FS_EMMC_PARTITION_BOOT0 1 +#define FS_EMMC_PARTITION_BOOT1 2 +#define FS_EMMC_PARTITION_INVALID 3 + +#define BOOT_PARTITION_SIZE 0x2000 +#define FS_READ_WRITE_ERROR 1048 + +#endif /* __FS_H__ */ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/FS_offsets.c b/emummc/source/FS/FS_offsets.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f0cff371 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/FS_offsets.c @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "FS_offsets.h" +#include "offsets/100.h" +#include "offsets/200.h" +#include "offsets/200_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/210.h" +#include "offsets/210_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/300.h" +#include "offsets/300_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/301.h" +#include "offsets/301_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/400.h" +#include "offsets/400_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/410.h" +#include "offsets/410_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/500.h" +#include "offsets/500_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/510.h" +#include "offsets/510_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/600.h" +#include "offsets/600_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/700.h" +#include "offsets/700_exfat.h" +#include "offsets/800.h" +#include "offsets/800_exfat.h" +#include "../utils/fatal.h" + +#define GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(vers) g_offsets##vers + +#define DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(vers) \ +static const fs_offsets_t GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(vers) = { \ + .sdmmc_accessor_gc = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC, \ + .sdmmc_accessor_sd = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD, \ + .sdmmc_accessor_nand = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND, \ + .sdmmc_wrapper_read = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ, \ + .sdmmc_wrapper_write = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE, \ + .clkrst_set_min_v_clock_rate = FS_OFFSET##vers##_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE, \ + .rtld = FS_OFFSET##vers##_RTLD, \ + .rtld_destination = FS_OFFSET##vers##_RTLD_DESTINATION, \ + .lock_mutex = FS_OFFSET##vers##_LOCK_MUTEX, \ + .unlock_mutex = FS_OFFSET##vers##_UNLOCK_MUTEX, \ + .sd_mutex = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SD_MUTEX, \ + .nand_mutex = FS_OFFSET##vers##_NAND_MUTEX, \ + .active_partition = FS_OFFSET##vers##_ACTIVE_PARTITION, \ + .sdmmc_das_handle = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE, \ + .shutdown_sd = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SHUTDOWN_SD, \ + .sd_das_init = FS_OFFSET##vers##_SD_DAS_INIT, \ + .nintendo_paths = FS_OFFSET##vers##_NINTENDO_PATHS, \ +} + +// Actually define offset structs +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_100); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_200); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_200_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_210); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_210_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_300); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_300_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_301); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_301_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_400); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_400_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_410); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_410_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_500); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_500_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_510); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_510_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_600); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_600_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_700); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_700_EXFAT); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_800); +DEFINE_OFFSET_STRUCT(_800_EXFAT); + +const fs_offsets_t *get_fs_offsets(enum FS_VER version) { + switch (version) { + case FS_VER_1_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_100)); + case FS_VER_2_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_200)); + case FS_VER_2_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_200_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_2_1_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_210)); + case FS_VER_2_1_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_210_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_3_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_300)); + case FS_VER_3_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_300_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_3_0_1: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_301)); + case FS_VER_3_0_1_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_301_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_4_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_400)); + case FS_VER_4_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_400_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_4_1_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_410)); + case FS_VER_4_1_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_410_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_5_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_500)); + case FS_VER_5_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_500_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_5_1_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_510)); + case FS_VER_5_1_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_510_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_6_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_600)); + case FS_VER_6_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_600_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_7_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_700)); + case FS_VER_7_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_700_EXFAT)); + case FS_VER_8_0_0: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_800)); + case FS_VER_8_0_0_EXFAT: + return &(GET_OFFSET_STRUCT_NAME(_800_EXFAT)); + default: + fatal_abort(Fatal_UnknownVersion); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/FS_offsets.h b/emummc/source/FS/FS_offsets.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a3256598 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/FS_offsets.h @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __FS_OFFSETS_H__ +#define __FS_OFFSETS_H__ + +#include +#include "FS_versions.h" + +typedef struct { + int opcode_reg; + uint32_t adrp_offset; +} fs_offsets_nintendo_path_t; + +typedef struct { + // Accessor vtable getters + uintptr_t sdmmc_accessor_gc; + uintptr_t sdmmc_accessor_sd; + uintptr_t sdmmc_accessor_nand; + // Hooks + uintptr_t sdmmc_wrapper_read; + uintptr_t sdmmc_wrapper_write; + uintptr_t rtld; + uintptr_t rtld_destination; + uintptr_t clkrst_set_min_v_clock_rate; + // Misc funcs + uintptr_t lock_mutex; + uintptr_t unlock_mutex; + // Misc data + uintptr_t sd_mutex; + uintptr_t nand_mutex; + uintptr_t active_partition; + uintptr_t sdmmc_das_handle; + // NOPs + uintptr_t shutdown_sd; + uintptr_t sd_das_init; + // Nintendo Paths + fs_offsets_nintendo_path_t nintendo_paths[]; +} fs_offsets_t; + +const fs_offsets_t *get_fs_offsets(enum FS_VER version); + +#endif // __FS_OFFSETS_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/FS_structs.h b/emummc/source/FS/FS_structs.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d50352aa --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/FS_structs.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __FS_STRUCTS_H__ +#define __FS_STRUCTS_H__ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +typedef struct { + char *device_addr_buffer; + uint64_t device_addr_buffer_size; + char *device_addr_buffer_masked; +} sdmmc_dma_buffer_t; + +_Static_assert(__alignof(sdmmc_dma_buffer_t) == 8, "sdmmc_dma_buffer_t definition"); + +typedef struct sdmmc_accessor_vt { + void *ctor; + void *dtor; + void *map_device_addr_space; + void *unmap_device_addr_space; + void *controller_open; + void *controller_close; + uint64_t (*read_write)(void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, void *, uint64_t, uint64_t); + // More not included because we don't use it. +} sdmmc_accessor_vt_t; + +typedef struct { + void *vtab; + t210_sdmmc_t *io_map; + sdmmc_dma_buffer_t dmaBuffers[3]; + // More not included because we don't use it. +} mmc_obj_t; + +typedef struct { + sdmmc_accessor_vt_t *vtab; + mmc_obj_t *parent; + // More not included because we don't use it. +} sdmmc_accessor_t; + +#endif // __FS_STRUCTS_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/FS_versions.h b/emummc/source/FS/FS_versions.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8dd88827c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/FS_versions.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __FS_VERSIONS_H__ +#define __FS_VERSIONS_H__ + +// FS Version enum +enum FS_VER +{ + FS_VER_1_0_0 = 0, + + FS_VER_2_0_0, + FS_VER_2_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_2_1_0, + FS_VER_2_1_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_3_0_0, + FS_VER_3_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_3_0_1, + FS_VER_3_0_1_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_4_0_0, + FS_VER_4_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_4_1_0, + FS_VER_4_1_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_5_0_0, + FS_VER_5_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_5_1_0, + FS_VER_5_1_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_6_0_0, + FS_VER_6_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_7_0_0, + FS_VER_7_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_8_0_0, + FS_VER_8_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_MAX, +}; + +#endif // __FS_VERSIONS_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/100.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/100.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e85a60993 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/100.h @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_100_H__ +#define __FS_100_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x6F850 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x6F65C +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x6F230 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x6A930 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x6A9F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_RTLD 0x534 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_RTLD_DESTINATION 0xA0 + +#define FS_OFFSET_100_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_100_LOCK_MUTEX 0x2884 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x28F0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SD_MUTEX 0xE36058 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_NAND_MUTEX 0xE30610 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE30650 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE2F730 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x22548 +#define FS_OFFSET_100_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_100_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 9, .adrp_offset = 0x00032C58}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 8, .adrp_offset = 0x00032C60}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 9, .adrp_offset = 0x00032F3C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 8, .adrp_offset = 0x00032F44}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_100_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/200.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/200.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91673a606 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/200.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_200_H__ +#define __FS_200_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x78BAC +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x7894C +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x784BC + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x73478 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x73538 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_RTLD 0x500 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_200_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_200_LOCK_MUTEX 0x3264 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x32D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SD_MUTEX 0xE42268 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_NAND_MUTEX 0xE3CED0 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE3CF10 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE3BDD0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x20C48 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_200_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00033F08}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00035084}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003537C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_200_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/200_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/200_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95ffe4d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/200_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_200_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_200_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x78BAC +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x7894C +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x784BC + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x73478 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x73538 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_RTLD 0x500 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x3264 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x32D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xF22268 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xF1CED0 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF1CF10 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xF1BDD0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x20C48 +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_200_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00033F08}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00035084}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003537C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_200_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/210.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/210.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d04fdb4a --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/210.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_210_H__ +#define __FS_210_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x78F8C +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x78D2C +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x7889C + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x73858 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x73918 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_RTLD 0x500 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_210_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_210_LOCK_MUTEX 0x3264 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x32D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SD_MUTEX 0xE43268 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_NAND_MUTEX 0xE3DED0 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE3DF10 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE3CDD0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x20E60 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_210_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000342E0}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003545C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00035754}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_210_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/210_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/210_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a6cf8a28 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/210_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_210_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_210_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x78F8C +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x78D2C +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x7889C + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x73858 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x73918 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_RTLD 0x500 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x3264 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x32D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xF22268 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xF1CED0 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF1CF10 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xF1BDD0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x20E60 +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_210_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000342E0}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003545C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00035754}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_210_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/300.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/300.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..462ac20e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/300.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_300_H__ +#define __FS_300_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x8FAAC +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x8F84C +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x8F3B8 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x8A2F4 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x8A3B4 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_RTLD 0x4E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x8C + +#define FS_OFFSET_300_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_300_LOCK_MUTEX 0x35CC +#define FS_OFFSET_300_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x3638 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SD_MUTEX 0xE69268 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_NAND_MUTEX 0xE646F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE64730 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE635A0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x258D8 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_300_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000391F4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A480}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A778}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_300_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/300_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/300_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af46699c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/300_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_300_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_300_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x8FAAC +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x8F84C +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x8F3B8 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x8A2F4 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x8A3B4 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_RTLD 0x4E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x8C + +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x35CC +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x3638 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xF4C268 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xF476F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF47730 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xF465A0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x258D8 +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_300_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000391F4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A480}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A778}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_300_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/301.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/301.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40c62e2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/301.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_301_H__ +#define __FS_301_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x8FB68 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x8F908 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x8F474 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x8A3B0 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x8A470 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_RTLD 0x4E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x8C + +#define FS_OFFSET_301_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_301_LOCK_MUTEX 0x3638 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x36A4 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SD_MUTEX 0xE69268 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_NAND_MUTEX 0xE646F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE64730 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE635A0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x25944 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_301_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00039260}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A4EC}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A7E4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_301_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/301_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/301_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64aeb9dae --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/301_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_301_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_301_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x8FB68 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x8F908 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x8F474 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x8A3B0 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x8A470 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_RTLD 0x4E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x8C + +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x3638 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x36A4 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xF4C268 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xF476F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF47730 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xF465A0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x25944 +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_301_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00039260}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A4EC}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0003A7E4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_301_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/400.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/400.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22cce3d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/400.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_400_H__ +#define __FS_400_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xA3374 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xA3114 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xA2C80 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x9DBCC +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x9DC8C +#define FS_OFFSET_400_RTLD 0x4DC +#define FS_OFFSET_400_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_400_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_400_LOCK_MUTEX 0x39A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x3A0C + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SD_MUTEX 0xE80268 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_NAND_MUTEX 0xE7BC60 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE7BCA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE7ABF0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x32D70 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_400_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002023C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021BE8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021EC4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_400_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/400_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/400_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0efc7306d --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/400_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_400_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_400_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xA3374 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xA3114 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xA2C80 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x9DBCC +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x9DC8C +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_RTLD 0x4DC +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x39A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x3A0C + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xF63268 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xF5EC60 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF5ECA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xF5DBF0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x32D70 +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_400_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002023C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021BE8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021EC4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_400_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/410.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/410.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dcb0c7550 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/410.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_410_H__ +#define __FS_410_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xA33D8 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xA3178 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xA2CE4 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x9DC30 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x9DCF0 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_RTLD 0x4DC +#define FS_OFFSET_410_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_410_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_410_LOCK_MUTEX 0x39A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x3A0C + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SD_MUTEX 0xE80268 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_NAND_MUTEX 0xE7BC60 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xE7BCA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE7ABF0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x32D70 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_410_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002023C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021BE8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021EC4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_410_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/410_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/410_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78268a518 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/410_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_410_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_410_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xA33D8 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xA3178 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xA2CE4 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x9DC30 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x9DCF0 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_RTLD 0x4DC +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x39A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x3A0C + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xF63268 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xF5EC60 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF5ECA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xF5DBF0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x32D70 +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_410_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002023C}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021BE8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00021EC4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_410_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/500.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/500.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e10f2a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/500.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_500_H__ +#define __FS_500_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xCF250 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xCEFD0 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xCE990 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0xC9420 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0xC9500 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_RTLD 0x584 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x94 + +#define FS_OFFSET_500_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_500_LOCK_MUTEX 0x4080 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x40D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SD_MUTEX 0xEC3268 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_NAND_MUTEX 0xEBDE58 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xEBDE98 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xEBCE30 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x443E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_500_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00028980}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002ACE4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002B220}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_500_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/500_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/500_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b6bc407e --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/500_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_500_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_500_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xCF250 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xCEFD0 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xCE990 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0xC9420 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0xC9500 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_RTLD 0x584 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x94 + +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x4080 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x40D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xFA8268 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xFA2E58 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xFA2E98 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xFA1E30 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x443E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_500_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00028980}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002ACE4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002B220}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_500_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/510.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/510.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2724e4ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/510.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_510_H__ +#define __FS_510_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xCF620 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xCF3A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xCED60 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0xC97F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0xC98D0 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_RTLD 0x584 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x94 + +#define FS_OFFSET_510_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_510_LOCK_MUTEX 0x4080 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x40D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SD_MUTEX 0xEC4268 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_NAND_MUTEX 0xEBEE58 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xEBEE98 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xEBDE30 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x44578 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_510_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000289B0}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002AD14}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002B250}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_510_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/510_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/510_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..645fd8607 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/510_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_510_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_510_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0xCF620 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0xCF3A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0xCED60 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0xC97F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0xC98D0 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_RTLD 0x584 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x94 + +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x4080 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x40D0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xFA9268 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xFA3E58 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xFA3E98 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xFA2E30 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0x44578 +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_510_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000289B0}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002AD14}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0002B250}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_510_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/600.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/600.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6bebc56f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/600.h @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_600_H__ +#define __FS_600_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x153780 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x1534F0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x14F990 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x1485A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x148680 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_RTLD 0x5B0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_600_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_600_LOCK_MUTEX 0x1412C0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x141310 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SD_MUTEX 0xF06268 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_NAND_MUTEX 0xF01BA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF01BE0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE01670 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SHUTDOWN_SD 0xB2F28 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_600_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000790DC}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007A924}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007AB18}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007AEF4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0} \ +} + +#endif // __FS_600_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/600_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/600_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb0773231 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/600_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_600_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_600_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x15EE80 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x15EBF0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x15B090 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x153CA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x153D80 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_RTLD 0x5B0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x98 + +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x14C9C0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x14CA10 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xFEB268 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xFE6BA0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xFE6BE0 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xEE6670 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0xBE628 +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x0 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_600_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000847DC}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00086024}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00086218}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x000865F4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0} \ +} + +#endif // __FS_600_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/700.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/700.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0a624308 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/700.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_700_H__ +#define __FS_700_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x15BD90 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x15BB00 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x157FF0 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x14FDF0 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x14FED0 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_RTLD 0x5B4 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x9C + +#define FS_OFFSET_700_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_700_LOCK_MUTEX 0x148A90 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x148AE0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SD_MUTEX 0xF123E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_NAND_MUTEX 0xF0DBE8 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF0DC28 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE0E7A0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SHUTDOWN_SD 0xB8FCC +#define FS_OFFSET_700_SD_DAS_INIT 0x85FE8 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_700_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007DA90}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007F344}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007F538}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007F914}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 4, .adrp_offset = 0x0007FAD8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_700_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/700_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/700_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1293a200c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/700_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_700_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_700_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x167340 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x1670B0 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x1635A0 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x15B3A0 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x15B480 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_RTLD 0x5B4 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x9C + +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x0 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x154040 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x154090 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xFF73E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xFF2BE8 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xFF2C28 +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xEF3A00 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0xC457C +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x91598 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_700_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00089040}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008A8F4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008AAE8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008AEC4}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 4, .adrp_offset = 0x0008B088}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0}, \ +} + +#endif // __FS_700_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/800.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/800.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f03aa8042 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/800.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_800_H__ +#define __FS_800_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x15EA20 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x15E790 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x15AC80 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x152A80 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x152B60 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_RTLD 0x5B4 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x9C + +#define FS_OFFSET_800_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x16F370 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_800_LOCK_MUTEX 0x14B6D0 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x14B720 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SD_MUTEX 0xF1A3E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_NAND_MUTEX 0xF15BE8 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xF15C28 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xE167C0 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SHUTDOWN_SD 0xBAF6C +#define FS_OFFSET_800_SD_DAS_INIT 0x87D58 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_800_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0007F5F0}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00081084}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00081278}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x00081654}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 4, .adrp_offset = 0x00081818}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0} \ +} + +#endif // __FS_800_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/FS/offsets/800_exfat.h b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/800_exfat.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cfc317c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/FS/offsets/800_exfat.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __FS_800_EXFAT_H__ +#define __FS_800_EXFAT_H__ + +// Accessor vtable getters +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_GC 0x169FD0 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_SD 0x169D40 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SDMMC_ACCESSOR_NAND 0x166230 + +// Hooks +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_READ 0x15E030 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SDMMC_WRAPPER_WRITE 0x15E110 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_RTLD 0x5B4 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_RTLD_DESTINATION 0x9C + +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_CLKRST_SET_MIN_V_CLK_RATE 0x17A920 + +// Misc funcs +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_LOCK_MUTEX 0x156C80 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_UNLOCK_MUTEX 0x156CD0 + +// Misc Data +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SD_MUTEX 0xFFE3E8 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_NAND_MUTEX 0xFF9BE8 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_ACTIVE_PARTITION 0xFF9C28 +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SDMMC_DAS_HANDLE 0xEFAA20 + +// NOPs +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SHUTDOWN_SD 0xC651C +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_SD_DAS_INIT 0x93308 + +// Nintendo Paths +#define FS_OFFSET_800_EXFAT_NINTENDO_PATHS \ +{ \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008ABA0}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008C634}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008C828}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 3, .adrp_offset = 0x0008CC04}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 4, .adrp_offset = 0x0008CDC8}, \ + {.opcode_reg = 0, .adrp_offset = 0} \ +} + +#endif // __FS_800_EXFAT_H__ diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/mmc.h b/emummc/source/emmc/mmc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dddb956e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/mmc.h @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +/* + * Header for MultiMediaCard (MMC) + * + * Copyright 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company + * + * Use consistent with the GNU GPL is permitted, + * provided that this copyright notice is + * preserved in its entirety in all copies and derived works. + * + * HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, + * AS TO THE USEFULNESS OR CORRECTNESS OF THIS CODE OR ITS + * FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * + * Many thanks to Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet! + * + * Based strongly on code by: + * + * Author: Yong-iL Joh + * + * Author: Andrew Christian + * 15 May 2002 + */ + +#ifndef LINUX_MMC_MMC_H +#define LINUX_MMC_MMC_H + +/* Standard MMC commands (4.1) type argument response */ +/* class 1 */ +#define MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE 0 /* bc */ +#define MMC_SEND_OP_COND 1 /* bcr [31:0] OCR R3 */ +#define MMC_ALL_SEND_CID 2 /* bcr R2 */ +#define MMC_SET_RELATIVE_ADDR 3 /* ac [31:16] RCA R1 */ +#define MMC_SET_DSR 4 /* bc [31:16] RCA */ +#define MMC_SLEEP_AWAKE 5 /* ac [31:16] RCA 15:flg R1b */ +#define MMC_SWITCH 6 /* ac [31:0] See below R1b */ +#define MMC_SELECT_CARD 7 /* ac [31:16] RCA R1 */ +#define MMC_SEND_EXT_CSD 8 /* adtc R1 */ +#define MMC_SEND_CSD 9 /* ac [31:16] RCA R2 */ +#define MMC_SEND_CID 10 /* ac [31:16] RCA R2 */ +#define MMC_READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP 11 /* adtc [31:0] dadr R1 */ +#define MMC_STOP_TRANSMISSION 12 /* ac R1b */ +#define MMC_SEND_STATUS 13 /* ac [31:16] RCA R1 */ +#define MMC_BUS_TEST_R 14 /* adtc R1 */ +#define MMC_GO_INACTIVE_STATE 15 /* ac [31:16] RCA */ +#define MMC_BUS_TEST_W 19 /* adtc R1 */ +#define MMC_SPI_READ_OCR 58 /* spi spi_R3 */ +#define MMC_SPI_CRC_ON_OFF 59 /* spi [0:0] flag spi_R1 */ + +/* class 2 */ +#define MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN 16 /* ac [31:0] block len R1 */ +#define MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK 17 /* adtc [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK 18 /* adtc [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK 19 /* adtc R1 */ +#define MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200 21 /* adtc R1 */ + +/* class 3 */ +#define MMC_WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP 20 /* adtc [31:0] data addr R1 */ + +/* class 4 */ +#define MMC_SET_BLOCK_COUNT 23 /* adtc [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_WRITE_BLOCK 24 /* adtc [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK 25 /* adtc R1 */ +#define MMC_PROGRAM_CID 26 /* adtc R1 */ +#define MMC_PROGRAM_CSD 27 /* adtc R1 */ + +/* class 6 */ +#define MMC_SET_WRITE_PROT 28 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1b */ +#define MMC_CLR_WRITE_PROT 29 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1b */ +#define MMC_SEND_WRITE_PROT 30 /* adtc [31:0] wpdata addr R1 */ + +/* class 5 */ +#define MMC_ERASE_GROUP_START 35 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_ERASE_GROUP_END 36 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_ERASE 38 /* ac R1b */ + +/* class 9 */ +#define MMC_FAST_IO 39 /* ac R4 */ +#define MMC_GO_IRQ_STATE 40 /* bcr R5 */ + +/* class 7 */ +#define MMC_LOCK_UNLOCK 42 /* adtc R1b */ + +/* class 8 */ +#define MMC_APP_CMD 55 /* ac [31:16] RCA R1 */ +#define MMC_GEN_CMD 56 /* adtc [0] RD/WR R1 */ + +/* class 11 */ +#define MMC_QUE_TASK_PARAMS 44 /* ac [20:16] task id R1 */ +#define MMC_QUE_TASK_ADDR 45 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define MMC_EXECUTE_READ_TASK 46 /* adtc [20:16] task id R1 */ +#define MMC_EXECUTE_WRITE_TASK 47 /* adtc [20:16] task id R1 */ +#define MMC_CMDQ_TASK_MGMT 48 /* ac [20:16] task id R1b */ + +/* +* MMC_SWITCH argument format: +* +* [31:26] Always 0 +* [25:24] Access Mode +* [23:16] Location of target Byte in EXT_CSD +* [15:08] Value Byte +* [07:03] Always 0 +* [02:00] Command Set +*/ + +/* +MMC status in R1, for native mode (SPI bits are different) +Type +e : error bit +s : status bit +r : detected and set for the actual command response +x : detected and set during command execution. the host must poll +the card by sending status command in order to read these bits. +Clear condition +a : according to the card state +b : always related to the previous command. Reception of +a valid command will clear it (with a delay of one command) +c : clear by read +*/ + +#define R1_OUT_OF_RANGE (1 << 31) /* er, c */ +#define R1_ADDRESS_ERROR (1 << 30) /* erx, c */ +#define R1_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR (1 << 29) /* er, c */ +#define R1_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR (1 << 28) /* er, c */ +#define R1_ERASE_PARAM (1 << 27) /* ex, c */ +#define R1_WP_VIOLATION (1 << 26) /* erx, c */ +#define R1_CARD_IS_LOCKED (1 << 25) /* sx, a */ +#define R1_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED (1 << 24) /* erx, c */ +#define R1_COM_CRC_ERROR (1 << 23) /* er, b */ +#define R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND (1 << 22) /* er, b */ +#define R1_CARD_ECC_FAILED (1 << 21) /* ex, c */ +#define R1_CC_ERROR (1 << 20) /* erx, c */ +#define R1_ERROR (1 << 19) /* erx, c */ +#define R1_UNDERRUN (1 << 18) /* ex, c */ +#define R1_OVERRUN (1 << 17) /* ex, c */ +#define R1_CID_CSD_OVERWRITE (1 << 16) /* erx, c, CID/CSD overwrite */ +#define R1_WP_ERASE_SKIP (1 << 15) /* sx, c */ +#define R1_CARD_ECC_DISABLED (1 << 14) /* sx, a */ +#define R1_ERASE_RESET (1 << 13) /* sr, c */ +#define R1_STATUS(x) (x & 0xFFFFE000) +#define R1_CURRENT_STATE(x) ((x & 0x00001E00) >> 9) /* sx, b (4 bits) */ +#define R1_READY_FOR_DATA (1 << 8) /* sx, a */ +#define R1_SWITCH_ERROR (1 << 7) /* sx, c */ +#define R1_EXCEPTION_EVENT (1 << 6) /* sr, a */ +#define R1_APP_CMD (1 << 5) /* sr, c */ + +#define R1_STATE_IDLE 0 +#define R1_STATE_READY 1 +#define R1_STATE_IDENT 2 +#define R1_STATE_STBY 3 +#define R1_STATE_TRAN 4 +#define R1_STATE_DATA 5 +#define R1_STATE_RCV 6 +#define R1_STATE_PRG 7 +#define R1_STATE_DIS 8 + +/* +* MMC/SD in SPI mode reports R1 status always, and R2 for SEND_STATUS +* R1 is the low order byte; R2 is the next highest byte, when present. +*/ +#define R1_SPI_IDLE (1 << 0) +#define R1_SPI_ERASE_RESET (1 << 1) +#define R1_SPI_ILLEGAL_COMMAND (1 << 2) +#define R1_SPI_COM_CRC (1 << 3) +#define R1_SPI_ERASE_SEQ (1 << 4) +#define R1_SPI_ADDRESS (1 << 5) +#define R1_SPI_PARAMETER (1 << 6) +/* R1 bit 7 is always zero */ +#define R2_SPI_CARD_LOCKED (1 << 8) +#define R2_SPI_WP_ERASE_SKIP (1 << 9) /* or lock/unlock fail */ +#define R2_SPI_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAIL R2_SPI_WP_ERASE_SKIP +#define R2_SPI_ERROR (1 << 10) +#define R2_SPI_CC_ERROR (1 << 11) +#define R2_SPI_CARD_ECC_ERROR (1 << 12) +#define R2_SPI_WP_VIOLATION (1 << 13) +#define R2_SPI_ERASE_PARAM (1 << 14) +#define R2_SPI_OUT_OF_RANGE (1 << 15) /* or CSD overwrite */ +#define R2_SPI_CSD_OVERWRITE R2_SPI_OUT_OF_RANGE + +/* +* OCR bits are mostly in host.h +*/ +#define MMC_CARD_BUSY 0x80000000 /* Card Power up status bit */ + +/* +* Card Command Classes (CCC) +*/ +#define CCC_BASIC (1<<0) /* (0) Basic protocol functions */ +/* (CMD0,1,2,3,4,7,9,10,12,13,15) */ +/* (and for SPI, CMD58,59) */ +#define CCC_STREAM_READ (1<<1) /* (1) Stream read commands */ +/* (CMD11) */ +#define CCC_BLOCK_READ (1<<2) /* (2) Block read commands */ +/* (CMD16,17,18) */ +#define CCC_STREAM_WRITE (1<<3) /* (3) Stream write commands */ +/* (CMD20) */ +#define CCC_BLOCK_WRITE (1<<4) /* (4) Block write commands */ +/* (CMD16,24,25,26,27) */ +#define CCC_ERASE (1<<5) /* (5) Ability to erase blocks */ +/* (CMD32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39) */ +#define CCC_WRITE_PROT (1<<6) /* (6) Able to write protect blocks */ +/* (CMD28,29,30) */ +#define CCC_LOCK_CARD (1<<7) /* (7) Able to lock down card */ +/* (CMD16,CMD42) */ +#define CCC_APP_SPEC (1<<8) /* (8) Application specific */ +/* (CMD55,56,57,ACMD*) */ +#define CCC_IO_MODE (1<<9) /* (9) I/O mode */ +/* (CMD5,39,40,52,53) */ +#define CCC_SWITCH (1<<10) /* (10) High speed switch */ +/* (CMD6,34,35,36,37,50) */ +/* (11) Reserved */ +/* (CMD?) */ + +/* +* CSD field definitions +*/ + +#define CSD_STRUCT_VER_1_0 0 /* Valid for system specification 1.0 - 1.2 */ +#define CSD_STRUCT_VER_1_1 1 /* Valid for system specification 1.4 - 2.2 */ +#define CSD_STRUCT_VER_1_2 2 /* Valid for system specification 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.31 - 4.0 - 4.1 */ +#define CSD_STRUCT_EXT_CSD 3 /* Version is coded in CSD_STRUCTURE in EXT_CSD */ + +#define CSD_SPEC_VER_0 0 /* Implements system specification 1.0 - 1.2 */ +#define CSD_SPEC_VER_1 1 /* Implements system specification 1.4 */ +#define CSD_SPEC_VER_2 2 /* Implements system specification 2.0 - 2.2 */ +#define CSD_SPEC_VER_3 3 /* Implements system specification 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.31 */ +#define CSD_SPEC_VER_4 4 /* Implements system specification 4.0 - 4.1 */ + +/* +* EXT_CSD fields +*/ + +#define EXT_CSD_CMDQ_MODE_EN 15 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_FLUSH_CACHE 32 /* W */ +#define EXT_CSD_CACHE_CTRL 33 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_POWER_OFF_NOTIFICATION 34 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_PACKED_FAILURE_INDEX 35 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PACKED_CMD_STATUS 36 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_EXP_EVENTS_STATUS 54 /* RO, 2 bytes */ +#define EXT_CSD_EXP_EVENTS_CTRL 56 /* R/W, 2 bytes */ +#define EXT_CSD_DATA_SECTOR_SIZE 61 /* R */ +#define EXT_CSD_GP_SIZE_MULT 143 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED 155 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_PARTITION_ATTRIBUTE 156 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_PARTITION_SUPPORT 160 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_HPI_MGMT 161 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_RST_N_FUNCTION 162 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_BKOPS_EN 163 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_BKOPS_START 164 /* W */ +#define EXT_CSD_SANITIZE_START 165 /* W */ +#define EXT_CSD_WR_REL_PARAM 166 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_RPMB_MULT 168 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_FW_CONFIG 169 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_BOOT_WP 173 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_ERASE_GROUP_DEF 175 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_PART_CONFIG 179 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_ERASED_MEM_CONT 181 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH 183 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_STROBE_SUPPORT 184 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_HS_TIMING 185 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_POWER_CLASS 187 /* R/W */ +#define EXT_CSD_REV 192 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_STRUCTURE 194 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE 196 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_DRIVER_STRENGTH 197 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_OUT_OF_INTERRUPT_TIME 198 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PART_SWITCH_TIME 199 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_52_195 200 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_26_195 201 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_52_360 202 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_26_360 203 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_CNT 212 /* RO, 4 bytes */ +#define EXT_CSD_S_A_TIMEOUT 217 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_REL_WR_SEC_C 222 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_HC_WP_GRP_SIZE 221 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_ERASE_TIMEOUT_MULT 223 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_HC_ERASE_GRP_SIZE 224 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_BOOT_MULT 226 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_TRIM_MULT 229 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_ERASE_MULT 230 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_FEATURE_SUPPORT 231 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_TRIM_MULT 232 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_200_195 236 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_200_360 237 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_DDR_52_195 238 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_DDR_52_360 239 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_BKOPS_STATUS 246 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_POWER_OFF_LONG_TIME 247 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_GENERIC_CMD6_TIME 248 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_CACHE_SIZE 249 /* RO, 4 bytes */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_DDR_200_360 253 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_FIRMWARE_VERSION 254 /* RO, 8 bytes */ +#define EXT_CSD_DEVICE_VERSION 262 /* RO, 2 bytes */ +#define EXT_CSD_PRE_EOL_INFO 267 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_A 268 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_B 269 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_CMDQ_DEPTH 307 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_CMDQ_SUPPORT 308 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_SUPPORTED_MODE 493 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_TAG_UNIT_SIZE 498 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_DATA_TAG_SUPPORT 499 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_MAX_PACKED_WRITES 500 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_MAX_PACKED_READS 501 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_BKOPS_SUPPORT 502 /* RO */ +#define EXT_CSD_HPI_FEATURES 503 /* RO */ + +/* +* EXT_CSD field definitions +*/ + +#define EXT_CSD_WR_REL_PARAM_EN (1<<2) + +#define EXT_CSD_BOOT_WP_B_PWR_WP_DIS (0x40) +#define EXT_CSD_BOOT_WP_B_PERM_WP_DIS (0x10) +#define EXT_CSD_BOOT_WP_B_PERM_WP_EN (0x04) +#define EXT_CSD_BOOT_WP_B_PWR_WP_EN (0x01) + +#define EXT_CSD_PART_CONFIG_ACC_MASK (0x7) +#define EXT_CSD_PART_CONFIG_ACC_BOOT0 (0x1) +#define EXT_CSD_PART_CONFIG_ACC_RPMB (0x3) +#define EXT_CSD_PART_CONFIG_ACC_GP0 (0x4) + +#define EXT_CSD_PART_SETTING_COMPLETED (0x1) +#define EXT_CSD_PART_SUPPORT_PART_EN (0x1) + +#define EXT_CSD_CMD_SET_NORMAL (1<<0) +#define EXT_CSD_CMD_SET_SECURE (1<<1) +#define EXT_CSD_CMD_SET_CPSECURE (1<<2) + +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS_26 (1<<0) /* Card can run at 26MHz */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS_52 (1<<1) /* Card can run at 52MHz */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS (EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS_26 | \ + EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS_52) +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_DDR_1_8V (1<<2) /* Card can run at 52MHz */ +/* DDR mode @1.8V or 3V I/O */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_DDR_1_2V (1<<3) /* Card can run at 52MHz */ +/* DDR mode @1.2V I/O */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_DDR_52 (EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_DDR_1_8V \ + | EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_DDR_1_2V) +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_8V (1<<4) /* Card can run at 200MHz */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_2V (1<<5) /* Card can run at 200MHz */ +/* SDR mode @1.2V I/O */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200 (EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_8V | \ + EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_2V) +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_8V (1<<6) /* Card can run at 200MHz DDR, 1.8V */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_2V (1<<7) /* Card can run at 200MHz DDR, 1.2V */ +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400 (EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_8V | \ + EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_2V) +#define EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400ES (1<<8) /* Card can run at HS400ES */ + +#define EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH_1 0 /* Card is in 1 bit mode */ +#define EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH_4 1 /* Card is in 4 bit mode */ +#define EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH_8 2 /* Card is in 8 bit mode */ +#define EXT_CSD_DDR_BUS_WIDTH_4 5 /* Card is in 4 bit DDR mode */ +#define EXT_CSD_DDR_BUS_WIDTH_8 6 /* Card is in 8 bit DDR mode */ +#define EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH_STROBE (1<<7) /* Enhanced strobe mode */ + +#define EXT_CSD_TIMING_BC 0 /* Backwards compatility */ +#define EXT_CSD_TIMING_HS 1 /* High speed */ +#define EXT_CSD_TIMING_HS200 2 /* HS200 */ +#define EXT_CSD_TIMING_HS400 3 /* HS400 */ +#define EXT_CSD_DRV_STR_SHIFT 4 /* Driver Strength shift */ + +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_ER_EN (1<<0) +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_BD_BLK_EN (1<<2) +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_GB_CL_EN (1<<4) +#define EXT_CSD_SEC_SANITIZE (1<<6) /* v4.5 only */ + +#define EXT_CSD_RST_N_EN_MASK 0x3 +#define EXT_CSD_RST_N_ENABLED 1 /* RST_n is enabled on card */ + +#define EXT_CSD_NO_POWER_NOTIFICATION 0 +#define EXT_CSD_POWER_ON 1 +#define EXT_CSD_POWER_OFF_SHORT 2 +#define EXT_CSD_POWER_OFF_LONG 3 + +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_8BIT_MASK 0xF0 /* 8 bit PWR CLS */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_4BIT_MASK 0x0F /* 8 bit PWR CLS */ +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_8BIT_SHIFT 4 +#define EXT_CSD_PWR_CL_4BIT_SHIFT 0 + +#define EXT_CSD_PACKED_EVENT_EN (1<<3) + +/* +* EXCEPTION_EVENT_STATUS field +*/ +#define EXT_CSD_URGENT_BKOPS (1<<0) +#define EXT_CSD_DYNCAP_NEEDED (1<<1) +#define EXT_CSD_SYSPOOL_EXHAUSTED (1<<2) +#define EXT_CSD_PACKED_FAILURE (1<<3) + +#define EXT_CSD_PACKED_GENERIC_ERROR (1<<0) +#define EXT_CSD_PACKED_INDEXED_ERROR (1<<1) + +/* +* BKOPS status level +*/ +#define EXT_CSD_BKOPS_LEVEL_2 0x2 + +/* +* BKOPS modes +*/ +#define EXT_CSD_MANUAL_BKOPS_MASK 0x01 +#define EXT_CSD_AUTO_BKOPS_MASK 0x02 + +/* +* Command Queue +*/ +#define EXT_CSD_CMDQ_MODE_ENABLED (1<<0) +#define EXT_CSD_CMDQ_DEPTH_MASK 0x1F +#define EXT_CSD_CMDQ_SUPPORTED (1<<0) + +/* +* MMC_SWITCH access modes +*/ +#define MMC_SWITCH_MODE_CMD_SET 0x00 /* Change the command set */ +#define MMC_SWITCH_MODE_SET_BITS 0x01 /* Set bits which are 1 in value */ +#define MMC_SWITCH_MODE_CLEAR_BITS 0x02 /* Clear bits which are 1 in value */ +#define MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE 0x03 /* Set target to value */ + +/* +* Erase/trim/discard +*/ +#define MMC_ERASE_ARG 0x00000000 +#define MMC_SECURE_ERASE_ARG 0x80000000 +#define MMC_TRIM_ARG 0x00000001 +#define MMC_DISCARD_ARG 0x00000003 +#define MMC_SECURE_TRIM1_ARG 0x80000001 +#define MMC_SECURE_TRIM2_ARG 0x80008000 +#define MMC_SECURE_ARGS 0x80000000 +#define MMC_TRIM_ARGS 0x00008001 + +#endif /* LINUX_MMC_MMC_H */ diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/nx_emmc.c b/emummc/source/emmc/nx_emmc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2dca775ae --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/nx_emmc.c @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "nx_emmc.h" + +int nx_emmc_part_read(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part, u32 sector_off, u32 num_sectors, void *buf) +{ + // The last LBA is inclusive. + if (part->lba_start + sector_off > part->lba_end) + return 0; + return sdmmc_storage_read(storage, part->lba_start + sector_off, num_sectors, buf); +} + +int nx_emmc_part_write(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part, u32 sector_off, u32 num_sectors, void *buf) +{ + // The last LBA is inclusive. + if (part->lba_start + sector_off > part->lba_end) + return 0; + return sdmmc_storage_write(storage, part->lba_start + sector_off, num_sectors, buf); +} diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/nx_emmc.h b/emummc/source/emmc/nx_emmc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e90d49f60 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/nx_emmc.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _NX_EMMC_H_ +#define _NX_EMMC_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "sdmmc.h" + +typedef struct _gpt_entry_t +{ + u8 type_guid[0x10]; + u8 part_guid[0x10]; + u64 lba_start; + u64 lba_end; + u64 attrs; + u16 name[36]; +} gpt_entry_t; + +typedef struct _gpt_header_t +{ + u64 signature; + u32 revision; + u32 size; + u32 crc32; + u32 res1; + u64 my_lba; + u64 alt_lba; + u64 first_use_lba; + u64 last_use_lba; + u8 disk_guid[0x10]; + u64 part_ent_lba; + u32 num_part_ents; + u32 part_ent_size; + u32 part_ents_crc32; + u8 res2[420]; +} gpt_header_t; + +#define NX_GPT_FIRST_LBA 1 +#define NX_GPT_NUM_BLOCKS 33 +#define NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE 512 + +typedef struct _emmc_part_t +{ + u32 lba_start; + u32 lba_end; + u64 attrs; + s8 name[37]; +} emmc_part_t; + +int nx_emmc_part_read(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part, u32 sector_off, u32 num_sectors, void *buf); +int nx_emmc_part_write(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, emmc_part_t *part, u32 sector_off, u32 num_sectors, void *buf); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/sd.h b/emummc/source/emmc/sd.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3bf82ba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/sd.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + * include/linux/mmc/sd.h + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Pierre Ossman, All Rights Reserved. + * Copyright (C) 2018 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at + * your option) any later version. + */ + +#ifndef LINUX_MMC_SD_H +#define LINUX_MMC_SD_H + +/* SD commands type argument response */ +/* class 0 */ +/* This is basically the same command as for MMC with some quirks. */ +#define SD_SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR 3 /* bcr R6 */ +#define SD_SEND_IF_COND 8 /* bcr [11:0] See below R7 */ +#define SD_SWITCH_VOLTAGE 11 /* ac R1 */ + +/* class 10 */ +#define SD_SWITCH 6 /* adtc [31:0] See below R1 */ + +/* class 5 */ +#define SD_ERASE_WR_BLK_START 32 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1 */ +#define SD_ERASE_WR_BLK_END 33 /* ac [31:0] data addr R1 */ + +/* Application commands */ +#define SD_APP_SET_BUS_WIDTH 6 /* ac [1:0] bus width R1 */ +#define SD_APP_SD_STATUS 13 /* adtc R1 */ +#define SD_APP_SEND_NUM_WR_BLKS 22 /* adtc R1 */ +#define SD_APP_OP_COND 41 /* bcr [31:0] OCR R3 */ +#define SD_APP_SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT 42 +#define SD_APP_SEND_SCR 51 /* adtc R1 */ + +/* OCR bit definitions */ +#define SD_OCR_S18R (1 << 24) /* 1.8V switching request */ +#define SD_ROCR_S18A SD_OCR_S18R /* 1.8V switching accepted by card */ +#define SD_OCR_XPC (1 << 28) /* SDXC power control */ +#define SD_OCR_CCS (1 << 30) /* Card Capacity Status */ +#define SD_OCR_VDD_32_33 (1 << 20) /* VDD voltage 3.2 ~ 3.3 */ + +/* +* SD_SWITCH argument format: +* +* [31] Check (0) or switch (1) +* [30:24] Reserved (0) +* [23:20] Function group 6 +* [19:16] Function group 5 +* [15:12] Function group 4 +* [11:8] Function group 3 +* [7:4] Function group 2 +* [3:0] Function group 1 +*/ + +/* +* SD_SEND_IF_COND argument format: +* +* [31:12] Reserved (0) +* [11:8] Host Voltage Supply Flags +* [7:0] Check Pattern (0xAA) +*/ + +/* +* SCR field definitions +*/ +#define SCR_SPEC_VER_0 0 /* Implements system specification 1.0 - 1.01 */ +#define SCR_SPEC_VER_1 1 /* Implements system specification 1.10 */ +#define SCR_SPEC_VER_2 2 /* Implements system specification 2.00-3.0X */ +#define SD_SCR_BUS_WIDTH_1 (1<<0) +#define SD_SCR_BUS_WIDTH_4 (1<<2) + +/* +* SD bus widths +*/ +#define SD_BUS_WIDTH_1 0 +#define SD_BUS_WIDTH_4 2 + +/* +* SD bus speeds +*/ +#define UHS_SDR12_BUS_SPEED 0 +#define HIGH_SPEED_BUS_SPEED 1 +#define UHS_SDR25_BUS_SPEED 1 +#define UHS_SDR50_BUS_SPEED 2 +#define UHS_SDR104_BUS_SPEED 3 +#define UHS_DDR50_BUS_SPEED 4 +#define HS400_BUS_SPEED 5 + +#define SD_MODE_HIGH_SPEED (1 << HIGH_SPEED_BUS_SPEED) +#define SD_MODE_UHS_SDR12 (1 << UHS_SDR12_BUS_SPEED) +#define SD_MODE_UHS_SDR25 (1 << UHS_SDR25_BUS_SPEED) +#define SD_MODE_UHS_SDR50 (1 << UHS_SDR50_BUS_SPEED) +#define SD_MODE_UHS_SDR104 (1 << UHS_SDR104_BUS_SPEED) +#define SD_MODE_UHS_DDR50 (1 << UHS_DDR50_BUS_SPEED) + +#define SD_DRIVER_TYPE_B 0x01 +#define SD_DRIVER_TYPE_A 0x02 + +#define SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_200 0 +#define SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_400 1 +#define SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_600 2 +#define SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_800 3 + +/* +* SD_SWITCH mode +*/ +#define SD_SWITCH_CHECK 0 +#define SD_SWITCH_SET 1 + +/* +* SD_SWITCH function groups +*/ +#define SD_SWITCH_GRP_ACCESS 0 + +/* +* SD_SWITCH access modes +*/ +#define SD_SWITCH_ACCESS_DEF 0 +#define SD_SWITCH_ACCESS_HS 1 + +#endif /* LINUX_MMC_SD_H */ diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc.c b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..166462e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc.c @@ -0,0 +1,1197 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (C) 2018 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "sdmmc.h" +#include "mmc.h" +#include "sd.h" +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "../utils/util.h" + +#define DPRINTF(...) //fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__) + +static inline u32 unstuff_bits(u32 *resp, u32 start, u32 size) +{ + const u32 mask = (size < 32 ? 1 << size : 0) - 1; + const u32 off = 3 - ((start) / 32); + const u32 shft = (start) & 31; + u32 res = resp[off] >> shft; + if (size + shft > 32) + res |= resp[off - 1] << ((32 - shft) % 32); + return res & mask; +} + +/* +* Common functions for SD and MMC. +*/ + +static int _sdmmc_storage_check_result(u32 res) +{ + //Error mask: + //R1_OUT_OF_RANGE, R1_ADDRESS_ERROR, R1_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR, + //R1_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR, R1_ERASE_PARAM, R1_WP_VIOLATION, + //R1_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED, R1_COM_CRC_ERROR, R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND, + //R1_CARD_ECC_FAILED, R1_CC_ERROR, R1_ERROR, R1_CID_CSD_OVERWRITE, + //R1_WP_ERASE_SKIP, R1_ERASE_RESET, R1_SWITCH_ERROR + if (!(res & 0xFDF9A080)) + return 1; + //TODO: R1_SWITCH_ERROR we can skip for certain card types. + return 0; +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1_ex(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 *resp, u32 cmd, u32 arg, u32 check_busy, u32 expected_state, u32 mask) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, cmd, arg, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, check_busy); + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, 0, 0)) + return 0; + + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, resp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + if (mask) + *resp &= ~mask; + + if (_sdmmc_storage_check_result(*resp)) + if (expected_state == 0x10 || R1_CURRENT_STATE(*resp) == expected_state) + return 1; + return 0; +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 cmd, u32 arg, u32 check_busy, u32 expected_state) +{ + u32 tmp; + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1_ex(storage, &tmp, cmd, arg, check_busy, expected_state, 0); +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_go_idle_state(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmd; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmd, MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_0, 0); + return sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmd, 0, 0); +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_get_cid(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, void *buf) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmd; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmd, MMC_ALL_SEND_CID, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2, 0); + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmd, 0, 0)) + return 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, buf, 0x10, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2); + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_select_card(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(storage, MMC_SELECT_CARD, storage->rca << 16, 1, 0x10); +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_get_csd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, void *buf) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, MMC_SEND_CSD, storage->rca << 16, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2, 0); + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, 0, 0)) + return 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, buf, 0x10, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2); + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_set_blocklen(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 blocklen) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(storage, MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN, blocklen, 0, R1_STATE_TRAN); +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_get_status(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 *resp, u32 mask) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1_ex(storage, resp, MMC_SEND_STATUS, storage->rca << 16, 0, R1_STATE_TRAN, mask); +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_check_status(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + u32 tmp; + return _sdmmc_storage_get_status(storage, &tmp, 0); +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_readwrite_ex(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 *blkcnt_out, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors, void *buf, u32 is_write) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, is_write ? MMC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK : MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK, sector, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 0); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.num_sectors = num_sectors; + reqbuf.blksize = 512; + reqbuf.is_write = is_write; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 1; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 1; + + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, blkcnt_out)) + { + u32 tmp = 0; + sdmmc_stop_transmission(storage->sdmmc, &tmp); + _sdmmc_storage_get_status(storage, &tmp, 0); + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +int sdmmc_storage_end(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + if (!_sdmmc_storage_go_idle_state(storage)) + return 0; + sdmmc_end(storage->sdmmc); + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_storage_readwrite(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors, void *buf, u32 is_write) +{ + u8 *bbuf = (u8 *)buf; + + while (num_sectors) + { + u32 blkcnt = 0; + //Retry 9 times on error. + u32 retries = 10; + do + { + if (_sdmmc_storage_readwrite_ex(storage, &blkcnt, sector, MIN(num_sectors, 0xFFFF), bbuf, is_write)) + goto out; + else + retries--; + + msleep(100); + } while (retries); + return 0; + +out:; + DPRINTF("readwrite: %08X\n", blkcnt); + sector += blkcnt; + num_sectors -= blkcnt; + bbuf += 512 * blkcnt; + } + return 1; +} + +int sdmmc_storage_read(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors, void *buf) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_readwrite(storage, sector, num_sectors, buf, 0); +} + +int sdmmc_storage_write(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors, void *buf) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_readwrite(storage, sector, num_sectors, buf, 1); +} + +/* +* MMC specific functions. +*/ + +static int _mmc_storage_get_op_cond_inner(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 *pout, u32 power) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmd; + + u32 arg = 0; + switch (power) + { + case SDMMC_POWER_1_8: + arg = 0x40000080; //Sector access, voltage. + break; + case SDMMC_POWER_3_3: + arg = 0x403F8000; //Sector access, voltage. + break; + default: + return 0; + } + + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmd, MMC_SEND_OP_COND, arg, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3, 0); + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmd, 0, 0)) + return 0; + + return sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, pout, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3); +} + +static int _mmc_storage_get_op_cond(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 power) +{ + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 1500; + + while (1) + { + u32 cond = 0; + if (!_mmc_storage_get_op_cond_inner(storage, &cond, power)) + break; + if (cond & MMC_CARD_BUSY) + { + if (cond & 0x40000000) + storage->has_sector_access = 1; + return 1; + } + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + break; + usleep(1000); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int _mmc_storage_set_relative_addr(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(storage, MMC_SET_RELATIVE_ADDR, storage->rca << 16, 0, 0x10); +} + +static void _mmc_storage_parse_cid(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + u32 *raw_cid = (u32 *)&(storage->raw_cid); + + switch (storage->csd.mmca_vsn) + { + case 0: /* MMC v1.0 - v1.2 */ + case 1: /* MMC v1.4 */ + storage->cid.prod_name[6] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 48, 8); + storage->cid.manfid = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 104, 24); + storage->cid.hwrev = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 44, 4); + storage->cid.fwrev = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 40, 4); + storage->cid.serial = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 16, 24); + break; + case 2: /* MMC v2.0 - v2.2 */ + case 3: /* MMC v3.1 - v3.3 */ + case 4: /* MMC v4 */ + storage->cid.manfid = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 120, 8); + storage->cid.card_bga = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 112, 2); + storage->cid.oemid = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 104, 8); + storage->cid.prv = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 48, 8); + storage->cid.serial = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 16, 32); + break; + default: + break; + } + + storage->cid.prod_name[0] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 96, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[1] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 88, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[2] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 80, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[3] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 72, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[4] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 64, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[5] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 56, 8); + + storage->cid.month = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 12, 4); + storage->cid.year = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 8, 4) + 1997; + if (storage->ext_csd.rev >= 5) + { + if (storage->cid.year < 2010) + storage->cid.year += 16; + } +} + +static void _mmc_storage_parse_csd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + u32 *raw_csd = (u32 *)&(storage->raw_csd); + + storage->csd.mmca_vsn = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 122, 4); + storage->csd.structure = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 126, 2); + storage->csd.cmdclass = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 84, 12); + storage->csd.read_blkbits = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 80, 4); + storage->csd.capacity = (1 + unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 62, 12)) << (unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 47, 3) + 2); +} + +static void _mmc_storage_parse_ext_csd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u8 *buf) +{ + storage->ext_csd.rev = buf[EXT_CSD_REV]; + storage->ext_csd.ext_struct = buf[EXT_CSD_STRUCTURE]; + storage->ext_csd.card_type = buf[EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE]; + storage->ext_csd.dev_version = *(u16 *)&buf[EXT_CSD_DEVICE_VERSION]; + storage->ext_csd.boot_mult = buf[EXT_CSD_BOOT_MULT]; + storage->ext_csd.rpmb_mult = buf[EXT_CSD_RPMB_MULT]; + storage->ext_csd.sectors = *(u32 *)&buf[EXT_CSD_SEC_CNT]; + storage->ext_csd.bkops = buf[EXT_CSD_BKOPS_SUPPORT]; + storage->ext_csd.bkops_en = buf[EXT_CSD_BKOPS_EN]; + storage->ext_csd.bkops_status = buf[EXT_CSD_BKOPS_STATUS]; + + storage->sec_cnt = *(u32 *)&buf[EXT_CSD_SEC_CNT]; +} + +static int _mmc_storage_get_ext_csd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, void *buf) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, MMC_SEND_EXT_CSD, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 0); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.blksize = 512; + reqbuf.num_sectors = 1; + reqbuf.is_write = 0; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 0; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 0; + + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, 0)) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &tmp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + _mmc_storage_parse_ext_csd(storage, buf); + + return _sdmmc_storage_check_result(tmp); +} + +static int _mmc_storage_switch(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 arg) +{ + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(storage, MMC_SWITCH, arg, 1, 0x10); +} + +static int _mmc_storage_switch_buswidth(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 bus_width) +{ + if (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1) + return 1; + + u32 arg = 0; + switch (bus_width) + { + case SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4: + arg = SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH, EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH_4); + break; + case SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8: + arg = SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH, EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH_8); + break; + } + + if (_mmc_storage_switch(storage, arg)) + if (_sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage)) + { + sdmmc_set_bus_width(storage->sdmmc, bus_width); + return 1; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int _mmc_storage_enable_HS(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, int check) +{ + if (!_mmc_storage_switch(storage, SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_HS_TIMING, EXT_CSD_TIMING_HS))) + return 0; + if (check && !_sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage)) + return 0; + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, 2)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] switched to HS\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 52; + if (check || _sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage)) + return 1; + return 0; +} + +static int _mmc_storage_enable_HS200(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + if (!_mmc_storage_switch(storage, SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_HS_TIMING, EXT_CSD_TIMING_HS200))) + return 0; + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, 3)) + return 0; + if (!sdmmc_config_tuning(storage->sdmmc, 3, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] switched to HS200\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 200; + return _sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage); +} + +static int _mmc_storage_enable_HS400(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + if (!_mmc_storage_enable_HS200(storage)) + return 0; + sdmmc_get_venclkctl(storage->sdmmc); + if (!_mmc_storage_enable_HS(storage, 0)) + return 0; + if (!_mmc_storage_switch(storage, SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH, EXT_CSD_DDR_BUS_WIDTH_8))) + return 0; + if (!_mmc_storage_switch(storage, SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_HS_TIMING, EXT_CSD_TIMING_HS400))) + return 0; + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, 4)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] switched to HS400\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 400; + return _sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage); +} + +static int _mmc_storage_enable_highspeed(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 card_type, u32 type) +{ + //TODO: this should be a config item. + // --v + if (!1 || sdmmc_get_voltage(storage->sdmmc) != SDMMC_POWER_1_8) + goto out; + + if (sdmmc_get_bus_width(storage->sdmmc) == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8 && + card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_8V && + type == 4) + return _mmc_storage_enable_HS400(storage); + + if (sdmmc_get_bus_width(storage->sdmmc) == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8 || + (sdmmc_get_bus_width(storage->sdmmc) == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4 + && card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_8V + && (type == 4 || type == 3))) + return _mmc_storage_enable_HS200(storage); + +out:; + if (card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS_52) + return _mmc_storage_enable_HS(storage, 1); + return 1; +} + +static int _mmc_storage_enable_bkops(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + if (!_mmc_storage_switch(storage, SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_SET_BITS, EXT_CSD_BKOPS_EN, EXT_CSD_BKOPS_LEVEL_2))) + return 0; + return _sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage); +} + +int sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id, u32 bus_width, u32 type) +{ + memset(storage, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_storage_t)); + storage->sdmmc = sdmmc; + storage->rca = 2; //TODO: this could be a config item. + + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, id, SDMMC_POWER_1_8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1, 0, 0)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] after init\n"); + + usleep(1000 + (74000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_go_idle_state(storage)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] went to idle state\n"); + + if (!_mmc_storage_get_op_cond(storage, SDMMC_POWER_1_8)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] got op cond\n"); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_get_cid(storage, storage->raw_cid)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] got cid\n"); + + if (!_mmc_storage_set_relative_addr(storage)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] set relative addr\n"); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_get_csd(storage, storage->raw_csd)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] got csd\n"); + _mmc_storage_parse_csd(storage); + + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, 1)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] after setup clock\n"); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_select_card(storage)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] card selected\n"); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_set_blocklen(storage, 512)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] set blocklen to 512\n"); + + u32 *csd = (u32 *)storage->raw_csd; + //Check system specification version, only version 4.0 and later support below features. + if (unstuff_bits(csd, 122, 4) < CSD_SPEC_VER_4) + { + storage->sec_cnt = (1 + unstuff_bits(csd, 62, 12)) << (unstuff_bits(csd, 47, 3) + 2); + return 1; + } + + if (!_mmc_storage_switch_buswidth(storage, bus_width)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] switched buswidth\n"); + + u8 *ext_csd = (u8 *)malloc(512); + if (!_mmc_storage_get_ext_csd(storage, ext_csd)) + { + free(ext_csd); + return 0; + } + free(ext_csd); + DPRINTF("[MMC] got ext_csd\n"); + _mmc_storage_parse_cid(storage); //This needs to be after csd and ext_csd + + /* When auto BKOPS is enabled the mmc device should be powered all the time until we disable this and check status. + Disable it for now until BKOPS disable added to power down sequence at sdmmc_storage_end(). + Additionally this works only when we put the device in idle mode which we don't after enabling it. */ + if (storage->ext_csd.bkops & 0x1 && !(storage->ext_csd.bkops_en & EXT_CSD_BKOPS_LEVEL_2) && 0) + { + _mmc_storage_enable_bkops(storage); + DPRINTF("[MMC] BKOPS enabled\n"); + } + else + { + DPRINTF("[MMC] BKOPS disabled\n"); + } + + if (!_mmc_storage_enable_highspeed(storage, storage->ext_csd.card_type, type)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[MMC] succesfully switched to highspeed mode\n"); + + sdmmc_sd_clock_ctrl(storage->sdmmc, 1); + + return 1; +} + +int sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 partition) +{ + if (!_mmc_storage_switch(storage, SDMMC_SWITCH(MMC_SWITCH_MODE_WRITE_BYTE, EXT_CSD_PART_CONFIG, partition))) + return 0; + if (!_sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage)) + return 0; + storage->partition = partition; + return 1; +} + +/* +* SD specific functions. +*/ + +static int _sd_storage_execute_app_cmd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 expected_state, u32 mask, sdmmc_cmd_t *cmd, sdmmc_req_t *req, u32 *blkcnt_out) +{ + u32 tmp; + if (!_sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1_ex(storage, &tmp, MMC_APP_CMD, storage->rca << 16, 0, expected_state, mask)) + return 0; + return sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, cmd, req, blkcnt_out); +} + +static int _sd_storage_execute_app_cmd_type1(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 *resp, u32 cmd, u32 arg, u32 check_busy, u32 expected_state) +{ + if (!_sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(storage, MMC_APP_CMD, storage->rca << 16, 0, R1_STATE_TRAN)) + return 0; + return _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1_ex(storage, resp, cmd, arg, check_busy, expected_state, 0); +} + +static int _sd_storage_send_if_cond(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_SEND_IF_COND, 0x1AA, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_5, 0); + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, 0, 0)) + return 1; // The SD Card is version 1.X + + u32 resp = 0; + if (!sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &resp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_5)) + return 2; + + return (resp & 0xFF) == 0xAA ? 0 : 2; +} + +static int _sd_storage_get_op_cond_once(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 *cond, int is_version_1, int supports_low_voltage) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + // Support for Current > 150mA + u32 arg = (~is_version_1 & 1) ? SD_OCR_XPC : 0; + // Support for handling block-addressed SDHC cards + arg |= (~is_version_1 & 1) ? SD_OCR_CCS : 0; + // Support for 1.8V + arg |= (supports_low_voltage & ~is_version_1 & 1) ? SD_OCR_S18R : 0; + // This is needed for most cards. Do not set bit7 even if 1.8V is supported. + arg |= SD_OCR_VDD_32_33; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_APP_OP_COND, arg, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3, 0); + + DPRINTF("[SD] before _sd_storage_execute_app_cmd\n"); + if (!_sd_storage_execute_app_cmd(storage, 0x10, is_version_1 ? 0x400000 : 0, &cmdbuf, 0, 0)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] before sdmmc_get_rsp\n"); + return sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, cond, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3); +} + +static int _sd_storage_get_op_cond(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, int is_version_1, int supports_low_voltage) +{ + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 1500; + + while (1) + { + u32 cond = 0; + if (!_sd_storage_get_op_cond_once(storage, &cond, is_version_1, supports_low_voltage)) + { + DPRINTF("[SD] _sd_storage_get_op_cond_once failed\r\n"); + break; + } + + if (cond & MMC_CARD_BUSY) + { + if (cond & SD_OCR_CCS) + storage->has_sector_access = 1; + + if (false && cond & SD_ROCR_S18A && supports_low_voltage) + { + //The low voltage regulator configuration is valid for SDMMC1 only. + if (storage->sdmmc->id == SDMMC_1 && + _sdmmc_storage_execute_cmd_type1(storage, SD_SWITCH_VOLTAGE, 0, 0, R1_STATE_READY)) + { + if (!sdmmc_enable_low_voltage(storage->sdmmc)) + return 0; + storage->is_low_voltage = 1; + + DPRINTF("-> switched to low voltage\n"); + } + } + + return 1; + } + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + break; + msleep(10); // Needs to be at least 10ms for some SD Cards + } + + DPRINTF("[SD] _sd_storage_get_op_cond Timeout\r\n"); + + return 0; +} + +static int _sd_storage_get_rca(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_4, 0); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 1500; + + while (1) + { + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, 0, 0)) + break; + + u32 resp = 0; + if (!sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &resp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_4)) + break; + + if (resp >> 16) + { + storage->rca = resp >> 16; + return 1; + } + + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + break; + usleep(1000); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void _sd_storage_parse_scr(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + // unstuff_bits can parse only 4 u32 + u32 resp[4]; + + resp[3] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_scr[4]; + resp[2] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_scr[0]; + + storage->scr.sda_vsn = unstuff_bits(resp, 56, 4); + storage->scr.bus_widths = unstuff_bits(resp, 48, 4); + if (storage->scr.sda_vsn == SCR_SPEC_VER_2) + /* Check if Physical Layer Spec v3.0 is supported */ + storage->scr.sda_spec3 = unstuff_bits(resp, 47, 1); + if (storage->scr.sda_spec3) + storage->scr.cmds = unstuff_bits(resp, 32, 2); +} + +int _sd_storage_get_scr(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u8 *buf) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_APP_SEND_SCR, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 0); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.blksize = 8; + reqbuf.num_sectors = 1; + reqbuf.is_write = 0; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 0; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 0; + + if (!_sd_storage_execute_app_cmd(storage, R1_STATE_TRAN, 0, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, 0)) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &tmp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + //Prepare buffer for unstuff_bits + for (int i = 0; i < 8; i+=4) + { + storage->raw_scr[i + 3] = buf[i]; + storage->raw_scr[i + 2] = buf[i + 1]; + storage->raw_scr[i + 1] = buf[i + 2]; + storage->raw_scr[i] = buf[i + 3]; + } + _sd_storage_parse_scr(storage); + + return _sdmmc_storage_check_result(tmp); +} + +int _sd_storage_switch_get(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, void *buf) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_SWITCH, 0xFFFFFF, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 0); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.blksize = 64; + reqbuf.num_sectors = 1; + reqbuf.is_write = 0; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 0; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 0; + + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, 0)) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &tmp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + return _sdmmc_storage_check_result(tmp); +} + +int _sd_storage_switch(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, void *buf, int mode, int group, u32 arg) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + u32 switchcmd = mode << 31 | 0x00FFFFFF; + switchcmd &= ~(0xF << (group * 4)); + switchcmd |= arg << (group * 4); + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_SWITCH, switchcmd, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 0); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.blksize = 64; + reqbuf.num_sectors = 1; + reqbuf.is_write = 0; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 0; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 0; + + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, 0)) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &tmp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + return _sdmmc_storage_check_result(tmp); +} + +void _sd_storage_set_current_limit(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u8 *buf) +{ + u32 pwr = SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_800; + _sd_storage_switch(storage, buf, SD_SWITCH_SET, 3, pwr); + + while (pwr > 0) + { + pwr--; + _sd_storage_switch(storage, buf, SD_SWITCH_SET, 3, pwr); + if (((buf[15] >> 4) & 0x0F) == pwr) + break; + } + + switch (pwr) + { + case SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_800: + DPRINTF("[SD] Power limit raised to 800mA\n"); + break; + case SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_600: + DPRINTF("[SD] Power limit raised to 600mA\n"); + break; + case SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_400: + DPRINTF("[SD] Power limit raised to 800mA\n"); + break; + default: + case SD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_200: + DPRINTF("[SD] Power limit defaulted to 200mA\n"); + break; + } +} + +int _sd_storage_enable_highspeed(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 hs_type, u8 *buf) +{ + if (!_sd_storage_switch(storage, buf, SD_SWITCH_CHECK, 0, hs_type)) + return 0; + + u32 type_out = buf[16] & 0xF; + if (type_out != hs_type) + return 0; + + if ((((u16)buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]) < 0x320) + { + if (!_sd_storage_switch(storage, buf, SD_SWITCH_SET, 0, hs_type)) + return 0; + + if (type_out != (buf[16] & 0xF)) + return 0; + } + + return 1; +} + +int _sd_storage_enable_highspeed_low_volt(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 type, u8 *buf) +{ + // Try to raise the current limit to let the card perform better. + _sd_storage_set_current_limit(storage, buf); + + if (sdmmc_get_bus_width(storage->sdmmc) != SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4) + return 0; + + if (!_sd_storage_switch_get(storage, buf)) + return 0; + + u32 hs_type = 0; + switch (type) + { + case 11: + // Fall through if not supported. + if (buf[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR104) + { + type = 11; + hs_type = UHS_SDR104_BUS_SPEED; + DPRINTF("[SD] Bus speed set to SDR104\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 104; + break; + } + case 10: + if (buf[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR50) + { + type = 10; + hs_type = UHS_SDR50_BUS_SPEED; + DPRINTF("[SD] Bus speed set to SDR50\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 50; + break; + } + case 8: + if (!(buf[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR12)) + return 0; + type = 8; + hs_type = UHS_SDR12_BUS_SPEED; + DPRINTF("[SD] Bus speed set to SDR12\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 12; + break; + default: + return 0; + break; + } + + if (!_sd_storage_enable_highspeed(storage, hs_type, buf)) + return 0; + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, type)) + return 0; + if (!sdmmc_config_tuning(storage->sdmmc, type, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + return 0; + return _sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage); +} + +int _sd_storage_enable_highspeed_high_volt(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u8 *buf) +{ + if (!_sd_storage_switch_get(storage, buf)) + return 0; + if (!(buf[13] & SD_MODE_HIGH_SPEED)) + return 1; + + if (!_sd_storage_enable_highspeed(storage, 1, buf)) + return 0; + if (!_sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage)) + return 0; + return sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, 7); +} + +static void _sd_storage_parse_ssr(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + // unstuff_bits supports only 4 u32 so break into 2 x 16byte groups + u32 raw_ssr1[4]; + u32 raw_ssr2[4]; + + raw_ssr1[3] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[12]; + raw_ssr1[2] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[8]; + raw_ssr1[1] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[4]; + raw_ssr1[0] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[0]; + + raw_ssr2[3] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[28]; + raw_ssr2[2] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[24]; + raw_ssr2[1] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[20]; + raw_ssr2[0] = *(u32 *)&storage->raw_ssr[16]; + + storage->ssr.bus_width = (unstuff_bits(raw_ssr1, 510 - 384, 2) & SD_BUS_WIDTH_4) ? 4 : 1; + switch(unstuff_bits(raw_ssr1, 440 - 384, 8)) + { + case 0: + storage->ssr.speed_class = 0; + break; + case 1: + storage->ssr.speed_class = 2; + break; + case 2: + storage->ssr.speed_class = 4; + break; + case 3: + storage->ssr.speed_class = 6; + break; + case 4: + storage->ssr.speed_class = 10; + break; + default: + storage->ssr.speed_class = unstuff_bits(raw_ssr1, 440 - 384, 8); + break; + } + storage->ssr.uhs_grade = unstuff_bits(raw_ssr1, 396 - 384, 4); + storage->ssr.video_class = unstuff_bits(raw_ssr1, 384 - 384, 8); + + storage->ssr.app_class = unstuff_bits(raw_ssr2, 336 - 256, 4); +} + +static int _sd_storage_get_ssr(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u8 *buf) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, SD_APP_SD_STATUS, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 0); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.blksize = 64; + reqbuf.num_sectors = 1; + reqbuf.is_write = 0; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 0; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 0; + + if (!(storage->csd.cmdclass & CCC_APP_SPEC)) + { + DPRINTF("[SD] ssr: Card lacks mandatory SD Status function\n"); + return 0; + } + + if (!_sd_storage_execute_app_cmd(storage, R1_STATE_TRAN, 0, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, 0)) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = 0; + sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &tmp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + //Prepare buffer for unstuff_bits + for (int i = 0; i < 64; i+=4) + { + storage->raw_ssr[i + 3] = buf[i]; + storage->raw_ssr[i + 2] = buf[i + 1]; + storage->raw_ssr[i + 1] = buf[i + 2]; + storage->raw_ssr[i] = buf[i + 3]; + } + _sd_storage_parse_ssr(storage); + + return _sdmmc_storage_check_result(tmp); +} + +static void _sd_storage_parse_cid(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + u32 *raw_cid = (u32 *)&(storage->raw_cid); + + storage->cid.manfid = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 120, 8); + storage->cid.oemid = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 104, 16); + storage->cid.prod_name[0] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 96, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[1] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 88, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[2] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 80, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[3] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 72, 8); + storage->cid.prod_name[4] = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 64, 8); + storage->cid.hwrev = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 60, 4); + storage->cid.fwrev = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 56, 4); + storage->cid.serial = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 24, 32); + storage->cid.month = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 8, 4); + storage->cid.year = unstuff_bits(raw_cid, 12, 8) + 2000; +} + +static void _sd_storage_parse_csd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage) +{ + u32 *raw_csd = (u32 *)&(storage->raw_csd); + + storage->csd.structure = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 126, 2); + storage->csd.cmdclass = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 84, 12); + storage->csd.read_blkbits = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 80, 4); + storage->csd.write_protect = unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 12, 2); + switch(storage->csd.structure) + { + case 0: + storage->csd.capacity = (1 + unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 62, 12)) << (unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 47, 3) + 2); + break; + case 1: + storage->csd.c_size = (1 + unstuff_bits(raw_csd, 48, 22)); + storage->csd.capacity = storage->csd.c_size << 10; + storage->csd.read_blkbits = 9; + break; + } +} + +int sdmmc_storage_init_sd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id, u32 bus_width, u32 type) +{ + int is_version_1 = 0; + + memset(storage, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_storage_t)); + storage->sdmmc = sdmmc; + + DPRINTF("[SD] before init\n"); + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, id, SDMMC_POWER_3_3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1, 5, 0)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] after init\n"); + + usleep(1000 + (74000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_go_idle_state(storage)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] went to idle state\n"); + + is_version_1 = _sd_storage_send_if_cond(storage); + if (is_version_1 == 2) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] after send if cond\n"); + + if (!_sd_storage_get_op_cond(storage, is_version_1, bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4 && type == 11)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] got op cond\n"); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_get_cid(storage, storage->raw_cid)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] got cid\n"); + _sd_storage_parse_cid(storage); + + if (!_sd_storage_get_rca(storage)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] got rca (= %04X)\n", storage->rca); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_get_csd(storage, storage->raw_csd)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] got csd\n"); + + //Parse CSD. + _sd_storage_parse_csd(storage); + switch (storage->csd.structure) + { + case 0: + storage->sec_cnt = storage->csd.capacity; + break; + case 1: + storage->sec_cnt = storage->csd.c_size << 10; + break; + default: + DPRINTF("[SD] Unknown CSD structure %d\n", storage->csd.structure); + break; + } + + if (!storage->is_low_voltage) + { + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(storage->sdmmc, 6)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] after setup clock\n"); + } + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_select_card(storage)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] card selected\n"); + + if (!_sdmmc_storage_set_blocklen(storage, 512)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] set blocklen to 512\n"); + + u32 tmp = 0; + if (!_sd_storage_execute_app_cmd_type1(storage, &tmp, SD_APP_SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT, 0, 0, R1_STATE_TRAN)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[SD] cleared card detect\n"); + + u8 *buf = (u8 *)malloc(512); + if (!_sd_storage_get_scr(storage, buf)) + { + free(buf); + return 0; + } + + DPRINTF("[SD] got scr\n"); + + // Check if card supports a wider bus and if it's not SD Version 1.X + if (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4 && (storage->scr.bus_widths & 4) && (storage->scr.sda_vsn & 0xF)) + { + if (!_sd_storage_execute_app_cmd_type1(storage, &tmp, SD_APP_SET_BUS_WIDTH, SD_BUS_WIDTH_4, 0, R1_STATE_TRAN)) + { + free(buf); + return 0; + } + sdmmc_set_bus_width(storage->sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4); + DPRINTF("[SD] switched to wide bus width\n"); + } + else + { + DPRINTF("[SD] SD does not support wide bus width\n"); + } + + if (storage->is_low_voltage) + { + if (!_sd_storage_enable_highspeed_low_volt(storage, type, buf)) + { + free(buf); + return 0; + } + DPRINTF("[SD] enabled highspeed (low voltage)\n"); + } + else if (type != 6 && (storage->scr.sda_vsn & 0xF) != 0) + { + if (!_sd_storage_enable_highspeed_high_volt(storage, buf)) + { + free(buf); + return 0; + } + DPRINTF("[SD] enabled highspeed (high voltage)\n"); + storage->csd.busspeed = 25; + } + + sdmmc_sd_clock_ctrl(sdmmc, 1); + + // Parse additional card info from sd status. + if (_sd_storage_get_ssr(storage, buf)) + { + DPRINTF("[SD] got sd status\n"); + } + + free(buf); + return 1; +} + +/* +* Gamecard specific functions. +*/ + +int _gc_storage_custom_cmd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, void *buf) +{ + u32 resp; + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + sdmmc_init_cmd(&cmdbuf, 60, 0, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1, 1); + + sdmmc_req_t reqbuf; + reqbuf.buf = buf; + reqbuf.blksize = 64; + reqbuf.num_sectors = 1; + reqbuf.is_write = 1; + reqbuf.is_multi_block = 0; + reqbuf.is_auto_cmd12 = 0; + + if (!sdmmc_execute_cmd(storage->sdmmc, &cmdbuf, &reqbuf, 0)) + { + sdmmc_stop_transmission(storage->sdmmc, &resp); + return 0; + } + + if (!sdmmc_get_rsp(storage->sdmmc, &resp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1)) + return 0; + if (!_sdmmc_storage_check_result(resp)) + return 0; + return _sdmmc_storage_check_status(storage); +} + +int sdmmc_storage_init_gc(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + memset(storage, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_storage_t)); + storage->sdmmc = sdmmc; + + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_2, SDMMC_POWER_1_8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8, 14, 0)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[gc] after init\n"); + + usleep(1000 + (10000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + + if (!sdmmc_config_tuning(storage->sdmmc, 14, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) + return 0; + DPRINTF("[gc] after tuning\n"); + + sdmmc_sd_clock_ctrl(sdmmc, 1); + + return 1; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc.h b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ae20e346 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc.h @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (C) 2018 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _SDMMC_H_ +#define _SDMMC_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "sdmmc_driver.h" + +typedef struct _mmc_cid +{ + u32 manfid; + u8 prod_name[8]; + u8 card_bga; + u8 prv; + u32 serial; + u16 oemid; + u16 year; + u8 hwrev; + u8 fwrev; + u8 month; +} mmc_cid_t; + +typedef struct _mmc_csd +{ + u8 structure; + u8 mmca_vsn; + u16 cmdclass; + u32 c_size; + u32 r2w_factor; + u32 max_dtr; + u32 erase_size; /* In sectors */ + u32 read_blkbits; + u32 write_blkbits; + u32 capacity; + u8 write_protect; + u16 busspeed; +} mmc_csd_t; + +typedef struct _mmc_ext_csd +{ + u8 rev; + u32 sectors; + int bkops; /* background support bit */ + int bkops_en; /* manual bkops enable bit */ + u8 ext_struct; /* 194 */ + u8 card_type; /* 196 */ + u8 bkops_status; /* 246 */ + u16 dev_version; + u8 boot_mult; + u8 rpmb_mult; +} mmc_ext_csd_t; + +typedef struct _sd_scr +{ + u8 sda_vsn; + u8 sda_spec3; + u8 bus_widths; + u8 cmds; +} sd_scr_t; + +typedef struct _sd_ssr +{ + u8 bus_width; + u8 speed_class; + u8 uhs_grade; + u8 video_class; + u8 app_class; +} sd_ssr_t; + +/*! SDMMC storage context. */ +typedef struct _sdmmc_storage_t +{ + sdmmc_t *sdmmc; + u32 rca; + int has_sector_access; + u32 sec_cnt; + int is_low_voltage; + u32 partition; + u8 raw_cid[0x10]; + u8 raw_csd[0x10]; + u8 raw_scr[8]; + u8 raw_ssr[0x40]; + mmc_cid_t cid; + mmc_csd_t csd; + mmc_ext_csd_t ext_csd; + sd_scr_t scr; + sd_ssr_t ssr; +} sdmmc_storage_t; + +int sdmmc_storage_end(sdmmc_storage_t *storage); +int sdmmc_storage_read(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors, void *buf); +int sdmmc_storage_write(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 sector, u32 num_sectors, void *buf); +int sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id, u32 bus_width, u32 type); +int sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, u32 partition); +int sdmmc_storage_init_sd(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id, u32 bus_width, u32 type); +int sdmmc_storage_init_gc(sdmmc_storage_t *storage, sdmmc_t *sdmmc); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_driver.c b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_driver.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0530c9361 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_driver.c @@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (C) 2018 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "../nx/cache.h" +#include "sdmmc.h" +#include "../utils/util.h" +#include "../soc/clock.h" +#include "mmc.h" +#include "../power/max7762x.h" +#include "../soc/t210.h" +#include "../soc/pmc.h" +#include "../soc/pinmux.h" +#include "../soc/gpio.h" + +#define DPRINTF(...) + +/*! SCMMC controller base addresses. */ +static const u64 _sdmmc_bases[4] = { + 0x700B0000, + 0x700B0200, + 0x700B0400, + 0x700B0600, +}; + +int sdmmc_get_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + u32 p = sdmmc->regs->pwrcon; + if (!(p & TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_POWER)) + return SDMMC_POWER_OFF; + if (p & TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V1_8) + return SDMMC_POWER_1_8; + if (p & TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V3_3) + return SDMMC_POWER_3_3; + return -1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_set_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 power) +{ + u8 pwr = 0; + + switch (power) + { + case SDMMC_POWER_OFF: + sdmmc->regs->pwrcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_POWER; + break; + case SDMMC_POWER_1_8: + sdmmc->regs->pwrcon = TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V1_8; + pwr = TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V1_8; + break; + case SDMMC_POWER_3_3: + sdmmc->regs->pwrcon = TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V3_3; + pwr = TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V3_3; + break; + default: + return 0; + } + + if (power != SDMMC_POWER_OFF) + { + pwr |= TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_POWER; + sdmmc->regs->pwrcon = pwr; + } + + return 1; +} + +u32 sdmmc_get_bus_width(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + u32 h = sdmmc->regs->hostctl; + if (h & TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_8BIT) + return SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8; + if (h & TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_4BIT) + return SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4; + return SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1; +} + +void sdmmc_set_bus_width(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 bus_width) +{ + if (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1) + sdmmc->regs->hostctl &= ~(TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_4BIT | TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_8BIT); + else if (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4) + { + sdmmc->regs->hostctl |= TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_4BIT; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl &= ~TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_8BIT; + } + else if (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8) + sdmmc->regs->hostctl |= TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_8BIT; +} + +void sdmmc_get_venclkctl(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + sdmmc->venclkctl_tap = sdmmc->regs->venclkctl >> 16; + sdmmc->venclkctl_set = 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_config_ven_ceata_clk(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id) +{ + u32 tap_val = 0; + + if (id == 4) + sdmmc->regs->venceatactl = (sdmmc->regs->venceatactl & 0xFFFFC0FF) | 0x2800; + sdmmc->regs->ventunctl0 &= 0xFFFDFFFF; + if (id == 4) + { + if (!sdmmc->venclkctl_set) + return 0; + tap_val = sdmmc->venclkctl_tap; + } + else + { + static const u32 tap_values[] = { 4, 0, 3, 0 }; + tap_val = tap_values[sdmmc->id]; + } + sdmmc->regs->venclkctl = (sdmmc->regs->venclkctl & 0xFF00FFFF) | (tap_val << 16); + + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + return sdmmc->regs->clkcon; +} + +static void _sdmmc_pad_config_fallback(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 power) +{ + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + switch (sdmmc->id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + if (power == SDMMC_POWER_OFF) + break; + if (power == SDMMC_POWER_1_8) + APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_PAD_CFGPADCTRL) = 0x304; // Up: 3, Dn: 4. + else if (power == SDMMC_POWER_3_3) + APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_PAD_CFGPADCTRL) = 0x808; // Up: 8, Dn: 8. + break; + case SDMMC_4: + APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_EMMC4_PAD_CFGPADCTRL) = (APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_EMMC4_PAD_CFGPADCTRL) & 0x3FFC) | 0x1040; + break; + } + //TODO: load standard values for other controllers, can depend on power. +} + +static int _sdmmc_wait_type4(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + int res = 1, should_disable_sd_clock = 0; + + if (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE)) + { + should_disable_sd_clock = 1; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + } + + sdmmc->regs->vendllcal |= 0x80000000; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 5; + while (sdmmc->regs->vendllcal & 0x80000000) + { + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + res = 0; + goto out; + } + } + + timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 10; + while (sdmmc->regs->dllcfgstatus & 0x80000000) + { + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + res = 0; + goto out; + } + } + +out:; + if (should_disable_sd_clock) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + return res; +} + +int sdmmc_setup_clock(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 type) +{ + //Disable the SD clock if it was enabled, and reenable it later. + bool should_enable_sd_clock = false; + if (sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE) + { + should_enable_sd_clock = true; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + } + + _sdmmc_config_ven_ceata_clk(sdmmc, type); + + switch (type) + { + case 0: + case 1: + case 5: + case 6: + sdmmc->regs->hostctl &= 0xFB; //Should this be 0xFFFB (~4) ? + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 &= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_330; + break; + case 2: + case 7: + sdmmc->regs->hostctl |= 4; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 &= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_330; + break; + case 3: + case 11: + case 13: + case 14: + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 = (sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK) | UHS_SDR104_BUS_SPEED; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; + break; + case 4: + //Non standard + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 = (sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK) | HS400_BUS_SPEED; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; + break; + case 8: + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 = (sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK) | UHS_SDR12_BUS_SPEED; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; + break; + case 10: + //T210 Errata for SDR50, the host must be set to SDR104. + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 = (sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK) | UHS_SDR104_BUS_SPEED; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; + break; + } + + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + u32 tmp; + u16 divisor; + clock_sdmmc_get_params(&tmp, &divisor, type); + clock_sdmmc_config_clock_source(&tmp, sdmmc->id, tmp); + sdmmc->divisor = (tmp + divisor - 1) / divisor; + + //if divisor != 1 && divisor << 31 -> error + + u16 div = divisor >> 1; + divisor = 0; + if (div > 0xFF) + divisor = div >> 8; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon = (sdmmc->regs->clkcon & 0x3F) | (div << 8) | (divisor << 6); + + //Enable the SD clock again. + if (should_enable_sd_clock) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + + if (type == 4) + return _sdmmc_wait_type4(sdmmc); + return 1; +} + +static void _sdmmc_sd_clock_enable(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + if (!sdmmc->no_sd) + { + if (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE)) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + } + sdmmc->sd_clock_enabled = 1; +} + +static void _sdmmc_sd_clock_disable(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + sdmmc->sd_clock_enabled = 0; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; +} + +void sdmmc_sd_clock_ctrl(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, int no_sd) +{ + sdmmc->no_sd = no_sd; + if (no_sd) + { + if (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE)) + return; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + return; + } + if (sdmmc->sd_clock_enabled) + if (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE)) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; +} + +static int _sdmmc_cache_rsp(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *rsp, u32 size, u32 type) +{ + switch (type) + { + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_4: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_5: + if (size < 4) + return 0; + rsp[0] = sdmmc->regs->rspreg0; + break; + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2: + if (size < 0x10) + return 0; + // CRC is stripped, so shifting is needed. + u32 tempreg; + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + switch(i) + { + case 0: + tempreg = sdmmc->regs->rspreg3; + break; + case 1: + tempreg = sdmmc->regs->rspreg2; + break; + case 2: + tempreg = sdmmc->regs->rspreg1; + break; + case 3: + tempreg = sdmmc->regs->rspreg0; + break; + } + rsp[i] = tempreg << 8; + + if (i != 0) + rsp[i - 1] |= (tempreg >> 24) & 0xFF; + } + break; + default: + return 0; + break; + } + + return 1; +} + +int sdmmc_get_rsp(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *rsp, u32 size, u32 type) +{ + if (!rsp || sdmmc->expected_rsp_type != type) + return 0; + + switch (type) + { + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_4: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_5: + if (size < 4) + return 0; + rsp[0] = sdmmc->rsp[0]; + break; + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2: + if (size < 0x10) + return 0; + rsp[0] = sdmmc->rsp[0]; + rsp[1] = sdmmc->rsp[1]; + rsp[2] = sdmmc->rsp[2]; + rsp[3] = sdmmc->rsp[3]; + break; + default: + return 0; + break; + } + + return 1; +} + +static void _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + sdmmc->regs->swrst |= + TEGRA_MMC_SWRST_SW_RESET_FOR_CMD_LINE | TEGRA_MMC_SWRST_SW_RESET_FOR_DAT_LINE; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 2000; + while (sdmmc->regs->swrst << 29 >> 30 && get_tmr_ms() < timeout) + ; +} + +static int _sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type0(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 wait_dat) +{ + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 2000; + while(sdmmc->regs->prnsts & 1) //CMD inhibit. + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + return 0; + } + + if (wait_dat) + { + timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 2000; + while (sdmmc->regs->prnsts & 2) //DAT inhibit. + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + return 0; + } + } + + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type1(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 2000; + while (!(sdmmc->regs->prnsts & 0x100000)) //DAT0 line level. + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + return 0; + } + + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_setup_read_small_block(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + switch (sdmmc_get_bus_width(sdmmc)) + { + case SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1: + return 0; + break; + case SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4: + sdmmc->regs->blksize = 0x40; + break; + case SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8: + sdmmc->regs->blksize = 0x80; + break; + } + sdmmc->regs->blkcnt = 1; + sdmmc->regs->trnmod = TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DATA_XFER_DIR_SEL_READ; + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_parse_cmdbuf(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, sdmmc_cmd_t *cmd, bool is_data_present) +{ + u16 cmdflags = 0; + + switch (cmd->rsp_type) + { + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_0: + break; + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_4: + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_5: + if (cmd->check_busy) + cmdflags = TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_48_BUSY | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_INDEX_CHECK | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_CRC_CHECK; + else + cmdflags = TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_48 | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_INDEX_CHECK | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_CRC_CHECK; + break; + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2: + cmdflags = TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_136 | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_CRC_CHECK; + break; + case SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3: + cmdflags = TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_48; + break; + default: + return 0; + break; + } + + if (is_data_present) + cmdflags |= TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DATA_PRESENT_SELECT_DATA_TRANSFER; + sdmmc->regs->argument = cmd->arg; + sdmmc->regs->cmdreg = (cmd->cmd << 8) | cmdflags; + + return 1; +} + +static void _sdmmc_parse_cmd_48(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 cmd) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmdbuf; + cmdbuf.cmd = cmd; + cmdbuf.arg = 0; + cmdbuf.rsp_type = SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1; + cmdbuf.check_busy = 0; + _sdmmc_parse_cmdbuf(sdmmc, &cmdbuf, true); +} + +static int _sdmmc_config_tuning_once(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 cmd) +{ + if (sdmmc->no_sd) + return 0; + if (!_sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type0(sdmmc, 1)) + return 0; + + _sdmmc_setup_read_small_block(sdmmc); + sdmmc->regs->norintstsen |= TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTSEN_BUFFER_READ_READY; + sdmmc->regs->norintsts = sdmmc->regs->norintsts; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + _sdmmc_parse_cmd_48(sdmmc, cmd); + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep(1); + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_us() + 5000; + while (get_tmr_us() < timeout) + { + if (sdmmc->regs->norintsts & 0x20) + { + sdmmc->regs->norintsts = 0x20; + sdmmc->regs->norintstsen &= 0xFFDF; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep((1000 * 8 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + return 1; + } + } + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + sdmmc->regs->norintstsen &= 0xFFDF; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep((1000 * 8 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + return 0; +} + +int sdmmc_config_tuning(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 type, u32 cmd) +{ + u32 max = 0, flag = 0; + + sdmmc->regs->field_1C4 = 0; + switch (type) + { + case 3: + case 4: + case 11: + max = 0x80; + flag = 0x4000; + break; + case 10: + case 13: + case 14: + max = 0x100; + flag = 0x8000; + break; + default: + return 0; + } + + sdmmc->regs->ventunctl0 = (sdmmc->regs->ventunctl0 & 0xFFFF1FFF) | flag; + sdmmc->regs->ventunctl0 = (sdmmc->regs->ventunctl0 & 0xFFFFE03F) | 0x40; + sdmmc->regs->ventunctl0 |= 0x20000; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_EXEC_TUNING; + + for (u32 i = 0; i < max; i++) + { + _sdmmc_config_tuning_once(sdmmc, cmd); + if (!(sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_EXEC_TUNING)) + break; + } + + if (sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_TUNED_CLK) + return 1; + return 0; +} + +static int _sdmmc_enable_internal_clock(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + //Enable internal clock and wait till it is stable. + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_INTERNAL_CLOCK_ENABLE; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 2000; + while (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_INTERNAL_CLOCK_STABLE)) + { + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + return 0; + } + + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 &= ~SDHCI_CTRL_PRESET_VAL_EN; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_CLKGEN_SELECT; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_HOST_VERSION_4_EN; + + if (!(sdmmc->regs->capareg & 0x10000000)) + return 0; + + sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 |= SDHCI_ADDRESSING_64BIT_EN; + sdmmc->regs->hostctl &= 0xE7; + sdmmc->regs->timeoutcon = (sdmmc->regs->timeoutcon & 0xF0) | 0xE; + + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_autocal_config_offset(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 power) +{ + u32 off_pd = 0; + u32 off_pu = 0; + + switch (sdmmc->id) + { + case SDMMC_2: + case SDMMC_4: + if (power != SDMMC_POWER_1_8) + return 0; + off_pd = 5; + off_pu = 5; + break; + case SDMMC_1: + case SDMMC_3: + if (power == SDMMC_POWER_1_8) + { + off_pd = 123; + off_pu = 123; + } + else if (power == SDMMC_POWER_3_3) + { + off_pd = 125; + off_pu = 0; + } + else + return 0; + break; + } + + sdmmc->regs->autocalcfg = (((sdmmc->regs->autocalcfg & 0xFFFF80FF) | (off_pd << 8)) >> 7 << 7) | off_pu; + return 1; +} + +static void _sdmmc_autocal_execute(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 power) +{ + bool should_enable_sd_clock = false; + if (sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE) + { + should_enable_sd_clock = true; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + } + + if (!(sdmmc->regs->sdmemcmppadctl & 0x80000000)) + { + sdmmc->regs->sdmemcmppadctl |= 0x80000000; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep(1); + } + + sdmmc->regs->autocalcfg |= 0xA0000000; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep(1); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 10; + while (sdmmc->regs->autocalcfg & 0x80000000) + { + if (get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + //In case autocalibration fails, we load suggested standard values. + _sdmmc_pad_config_fallback(sdmmc, power); + sdmmc->regs->autocalcfg &= 0xDFFFFFFF; + break; + } + } + + sdmmc->regs->sdmemcmppadctl &= 0x7FFFFFFF; + + if(should_enable_sd_clock) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; +} + +static void _sdmmc_enable_interrupts(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + sdmmc->regs->norintstsen |= 0xB; + sdmmc->regs->errintstsen |= 0x17F; + sdmmc->regs->norintsts = sdmmc->regs->norintsts; + sdmmc->regs->errintsts = sdmmc->regs->errintsts; +} + +static void _sdmmc_mask_interrupts(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + sdmmc->regs->errintstsen &= 0xFE80; + sdmmc->regs->norintstsen &= 0xFFF4; +} + +static int _sdmmc_check_mask_interrupt(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u16 *pout, u16 mask) +{ + u16 norintsts = sdmmc->regs->norintsts; + u16 errintsts = sdmmc->regs->errintsts; + + DPRINTF("norintsts %08X; errintsts %08X\n", norintsts, errintsts); + + if (pout) + *pout = norintsts; + + //Check for error interrupt. + if (norintsts & TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_ERR_INTERRUPT) + { + sdmmc->regs->errintsts = errintsts; + return SDMMC_MASKINT_ERROR; + } + else if (norintsts & mask) + { + sdmmc->regs->norintsts = norintsts & mask; + return SDMMC_MASKINT_MASKED; + } + + return SDMMC_MASKINT_NOERROR; +} + +static int _sdmmc_wait_request(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 2000; + while (1) + { + int res = _sdmmc_check_mask_interrupt(sdmmc, 0, TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_CMD_COMPLETE); + if (res == SDMMC_MASKINT_MASKED) + break; + if (res != SDMMC_MASKINT_NOERROR || get_tmr_ms() > timeout) + { + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + return 0; + } + } + + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_stop_transmission_inner(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *rsp) +{ + sdmmc_cmd_t cmd; + + if (!_sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type0(sdmmc, 0)) + return 0; + + _sdmmc_enable_interrupts(sdmmc); + cmd.cmd = MMC_STOP_TRANSMISSION; + cmd.arg = 0; + cmd.rsp_type = SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1; + cmd.check_busy = 1; + _sdmmc_parse_cmdbuf(sdmmc, &cmd, false); + int res = _sdmmc_wait_request(sdmmc); + _sdmmc_mask_interrupts(sdmmc); + + if (!res) + return 0; + + _sdmmc_cache_rsp(sdmmc, rsp, 4, SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1); + return _sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type1(sdmmc); +} + +int sdmmc_stop_transmission(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *rsp) +{ + if (!sdmmc->sd_clock_enabled) + return 0; + + bool should_disable_sd_clock = false; + if (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE)) + { + should_disable_sd_clock = true; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep((8000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + } + + int res = _sdmmc_stop_transmission_inner(sdmmc, rsp); + usleep((8000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + if (should_disable_sd_clock) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + + return res; +} + +static int _sdmmc_config_dma(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *blkcnt_out, sdmmc_req_t *req) +{ + if (!req->blksize || !req->num_sectors) + return 0; + + u32 blkcnt = req->num_sectors; + if (blkcnt >= 0xFFFF) + blkcnt = 0xFFFF; + u64 admaaddr = sdmmc->dma_addr_fs; + + //Check alignment. + if (admaaddr & 7) + return 0; + + sdmmc->regs->admaaddr = admaaddr & 0xFFFFFFFFF; + sdmmc->regs->admaaddr_hi = (admaaddr >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFF; + + sdmmc->dma_addr_next = (admaaddr + 0x80000) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFF80000; + + sdmmc->regs->blksize = req->blksize | 0x7000; + sdmmc->regs->blkcnt = blkcnt; + + if (blkcnt_out) + *blkcnt_out = blkcnt; + + u32 trnmode = TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DMA_ENABLE; + if (req->is_multi_block) + trnmode = TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_MULTI_BLOCK_SELECT | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_BLOCK_COUNT_ENABLE | + TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DMA_ENABLE; + if (!req->is_write) + trnmode |= TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DATA_XFER_DIR_SEL_READ; + if (req->is_auto_cmd12) + trnmode = (trnmode & 0xFFF3) | TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_AUTO_CMD12; + + sdmmc->regs->trnmod = trnmode; + + return 1; +} + +static int _sdmmc_update_dma(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + u16 blkcnt = 0; + do + { + blkcnt = sdmmc->regs->blkcnt; + u32 timeout = get_tmr_ms() + 1500; + do + { + int res = 0; + while (1) + { + u16 intr = 0; + res = _sdmmc_check_mask_interrupt(sdmmc, &intr, + TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_XFER_COMPLETE | TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_DMA_INTERRUPT); + if (res < 0) + break; + if (intr & TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_XFER_COMPLETE) + return 1; //Transfer complete. + if (intr & TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_DMA_INTERRUPT) + { + //Update DMA. + sdmmc->regs->admaaddr = sdmmc->dma_addr_next & 0xFFFFFFFFF; + sdmmc->regs->admaaddr_hi = (sdmmc->dma_addr_next >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFF; + sdmmc->dma_addr_next += 0x80000; + } + } + if (res != SDMMC_MASKINT_NOERROR) + { + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + return 0; + } + } while (get_tmr_ms() < timeout); + } while (sdmmc->regs->blkcnt != blkcnt); + + _sdmmc_reset(sdmmc); + return 0; +} + +static int _sdmmc_execute_cmd_inner(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, sdmmc_cmd_t *cmd, sdmmc_req_t *req, u32 *blkcnt_out) +{ + int has_req_or_check_busy = req || cmd->check_busy; + if (!_sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type0(sdmmc, has_req_or_check_busy)) + return 0; + + u32 blkcnt = 0; + bool is_data_present = false; + if (req) + { + _sdmmc_config_dma(sdmmc, &blkcnt, req); + armDCacheFlush(req->buf, req->blksize * blkcnt); + + _sdmmc_enable_interrupts(sdmmc); + is_data_present = true; + } + else + { + _sdmmc_enable_interrupts(sdmmc); + is_data_present = false; + } + + _sdmmc_parse_cmdbuf(sdmmc, cmd, is_data_present); + + int res = _sdmmc_wait_request(sdmmc); + DPRINTF("rsp(%d): %08X, %08X, %08X, %08X\n", res, + sdmmc->regs->rspreg0, sdmmc->regs->rspreg1, sdmmc->regs->rspreg2, sdmmc->regs->rspreg3); + if (res) + { + if (cmd->rsp_type) + { + sdmmc->expected_rsp_type = cmd->rsp_type; + _sdmmc_cache_rsp(sdmmc, sdmmc->rsp, 0x10, cmd->rsp_type); + } + if (req) + _sdmmc_update_dma(sdmmc); + } + + _sdmmc_mask_interrupts(sdmmc); + + if (res) + { + if (req) + { + armDCacheFlush(req->buf, req->blksize * blkcnt); + + if (blkcnt_out) + *blkcnt_out = blkcnt; + + if (req->is_auto_cmd12) + sdmmc->rsp3 = sdmmc->regs->rspreg3; + } + + if (cmd->check_busy || req) + return _sdmmc_wait_prnsts_type1(sdmmc); + } + + return res; +} + +static int _sdmmc_config_sdmmc1() +{ + //Configure SD card detect. + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_GPIO_PZ1) = PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PULL_UP | 1; //GPIO control, pull up. + APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_VGPIO_GPIO_MUX_SEL) = 0; + gpio_config(GPIO_PORT_Z, GPIO_PIN_1, GPIO_MODE_GPIO); + gpio_output_enable(GPIO_PORT_Z, GPIO_PIN_1, GPIO_OUTPUT_DISABLE); + usleep(100); + if(!!gpio_read(GPIO_PORT_Z, GPIO_PIN_1)) + return 0; + + /* + * Pinmux config: + * DRV_TYPE = DRIVE_2X + * E_SCHMT = ENABLE (for 1.8V), DISABLE (for 3.3V) + * E_INPUT = ENABLE + * TRISTATE = PASSTHROUGH + * APB_MISC_GP_SDMMCx_CLK_LPBK_CONTROL = SDMMCx_CLK_PAD_E_LPBK for CLK + */ + + //Configure SDMMC1 pinmux. + APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_CLK_LPBK_CONTROL) = 1; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_CLK) = PINMUX_DRIVE_2X | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PARKED; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_CMD) = PINMUX_DRIVE_2X | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PARKED | PINMUX_PULL_UP; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT3) = PINMUX_DRIVE_2X | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PARKED | PINMUX_PULL_UP; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT2) = PINMUX_DRIVE_2X | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PARKED | PINMUX_PULL_UP; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT1) = PINMUX_DRIVE_2X | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PARKED | PINMUX_PULL_UP; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT0) = PINMUX_DRIVE_2X | PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PARKED | PINMUX_PULL_UP; + + //Make sure the SDMMC1 controller is powered. + //PMC(APBDEV_PMC_NO_IOPOWER) &= ~(1 << 12); + //Assume 3.3V SD card voltage. + //PMC(APBDEV_PMC_PWR_DET_VAL) |= (1 << 12); + + //Set enable SD card power. + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_DMIC3_CLK) = PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE | PINMUX_PULL_DOWN | 1; //GPIO control, pull down. + gpio_config(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_MODE_GPIO); + gpio_write(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_HIGH); + gpio_output_enable(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE); + + usleep(1000); + + //Enable SD card power. + //max77620_regulator_set_voltage(REGULATOR_LDO2, 3300000); + //max77620_regulator_enable(REGULATOR_LDO2, 1); + + //usleep(1000); + + //For good measure. + APB_MISC(APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_PAD_CFGPADCTRL) = 0x10000000; + + usleep(1000); + + return 1; +} + +int sdmmc_init(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id, u32 power, u32 bus_width, u32 type, int no_sd) +{ + if (id > SDMMC_4) + return 0; + + if (id == SDMMC_1) + if (!_sdmmc_config_sdmmc1()) + return 0; + + memset(sdmmc, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_t)); + + sdmmc->regs = (t210_sdmmc_t *)QueryIoMapping(_sdmmc_bases[id], 0x200); + sdmmc->id = id; + sdmmc->clock_stopped = 1; + + if (clock_sdmmc_is_not_reset_and_enabled(id)) + { + _sdmmc_sd_clock_disable(sdmmc); + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + } + + u32 clock; + u16 divisor; + clock_sdmmc_get_params(&clock, &divisor, type); + clock_sdmmc_enable(id, clock); + + sdmmc->clock_stopped = 0; + + //TODO: make this skip-able. + sdmmc->regs->iospare |= 0x80000; + sdmmc->regs->veniotrimctl &= 0xFFFFFFFB; + static const u32 trim_values[] = { 2, 8, 3, 8 }; + sdmmc->regs->venclkctl = (sdmmc->regs->venclkctl & 0xE0FFFFFF) | (trim_values[sdmmc->id] << 24); + sdmmc->regs->sdmemcmppadctl = (sdmmc->regs->sdmemcmppadctl & 0xF) | 7; + if (!_sdmmc_autocal_config_offset(sdmmc, power)) + return 0; + _sdmmc_autocal_execute(sdmmc, power); + if (_sdmmc_enable_internal_clock(sdmmc)) + { + sdmmc_set_bus_width(sdmmc, bus_width); + _sdmmc_set_voltage(sdmmc, power); + if (sdmmc_setup_clock(sdmmc, type)) + { + sdmmc_sd_clock_ctrl(sdmmc, no_sd); + _sdmmc_sd_clock_enable(sdmmc); + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + return 1; + } + return 0; + } + return 0; +} + +void sdmmc_end(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + if (!sdmmc->clock_stopped) + { + _sdmmc_sd_clock_disable(sdmmc); + // Disable SDMMC power. + _sdmmc_set_voltage(sdmmc, SDMMC_POWER_OFF); + + // Disable SD card power. + if (sdmmc->id == SDMMC_1) + { + gpio_output_enable(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_OUTPUT_DISABLE); + //max77620_regulator_enable(REGULATOR_LDO2, 0); + msleep(100); // To power cycle min 1ms without power is needed. + } + + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + clock_sdmmc_disable(sdmmc->id); + sdmmc->clock_stopped = 1; + } +} + +void sdmmc_init_cmd(sdmmc_cmd_t *cmdbuf, u16 cmd, u32 arg, u32 rsp_type, u32 check_busy) +{ + cmdbuf->cmd = cmd; + cmdbuf->arg = arg; + cmdbuf->rsp_type = rsp_type; + cmdbuf->check_busy = check_busy; +} + +int sdmmc_execute_cmd(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, sdmmc_cmd_t *cmd, sdmmc_req_t *req, u32 *blkcnt_out) +{ + if (!sdmmc->sd_clock_enabled) + return 0; + + //Recalibrate periodically for SDMMC1. + if (sdmmc->id == SDMMC_1 && sdmmc->no_sd) + _sdmmc_autocal_execute(sdmmc, sdmmc_get_voltage(sdmmc)); + + int should_disable_sd_clock = 0; + if (!(sdmmc->regs->clkcon & TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE)) + { + should_disable_sd_clock = 1; + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + usleep((8000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + } + + int res = _sdmmc_execute_cmd_inner(sdmmc, cmd, req, blkcnt_out); + usleep((8000 + sdmmc->divisor - 1) / sdmmc->divisor); + if (should_disable_sd_clock) + sdmmc->regs->clkcon &= ~TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + + return res; +} + +int sdmmc_enable_low_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) +{ + if(sdmmc->id != SDMMC_1) + return 0; + + if (!sdmmc_setup_clock(sdmmc, 8)) + return 0; + + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + + max77620_regulator_set_voltage(REGULATOR_LDO2, 1800000); + PMC(APBDEV_PMC_PWR_DET_VAL) &= ~(1 << 12); + + _sdmmc_autocal_config_offset(sdmmc, SDMMC_POWER_1_8); + _sdmmc_autocal_execute(sdmmc, SDMMC_POWER_1_8); + _sdmmc_set_voltage(sdmmc, SDMMC_POWER_1_8); + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + msleep(5); + + if (sdmmc->regs->hostctl2 & SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180) + { + sdmmc->regs->clkcon |= TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE; + _sdmmc_get_clkcon(sdmmc); + msleep(1); + if ((sdmmc->regs->prnsts & 0xF00000) == 0xF00000) + return 1; + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_driver.h b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_driver.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2820e7e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_driver.h @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _SDMMC_DRIVER_H_ +#define _SDMMC_DRIVER_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "sdmmc_t210.h" + +/*! SDMMC controller IDs. */ +#define SDMMC_1 0 +#define SDMMC_2 1 +#define SDMMC_3 2 +#define SDMMC_4 3 + +/*! SDMMC power types. */ +#define SDMMC_POWER_OFF 0 +#define SDMMC_POWER_1_8 1 +#define SDMMC_POWER_3_3 2 + +/*! SDMMC bus widths. */ +#define SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1 0 +#define SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4 1 +#define SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8 2 + +/*! SDMMC response types. */ +#define SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_0 0 +#define SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_1 1 +#define SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_2 2 +#define SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_3 3 +#define SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_4 4 +#define SDMMC_RSP_TYPE_5 5 + +/*! SDMMC mask interrupt status. */ +#define SDMMC_MASKINT_MASKED 0 +#define SDMMC_MASKINT_NOERROR -1 +#define SDMMC_MASKINT_ERROR -2 + +/*! SDMMC host control 2 */ +#define SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK 0xFFF8 +#define SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_330 0xFFF7 +#define SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180 8 +#define SDHCI_CTRL_EXEC_TUNING 0x40 +#define SDHCI_CTRL_TUNED_CLK 0x80 +#define SDHCI_HOST_VERSION_4_EN 0x1000 +#define SDHCI_ADDRESSING_64BIT_EN 0x2000 +#define SDHCI_CTRL_PRESET_VAL_EN 0x8000 + +/*! SD bus speeds. */ +#define UHS_SDR12_BUS_SPEED 0 +#define HIGH_SPEED_BUS_SPEED 1 +#define UHS_SDR25_BUS_SPEED 1 +#define UHS_SDR50_BUS_SPEED 2 +#define UHS_SDR104_BUS_SPEED 3 +#define UHS_DDR50_BUS_SPEED 4 +#define HS400_BUS_SPEED 5 + +/*! Helper for SWITCH command argument. */ +#define SDMMC_SWITCH(mode, index, value) (((mode) << 24) | ((index) << 16) | ((value) << 8)) + +/*! SDMMC controller context. */ +typedef struct _sdmmc_t +{ + t210_sdmmc_t *regs; + u32 id; + u32 divisor; + u32 clock_stopped; + int no_sd; + int sd_clock_enabled; + int venclkctl_set; + u32 venclkctl_tap; + u32 expected_rsp_type; + u64 dma_addr_fs; + u64 dma_addr_next; + u32 rsp[4]; + u32 rsp3; +} sdmmc_t; + +/*! SDMMC command. */ +typedef struct _sdmmc_cmd_t +{ + u16 cmd; + u32 arg; + u32 rsp_type; + u32 check_busy; +} sdmmc_cmd_t; + +/*! SDMMC request. */ +typedef struct _sdmmc_req_t +{ + void *buf; + u32 blksize; + u32 num_sectors; + int is_write; + int is_multi_block; + int is_auto_cmd12; +} sdmmc_req_t; + +int sdmmc_get_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc); +u32 sdmmc_get_bus_width(sdmmc_t *sdmmc); +void sdmmc_set_bus_width(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 bus_width); +void sdmmc_get_venclkctl(sdmmc_t *sdmmc); +int sdmmc_setup_clock(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 type); +void sdmmc_sd_clock_ctrl(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, int no_sd); +int sdmmc_get_rsp(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *rsp, u32 size, u32 type); +int sdmmc_config_tuning(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 type, u32 cmd); +int sdmmc_stop_transmission(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 *rsp); +int sdmmc_init(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, u32 id, u32 power, u32 bus_width, u32 type, int no_sd); +void sdmmc_end(sdmmc_t *sdmmc); +void sdmmc_init_cmd(sdmmc_cmd_t *cmdbuf, u16 cmd, u32 arg, u32 rsp_type, u32 check_busy); +int sdmmc_execute_cmd(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, sdmmc_cmd_t *cmd, sdmmc_req_t *req, u32 *blkcnt_out); +int sdmmc_enable_low_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_t210.h b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_t210.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e11c3ff9c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emmc/sdmmc_t210.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _SDMMC_T210_H_ +#define _SDMMC_T210_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +#define TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_POWER 0x1 +#define TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V1_8 0xA +#define TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V3_0 0xC +#define TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_V3_3 0xE +#define TEGRA_MMC_PWRCTL_SD_BUS_VOLTAGE_MASK 0xF1 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_1BIT 0x00 +#define TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_4BIT 0x02 +#define TEGRA_MMC_HOSTCTL_8BIT 0x20 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_INTERNAL_CLOCK_ENABLE 0x1 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_INTERNAL_CLOCK_STABLE 0x2 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_SD_CLOCK_ENABLE 0x4 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CLKCON_CLKGEN_SELECT 0x20 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_SWRST_SW_RESET_FOR_ALL 0x1 +#define TEGRA_MMC_SWRST_SW_RESET_FOR_CMD_LINE 0x2 +#define TEGRA_MMC_SWRST_SW_RESET_FOR_DAT_LINE 0x4 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DMA_ENABLE 0x1 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_BLOCK_COUNT_ENABLE 0x2 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_AUTO_CMD12 0x4 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DATA_XFER_DIR_SEL_WRITE 0x0 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DATA_XFER_DIR_SEL_READ 0x10 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_MULTI_BLOCK_SELECT 0x20 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_CRC_CHECK 0x8 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_CMD_INDEX_CHECK 0x10 +#define TEGRA_MMC_TRNMOD_DATA_PRESENT_SELECT_DATA_TRANSFER 0x20 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_MASK 0x3 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_NO_RESPONSE 0x0 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_136 0x1 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_48 0x2 +#define TEGRA_MMC_CMDREG_RESP_TYPE_SELECT_LENGTH_48_BUSY 0x3 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_CMD_COMPLETE 0x1 +#define TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_XFER_COMPLETE 0x2 +#define TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_DMA_INTERRUPT 0x8 +#define TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_ERR_INTERRUPT 0x8000 +#define TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTS_CMD_TIMEOUT 0x10000 + +#define TEGRA_MMC_NORINTSTSEN_BUFFER_READ_READY 0x20 + +typedef struct _t210_sdmmc_t +{ + vu32 sysad; + vu16 blksize; + vu16 blkcnt; + vu32 argument; + vu16 trnmod; + vu16 cmdreg; + vu32 rspreg0; + vu32 rspreg1; + vu32 rspreg2; + vu32 rspreg3; + vu32 bdata; + vu32 prnsts; + vu8 hostctl; + vu8 pwrcon; + vu8 blkgap; + vu8 wakcon; + vu16 clkcon; + vu8 timeoutcon; + vu8 swrst; + vu16 norintsts; + vu16 errintsts; + vu16 norintstsen; + vu16 errintstsen; + vu16 norintsigen; + vu16 errintsigen; + vu16 acmd12errsts; + vu16 hostctl2; + vu32 capareg; + vu32 capareg_1; + vu32 maxcurr; + vu8 res3[4]; + vu16 setacmd12err; + vu16 setinterr; + vu8 admaerr; + vu8 res4[3]; + vu32 admaaddr; + vu32 admaaddr_hi; + vu8 res5[156]; + vu16 slotintstatus; + vu16 hcver; + vu32 venclkctl; + vu32 venspictl; + vu32 venspiintsts; + vu32 venceatactl; + vu32 venbootctl; + vu32 venbootacktout; + vu32 venbootdattout; + vu32 vendebouncecnt; + vu32 venmiscctl; + vu32 res6[34]; + vu32 veniotrimctl; + vu32 vendllcal; + vu8 res7[8]; + vu32 dllcfgstatus; + vu32 ventunctl0; + vu32 field_1C4; + vu8 field_1C8[24]; + vu32 sdmemcmppadctl; + vu32 autocalcfg; + vu32 autocalintval; + vu32 autocalsts; + vu32 iospare; +} t210_sdmmc_t; + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc.c b/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f0d5a1d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc.c @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include + +#include "../soc/gpio.h" +#include "../utils/fatal.h" +#include "../libs/fatfs/diskio.h" +#include "emummc.h" +#include "emummc_ctx.h" + +static bool storageMMCinitialized = false; +static bool storageSDinitialized = false; + +// hekate sdmmmc vars +sdmmc_t sdmmc; +sdmmc_storage_t storage; +sdmmc_t sd_sdmmc; +sdmmc_storage_t sd_storage; + +// init vars +bool custom_driver = true; +extern const volatile emuMMC_ctx_t emuMMC_ctx; + +// FS funcs +_sdmmc_accessor_gc sdmmc_accessor_gc; +_sdmmc_accessor_sd sdmmc_accessor_sd; +_sdmmc_accessor_nand sdmmc_accessor_nand; +_lock_mutex lock_mutex; +_unlock_mutex unlock_mutex; + +// FS misc +void *sd_mutex; +void *nand_mutex; +volatile int *active_partition; +volatile Handle *sdmmc_das_handle; + +// FatFS +static bool fat_mounted = false; +static file_based_ctxt f_emu; + +static void _sdmmc_ensure_device_attached(void) +{ + // This ensures that the sd device address space handle is always attached, + // even if FS hasn't attached it + static bool did_attach = false; + if (!did_attach) + { + svcAttachDeviceAddressSpace(DeviceName_SDMMC1A, *sdmmc_das_handle); + did_attach = true; + } +} + +static void _sdmmc_ensure_initialized(void) +{ + // The boot sysmodule will eventually kill power to SD. Detect this, and reinitialize when it happens. + static bool init_done = false; + if (!init_done) + { + if (gpio_read(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_4) == 0) + { + sdmmc_finalize(); + sdmmc_initialize(); + init_done = true; + } + } +} + +void sdmmc_finalize(void) +{ + if (!sdmmc_storage_end(&sd_storage)) + { + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitSD); + } + storageSDinitialized = false; +} + +static void _file_based_update_filename(char *outFilename, u32 sd_path_len, u32 part_idx) +{ + if (part_idx < 10) + { + outFilename[sd_path_len] = '0'; + itoa(part_idx, &outFilename[sd_path_len + 1], 10); + } + else + { + itoa(part_idx, &outFilename[sd_path_len], 10); + } +} + +static void _file_based_emmc_finalize(void) +{ + if ((emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_Type == emuMMC_SD_File) && fat_mounted) + { + // Close all open handles. + f_close(f_emu.fp_boot0); + f_close(f_emu.fp_boot1); + + for (int i = 0; i < f_emu.parts; i++) + f_close(f_emu.fp_gpp[i]); + + // Force unmount FAT volume. + f_mount(NULL, "", 1); + + fat_mounted = false; + } +} + +static void _file_based_emmc_initialize(void) +{ + char path[sizeof(emuMMC_ctx.storagePath) + 0x20]; + memset(&path, 0, sizeof(path)); + memset(&f_emu, 0, sizeof(file_based_ctxt)); + + memcpy(path, (void *)emuMMC_ctx.storagePath, sizeof(emuMMC_ctx.storagePath)); + strcat(path, "/eMMC"); + int path_len = strlen(path); + + // Open BOOT0 physical partition. + f_emu.fp_boot0 = (FIL *)malloc(sizeof(FIL)); + memcpy(path + path_len, "BOOT0", 6); + if (f_open(f_emu.fp_boot0, path, FA_READ | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK) + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitSD); + + // Open BOOT1 physical partition. + f_emu.fp_boot1 = (FIL *)malloc(sizeof(FIL)); + memcpy(path + path_len, "BOOT1", 6); + if (f_open(f_emu.fp_boot1, path, FA_READ | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK) + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitSD); + + // Open handles for GPP physical partition files. + _file_based_update_filename(path, path_len, 00); + if (f_open(f_emu.fp_gpp[0], path, FA_READ | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK) + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitSD); + + f_emu.part_size = f_size(f_emu.fp_gpp[0]); + + // Iterate folder for split parts and stop if next doesn't exist. + // Supports up to 32 parts of any size. + // TODO: decide on max parts and define them. (hekate produces up to 30 parts on 1GB mode.) + for (f_emu.parts = 1; f_emu.parts < 32; f_emu.parts++) + { + f_emu.fp_gpp[f_emu.parts] = (FIL *)malloc(sizeof(FIL)); + _file_based_update_filename(path, path_len, f_emu.parts); + + if (f_open(f_emu.fp_gpp[f_emu.parts], path, FA_READ | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK) + { + free(f_emu.fp_gpp[f_emu.parts]); + + // Check if single file. + if (f_emu.parts == 1) + f_emu.parts = 0; + + return; + } + } +} + +bool sdmmc_initialize(void) +{ + if (!storageMMCinitialized) + { + if (sdmmc_storage_init_mmc(&storage, &sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8, 4)) + { + if (sdmmc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&storage, FS_EMMC_PARTITION_GPP)) + storageMMCinitialized = true; + } + else + { + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitMMC); + } + } + + if (!storageSDinitialized) + { + if (sdmmc_storage_init_sd(&sd_storage, &sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4, 11)) + { + storageSDinitialized = true; + + // File based emummc. + if ((emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_Type == emuMMC_SD_File) && !fat_mounted) + { + f_emu.sd_fs = (FATFS *)malloc(sizeof(FATFS)); + if (f_mount(f_emu.sd_fs, "", 1) != FR_OK) + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitSD); + else + fat_mounted = true; + + _file_based_emmc_initialize(); + } + } + else + { + fatal_abort(Fatal_InitSD); + } + } + + return storageMMCinitialized && storageSDinitialized; +} + +// FS DMA calculations. +intptr_t sdmmc_calculate_dma_addr(sdmmc_accessor_t *_this, void *buf, unsigned int num_sectors) +{ + int dma_buf_idx = 0; + char *_buf = (char *)buf; + char *actual_buf_start = _buf; + char *actual_buf_end = &_buf[512 * num_sectors]; + char *dma_buffer_start = _this->parent->dmaBuffers[FS_SDMMC_EMMC].device_addr_buffer; + + if (dma_buffer_start <= _buf && actual_buf_end <= &dma_buffer_start[_this->parent->dmaBuffers[FS_SDMMC_EMMC].device_addr_buffer_size]) + { + dma_buf_idx = FS_SDMMC_EMMC; + } + else + { + dma_buffer_start = _this->parent->dmaBuffers[FS_SDMMC_SD].device_addr_buffer; + if (dma_buffer_start <= actual_buf_start && actual_buf_end <= &dma_buffer_start[_this->parent->dmaBuffers[FS_SDMMC_SD].device_addr_buffer_size]) + { + dma_buf_idx = FS_SDMMC_SD; + } + else + { + dma_buffer_start = _this->parent->dmaBuffers[FS_SDMMC_GC].device_addr_buffer; + dma_buf_idx = FS_SDMMC_GC; + } + } + + intptr_t admaaddr = (intptr_t)&_this->parent->dmaBuffers[dma_buf_idx].device_addr_buffer_masked[actual_buf_start - dma_buffer_start]; + + return admaaddr; +} + +sdmmc_accessor_t *sdmmc_accessor_get(int mmc_id) +{ + sdmmc_accessor_t *_this; + switch (mmc_id) + { + case FS_SDMMC_EMMC: + _this = sdmmc_accessor_nand(); + break; + case FS_SDMMC_SD: + _this = sdmmc_accessor_sd(); + break; + case FS_SDMMC_GC: + _this = sdmmc_accessor_gc(); + break; + default: + fatal_abort(Fatal_InvalidAccessor); + } + + return _this; +} + +void mutex_lock_handler(int mmc_id) +{ + lock_mutex(sd_mutex); + lock_mutex(nand_mutex); +} + +void mutex_unlock_handler(int mmc_id) +{ + unlock_mutex(nand_mutex); + unlock_mutex(sd_mutex); +} + +int sdmmc_nand_get_active_partition_index() +{ + switch (*active_partition) + { + case FS_EMMC_PARTITION_GPP: + return 2; + case FS_EMMC_PARTITION_BOOT1: + return 1; + case FS_EMMC_PARTITION_BOOT0: + return 0; + } + + fatal_abort(Fatal_InvalidAccessor); +} + +static uint64_t emummc_read_write_inner(void *buf, unsigned int sector, unsigned int num_sectors, bool is_write) +{ + if ((emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_Type == emuMMC_SD)) + { + // raw partition sector offset: emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_StoragePartitionOffset. + sector += emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_StoragePartitionOffset; + // Set physical partition offset. + sector += (sdmmc_nand_get_active_partition_index() * BOOT_PARTITION_SIZE); + if (!is_write) + return sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, sector, num_sectors, buf); + else + return sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sector, num_sectors, buf); + } + + // File based emummc. + FIL *fp_tmp = NULL; + switch (*active_partition) + { + case FS_EMMC_PARTITION_GPP: + if (f_emu.parts) + { + fp_tmp = f_emu.fp_gpp[sector / f_emu.part_size]; + sector = sector % f_emu.part_size; + } + else + { + fp_tmp = f_emu.fp_gpp[0]; + } + break; + case FS_EMMC_PARTITION_BOOT1: + fp_tmp = f_emu.fp_boot1; + break; + case FS_EMMC_PARTITION_BOOT0: + fp_tmp = f_emu.fp_boot0; + break; + } + + if (f_lseek(fp_tmp, sector << 9) != FR_OK) + { + ; //TODO. Out of range. close stuff and fatal? + } + + if (!is_write) + return !(f_read(fp_tmp, buf, num_sectors << 9, NULL)); + else + return !(f_write(fp_tmp, buf, num_sectors << 9, NULL)); +} + +// FS read wrapper. +uint64_t sdmmc_wrapper_read(void *buf, uint64_t bufSize, int mmc_id, unsigned int sector, unsigned int num_sectors) +{ + sdmmc_accessor_t *_this; + uint64_t read_res; + + _this = sdmmc_accessor_get(mmc_id); + + if (_this != NULL) + { + if (mmc_id == FS_SDMMC_EMMC || mmc_id == FS_SDMMC_SD) + { + mutex_lock_handler(mmc_id); + // Make sure we're attached to the device address space. + _sdmmc_ensure_device_attached(); + // Make sure we're still initialized if boot killed sd card power. + _sdmmc_ensure_initialized(); + } + + if (mmc_id == FS_SDMMC_EMMC) + { + sd_storage.sdmmc->dma_addr_fs = (u64)sdmmc_calculate_dma_addr(_this, buf, num_sectors); + + // Call hekates driver. + if (emummc_read_write_inner(buf, sector, num_sectors, false)) + { + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return 0; + } + + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return FS_READ_WRITE_ERROR; + } + + if (mmc_id == FS_SDMMC_SD) + { + sd_storage.sdmmc->dma_addr_fs = (u64)sdmmc_calculate_dma_addr(_this, buf, num_sectors); + + // Call hekates driver. + if (sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, sector, num_sectors, buf)) + { + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return 0; + } + + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return FS_READ_WRITE_ERROR; + } + + read_res = _this->vtab->read_write(_this, sector, num_sectors, buf, bufSize, 1); + return read_res; + } + + fatal_abort(Fatal_ReadNoAccessor); +} + +// FS write wrapper. +uint64_t sdmmc_wrapper_write(int mmc_id, unsigned int sector, unsigned int num_sectors, void *buf, uint64_t bufSize) +{ + sdmmc_accessor_t *_this; + uint64_t write_res; + + _this = sdmmc_accessor_get(mmc_id); + + if (_this != NULL) + { + if (mmc_id == FS_SDMMC_EMMC) + { + mutex_lock_handler(mmc_id); + + sd_storage.sdmmc->dma_addr_fs = (u64)sdmmc_calculate_dma_addr(_this, buf, num_sectors); + + // Call hekates driver. + if (emummc_read_write_inner(buf, sector, num_sectors, true)) + { + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return 0; + } + + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return FS_READ_WRITE_ERROR; + } + + if (mmc_id == FS_SDMMC_SD) + { + mutex_lock_handler(mmc_id); + + sector += 0; + sd_storage.sdmmc->dma_addr_fs = (u64)sdmmc_calculate_dma_addr(_this, buf, num_sectors); + + // Call hekates driver. + if (sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sector, num_sectors, buf)) + { + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return 0; + } + + mutex_unlock_handler(mmc_id); + return FS_READ_WRITE_ERROR; + } + + write_res = _this->vtab->read_write(_this, sector, num_sectors, buf, bufSize, 0); + return write_res; + } + + fatal_abort(Fatal_WriteNoAccessor); +} diff --git a/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc.h b/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d6f8c8c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc.h @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __EMUMMC_H__ +#define __EMUMMC_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../emmc/sdmmc.h" +#include "../soc/i2c.h" +#include "../soc/gpio.h" +#include "../utils/util.h" +#include "../FS/FS.h" +#include "../libs/fatfs/ff.h" + +// FS typedefs +typedef sdmmc_accessor_t *(*_sdmmc_accessor_gc)(); +typedef sdmmc_accessor_t *(*_sdmmc_accessor_sd)(); +typedef sdmmc_accessor_t *(*_sdmmc_accessor_nand)(); +typedef void (*_lock_mutex)(void *mtx); +typedef void (*_unlock_mutex)(void *mtx); + +bool sdmmc_initialize(void); +void sdmmc_finalize(void); +int sdmmc_nand_get_active_partition_index(); +sdmmc_accessor_t *sdmmc_accessor_get(int mmc_id); + +void mutex_lock_handler(int mmc_id); +void mutex_unlock_handler(int mmc_id); + +intptr_t sdmmc_calculate_dma_addr(sdmmc_accessor_t *_this, void *buf, unsigned int num_sectors); + +uint64_t sdmmc_wrapper_read(void *buf, uint64_t bufSize, int mmc_id, unsigned int sector, unsigned int num_sectors); +uint64_t sdmmc_wrapper_write(int mmc_id, unsigned int sector, unsigned int num_sectors, void *buf, uint64_t bufSize); + +// TODO: check if FatFS internal buffers are good (perf wise) to have a x16 alignment. +typedef struct _file_based_ctxt +{ + uint64_t parts; + uint64_t part_size; + FATFS *sd_fs; + FIL *fp_boot0; + FIL *fp_boot1; + FIL *fp_gpp[32]; +} file_based_ctxt; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __EMUMMC_H__ */ diff --git a/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc_ctx.h b/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc_ctx.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bf404a3c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/emuMMC/emummc_ctx.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __EMUMMC_CTX_H__ +#define __EMUMMC_CTX_H__ + +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "../FS/FS_versions.h" + +#define EMUMMC_STORAGE_MAGIC 0x30534645 /* EFS0, EmuFS0 */ +#define EMUMMC_MAX_DIR_LENGTH 0x7F + +enum emuMMC_Type +{ + // EMMC Device raw + emuMMC_EMMC = 0, + + // SD Device raw + emuMMC_SD, + // SD Device File + emuMMC_SD_File, + + emuMMC_MAX +}; + +typedef struct _emuMMC_ctx_t +{ + u32 magic; + u32 id; + enum FS_VER fs_ver; + enum emuMMC_Type EMMC_Type; + enum emuMMC_Type SD_Type; + + /* Partition based */ + u64 EMMC_StoragePartitionOffset; + u64 SD_StoragePartitionOffset; + + /* File-Based */ + char storagePath[EMUMMC_MAX_DIR_LENGTH+1]; +} emuMMC_ctx_t, *PemuMMC_ctx_t; + +#endif /* __EMUMMC_CTX_H__ */ diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/diskio.c b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/diskio.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d800d2182 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/diskio.c @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs (C)ChaN, 2016 */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* If a working storage control module is available, it should be */ +/* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it. */ +/* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting */ +/* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API. */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#include +#include "diskio.h" /* FatFs lower layer API */ +#include "../../emmc/sdmmc.h" + +extern sdmmc_storage_t sd_storage; + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get Drive Status */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +DSTATUS disk_status ( + BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ +) +{ + return 0; +} + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Inidialize a Drive */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +DSTATUS disk_initialize ( + BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ +) +{ + return 0; +} + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Read Sector(s) */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +DRESULT disk_read ( + BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ + BYTE *buff, /* Data buffer to store read data */ + DWORD sector, /* Start sector in LBA */ + UINT count /* Number of sectors to read */ +) +{ + return sdmmc_storage_read(&sd_storage, sector, count, buff) ? RES_OK : RES_ERROR; +} + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Write Sector(s) */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +DRESULT disk_write ( + BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ + const BYTE *buff, /* Data to be written */ + DWORD sector, /* Start sector in LBA */ + UINT count /* Number of sectors to write */ +) +{ + return sdmmc_storage_write(&sd_storage, sector, count, (void *)buff) ? RES_OK : RES_ERROR; +} + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Miscellaneous Functions */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +DRESULT disk_ioctl ( + BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */ + BYTE cmd, /* Control code */ + void *buff /* Buffer to send/receive control data */ +) +{ + return RES_OK; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/diskio.h b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/diskio.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d6ae8f83a --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/diskio.h @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ Low level disk interface modlue include file (C)ChaN, 2014 / +/-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#ifndef _DISKIO_DEFINED +#define _DISKIO_DEFINED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include "../../utils/types.h" + +/* Status of Disk Functions */ +typedef BYTE DSTATUS; + +/* Results of Disk Functions */ +typedef enum { + RES_OK = 0, /* 0: Successful */ + RES_ERROR, /* 1: R/W Error */ + RES_WRPRT, /* 2: Write Protected */ + RES_NOTRDY, /* 3: Not Ready */ + RES_PARERR /* 4: Invalid Parameter */ +} DRESULT; + + +/*---------------------------------------*/ +/* Prototypes for disk control functions */ + + +DSTATUS disk_initialize (BYTE pdrv); +DSTATUS disk_status (BYTE pdrv); +DRESULT disk_read (BYTE pdrv, BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT count); +DRESULT disk_write (BYTE pdrv, const BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT count); +DRESULT disk_ioctl (BYTE pdrv, BYTE cmd, void* buff); + + +/* Disk Status Bits (DSTATUS) */ + +#define STA_NOINIT 0x01 /* Drive not initialized */ +#define STA_NODISK 0x02 /* No medium in the drive */ +#define STA_PROTECT 0x04 /* Write protected */ + + +/* Command code for disk_ioctrl fucntion */ + +/* Generic command (Used by FatFs) */ +#define CTRL_SYNC 0 /* Complete pending write process (needed at FF_FS_READONLY == 0) */ +#define GET_SECTOR_COUNT 1 /* Get media size (needed at FF_USE_MKFS == 1) */ +#define GET_SECTOR_SIZE 2 /* Get sector size (needed at FF_MAX_SS != FF_MIN_SS) */ +#define GET_BLOCK_SIZE 3 /* Get erase block size (needed at FF_USE_MKFS == 1) */ +#define CTRL_TRIM 4 /* Inform device that the data on the block of sectors is no longer used (needed at FF_USE_TRIM == 1) */ + +/* Generic command (Not used by FatFs) */ +#define CTRL_POWER 5 /* Get/Set power status */ +#define CTRL_LOCK 6 /* Lock/Unlock media removal */ +#define CTRL_EJECT 7 /* Eject media */ +#define CTRL_FORMAT 8 /* Create physical format on the media */ + +/* MMC/SDC specific ioctl command */ +#define MMC_GET_TYPE 10 /* Get card type */ +#define MMC_GET_CSD 11 /* Get CSD */ +#define MMC_GET_CID 12 /* Get CID */ +#define MMC_GET_OCR 13 /* Get OCR */ +#define MMC_GET_SDSTAT 14 /* Get SD status */ +#define ISDIO_READ 55 /* Read data form SD iSDIO register */ +#define ISDIO_WRITE 56 /* Write data to SD iSDIO register */ +#define ISDIO_MRITE 57 /* Masked write data to SD iSDIO register */ + +/* ATA/CF specific ioctl command */ +#define ATA_GET_REV 20 /* Get F/W revision */ +#define ATA_GET_MODEL 21 /* Get model name */ +#define ATA_GET_SN 22 /* Get serial number */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ff.c b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ff.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32304742f --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ff.c @@ -0,0 +1,6623 @@ +/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module R0.13c (p3) / +/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ +/ Copyright (C) 2018, ChaN, all right reserved. +/ Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert +/ Copyright (C) 2018-2019 CTCaer +/ +/ FatFs module is an open source software. Redistribution and use of FatFs in +/ source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided +/ that the following condition is met: +/ +/ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +/ this condition and the following disclaimer. +/ +/ This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS" +/ and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED. +/ The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused +/ by use of this software. +/ +/----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + +#include "ff.h" /* Declarations of FatFs API */ +#include "diskio.h" /* Declarations of device I/O functions */ + +#define EFSPRINTF(text, ...) + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Module Private Definitions + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_DEFINED != 86604 /* Revision ID */ +#error Wrong include file (ff.h). +#endif + + +/* Limits and boundaries */ +#define MAX_DIR 0x200000 /* Max size of FAT directory */ +#define MAX_DIR_EX 0x10000000 /* Max size of exFAT directory */ +#define MAX_FAT12 0xFF5 /* Max FAT12 clusters (differs from specs, but right for real DOS/Windows behavior) */ +#define MAX_FAT16 0xFFF5 /* Max FAT16 clusters (differs from specs, but right for real DOS/Windows behavior) */ +#define MAX_FAT32 0x0FFFFFF5 /* Max FAT32 clusters (not specified, practical limit) */ +#define MAX_EXFAT 0x7FFFFFFD /* Max exFAT clusters (differs from specs, implementation limit) */ + + +/* Character code support macros */ +#define IsUpper(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') +#define IsLower(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') +#define IsDigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') +#define IsSurrogate(c) ((c) >= 0xD800 && (c) <= 0xDFFF) +#define IsSurrogateH(c) ((c) >= 0xD800 && (c) <= 0xDBFF) +#define IsSurrogateL(c) ((c) >= 0xDC00 && (c) <= 0xDFFF) + + +/* Additional file access control and file status flags for internal use */ +#define FA_SEEKEND 0x20 /* Seek to end of the file on file open */ +#define FA_MODIFIED 0x40 /* File has been modified */ +#define FA_DIRTY 0x80 /* FIL.buf[] needs to be written-back */ + + +/* Additional file attribute bits for internal use */ +#define AM_VOL 0x08 /* Volume label */ +#define AM_LFN 0x0F /* LFN entry */ +#define AM_MASK 0x3F /* Mask of defined bits */ + + +/* Name status flags in fn[11] */ +#define NSFLAG 11 /* Index of the name status byte */ +#define NS_LOSS 0x01 /* Out of 8.3 format */ +#define NS_LFN 0x02 /* Force to create LFN entry */ +#define NS_LAST 0x04 /* Last segment */ +#define NS_BODY 0x08 /* Lower case flag (body) */ +#define NS_EXT 0x10 /* Lower case flag (ext) */ +#define NS_DOT 0x20 /* Dot entry */ +#define NS_NOLFN 0x40 /* Do not find LFN */ +#define NS_NONAME 0x80 /* Not followed */ + + +/* exFAT directory entry types */ +#define ET_BITMAP 0x81 /* Allocation bitmap */ +#define ET_UPCASE 0x82 /* Up-case table */ +#define ET_VLABEL 0x83 /* Volume label */ +#define ET_FILEDIR 0x85 /* File and directory */ +#define ET_STREAM 0xC0 /* Stream extension */ +#define ET_FILENAME 0xC1 /* Name extension */ + + +/* FatFs refers the FAT structure as simple byte array instead of structure member +/ because the C structure is not binary compatible between different platforms */ + +#define BS_JmpBoot 0 /* x86 jump instruction (3-byte) */ +#define BS_OEMName 3 /* OEM name (8-byte) */ +#define BPB_BytsPerSec 11 /* Sector size [byte] (WORD) */ +#define BPB_SecPerClus 13 /* Cluster size [sector] (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_RsvdSecCnt 14 /* Size of reserved area [sector] (WORD) */ +#define BPB_NumFATs 16 /* Number of FATs (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_RootEntCnt 17 /* Size of root directory area for FAT [entry] (WORD) */ +#define BPB_TotSec16 19 /* Volume size (16-bit) [sector] (WORD) */ +#define BPB_Media 21 /* Media descriptor byte (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_FATSz16 22 /* FAT size (16-bit) [sector] (WORD) */ +#define BPB_SecPerTrk 24 /* Number of sectors per track for int13h [sector] (WORD) */ +#define BPB_NumHeads 26 /* Number of heads for int13h (WORD) */ +#define BPB_HiddSec 28 /* Volume offset from top of the drive (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_TotSec32 32 /* Volume size (32-bit) [sector] (DWORD) */ +#define BS_DrvNum 36 /* Physical drive number for int13h (BYTE) */ +#define BS_NTres 37 /* WindowsNT error flag (BYTE) */ +#define BS_BootSig 38 /* Extended boot signature (BYTE) */ +#define BS_VolID 39 /* Volume serial number (DWORD) */ +#define BS_VolLab 43 /* Volume label string (8-byte) */ +#define BS_FilSysType 54 /* Filesystem type string (8-byte) */ +#define BS_BootCode 62 /* Boot code (448-byte) */ +#define BS_55AA 510 /* Signature word (WORD) */ + +#define BPB_FATSz32 36 /* FAT32: FAT size [sector] (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_ExtFlags32 40 /* FAT32: Extended flags (WORD) */ +#define BPB_FSVer32 42 /* FAT32: Filesystem version (WORD) */ +#define BPB_RootClus32 44 /* FAT32: Root directory cluster (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_FSInfo32 48 /* FAT32: Offset of FSINFO sector (WORD) */ +#define BPB_BkBootSec32 50 /* FAT32: Offset of backup boot sector (WORD) */ +#define BS_DrvNum32 64 /* FAT32: Physical drive number for int13h (BYTE) */ +#define BS_NTres32 65 /* FAT32: Error flag (BYTE) */ +#define BS_BootSig32 66 /* FAT32: Extended boot signature (BYTE) */ +#define BS_VolID32 67 /* FAT32: Volume serial number (DWORD) */ +#define BS_VolLab32 71 /* FAT32: Volume label string (8-byte) */ +#define BS_FilSysType32 82 /* FAT32: Filesystem type string (8-byte) */ +#define BS_BootCode32 90 /* FAT32: Boot code (420-byte) */ + +#define BPB_ZeroedEx 11 /* exFAT: MBZ field (53-byte) */ +#define BPB_VolOfsEx 64 /* exFAT: Volume offset from top of the drive [sector] (QWORD) */ +#define BPB_TotSecEx 72 /* exFAT: Volume size [sector] (QWORD) */ +#define BPB_FatOfsEx 80 /* exFAT: FAT offset from top of the volume [sector] (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_FatSzEx 84 /* exFAT: FAT size [sector] (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_DataOfsEx 88 /* exFAT: Data offset from top of the volume [sector] (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_NumClusEx 92 /* exFAT: Number of clusters (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_RootClusEx 96 /* exFAT: Root directory start cluster (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_VolIDEx 100 /* exFAT: Volume serial number (DWORD) */ +#define BPB_FSVerEx 104 /* exFAT: Filesystem version (WORD) */ +#define BPB_VolFlagEx 106 /* exFAT: Volume flags (WORD) */ +#define BPB_BytsPerSecEx 108 /* exFAT: Log2 of sector size in unit of byte (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_SecPerClusEx 109 /* exFAT: Log2 of cluster size in unit of sector (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_NumFATsEx 110 /* exFAT: Number of FATs (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_DrvNumEx 111 /* exFAT: Physical drive number for int13h (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_PercInUseEx 112 /* exFAT: Percent in use (BYTE) */ +#define BPB_RsvdEx 113 /* exFAT: Reserved (7-byte) */ +#define BS_BootCodeEx 120 /* exFAT: Boot code (390-byte) */ + +#define DIR_Name 0 /* Short file name (11-byte) */ +#define DIR_Attr 11 /* Attribute (BYTE) */ +#define DIR_NTres 12 /* Lower case flag (BYTE) */ +#define DIR_CrtTime10 13 /* Created time sub-second (BYTE) */ +#define DIR_CrtTime 14 /* Created time (DWORD) */ +#define DIR_LstAccDate 18 /* Last accessed date (WORD) */ +#define DIR_FstClusHI 20 /* Higher 16-bit of first cluster (WORD) */ +#define DIR_ModTime 22 /* Modified time (DWORD) */ +#define DIR_FstClusLO 26 /* Lower 16-bit of first cluster (WORD) */ +#define DIR_FileSize 28 /* File size (DWORD) */ +#define LDIR_Ord 0 /* LFN: LFN order and LLE flag (BYTE) */ +#define LDIR_Attr 11 /* LFN: LFN attribute (BYTE) */ +#define LDIR_Type 12 /* LFN: Entry type (BYTE) */ +#define LDIR_Chksum 13 /* LFN: Checksum of the SFN (BYTE) */ +#define LDIR_FstClusLO 26 /* LFN: MBZ field (WORD) */ +#define XDIR_Type 0 /* exFAT: Type of exFAT directory entry (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_NumLabel 1 /* exFAT: Number of volume label characters (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_Label 2 /* exFAT: Volume label (11-WORD) */ +#define XDIR_CaseSum 4 /* exFAT: Sum of case conversion table (DWORD) */ +#define XDIR_NumSec 1 /* exFAT: Number of secondary entries (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_SetSum 2 /* exFAT: Sum of the set of directory entries (WORD) */ +#define XDIR_Attr 4 /* exFAT: File attribute (WORD) */ +#define XDIR_CrtTime 8 /* exFAT: Created time (DWORD) */ +#define XDIR_ModTime 12 /* exFAT: Modified time (DWORD) */ +#define XDIR_AccTime 16 /* exFAT: Last accessed time (DWORD) */ +#define XDIR_CrtTime10 20 /* exFAT: Created time subsecond (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_ModTime10 21 /* exFAT: Modified time subsecond (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_CrtTZ 22 /* exFAT: Created timezone (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_ModTZ 23 /* exFAT: Modified timezone (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_AccTZ 24 /* exFAT: Last accessed timezone (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_GenFlags 33 /* exFAT: General secondary flags (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_NumName 35 /* exFAT: Number of file name characters (BYTE) */ +#define XDIR_NameHash 36 /* exFAT: Hash of file name (WORD) */ +#define XDIR_ValidFileSize 40 /* exFAT: Valid file size (QWORD) */ +#define XDIR_FstClus 52 /* exFAT: First cluster of the file data (DWORD) */ +#define XDIR_FileSize 56 /* exFAT: File/Directory size (QWORD) */ + +#define SZDIRE 32 /* Size of a directory entry */ +#define DDEM 0xE5 /* Deleted directory entry mark set to DIR_Name[0] */ +#define RDDEM 0x05 /* Replacement of the character collides with DDEM */ +#define LLEF 0x40 /* Last long entry flag in LDIR_Ord */ + +#define FSI_LeadSig 0 /* FAT32 FSI: Leading signature (DWORD) */ +#define FSI_StrucSig 484 /* FAT32 FSI: Structure signature (DWORD) */ +#define FSI_Free_Count 488 /* FAT32 FSI: Number of free clusters (DWORD) */ +#define FSI_Nxt_Free 492 /* FAT32 FSI: Last allocated cluster (DWORD) */ + +#define MBR_Table 446 /* MBR: Offset of partition table in the MBR */ +#define SZ_PTE 16 /* MBR: Size of a partition table entry */ +#define PTE_Boot 0 /* MBR PTE: Boot indicator */ +#define PTE_StHead 1 /* MBR PTE: Start head */ +#define PTE_StSec 2 /* MBR PTE: Start sector */ +#define PTE_StCyl 3 /* MBR PTE: Start cylinder */ +#define PTE_System 4 /* MBR PTE: System ID */ +#define PTE_EdHead 5 /* MBR PTE: End head */ +#define PTE_EdSec 6 /* MBR PTE: End sector */ +#define PTE_EdCyl 7 /* MBR PTE: End cylinder */ +#define PTE_StLba 8 /* MBR PTE: Start in LBA */ +#define PTE_SizLba 12 /* MBR PTE: Size in LBA */ + + +/* Post process on fatal error in the file operations */ +#define ABORT(fs, res) { fp->err = (BYTE)(res); LEAVE_FF(fs, res); } + + +/* Re-entrancy related */ +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT +#if FF_USE_LFN == 1 +#error Static LFN work area cannot be used at thread-safe configuration +#endif +#define LEAVE_FF(fs, res) { unlock_fs(fs, res); return res; } +#else +#define LEAVE_FF(fs, res) return res +#endif + + +/* Definitions of volume - physical location conversion */ +#if FF_MULTI_PARTITION +#define LD2PD(vol) VolToPart[vol].pd /* Get physical drive number */ +#define LD2PT(vol) VolToPart[vol].pt /* Get partition index */ +#else +#define LD2PD(vol) (BYTE)(vol) /* Each logical drive is bound to the same physical drive number */ +#define LD2PT(vol) 0 /* Find first valid partition or in SFD */ +#endif + + +/* Definitions of sector size */ +#if (FF_MAX_SS < FF_MIN_SS) || (FF_MAX_SS != 512 && FF_MAX_SS != 1024 && FF_MAX_SS != 2048 && FF_MAX_SS != 4096) || (FF_MIN_SS != 512 && FF_MIN_SS != 1024 && FF_MIN_SS != 2048 && FF_MIN_SS != 4096) +#error Wrong sector size configuration +#endif +#if FF_MAX_SS == FF_MIN_SS +#define SS(fs) ((UINT)FF_MAX_SS) /* Fixed sector size */ +#else +#define SS(fs) ((fs)->ssize) /* Variable sector size */ +#endif + + +/* Timestamp */ +#if FF_FS_NORTC == 1 +#if FF_NORTC_YEAR < 1980 || FF_NORTC_YEAR > 2107 || FF_NORTC_MON < 1 || FF_NORTC_MON > 12 || FF_NORTC_MDAY < 1 || FF_NORTC_MDAY > 31 +#error Invalid FF_FS_NORTC settings +#endif +#define GET_FATTIME() ((DWORD)(FF_NORTC_YEAR - 1980) << 25 | (DWORD)FF_NORTC_MON << 21 | (DWORD)FF_NORTC_MDAY << 16) +#else +#define GET_FATTIME() get_fattime() +#endif + + +/* File lock controls */ +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 +#if FF_FS_READONLY +#error FF_FS_LOCK must be 0 at read-only configuration +#endif +typedef struct { + FATFS *fs; /* Object ID 1, volume (NULL:blank entry) */ + DWORD clu; /* Object ID 2, containing directory (0:root) */ + DWORD ofs; /* Object ID 3, offset in the directory */ + WORD ctr; /* Object open counter, 0:none, 0x01..0xFF:read mode open count, 0x100:write mode */ +} FILESEM; +#endif + + +/* SBCS up-case tables (\x80-\xFF) */ +#define TBL_CT437 {0x80,0x9A,0x45,0x41,0x8E,0x41,0x8F,0x80,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0x4F,0x99,0x4F,0x55,0x55,0x59,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x41,0x49,0x4F,0x55,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT720 {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0xA0,0xA1,0xA2,0xA3,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT737 {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87, \ + 0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F,0x90,0x91,0xAA,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0x97,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xE4,0xED,0xEE,0xEF,0xF5,0xF0,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT771 {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDC,0xDE,0xDE, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0xF0,0xF0,0xF2,0xF2,0xF4,0xF4,0xF6,0xF6,0xF8,0xF8,0xFA,0xFA,0xFC,0xFC,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT775 {0x80,0x9A,0x91,0xA0,0x8E,0x95,0x8F,0x80,0xAD,0xED,0x8A,0x8A,0xA1,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0xE2,0x99,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x97,0x99,0x9A,0x9D,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0xA0,0xA1,0xE0,0xA3,0xA3,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xBD,0xBE,0xC6,0xC7,0xA5,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE5,0xE5,0xE6,0xE3,0xE8,0xE8,0xEA,0xEA,0xEE,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT850 {0x43,0x55,0x45,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x43,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x41,0x41, \ + 0x45,0x92,0x92,0x4F,0x4F,0x4F,0x55,0x55,0x59,0x4F,0x55,0x4F,0x9C,0x4F,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x41,0x49,0x4F,0x55,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0x41,0x41,0x41,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0x41,0x41,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD1,0xD1,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0x49,0xDF, \ + 0x4F,0xE1,0x4F,0x4F,0x4F,0x4F,0xE6,0xE8,0xE8,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x59,0x59,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT852 {0x80,0x9A,0x90,0xB6,0x8E,0xDE,0x8F,0x80,0x9D,0xD3,0x8A,0x8A,0xD7,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x91,0xE2,0x99,0x95,0x95,0x97,0x97,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9B,0x9D,0x9E,0xAC, \ + 0xB5,0xD6,0xE0,0xE9,0xA4,0xA4,0xA6,0xA6,0xA8,0xA8,0xAA,0x8D,0xAC,0xB8,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBD,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC6,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD1,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD2,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xB7,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE3,0xD5,0xE6,0xE6,0xE8,0xE9,0xE8,0xEB,0xED,0xED,0xDD,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xEB,0xFC,0xFC,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT855 {0x81,0x81,0x83,0x83,0x85,0x85,0x87,0x87,0x89,0x89,0x8B,0x8B,0x8D,0x8D,0x8F,0x8F, \ + 0x91,0x91,0x93,0x93,0x95,0x95,0x97,0x97,0x99,0x99,0x9B,0x9B,0x9D,0x9D,0x9F,0x9F, \ + 0xA1,0xA1,0xA3,0xA3,0xA5,0xA5,0xA7,0xA7,0xA9,0xA9,0xAB,0xAB,0xAD,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB6,0xB6,0xB8,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBE,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC7,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD1,0xD1,0xD3,0xD3,0xD5,0xD5,0xD7,0xD7,0xDD,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xE0,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE2,0xE2,0xE4,0xE4,0xE6,0xE6,0xE8,0xE8,0xEA,0xEA,0xEC,0xEC,0xEE,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF2,0xF2,0xF4,0xF4,0xF6,0xF6,0xF8,0xF8,0xFA,0xFA,0xFC,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT857 {0x80,0x9A,0x90,0xB6,0x8E,0xB7,0x8F,0x80,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD8,0xD7,0x49,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0xE2,0x99,0xE3,0xEA,0xEB,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9D,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9E, \ + 0xB5,0xD6,0xE0,0xE9,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA6,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC7,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0x49,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE5,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xDE,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT860 {0x80,0x9A,0x90,0x8F,0x8E,0x91,0x86,0x80,0x89,0x89,0x92,0x8B,0x8C,0x98,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x8C,0x99,0xA9,0x96,0x9D,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x86,0x8B,0x9F,0x96,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT861 {0x80,0x9A,0x90,0x41,0x8E,0x41,0x8F,0x80,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x8B,0x8B,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0x4F,0x99,0x8D,0x55,0x97,0x97,0x99,0x9A,0x9D,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT862 {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x41,0x49,0x4F,0x55,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT863 {0x43,0x55,0x45,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x86,0x43,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x49,0x49,0x8D,0x41,0x8F, \ + 0x45,0x45,0x45,0x4F,0x45,0x49,0x55,0x55,0x98,0x4F,0x55,0x9B,0x9C,0x55,0x55,0x9F, \ + 0xA0,0xA1,0x4F,0x55,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0x49,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT864 {0x80,0x9A,0x45,0x41,0x8E,0x41,0x8F,0x80,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0x4F,0x99,0x4F,0x55,0x55,0x59,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x41,0x49,0x4F,0x55,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT865 {0x80,0x9A,0x90,0x41,0x8E,0x41,0x8F,0x80,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x92,0x92,0x4F,0x99,0x4F,0x55,0x55,0x59,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x41,0x49,0x4F,0x55,0xA5,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT866 {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F, \ + 0xF0,0xF0,0xF2,0xF2,0xF4,0xF4,0xF6,0xF6,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF} +#define TBL_CT869 {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F, \ + 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x86,0x9C,0x8D,0x8F,0x90, \ + 0x91,0x90,0x92,0x95,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF, \ + 0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF, \ + 0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF, \ + 0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xA7,0xA8,0xDF, \ + 0xA9,0xAA,0xAC,0xAD,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xBD,0xBE,0xC6,0xC7,0xCF,0xCF,0xD0,0xEF, \ + 0xF0,0xF1,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,0xF5,0xD4,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xD5,0x96,0x95,0x98,0xFE,0xFF} + + +/* DBCS code range |----- 1st byte -----| |----------- 2nd byte -----------| */ +#define TBL_DC932 {0x81, 0x9F, 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x40, 0x7E, 0x80, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00} +#define TBL_DC936 {0x81, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x7E, 0x80, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00} +#define TBL_DC949 {0x81, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x5A, 0x61, 0x7A, 0x81, 0xFE} +#define TBL_DC950 {0x81, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x7E, 0xA1, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00} + + +/* Macros for table definitions */ +#define MERGE_2STR(a, b) a ## b +#define MKCVTBL(hd, cp) MERGE_2STR(hd, cp) + + + + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Module Private Work Area + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Remark: Variables defined here without initial value shall be guaranteed +/ zero/null at start-up. If not, the linker option or start-up routine is +/ not compliance with C standard. */ + +/*--------------------------------*/ +/* File/Volume controls */ +/*--------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_VOLUMES < 1 || FF_VOLUMES > 10 +#error Wrong FF_VOLUMES setting +#endif +static FATFS* FatFs[FF_VOLUMES]; /* Pointer to the filesystem objects (logical drives) */ +static WORD Fsid; /* Filesystem mount ID */ + +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 +static BYTE CurrVol; /* Current drive */ +#endif + +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 +static FILESEM Files[FF_FS_LOCK]; /* Open object lock semaphores */ +#endif + +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID +#ifdef FF_VOLUME_STRS +static const char* const VolumeStr[FF_VOLUMES] = {FF_VOLUME_STRS}; /* Pre-defined volume ID */ +#endif +#endif + + +/*--------------------------------*/ +/* LFN/Directory working buffer */ +/*--------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_USE_LFN == 0 /* Non-LFN configuration */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +#error LFN must be enabled when enable exFAT +#endif +#define DEF_NAMBUF +#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) +#define FREE_NAMBUF() +#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) return res + +#else /* LFN configurations */ +#if FF_MAX_LFN < 12 || FF_MAX_LFN > 255 +#error Wrong setting of FF_MAX_LFN +#endif +#if FF_LFN_BUF < FF_SFN_BUF || FF_SFN_BUF < 12 +#error Wrong setting of FF_LFN_BUF or FF_SFN_BUF +#endif +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE < 0 || FF_LFN_UNICODE > 3 +#error Wrong setting of FF_LFN_UNICODE +#endif +static const BYTE LfnOfs[] = {1,3,5,7,9,14,16,18,20,22,24,28,30}; /* FAT: Offset of LFN characters in the directory entry */ +#define MAXDIRB(nc) ((nc + 44U) / 15 * SZDIRE) /* exFAT: Size of directory entry block scratchpad buffer needed for the name length */ + +#if FF_USE_LFN == 1 /* LFN enabled with static working buffer */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +static BYTE DirBuf[MAXDIRB(FF_MAX_LFN)]; /* Directory entry block scratchpad buffer */ +#endif +static WCHAR LfnBuf[FF_MAX_LFN + 1]; /* LFN working buffer */ +#define DEF_NAMBUF +#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) +#define FREE_NAMBUF() +#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) return res + +#elif FF_USE_LFN == 2 /* LFN enabled with dynamic working buffer on the stack */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +#define DEF_NAMBUF WCHAR lbuf[FF_MAX_LFN+1]; BYTE dbuf[MAXDIRB(FF_MAX_LFN)]; /* LFN working buffer and directory entry block scratchpad buffer */ +#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) { (fs)->lfnbuf = lbuf; (fs)->dirbuf = dbuf; } +#define FREE_NAMBUF() +#else +#define DEF_NAMBUF WCHAR lbuf[FF_MAX_LFN+1]; /* LFN working buffer */ +#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) { (fs)->lfnbuf = lbuf; } +#define FREE_NAMBUF() +#endif +#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) return res + +#elif FF_USE_LFN == 3 /* LFN enabled with dynamic working buffer on the heap */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +#define DEF_NAMBUF WCHAR *lfn; /* Pointer to LFN working buffer and directory entry block scratchpad buffer */ +#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) { lfn = ff_memalloc((FF_MAX_LFN+1)*2 + MAXDIRB(FF_MAX_LFN)); if (!lfn) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE); (fs)->lfnbuf = lfn; (fs)->dirbuf = (BYTE*)(lfn+FF_MAX_LFN+1); } +#define FREE_NAMBUF() ff_memfree(lfn) +#else +#define DEF_NAMBUF WCHAR *lfn; /* Pointer to LFN working buffer */ +#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) { lfn = ff_memalloc((FF_MAX_LFN+1)*2); if (!lfn) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE); (fs)->lfnbuf = lfn; } +#define FREE_NAMBUF() ff_memfree(lfn) +#endif +#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) { if (!work) ff_memfree(buf); return res; } +#define MAX_MALLOC 0x8000 /* Must be >=FF_MAX_SS */ + +#else +#error Wrong setting of FF_USE_LFN + +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN == 1 */ +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN == 0 */ + + + +/*--------------------------------*/ +/* Code conversion tables */ +/*--------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 /* Run-time code page configuration */ +#define CODEPAGE CodePage +static WORD CodePage; /* Current code page */ +static const BYTE *ExCvt, *DbcTbl; /* Pointer to current SBCS up-case table and DBCS code range table below */ + +static const BYTE Ct437[] = TBL_CT437; +static const BYTE Ct720[] = TBL_CT720; +static const BYTE Ct737[] = TBL_CT737; +static const BYTE Ct771[] = TBL_CT771; +static const BYTE Ct775[] = TBL_CT775; +static const BYTE Ct850[] = TBL_CT850; +static const BYTE Ct852[] = TBL_CT852; +static const BYTE Ct855[] = TBL_CT855; +static const BYTE Ct857[] = TBL_CT857; +static const BYTE Ct860[] = TBL_CT860; +static const BYTE Ct861[] = TBL_CT861; +static const BYTE Ct862[] = TBL_CT862; +static const BYTE Ct863[] = TBL_CT863; +static const BYTE Ct864[] = TBL_CT864; +static const BYTE Ct865[] = TBL_CT865; +static const BYTE Ct866[] = TBL_CT866; +static const BYTE Ct869[] = TBL_CT869; +static const BYTE Dc932[] = TBL_DC932; +static const BYTE Dc936[] = TBL_DC936; +static const BYTE Dc949[] = TBL_DC949; +static const BYTE Dc950[] = TBL_DC950; + +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE < 900 /* Static code page configuration (SBCS) */ +#define CODEPAGE FF_CODE_PAGE +static const BYTE ExCvt[] = MKCVTBL(TBL_CT, FF_CODE_PAGE); + +#else /* Static code page configuration (DBCS) */ +#define CODEPAGE FF_CODE_PAGE +static const BYTE DbcTbl[] = MKCVTBL(TBL_DC, FF_CODE_PAGE); + +#endif + + + + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Module Private Functions + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Load/Store multi-byte word in the FAT structure */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static WORD ld_word (const BYTE* ptr) /* Load a 2-byte little-endian word */ +{ + WORD rv; + + rv = ptr[1]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[0]; + return rv; +} + +static DWORD ld_dword (const BYTE* ptr) /* Load a 4-byte little-endian word */ +{ + DWORD rv; + + rv = ptr[3]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[2]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[1]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[0]; + return rv; +} + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +static QWORD ld_qword (const BYTE* ptr) /* Load an 8-byte little-endian word */ +{ + QWORD rv; + + rv = ptr[7]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[6]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[5]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[4]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[3]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[2]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[1]; + rv = rv << 8 | ptr[0]; + return rv; +} +#endif + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +static void st_word (BYTE* ptr, WORD val) /* Store a 2-byte word in little-endian */ +{ + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; +} + +static void st_dword (BYTE* ptr, DWORD val) /* Store a 4-byte word in little-endian */ +{ + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; +} + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +static void st_qword (BYTE* ptr, QWORD val) /* Store an 8-byte word in little-endian */ +{ + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; val >>= 8; + *ptr++ = (BYTE)val; +} +#endif +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* String functions */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/* Copy memory to memory */ +static void mem_cpy (void* dst, const void* src, UINT cnt) +{ + BYTE *d = (BYTE*)dst; + const BYTE *s = (const BYTE*)src; + + if (cnt != 0) { + do { + *d++ = *s++; + } while (--cnt); + } +} + + +/* Fill memory block */ +static void mem_set (void* dst, int val, UINT cnt) +{ + BYTE *d = (BYTE*)dst; + + do { + *d++ = (BYTE)val; + } while (--cnt); +} + + +/* Compare memory block */ +static int mem_cmp (const void* dst, const void* src, UINT cnt) /* ZR:same, NZ:different */ +{ + const BYTE *d = (const BYTE *)dst, *s = (const BYTE *)src; + int r = 0; + + do { + r = *d++ - *s++; + } while (--cnt && r == 0); + + return r; +} + + +/* Check if chr is contained in the string */ +static int chk_chr (const char* str, int chr) /* NZ:contained, ZR:not contained */ +{ + while (*str && *str != chr) str++; + return *str; +} + + +/* Test if the character is DBC 1st byte */ +static int dbc_1st (BYTE c) +{ +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 /* Variable code page */ + if (DbcTbl && c >= DbcTbl[0]) { + if (c <= DbcTbl[1]) return 1; /* 1st byte range 1 */ + if (c >= DbcTbl[2] && c <= DbcTbl[3]) return 1; /* 1st byte range 2 */ + } +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE >= 900 /* DBCS fixed code page */ + if (c >= DbcTbl[0]) { + if (c <= DbcTbl[1]) return 1; + if (c >= DbcTbl[2] && c <= DbcTbl[3]) return 1; + } +#else /* SBCS fixed code page */ + if (c != 0) return 0; /* Always false */ +#endif + return 0; +} + + +/* Test if the character is DBC 2nd byte */ +static int dbc_2nd (BYTE c) +{ +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 /* Variable code page */ + if (DbcTbl && c >= DbcTbl[4]) { + if (c <= DbcTbl[5]) return 1; /* 2nd byte range 1 */ + if (c >= DbcTbl[6] && c <= DbcTbl[7]) return 1; /* 2nd byte range 2 */ + if (c >= DbcTbl[8] && c <= DbcTbl[9]) return 1; /* 2nd byte range 3 */ + } +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE >= 900 /* DBCS fixed code page */ + if (c >= DbcTbl[4]) { + if (c <= DbcTbl[5]) return 1; + if (c >= DbcTbl[6] && c <= DbcTbl[7]) return 1; + if (c >= DbcTbl[8] && c <= DbcTbl[9]) return 1; + } +#else /* SBCS fixed code page */ + if (c != 0) return 0; /* Always false */ +#endif + return 0; +} + + +#if FF_USE_LFN + +/* Get a character from TCHAR string in defined API encodeing */ +static DWORD tchar2uni ( /* Returns character in UTF-16 encoding (>=0x10000 on double encoding unit, 0xFFFFFFFF on decode error) */ + const TCHAR** str /* Pointer to pointer to TCHAR string in configured encoding */ +) +{ + DWORD uc; + const TCHAR *p = *str; + +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 /* UTF-16 input */ + WCHAR wc; + + uc = *p++; /* Get a unit */ + if (IsSurrogate(uc)) { /* Surrogate? */ + wc = *p++; /* Get low surrogate */ + if (!IsSurrogateH(uc) || !IsSurrogateL(wc)) return 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Wrong surrogate? */ + uc = uc << 16 | wc; + } + +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 /* UTF-8 input */ + BYTE b; + int nf; + + uc = (BYTE)*p++; /* Get a unit */ + if (uc & 0x80) { /* Multiple byte code? */ + if ((uc & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { /* 2-byte sequence? */ + uc &= 0x1F; nf = 1; + } else { + if ((uc & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { /* 3-byte sequence? */ + uc &= 0x0F; nf = 2; + } else { + if ((uc & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { /* 4-byte sequence? */ + uc &= 0x07; nf = 3; + } else { /* Wrong sequence */ + return 0xFFFFFFFF; + } + } + } + do { /* Get trailing bytes */ + b = (BYTE)*p++; + if ((b & 0xC0) != 0x80) return 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Wrong sequence? */ + uc = uc << 6 | (b & 0x3F); + } while (--nf != 0); + if (uc < 0x80 || IsSurrogate(uc) || uc >= 0x110000) return 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Wrong code? */ + if (uc >= 0x010000) uc = 0xD800DC00 | ((uc - 0x10000) << 6 & 0x3FF0000) | (uc & 0x3FF); /* Make a surrogate pair if needed */ + } + +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 3 /* UTF-32 input */ + uc = (TCHAR)*p++; /* Get a unit */ + if (uc >= 0x110000) return 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Wrong code? */ + if (uc >= 0x010000) uc = 0xD800DC00 | ((uc - 0x10000) << 6 & 0x3FF0000) | (uc & 0x3FF); /* Make a surrogate pair if needed */ + +#else /* ANSI/OEM input */ + BYTE b; + WCHAR wc; + + wc = (BYTE)*p++; /* Get a byte */ + if (dbc_1st((BYTE)wc)) { /* Is it a DBC 1st byte? */ + b = (BYTE)*p++; /* Get 2nd byte */ + if (!dbc_2nd(b)) return 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Invalid code? */ + wc = (wc << 8) + b; /* Make a DBC */ + } + if (wc != 0) { + wc = ff_oem2uni(wc, CODEPAGE); /* ANSI/OEM ==> Unicode */ + if (wc == 0) return 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Invalid code? */ + } + uc = wc; + +#endif + *str = p; /* Next read pointer */ + return uc; +} + + +/* Output a TCHAR string in defined API encoding */ +static BYTE put_utf ( /* Returns number of encoding units written (0:buffer overflow or wrong encoding) */ + DWORD chr, /* UTF-16 encoded character (Double encoding unit char if >=0x10000) */ + TCHAR* buf, /* Output buffer */ + UINT szb /* Size of the buffer */ +) +{ +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 /* UTF-16 output */ + WCHAR hs, wc; + + hs = (WCHAR)(chr >> 16); + wc = (WCHAR)chr; + if (hs == 0) { /* Single encoding unit? */ + if (szb < 1 || IsSurrogate(wc)) return 0; /* Buffer overflow or wrong code? */ + *buf = wc; + return 1; + } + if (szb < 2 || !IsSurrogateH(hs) || !IsSurrogateL(wc)) return 0; /* Buffer overflow or wrong surrogate? */ + *buf++ = hs; + *buf++ = wc; + return 2; + +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 /* UTF-8 output */ + DWORD hc; + + if (chr < 0x80) { /* Single byte code? */ + if (szb < 1) return 0; /* Buffer overflow? */ + *buf = (TCHAR)chr; + return 1; + } + if (chr < 0x800) { /* 2-byte sequence? */ + if (szb < 2) return 0; /* Buffer overflow? */ + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0xC0 | (chr >> 6 & 0x1F)); + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (chr >> 0 & 0x3F)); + return 2; + } + if (chr < 0x10000) { /* 3-byte sequence? */ + if (szb < 3 || IsSurrogate(chr)) return 0; /* Buffer overflow or wrong code? */ + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0xE0 | (chr >> 12 & 0x0F)); + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (chr >> 6 & 0x3F)); + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (chr >> 0 & 0x3F)); + return 3; + } + /* 4-byte sequence */ + if (szb < 4) return 0; /* Buffer overflow? */ + hc = ((chr & 0xFFFF0000) - 0xD8000000) >> 6; /* Get high 10 bits */ + chr = (chr & 0xFFFF) - 0xDC00; /* Get low 10 bits */ + if (hc >= 0x100000 || chr >= 0x400) return 0; /* Wrong surrogate? */ + chr = (hc | chr) + 0x10000; + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0xF0 | (chr >> 18 & 0x07)); + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (chr >> 12 & 0x3F)); + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (chr >> 6 & 0x3F)); + *buf++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (chr >> 0 & 0x3F)); + return 4; + +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 3 /* UTF-32 output */ + DWORD hc; + + if (szb < 1) return 0; /* Buffer overflow? */ + if (chr >= 0x10000) { /* Out of BMP? */ + hc = ((chr & 0xFFFF0000) - 0xD8000000) >> 6; /* Get high 10 bits */ + chr = (chr & 0xFFFF) - 0xDC00; /* Get low 10 bits */ + if (hc >= 0x100000 || chr >= 0x400) return 0; /* Wrong surrogate? */ + chr = (hc | chr) + 0x10000; + } + *buf++ = (TCHAR)chr; + return 1; + +#else /* ANSI/OEM output */ + WCHAR wc; + + wc = ff_uni2oem(chr, CODEPAGE); + if (wc >= 0x100) { /* Is this a DBC? */ + if (szb < 2) return 0; + *buf++ = (char)(wc >> 8); /* Store DBC 1st byte */ + *buf++ = (TCHAR)wc; /* Store DBC 2nd byte */ + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0 || szb < 1) return 0; /* Invalid char or buffer overflow? */ + *buf++ = (TCHAR)wc; /* Store the character */ + return 1; +#endif +} +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN */ + + +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Request/Release grant to access the volume */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +static int lock_fs ( /* 1:Ok, 0:timeout */ + FATFS* fs /* Filesystem object */ +) +{ + return ff_req_grant(fs->sobj); +} + + +static void unlock_fs ( + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + FRESULT res /* Result code to be returned */ +) +{ + if (fs && res != FR_NOT_ENABLED && res != FR_INVALID_DRIVE && res != FR_TIMEOUT) { + ff_rel_grant(fs->sobj); + } +} + +#endif + + + +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* File lock control functions */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT chk_lock ( /* Check if the file can be accessed */ + DIR* dp, /* Directory object pointing the file to be checked */ + int acc /* Desired access type (0:Read mode open, 1:Write mode open, 2:Delete or rename) */ +) +{ + UINT i, be; + + /* Search open object table for the object */ + be = 0; + for (i = 0; i < FF_FS_LOCK; i++) { + if (Files[i].fs) { /* Existing entry */ + if (Files[i].fs == dp->obj.fs && /* Check if the object matches with an open object */ + Files[i].clu == dp->obj.sclust && + Files[i].ofs == dp->dptr) break; + } else { /* Blank entry */ + be = 1; + } + } + if (i == FF_FS_LOCK) { /* The object has not been opened */ + return (!be && acc != 2) ? FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES : FR_OK; /* Is there a blank entry for new object? */ + } + + /* The object was opened. Reject any open against writing file and all write mode open */ + return (acc != 0 || Files[i].ctr == 0x100) ? FR_LOCKED : FR_OK; +} + + +static int enq_lock (void) /* Check if an entry is available for a new object */ +{ + UINT i; + + for (i = 0; i < FF_FS_LOCK && Files[i].fs; i++) ; + return (i == FF_FS_LOCK) ? 0 : 1; +} + + +static UINT inc_lock ( /* Increment object open counter and returns its index (0:Internal error) */ + DIR* dp, /* Directory object pointing the file to register or increment */ + int acc /* Desired access (0:Read, 1:Write, 2:Delete/Rename) */ +) +{ + UINT i; + + + for (i = 0; i < FF_FS_LOCK; i++) { /* Find the object */ + if (Files[i].fs == dp->obj.fs && + Files[i].clu == dp->obj.sclust && + Files[i].ofs == dp->dptr) break; + } + + if (i == FF_FS_LOCK) { /* Not opened. Register it as new. */ + for (i = 0; i < FF_FS_LOCK && Files[i].fs; i++) ; + if (i == FF_FS_LOCK) return 0; /* No free entry to register (int err) */ + Files[i].fs = dp->obj.fs; + Files[i].clu = dp->obj.sclust; + Files[i].ofs = dp->dptr; + Files[i].ctr = 0; + } + + if (acc >= 1 && Files[i].ctr) return 0; /* Access violation (int err) */ + + Files[i].ctr = acc ? 0x100 : Files[i].ctr + 1; /* Set semaphore value */ + + return i + 1; /* Index number origin from 1 */ +} + + +static FRESULT dec_lock ( /* Decrement object open counter */ + UINT i /* Semaphore index (1..) */ +) +{ + WORD n; + FRESULT res; + + + if (--i < FF_FS_LOCK) { /* Index number origin from 0 */ + n = Files[i].ctr; + if (n == 0x100) n = 0; /* If write mode open, delete the entry */ + if (n > 0) n--; /* Decrement read mode open count */ + Files[i].ctr = n; + if (n == 0) Files[i].fs = 0; /* Delete the entry if open count gets zero */ + res = FR_OK; + } else { + res = FR_INT_ERR; /* Invalid index nunber */ + } + return res; +} + + +static void clear_lock ( /* Clear lock entries of the volume */ + FATFS *fs +) +{ + UINT i; + + for (i = 0; i < FF_FS_LOCK; i++) { + if (Files[i].fs == fs) Files[i].fs = 0; + } +} + +#endif /* FF_FS_LOCK != 0 */ + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Move/Flush disk access window in the filesystem object */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +static FRESULT sync_window ( /* Returns FR_OK or FR_DISK_ERR */ + FATFS* fs /* Filesystem object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res = FR_OK; + + + if (fs->wflag) { /* Is the disk access window dirty */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fs->win, fs->winsect, 1) == RES_OK) { /* Write back the window */ + fs->wflag = 0; /* Clear window dirty flag */ + if (fs->winsect - fs->fatbase < fs->fsize) { /* Is it in the 1st FAT? */ + if (fs->n_fats == 2) disk_write(fs->pdrv, fs->win, fs->winsect + fs->fsize, 1); /* Reflect it to 2nd FAT if needed */ + } + } else { + res = FR_DISK_ERR; + } + } + return res; +} +#endif + + +static FRESULT move_window ( /* Returns FR_OK or FR_DISK_ERR */ + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + DWORD sector /* Sector number to make appearance in the fs->win[] */ +) +{ + FRESULT res = FR_OK; + + + if (sector != fs->winsect) { /* Window offset changed? */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + res = sync_window(fs); /* Write-back changes */ +#endif + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Fill sector window with new data */ + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, fs->win, sector, 1) != RES_OK) { + sector = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Invalidate window if read data is not valid */ + res = FR_DISK_ERR; + } + fs->winsect = sector; + } + } + return res; +} + + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Synchronize filesystem and data on the storage */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT sync_fs ( /* Returns FR_OK or FR_DISK_ERR */ + FATFS* fs /* Filesystem object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + + + res = sync_window(fs); + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (fs->fs_type == FS_FAT32 && fs->fsi_flag == 1) { /* FAT32: Update FSInfo sector if needed */ + /* Create FSInfo structure */ + mem_set(fs->win, 0, sizeof fs->win); + st_word(fs->win + BS_55AA, 0xAA55); + st_dword(fs->win + FSI_LeadSig, 0x41615252); + st_dword(fs->win + FSI_StrucSig, 0x61417272); + st_dword(fs->win + FSI_Free_Count, fs->free_clst); + st_dword(fs->win + FSI_Nxt_Free, fs->last_clst); + /* Write it into the FSInfo sector */ + fs->winsect = fs->volbase + 1; + disk_write(fs->pdrv, fs->win, fs->winsect, 1); + fs->fsi_flag = 0; + } + /* Make sure that no pending write process in the lower layer */ + if (disk_ioctl(fs->pdrv, CTRL_SYNC, 0) != RES_OK) res = FR_DISK_ERR; + } + + return res; +} + +#endif + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get physical sector number from cluster number */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD clst2sect ( /* !=0:Sector number, 0:Failed (invalid cluster#) */ + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + DWORD clst /* Cluster# to be converted */ +) +{ + clst -= 2; /* Cluster number is origin from 2 */ + if (clst >= fs->n_fatent - 2) return 0; /* Is it invalid cluster number? */ + return fs->database + fs->csize * clst; /* Start sector number of the cluster */ +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT access - Read value of a FAT entry */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD get_fat ( /* 0xFFFFFFFF:Disk error, 1:Internal error, 2..0x7FFFFFFF:Cluster status */ + FFOBJID* obj, /* Corresponding object */ + DWORD clst /* Cluster number to get the value */ +) +{ + UINT wc, bc; + DWORD val; + FATFS *fs = obj->fs; + + + if (clst < 2 || clst >= fs->n_fatent) { /* Check if in valid range */ + val = 1; /* Internal error */ + + } else { + val = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Default value falls on disk error */ + + switch (fs->fs_type) { + case FS_FAT12 : + bc = (UINT)clst; bc += bc / 2; + if (move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (bc / SS(fs))) != FR_OK) break; + wc = fs->win[bc++ % SS(fs)]; /* Get 1st byte of the entry */ + if (move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (bc / SS(fs))) != FR_OK) break; + wc |= fs->win[bc % SS(fs)] << 8; /* Merge 2nd byte of the entry */ + val = (clst & 1) ? (wc >> 4) : (wc & 0xFFF); /* Adjust bit position */ + break; + + case FS_FAT16 : + if (move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (clst / (SS(fs) / 2))) != FR_OK) break; + val = ld_word(fs->win + clst * 2 % SS(fs)); /* Simple WORD array */ + break; + + case FS_FAT32 : + if (move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (clst / (SS(fs) / 4))) != FR_OK) break; + val = ld_dword(fs->win + clst * 4 % SS(fs)) & 0x0FFFFFFF; /* Simple DWORD array but mask out upper 4 bits */ + break; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + case FS_EXFAT : + if ((obj->objsize != 0 && obj->sclust != 0) || obj->stat == 0) { /* Object except root dir must have valid data length */ + DWORD cofs = clst - obj->sclust; /* Offset from start cluster */ + DWORD clen = (DWORD)((obj->objsize - 1) / SS(fs)) / fs->csize; /* Number of clusters - 1 */ + + if (obj->stat == 2 && cofs <= clen) { /* Is it a contiguous chain? */ + val = (cofs == clen) ? 0x7FFFFFFF : clst + 1; /* No data on the FAT, generate the value */ + break; + } + if (obj->stat == 3 && cofs < obj->n_cont) { /* Is it in the 1st fragment? */ + val = clst + 1; /* Generate the value */ + break; + } + if (obj->stat != 2) { /* Get value from FAT if FAT chain is valid */ + if (obj->n_frag != 0) { /* Is it on the growing edge? */ + val = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* Generate EOC */ + } else { + if (move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (clst / (SS(fs) / 4))) != FR_OK) break; + val = ld_dword(fs->win + clst * 4 % SS(fs)) & 0x7FFFFFFF; + } + break; + } + } + /* go to default */ +#endif + default: + val = 1; /* Internal error */ + } + } + + return val; +} + + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT access - Change value of a FAT entry */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT put_fat ( /* FR_OK(0):succeeded, !=0:error */ + FATFS* fs, /* Corresponding filesystem object */ + DWORD clst, /* FAT index number (cluster number) to be changed */ + DWORD val /* New value to be set to the entry */ +) +{ + UINT bc; + BYTE *p; + FRESULT res = FR_INT_ERR; + + + if (clst >= 2 && clst < fs->n_fatent) { /* Check if in valid range */ + switch (fs->fs_type) { + case FS_FAT12 : + bc = (UINT)clst; bc += bc / 2; /* bc: byte offset of the entry */ + res = move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (bc / SS(fs))); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + p = fs->win + bc++ % SS(fs); + *p = (clst & 1) ? ((*p & 0x0F) | ((BYTE)val << 4)) : (BYTE)val; /* Put 1st byte */ + fs->wflag = 1; + res = move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (bc / SS(fs))); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + p = fs->win + bc % SS(fs); + *p = (clst & 1) ? (BYTE)(val >> 4) : ((*p & 0xF0) | ((BYTE)(val >> 8) & 0x0F)); /* Put 2nd byte */ + fs->wflag = 1; + break; + + case FS_FAT16 : + res = move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (clst / (SS(fs) / 2))); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + st_word(fs->win + clst * 2 % SS(fs), (WORD)val); /* Simple WORD array */ + fs->wflag = 1; + break; + + case FS_FAT32 : +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + case FS_EXFAT : +#endif + res = move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + (clst / (SS(fs) / 4))); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + if (!FF_FS_EXFAT || fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT) { + val = (val & 0x0FFFFFFF) | (ld_dword(fs->win + clst * 4 % SS(fs)) & 0xF0000000); + } + st_dword(fs->win + clst * 4 % SS(fs), val); + fs->wflag = 1; + break; + } + } + return res; +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT && !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Accessing FAT and Allocation Bitmap */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/*--------------------------------------*/ +/* Find a contiguous free cluster block */ +/*--------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD find_bitmap ( /* 0:Not found, 2..:Cluster block found, 0xFFFFFFFF:Disk error */ + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + DWORD clst, /* Cluster number to scan from */ + DWORD ncl /* Number of contiguous clusters to find (1..) */ +) +{ + BYTE bm, bv; + UINT i; + DWORD val, scl, ctr; + + + clst -= 2; /* The first bit in the bitmap corresponds to cluster #2 */ + if (clst >= fs->n_fatent - 2) clst = 0; + scl = val = clst; ctr = 0; + for (;;) { + if (move_window(fs, fs->bitbase + val / 8 / SS(fs)) != FR_OK) return 0xFFFFFFFF; + i = val / 8 % SS(fs); bm = 1 << (val % 8); + do { + do { + bv = fs->win[i] & bm; bm <<= 1; /* Get bit value */ + if (++val >= fs->n_fatent - 2) { /* Next cluster (with wrap-around) */ + val = 0; bm = 0; i = SS(fs); + } + if (bv == 0) { /* Is it a free cluster? */ + if (++ctr == ncl) return scl + 2; /* Check if run length is sufficient for required */ + } else { + scl = val; ctr = 0; /* Encountered a cluster in-use, restart to scan */ + } + if (val == clst) return 0; /* All cluster scanned? */ + } while (bm != 0); + bm = 1; + } while (++i < SS(fs)); + } +} + + +/*----------------------------------------*/ +/* Set/Clear a block of allocation bitmap */ +/*----------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT change_bitmap ( + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + DWORD clst, /* Cluster number to change from */ + DWORD ncl, /* Number of clusters to be changed */ + int bv /* bit value to be set (0 or 1) */ +) +{ + BYTE bm; + UINT i; + DWORD sect; + + + clst -= 2; /* The first bit corresponds to cluster #2 */ + sect = fs->bitbase + clst / 8 / SS(fs); /* Sector address */ + i = clst / 8 % SS(fs); /* Byte offset in the sector */ + bm = 1 << (clst % 8); /* Bit mask in the byte */ + for (;;) { + if (move_window(fs, sect++) != FR_OK) return FR_DISK_ERR; + do { + do { + if (bv == (int)((fs->win[i] & bm) != 0)) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Is the bit expected value? */ + fs->win[i] ^= bm; /* Flip the bit */ + fs->wflag = 1; + if (--ncl == 0) return FR_OK; /* All bits processed? */ + } while (bm <<= 1); /* Next bit */ + bm = 1; + } while (++i < SS(fs)); /* Next byte */ + i = 0; + } +} + + +/*---------------------------------------------*/ +/* Fill the first fragment of the FAT chain */ +/*---------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT fill_first_frag ( + FFOBJID* obj /* Pointer to the corresponding object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DWORD cl, n; + + + if (obj->stat == 3) { /* Has the object been changed 'fragmented' in this session? */ + for (cl = obj->sclust, n = obj->n_cont; n; cl++, n--) { /* Create cluster chain on the FAT */ + res = put_fat(obj->fs, cl, cl + 1); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + } + obj->stat = 0; /* Change status 'FAT chain is valid' */ + } + return FR_OK; +} + + +/*---------------------------------------------*/ +/* Fill the last fragment of the FAT chain */ +/*---------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT fill_last_frag ( + FFOBJID* obj, /* Pointer to the corresponding object */ + DWORD lcl, /* Last cluster of the fragment */ + DWORD term /* Value to set the last FAT entry */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + + + while (obj->n_frag > 0) { /* Create the chain of last fragment */ + res = put_fat(obj->fs, lcl - obj->n_frag + 1, (obj->n_frag > 1) ? lcl - obj->n_frag + 2 : term); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + obj->n_frag--; + } + return FR_OK; +} + +#endif /* FF_FS_EXFAT && !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT handling - Remove a cluster chain */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT remove_chain ( /* FR_OK(0):succeeded, !=0:error */ + FFOBJID* obj, /* Corresponding object */ + DWORD clst, /* Cluster to remove a chain from */ + DWORD pclst /* Previous cluster of clst (0 if entire chain) */ +) +{ + FRESULT res = FR_OK; + DWORD nxt; + FATFS *fs = obj->fs; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT || FF_USE_TRIM + DWORD scl = clst, ecl = clst; +#endif +#if FF_USE_TRIM + DWORD rt[2]; +#endif + + if (clst < 2 || clst >= fs->n_fatent) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Check if in valid range */ + + /* Mark the previous cluster 'EOC' on the FAT if it exists */ + if (pclst != 0 && (!FF_FS_EXFAT || fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT || obj->stat != 2)) { + res = put_fat(fs, pclst, 0xFFFFFFFF); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + } + + /* Remove the chain */ + do { + nxt = get_fat(obj, clst); /* Get cluster status */ + if (nxt == 0) break; /* Empty cluster? */ + if (nxt == 1) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Internal error? */ + if (nxt == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FR_DISK_ERR; /* Disk error? */ + if (!FF_FS_EXFAT || fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT) { + res = put_fat(fs, clst, 0); /* Mark the cluster 'free' on the FAT */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + } + if (fs->free_clst < fs->n_fatent - 2) { /* Update FSINFO */ + fs->free_clst++; + fs->fsi_flag |= 1; + } +#if FF_FS_EXFAT || FF_USE_TRIM + if (ecl + 1 == nxt) { /* Is next cluster contiguous? */ + ecl = nxt; + } else { /* End of contiguous cluster block */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + res = change_bitmap(fs, scl, ecl - scl + 1, 0); /* Mark the cluster block 'free' on the bitmap */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + } +#endif +#if FF_USE_TRIM + rt[0] = clst2sect(fs, scl); /* Start of data area freed */ + rt[1] = clst2sect(fs, ecl) + fs->csize - 1; /* End of data area freed */ + disk_ioctl(fs->pdrv, CTRL_TRIM, rt); /* Inform device the data in the block is no longer needed */ +#endif + scl = ecl = nxt; + } +#endif + clst = nxt; /* Next cluster */ + } while (clst < fs->n_fatent); /* Repeat while not the last link */ + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + /* Some post processes for chain status */ + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + if (pclst == 0) { /* Has the entire chain been removed? */ + obj->stat = 0; /* Change the chain status 'initial' */ + } else { + if (obj->stat == 0) { /* Is it a fragmented chain from the beginning of this session? */ + clst = obj->sclust; /* Follow the chain to check if it gets contiguous */ + while (clst != pclst) { + nxt = get_fat(obj, clst); + if (nxt < 2) return FR_INT_ERR; + if (nxt == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FR_DISK_ERR; + if (nxt != clst + 1) break; /* Not contiguous? */ + clst++; + } + if (clst == pclst) { /* Has the chain got contiguous again? */ + obj->stat = 2; /* Change the chain status 'contiguous' */ + } + } else { + if (obj->stat == 3 && pclst >= obj->sclust && pclst <= obj->sclust + obj->n_cont) { /* Was the chain fragmented in this session and got contiguous again? */ + obj->stat = 2; /* Change the chain status 'contiguous' */ + } + } + } + } +#endif + return FR_OK; +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT handling - Stretch a chain or Create a new chain */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD create_chain ( /* 0:No free cluster, 1:Internal error, 0xFFFFFFFF:Disk error, >=2:New cluster# */ + FFOBJID* obj, /* Corresponding object */ + DWORD clst /* Cluster# to stretch, 0:Create a new chain */ +) +{ + DWORD cs, ncl, scl; + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs = obj->fs; + + + if (clst == 0) { /* Create a new chain */ + scl = fs->last_clst; /* Suggested cluster to start to find */ + if (scl == 0 || scl >= fs->n_fatent) scl = 1; + } + else { /* Stretch a chain */ + cs = get_fat(obj, clst); /* Check the cluster status */ + if (cs < 2) return 1; /* Test for insanity */ + if (cs == 0xFFFFFFFF) return cs; /* Test for disk error */ + if (cs < fs->n_fatent) return cs; /* It is already followed by next cluster */ + scl = clst; /* Cluster to start to find */ + } + if (fs->free_clst == 0) return 0; /* No free cluster */ + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + ncl = find_bitmap(fs, scl, 1); /* Find a free cluster */ + if (ncl == 0 || ncl == 0xFFFFFFFF) return ncl; /* No free cluster or hard error? */ + res = change_bitmap(fs, ncl, 1, 1); /* Mark the cluster 'in use' */ + if (res == FR_INT_ERR) return 1; + if (res == FR_DISK_ERR) return 0xFFFFFFFF; + if (clst == 0) { /* Is it a new chain? */ + obj->stat = 2; /* Set status 'contiguous' */ + } else { /* It is a stretched chain */ + if (obj->stat == 2 && ncl != scl + 1) { /* Is the chain got fragmented? */ + obj->n_cont = scl - obj->sclust; /* Set size of the contiguous part */ + obj->stat = 3; /* Change status 'just fragmented' */ + } + } + if (obj->stat != 2) { /* Is the file non-contiguous? */ + if (ncl == clst + 1) { /* Is the cluster next to previous one? */ + obj->n_frag = obj->n_frag ? obj->n_frag + 1 : 2; /* Increment size of last framgent */ + } else { /* New fragment */ + if (obj->n_frag == 0) obj->n_frag = 1; + res = fill_last_frag(obj, clst, ncl); /* Fill last fragment on the FAT and link it to new one */ + if (res == FR_OK) obj->n_frag = 1; + } + } + } else +#endif + { /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ + ncl = 0; + if (scl == clst) { /* Stretching an existing chain? */ + ncl = scl + 1; /* Test if next cluster is free */ + if (ncl >= fs->n_fatent) ncl = 2; + cs = get_fat(obj, ncl); /* Get next cluster status */ + if (cs == 1 || cs == 0xFFFFFFFF) return cs; /* Test for error */ + if (cs != 0) { /* Not free? */ + cs = fs->last_clst; /* Start at suggested cluster if it is valid */ + if (cs >= 2 && cs < fs->n_fatent) scl = cs; + ncl = 0; + } + } + if (ncl == 0) { /* The new cluster cannot be contiguous and find another fragment */ + ncl = scl; /* Start cluster */ + for (;;) { + ncl++; /* Next cluster */ + if (ncl >= fs->n_fatent) { /* Check wrap-around */ + ncl = 2; + if (ncl > scl) return 0; /* No free cluster found? */ + } + cs = get_fat(obj, ncl); /* Get the cluster status */ + if (cs == 0) break; /* Found a free cluster? */ + if (cs == 1 || cs == 0xFFFFFFFF) return cs; /* Test for error */ + if (ncl == scl) return 0; /* No free cluster found? */ + } + } + res = put_fat(fs, ncl, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Mark the new cluster 'EOC' */ + if (res == FR_OK && clst != 0) { + res = put_fat(fs, clst, ncl); /* Link it from the previous one if needed */ + } + } + + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Update FSINFO if function succeeded. */ + fs->last_clst = ncl; + if (fs->free_clst <= fs->n_fatent - 2) fs->free_clst--; + fs->fsi_flag |= 1; + } else { + ncl = (res == FR_DISK_ERR) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 1; /* Failed. Generate error status */ + } + + return ncl; /* Return new cluster number or error status */ +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + + +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT handling - Convert offset into cluster with link map table */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD clmt_clust ( /* <2:Error, >=2:Cluster number */ + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + FSIZE_t ofs /* File offset to be converted to cluster# */ +) +{ + DWORD cl, ncl, *tbl; + FATFS *fs = fp->obj.fs; + + + tbl = fp->cltbl + 1; /* Top of CLMT */ + cl = (DWORD)(ofs / SS(fs) / fs->csize); /* Cluster order from top of the file */ + for (;;) { + ncl = *tbl++; /* Number of cluters in the fragment */ + if (ncl == 0) return 0; /* End of table? (error) */ + if (cl < ncl) break; /* In this fragment? */ + cl -= ncl; tbl++; /* Next fragment */ + } + return cl + *tbl; /* Return the cluster number */ +} + +#endif /* FF_USE_FASTSEEK */ + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Directory handling - Fill a cluster with zeros */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +static FRESULT dir_clear ( /* Returns FR_OK or FR_DISK_ERR */ + FATFS *fs, /* Filesystem object */ + DWORD clst /* Directory table to clear */ +) +{ + DWORD sect; + UINT n, szb; + BYTE *ibuf; + + + if (sync_window(fs) != FR_OK) return FR_DISK_ERR; /* Flush disk access window */ + sect = clst2sect(fs, clst); /* Top of the cluster */ + fs->winsect = sect; /* Set window to top of the cluster */ + mem_set(fs->win, 0, sizeof fs->win); /* Clear window buffer */ +#if FF_USE_LFN == 3 /* Quick table clear by using multi-secter write */ + /* Allocate a temporary buffer */ + for (szb = ((DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs) >= MAX_MALLOC) ? MAX_MALLOC : fs->csize * SS(fs), ibuf = 0; szb > SS(fs) && (ibuf = ff_memalloc(szb)) == 0; szb /= 2) ; + if (szb > SS(fs)) { /* Buffer allocated? */ + mem_set(ibuf, 0, szb); + szb /= SS(fs); /* Bytes -> Sectors */ + for (n = 0; n < fs->csize && disk_write(fs->pdrv, ibuf, sect + n, szb) == RES_OK; n += szb) ; /* Fill the cluster with 0 */ + ff_memfree(ibuf); + } else +#endif + { + ibuf = fs->win; szb = 1; /* Use window buffer (many single-sector writes may take a time) */ + for (n = 0; n < fs->csize && disk_write(fs->pdrv, ibuf, sect + n, szb) == RES_OK; n += szb) ; /* Fill the cluster with 0 */ + } + return (n == fs->csize) ? FR_OK : FR_DISK_ERR; +} +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Directory handling - Set directory index */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT dir_sdi ( /* FR_OK(0):succeeded, !=0:error */ + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to directory object */ + DWORD ofs /* Offset of directory table */ +) +{ + DWORD csz, clst; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; + + + if (ofs >= (DWORD)((FF_FS_EXFAT && fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) ? MAX_DIR_EX : MAX_DIR) || ofs % SZDIRE) { /* Check range of offset and alignment */ + return FR_INT_ERR; + } + dp->dptr = ofs; /* Set current offset */ + clst = dp->obj.sclust; /* Table start cluster (0:root) */ + if (clst == 0 && fs->fs_type >= FS_FAT32) { /* Replace cluster# 0 with root cluster# */ + clst = fs->dirbase; + if (FF_FS_EXFAT) dp->obj.stat = 0; /* exFAT: Root dir has an FAT chain */ + } + + if (clst == 0) { /* Static table (root-directory on the FAT volume) */ + if (ofs / SZDIRE >= fs->n_rootdir) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Is index out of range? */ + dp->sect = fs->dirbase; + + } else { /* Dynamic table (sub-directory or root-directory on the FAT32/exFAT volume) */ + csz = (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs); /* Bytes per cluster */ + while (ofs >= csz) { /* Follow cluster chain */ + clst = get_fat(&dp->obj, clst); /* Get next cluster */ + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FR_DISK_ERR; /* Disk error */ + if (clst < 2 || clst >= fs->n_fatent) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Reached to end of table or internal error */ + ofs -= csz; + } + dp->sect = clst2sect(fs, clst); + } + dp->clust = clst; /* Current cluster# */ + if (dp->sect == 0) return FR_INT_ERR; + dp->sect += ofs / SS(fs); /* Sector# of the directory entry */ + dp->dir = fs->win + (ofs % SS(fs)); /* Pointer to the entry in the win[] */ + + return FR_OK; +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Directory handling - Move directory table index next */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT dir_next ( /* FR_OK(0):succeeded, FR_NO_FILE:End of table, FR_DENIED:Could not stretch */ + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the directory object */ + int stretch /* 0: Do not stretch table, 1: Stretch table if needed */ +) +{ + DWORD ofs, clst; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; + + + ofs = dp->dptr + SZDIRE; /* Next entry */ + if (ofs >= (DWORD)((FF_FS_EXFAT && fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) ? MAX_DIR_EX : MAX_DIR)) dp->sect = 0; /* Disable it if the offset reached the max value */ + if (dp->sect == 0) return FR_NO_FILE; /* Report EOT if it has been disabled */ + + if (ofs % SS(fs) == 0) { /* Sector changed? */ + dp->sect++; /* Next sector */ + + if (dp->clust == 0) { /* Static table */ + if (ofs / SZDIRE >= fs->n_rootdir) { /* Report EOT if it reached end of static table */ + dp->sect = 0; return FR_NO_FILE; + } + } + else { /* Dynamic table */ + if ((ofs / SS(fs) & (fs->csize - 1)) == 0) { /* Cluster changed? */ + clst = get_fat(&dp->obj, dp->clust); /* Get next cluster */ + if (clst <= 1) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Internal error */ + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FR_DISK_ERR; /* Disk error */ + if (clst >= fs->n_fatent) { /* It reached end of dynamic table */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (!stretch) { /* If no stretch, report EOT */ + dp->sect = 0; return FR_NO_FILE; + } + clst = create_chain(&dp->obj, dp->clust); /* Allocate a cluster */ + if (clst == 0) return FR_DENIED; /* No free cluster */ + if (clst == 1) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Internal error */ + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FR_DISK_ERR; /* Disk error */ + if (dir_clear(fs, clst) != FR_OK) return FR_DISK_ERR; /* Clean up the stretched table */ + if (FF_FS_EXFAT) dp->obj.stat |= 4; /* exFAT: The directory has been stretched */ +#else + if (!stretch) dp->sect = 0; /* (this line is to suppress compiler warning) */ + dp->sect = 0; return FR_NO_FILE; /* Report EOT */ +#endif + } + dp->clust = clst; /* Initialize data for new cluster */ + dp->sect = clst2sect(fs, clst); + } + } + } + dp->dptr = ofs; /* Current entry */ + dp->dir = fs->win + ofs % SS(fs); /* Pointer to the entry in the win[] */ + + return FR_OK; +} + + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Directory handling - Reserve a block of directory entries */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT dir_alloc ( /* FR_OK(0):succeeded, !=0:error */ + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the directory object */ + UINT nent /* Number of contiguous entries to allocate */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + UINT n; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; + + + res = dir_sdi(dp, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + n = 0; + do { + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if ((fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) ? (int)((dp->dir[XDIR_Type] & 0x80) == 0) : (int)(dp->dir[DIR_Name] == DDEM || dp->dir[DIR_Name] == 0)) { +#else + if (dp->dir[DIR_Name] == DDEM || dp->dir[DIR_Name] == 0) { +#endif + if (++n == nent) break; /* A block of contiguous free entries is found */ + } else { + n = 0; /* Not a blank entry. Restart to search */ + } + res = dir_next(dp, 1); + } while (res == FR_OK); /* Next entry with table stretch enabled */ + } + + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_DENIED; /* No directory entry to allocate */ + return res; +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT: Directory handling - Load/Store start cluster number */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD ld_clust ( /* Returns the top cluster value of the SFN entry */ + FATFS* fs, /* Pointer to the fs object */ + const BYTE* dir /* Pointer to the key entry */ +) +{ + DWORD cl; + + cl = ld_word(dir + DIR_FstClusLO); + if (fs->fs_type == FS_FAT32) { + cl |= (DWORD)ld_word(dir + DIR_FstClusHI) << 16; + } + + return cl; +} + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +static void st_clust ( + FATFS* fs, /* Pointer to the fs object */ + BYTE* dir, /* Pointer to the key entry */ + DWORD cl /* Value to be set */ +) +{ + st_word(dir + DIR_FstClusLO, (WORD)cl); + if (fs->fs_type == FS_FAT32) { + st_word(dir + DIR_FstClusHI, (WORD)(cl >> 16)); + } +} +#endif + + + +#if FF_USE_LFN +/*--------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT-LFN: Compare a part of file name with an LFN entry */ +/*--------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static int cmp_lfn ( /* 1:matched, 0:not matched */ + const WCHAR* lfnbuf, /* Pointer to the LFN working buffer to be compared */ + BYTE* dir /* Pointer to the directory entry containing the part of LFN */ +) +{ + UINT i, s; + WCHAR wc, uc; + + + if (ld_word(dir + LDIR_FstClusLO) != 0) return 0; /* Check LDIR_FstClusLO */ + + i = ((dir[LDIR_Ord] & 0x3F) - 1) * 13; /* Offset in the LFN buffer */ + + for (wc = 1, s = 0; s < 13; s++) { /* Process all characters in the entry */ + uc = ld_word(dir + LfnOfs[s]); /* Pick an LFN character */ + if (wc != 0) { + if (i >= FF_MAX_LFN + 1 || ff_wtoupper(uc) != ff_wtoupper(lfnbuf[i++])) { /* Compare it */ + return 0; /* Not matched */ + } + wc = uc; + } else { + if (uc != 0xFFFF) return 0; /* Check filler */ + } + } + + if ((dir[LDIR_Ord] & LLEF) && wc && lfnbuf[i]) return 0; /* Last segment matched but different length */ + + return 1; /* The part of LFN matched */ +} + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 || FF_USE_LABEL || FF_FS_EXFAT +/*-----------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT-LFN: Pick a part of file name from an LFN entry */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------*/ + +static int pick_lfn ( /* 1:succeeded, 0:buffer overflow or invalid LFN entry */ + WCHAR* lfnbuf, /* Pointer to the LFN working buffer */ + BYTE* dir /* Pointer to the LFN entry */ +) +{ + UINT i, s; + WCHAR wc, uc; + + + if (ld_word(dir + LDIR_FstClusLO) != 0) return 0; /* Check LDIR_FstClusLO is 0 */ + + i = ((dir[LDIR_Ord] & ~LLEF) - 1) * 13; /* Offset in the LFN buffer */ + + for (wc = 1, s = 0; s < 13; s++) { /* Process all characters in the entry */ + uc = ld_word(dir + LfnOfs[s]); /* Pick an LFN character */ + if (wc != 0) { + if (i >= FF_MAX_LFN + 1) return 0; /* Buffer overflow? */ + lfnbuf[i++] = wc = uc; /* Store it */ + } else { + if (uc != 0xFFFF) return 0; /* Check filler */ + } + } + + if (dir[LDIR_Ord] & LLEF && wc != 0) { /* Put terminator if it is the last LFN part and not terminated */ + if (i >= FF_MAX_LFN + 1) return 0; /* Buffer overflow? */ + lfnbuf[i] = 0; + } + + return 1; /* The part of LFN is valid */ +} +#endif + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT-LFN: Create an entry of LFN entries */ +/*-----------------------------------------*/ + +static void put_lfn ( + const WCHAR* lfn, /* Pointer to the LFN */ + BYTE* dir, /* Pointer to the LFN entry to be created */ + BYTE ord, /* LFN order (1-20) */ + BYTE sum /* Checksum of the corresponding SFN */ +) +{ + UINT i, s; + WCHAR wc; + + + dir[LDIR_Chksum] = sum; /* Set checksum */ + dir[LDIR_Attr] = AM_LFN; /* Set attribute. LFN entry */ + dir[LDIR_Type] = 0; + st_word(dir + LDIR_FstClusLO, 0); + + i = (ord - 1) * 13; /* Get offset in the LFN working buffer */ + s = wc = 0; + do { + if (wc != 0xFFFF) wc = lfn[i++]; /* Get an effective character */ + st_word(dir + LfnOfs[s], wc); /* Put it */ + if (wc == 0) wc = 0xFFFF; /* Padding characters for left locations */ + } while (++s < 13); + if (wc == 0xFFFF || !lfn[i]) ord |= LLEF; /* Last LFN part is the start of LFN sequence */ + dir[LDIR_Ord] = ord; /* Set the LFN order */ +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN */ + + + +#if FF_USE_LFN && !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT-LFN: Create a Numbered SFN */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static void gen_numname ( + BYTE* dst, /* Pointer to the buffer to store numbered SFN */ + const BYTE* src, /* Pointer to SFN */ + const WCHAR* lfn, /* Pointer to LFN */ + UINT seq /* Sequence number */ +) +{ + BYTE ns[8], c; + UINT i, j; + WCHAR wc; + DWORD sr; + + + mem_cpy(dst, src, 11); + + if (seq > 5) { /* In case of many collisions, generate a hash number instead of sequential number */ + sr = seq; + while (*lfn) { /* Create a CRC as hash value */ + wc = *lfn++; + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + sr = (sr << 1) + (wc & 1); + wc >>= 1; + if (sr & 0x10000) sr ^= 0x11021; + } + } + seq = (UINT)sr; + } + + /* itoa (hexdecimal) */ + i = 7; + do { + c = (BYTE)((seq % 16) + '0'); + if (c > '9') c += 7; + ns[i--] = c; + seq /= 16; + } while (seq); + ns[i] = '~'; + + /* Append the number to the SFN body */ + for (j = 0; j < i && dst[j] != ' '; j++) { + if (dbc_1st(dst[j])) { + if (j == i - 1) break; + j++; + } + } + do { + dst[j++] = (i < 8) ? ns[i++] : ' '; + } while (j < 8); +} +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN && !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + +#if FF_USE_LFN +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FAT-LFN: Calculate checksum of an SFN entry */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static BYTE sum_sfn ( + const BYTE* dir /* Pointer to the SFN entry */ +) +{ + BYTE sum = 0; + UINT n = 11; + + do { + sum = (sum >> 1) + (sum << 7) + *dir++; + } while (--n); + return sum; +} + +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN */ + + + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Checksum */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static WORD xdir_sum ( /* Get checksum of the directoly entry block */ + const BYTE* dir /* Directory entry block to be calculated */ +) +{ + UINT i, szblk; + WORD sum; + + + szblk = (dir[XDIR_NumSec] + 1) * SZDIRE; /* Number of bytes of the entry block */ + for (i = sum = 0; i < szblk; i++) { + if (i == XDIR_SetSum) { /* Skip 2-byte sum field */ + i++; + } else { + sum = ((sum & 1) ? 0x8000 : 0) + (sum >> 1) + dir[i]; + } + } + return sum; +} + + + +static WORD xname_sum ( /* Get check sum (to be used as hash) of the file name */ + const WCHAR* name /* File name to be calculated */ +) +{ + WCHAR chr; + WORD sum = 0; + + + while ((chr = *name++) != 0) { + chr = (WCHAR)ff_wtoupper(chr); /* File name needs to be up-case converted */ + sum = ((sum & 1) ? 0x8000 : 0) + (sum >> 1) + (chr & 0xFF); + sum = ((sum & 1) ? 0x8000 : 0) + (sum >> 1) + (chr >> 8); + } + return sum; +} + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY && FF_USE_MKFS +static DWORD xsum32 ( /* Returns 32-bit checksum */ + BYTE dat, /* Byte to be calculated (byte-by-byte processing) */ + DWORD sum /* Previous sum value */ +) +{ + sum = ((sum & 1) ? 0x80000000 : 0) + (sum >> 1) + dat; + return sum; +} +#endif + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 +/*------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Get object information from a directory block */ +/*------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static void get_xfileinfo ( + BYTE* dirb, /* Pointer to the direcotry entry block 85+C0+C1s */ + FILINFO* fno /* Buffer to store the extracted file information */ +) +{ + WCHAR wc, hs; + UINT di, si, nc; + + /* Get file name from the entry block */ + si = SZDIRE * 2; /* 1st C1 entry */ + nc = 0; hs = 0; di = 0; + while (nc < dirb[XDIR_NumName]) { + if (si >= MAXDIRB(FF_MAX_LFN)) { di = 0; break; } /* Truncated directory block? */ + if ((si % SZDIRE) == 0) si += 2; /* Skip entry type field */ + wc = ld_word(dirb + si); si += 2; nc++; /* Get a character */ + if (hs == 0 && IsSurrogate(wc)) { /* Is it a surrogate? */ + hs = wc; continue; /* Get low surrogate */ + } + wc = put_utf((DWORD)hs << 16 | wc, &fno->fname[di], FF_LFN_BUF - di); /* Store it in API encoding */ + if (wc == 0) { di = 0; break; } /* Buffer overflow or wrong encoding? */ + di += wc; + hs = 0; + } + if (hs != 0) di = 0; /* Broken surrogate pair? */ + if (di == 0) fno->fname[di++] = '?'; /* Inaccessible object name? */ + fno->fname[di] = 0; /* Terminate the name */ + fno->altname[0] = 0; /* exFAT does not support SFN */ + + fno->fattrib = dirb[XDIR_Attr]; /* Attribute */ + fno->fsize = (fno->fattrib & AM_DIR) ? 0 : ld_qword(dirb + XDIR_FileSize); /* Size */ + fno->ftime = ld_word(dirb + XDIR_ModTime + 0); /* Time */ + fno->fdate = ld_word(dirb + XDIR_ModTime + 2); /* Date */ +} + +#endif /* FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 */ + + +/*-----------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Get a directry entry block */ +/*-----------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT load_xdir ( /* FR_INT_ERR: invalid entry block */ + DIR* dp /* Reading direcotry object pointing top of the entry block to load */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + UINT i, sz_ent; + BYTE* dirb = dp->obj.fs->dirbuf; /* Pointer to the on-memory direcotry entry block 85+C0+C1s */ + + + /* Load file-directory entry */ + res = move_window(dp->obj.fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + if (dp->dir[XDIR_Type] != ET_FILEDIR) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Invalid order */ + mem_cpy(dirb + 0 * SZDIRE, dp->dir, SZDIRE); + sz_ent = (dirb[XDIR_NumSec] + 1) * SZDIRE; + if (sz_ent < 3 * SZDIRE || sz_ent > 19 * SZDIRE) return FR_INT_ERR; + + /* Load stream-extension entry */ + res = dir_next(dp, 0); + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_INT_ERR; /* It cannot be */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + res = move_window(dp->obj.fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + if (dp->dir[XDIR_Type] != ET_STREAM) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Invalid order */ + mem_cpy(dirb + 1 * SZDIRE, dp->dir, SZDIRE); + if (MAXDIRB(dirb[XDIR_NumName]) > sz_ent) return FR_INT_ERR; + + /* Load file-name entries */ + i = 2 * SZDIRE; /* Name offset to load */ + do { + res = dir_next(dp, 0); + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_INT_ERR; /* It cannot be */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + res = move_window(dp->obj.fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + if (dp->dir[XDIR_Type] != ET_FILENAME) return FR_INT_ERR; /* Invalid order */ + if (i < MAXDIRB(FF_MAX_LFN)) mem_cpy(dirb + i, dp->dir, SZDIRE); + } while ((i += SZDIRE) < sz_ent); + + /* Sanity check (do it for only accessible object) */ + if (i <= MAXDIRB(FF_MAX_LFN)) { + if (xdir_sum(dirb) != ld_word(dirb + XDIR_SetSum)) return FR_INT_ERR; + } + return FR_OK; +} + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Initialize object allocation info with loaded entry block */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static void init_alloc_info ( + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + FFOBJID* obj /* Object allocation information to be initialized */ +) +{ + obj->sclust = ld_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FstClus); /* Start cluster */ + obj->objsize = ld_qword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FileSize); /* Size */ + obj->stat = fs->dirbuf[XDIR_GenFlags] & 2; /* Allocation status */ + obj->n_frag = 0; /* No last fragment info */ +} + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY || FF_FS_RPATH != 0 +/*------------------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Load the object's directory entry block */ +/*------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT load_obj_xdir ( + DIR* dp, /* Blank directory object to be used to access containing direcotry */ + const FFOBJID* obj /* Object with its containing directory information */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + + /* Open object containing directory */ + dp->obj.fs = obj->fs; + dp->obj.sclust = obj->c_scl; + dp->obj.stat = (BYTE)obj->c_size; + dp->obj.objsize = obj->c_size & 0xFFFFFF00; + dp->obj.n_frag = 0; + dp->blk_ofs = obj->c_ofs; + + res = dir_sdi(dp, dp->blk_ofs); /* Goto object's entry block */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = load_xdir(dp); /* Load the object's entry block */ + } + return res; +} +#endif + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*----------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Store the directory entry block */ +/*----------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT store_xdir ( + DIR* dp /* Pointer to the direcotry object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + UINT nent; + BYTE* dirb = dp->obj.fs->dirbuf; /* Pointer to the direcotry entry block 85+C0+C1s */ + + /* Create set sum */ + st_word(dirb + XDIR_SetSum, xdir_sum(dirb)); + nent = dirb[XDIR_NumSec] + 1; + + /* Store the direcotry entry block to the directory */ + res = dir_sdi(dp, dp->blk_ofs); + while (res == FR_OK) { + res = move_window(dp->obj.fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + mem_cpy(dp->dir, dirb, SZDIRE); + dp->obj.fs->wflag = 1; + if (--nent == 0) break; + dirb += SZDIRE; + res = dir_next(dp, 0); + } + return (res == FR_OK || res == FR_DISK_ERR) ? res : FR_INT_ERR; +} + + + +/*-------------------------------------------*/ +/* exFAT: Create a new directory enrty block */ +/*-------------------------------------------*/ + +static void create_xdir ( + BYTE* dirb, /* Pointer to the direcotry entry block buffer */ + const WCHAR* lfn /* Pointer to the object name */ +) +{ + UINT i; + BYTE nc1, nlen; + WCHAR wc; + + + /* Create file-directory and stream-extension entry */ + mem_set(dirb, 0, 2 * SZDIRE); + dirb[0 * SZDIRE + XDIR_Type] = ET_FILEDIR; + dirb[1 * SZDIRE + XDIR_Type] = ET_STREAM; + + /* Create file-name entries */ + i = SZDIRE * 2; /* Top of file_name entries */ + nlen = nc1 = 0; wc = 1; + do { + dirb[i++] = ET_FILENAME; dirb[i++] = 0; + do { /* Fill name field */ + if (wc != 0 && (wc = lfn[nlen]) != 0) nlen++; /* Get a character if exist */ + st_word(dirb + i, wc); /* Store it */ + i += 2; + } while (i % SZDIRE != 0); + nc1++; + } while (lfn[nlen]); /* Fill next entry if any char follows */ + + dirb[XDIR_NumName] = nlen; /* Set name length */ + dirb[XDIR_NumSec] = 1 + nc1; /* Set secondary count (C0 + C1s) */ + st_word(dirb + XDIR_NameHash, xname_sum(lfn)); /* Set name hash */ +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ +#endif /* FF_FS_EXFAT */ + + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 || FF_USE_LABEL || FF_FS_EXFAT +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Read an object from the directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#define DIR_READ_FILE(dp) dir_read(dp, 0) +#define DIR_READ_LABEL(dp) dir_read(dp, 1) + +static FRESULT dir_read ( + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the directory object */ + int vol /* Filtered by 0:file/directory or 1:volume label */ +) +{ + FRESULT res = FR_NO_FILE; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; + BYTE attr, b; +#if FF_USE_LFN + BYTE ord = 0xFF, sum = 0xFF; +#endif + + while (dp->sect) { + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + b = dp->dir[DIR_Name]; /* Test for the entry type */ + if (b == 0) { + res = FR_NO_FILE; break; /* Reached to end of the directory */ + } +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + if (FF_USE_LABEL && vol) { + if (b == ET_VLABEL) break; /* Volume label entry? */ + } else { + if (b == ET_FILEDIR) { /* Start of the file entry block? */ + dp->blk_ofs = dp->dptr; /* Get location of the block */ + res = load_xdir(dp); /* Load the entry block */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + dp->obj.attr = fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] & AM_MASK; /* Get attribute */ + } + break; + } + } + } else +#endif + { /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ + dp->obj.attr = attr = dp->dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_MASK; /* Get attribute */ +#if FF_USE_LFN /* LFN configuration */ + if (b == DDEM || b == '.' || (int)((attr & ~AM_ARC) == AM_VOL) != vol) { /* An entry without valid data */ + ord = 0xFF; + } else { + if (attr == AM_LFN) { /* An LFN entry is found */ + if (b & LLEF) { /* Is it start of an LFN sequence? */ + sum = dp->dir[LDIR_Chksum]; + b &= (BYTE)~LLEF; ord = b; + dp->blk_ofs = dp->dptr; + } + /* Check LFN validity and capture it */ + ord = (b == ord && sum == dp->dir[LDIR_Chksum] && pick_lfn(fs->lfnbuf, dp->dir)) ? ord - 1 : 0xFF; + } else { /* An SFN entry is found */ + if (ord != 0 || sum != sum_sfn(dp->dir)) { /* Is there a valid LFN? */ + dp->blk_ofs = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* It has no LFN. */ + } + break; + } + } +#else /* Non LFN configuration */ + if (b != DDEM && b != '.' && attr != AM_LFN && (int)((attr & ~AM_ARC) == AM_VOL) == vol) { /* Is it a valid entry? */ + break; + } +#endif + } + res = dir_next(dp, 0); /* Next entry */ + if (res != FR_OK) break; + } + + if (res != FR_OK) dp->sect = 0; /* Terminate the read operation on error or EOT */ + return res; +} + +#endif /* FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_USE_LABEL || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 */ + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Directory handling - Find an object in the directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT dir_find ( /* FR_OK(0):succeeded, !=0:error */ + DIR* dp /* Pointer to the directory object with the file name */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; + BYTE c; +#if FF_USE_LFN + BYTE a, ord, sum; +#endif + + res = dir_sdi(dp, 0); /* Rewind directory object */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + BYTE nc; + UINT di, ni; + WORD hash = xname_sum(fs->lfnbuf); /* Hash value of the name to find */ + + while ((res = DIR_READ_FILE(dp)) == FR_OK) { /* Read an item */ +#if FF_MAX_LFN < 255 + if (fs->dirbuf[XDIR_NumName] > FF_MAX_LFN) continue; /* Skip comparison if inaccessible object name */ +#endif + if (ld_word(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_NameHash) != hash) continue; /* Skip comparison if hash mismatched */ + for (nc = fs->dirbuf[XDIR_NumName], di = SZDIRE * 2, ni = 0; nc; nc--, di += 2, ni++) { /* Compare the name */ + if ((di % SZDIRE) == 0) di += 2; + if (ff_wtoupper(ld_word(fs->dirbuf + di)) != ff_wtoupper(fs->lfnbuf[ni])) break; + } + if (nc == 0 && !fs->lfnbuf[ni]) break; /* Name matched? */ + } + return res; + } +#endif + /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ +#if FF_USE_LFN + ord = sum = 0xFF; dp->blk_ofs = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Reset LFN sequence */ +#endif + do { + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + c = dp->dir[DIR_Name]; + if (c == 0) { res = FR_NO_FILE; break; } /* Reached to end of table */ +#if FF_USE_LFN /* LFN configuration */ + dp->obj.attr = a = dp->dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_MASK; + if (c == DDEM || ((a & AM_VOL) && a != AM_LFN)) { /* An entry without valid data */ + ord = 0xFF; dp->blk_ofs = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Reset LFN sequence */ + } else { + if (a == AM_LFN) { /* An LFN entry is found */ + if (!(dp->fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NOLFN)) { + if (c & LLEF) { /* Is it start of LFN sequence? */ + sum = dp->dir[LDIR_Chksum]; + c &= (BYTE)~LLEF; ord = c; /* LFN start order */ + dp->blk_ofs = dp->dptr; /* Start offset of LFN */ + } + /* Check validity of the LFN entry and compare it with given name */ + ord = (c == ord && sum == dp->dir[LDIR_Chksum] && cmp_lfn(fs->lfnbuf, dp->dir)) ? ord - 1 : 0xFF; + } + } else { /* An SFN entry is found */ + if (ord == 0 && sum == sum_sfn(dp->dir)) break; /* LFN matched? */ + if (!(dp->fn[NSFLAG] & NS_LOSS) && !mem_cmp(dp->dir, dp->fn, 11)) break; /* SFN matched? */ + ord = 0xFF; dp->blk_ofs = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Reset LFN sequence */ + } + } +#else /* Non LFN configuration */ + dp->obj.attr = dp->dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_MASK; + if (!(dp->dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_VOL) && !mem_cmp(dp->dir, dp->fn, 11)) break; /* Is it a valid entry? */ +#endif + res = dir_next(dp, 0); /* Next entry */ + } while (res == FR_OK); + + return res; +} + + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Register an object to the directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT dir_register ( /* FR_OK:succeeded, FR_DENIED:no free entry or too many SFN collision, FR_DISK_ERR:disk error */ + DIR* dp /* Target directory with object name to be created */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; +#if FF_USE_LFN /* LFN configuration */ + UINT n, nlen, nent; + BYTE sn[12], sum; + + + if (dp->fn[NSFLAG] & (NS_DOT | NS_NONAME)) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Check name validity */ + for (nlen = 0; fs->lfnbuf[nlen]; nlen++) ; /* Get lfn length */ + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + nent = (nlen + 14) / 15 + 2; /* Number of entries to allocate (85+C0+C1s) */ + res = dir_alloc(dp, nent); /* Allocate directory entries */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + dp->blk_ofs = dp->dptr - SZDIRE * (nent - 1); /* Set the allocated entry block offset */ + + if (dp->obj.stat & 4) { /* Has the directory been stretched by new allocation? */ + dp->obj.stat &= ~4; + res = fill_first_frag(&dp->obj); /* Fill the first fragment on the FAT if needed */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + res = fill_last_frag(&dp->obj, dp->clust, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Fill the last fragment on the FAT if needed */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + if (dp->obj.sclust != 0) { /* Is it a sub-directory? */ + DIR dj; + + res = load_obj_xdir(&dj, &dp->obj); /* Load the object status */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + dp->obj.objsize += (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs); /* Increase the directory size by cluster size */ + st_qword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FileSize, dp->obj.objsize); /* Update the allocation status */ + st_qword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_ValidFileSize, dp->obj.objsize); + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_GenFlags] = dp->obj.stat | 1; + res = store_xdir(&dj); /* Store the object status */ + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + } + } + + create_xdir(fs->dirbuf, fs->lfnbuf); /* Create on-memory directory block to be written later */ + return FR_OK; + } +#endif + /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ + mem_cpy(sn, dp->fn, 12); + if (sn[NSFLAG] & NS_LOSS) { /* When LFN is out of 8.3 format, generate a numbered name */ + dp->fn[NSFLAG] = NS_NOLFN; /* Find only SFN */ + for (n = 1; n < 100; n++) { + gen_numname(dp->fn, sn, fs->lfnbuf, n); /* Generate a numbered name */ + res = dir_find(dp); /* Check if the name collides with existing SFN */ + if (res != FR_OK) break; + } + if (n == 100) return FR_DENIED; /* Abort if too many collisions */ + if (res != FR_NO_FILE) return res; /* Abort if the result is other than 'not collided' */ + dp->fn[NSFLAG] = sn[NSFLAG]; + } + + /* Create an SFN with/without LFNs. */ + nent = (sn[NSFLAG] & NS_LFN) ? (nlen + 12) / 13 + 1 : 1; /* Number of entries to allocate */ + res = dir_alloc(dp, nent); /* Allocate entries */ + if (res == FR_OK && --nent) { /* Set LFN entry if needed */ + res = dir_sdi(dp, dp->dptr - nent * SZDIRE); + if (res == FR_OK) { + sum = sum_sfn(dp->fn); /* Checksum value of the SFN tied to the LFN */ + do { /* Store LFN entries in bottom first */ + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + put_lfn(fs->lfnbuf, dp->dir, (BYTE)nent, sum); + fs->wflag = 1; + res = dir_next(dp, 0); /* Next entry */ + } while (res == FR_OK && --nent); + } + } + +#else /* Non LFN configuration */ + res = dir_alloc(dp, 1); /* Allocate an entry for SFN */ + +#endif + + /* Set SFN entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res == FR_OK) { + mem_set(dp->dir, 0, SZDIRE); /* Clean the entry */ + mem_cpy(dp->dir + DIR_Name, dp->fn, 11); /* Put SFN */ +#if FF_USE_LFN + dp->dir[DIR_NTres] = dp->fn[NSFLAG] & (NS_BODY | NS_EXT); /* Put NT flag */ +#endif + fs->wflag = 1; + } + } + + return res; +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY && FF_FS_MINIMIZE == 0 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Remove an object from the directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT dir_remove ( /* FR_OK:Succeeded, FR_DISK_ERR:A disk error */ + DIR* dp /* Directory object pointing the entry to be removed */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; +#if FF_USE_LFN /* LFN configuration */ + DWORD last = dp->dptr; + + res = (dp->blk_ofs == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? FR_OK : dir_sdi(dp, dp->blk_ofs); /* Goto top of the entry block if LFN is exist */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + do { + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + if (FF_FS_EXFAT && fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + dp->dir[XDIR_Type] &= 0x7F; /* Clear the entry InUse flag. */ + } else { /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ + dp->dir[DIR_Name] = DDEM; /* Mark the entry 'deleted'. */ + } + fs->wflag = 1; + if (dp->dptr >= last) break; /* If reached last entry then all entries of the object has been deleted. */ + res = dir_next(dp, 0); /* Next entry */ + } while (res == FR_OK); + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_INT_ERR; + } +#else /* Non LFN configuration */ + + res = move_window(fs, dp->sect); + if (res == FR_OK) { + dp->dir[DIR_Name] = DDEM; /* Mark the entry 'deleted'.*/ + fs->wflag = 1; + } +#endif + + return res; +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY && FF_FS_MINIMIZE == 0 */ + + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get file information from directory entry */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static void get_fileinfo ( + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the directory object */ + FILINFO* fno /* Pointer to the file information to be filled */ +) +{ + UINT si, di; +#if FF_USE_LFN + BYTE lcf; + WCHAR wc, hs; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; +#else + TCHAR c; +#endif + + + fno->fname[0] = 0; /* Invaidate file info */ + if (dp->sect == 0) return; /* Exit if read pointer has reached end of directory */ + +#if FF_USE_LFN /* LFN configuration */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + get_xfileinfo(fs->dirbuf, fno); + return; + } else +#endif + { /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ + if (dp->blk_ofs != 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* Get LFN if available */ + si = di = hs = 0; + while (fs->lfnbuf[si] != 0) { + wc = fs->lfnbuf[si++]; /* Get an LFN character (UTF-16) */ + if (hs == 0 && IsSurrogate(wc)) { /* Is it a surrogate? */ + hs = wc; continue; /* Get low surrogate */ + } + wc = put_utf((DWORD)hs << 16 | wc, &fno->fname[di], FF_LFN_BUF - di); /* Store it in UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoding */ + if (wc == 0) { di = 0; break; } /* Invalid char or buffer overflow? */ + di += wc; + hs = 0; + } + if (hs != 0) di = 0; /* Broken surrogate pair? */ + fno->fname[di] = 0; /* Terminate the LFN (null string means LFN is invalid) */ + } + } + + si = di = 0; + while (si < 11) { /* Get SFN from SFN entry */ + wc = dp->dir[si++]; /* Get a char */ + if (wc == ' ') continue; /* Skip padding spaces */ + if (wc == RDDEM) wc = DDEM; /* Restore replaced DDEM character */ + if (si == 9 && di < FF_SFN_BUF) fno->altname[di++] = '.'; /* Insert a . if extension is exist */ +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE >= 1 /* Unicode output */ + if (dbc_1st((BYTE)wc) && si != 8 && si != 11 && dbc_2nd(dp->dir[si])) { /* Make a DBC if needed */ + wc = wc << 8 | dp->dir[si++]; + } + wc = ff_oem2uni(wc, CODEPAGE); /* ANSI/OEM -> Unicode */ + if (wc == 0) { di = 0; break; } /* Wrong char in the current code page? */ + wc = put_utf(wc, &fno->altname[di], FF_SFN_BUF - di); /* Store it in Unicode */ + if (wc == 0) { di = 0; break; } /* Buffer overflow? */ + di += wc; +#else /* ANSI/OEM output */ + fno->altname[di++] = (TCHAR)wc; /* Store it without any conversion */ +#endif + } + fno->altname[di] = 0; /* Terminate the SFN (null string means SFN is invalid) */ + + if (fno->fname[0] == 0) { /* If LFN is invalid, altname[] needs to be copied to fname[] */ + if (di == 0) { /* If LFN and SFN both are invalid, this object is inaccesible */ + fno->fname[di++] = '?'; + } else { + for (si = di = 0, lcf = NS_BODY; fno->altname[si]; si++, di++) { /* Copy altname[] to fname[] with case information */ + wc = (WCHAR)fno->altname[si]; + if (wc == '.') lcf = NS_EXT; + if (IsUpper(wc) && (dp->dir[DIR_NTres] & lcf)) wc += 0x20; + fno->fname[di] = (TCHAR)wc; + } + } + fno->fname[di] = 0; /* Terminate the LFN */ + if (!dp->dir[DIR_NTres]) fno->altname[0] = 0; /* Altname is not needed if neither LFN nor case info is exist. */ + } + +#else /* Non-LFN configuration */ + si = di = 0; + while (si < 11) { /* Copy name body and extension */ + c = (TCHAR)dp->dir[si++]; + if (c == ' ') continue; /* Skip padding spaces */ + if (c == RDDEM) c = DDEM; /* Restore replaced DDEM character */ + if (si == 9) fno->fname[di++] = '.';/* Insert a . if extension is exist */ + fno->fname[di++] = c; + } + fno->fname[di] = 0; +#endif + + fno->fattrib = dp->dir[DIR_Attr]; /* Attribute */ + fno->fsize = ld_dword(dp->dir + DIR_FileSize); /* Size */ + fno->ftime = ld_word(dp->dir + DIR_ModTime + 0); /* Time */ + fno->fdate = ld_word(dp->dir + DIR_ModTime + 2); /* Date */ +} + +#endif /* FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 || FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 */ + + + +#if FF_USE_FIND && FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Pattern matching */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static DWORD get_achar ( /* Get a character and advances ptr */ + const TCHAR** ptr /* Pointer to pointer to the ANSI/OEM or Unicode string */ +) +{ + DWORD chr; + + +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE >= 1 /* Unicode input */ + chr = tchar2uni(ptr); + if (chr == 0xFFFFFFFF) chr = 0; /* Wrong UTF encoding is recognized as end of the string */ + chr = ff_wtoupper(chr); + +#else /* ANSI/OEM input */ + chr = (BYTE)*(*ptr)++; /* Get a byte */ + if (IsLower(chr)) chr -= 0x20; /* To upper ASCII char */ +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 + if (ExCvt && chr >= 0x80) chr = ExCvt[chr - 0x80]; /* To upper SBCS extended char */ +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE < 900 + if (chr >= 0x80) chr = ExCvt[chr - 0x80]; /* To upper SBCS extended char */ +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 || FF_CODE_PAGE >= 900 + if (dbc_1st((BYTE)chr)) { /* Get DBC 2nd byte if needed */ + chr = dbc_2nd((BYTE)**ptr) ? chr << 8 | (BYTE)*(*ptr)++ : 0; + } +#endif + +#endif + return chr; +} + + +static int pattern_matching ( /* 0:not matched, 1:matched */ + const TCHAR* pat, /* Matching pattern */ + const TCHAR* nam, /* String to be tested */ + int skip, /* Number of pre-skip chars (number of ?s) */ + int inf /* Infinite search (* specified) */ +) +{ + const TCHAR *pp, *np; + DWORD pc, nc; + int nm, nx; + + + while (skip--) { /* Pre-skip name chars */ + if (!get_achar(&nam)) return 0; /* Branch mismatched if less name chars */ + } + if (*pat == 0 && inf) return 1; /* (short circuit) */ + + do { + pp = pat; np = nam; /* Top of pattern and name to match */ + for (;;) { + if (*pp == '?' || *pp == '*') { /* Wildcard? */ + nm = nx = 0; + do { /* Analyze the wildcard block */ + if (*pp++ == '?') nm++; else nx = 1; + } while (*pp == '?' || *pp == '*'); + if (pattern_matching(pp, np, nm, nx)) return 1; /* Test new branch (recurs upto number of wildcard blocks in the pattern) */ + nc = *np; break; /* Branch mismatched */ + } + pc = get_achar(&pp); /* Get a pattern char */ + nc = get_achar(&np); /* Get a name char */ + if (pc != nc) break; /* Branch mismatched? */ + if (pc == 0) return 1; /* Branch matched? (matched at end of both strings) */ + } + get_achar(&nam); /* nam++ */ + } while (inf && nc); /* Retry until end of name if infinite search is specified */ + + return 0; +} + +#endif /* FF_USE_FIND && FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 */ + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Pick a top segment and create the object name in directory form */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT create_name ( /* FR_OK: successful, FR_INVALID_NAME: could not create */ + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the directory object */ + const TCHAR** path /* Pointer to pointer to the segment in the path string */ +) +{ +#if FF_USE_LFN /* LFN configuration */ + BYTE b, cf; + WCHAR wc, *lfn; + DWORD uc; + UINT i, ni, si, di; + const TCHAR *p; + + + /* Create LFN into LFN working buffer */ + p = *path; lfn = dp->obj.fs->lfnbuf; di = 0; + for (;;) { + uc = tchar2uni(&p); /* Get a character */ + if (uc == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Invalid code or UTF decode error */ + if (uc >= 0x10000) lfn[di++] = (WCHAR)(uc >> 16); /* Store high surrogate if needed */ + wc = (WCHAR)uc; + if (wc < ' ' || wc == '/' || wc == '\\') break; /* Break if end of the path or a separator is found */ + if (wc < 0x80 && chk_chr("\"*:<>\?|\x7F", wc)) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject illegal characters for LFN */ + if (di >= FF_MAX_LFN) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject too long name */ + lfn[di++] = wc; /* Store the Unicode character */ + } + while (*p == '/' || *p == '\\') p++; /* Skip duplicated separators if exist */ + *path = p; /* Return pointer to the next segment */ + cf = (wc < ' ') ? NS_LAST : 0; /* Set last segment flag if end of the path */ + +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + if ((di == 1 && lfn[di - 1] == '.') || + (di == 2 && lfn[di - 1] == '.' && lfn[di - 2] == '.')) { /* Is this segment a dot name? */ + lfn[di] = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { /* Create dot name for SFN entry */ + dp->fn[i] = (i < di) ? '.' : ' '; + } + dp->fn[i] = cf | NS_DOT; /* This is a dot entry */ + return FR_OK; + } +#endif + while (di) { /* Snip off trailing spaces and dots if exist */ + wc = lfn[di - 1]; + if (wc != ' ' && wc != '.') break; + di--; + } + lfn[di] = 0; /* LFN is created into the working buffer */ + if (di == 0) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject null name */ + + /* Create SFN in directory form */ + for (si = 0; lfn[si] == ' '; si++) ; /* Remove leading spaces */ + if (si > 0 || lfn[si] == '.') cf |= NS_LOSS | NS_LFN; /* Is there any leading space or dot? */ + while (di > 0 && lfn[di - 1] != '.') di--; /* Find last dot (di<=si: no extension) */ + + mem_set(dp->fn, ' ', 11); + i = b = 0; ni = 8; + for (;;) { + wc = lfn[si++]; /* Get an LFN character */ + if (wc == 0) break; /* Break on end of the LFN */ + if (wc == ' ' || (wc == '.' && si != di)) { /* Remove embedded spaces and dots */ + cf |= NS_LOSS | NS_LFN; + continue; + } + + if (i >= ni || si == di) { /* End of field? */ + if (ni == 11) { /* Name extension overflow? */ + cf |= NS_LOSS | NS_LFN; + break; + } + if (si != di) cf |= NS_LOSS | NS_LFN; /* Name body overflow? */ + if (si > di) break; /* No name extension? */ + si = di; i = 8; ni = 11; b <<= 2; /* Enter name extension */ + continue; + } + + if (wc >= 0x80) { /* Is this a non-ASCII character? */ + cf |= NS_LFN; /* LFN entry needs to be created */ +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 + if (ExCvt) { /* At SBCS */ + wc = ff_uni2oem(wc, CODEPAGE); /* Unicode ==> ANSI/OEM code */ + if (wc & 0x80) wc = ExCvt[wc & 0x7F]; /* Convert extended character to upper (SBCS) */ + } else { /* At DBCS */ + wc = ff_uni2oem(ff_wtoupper(wc), CODEPAGE); /* Unicode ==> Upper convert ==> ANSI/OEM code */ + } +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE < 900 /* SBCS cfg */ + wc = ff_uni2oem(wc, CODEPAGE); /* Unicode ==> ANSI/OEM code */ + if (wc & 0x80) wc = ExCvt[wc & 0x7F]; /* Convert extended character to upper (SBCS) */ +#else /* DBCS cfg */ + wc = ff_uni2oem(ff_wtoupper(wc), CODEPAGE); /* Unicode ==> Upper convert ==> ANSI/OEM code */ +#endif + } + + if (wc >= 0x100) { /* Is this a DBC? */ + if (i >= ni - 1) { /* Field overflow? */ + cf |= NS_LOSS | NS_LFN; + i = ni; continue; /* Next field */ + } + dp->fn[i++] = (BYTE)(wc >> 8); /* Put 1st byte */ + } else { /* SBC */ + if (wc == 0 || chk_chr("+,;=[]", wc)) { /* Replace illegal characters for SFN if needed */ + wc = '_'; cf |= NS_LOSS | NS_LFN;/* Lossy conversion */ + } else { + if (IsUpper(wc)) { /* ASCII upper case? */ + b |= 2; + } + if (IsLower(wc)) { /* ASCII lower case? */ + b |= 1; wc -= 0x20; + } + } + } + dp->fn[i++] = (BYTE)wc; + } + + if (dp->fn[0] == DDEM) dp->fn[0] = RDDEM; /* If the first character collides with DDEM, replace it with RDDEM */ + + if (ni == 8) b <<= 2; /* Shift capital flags if no extension */ + if ((b & 0x0C) == 0x0C || (b & 0x03) == 0x03) cf |= NS_LFN; /* LFN entry needs to be created if composite capitals */ + if (!(cf & NS_LFN)) { /* When LFN is in 8.3 format without extended character, NT flags are created */ + if (b & 0x01) cf |= NS_EXT; /* NT flag (Extension has small capital letters only) */ + if (b & 0x04) cf |= NS_BODY; /* NT flag (Body has small capital letters only) */ + } + + dp->fn[NSFLAG] = cf; /* SFN is created into dp->fn[] */ + + return FR_OK; + + +#else /* FF_USE_LFN : Non-LFN configuration */ + BYTE c, d, *sfn; + UINT ni, si, i; + const char *p; + + /* Create file name in directory form */ + p = *path; sfn = dp->fn; + mem_set(sfn, ' ', 11); + si = i = 0; ni = 8; +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + if (p[si] == '.') { /* Is this a dot entry? */ + for (;;) { + c = (BYTE)p[si++]; + if (c != '.' || si >= 3) break; + sfn[i++] = c; + } + if (c != '/' && c != '\\' && c > ' ') return FR_INVALID_NAME; + *path = p + si; /* Return pointer to the next segment */ + sfn[NSFLAG] = (c <= ' ') ? NS_LAST | NS_DOT : NS_DOT; /* Set last segment flag if end of the path */ + return FR_OK; + } +#endif + for (;;) { + c = (BYTE)p[si++]; /* Get a byte */ + if (c <= ' ') break; /* Break if end of the path name */ + if (c == '/' || c == '\\') { /* Break if a separator is found */ + while (p[si] == '/' || p[si] == '\\') si++; /* Skip duplicated separator if exist */ + break; + } + if (c == '.' || i >= ni) { /* End of body or field overflow? */ + if (ni == 11 || c != '.') return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Field overflow or invalid dot? */ + i = 8; ni = 11; /* Enter file extension field */ + continue; + } +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 + if (ExCvt && c >= 0x80) { /* Is SBC extended character? */ + c = ExCvt[c & 0x7F]; /* To upper SBC extended character */ + } +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE < 900 + if (c >= 0x80) { /* Is SBC extended character? */ + c = ExCvt[c & 0x7F]; /* To upper SBC extended character */ + } +#endif + if (dbc_1st(c)) { /* Check if it is a DBC 1st byte */ + d = (BYTE)p[si++]; /* Get 2nd byte */ + if (!dbc_2nd(d) || i >= ni - 1) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject invalid DBC */ + sfn[i++] = c; + sfn[i++] = d; + } else { /* SBC */ + if (chk_chr("\"*+,:;<=>\?[]|\x7F", c)) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject illegal chrs for SFN */ + if (IsLower(c)) c -= 0x20; /* To upper */ + sfn[i++] = c; + } + } + *path = p + si; /* Return pointer to the next segment */ + if (i == 0) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject nul string */ + + if (sfn[0] == DDEM) sfn[0] = RDDEM; /* If the first character collides with DDEM, replace it with RDDEM */ + sfn[NSFLAG] = (c <= ' ') ? NS_LAST : 0; /* Set last segment flag if end of the path */ + + return FR_OK; +#endif /* FF_USE_LFN */ +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Follow a file path */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT follow_path ( /* FR_OK(0): successful, !=0: error code */ + DIR* dp, /* Directory object to return last directory and found object */ + const TCHAR* path /* Full-path string to find a file or directory */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + BYTE ns; + FATFS *fs = dp->obj.fs; + + +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + if (*path != '/' && *path != '\\') { /* Without heading separator */ + dp->obj.sclust = fs->cdir; /* Start from current directory */ + } else +#endif + { /* With heading separator */ + while (*path == '/' || *path == '\\') path++; /* Strip heading separator */ + dp->obj.sclust = 0; /* Start from root directory */ + } +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + dp->obj.n_frag = 0; /* Invalidate last fragment counter of the object */ +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT && dp->obj.sclust) { /* exFAT: Retrieve the sub-directory's status */ + DIR dj; + + dp->obj.c_scl = fs->cdc_scl; + dp->obj.c_size = fs->cdc_size; + dp->obj.c_ofs = fs->cdc_ofs; + res = load_obj_xdir(&dj, &dp->obj); + if (res != FR_OK) return res; + dp->obj.objsize = ld_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FileSize); + dp->obj.stat = fs->dirbuf[XDIR_GenFlags] & 2; + } +#endif +#endif + + if ((UINT)*path < ' ') { /* Null path name is the origin directory itself */ + dp->fn[NSFLAG] = NS_NONAME; + res = dir_sdi(dp, 0); + + } else { /* Follow path */ + for (;;) { + res = create_name(dp, &path); /* Get a segment name of the path */ + if (res != FR_OK) break; + res = dir_find(dp); /* Find an object with the segment name */ + ns = dp->fn[NSFLAG]; + if (res != FR_OK) { /* Failed to find the object */ + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { /* Object is not found */ + if (FF_FS_RPATH && (ns & NS_DOT)) { /* If dot entry is not exist, stay there */ + if (!(ns & NS_LAST)) continue; /* Continue to follow if not last segment */ + dp->fn[NSFLAG] = NS_NONAME; + res = FR_OK; + } else { /* Could not find the object */ + if (!(ns & NS_LAST)) res = FR_NO_PATH; /* Adjust error code if not last segment */ + } + } + break; + } + if (ns & NS_LAST) break; /* Last segment matched. Function completed. */ + /* Get into the sub-directory */ + if (!(dp->obj.attr & AM_DIR)) { /* It is not a sub-directory and cannot follow */ + res = FR_NO_PATH; break; + } +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* Save containing directory information for next dir */ + dp->obj.c_scl = dp->obj.sclust; + dp->obj.c_size = ((DWORD)dp->obj.objsize & 0xFFFFFF00) | dp->obj.stat; + dp->obj.c_ofs = dp->blk_ofs; + init_alloc_info(fs, &dp->obj); /* Open next directory */ + } else +#endif + { + dp->obj.sclust = ld_clust(fs, fs->win + dp->dptr % SS(fs)); /* Open next directory */ + } + } + } + + return res; +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get logical drive number from path name */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static int get_ldnumber ( /* Returns logical drive number (-1:invalid drive number or null pointer) */ + const TCHAR** path /* Pointer to pointer to the path name */ +) +{ + const TCHAR *tp, *tt; + TCHAR tc; + int i, vol = -1; +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID /* Find string volume ID */ + const char *sp; + char c; +#endif + + tt = tp = *path; + if (!tp) return vol; /* Invalid path name? */ + do tc = *tt++; while ((UINT)tc >= (FF_USE_LFN ? ' ' : '!') && tc != ':'); /* Find a colon in the path */ + + if (tc == ':') { /* DOS/Windows style volume ID? */ + i = FF_VOLUMES; + if (IsDigit(*tp) && tp + 2 == tt) { /* Is there a numeric volume ID + colon? */ + i = (int)*tp - '0'; /* Get the LD number */ + } +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID == 1 /* Arbitrary string is enabled */ + else { + i = 0; + do { + sp = VolumeStr[i]; tp = *path; /* This string volume ID and path name */ + do { /* Compare the volume ID with path name */ + c = *sp++; tc = *tp++; + if (IsLower(c)) c -= 0x20; + if (IsLower(tc)) tc -= 0x20; + } while (c && (TCHAR)c == tc); + } while ((c || tp != tt) && ++i < FF_VOLUMES); /* Repeat for each id until pattern match */ + } +#endif + if (i < FF_VOLUMES) { /* If a volume ID is found, get the drive number and strip it */ + vol = i; /* Drive number */ + *path = tt; /* Snip the drive prefix off */ + } + return vol; + } +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID == 2 /* Unix style volume ID is enabled */ + if (*tp == '/') { + i = 0; + do { + sp = VolumeStr[i]; tp = *path; /* This string volume ID and path name */ + do { /* Compare the volume ID with path name */ + c = *sp++; tc = *(++tp); + if (IsLower(c)) c -= 0x20; + if (IsLower(tc)) tc -= 0x20; + } while (c && (TCHAR)c == tc); + } while ((c || (tc != '/' && (UINT)tc >= (FF_USE_LFN ? ' ' : '!'))) && ++i < FF_VOLUMES); /* Repeat for each ID until pattern match */ + if (i < FF_VOLUMES) { /* If a volume ID is found, get the drive number and strip it */ + vol = i; /* Drive number */ + *path = tp; /* Snip the drive prefix off */ + return vol; + } + } +#endif + /* No drive prefix is found */ +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + vol = CurrVol; /* Default drive is current drive */ +#else + vol = 0; /* Default drive is 0 */ +#endif + return vol; /* Return the default drive */ +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Load a sector and check if it is an FAT VBR */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static BYTE check_fs ( /* 0:FAT, 1:exFAT, 2:Valid BS but not FAT, 3:Not a BS, 4:Disk error */ + FATFS* fs, /* Filesystem object */ + DWORD sect /* Sector# (lba) to load and check if it is an FAT-VBR or not */ +) +{ + fs->wflag = 0; fs->winsect = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Invaidate window */ + if (move_window(fs, sect) != FR_OK) return 4; /* Load boot record */ + + if (ld_word(fs->win + BS_55AA) != 0xAA55) return 3; /* Check boot record signature (always here regardless of the sector size) */ + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (!mem_cmp(fs->win + BS_JmpBoot, "\xEB\x76\x90" "EXFAT ", 11)) return 1; /* Check if exFAT VBR */ +#endif + if (fs->win[BS_JmpBoot] == 0xE9 || fs->win[BS_JmpBoot] == 0xEB || fs->win[BS_JmpBoot] == 0xE8) { /* Valid JumpBoot code? */ + if (!mem_cmp(fs->win + BS_FilSysType, "FAT", 3)) return 0; /* Is it an FAT VBR? */ + if (!mem_cmp(fs->win + BS_FilSysType32, "FAT32", 5)) return 0; /* Is it an FAT32 VBR? */ + } + return 2; /* Valid BS but not FAT */ +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Determine logical drive number and mount the volume if needed */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT find_volume ( /* FR_OK(0): successful, !=0: an error occurred */ + const TCHAR** path, /* Pointer to pointer to the path name (drive number) */ + FATFS** rfs, /* Pointer to pointer to the found filesystem object */ + BYTE mode /* !=0: Check write protection for write access */ +) +{ + BYTE fmt, *pt; + int vol; + DSTATUS stat; + DWORD bsect, fasize, tsect, sysect, nclst, szbfat, br[4]; + WORD nrsv; + FATFS *fs; + UINT i; + + + /* Get logical drive number */ + *rfs = 0; + vol = get_ldnumber(path); + if (vol < 0) return FR_INVALID_DRIVE; + + /* Check if the filesystem object is valid or not */ + fs = FatFs[vol]; /* Get pointer to the filesystem object */ + if (!fs) return FR_NOT_ENABLED; /* Is the filesystem object available? */ +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT + if (!lock_fs(fs)) return FR_TIMEOUT; /* Lock the volume */ +#endif + *rfs = fs; /* Return pointer to the filesystem object */ + + mode &= (BYTE)~FA_READ; /* Desired access mode, write access or not */ + if (fs->fs_type != 0) { /* If the volume has been mounted */ + stat = disk_status(fs->pdrv); + if (!(stat & STA_NOINIT)) { /* and the physical drive is kept initialized */ + if (!FF_FS_READONLY && mode && (stat & STA_PROTECT)) { /* Check write protection if needed */ + EFSPRINTF("WPEN1"); + return FR_WRITE_PROTECTED; + } + return FR_OK; /* The filesystem object is valid */ + } + } + + /* The filesystem object is not valid. */ + /* Following code attempts to mount the volume. (analyze BPB and initialize the filesystem object) */ + + fs->fs_type = 0; /* Clear the filesystem object */ + fs->pdrv = LD2PD(vol); /* Bind the logical drive and a physical drive */ + stat = disk_initialize(fs->pdrv); /* Initialize the physical drive */ + if (stat & STA_NOINIT) { /* Check if the initialization succeeded */ + EFSPRINTF("MDNR"); + return FR_NOT_READY; /* Failed to initialize due to no medium or hard error */ + } + if (!FF_FS_READONLY && mode && (stat & STA_PROTECT)) { /* Check disk write protection if needed */ + EFSPRINTF("WPEN2"); + return FR_WRITE_PROTECTED; + } +#if FF_MAX_SS != FF_MIN_SS /* Get sector size (multiple sector size cfg only) */ + if (disk_ioctl(fs->pdrv, GET_SECTOR_SIZE, &SS(fs)) != RES_OK) return FR_DISK_ERR; + if (SS(fs) > FF_MAX_SS || SS(fs) < FF_MIN_SS || (SS(fs) & (SS(fs) - 1))) return FR_DISK_ERR; +#endif + + /* Find an FAT partition on the drive. Supports only generic partitioning rules, FDISK (MBR) and SFD (w/o partition). */ + bsect = 0; + fmt = check_fs(fs, bsect); /* Load sector 0 and check if it is an FAT-VBR as SFD */ + if (fmt == 2 || (fmt < 2 && LD2PT(vol) != 0)) { /* Not an FAT-VBR or forced partition number */ + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { /* Get partition offset */ + pt = fs->win + (MBR_Table + i * SZ_PTE); + br[i] = pt[PTE_System] ? ld_dword(pt + PTE_StLba) : 0; + } + i = LD2PT(vol); /* Partition number: 0:auto, 1-4:forced */ + if (i != 0) i--; + do { /* Find an FAT volume */ + bsect = br[i]; + fmt = bsect ? check_fs(fs, bsect) : 3; /* Check the partition */ + } while (LD2PT(vol) == 0 && fmt >= 2 && ++i < 4); + } + if (fmt == 4) { + EFSPRINTF("BRNL"); + return FR_DISK_ERR; /* An error occured in the disk I/O layer */ + } + if (fmt >= 2) { + EFSPRINTF("NOFAT"); + return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* No FAT volume is found */ + } + + /* An FAT volume is found (bsect). Following code initializes the filesystem object */ + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fmt == 1) { + QWORD maxlba; + DWORD so, cv, bcl; + + for (i = BPB_ZeroedEx; i < BPB_ZeroedEx + 53 && fs->win[i] == 0; i++) ; /* Check zero filler */ + if (i < BPB_ZeroedEx + 53) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; + + if (ld_word(fs->win + BPB_FSVerEx) != 0x100) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* Check exFAT version (must be version 1.0) */ + + if (1 << fs->win[BPB_BytsPerSecEx] != SS(fs)) { /* (BPB_BytsPerSecEx must be equal to the physical sector size) */ + EFSPRINTF("EXSPS"); + return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; + } + + maxlba = ld_qword(fs->win + BPB_TotSecEx) + bsect; /* Last LBA + 1 of the volume */ + if (maxlba >= 0x100000000) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (It cannot be handled in 32-bit LBA) */ + + fs->fsize = ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_FatSzEx); /* Number of sectors per FAT */ + + fs->n_fats = fs->win[BPB_NumFATsEx]; /* Number of FATs */ + if (fs->n_fats != 1) { + EFSPRINTF("EXFNF"); + return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Supports only 1 FAT) */ + } + + fs->csize = 1 << fs->win[BPB_SecPerClusEx]; /* Cluster size */ + if (fs->csize == 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Must be 1..32768) */ + + nclst = ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_NumClusEx); /* Number of clusters */ + if (nclst > MAX_EXFAT) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Too many clusters) */ + fs->n_fatent = nclst + 2; + + /* Boundaries and Limits */ + fs->volbase = bsect; + fs->database = bsect + ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_DataOfsEx); + fs->fatbase = bsect + ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_FatOfsEx); + if (maxlba < (QWORD)fs->database + nclst * fs->csize) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Volume size must not be smaller than the size requiered) */ + fs->dirbase = ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_RootClusEx); + + /* Get bitmap location and check if it is contiguous (implementation assumption) */ + so = i = 0; + for (;;) { /* Find the bitmap entry in the root directory (in only first cluster) */ + if (i == 0) { + if (so >= fs->csize) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* Not found? */ + if (move_window(fs, clst2sect(fs, fs->dirbase) + so) != FR_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("EXBM1C"); + return FR_DISK_ERR; + } + so++; + } + if (fs->win[i] == ET_BITMAP) break; /* Is it a bitmap entry? */ + i = (i + SZDIRE) % SS(fs); /* Next entry */ + } + bcl = ld_dword(fs->win + i + 20); /* Bitmap cluster */ + if (bcl < 2 || bcl >= fs->n_fatent) { + EFSPRINTF("EXBMM"); + return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; + } + fs->bitbase = fs->database + fs->csize * (bcl - 2); /* Bitmap sector */ + for (;;) { /* Check if bitmap is contiguous */ + if (move_window(fs, fs->fatbase + bcl / (SS(fs) / 4)) != FR_OK) return FR_DISK_ERR; + cv = ld_dword(fs->win + bcl % (SS(fs) / 4) * 4); + if (cv == 0xFFFFFFFF) break; /* Last link? */ + if (cv != ++bcl) { + EFSPRINTF("EXBMM"); + return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* Fragmented? */ + } + } + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + fs->last_clst = fs->free_clst = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Initialize cluster allocation information */ +#endif + fmt = FS_EXFAT; /* FAT sub-type */ + } else +#endif /* FF_FS_EXFAT */ + { + if (ld_word(fs->win + BPB_BytsPerSec) != SS(fs)) { + EFSPRINTF("32SPS"); + return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (BPB_BytsPerSec must be equal to the physical sector size) */ + } + + fasize = ld_word(fs->win + BPB_FATSz16); /* Number of sectors per FAT */ + if (fasize == 0) fasize = ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_FATSz32); + fs->fsize = fasize; + + fs->n_fats = fs->win[BPB_NumFATs]; /* Number of FATs */ + if (fs->n_fats != 1 && fs->n_fats != 2) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Must be 1 or 2) */ + fasize *= fs->n_fats; /* Number of sectors for FAT area */ + + fs->csize = fs->win[BPB_SecPerClus]; /* Cluster size */ + if (fs->csize == 0 || (fs->csize & (fs->csize - 1))) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Must be power of 2) */ + + fs->n_rootdir = ld_word(fs->win + BPB_RootEntCnt); /* Number of root directory entries */ + if (fs->n_rootdir % (SS(fs) / SZDIRE)) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Must be sector aligned) */ + + tsect = ld_word(fs->win + BPB_TotSec16); /* Number of sectors on the volume */ + if (tsect == 0) tsect = ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_TotSec32); + + nrsv = ld_word(fs->win + BPB_RsvdSecCnt); /* Number of reserved sectors */ + if (nrsv == 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Must not be 0) */ + + /* Determine the FAT sub type */ + sysect = nrsv + fasize + fs->n_rootdir / (SS(fs) / SZDIRE); /* RSV + FAT + DIR */ + if (tsect < sysect) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Invalid volume size) */ + nclst = (tsect - sysect) / fs->csize; /* Number of clusters */ + if (nclst == 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Invalid volume size) */ + fmt = 0; + if (nclst <= MAX_FAT32) fmt = FS_FAT32; + if (nclst <= MAX_FAT16) fmt = FS_FAT16; + if (nclst <= MAX_FAT12) fmt = FS_FAT12; + if (fmt == 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; + + /* Boundaries and Limits */ + fs->n_fatent = nclst + 2; /* Number of FAT entries */ + fs->volbase = bsect; /* Volume start sector */ + fs->fatbase = bsect + nrsv; /* FAT start sector */ + fs->database = bsect + sysect; /* Data start sector */ + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { + if (ld_word(fs->win + BPB_FSVer32) != 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (Must be FAT32 revision 0.0) */ + if (fs->n_rootdir != 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (BPB_RootEntCnt must be 0) */ + fs->dirbase = ld_dword(fs->win + BPB_RootClus32); /* Root directory start cluster */ + szbfat = fs->n_fatent * 4; /* (Needed FAT size) */ + } else { + if (fs->n_rootdir == 0) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (BPB_RootEntCnt must not be 0) */ + fs->dirbase = fs->fatbase + fasize; /* Root directory start sector */ + szbfat = (fmt == FS_FAT16) ? /* (Needed FAT size) */ + fs->n_fatent * 2 : fs->n_fatent * 3 / 2 + (fs->n_fatent & 1); + } + if (fs->fsize < (szbfat + (SS(fs) - 1)) / SS(fs)) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* (BPB_FATSz must not be less than the size needed) */ + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + /* Get FSInfo if available */ + fs->last_clst = fs->free_clst = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Initialize cluster allocation information */ + fs->fsi_flag = 0x80; +#if (FF_FS_NOFSINFO & 3) != 3 + if (fmt == FS_FAT32 /* Allow to update FSInfo only if BPB_FSInfo32 == 1 */ + && ld_word(fs->win + BPB_FSInfo32) == 1 + && move_window(fs, bsect + 1) == FR_OK) + { + fs->fsi_flag = 0; + if (ld_word(fs->win + BS_55AA) == 0xAA55 /* Load FSInfo data if available */ + && ld_dword(fs->win + FSI_LeadSig) == 0x41615252 + && ld_dword(fs->win + FSI_StrucSig) == 0x61417272) + { +#if (FF_FS_NOFSINFO & 1) == 0 + fs->free_clst = ld_dword(fs->win + FSI_Free_Count); +#endif +#if (FF_FS_NOFSINFO & 2) == 0 + fs->last_clst = ld_dword(fs->win + FSI_Nxt_Free); +#endif + } + } +#endif /* (FF_FS_NOFSINFO & 3) != 3 */ +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + } + + fs->fs_type = fmt; /* FAT sub-type */ + fs->id = ++Fsid; /* Volume mount ID */ +#if FF_USE_LFN == 1 + fs->lfnbuf = LfnBuf; /* Static LFN working buffer */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + fs->dirbuf = DirBuf; /* Static directory block scratchpad buffer */ +#endif +#endif +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + fs->cdir = 0; /* Initialize current directory */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 /* Clear file lock semaphores */ + clear_lock(fs); +#endif + return FR_OK; +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Check if the file/directory object is valid or not */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static FRESULT validate ( /* Returns FR_OK or FR_INVALID_OBJECT */ + FFOBJID* obj, /* Pointer to the FFOBJID, the 1st member in the FIL/DIR object, to check validity */ + FATFS** rfs /* Pointer to pointer to the owner filesystem object to return */ +) +{ + FRESULT res = FR_INVALID_OBJECT; + + + if (obj && obj->fs && obj->fs->fs_type && obj->id == obj->fs->id) { /* Test if the object is valid */ +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT + if (lock_fs(obj->fs)) { /* Obtain the filesystem object */ + if (!(disk_status(obj->fs->pdrv) & STA_NOINIT)) { /* Test if the phsical drive is kept initialized */ + res = FR_OK; + } else { + unlock_fs(obj->fs, FR_OK); + } + } else { + res = FR_TIMEOUT; + } +#else + if (!(disk_status(obj->fs->pdrv) & STA_NOINIT)) { /* Test if the phsical drive is kept initialized */ + res = FR_OK; + } +#endif + } + *rfs = (res == FR_OK) ? obj->fs : 0; /* Corresponding filesystem object */ + return res; +} + + + + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Public Functions (FatFs API) + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Mount/Unmount a Logical Drive */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_mount ( + FATFS* fs, /* Pointer to the filesystem object (NULL:unmount)*/ + const TCHAR* path, /* Logical drive number to be mounted/unmounted */ + BYTE opt /* Mode option 0:Do not mount (delayed mount), 1:Mount immediately */ +) +{ + FATFS *cfs; + int vol; + FRESULT res; + const TCHAR *rp = path; + + + /* Get logical drive number */ + vol = get_ldnumber(&rp); + if (vol < 0) { + EFSPRINTF("IDRIVE!"); + return FR_INVALID_DRIVE; + } + cfs = FatFs[vol]; /* Pointer to fs object */ + + if (cfs) { +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + clear_lock(cfs); +#endif +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT /* Discard sync object of the current volume */ + if (!ff_del_syncobj(cfs->sobj)) return FR_INT_ERR; +#endif + cfs->fs_type = 0; /* Clear old fs object */ + } + + if (fs) { + fs->fs_type = 0; /* Clear new fs object */ +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT /* Create sync object for the new volume */ + if (!ff_cre_syncobj((BYTE)vol, &fs->sobj)) return FR_INT_ERR; +#endif + } + FatFs[vol] = fs; /* Register new fs object */ + + if (opt == 0) return FR_OK; /* Do not mount now, it will be mounted later */ + + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, 0); /* Force mounted the volume */ + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Open or Create a File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_open ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the blank file object */ + const TCHAR* path, /* Pointer to the file name */ + BYTE mode /* Access mode and file open mode flags */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + DWORD dw, cl, bcs, clst, sc; + FSIZE_t ofs; +#endif + DEF_NAMBUF + + + if (!fp) return FR_INVALID_OBJECT; + + /* Get logical drive number */ + mode &= FF_FS_READONLY ? FA_READ : FA_READ | FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_CREATE_NEW | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_OPEN_APPEND; + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, mode); + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY /* Read/Write configuration */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NONAME) { /* Origin directory itself? */ + res = FR_INVALID_NAME; + } +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + else { + res = chk_lock(&dj, (mode & ~FA_READ) ? 1 : 0); /* Check if the file can be used */ + } +#endif + } + /* Create or Open a file */ + if (mode & (FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_CREATE_NEW)) { + if (res != FR_OK) { /* No file, create new */ + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { /* There is no file to open, create a new entry */ +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + res = enq_lock() ? dir_register(&dj) : FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; +#else + res = dir_register(&dj); +#endif + } + mode |= FA_CREATE_ALWAYS; /* File is created */ + } + else { /* Any object with the same name is already existing */ + if (dj.obj.attr & (AM_RDO | AM_DIR)) { /* Cannot overwrite it (R/O or DIR) */ + res = FR_DENIED; + } else { + if (mode & FA_CREATE_NEW) res = FR_EXIST; /* Cannot create as new file */ + } + } + if (res == FR_OK && (mode & FA_CREATE_ALWAYS)) { /* Truncate the file if overwrite mode */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + /* Get current allocation info */ + fp->obj.fs = fs; + init_alloc_info(fs, &fp->obj); + /* Set directory entry block initial state */ + mem_set(fs->dirbuf + 2, 0, 30); /* Clear 85 entry except for NumSec */ + mem_set(fs->dirbuf + 38, 0, 26); /* Clear C0 entry except for NumName and NameHash */ + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] = AM_ARC; + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_CrtTime, GET_FATTIME()); + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_GenFlags] = 1; + res = store_xdir(&dj); + if (res == FR_OK && fp->obj.sclust != 0) { /* Remove the cluster chain if exist */ + res = remove_chain(&fp->obj, fp->obj.sclust, 0); + fs->last_clst = fp->obj.sclust - 1; /* Reuse the cluster hole */ + } + } else +#endif + { + /* Set directory entry initial state */ + cl = ld_clust(fs, dj.dir); /* Get current cluster chain */ + st_dword(dj.dir + DIR_CrtTime, GET_FATTIME()); /* Set created time */ + dj.dir[DIR_Attr] = AM_ARC; /* Reset attribute */ + st_clust(fs, dj.dir, 0); /* Reset file allocation info */ + st_dword(dj.dir + DIR_FileSize, 0); + fs->wflag = 1; + if (cl != 0) { /* Remove the cluster chain if exist */ + dw = fs->winsect; + res = remove_chain(&dj.obj, cl, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = move_window(fs, dw); + fs->last_clst = cl - 1; /* Reuse the cluster hole */ + } + } + } + } + } + else { /* Open an existing file */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Is the object exsiting? */ + if (dj.obj.attr & AM_DIR) { /* File open against a directory */ + res = FR_NO_FILE; + } else { + if ((mode & FA_WRITE) && (dj.obj.attr & AM_RDO)) { /* Write mode open against R/O file */ + res = FR_DENIED; + } + } + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (mode & FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) mode |= FA_MODIFIED; /* Set file change flag if created or overwritten */ + fp->dir_sect = fs->winsect; /* Pointer to the directory entry */ + fp->dir_ptr = dj.dir; +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + fp->obj.lockid = inc_lock(&dj, (mode & ~FA_READ) ? 1 : 0); /* Lock the file for this session */ + if (fp->obj.lockid == 0) res = FR_INT_ERR; +#endif + } +#else /* R/O configuration */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NONAME) { /* Is it origin directory itself? */ + res = FR_INVALID_NAME; + } else { + if (dj.obj.attr & AM_DIR) { /* Is it a directory? */ + res = FR_NO_FILE; + } + } + } +#endif + + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + fp->obj.c_scl = dj.obj.sclust; /* Get containing directory info */ + fp->obj.c_size = ((DWORD)dj.obj.objsize & 0xFFFFFF00) | dj.obj.stat; + fp->obj.c_ofs = dj.blk_ofs; + init_alloc_info(fs, &fp->obj); + } else +#endif + { + fp->obj.sclust = ld_clust(fs, dj.dir); /* Get object allocation info */ + fp->obj.objsize = ld_dword(dj.dir + DIR_FileSize); + } +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK + fp->cltbl = 0; /* Disable fast seek mode */ +#endif + fp->obj.fs = fs; /* Validate the file object */ + fp->obj.id = fs->id; + fp->flag = mode; /* Set file access mode */ + fp->err = 0; /* Clear error flag */ + fp->sect = 0; /* Invalidate current data sector */ + fp->fptr = 0; /* Set file pointer top of the file */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +#if !FF_FS_TINY + mem_set(fp->buf, 0, sizeof fp->buf); /* Clear sector buffer */ +#endif + if ((mode & FA_SEEKEND) && fp->obj.objsize > 0) { /* Seek to end of file if FA_OPEN_APPEND is specified */ + fp->fptr = fp->obj.objsize; /* Offset to seek */ + bcs = (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs); /* Cluster size in byte */ + clst = fp->obj.sclust; /* Follow the cluster chain */ + for (ofs = fp->obj.objsize; res == FR_OK && ofs > bcs; ofs -= bcs) { + clst = get_fat(&fp->obj, clst); + if (clst <= 1) res = FR_INT_ERR; + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) res = FR_DISK_ERR; + } + fp->clust = clst; + if (res == FR_OK && ofs % SS(fs)) { /* Fill sector buffer if not on the sector boundary */ + if ((sc = clst2sect(fs, clst)) == 0) { + res = FR_INT_ERR; + } else { + fp->sect = sc + (DWORD)(ofs / SS(fs)); +#if !FF_FS_TINY + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) res = FR_DISK_ERR; +#endif + } + } + } +#endif + } + + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + if (res != FR_OK) fp->obj.fs = 0; /* Invalidate file object on error */ + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Read File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_read ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + void* buff, /* Pointer to data buffer */ + UINT btr, /* Number of bytes to read */ + UINT* br /* Pointer to number of bytes read */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD clst, sect; + FSIZE_t remain; + UINT rcnt, cc, csect; + BYTE *rbuff = (BYTE*)buff; + + UINT br_tmp; + if (!br) + br = &br_tmp; + *br = 0; /* Clear read byte counter */ + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("FOV"); + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); /* Check validity */ + } + if (!(fp->flag & FA_READ)) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DENIED); /* Check access mode */ + remain = fp->obj.objsize - fp->fptr; + if (btr > remain) btr = (UINT)remain; /* Truncate btr by remaining bytes */ + + for ( ; btr; /* Repeat until btr bytes read */ + btr -= rcnt, *br += rcnt, rbuff += rcnt, fp->fptr += rcnt) { + if (fp->fptr % SS(fs) == 0) { /* On the sector boundary? */ + csect = (UINT)(fp->fptr / SS(fs) & (fs->csize - 1)); /* Sector offset in the cluster */ + if (csect == 0) { /* On the cluster boundary? */ + if (fp->fptr == 0) { /* On the top of the file? */ + clst = fp->obj.sclust; /* Follow cluster chain from the origin */ + } else { /* Middle or end of the file */ +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK + if (fp->cltbl) { + clst = clmt_clust(fp, fp->fptr); /* Get cluster# from the CLMT */ + } else +#endif + { + clst = get_fat(&fp->obj, fp->clust); /* Follow cluster chain on the FAT */ + } + } + if (clst < 2) { + EFSPRINTF("CCHK"); + ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + } + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { + EFSPRINTF("DSKC"); + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } + fp->clust = clst; /* Update current cluster */ + } + sect = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust); /* Get current sector */ + if (sect == 0) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + sect += csect; + cc = btr / SS(fs); /* When remaining bytes >= sector size, */ + if (cc > 0) { /* Read maximum contiguous sectors directly */ + if (csect + cc > fs->csize) { /* Clip at cluster boundary */ + cc = fs->csize - csect; + } + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, rbuff, sect, cc) != RES_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("RLIO"); + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } +#if !FF_FS_READONLY && FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 2 /* Replace one of the read sectors with cached data if it contains a dirty sector */ +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (fs->wflag && fs->winsect - sect < cc) { + mem_cpy(rbuff + ((fs->winsect - sect) * SS(fs)), fs->win, SS(fs)); + } +#else + if ((fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) && fp->sect - sect < cc) { + mem_cpy(rbuff + ((fp->sect - sect) * SS(fs)), fp->buf, SS(fs)); + } +#endif +#endif + rcnt = SS(fs) * cc; /* Number of bytes transferred */ + continue; + } +#if !FF_FS_TINY + if (fp->sect != sect) { /* Load data sector if not in cache */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) { /* Write-back dirty sector cache */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("RDC"); + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, sect, 1) != RES_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("RSC"); + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Fill sector cache */ + } + } +#endif + fp->sect = sect; + } + rcnt = SS(fs) - (UINT)fp->fptr % SS(fs); /* Number of bytes left in the sector */ + if (rcnt > btr) rcnt = btr; /* Clip it by btr if needed */ +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (move_window(fs, fp->sect) != FR_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Move sector window */ + mem_cpy(rbuff, fs->win + fp->fptr % SS(fs), rcnt); /* Extract partial sector */ +#else + mem_cpy(rbuff, fp->buf + fp->fptr % SS(fs), rcnt); /* Extract partial sector */ +#endif + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_OK); +} + + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Write File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_write ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + const void* buff, /* Pointer to the data to be written */ + UINT btw, /* Number of bytes to write */ + UINT* bw /* Pointer to number of bytes written */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD clst, sect; + UINT wcnt, cc, csect; + const BYTE *wbuff = (const BYTE*)buff; + + UINT bw_tmp; + if (!bw) + bw = &bw_tmp; + *bw = 0; /* Clear write byte counter */ + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("FOV"); + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); /* Check validity */ + } + if (!(fp->flag & FA_WRITE)) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DENIED); /* Check access mode */ + + /* Check fptr wrap-around (file size cannot reach 4 GiB at FAT volume) */ + if ((!FF_FS_EXFAT || fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT) && (DWORD)(fp->fptr + btw) < (DWORD)fp->fptr) { + btw = (UINT)(0xFFFFFFFF - (DWORD)fp->fptr); + } + + for ( ; btw; /* Repeat until all data written */ + btw -= wcnt, *bw += wcnt, wbuff += wcnt, fp->fptr += wcnt, fp->obj.objsize = (fp->fptr > fp->obj.objsize) ? fp->fptr : fp->obj.objsize) { + if (fp->fptr % SS(fs) == 0) { /* On the sector boundary? */ + csect = (UINT)(fp->fptr / SS(fs)) & (fs->csize - 1); /* Sector offset in the cluster */ + if (csect == 0) { /* On the cluster boundary? */ + if (fp->fptr == 0) { /* On the top of the file? */ + clst = fp->obj.sclust; /* Follow from the origin */ + if (clst == 0) { /* If no cluster is allocated, */ + clst = create_chain(&fp->obj, 0); /* create a new cluster chain */ + } + } else { /* On the middle or end of the file */ +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK + if (fp->cltbl) { + clst = clmt_clust(fp, fp->fptr); /* Get cluster# from the CLMT */ + } else +#endif + { + clst = create_chain(&fp->obj, fp->clust); /* Follow or stretch cluster chain on the FAT */ + } + } + if (clst == 0) { + EFSPRINTF("DSKFULL"); + break; /* Could not allocate a new cluster (disk full) */ + } + if (clst == 1) { + EFSPRINTF("CCHK"); + ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + } + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { + EFSPRINTF("DERR"); + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } + fp->clust = clst; /* Update current cluster */ + if (fp->obj.sclust == 0) fp->obj.sclust = clst; /* Set start cluster if the first write */ + } +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (fs->winsect == fp->sect && sync_window(fs) != FR_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Write-back sector cache */ +#else + if (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) { /* Write-back sector cache */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif + sect = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust); /* Get current sector */ + if (sect == 0) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + sect += csect; + cc = btw / SS(fs); /* When remaining bytes >= sector size, */ + if (cc > 0) { /* Write maximum contiguous sectors directly */ + if (csect + cc > fs->csize) { /* Clip at cluster boundary */ + cc = fs->csize - csect; + } + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sect, cc) != RES_OK) { + EFSPRINTF("WLIO"); + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 2 +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (fs->winsect - sect < cc) { /* Refill sector cache if it gets invalidated by the direct write */ + mem_cpy(fs->win, wbuff + ((fs->winsect - sect) * SS(fs)), SS(fs)); + fs->wflag = 0; + } +#else + if (fp->sect - sect < cc) { /* Refill sector cache if it gets invalidated by the direct write */ + mem_cpy(fp->buf, wbuff + ((fp->sect - sect) * SS(fs)), SS(fs)); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif +#endif + wcnt = SS(fs) * cc; /* Number of bytes transferred */ + continue; + } +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (fp->fptr >= fp->obj.objsize) { /* Avoid silly cache filling on the growing edge */ + if (sync_window(fs) != FR_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fs->winsect = sect; + } +#else + if (fp->sect != sect && /* Fill sector cache with file data */ + fp->fptr < fp->obj.objsize && + disk_read(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, sect, 1) != RES_OK) { + ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } +#endif + fp->sect = sect; + } + wcnt = SS(fs) - (UINT)fp->fptr % SS(fs); /* Number of bytes left in the sector */ + if (wcnt > btw) wcnt = btw; /* Clip it by btw if needed */ +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (move_window(fs, fp->sect) != FR_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Move sector window */ + mem_cpy(fs->win + fp->fptr % SS(fs), wbuff, wcnt); /* Fit data to the sector */ + fs->wflag = 1; +#else + mem_cpy(fp->buf + fp->fptr % SS(fs), wbuff, wcnt); /* Fit data to the sector */ + fp->flag |= FA_DIRTY; +#endif + } + + fp->flag |= FA_MODIFIED; /* Set file change flag */ + + LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_OK); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Synchronize the File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_sync ( + FIL* fp /* Pointer to the file object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD tm; + BYTE *dir; + + + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (fp->flag & FA_MODIFIED) { /* Is there any change to the file? */ +#if !FF_FS_TINY + if (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) { /* Write-back cached data if needed */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif + /* Update the directory entry */ + tm = GET_FATTIME(); /* Modified time */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + res = fill_first_frag(&fp->obj); /* Fill first fragment on the FAT if needed */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = fill_last_frag(&fp->obj, fp->clust, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Fill last fragment on the FAT if needed */ + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + DIR dj; + DEF_NAMBUF + + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = load_obj_xdir(&dj, &fp->obj); /* Load directory entry block */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] |= AM_ARC; /* Set archive attribute to indicate that the file has been changed */ + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_GenFlags] = fp->obj.stat | 1; /* Update file allocation information */ + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FstClus, fp->obj.sclust); + st_qword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FileSize, fp->obj.objsize); + st_qword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_ValidFileSize, fp->obj.objsize); + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_ModTime, tm); /* Update modified time */ + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_ModTime10] = 0; + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_AccTime, 0); + res = store_xdir(&dj); /* Restore it to the directory */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = sync_fs(fs); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_MODIFIED; + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + } else +#endif + { + res = move_window(fs, fp->dir_sect); + if (res == FR_OK) { + dir = fp->dir_ptr; + dir[DIR_Attr] |= AM_ARC; /* Set archive attribute to indicate that the file has been changed */ + st_clust(fp->obj.fs, dir, fp->obj.sclust); /* Update file allocation information */ + st_dword(dir + DIR_FileSize, (DWORD)fp->obj.objsize); /* Update file size */ + st_dword(dir + DIR_ModTime, tm); /* Update modified time */ + st_word(dir + DIR_LstAccDate, 0); + fs->wflag = 1; + res = sync_fs(fs); /* Restore it to the directory */ + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_MODIFIED; + } + } + } + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Close File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_close ( + FIL* fp /* Pointer to the file object to be closed */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + res = f_sync(fp); /* Flush cached data */ + if (res == FR_OK) +#endif + { + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Lock volume */ + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + res = dec_lock(fp->obj.lockid); /* Decrement file open counter */ + if (res == FR_OK) fp->obj.fs = 0; /* Invalidate file object */ +#else + fp->obj.fs = 0; /* Invalidate file object */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT + unlock_fs(fs, FR_OK); /* Unlock volume */ +#endif + } + } + return res; +} + + + + +#if FF_FS_RPATH >= 1 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Change Current Directory or Current Drive, Get Current Directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_chdrive ( + const TCHAR* path /* Drive number to set */ +) +{ + int vol; + + + /* Get logical drive number */ + vol = get_ldnumber(&path); + if (vol < 0) return FR_INVALID_DRIVE; + CurrVol = (BYTE)vol; /* Set it as current volume */ + + return FR_OK; +} + + + +FRESULT f_chdir ( + const TCHAR* path /* Pointer to the directory path */ +) +{ +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID == 2 + UINT i; +#endif + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the path */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Follow completed */ + if (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NONAME) { /* Is it the start directory itself? */ + fs->cdir = dj.obj.sclust; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + fs->cdc_scl = dj.obj.c_scl; + fs->cdc_size = dj.obj.c_size; + fs->cdc_ofs = dj.obj.c_ofs; + } +#endif + } else { + if (dj.obj.attr & AM_DIR) { /* It is a sub-directory */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + fs->cdir = ld_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FstClus); /* Sub-directory cluster */ + fs->cdc_scl = dj.obj.sclust; /* Save containing directory information */ + fs->cdc_size = ((DWORD)dj.obj.objsize & 0xFFFFFF00) | dj.obj.stat; + fs->cdc_ofs = dj.blk_ofs; + } else +#endif + { + fs->cdir = ld_clust(fs, dj.dir); /* Sub-directory cluster */ + } + } else { + res = FR_NO_PATH; /* Reached but a file */ + } + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_NO_PATH; +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID == 2 /* Also current drive is changed at Unix style volume ID */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + for (i = FF_VOLUMES - 1; i && fs != FatFs[i]; i--) ; /* Set current drive */ + CurrVol = (BYTE)i; + } +#endif + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + +#if FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 +FRESULT f_getcwd ( + TCHAR* buff, /* Pointer to the directory path */ + UINT len /* Size of buff in unit of TCHAR */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; + UINT i, n; + DWORD ccl; + TCHAR *tp = buff; +#if FF_VOLUMES >= 2 + UINT vl; +#endif +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID + const char *vp; +#endif + FILINFO fno; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + /* Get logical drive */ + buff[0] = 0; /* Set null string to get current volume */ + res = find_volume((const TCHAR**)&buff, &fs, 0); /* Get current volume */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + + /* Follow parent directories and create the path */ + i = len; /* Bottom of buffer (directory stack base) */ + if (!FF_FS_EXFAT || fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT) { /* (Cannot do getcwd on exFAT and returns root path) */ + dj.obj.sclust = fs->cdir; /* Start to follow upper directory from current directory */ + while ((ccl = dj.obj.sclust) != 0) { /* Repeat while current directory is a sub-directory */ + res = dir_sdi(&dj, 1 * SZDIRE); /* Get parent directory */ + if (res != FR_OK) break; + res = move_window(fs, dj.sect); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + dj.obj.sclust = ld_clust(fs, dj.dir); /* Goto parent directory */ + res = dir_sdi(&dj, 0); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + do { /* Find the entry links to the child directory */ + res = DIR_READ_FILE(&dj); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + if (ccl == ld_clust(fs, dj.dir)) break; /* Found the entry */ + res = dir_next(&dj, 0); + } while (res == FR_OK); + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_INT_ERR;/* It cannot be 'not found'. */ + if (res != FR_OK) break; + get_fileinfo(&dj, &fno); /* Get the directory name and push it to the buffer */ + for (n = 0; fno.fname[n]; n++) ; /* Name length */ + if (i < n + 1) { /* Insufficient space to store the path name? */ + res = FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE; break; + } + while (n) buff[--i] = fno.fname[--n]; /* Stack the name */ + buff[--i] = '/'; + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (i == len) buff[--i] = '/'; /* Is it the root-directory? */ +#if FF_VOLUMES >= 2 /* Put drive prefix */ + vl = 0; +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID >= 1 /* String volume ID */ + for (n = 0, vp = (const char*)VolumeStr[CurrVol]; vp[n]; n++) ; + if (i >= n + 2) { + if (FF_STR_VOLUME_ID == 2) *tp++ = (TCHAR)'/'; + for (vl = 0; vl < n; *tp++ = (TCHAR)vp[vl], vl++) ; + if (FF_STR_VOLUME_ID == 1) *tp++ = (TCHAR)':'; + vl++; + } +#else /* Numeric volume ID */ + if (i >= 3) { + *tp++ = (TCHAR)'0' + CurrVol; + *tp++ = (TCHAR)':'; + vl = 2; + } +#endif + if (vl == 0) res = FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE; +#endif + /* Add current directory path */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + do *tp++ = buff[i++]; while (i < len); /* Copy stacked path string */ + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + *tp = 0; + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + +#endif /* FF_FS_RPATH >= 2 */ +#endif /* FF_FS_RPATH >= 1 */ + + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 2 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Seek File Read/Write Pointer */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_lseek ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + FSIZE_t ofs /* File pointer from top of file */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD clst, bcs, nsect; + FSIZE_t ifptr; +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK + DWORD cl, pcl, ncl, tcl, dsc, tlen, ulen, *tbl; +#endif + + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res == FR_OK) res = (FRESULT)fp->err; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT && !FF_FS_READONLY + if (res == FR_OK && fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + res = fill_last_frag(&fp->obj, fp->clust, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Fill last fragment on the FAT if needed */ + } +#endif + if (res != FR_OK) LEAVE_FF(fs, res); + +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK + if (fp->cltbl) { /* Fast seek */ + if (ofs == CREATE_LINKMAP) { /* Create CLMT */ + tbl = fp->cltbl; + tlen = *tbl++; ulen = 2; /* Given table size and required table size */ + cl = fp->obj.sclust; /* Origin of the chain */ + if (cl != 0) { + do { + /* Get a fragment */ + tcl = cl; ncl = 0; ulen += 2; /* Top, length and used items */ + do { + pcl = cl; ncl++; + cl = get_fat(&fp->obj, cl); + if (cl <= 1) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + if (cl == 0xFFFFFFFF) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } while (cl == pcl + 1); + if (ulen <= tlen) { /* Store the length and top of the fragment */ + *tbl++ = ncl; *tbl++ = tcl; + } + } while (cl < fs->n_fatent); /* Repeat until end of chain */ + } + *fp->cltbl = ulen; /* Number of items used */ + if (ulen <= tlen) { + *tbl = 0; /* Terminate table */ + } else { + res = FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE; /* Given table size is smaller than required */ + } + } else { /* Fast seek */ + if (ofs > fp->obj.objsize) ofs = fp->obj.objsize; /* Clip offset at the file size */ + fp->fptr = ofs; /* Set file pointer */ + if (ofs > 0) { + fp->clust = clmt_clust(fp, ofs - 1); + dsc = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust); + if (dsc == 0) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + dsc += (DWORD)((ofs - 1) / SS(fs)) & (fs->csize - 1); + if (fp->fptr % SS(fs) && dsc != fp->sect) { /* Refill sector cache if needed */ +#if !FF_FS_TINY +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) { /* Write-back dirty sector cache */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, dsc, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Load current sector */ +#endif + fp->sect = dsc; + } + } + } + } else +#endif + + /* Normal Seek */ + { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT && ofs >= 0x100000000) ofs = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Clip at 4 GiB - 1 if at FATxx */ +#endif + if (ofs > fp->obj.objsize && (FF_FS_READONLY || !(fp->flag & FA_WRITE))) { /* In read-only mode, clip offset with the file size */ + ofs = fp->obj.objsize; + } + ifptr = fp->fptr; + fp->fptr = nsect = 0; + if (ofs > 0) { + bcs = (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs); /* Cluster size (byte) */ + if (ifptr > 0 && + (ofs - 1) / bcs >= (ifptr - 1) / bcs) { /* When seek to same or following cluster, */ + fp->fptr = (ifptr - 1) & ~(FSIZE_t)(bcs - 1); /* start from the current cluster */ + ofs -= fp->fptr; + clst = fp->clust; + } else { /* When seek to back cluster, */ + clst = fp->obj.sclust; /* start from the first cluster */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (clst == 0) { /* If no cluster chain, create a new chain */ + clst = create_chain(&fp->obj, 0); + if (clst == 1) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->obj.sclust = clst; + } +#endif + fp->clust = clst; + } + if (clst != 0) { + while (ofs > bcs) { /* Cluster following loop */ + ofs -= bcs; fp->fptr += bcs; +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (fp->flag & FA_WRITE) { /* Check if in write mode or not */ + if (FF_FS_EXFAT && fp->fptr > fp->obj.objsize) { /* No FAT chain object needs correct objsize to generate FAT value */ + fp->obj.objsize = fp->fptr; + fp->flag |= FA_MODIFIED; + } + clst = create_chain(&fp->obj, clst); /* Follow chain with forceed stretch */ + if (clst == 0) { /* Clip file size in case of disk full */ + ofs = 0; break; + } + } else +#endif + { + clst = get_fat(&fp->obj, clst); /* Follow cluster chain if not in write mode */ + } + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + if (clst <= 1 || clst >= fs->n_fatent) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + fp->clust = clst; + } + fp->fptr += ofs; + if (ofs % SS(fs)) { + nsect = clst2sect(fs, clst); /* Current sector */ + if (nsect == 0) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + nsect += (DWORD)(ofs / SS(fs)); + } + } + } + if (!FF_FS_READONLY && fp->fptr > fp->obj.objsize) { /* Set file change flag if the file size is extended */ + fp->obj.objsize = fp->fptr; + fp->flag |= FA_MODIFIED; + } + if (fp->fptr % SS(fs) && nsect != fp->sect) { /* Fill sector cache if needed */ +#if !FF_FS_TINY +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) { /* Write-back dirty sector cache */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, nsect, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Fill sector cache */ +#endif + fp->sect = nsect; + } + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Create a Directory Object */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_opendir ( + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to directory object to create */ + const TCHAR* path /* Pointer to the directory path */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + if (!dp) return FR_INVALID_OBJECT; + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + dp->obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(dp, path); /* Follow the path to the directory */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Follow completed */ + if (!(dp->fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NONAME)) { /* It is not the origin directory itself */ + if (dp->obj.attr & AM_DIR) { /* This object is a sub-directory */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + dp->obj.c_scl = dp->obj.sclust; /* Get containing directory inforamation */ + dp->obj.c_size = ((DWORD)dp->obj.objsize & 0xFFFFFF00) | dp->obj.stat; + dp->obj.c_ofs = dp->blk_ofs; + init_alloc_info(fs, &dp->obj); /* Get object allocation info */ + } else +#endif + { + dp->obj.sclust = ld_clust(fs, dp->dir); /* Get object allocation info */ + } + } else { /* This object is a file */ + res = FR_NO_PATH; + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + dp->obj.id = fs->id; + res = dir_sdi(dp, 0); /* Rewind directory */ +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (dp->obj.sclust != 0) { + dp->obj.lockid = inc_lock(dp, 0); /* Lock the sub directory */ + if (!dp->obj.lockid) res = FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; + } else { + dp->obj.lockid = 0; /* Root directory need not to be locked */ + } + } +#endif + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_NO_PATH; + } + if (res != FR_OK) dp->obj.fs = 0; /* Invalidate the directory object if function faild */ + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Close Directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_closedir ( + DIR *dp /* Pointer to the directory object to be closed */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + + + res = validate(&dp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + if (dp->obj.lockid) res = dec_lock(dp->obj.lockid); /* Decrement sub-directory open counter */ + if (res == FR_OK) dp->obj.fs = 0; /* Invalidate directory object */ +#else + dp->obj.fs = 0; /* Invalidate directory object */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT + unlock_fs(fs, FR_OK); /* Unlock volume */ +#endif + } + return res; +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Read Directory Entries in Sequence */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_readdir ( + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the open directory object */ + FILINFO* fno /* Pointer to file information to return */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + res = validate(&dp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the directory object */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (!fno) { + res = dir_sdi(dp, 0); /* Rewind the directory object */ + } else { + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = DIR_READ_FILE(dp); /* Read an item */ + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_OK; /* Ignore end of directory */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* A valid entry is found */ + get_fileinfo(dp, fno); /* Get the object information */ + res = dir_next(dp, 0); /* Increment index for next */ + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_OK; /* Ignore end of directory now */ + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + } + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + +#if FF_USE_FIND +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Find Next File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_findnext ( + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the open directory object */ + FILINFO* fno /* Pointer to the file information structure */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + + + for (;;) { + res = f_readdir(dp, fno); /* Get a directory item */ + if (res != FR_OK || !fno || !fno->fname[0]) break; /* Terminate if any error or end of directory */ + if (pattern_matching(dp->pat, fno->fname, 0, 0)) break; /* Test for the file name */ +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_USE_FIND == 2 + if (pattern_matching(dp->pat, fno->altname, 0, 0)) break; /* Test for alternative name if exist */ +#endif + } + return res; +} + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Find First File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_findfirst ( + DIR* dp, /* Pointer to the blank directory object */ + FILINFO* fno, /* Pointer to the file information structure */ + const TCHAR* path, /* Pointer to the directory to open */ + const TCHAR* pattern /* Pointer to the matching pattern */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + + + dp->pat = pattern; /* Save pointer to pattern string */ + res = f_opendir(dp, path); /* Open the target directory */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = f_findnext(dp, fno); /* Find the first item */ + } + return res; +} + +#endif /* FF_USE_FIND */ + + + +#if FF_FS_MINIMIZE == 0 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get File Status */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_stat ( + const TCHAR* path, /* Pointer to the file path */ + FILINFO* fno /* Pointer to file information to return */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&path, &dj.obj.fs, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + INIT_NAMBUF(dj.obj.fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Follow completed */ + if (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NONAME) { /* It is origin directory */ + res = FR_INVALID_NAME; + } else { /* Found an object */ + if (fno) get_fileinfo(&dj, fno); + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + LEAVE_FF(dj.obj.fs, res); +} + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get Number of Free Clusters */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_getfree ( + const TCHAR* path, /* Logical drive number */ + DWORD* nclst, /* Pointer to a variable to return number of free clusters */ + FATFS** fatfs /* Pointer to return pointer to corresponding filesystem object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD nfree, clst, sect, stat; + UINT i; + FFOBJID obj; + + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + *fatfs = fs; /* Return ptr to the fs object */ + /* If free_clst is valid, return it without full FAT scan */ + if (fs->free_clst <= fs->n_fatent - 2) { + *nclst = fs->free_clst; + } else { + /* Scan FAT to obtain number of free clusters */ + nfree = 0; + if (fs->fs_type == FS_FAT12) { /* FAT12: Scan bit field FAT entries */ + clst = 2; obj.fs = fs; + do { + stat = get_fat(&obj, clst); + if (stat == 0xFFFFFFFF) { res = FR_DISK_ERR; break; } + if (stat == 1) { res = FR_INT_ERR; break; } + if (stat == 0) nfree++; + } while (++clst < fs->n_fatent); + } else { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* exFAT: Scan allocation bitmap */ + BYTE bm; + UINT b; + + clst = fs->n_fatent - 2; /* Number of clusters */ + sect = fs->bitbase; /* Bitmap sector */ + i = 0; /* Offset in the sector */ + do { /* Counts numbuer of bits with zero in the bitmap */ + if (i == 0) { + res = move_window(fs, sect++); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + } + for (b = 8, bm = fs->win[i]; b && clst; b--, clst--) { + if (!(bm & 1)) nfree++; + bm >>= 1; + } + i = (i + 1) % SS(fs); + } while (clst); + } else +#endif + { /* FAT16/32: Scan WORD/DWORD FAT entries */ + clst = fs->n_fatent; /* Number of entries */ + sect = fs->fatbase; /* Top of the FAT */ + i = 0; /* Offset in the sector */ + do { /* Counts numbuer of entries with zero in the FAT */ + if (i == 0) { + res = move_window(fs, sect++); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + } + if (fs->fs_type == FS_FAT16) { + if (ld_word(fs->win + i) == 0) nfree++; + i += 2; + } else { + if ((ld_dword(fs->win + i) & 0x0FFFFFFF) == 0) nfree++; + i += 4; + } + i %= SS(fs); + } while (--clst); + } + } + *nclst = nfree; /* Return the free clusters */ + fs->free_clst = nfree; /* Now free_clst is valid */ + fs->fsi_flag |= 1; /* FAT32: FSInfo is to be updated */ + } + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Truncate File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_truncate ( + FIL* fp /* Pointer to the file object */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD ncl; + + + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) LEAVE_FF(fs, res); + if (!(fp->flag & FA_WRITE)) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DENIED); /* Check access mode */ + + if (fp->fptr < fp->obj.objsize) { /* Process when fptr is not on the eof */ + if (fp->fptr == 0) { /* When set file size to zero, remove entire cluster chain */ + res = remove_chain(&fp->obj, fp->obj.sclust, 0); + fp->obj.sclust = 0; + } else { /* When truncate a part of the file, remove remaining clusters */ + ncl = get_fat(&fp->obj, fp->clust); + res = FR_OK; + if (ncl == 0xFFFFFFFF) res = FR_DISK_ERR; + if (ncl == 1) res = FR_INT_ERR; + if (res == FR_OK && ncl < fs->n_fatent) { + res = remove_chain(&fp->obj, ncl, fp->clust); + } + } + fp->obj.objsize = fp->fptr; /* Set file size to current read/write point */ + fp->flag |= FA_MODIFIED; +#if !FF_FS_TINY + if (res == FR_OK && (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY)) { + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) { + res = FR_DISK_ERR; + } else { + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } + } +#endif + if (res != FR_OK) ABORT(fs, res); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Delete a File/Directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_unlink ( + const TCHAR* path /* Pointer to the file or directory path */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj, sdj; + DWORD dclst = 0; + FATFS *fs; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + FFOBJID obj; +#endif + DEF_NAMBUF + + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, FA_WRITE); + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ + if (FF_FS_RPATH && res == FR_OK && (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_DOT)) { + res = FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Cannot remove dot entry */ + } +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + if (res == FR_OK) res = chk_lock(&dj, 2); /* Check if it is an open object */ +#endif + if (res == FR_OK) { /* The object is accessible */ + if (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_NONAME) { + res = FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Cannot remove the origin directory */ + } else { + if (dj.obj.attr & AM_RDO) { + res = FR_DENIED; /* Cannot remove R/O object */ + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + obj.fs = fs; + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + init_alloc_info(fs, &obj); + dclst = obj.sclust; + } else +#endif + { + dclst = ld_clust(fs, dj.dir); + } + if (dj.obj.attr & AM_DIR) { /* Is it a sub-directory? */ +#if FF_FS_RPATH != 0 + if (dclst == fs->cdir) { /* Is it the current directory? */ + res = FR_DENIED; + } else +#endif + { + sdj.obj.fs = fs; /* Open the sub-directory */ + sdj.obj.sclust = dclst; +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + sdj.obj.objsize = obj.objsize; + sdj.obj.stat = obj.stat; + } +#endif + res = dir_sdi(&sdj, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = DIR_READ_FILE(&sdj); /* Test if the directory is empty */ + if (res == FR_OK) res = FR_DENIED; /* Not empty? */ + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_OK; /* Empty? */ + } + } + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = dir_remove(&dj); /* Remove the directory entry */ + if (res == FR_OK && dclst != 0) { /* Remove the cluster chain if exist */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + res = remove_chain(&obj, dclst, 0); +#else + res = remove_chain(&dj.obj, dclst, 0); +#endif + } + if (res == FR_OK) res = sync_fs(fs); + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Create a Directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_mkdir ( + const TCHAR* path /* Pointer to the directory path */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FFOBJID sobj; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD dcl, pcl, tm; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, FA_WRITE); /* Get logical drive */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ + if (res == FR_OK) res = FR_EXIST; /* Name collision? */ + if (FF_FS_RPATH && res == FR_NO_FILE && (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & NS_DOT)) { /* Invalid name? */ + res = FR_INVALID_NAME; + } + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { /* It is clear to create a new directory */ + sobj.fs = fs; /* New object id to create a new chain */ + dcl = create_chain(&sobj, 0); /* Allocate a cluster for the new directory */ + res = FR_OK; + if (dcl == 0) res = FR_DENIED; /* No space to allocate a new cluster? */ + if (dcl == 1) res = FR_INT_ERR; /* Any insanity? */ + if (dcl == 0xFFFFFFFF) res = FR_DISK_ERR; /* Disk error? */ + tm = GET_FATTIME(); + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = dir_clear(fs, dcl); /* Clean up the new table */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (!FF_FS_EXFAT || fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT) { /* Create dot entries (FAT only) */ + mem_set(fs->win + DIR_Name, ' ', 11); /* Create "." entry */ + fs->win[DIR_Name] = '.'; + fs->win[DIR_Attr] = AM_DIR; + st_dword(fs->win + DIR_ModTime, tm); + st_clust(fs, fs->win, dcl); + mem_cpy(fs->win + SZDIRE, fs->win, SZDIRE); /* Create ".." entry */ + fs->win[SZDIRE + 1] = '.'; pcl = dj.obj.sclust; + st_clust(fs, fs->win + SZDIRE, pcl); + fs->wflag = 1; + } + res = dir_register(&dj); /* Register the object to the parent directoy */ + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* Initialize directory entry block */ + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_ModTime, tm); /* Created time */ + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FstClus, dcl); /* Table start cluster */ + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_FileSize, (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs)); /* File size needs to be valid */ + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_ValidFileSize, (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs)); + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_GenFlags] = 3; /* Initialize the object flag */ + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] = AM_DIR; /* Attribute */ + res = store_xdir(&dj); + } else +#endif + { + st_dword(dj.dir + DIR_ModTime, tm); /* Created time */ + st_clust(fs, dj.dir, dcl); /* Table start cluster */ + dj.dir[DIR_Attr] = AM_DIR; /* Attribute */ + fs->wflag = 1; + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = sync_fs(fs); + } + } else { + remove_chain(&sobj, dcl, 0); /* Could not register, remove the allocated cluster */ + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Rename a File/Directory */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_rename ( + const TCHAR* path_old, /* Pointer to the object name to be renamed */ + const TCHAR* path_new /* Pointer to the new name */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR djo, djn; + FATFS *fs; + BYTE buf[FF_FS_EXFAT ? SZDIRE * 2 : SZDIRE], *dir; + DWORD dw; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + get_ldnumber(&path_new); /* Snip the drive number of new name off */ + res = find_volume(&path_old, &fs, FA_WRITE); /* Get logical drive of the old object */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + djo.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&djo, path_old); /* Check old object */ + if (res == FR_OK && (djo.fn[NSFLAG] & (NS_DOT | NS_NONAME))) res = FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Check validity of name */ +#if FF_FS_LOCK != 0 + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = chk_lock(&djo, 2); + } +#endif + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Object to be renamed is found */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* At exFAT volume */ + BYTE nf, nn; + WORD nh; + + mem_cpy(buf, fs->dirbuf, SZDIRE * 2); /* Save 85+C0 entry of old object */ + mem_cpy(&djn, &djo, sizeof djo); + res = follow_path(&djn, path_new); /* Make sure if new object name is not in use */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Is new name already in use by any other object? */ + res = (djn.obj.sclust == djo.obj.sclust && djn.dptr == djo.dptr) ? FR_NO_FILE : FR_EXIST; + } + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { /* It is a valid path and no name collision */ + res = dir_register(&djn); /* Register the new entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + nf = fs->dirbuf[XDIR_NumSec]; nn = fs->dirbuf[XDIR_NumName]; + nh = ld_word(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_NameHash); + mem_cpy(fs->dirbuf, buf, SZDIRE * 2); /* Restore 85+C0 entry */ + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_NumSec] = nf; fs->dirbuf[XDIR_NumName] = nn; + st_word(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_NameHash, nh); + if (!(fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] & AM_DIR)) fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] |= AM_ARC; /* Set archive attribute if it is a file */ +/* Start of critical section where an interruption can cause a cross-link */ + res = store_xdir(&djn); + } + } + } else +#endif + { /* At FAT/FAT32 volume */ + mem_cpy(buf, djo.dir, SZDIRE); /* Save directory entry of the object */ + mem_cpy(&djn, &djo, sizeof (DIR)); /* Duplicate the directory object */ + res = follow_path(&djn, path_new); /* Make sure if new object name is not in use */ + if (res == FR_OK) { /* Is new name already in use by any other object? */ + res = (djn.obj.sclust == djo.obj.sclust && djn.dptr == djo.dptr) ? FR_NO_FILE : FR_EXIST; + } + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { /* It is a valid path and no name collision */ + res = dir_register(&djn); /* Register the new entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + dir = djn.dir; /* Copy directory entry of the object except name */ + mem_cpy(dir + 13, buf + 13, SZDIRE - 13); + dir[DIR_Attr] = buf[DIR_Attr]; + if (!(dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_DIR)) dir[DIR_Attr] |= AM_ARC; /* Set archive attribute if it is a file */ + fs->wflag = 1; + if ((dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_DIR) && djo.obj.sclust != djn.obj.sclust) { /* Update .. entry in the sub-directory if needed */ + dw = clst2sect(fs, ld_clust(fs, dir)); + if (dw == 0) { + res = FR_INT_ERR; + } else { +/* Start of critical section where an interruption can cause a cross-link */ + res = move_window(fs, dw); + dir = fs->win + SZDIRE * 1; /* Ptr to .. entry */ + if (res == FR_OK && dir[1] == '.') { + st_clust(fs, dir, djn.obj.sclust); + fs->wflag = 1; + } + } + } + } + } + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = dir_remove(&djo); /* Remove old entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = sync_fs(fs); + } + } +/* End of the critical section */ + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ +#endif /* FF_FS_MINIMIZE == 0 */ +#endif /* FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1 */ +#endif /* FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 2 */ + + + +#if FF_USE_CHMOD && !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Change Attribute */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_chmod ( + const TCHAR* path, /* Pointer to the file path */ + BYTE attr, /* Attribute bits */ + BYTE mask /* Attribute mask to change */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, FA_WRITE); /* Get logical drive */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ + if (res == FR_OK && (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & (NS_DOT | NS_NONAME))) res = FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Check object validity */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + mask &= AM_RDO|AM_HID|AM_SYS|AM_ARC; /* Valid attribute mask */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] = (attr & mask) | (fs->dirbuf[XDIR_Attr] & (BYTE)~mask); /* Apply attribute change */ + res = store_xdir(&dj); + } else +#endif + { + dj.dir[DIR_Attr] = (attr & mask) | (dj.dir[DIR_Attr] & (BYTE)~mask); /* Apply attribute change */ + fs->wflag = 1; + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = sync_fs(fs); + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Change Timestamp */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_utime ( + const TCHAR* path, /* Pointer to the file/directory name */ + const FILINFO* fno /* Pointer to the timestamp to be set */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; + DEF_NAMBUF + + + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, FA_WRITE); /* Get logical drive */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; + INIT_NAMBUF(fs); + res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ + if (res == FR_OK && (dj.fn[NSFLAG] & (NS_DOT | NS_NONAME))) res = FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Check object validity */ + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + st_dword(fs->dirbuf + XDIR_ModTime, (DWORD)fno->fdate << 16 | fno->ftime); + res = store_xdir(&dj); + } else +#endif + { + st_dword(dj.dir + DIR_ModTime, (DWORD)fno->fdate << 16 | fno->ftime); + fs->wflag = 1; + } + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = sync_fs(fs); + } + } + FREE_NAMBUF(); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + +#endif /* FF_USE_CHMOD && !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + +#if FF_USE_LABEL +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get Volume Label */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_getlabel ( + const TCHAR* path, /* Logical drive number */ + TCHAR* label, /* Buffer to store the volume label */ + DWORD* vsn /* Variable to store the volume serial number */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; + UINT si, di; + WCHAR wc; + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&path, &fs, 0); + + /* Get volume label */ + if (res == FR_OK && label) { + dj.obj.fs = fs; dj.obj.sclust = 0; /* Open root directory */ + res = dir_sdi(&dj, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = DIR_READ_LABEL(&dj); /* Find a volume label entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + WCHAR hs; + + for (si = di = hs = 0; si < dj.dir[XDIR_NumLabel]; si++) { /* Extract volume label from 83 entry */ + wc = ld_word(dj.dir + XDIR_Label + si * 2); + if (hs == 0 && IsSurrogate(wc)) { /* Is the code a surrogate? */ + hs = wc; continue; + } + wc = put_utf((DWORD)hs << 16 | wc, &label[di], 4); + if (wc == 0) { di = 0; break; } + di += wc; + hs = 0; + } + if (hs != 0) di = 0; /* Broken surrogate pair? */ + label[di] = 0; + } else +#endif + { + si = di = 0; /* Extract volume label from AM_VOL entry */ + while (si < 11) { + wc = dj.dir[si++]; +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE >= 1 /* Unicode output */ + if (dbc_1st((BYTE)wc) && si < 11) wc = wc << 8 | dj.dir[si++]; /* Is it a DBC? */ + wc = ff_oem2uni(wc, CODEPAGE); /* Convert it into Unicode */ + if (wc != 0) wc = put_utf(wc, &label[di], 4); /* Put it in Unicode */ + if (wc == 0) { di = 0; break; } + di += wc; +#else /* ANSI/OEM output */ + label[di++] = (TCHAR)wc; +#endif + } + do { /* Truncate trailing spaces */ + label[di] = 0; + if (di == 0) break; + } while (label[--di] == ' '); + } + } + } + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { /* No label entry and return nul string */ + label[0] = 0; + res = FR_OK; + } + } + + /* Get volume serial number */ + if (res == FR_OK && vsn) { + res = move_window(fs, fs->volbase); + if (res == FR_OK) { + switch (fs->fs_type) { + case FS_EXFAT: + di = BPB_VolIDEx; break; + + case FS_FAT32: + di = BS_VolID32; break; + + default: + di = BS_VolID; + } + *vsn = ld_dword(fs->win + di); + } + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Set Volume Label */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_setlabel ( + const TCHAR* label /* Volume label to set with heading logical drive number */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + DIR dj; + FATFS *fs; + BYTE dirvn[22]; + UINT di; + WCHAR wc; + static const char badchr[] = "+.,;=[]/\\\"*:<>\?|\x7F"; /* [0..] for FAT, [7..] for exFAT */ +#if FF_USE_LFN + DWORD dc; +#endif + + /* Get logical drive */ + res = find_volume(&label, &fs, FA_WRITE); + if (res != FR_OK) LEAVE_FF(fs, res); + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { /* On the exFAT volume */ + mem_set(dirvn, 0, 22); + di = 0; + while ((UINT)*label >= ' ') { /* Create volume label */ + dc = tchar2uni(&label); /* Get a Unicode character */ + if (dc >= 0x10000) { + if (dc == 0xFFFFFFFF || di >= 10) { /* Wrong surrogate or buffer overflow */ + dc = 0; + } else { + st_word(dirvn + di * 2, (WCHAR)(dc >> 16)); di++; + } + } + if (dc == 0 || chk_chr(badchr + 7, (int)dc) || di >= 11) { /* Check validity of the volume label */ + LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_INVALID_NAME); + } + st_word(dirvn + di * 2, (WCHAR)dc); di++; + } + } else +#endif + { /* On the FAT/FAT32 volume */ + mem_set(dirvn, ' ', 11); + di = 0; + while ((UINT)*label >= ' ') { /* Create volume label */ +#if FF_USE_LFN + dc = tchar2uni(&label); + wc = (dc < 0x10000) ? ff_uni2oem(ff_wtoupper(dc), CODEPAGE) : 0; +#else /* ANSI/OEM input */ + wc = (BYTE)*label++; + if (dbc_1st((BYTE)wc)) wc = dbc_2nd((BYTE)*label) ? wc << 8 | (BYTE)*label++ : 0; + if (IsLower(wc)) wc -= 0x20; /* To upper ASCII characters */ +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 + if (ExCvt && wc >= 0x80) wc = ExCvt[wc - 0x80]; /* To upper extended characters (SBCS cfg) */ +#elif FF_CODE_PAGE < 900 + if (wc >= 0x80) wc = ExCvt[wc - 0x80]; /* To upper extended characters (SBCS cfg) */ +#endif +#endif + if (wc == 0 || chk_chr(badchr + 0, (int)wc) || di >= (UINT)((wc >= 0x100) ? 10 : 11)) { /* Reject invalid characters for volume label */ + LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_INVALID_NAME); + } + if (wc >= 0x100) dirvn[di++] = (BYTE)(wc >> 8); + dirvn[di++] = (BYTE)wc; + } + if (dirvn[0] == DDEM) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_INVALID_NAME); /* Reject illegal name (heading DDEM) */ + while (di && dirvn[di - 1] == ' ') di--; /* Snip trailing spaces */ + } + + /* Set volume label */ + dj.obj.fs = fs; dj.obj.sclust = 0; /* Open root directory */ + res = dir_sdi(&dj, 0); + if (res == FR_OK) { + res = DIR_READ_LABEL(&dj); /* Get volume label entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + if (FF_FS_EXFAT && fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + dj.dir[XDIR_NumLabel] = (BYTE)di; /* Change the volume label */ + mem_cpy(dj.dir + XDIR_Label, dirvn, 22); + } else { + if (di != 0) { + mem_cpy(dj.dir, dirvn, 11); /* Change the volume label */ + } else { + dj.dir[DIR_Name] = DDEM; /* Remove the volume label */ + } + } + fs->wflag = 1; + res = sync_fs(fs); + } else { /* No volume label entry or an error */ + if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { + res = FR_OK; + if (di != 0) { /* Create a volume label entry */ + res = dir_alloc(&dj, 1); /* Allocate an entry */ + if (res == FR_OK) { + mem_set(dj.dir, 0, SZDIRE); /* Clean the entry */ + if (FF_FS_EXFAT && fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + dj.dir[XDIR_Type] = ET_VLABEL; /* Create volume label entry */ + dj.dir[XDIR_NumLabel] = (BYTE)di; + mem_cpy(dj.dir + XDIR_Label, dirvn, 22); + } else { + dj.dir[DIR_Attr] = AM_VOL; /* Create volume label entry */ + mem_cpy(dj.dir, dirvn, 11); + } + fs->wflag = 1; + res = sync_fs(fs); + } + } + } + } + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ +#endif /* FF_USE_LABEL */ + + + +#if FF_USE_EXPAND && !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Allocate a Contiguous Blocks to the File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_expand ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + FSIZE_t fsz, /* File size to be expanded to */ + BYTE opt /* Operation mode 0:Find and prepare or 1:Find and allocate */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD n, clst, stcl, scl, ncl, tcl, lclst; + + + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) LEAVE_FF(fs, res); + if (fsz == 0 || fp->obj.objsize != 0 || !(fp->flag & FA_WRITE)) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DENIED); +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type != FS_EXFAT && fsz >= 0x100000000) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DENIED); /* Check if in size limit */ +#endif + n = (DWORD)fs->csize * SS(fs); /* Cluster size */ + tcl = (DWORD)(fsz / n) + ((fsz & (n - 1)) ? 1 : 0); /* Number of clusters required */ + stcl = fs->last_clst; lclst = 0; + if (stcl < 2 || stcl >= fs->n_fatent) stcl = 2; + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fs->fs_type == FS_EXFAT) { + scl = find_bitmap(fs, stcl, tcl); /* Find a contiguous cluster block */ + if (scl == 0) res = FR_DENIED; /* No contiguous cluster block was found */ + if (scl == 0xFFFFFFFF) res = FR_DISK_ERR; + if (res == FR_OK) { /* A contiguous free area is found */ + if (opt) { /* Allocate it now */ + res = change_bitmap(fs, scl, tcl, 1); /* Mark the cluster block 'in use' */ + lclst = scl + tcl - 1; + } else { /* Set it as suggested point for next allocation */ + lclst = scl - 1; + } + } + } else +#endif + { + scl = clst = stcl; ncl = 0; + for (;;) { /* Find a contiguous cluster block */ + n = get_fat(&fp->obj, clst); + if (++clst >= fs->n_fatent) clst = 2; + if (n == 1) { res = FR_INT_ERR; break; } + if (n == 0xFFFFFFFF) { res = FR_DISK_ERR; break; } + if (n == 0) { /* Is it a free cluster? */ + if (++ncl == tcl) break; /* Break if a contiguous cluster block is found */ + } else { + scl = clst; ncl = 0; /* Not a free cluster */ + } + if (clst == stcl) { res = FR_DENIED; break; } /* No contiguous cluster? */ + } + if (res == FR_OK) { /* A contiguous free area is found */ + if (opt) { /* Allocate it now */ + for (clst = scl, n = tcl; n; clst++, n--) { /* Create a cluster chain on the FAT */ + res = put_fat(fs, clst, (n == 1) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : clst + 1); + if (res != FR_OK) break; + lclst = clst; + } + } else { /* Set it as suggested point for next allocation */ + lclst = scl - 1; + } + } + } + + if (res == FR_OK) { + fs->last_clst = lclst; /* Set suggested start cluster to start next */ + if (opt) { /* Is it allocated now? */ + fp->obj.sclust = scl; /* Update object allocation information */ + fp->obj.objsize = fsz; + if (FF_FS_EXFAT) fp->obj.stat = 2; /* Set status 'contiguous chain' */ + fp->flag |= FA_MODIFIED; + if (fs->free_clst <= fs->n_fatent - 2) { /* Update FSINFO */ + fs->free_clst -= tcl; + fs->fsi_flag |= 1; + } + } + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, res); +} + +#endif /* FF_USE_EXPAND && !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + +#if FF_USE_FORWARD +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Forward Data to the Stream Directly */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_forward ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + UINT (*func)(const BYTE*,UINT), /* Pointer to the streaming function */ + UINT btf, /* Number of bytes to forward */ + UINT* bf /* Pointer to number of bytes forwarded */ +) +{ + FRESULT res; + FATFS *fs; + DWORD clst, sect; + FSIZE_t remain; + UINT rcnt, csect; + BYTE *dbuf; + + + *bf = 0; /* Clear transfer byte counter */ + res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */ + if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) LEAVE_FF(fs, res); + if (!(fp->flag & FA_READ)) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_DENIED); /* Check access mode */ + + remain = fp->obj.objsize - fp->fptr; + if (btf > remain) btf = (UINT)remain; /* Truncate btf by remaining bytes */ + + for ( ; btf && (*func)(0, 0); /* Repeat until all data transferred or stream goes busy */ + fp->fptr += rcnt, *bf += rcnt, btf -= rcnt) { + csect = (UINT)(fp->fptr / SS(fs) & (fs->csize - 1)); /* Sector offset in the cluster */ + if (fp->fptr % SS(fs) == 0) { /* On the sector boundary? */ + if (csect == 0) { /* On the cluster boundary? */ + clst = (fp->fptr == 0) ? /* On the top of the file? */ + fp->obj.sclust : get_fat(&fp->obj, fp->clust); + if (clst <= 1) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->clust = clst; /* Update current cluster */ + } + } + sect = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust); /* Get current data sector */ + if (sect == 0) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + sect += csect; +#if FF_FS_TINY + if (move_window(fs, sect) != FR_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); /* Move sector window to the file data */ + dbuf = fs->win; +#else + if (fp->sect != sect) { /* Fill sector cache with file data */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + if (fp->flag & FA_DIRTY) { /* Write-back dirty sector cache */ + if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, fp->sect, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY; + } +#endif + if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, fp->buf, sect, 1) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); + } + dbuf = fp->buf; +#endif + fp->sect = sect; + rcnt = SS(fs) - (UINT)fp->fptr % SS(fs); /* Number of bytes left in the sector */ + if (rcnt > btf) rcnt = btf; /* Clip it by btr if needed */ + rcnt = (*func)(dbuf + ((UINT)fp->fptr % SS(fs)), rcnt); /* Forward the file data */ + if (rcnt == 0) ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); + } + + LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_OK); +} +#endif /* FF_USE_FORWARD */ + + + +#if FF_USE_MKFS && !FF_FS_READONLY +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Create an FAT/exFAT volume */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_mkfs ( + const TCHAR* path, /* Logical drive number */ + BYTE opt, /* Format option */ + DWORD au, /* Size of allocation unit (cluster) [byte] */ + void* work, /* Pointer to working buffer (null: use heap memory) */ + UINT len /* Size of working buffer [byte] */ +) +{ + const UINT n_fats = 1; /* Number of FATs for FAT/FAT32 volume (1 or 2) */ + const UINT n_rootdir = 512; /* Number of root directory entries for FAT volume */ + static const WORD cst[] = {1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 512, 0}; /* Cluster size boundary for FAT volume (4Ks unit) */ + static const WORD cst32[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 0}; /* Cluster size boundary for FAT32 volume (128Ks unit) */ + BYTE fmt, sys, *buf, *pte, pdrv, part; + WORD ss; /* Sector size */ + DWORD szb_buf, sz_buf, sz_blk, n_clst, pau, sect, nsect, n; + DWORD b_vol, b_fat, b_data; /* Base LBA for volume, fat, data */ + DWORD sz_vol, sz_rsv, sz_fat, sz_dir; /* Size for volume, fat, dir, data */ + UINT i; + int vol; + DSTATUS stat; +#if FF_USE_TRIM || FF_FS_EXFAT + DWORD tbl[3]; +#endif + + + /* Check mounted drive and clear work area */ + vol = get_ldnumber(&path); /* Get target logical drive */ + if (vol < 0) return FR_INVALID_DRIVE; + if (FatFs[vol]) FatFs[vol]->fs_type = 0; /* Clear the volume if mounted */ + pdrv = LD2PD(vol); /* Physical drive */ + part = LD2PT(vol); /* Partition (0:create as new, 1-4:get from partition table) */ + + /* Check physical drive status */ + stat = disk_initialize(pdrv); + if (stat & STA_NOINIT) return FR_NOT_READY; + if (stat & STA_PROTECT) return FR_WRITE_PROTECTED; + if (disk_ioctl(pdrv, GET_BLOCK_SIZE, &sz_blk) != RES_OK || !sz_blk || sz_blk > 32768 || (sz_blk & (sz_blk - 1))) sz_blk = 1; /* Erase block to align data area */ +#if FF_MAX_SS != FF_MIN_SS /* Get sector size of the medium if variable sector size cfg. */ + if (disk_ioctl(pdrv, GET_SECTOR_SIZE, &ss) != RES_OK) return FR_DISK_ERR; + if (ss > FF_MAX_SS || ss < FF_MIN_SS || (ss & (ss - 1))) return FR_DISK_ERR; +#else + ss = FF_MAX_SS; +#endif + if ((au != 0 && au < ss) || au > 0x1000000 || (au & (au - 1))) return FR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Check if au is valid */ + au /= ss; /* Cluster size in unit of sector */ + + /* Get working buffer */ +#if FF_USE_LFN == 3 + if (!work) { /* Use heap memory for working buffer */ + for (szb_buf = MAX_MALLOC, buf = 0; szb_buf >= ss && (buf = ff_memalloc(szb_buf)) == 0; szb_buf /= 2) ; + sz_buf = szb_buf / ss; /* Size of working buffer (sector) */ + } else +#endif + { + buf = (BYTE*)work; /* Working buffer */ + sz_buf = len / ss; /* Size of working buffer (sector) */ + szb_buf = sz_buf * ss; /* Size of working buffer (byte) */ + } + if (!buf || sz_buf == 0) return FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE; + + /* Determine where the volume to be located (b_vol, sz_vol) */ + if (FF_MULTI_PARTITION && part != 0) { + /* Get partition information from partition table in the MBR */ + if (disk_read(pdrv, buf, 0, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); /* Load MBR */ + if (ld_word(buf + BS_55AA) != 0xAA55) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Check if MBR is valid */ + pte = buf + (MBR_Table + (part - 1) * SZ_PTE); + if (pte[PTE_System] == 0) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* No partition? */ + b_vol = ld_dword(pte + PTE_StLba); /* Get volume start sector */ + sz_vol = ld_dword(pte + PTE_SizLba); /* Get volume size */ + } else { + /* Create a single-partition in this function */ + if (disk_ioctl(pdrv, GET_SECTOR_COUNT, &sz_vol) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + b_vol = (opt & FM_SFD) ? 0 : 63; /* Volume start sector */ + if (sz_vol < b_vol) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); + sz_vol -= b_vol; /* Volume size */ + } + if (sz_vol < 128) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Check if volume size is >=128s */ + + /* Pre-determine the FAT type */ + do { + if (FF_FS_EXFAT && (opt & FM_EXFAT)) { /* exFAT possible? */ + if ((opt & FM_ANY) == FM_EXFAT || sz_vol >= 0x4000000 || au > 128) { /* exFAT only, vol >= 64Ms or au > 128s ? */ + fmt = FS_EXFAT; break; + } + } + if (au > 128) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* Too large au for FAT/FAT32 */ + if (opt & FM_FAT32) { /* FAT32 possible? */ + if ((opt & FM_ANY) == FM_FAT32 || !(opt & FM_FAT)) { /* FAT32 only or no-FAT? */ + fmt = FS_FAT32; break; + } + } + if (!(opt & FM_FAT)) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* no-FAT? */ + fmt = FS_FAT16; + } while (0); + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + if (fmt == FS_EXFAT) { /* Create an exFAT volume */ + DWORD szb_bit, szb_case, sum, nb, cl; + WCHAR ch, si; + UINT j, st; + BYTE b; + + if (sz_vol < 0x1000) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Too small volume? */ +#if FF_USE_TRIM + tbl[0] = b_vol; tbl[1] = b_vol + sz_vol - 1; /* Inform the device the volume area may be erased */ + disk_ioctl(pdrv, CTRL_TRIM, tbl); +#endif + /* Determine FAT location, data location and number of clusters */ + if (au == 0) { /* au auto-selection */ + au = 8; + if (sz_vol >= 0x80000) au = 64; /* >= 512Ks */ + if (sz_vol >= 0x4000000) au = 256; /* >= 64Ms */ + } + b_fat = b_vol + 32; /* FAT start at offset 32 */ + sz_fat = ((sz_vol / au + 2) * 4 + ss - 1) / ss; /* Number of FAT sectors */ + b_data = (b_fat + sz_fat + sz_blk - 1) & ~(sz_blk - 1); /* Align data area to the erase block boundary */ + if (b_data - b_vol >= sz_vol / 2) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Too small volume? */ + n_clst = (sz_vol - (b_data - b_vol)) / au; /* Number of clusters */ + if (n_clst <16) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Too few clusters? */ + if (n_clst > MAX_EXFAT) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Too many clusters? */ + + szb_bit = (n_clst + 7) / 8; /* Size of allocation bitmap */ + tbl[0] = (szb_bit + au * ss - 1) / (au * ss); /* Number of allocation bitmap clusters */ + + /* Create a compressed up-case table */ + sect = b_data + au * tbl[0]; /* Table start sector */ + sum = 0; /* Table checksum to be stored in the 82 entry */ + st = 0; si = 0; i = 0; j = 0; szb_case = 0; + do { + switch (st) { + case 0: + ch = (WCHAR)ff_wtoupper(si); /* Get an up-case char */ + if (ch != si) { + si++; break; /* Store the up-case char if exist */ + } + for (j = 1; (WCHAR)(si + j) && (WCHAR)(si + j) == ff_wtoupper((WCHAR)(si + j)); j++) ; /* Get run length of no-case block */ + if (j >= 128) { + ch = 0xFFFF; st = 2; break; /* Compress the no-case block if run is >= 128 */ + } + st = 1; /* Do not compress short run */ + /* go to next case */ + case 1: + ch = si++; /* Fill the short run */ + if (--j == 0) st = 0; + break; + + default: + ch = (WCHAR)j; si += (WCHAR)j; /* Number of chars to skip */ + st = 0; + } + sum = xsum32(buf[i + 0] = (BYTE)ch, sum); /* Put it into the write buffer */ + sum = xsum32(buf[i + 1] = (BYTE)(ch >> 8), sum); + i += 2; szb_case += 2; + if (si == 0 || i == szb_buf) { /* Write buffered data when buffer full or end of process */ + n = (i + ss - 1) / ss; + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect, n) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + sect += n; i = 0; + } + } while (si); + tbl[1] = (szb_case + au * ss - 1) / (au * ss); /* Number of up-case table clusters */ + tbl[2] = 1; /* Number of root dir clusters */ + + /* Initialize the allocation bitmap */ + sect = b_data; nsect = (szb_bit + ss - 1) / ss; /* Start of bitmap and number of sectors */ + nb = tbl[0] + tbl[1] + tbl[2]; /* Number of clusters in-use by system */ + do { + mem_set(buf, 0, szb_buf); + for (i = 0; nb >= 8 && i < szb_buf; buf[i++] = 0xFF, nb -= 8) ; + for (b = 1; nb != 0 && i < szb_buf; buf[i] |= b, b <<= 1, nb--) ; + n = (nsect > sz_buf) ? sz_buf : nsect; /* Write the buffered data */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect, n) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + sect += n; nsect -= n; + } while (nsect); + + /* Initialize the FAT */ + sect = b_fat; nsect = sz_fat; /* Start of FAT and number of FAT sectors */ + j = nb = cl = 0; + do { + mem_set(buf, 0, szb_buf); i = 0; /* Clear work area and reset write index */ + if (cl == 0) { /* Set entry 0 and 1 */ + st_dword(buf + i, 0xFFFFFFF8); i += 4; cl++; + st_dword(buf + i, 0xFFFFFFFF); i += 4; cl++; + } + do { /* Create chains of bitmap, up-case and root dir */ + while (nb != 0 && i < szb_buf) { /* Create a chain */ + st_dword(buf + i, (nb > 1) ? cl + 1 : 0xFFFFFFFF); + i += 4; cl++; nb--; + } + if (nb == 0 && j < 3) nb = tbl[j++]; /* Next chain */ + } while (nb != 0 && i < szb_buf); + n = (nsect > sz_buf) ? sz_buf : nsect; /* Write the buffered data */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect, n) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + sect += n; nsect -= n; + } while (nsect); + + /* Initialize the root directory */ + mem_set(buf, 0, szb_buf); + buf[SZDIRE * 0 + 0] = ET_VLABEL; /* Volume label entry */ + buf[SZDIRE * 1 + 0] = ET_BITMAP; /* Bitmap entry */ + st_dword(buf + SZDIRE * 1 + 20, 2); /* cluster */ + st_dword(buf + SZDIRE * 1 + 24, szb_bit); /* size */ + buf[SZDIRE * 2 + 0] = ET_UPCASE; /* Up-case table entry */ + st_dword(buf + SZDIRE * 2 + 4, sum); /* sum */ + st_dword(buf + SZDIRE * 2 + 20, 2 + tbl[0]); /* cluster */ + st_dword(buf + SZDIRE * 2 + 24, szb_case); /* size */ + sect = b_data + au * (tbl[0] + tbl[1]); nsect = au; /* Start of the root directory and number of sectors */ + do { /* Fill root directory sectors */ + n = (nsect > sz_buf) ? sz_buf : nsect; + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect, n) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + sect += n; nsect -= n; + } while (nsect); + + /* Create two set of the exFAT VBR blocks */ + sect = b_vol; + for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { + /* Main record (+0) */ + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + mem_cpy(buf + BS_JmpBoot, "\xEB\x76\x90" "EXFAT ", 11); /* Boot jump code (x86), OEM name */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_VolOfsEx, b_vol); /* Volume offset in the physical drive [sector] */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_TotSecEx, sz_vol); /* Volume size [sector] */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_FatOfsEx, b_fat - b_vol); /* FAT offset [sector] */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_FatSzEx, sz_fat); /* FAT size [sector] */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_DataOfsEx, b_data - b_vol); /* Data offset [sector] */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_NumClusEx, n_clst); /* Number of clusters */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_RootClusEx, 2 + tbl[0] + tbl[1]); /* Root dir cluster # */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_VolIDEx, GET_FATTIME()); /* VSN */ + st_word(buf + BPB_FSVerEx, 0x100); /* Filesystem version (1.00) */ + for (buf[BPB_BytsPerSecEx] = 0, i = ss; i >>= 1; buf[BPB_BytsPerSecEx]++) ; /* Log2 of sector size [byte] */ + for (buf[BPB_SecPerClusEx] = 0, i = au; i >>= 1; buf[BPB_SecPerClusEx]++) ; /* Log2 of cluster size [sector] */ + buf[BPB_NumFATsEx] = 1; /* Number of FATs */ + buf[BPB_DrvNumEx] = 0x80; /* Drive number (for int13) */ + st_word(buf + BS_BootCodeEx, 0xFEEB); /* Boot code (x86) */ + st_word(buf + BS_55AA, 0xAA55); /* Signature (placed here regardless of sector size) */ + for (i = sum = 0; i < ss; i++) { /* VBR checksum */ + if (i != BPB_VolFlagEx && i != BPB_VolFlagEx + 1 && i != BPB_PercInUseEx) sum = xsum32(buf[i], sum); + } + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect++, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + /* Extended bootstrap record (+1..+8) */ + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + st_word(buf + ss - 2, 0xAA55); /* Signature (placed at end of sector) */ + for (j = 1; j < 9; j++) { + for (i = 0; i < ss; sum = xsum32(buf[i++], sum)) ; /* VBR checksum */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect++, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + } + /* OEM/Reserved record (+9..+10) */ + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + for ( ; j < 11; j++) { + for (i = 0; i < ss; sum = xsum32(buf[i++], sum)) ; /* VBR checksum */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect++, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + } + /* Sum record (+11) */ + for (i = 0; i < ss; i += 4) st_dword(buf + i, sum); /* Fill with checksum value */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect++, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + } + + } else +#endif /* FF_FS_EXFAT */ + { /* Create an FAT/FAT32 volume */ + do { + pau = au; + /* Pre-determine number of clusters and FAT sub-type */ + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { /* FAT32 volume */ + if (pau == 0) { /* au auto-selection */ + n = sz_vol / 0x20000; /* Volume size in unit of 128KS */ + for (i = 0, pau = 1; cst32[i] && cst32[i] <= n; i++, pau <<= 1) ; /* Get from table */ + } + n_clst = sz_vol / pau; /* Number of clusters */ + sz_fat = (n_clst * 4 + 8 + ss - 1) / ss; /* FAT size [sector] */ + sz_rsv = 32; /* Number of reserved sectors */ + sz_dir = 0; /* No static directory */ + if (n_clst <= MAX_FAT16 || n_clst > MAX_FAT32) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); + } else { /* FAT volume */ + if (pau == 0) { /* au auto-selection */ + n = sz_vol / 0x1000; /* Volume size in unit of 4KS */ + for (i = 0, pau = 1; cst[i] && cst[i] <= n; i++, pau <<= 1) ; /* Get from table */ + } + n_clst = sz_vol / pau; + if (n_clst > MAX_FAT12) { + n = n_clst * 2 + 4; /* FAT size [byte] */ + } else { + fmt = FS_FAT12; + n = (n_clst * 3 + 1) / 2 + 3; /* FAT size [byte] */ + } + sz_fat = (n + ss - 1) / ss; /* FAT size [sector] */ + sz_rsv = 1; /* Number of reserved sectors */ + sz_dir = (DWORD)n_rootdir * SZDIRE / ss; /* Rootdir size [sector] */ + } + b_fat = b_vol + sz_rsv; /* FAT base */ + b_data = b_fat + sz_fat * n_fats + sz_dir; /* Data base */ + + /* Align data base to erase block boundary (for flash memory media) */ + n = ((b_data + sz_blk - 1) & ~(sz_blk - 1)) - b_data; /* Next nearest erase block from current data base */ + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { /* FAT32: Move FAT base */ + sz_rsv += n; b_fat += n; + } else { /* FAT: Expand FAT size */ + sz_fat += n / n_fats; + } + + /* Determine number of clusters and final check of validity of the FAT sub-type */ + if (sz_vol < b_data + pau * 16 - b_vol) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Too small volume */ + n_clst = (sz_vol - sz_rsv - sz_fat * n_fats - sz_dir) / pau; + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { + if (n_clst <= MAX_FAT16) { /* Too few clusters for FAT32 */ + if (au == 0 && (au = pau / 2) != 0) continue; /* Adjust cluster size and retry */ + LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); + } + } + if (fmt == FS_FAT16) { + if (n_clst > MAX_FAT16) { /* Too many clusters for FAT16 */ + if (au == 0 && (pau * 2) <= 64) { + au = pau * 2; continue; /* Adjust cluster size and retry */ + } + if ((opt & FM_FAT32)) { + fmt = FS_FAT32; continue; /* Switch type to FAT32 and retry */ + } + if (au == 0 && (au = pau * 2) <= 128) continue; /* Adjust cluster size and retry */ + LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); + } + if (n_clst <= MAX_FAT12) { /* Too few clusters for FAT16 */ + if (au == 0 && (au = pau * 2) <= 128) continue; /* Adjust cluster size and retry */ + LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); + } + } + if (fmt == FS_FAT12 && n_clst > MAX_FAT12) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED); /* Too many clusters for FAT12 */ + + /* Ok, it is the valid cluster configuration */ + break; + } while (1); + +#if FF_USE_TRIM + tbl[0] = b_vol; tbl[1] = b_vol + sz_vol - 1; /* Inform the device the volume area can be erased */ + disk_ioctl(pdrv, CTRL_TRIM, tbl); +#endif + /* Create FAT VBR */ + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + mem_cpy(buf + BS_JmpBoot, "\xEB\xFE\x90" "MSDOS5.0", 11);/* Boot jump code (x86), OEM name */ + st_word(buf + BPB_BytsPerSec, ss); /* Sector size [byte] */ + buf[BPB_SecPerClus] = (BYTE)pau; /* Cluster size [sector] */ + st_word(buf + BPB_RsvdSecCnt, (WORD)sz_rsv); /* Size of reserved area */ + buf[BPB_NumFATs] = (BYTE)n_fats; /* Number of FATs */ + st_word(buf + BPB_RootEntCnt, (WORD)((fmt == FS_FAT32) ? 0 : n_rootdir)); /* Number of root directory entries */ + if (sz_vol < 0x10000) { + st_word(buf + BPB_TotSec16, (WORD)sz_vol); /* Volume size in 16-bit LBA */ + } else { + st_dword(buf + BPB_TotSec32, sz_vol); /* Volume size in 32-bit LBA */ + } + buf[BPB_Media] = 0xF8; /* Media descriptor byte */ + st_word(buf + BPB_SecPerTrk, 63); /* Number of sectors per track (for int13) */ + st_word(buf + BPB_NumHeads, 255); /* Number of heads (for int13) */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_HiddSec, b_vol); /* Volume offset in the physical drive [sector] */ + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { + st_dword(buf + BS_VolID32, GET_FATTIME()); /* VSN */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_FATSz32, sz_fat); /* FAT size [sector] */ + st_dword(buf + BPB_RootClus32, 2); /* Root directory cluster # (2) */ + st_word(buf + BPB_FSInfo32, 1); /* Offset of FSINFO sector (VBR + 1) */ + st_word(buf + BPB_BkBootSec32, 6); /* Offset of backup VBR (VBR + 6) */ + buf[BS_DrvNum32] = 0x80; /* Drive number (for int13) */ + buf[BS_BootSig32] = 0x29; /* Extended boot signature */ + mem_cpy(buf + BS_VolLab32, "NO NAME " "FAT32 ", 19); /* Volume label, FAT signature */ + } else { + st_dword(buf + BS_VolID, GET_FATTIME()); /* VSN */ + st_word(buf + BPB_FATSz16, (WORD)sz_fat); /* FAT size [sector] */ + buf[BS_DrvNum] = 0x80; /* Drive number (for int13) */ + buf[BS_BootSig] = 0x29; /* Extended boot signature */ + mem_cpy(buf + BS_VolLab, "NO NAME " "FAT ", 19); /* Volume label, FAT signature */ + } + st_word(buf + BS_55AA, 0xAA55); /* Signature (offset is fixed here regardless of sector size) */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, b_vol, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); /* Write it to the VBR sector */ + + /* Create FSINFO record if needed */ + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { + disk_write(pdrv, buf, b_vol + 6, 1); /* Write backup VBR (VBR + 6) */ + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + st_dword(buf + FSI_LeadSig, 0x41615252); + st_dword(buf + FSI_StrucSig, 0x61417272); + st_dword(buf + FSI_Free_Count, n_clst - 1); /* Number of free clusters */ + st_dword(buf + FSI_Nxt_Free, 2); /* Last allocated cluster# */ + st_word(buf + BS_55AA, 0xAA55); + disk_write(pdrv, buf, b_vol + 7, 1); /* Write backup FSINFO (VBR + 7) */ + disk_write(pdrv, buf, b_vol + 1, 1); /* Write original FSINFO (VBR + 1) */ + } + + /* Initialize FAT area */ + mem_set(buf, 0, (UINT)szb_buf); + sect = b_fat; /* FAT start sector */ + for (i = 0; i < n_fats; i++) { /* Initialize FATs each */ + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { + st_dword(buf + 0, 0xFFFFFFF8); /* Entry 0 */ + st_dword(buf + 4, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Entry 1 */ + st_dword(buf + 8, 0x0FFFFFFF); /* Entry 2 (root directory) */ + } else { + st_dword(buf + 0, (fmt == FS_FAT12) ? 0xFFFFF8 : 0xFFFFFFF8); /* Entry 0 and 1 */ + } + nsect = sz_fat; /* Number of FAT sectors */ + do { /* Fill FAT sectors */ + n = (nsect > sz_buf) ? sz_buf : nsect; + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect, (UINT)n) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + sect += n; nsect -= n; + } while (nsect); + } + + /* Initialize root directory (fill with zero) */ + nsect = (fmt == FS_FAT32) ? pau : sz_dir; /* Number of root directory sectors */ + do { + n = (nsect > sz_buf) ? sz_buf : nsect; + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, sect, (UINT)n) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + sect += n; nsect -= n; + } while (nsect); + } + + /* Determine system ID in the partition table */ + if (FF_FS_EXFAT && fmt == FS_EXFAT) { + sys = 0x07; /* HPFS/NTFS/exFAT */ + } else { + if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { + sys = 0x0C; /* FAT32X */ + } else { + if (sz_vol >= 0x10000) { + sys = 0x06; /* FAT12/16 (large) */ + } else { + sys = (fmt == FS_FAT16) ? 0x04 : 0x01; /* FAT16 : FAT12 */ + } + } + } + + /* Update partition information */ + if (FF_MULTI_PARTITION && part != 0) { /* Created in the existing partition */ + /* Update system ID in the partition table */ + if (disk_read(pdrv, buf, 0, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); /* Read the MBR */ + buf[MBR_Table + (part - 1) * SZ_PTE + PTE_System] = sys; /* Set system ID */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, 0, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); /* Write it back to the MBR */ + } else { /* Created as a new single partition */ + if (!(opt & FM_SFD)) { /* Create partition table if in FDISK format */ + mem_set(buf, 0, ss); + st_word(buf + BS_55AA, 0xAA55); /* MBR signature */ + pte = buf + MBR_Table; /* Create partition table for single partition in the drive */ + pte[PTE_Boot] = 0; /* Boot indicator */ + pte[PTE_StHead] = 1; /* Start head */ + pte[PTE_StSec] = 1; /* Start sector */ + pte[PTE_StCyl] = 0; /* Start cylinder */ + pte[PTE_System] = sys; /* System type */ + n = (b_vol + sz_vol) / (63 * 255); /* (End CHS may be invalid) */ + pte[PTE_EdHead] = 254; /* End head */ + pte[PTE_EdSec] = (BYTE)(((n >> 2) & 0xC0) | 63); /* End sector */ + pte[PTE_EdCyl] = (BYTE)n; /* End cylinder */ + st_dword(pte + PTE_StLba, b_vol); /* Start offset in LBA */ + st_dword(pte + PTE_SizLba, sz_vol); /* Size in sectors */ + if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, 0, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); /* Write it to the MBR */ + } + } + + if (disk_ioctl(pdrv, CTRL_SYNC, 0) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); + + LEAVE_MKFS(FR_OK); +} + + + +#if FF_MULTI_PARTITION +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Create Partition Table on the Physical Drive */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_fdisk ( + BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive number */ + const DWORD* szt, /* Pointer to the size table for each partitions */ + void* work /* Pointer to the working buffer (null: use heap memory) */ +) +{ + UINT i, n, sz_cyl, tot_cyl, b_cyl, e_cyl, p_cyl; + BYTE s_hd, e_hd, *p, *buf = (BYTE*)work; + DSTATUS stat; + DWORD sz_disk, sz_part, s_part; + FRESULT res; + + + stat = disk_initialize(pdrv); + if (stat & STA_NOINIT) return FR_NOT_READY; + if (stat & STA_PROTECT) return FR_WRITE_PROTECTED; + if (disk_ioctl(pdrv, GET_SECTOR_COUNT, &sz_disk)) return FR_DISK_ERR; + + buf = (BYTE*)work; +#if FF_USE_LFN == 3 + if (!buf) buf = ff_memalloc(FF_MAX_SS); /* Use heap memory for working buffer */ +#endif + if (!buf) return FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE; + + /* Determine the CHS without any consideration of the drive geometry */ + for (n = 16; n < 256 && sz_disk / n / 63 > 1024; n *= 2) ; + if (n == 256) n--; + e_hd = (BYTE)(n - 1); + sz_cyl = 63 * n; + tot_cyl = sz_disk / sz_cyl; + + /* Create partition table */ + mem_set(buf, 0, FF_MAX_SS); + p = buf + MBR_Table; b_cyl = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, p += SZ_PTE) { + p_cyl = (szt[i] <= 100U) ? (DWORD)tot_cyl * szt[i] / 100 : szt[i] / sz_cyl; /* Number of cylinders */ + if (p_cyl == 0) continue; + s_part = (DWORD)sz_cyl * b_cyl; + sz_part = (DWORD)sz_cyl * p_cyl; + if (i == 0) { /* Exclude first track of cylinder 0 */ + s_hd = 1; + s_part += 63; sz_part -= 63; + } else { + s_hd = 0; + } + e_cyl = b_cyl + p_cyl - 1; /* End cylinder */ + if (e_cyl >= tot_cyl) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + + /* Set partition table */ + p[1] = s_hd; /* Start head */ + p[2] = (BYTE)(((b_cyl >> 2) & 0xC0) | 1); /* Start sector */ + p[3] = (BYTE)b_cyl; /* Start cylinder */ + p[4] = 0x07; /* System type (temporary setting) */ + p[5] = e_hd; /* End head */ + p[6] = (BYTE)(((e_cyl >> 2) & 0xC0) | 63); /* End sector */ + p[7] = (BYTE)e_cyl; /* End cylinder */ + st_dword(p + 8, s_part); /* Start sector in LBA */ + st_dword(p + 12, sz_part); /* Number of sectors */ + + /* Next partition */ + b_cyl += p_cyl; + } + st_word(p, 0xAA55); /* MBR signature (always at offset 510) */ + + /* Write it to the MBR */ + res = (disk_write(pdrv, buf, 0, 1) == RES_OK && disk_ioctl(pdrv, CTRL_SYNC, 0) == RES_OK) ? FR_OK : FR_DISK_ERR; + LEAVE_MKFS(res); +} + +#endif /* FF_MULTI_PARTITION */ +#endif /* FF_USE_MKFS && !FF_FS_READONLY */ + + + + +#if FF_USE_STRFUNC +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE && (FF_STRF_ENCODE < 0 || FF_STRF_ENCODE > 3) +#error Wrong FF_STRF_ENCODE setting +#endif +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Get a String from the File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +TCHAR* f_gets ( + TCHAR* buff, /* Pointer to the string buffer to read */ + int len, /* Size of string buffer (items) */ + FIL* fp /* Pointer to the file object */ +) +{ + int nc = 0; + TCHAR *p = buff; + BYTE s[4]; + UINT rc; + DWORD dc; +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE && FF_STRF_ENCODE <= 2 + WCHAR wc; +#endif +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE && FF_STRF_ENCODE == 3 + UINT ct; +#endif + +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE /* With code conversion (Unicode API) */ + /* Make a room for the character and terminator */ + if (FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1) len -= (FF_STRF_ENCODE == 0) ? 1 : 2; + if (FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2) len -= (FF_STRF_ENCODE == 0) ? 3 : 4; + if (FF_LFN_UNICODE == 3) len -= 1; + while (nc < len) { +#if FF_STRF_ENCODE == 0 /* Read a character in ANSI/OEM */ + f_read(fp, s, 1, &rc); + if (rc != 1) break; + wc = s[0]; + if (dbc_1st((BYTE)wc)) { + f_read(fp, s, 1, &rc); + if (rc != 1 || !dbc_2nd(s[0])) continue; + wc = wc << 8 | s[0]; + } + dc = ff_oem2uni(wc, CODEPAGE); + if (dc == 0) continue; +#elif FF_STRF_ENCODE == 1 || FF_STRF_ENCODE == 2 /* Read a character in UTF-16LE/BE */ + f_read(fp, s, 2, &rc); + if (rc != 2) break; + dc = (FF_STRF_ENCODE == 1) ? ld_word(s) : s[0] << 8 | s[1]; + if (IsSurrogateL(dc)) continue; + if (IsSurrogateH(dc)) { + f_read(fp, s, 2, &rc); + if (rc != 2) break; + wc = (FF_STRF_ENCODE == 1) ? ld_word(s) : s[0] << 8 | s[1]; + if (!IsSurrogateL(wc)) continue; + dc = ((dc & 0x3FF) + 0x40) << 10 | (wc & 0x3FF); + } +#else /* Read a character in UTF-8 */ + f_read(fp, s, 1, &rc); + if (rc != 1) break; + dc = s[0]; + if (dc >= 0x80) { /* Multi-byte character? */ + ct = 0; + if ((dc & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { dc &= 0x1F; ct = 1; } /* 2-byte? */ + if ((dc & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { dc &= 0x0F; ct = 2; } /* 3-byte? */ + if ((dc & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { dc &= 0x07; ct = 3; } /* 4-byte? */ + if (ct == 0) continue; + f_read(fp, s, ct, &rc); /* Get trailing bytes */ + if (rc != ct) break; + rc = 0; + do { /* Merge trailing bytes */ + if ((s[rc] & 0xC0) != 0x80) break; + dc = dc << 6 | (s[rc] & 0x3F); + } while (++rc < ct); + if (rc != ct || dc < 0x80 || IsSurrogate(dc) || dc >= 0x110000) continue; /* Wrong encoding? */ + } +#endif + if (FF_USE_STRFUNC == 2 && dc == '\r') continue; /* Strip \r off if needed */ +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 || FF_LFN_UNICODE == 3 /* Output it in UTF-16/32 encoding */ + if (FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 && dc >= 0x10000) { /* Out of BMP at UTF-16? */ + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0xD800 | ((dc >> 10) - 0x40)); nc++; /* Make and output high surrogate */ + dc = 0xDC00 | (dc & 0x3FF); /* Make low surrogate */ + } + *p++ = (TCHAR)dc; nc++; + if (dc == '\n') break; /* End of line? */ +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 /* Output it in UTF-8 encoding */ + if (dc < 0x80) { /* 1-byte */ + *p++ = (TCHAR)dc; + nc++; + if (dc == '\n') break; /* End of line? */ + } else { + if (dc < 0x800) { /* 2-byte */ + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0xC0 | (dc >> 6 & 0x1F)); + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (dc >> 0 & 0x3F)); + nc += 2; + } else { + if (dc < 0x10000) { /* 3-byte */ + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0xE0 | (dc >> 12 & 0x0F)); + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (dc >> 6 & 0x3F)); + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (dc >> 0 & 0x3F)); + nc += 3; + } else { /* 4-byte */ + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0xF0 | (dc >> 18 & 0x07)); + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (dc >> 12 & 0x3F)); + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (dc >> 6 & 0x3F)); + *p++ = (TCHAR)(0x80 | (dc >> 0 & 0x3F)); + nc += 4; + } + } + } +#endif + } + +#else /* Byte-by-byte without any conversion (ANSI/OEM API) */ + len -= 1; /* Make a room for the terminator */ + while (nc < len) { + f_read(fp, s, 1, &rc); + if (rc != 1) break; + dc = s[0]; + if (FF_USE_STRFUNC == 2 && dc == '\r') continue; + *p++ = (TCHAR)dc; nc++; + if (dc == '\n') break; + } +#endif + + *p = 0; /* Terminate the string */ + return nc ? buff : 0; /* When no data read due to EOF or error, return with error. */ +} + + + + +#if !FF_FS_READONLY +#include +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Put a Character to the File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +typedef struct { /* Putchar output buffer and work area */ + FIL *fp; /* Ptr to the writing file */ + int idx, nchr; /* Write index of buf[] (-1:error), number of encoding units written */ +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 + WCHAR hs; +#elif FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 + BYTE bs[4]; + UINT wi, ct; +#endif + BYTE buf[64]; /* Write buffer */ +} putbuff; + + +static void putc_bfd ( /* Buffered write with code conversion */ + putbuff* pb, + TCHAR c +) +{ + UINT n; + int i, nc; +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE + WCHAR hs, wc; +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 + DWORD dc; + TCHAR *tp; +#endif +#endif + + if (FF_USE_STRFUNC == 2 && c == '\n') { /* LF -> CRLF conversion */ + putc_bfd(pb, '\r'); + } + + i = pb->idx; /* Write index of pb->buf[] */ + if (i < 0) return; + nc = pb->nchr; /* Write unit counter */ + +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE +#if FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 /* UTF-16 input */ + if (IsSurrogateH(c)) { + pb->hs = c; return; + } + hs = pb->hs; pb->hs = 0; + if (hs != 0) { + if (!IsSurrogateL(c)) hs = 0; + } else { + if (IsSurrogateL(c)) return; + } + wc = c; +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 /* UTF-8 input */ + for (;;) { + if (pb->ct == 0) { /* Out of multi-byte sequence? */ + pb->bs[pb->wi = 0] = (BYTE)c; /* Save 1st byte */ + if ((BYTE)c < 0x80) break; /* 1-byte? */ + if (((BYTE)c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) pb->ct = 1; /* 2-byte? */ + if (((BYTE)c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) pb->ct = 2; /* 3-byte? */ + if (((BYTE)c & 0xF1) == 0xF0) pb->ct = 3; /* 4-byte? */ + return; + } else { /* In the multi-byte sequence */ + if (((BYTE)c & 0xC0) != 0x80) { /* Broken sequence? */ + pb->ct = 0; continue; + } + pb->bs[++pb->wi] = (BYTE)c; /* Save the trailing byte */ + if (--pb->ct == 0) break; /* End of multi-byte sequence? */ + return; + } + } + tp = (TCHAR*)pb->bs; + dc = tchar2uni(&tp); /* UTF-8 ==> UTF-16 */ + if (dc == 0xFFFFFFFF) return; + wc = (WCHAR)dc; + hs = (WCHAR)(dc >> 16); +#elif FF_LFN_UNICODE == 3 /* UTF-32 input */ + if (IsSurrogate(c) || c >= 0x110000) return; + if (c >= 0x10000) { + hs = (WCHAR)(0xD800 | ((c >> 10) - 0x40)); /* Make high surrogate */ + wc = 0xDC00 | (c & 0x3FF); /* Make low surrogate */ + } else { + hs = 0; + wc = (WCHAR)c; + } +#endif + +#if FF_STRF_ENCODE == 1 /* Write a character in UTF-16LE */ + if (hs != 0) { + st_word(&pb->buf[i], hs); + i += 2; + nc++; + } + st_word(&pb->buf[i], wc); + i += 2; +#elif FF_STRF_ENCODE == 2 /* Write a character in UTF-16BE */ + if (hs != 0) { + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(hs >> 8); + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)hs; + nc++; + } + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(wc >> 8); + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)wc; +#elif FF_STRF_ENCODE == 3 /* Write it in UTF-8 */ + if (hs != 0) { /* 4-byte */ + nc += 3; + hs = (hs & 0x3FF) + 0x40; + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0xF0 | hs >> 8); + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0x80 | (hs >> 2 & 0x3F)); + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0x80 | (hs & 3) << 4 | (wc >> 6 & 0x0F)); + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0x80 | (wc & 0x3F)); + } else { + if (wc < 0x80) { /* 1-byte */ + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)wc; + } else { + if (wc < 0x800) { /* 2-byte */ + nc += 1; + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0xC0 | wc >> 6); + } else { /* 3-byte */ + nc += 2; + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0xE0 | wc >> 12); + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0x80 | (wc >> 6 & 0x3F)); + } + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(0x80 | (wc & 0x3F)); + } + } +#else /* Write it in ANSI/OEM */ + if (hs != 0) return; + wc = ff_uni2oem(wc, CODEPAGE); /* UTF-16 ==> ANSI/OEM */ + if (wc == 0) return; + if (wc >= 0x100) { + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)(wc >> 8); nc++; + } + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)wc; +#endif + +#else /* ANSI/OEM input (without re-encode) */ + pb->buf[i++] = (BYTE)c; +#endif + + if (i >= (int)(sizeof pb->buf) - 4) { /* Write buffered characters to the file */ + f_write(pb->fp, pb->buf, (UINT)i, &n); + i = (n == (UINT)i) ? 0 : -1; + } + pb->idx = i; + pb->nchr = nc + 1; +} + + +static int putc_flush ( /* Flush left characters in the buffer */ + putbuff* pb +) +{ + UINT nw; + + if ( pb->idx >= 0 /* Flush buffered characters to the file */ + && f_write(pb->fp, pb->buf, (UINT)pb->idx, &nw) == FR_OK + && (UINT)pb->idx == nw) return pb->nchr; + return EOF; +} + + +static void putc_init ( /* Initialize write buffer */ + putbuff* pb, + FIL* fp +) +{ + mem_set(pb, 0, sizeof (putbuff)); + pb->fp = fp; +} + + + +int f_putc ( + TCHAR c, /* A character to be output */ + FIL* fp /* Pointer to the file object */ +) +{ + putbuff pb; + + + putc_init(&pb, fp); + putc_bfd(&pb, c); /* Put the character */ + return putc_flush(&pb); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Put a String to the File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +int f_puts ( + const TCHAR* str, /* Pointer to the string to be output */ + FIL* fp /* Pointer to the file object */ +) +{ + putbuff pb; + + + putc_init(&pb, fp); + while (*str) putc_bfd(&pb, *str++); /* Put the string */ + return putc_flush(&pb); +} + + + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Put a Formatted String to the File */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +int f_printf ( + FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */ + const TCHAR* fmt, /* Pointer to the format string */ + ... /* Optional arguments... */ +) +{ + va_list arp; + putbuff pb; + BYTE f, r; + UINT i, j, w; + DWORD v; + TCHAR c, d, str[32], *p; + + + putc_init(&pb, fp); + + va_start(arp, fmt); + + for (;;) { + c = *fmt++; + if (c == 0) break; /* End of string */ + if (c != '%') { /* Non escape character */ + putc_bfd(&pb, c); + continue; + } + w = f = 0; + c = *fmt++; + if (c == '0') { /* Flag: '0' padding */ + f = 1; c = *fmt++; + } else { + if (c == '-') { /* Flag: left justified */ + f = 2; c = *fmt++; + } + } + if (c == '*') { /* Minimum width by argument */ + w = va_arg(arp, int); + c = *fmt++; + } else { + while (IsDigit(c)) { /* Minimum width */ + w = w * 10 + c - '0'; + c = *fmt++; + } + } + if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') { /* Type prefix: Size is long int */ + f |= 4; c = *fmt++; + } + if (c == 0) break; + d = c; + if (IsLower(d)) d -= 0x20; + switch (d) { /* Atgument type is... */ + case 'S' : /* String */ + p = va_arg(arp, TCHAR*); + for (j = 0; p[j]; j++) ; + if (!(f & 2)) { /* Right padded */ + while (j++ < w) putc_bfd(&pb, ' ') ; + } + while (*p) putc_bfd(&pb, *p++) ; /* String body */ + while (j++ < w) putc_bfd(&pb, ' ') ; /* Left padded */ + continue; + + case 'C' : /* Character */ + putc_bfd(&pb, (TCHAR)va_arg(arp, int)); continue; + + case 'B' : /* Unsigned binary */ + r = 2; break; + + case 'O' : /* Unsigned octal */ + r = 8; break; + + case 'D' : /* Signed decimal */ + case 'U' : /* Unsigned decimal */ + r = 10; break; + + case 'X' : /* Unsigned hexdecimal */ + r = 16; break; + + default: /* Unknown type (pass-through) */ + putc_bfd(&pb, c); continue; + } + + /* Get an argument and put it in numeral */ + v = (f & 4) ? (DWORD)va_arg(arp, long) : ((d == 'D') ? (DWORD)(long)va_arg(arp, int) : (DWORD)va_arg(arp, unsigned int)); + if (d == 'D' && (v & 0x80000000)) { + v = 0 - v; + f |= 8; + } + i = 0; + do { + d = (TCHAR)(v % r); v /= r; + if (d > 9) d += (c == 'x') ? 0x27 : 0x07; + str[i++] = d + '0'; + } while (v && i < sizeof str / sizeof *str); + if (f & 8) str[i++] = '-'; + j = i; d = (f & 1) ? '0' : ' '; + if (!(f & 2)) { + while (j++ < w) putc_bfd(&pb, d); /* Right pad */ + } + do { + putc_bfd(&pb, str[--i]); /* Number body */ + } while (i); + while (j++ < w) putc_bfd(&pb, d); /* Left pad */ + } + + va_end(arp); + + return putc_flush(&pb); +} + +#endif /* !FF_FS_READONLY */ +#endif /* FF_USE_STRFUNC */ + + + +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Set Active Codepage for the Path Name */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +FRESULT f_setcp ( + WORD cp /* Value to be set as active code page */ +) +{ + static const WORD validcp[] = { 437, 720, 737, 771, 775, 850, 852, 857, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 869, 932, 936, 949, 950, 0}; + static const BYTE* const tables[] = {Ct437, Ct720, Ct737, Ct771, Ct775, Ct850, Ct852, Ct857, Ct860, Ct861, Ct862, Ct863, Ct864, Ct865, Ct866, Ct869, Dc932, Dc936, Dc949, Dc950, 0}; + UINT i; + + + for (i = 0; validcp[i] != 0 && validcp[i] != cp; i++) ; /* Find the code page */ + if (validcp[i] != cp) return FR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Not found? */ + + CodePage = cp; + if (cp >= 900) { /* DBCS */ + ExCvt = 0; + DbcTbl = tables[i]; + } else { /* SBCS */ + ExCvt = tables[i]; + DbcTbl = 0; + } + return FR_OK; +} +#endif /* FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 */ + diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ff.h b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ff.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27bf89dbd --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ff.h @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem module R0.13c / +/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ +/ Copyright (C) 2018, ChaN, all right reserved. +/ +/ FatFs module is an open source software. Redistribution and use of FatFs in +/ source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided +/ that the following condition is met: + +/ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +/ this condition and the following disclaimer. +/ +/ This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS" +/ and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED. +/ The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused +/ by use of this software. +/ +/----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + +#ifndef FF_DEFINED +#define FF_DEFINED 86604 /* Revision ID */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include "../../utils/types.h" /* Basic integer types */ +#include "ffconf.h" /* FatFs configuration options */ + +#if FF_DEFINED != FFCONF_DEF +#error Wrong configuration file (ffconf.h). +#endif + + + +/* Definitions of volume management */ + +#if FF_MULTI_PARTITION /* Multiple partition configuration */ +typedef struct { + BYTE pd; /* Physical drive number */ + BYTE pt; /* Partition: 0:Auto detect, 1-4:Forced partition) */ +} PARTITION; +extern PARTITION VolToPart[]; /* Volume - Partition resolution table */ +#endif + +#if FF_STR_VOLUME_ID +#ifndef FF_VOLUME_STRS +extern const char* VolumeStr[FF_VOLUMES]; /* User defied volume ID */ +#endif +#endif + + + +/* Type of path name strings on FatFs API */ + +#ifndef _INC_TCHAR +#define _INC_TCHAR + +#if FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE == 1 /* Unicode in UTF-16 encoding */ +typedef WCHAR TCHAR; +#define _T(x) L ## x +#define _TEXT(x) L ## x +#elif FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE == 2 /* Unicode in UTF-8 encoding */ +typedef char TCHAR; +#define _T(x) u8 ## x +#define _TEXT(x) u8 ## x +#elif FF_USE_LFN && FF_LFN_UNICODE == 3 /* Unicode in UTF-32 encoding */ +typedef DWORD TCHAR; +#define _T(x) U ## x +#define _TEXT(x) U ## x +#elif FF_USE_LFN && (FF_LFN_UNICODE < 0 || FF_LFN_UNICODE > 3) +#error Wrong FF_LFN_UNICODE setting +#else /* ANSI/OEM code in SBCS/DBCS */ +typedef char TCHAR; +#define _T(x) x +#define _TEXT(x) x +#endif + +#endif + + + +/* Type of file size variables */ + +#if FF_FS_EXFAT +typedef QWORD FSIZE_t; +#else +typedef DWORD FSIZE_t; +#endif + + + +/* Filesystem object structure (FATFS) */ + +typedef struct { + BYTE win[FF_MAX_SS]; /* Disk access window for Directory, FAT (and file data at tiny cfg) */ + BYTE fs_type; /* Filesystem type (0:not mounted) */ + BYTE pdrv; /* Associated physical drive */ + BYTE n_fats; /* Number of FATs (1 or 2) */ + BYTE wflag; /* win[] flag (b0:dirty) */ + BYTE fsi_flag; /* FSINFO flags (b7:disabled, b0:dirty) */ + WORD id; /* Volume mount ID */ + WORD n_rootdir; /* Number of root directory entries (FAT12/16) */ + WORD csize; /* Cluster size [sectors] */ +#if FF_MAX_SS != FF_MIN_SS + WORD ssize; /* Sector size (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096) */ +#endif +#if FF_USE_LFN + WCHAR* lfnbuf; /* LFN working buffer */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + BYTE* dirbuf; /* Directory entry block scratchpad buffer for exFAT */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT + FF_SYNC_t sobj; /* Identifier of sync object */ +#endif +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + DWORD last_clst; /* Last allocated cluster */ + DWORD free_clst; /* Number of free clusters */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_RPATH + DWORD cdir; /* Current directory start cluster (0:root) */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + DWORD cdc_scl; /* Containing directory start cluster (invalid when cdir is 0) */ + DWORD cdc_size; /* b31-b8:Size of containing directory, b7-b0: Chain status */ + DWORD cdc_ofs; /* Offset in the containing directory (invalid when cdir is 0) */ +#endif +#endif + DWORD n_fatent; /* Number of FAT entries (number of clusters + 2) */ + DWORD fsize; /* Size of an FAT [sectors] */ + DWORD volbase; /* Volume base sector */ + DWORD fatbase; /* FAT base sector */ + DWORD dirbase; /* Root directory base sector/cluster */ + DWORD database; /* Data base sector */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + DWORD bitbase; /* Allocation bitmap base sector */ +#endif + DWORD winsect; /* Current sector appearing in the win[] */ +} FATFS; + + + +/* Object ID and allocation information (FFOBJID) */ + +typedef struct { + FATFS* fs; /* Pointer to the hosting volume of this object */ + WORD id; /* Hosting volume mount ID */ + BYTE attr; /* Object attribute */ + BYTE stat; /* Object chain status (b1-0: =0:not contiguous, =2:contiguous, =3:fragmented in this session, b2:sub-directory stretched) */ + DWORD sclust; /* Object data start cluster (0:no cluster or root directory) */ + FSIZE_t objsize; /* Object size (valid when sclust != 0) */ +#if FF_FS_EXFAT + DWORD n_cont; /* Size of first fragment - 1 (valid when stat == 3) */ + DWORD n_frag; /* Size of last fragment needs to be written to FAT (valid when not zero) */ + DWORD c_scl; /* Containing directory start cluster (valid when sclust != 0) */ + DWORD c_size; /* b31-b8:Size of containing directory, b7-b0: Chain status (valid when c_scl != 0) */ + DWORD c_ofs; /* Offset in the containing directory (valid when file object and sclust != 0) */ +#endif +#if FF_FS_LOCK + UINT lockid; /* File lock ID origin from 1 (index of file semaphore table Files[]) */ +#endif +} FFOBJID; + + + +/* File object structure (FIL) */ + +typedef struct { +#if !FF_FS_TINY + BYTE buf[FF_MAX_SS]; /* File private data read/write window */ +#endif + FFOBJID obj; /* Object identifier (must be the 1st member to detect invalid object pointer) */ + BYTE flag; /* File status flags */ + BYTE err; /* Abort flag (error code) */ + FSIZE_t fptr; /* File read/write pointer (Zeroed on file open) */ + DWORD clust; /* Current cluster of fpter (invalid when fptr is 0) */ + DWORD sect; /* Sector number appearing in buf[] (0:invalid) */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY + DWORD dir_sect; /* Sector number containing the directory entry (not used at exFAT) */ + BYTE* dir_ptr; /* Pointer to the directory entry in the win[] (not used at exFAT) */ +#endif +#if FF_USE_FASTSEEK + DWORD* cltbl; /* Pointer to the cluster link map table (nulled on open, set by application) */ +#endif +} FIL; + + + +/* Directory object structure (DIR) */ + +typedef struct { + FFOBJID obj; /* Object identifier */ + DWORD dptr; /* Current read/write offset */ + DWORD clust; /* Current cluster */ + DWORD sect; /* Current sector (0:Read operation has terminated) */ + BYTE* dir; /* Pointer to the directory item in the win[] */ + BYTE fn[12]; /* SFN (in/out) {body[8],ext[3],status[1]} */ +#if FF_USE_LFN + DWORD blk_ofs; /* Offset of current entry block being processed (0xFFFFFFFF:Invalid) */ +#endif +#if FF_USE_FIND + const TCHAR* pat; /* Pointer to the name matching pattern */ +#endif +} DIR; + + + +/* File information structure (FILINFO) */ + +typedef struct { + FSIZE_t fsize; /* File size */ + WORD fdate; /* Modified date */ + WORD ftime; /* Modified time */ + BYTE fattrib; /* File attribute */ +#if FF_USE_LFN + TCHAR altname[FF_SFN_BUF + 1];/* Altenative file name */ + TCHAR fname[FF_LFN_BUF + 1]; /* Primary file name */ +#else + TCHAR fname[12 + 1]; /* File name */ +#endif +} FILINFO; + + + +/* File function return code (FRESULT) */ + +typedef enum { + FR_OK = 0, /* (0) Succeeded */ + FR_DISK_ERR, /* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */ + FR_INT_ERR, /* (2) Assertion failed */ + FR_NOT_READY, /* (3) The physical drive cannot work */ + FR_NO_FILE, /* (4) Could not find the file */ + FR_NO_PATH, /* (5) Could not find the path */ + FR_INVALID_NAME, /* (6) The path name format is invalid */ + FR_DENIED, /* (7) Access denied due to prohibited access or directory full */ + FR_EXIST, /* (8) Access denied due to prohibited access */ + FR_INVALID_OBJECT, /* (9) The file/directory object is invalid */ + FR_WRITE_PROTECTED, /* (10) The physical drive is write protected */ + FR_INVALID_DRIVE, /* (11) The logical drive number is invalid */ + FR_NOT_ENABLED, /* (12) The volume has no work area */ + FR_NO_FILESYSTEM, /* (13) There is no valid FAT volume */ + FR_MKFS_ABORTED, /* (14) The f_mkfs() aborted due to any problem */ + FR_TIMEOUT, /* (15) Could not get a grant to access the volume within defined period */ + FR_LOCKED, /* (16) The operation is rejected according to the file sharing policy */ + FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE, /* (17) LFN working buffer could not be allocated */ + FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES, /* (18) Number of open files > FF_FS_LOCK */ + FR_INVALID_PARAMETER /* (19) Given parameter is invalid */ +} FRESULT; + + + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* FatFs module application interface */ + +FRESULT f_open (FIL* fp, const TCHAR* path, BYTE mode); /* Open or create a file */ +FRESULT f_close (FIL* fp); /* Close an open file object */ +FRESULT f_read (FIL* fp, void* buff, UINT btr, UINT* br); /* Read data from the file */ +FRESULT f_write (FIL* fp, const void* buff, UINT btw, UINT* bw); /* Write data to the file */ +FRESULT f_lseek (FIL* fp, FSIZE_t ofs); /* Move file pointer of the file object */ +FRESULT f_truncate (FIL* fp); /* Truncate the file */ +FRESULT f_sync (FIL* fp); /* Flush cached data of the writing file */ +FRESULT f_opendir (DIR* dp, const TCHAR* path); /* Open a directory */ +FRESULT f_closedir (DIR* dp); /* Close an open directory */ +FRESULT f_readdir (DIR* dp, FILINFO* fno); /* Read a directory item */ +FRESULT f_findfirst (DIR* dp, FILINFO* fno, const TCHAR* path, const TCHAR* pattern); /* Find first file */ +FRESULT f_findnext (DIR* dp, FILINFO* fno); /* Find next file */ +FRESULT f_mkdir (const TCHAR* path); /* Create a sub directory */ +FRESULT f_unlink (const TCHAR* path); /* Delete an existing file or directory */ +FRESULT f_rename (const TCHAR* path_old, const TCHAR* path_new); /* Rename/Move a file or directory */ +FRESULT f_stat (const TCHAR* path, FILINFO* fno); /* Get file status */ +FRESULT f_chmod (const TCHAR* path, BYTE attr, BYTE mask); /* Change attribute of a file/dir */ +FRESULT f_utime (const TCHAR* path, const FILINFO* fno); /* Change timestamp of a file/dir */ +FRESULT f_chdir (const TCHAR* path); /* Change current directory */ +FRESULT f_chdrive (const TCHAR* path); /* Change current drive */ +FRESULT f_getcwd (TCHAR* buff, UINT len); /* Get current directory */ +FRESULT f_getfree (const TCHAR* path, DWORD* nclst, FATFS** fatfs); /* Get number of free clusters on the drive */ +FRESULT f_getlabel (const TCHAR* path, TCHAR* label, DWORD* vsn); /* Get volume label */ +FRESULT f_setlabel (const TCHAR* label); /* Set volume label */ +FRESULT f_forward (FIL* fp, UINT(*func)(const BYTE*,UINT), UINT btf, UINT* bf); /* Forward data to the stream */ +FRESULT f_expand (FIL* fp, FSIZE_t szf, BYTE opt); /* Allocate a contiguous block to the file */ +FRESULT f_mount (FATFS* fs, const TCHAR* path, BYTE opt); /* Mount/Unmount a logical drive */ +FRESULT f_mkfs (const TCHAR* path, BYTE opt, DWORD au, void* work, UINT len); /* Create a FAT volume */ +FRESULT f_fdisk (BYTE pdrv, const DWORD* szt, void* work); /* Divide a physical drive into some partitions */ +FRESULT f_setcp (WORD cp); /* Set current code page */ +int f_putc (TCHAR c, FIL* fp); /* Put a character to the file */ +int f_puts (const TCHAR* str, FIL* cp); /* Put a string to the file */ +int f_printf (FIL* fp, const TCHAR* str, ...); /* Put a formatted string to the file */ +TCHAR* f_gets (TCHAR* buff, int len, FIL* fp); /* Get a string from the file */ + +#define f_eof(fp) ((int)((fp)->fptr == (fp)->obj.objsize)) +#define f_error(fp) ((fp)->err) +#define f_tell(fp) ((fp)->fptr) +#define f_size(fp) ((fp)->obj.objsize) +#define f_rewind(fp) f_lseek((fp), 0) +#define f_rewinddir(dp) f_readdir((dp), 0) +#define f_rmdir(path) f_unlink(path) +#define f_unmount(path) f_mount(0, path, 0) + +#ifndef EOF +#define EOF (-1) +#endif + + + + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Additional user defined functions */ + +/* RTC function */ +#if !FF_FS_READONLY && !FF_FS_NORTC +DWORD get_fattime (void); +#endif + +/* LFN support functions */ +#if FF_USE_LFN >= 1 /* Code conversion (defined in unicode.c) */ +WCHAR ff_oem2uni (WCHAR oem, WORD cp); /* OEM code to Unicode conversion */ +WCHAR ff_uni2oem (DWORD uni, WORD cp); /* Unicode to OEM code conversion */ +DWORD ff_wtoupper (DWORD uni); /* Unicode upper-case conversion */ +#endif +#if FF_USE_LFN == 3 /* Dynamic memory allocation */ +void* ff_memalloc (UINT msize); /* Allocate memory block */ +void ff_memfree (void* mblock); /* Free memory block */ +#endif + +/* Sync functions */ +#if FF_FS_REENTRANT +int ff_cre_syncobj (BYTE vol, FF_SYNC_t* sobj); /* Create a sync object */ +int ff_req_grant (FF_SYNC_t sobj); /* Lock sync object */ +void ff_rel_grant (FF_SYNC_t sobj); /* Unlock sync object */ +int ff_del_syncobj (FF_SYNC_t sobj); /* Delete a sync object */ +#endif + + + + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Flags and offset address */ + + +/* File access mode and open method flags (3rd argument of f_open) */ +#define FA_READ 0x01 +#define FA_WRITE 0x02 +#define FA_OPEN_EXISTING 0x00 +#define FA_CREATE_NEW 0x04 +#define FA_CREATE_ALWAYS 0x08 +#define FA_OPEN_ALWAYS 0x10 +#define FA_OPEN_APPEND 0x30 + +/* Fast seek controls (2nd argument of f_lseek) */ +#define CREATE_LINKMAP ((FSIZE_t)0 - 1) + +/* Format options (2nd argument of f_mkfs) */ +#define FM_FAT 0x01 +#define FM_FAT32 0x02 +#define FM_EXFAT 0x04 +#define FM_ANY 0x07 +#define FM_SFD 0x08 + +/* Filesystem type (FATFS.fs_type) */ +#define FS_FAT12 1 +#define FS_FAT16 2 +#define FS_FAT32 3 +#define FS_EXFAT 4 + +/* File attribute bits for directory entry (FILINFO.fattrib) */ +#define AM_RDO 0x01 /* Read only */ +#define AM_HID 0x02 /* Hidden */ +#define AM_SYS 0x04 /* System */ +#define AM_DIR 0x10 /* Directory */ +#define AM_ARC 0x20 /* Archive */ + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* FF_DEFINED */ diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffconf.h b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffconf.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8be71b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffconf.h @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ FatFs Functional Configurations +/---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#define FFCONF_DEF 86604 /* Revision ID */ + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ Function Configurations +/---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#define FF_FS_READONLY 0 +/* This option switches read-only configuration. (0:Read/Write or 1:Read-only) +/ Read-only configuration removes writing API functions, f_write(), f_sync(), +/ f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_chmod(), f_rename(), f_truncate(), f_getfree() +/ and optional writing functions as well. */ + + +#define FF_FS_MINIMIZE 0 +/* This option defines minimization level to remove some basic API functions. +/ +/ 0: Basic functions are fully enabled. +/ 1: f_stat(), f_getfree(), f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_truncate() and f_rename() +/ are removed. +/ 2: f_opendir(), f_readdir() and f_closedir() are removed in addition to 1. +/ 3: f_lseek() function is removed in addition to 2. */ + + +#define FF_USE_STRFUNC 2 +/* This option switches string functions, f_gets(), f_putc(), f_puts() and f_printf(). +/ +/ 0: Disable string functions. +/ 1: Enable without LF-CRLF conversion. +/ 2: Enable with LF-CRLF conversion. */ + + +#define FF_USE_FIND 0 +/* This option switches filtered directory read functions, f_findfirst() and +/ f_findnext(). (0:Disable, 1:Enable 2:Enable with matching altname[] too) */ + + +#define FF_USE_MKFS 0 +/* This option switches f_mkfs() function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */ + + +#define FF_USE_FASTSEEK 0 +/* This option switches fast seek function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */ + + +#define FF_USE_EXPAND 0 +/* This option switches f_expand function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */ + + +#define FF_USE_CHMOD 1 +/* This option switches attribute manipulation functions, f_chmod() and f_utime(). +/ (0:Disable or 1:Enable) Also FF_FS_READONLY needs to be 0 to enable this option. */ + + +#define FF_USE_LABEL 0 +/* This option switches volume label functions, f_getlabel() and f_setlabel(). +/ (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */ + + +#define FF_USE_FORWARD 0 +/* This option switches f_forward() function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */ + + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ Locale and Namespace Configurations +/---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#define FF_CODE_PAGE 850 +/* This option specifies the OEM code page to be used on the target system. +/ Incorrect code page setting can cause a file open failure. +/ +/ 437 - U.S. +/ 720 - Arabic +/ 737 - Greek +/ 771 - KBL +/ 775 - Baltic +/ 850 - Latin 1 +/ 852 - Latin 2 +/ 855 - Cyrillic +/ 857 - Turkish +/ 860 - Portuguese +/ 861 - Icelandic +/ 862 - Hebrew +/ 863 - Canadian French +/ 864 - Arabic +/ 865 - Nordic +/ 866 - Russian +/ 869 - Greek 2 +/ 932 - Japanese (DBCS) +/ 936 - Simplified Chinese (DBCS) +/ 949 - Korean (DBCS) +/ 950 - Traditional Chinese (DBCS) +/ 0 - Include all code pages above and configured by f_setcp() +*/ + + +#define FF_USE_LFN 3 +#define FF_MAX_LFN 255 +/* The FF_USE_LFN switches the support for LFN (long file name). +/ +/ 0: Disable LFN. FF_MAX_LFN has no effect. +/ 1: Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. Always NOT thread-safe. +/ 2: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the STACK. +/ 3: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the HEAP. +/ +/ To enable the LFN, ffunicode.c needs to be added to the project. The LFN function +/ requiers certain internal working buffer occupies (FF_MAX_LFN + 1) * 2 bytes and +/ additional (FF_MAX_LFN + 44) / 15 * 32 bytes when exFAT is enabled. +/ The FF_MAX_LFN defines size of the working buffer in UTF-16 code unit and it can +/ be in range of 12 to 255. It is recommended to be set 255 to fully support LFN +/ specification. +/ When use stack for the working buffer, take care on stack overflow. When use heap +/ memory for the working buffer, memory management functions, ff_memalloc() and +/ ff_memfree() in ffsystem.c, need to be added to the project. */ + + +#define FF_LFN_UNICODE 0 +/* This option switches the character encoding on the API when LFN is enabled. +/ +/ 0: ANSI/OEM in current CP (TCHAR = char) +/ 1: Unicode in UTF-16 (TCHAR = WCHAR) +/ 2: Unicode in UTF-8 (TCHAR = char) +/ 3: Unicode in UTF-32 (TCHAR = DWORD) +/ +/ Also behavior of string I/O functions will be affected by this option. +/ When LFN is not enabled, this option has no effect. */ + + +#define FF_LFN_BUF 255 +#define FF_SFN_BUF 12 +/* This set of options defines size of file name members in the FILINFO structure +/ which is used to read out directory items. These values should be suffcient for +/ the file names to read. The maximum possible length of the read file name depends +/ on character encoding. When LFN is not enabled, these options have no effect. */ + + +#define FF_STRF_ENCODE 0 +/* When FF_LFN_UNICODE >= 1 with LFN enabled, string I/O functions, f_gets(), +/ f_putc(), f_puts and f_printf() convert the character encoding in it. +/ This option selects assumption of character encoding ON THE FILE to be +/ read/written via those functions. +/ +/ 0: ANSI/OEM in current CP +/ 1: Unicode in UTF-16LE +/ 2: Unicode in UTF-16BE +/ 3: Unicode in UTF-8 +*/ + + +#define FF_FS_RPATH 0 +/* This option configures support for relative path. +/ +/ 0: Disable relative path and remove related functions. +/ 1: Enable relative path. f_chdir() and f_chdrive() are available. +/ 2: f_getcwd() function is available in addition to 1. +*/ + + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ Drive/Volume Configurations +/---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#define FF_VOLUMES 1 +/* Number of volumes (logical drives) to be used. (1-10) */ + + +#define FF_STR_VOLUME_ID 0 +#define FF_VOLUME_STRS "sd" +/* FF_STR_VOLUME_ID switches support for volume ID in arbitrary strings. +/ When FF_STR_VOLUME_ID is set to 1 or 2, arbitrary strings can be used as drive +/ number in the path name. FF_VOLUME_STRS defines the volume ID strings for each +/ logical drives. Number of items must not be less than FF_VOLUMES. Valid +/ characters for the volume ID strings are A-Z, a-z and 0-9, however, they are +/ compared in case-insensitive. If FF_STR_VOLUME_ID >= 1 and FF_VOLUME_STRS is +/ not defined, a user defined volume string table needs to be defined as: +/ +/ const char* VolumeStr[FF_VOLUMES] = {"ram","flash","sd","usb",... +*/ + + +#define FF_MULTI_PARTITION 0 +/* This option switches support for multiple volumes on the physical drive. +/ By default (0), each logical drive number is bound to the same physical drive +/ number and only an FAT volume found on the physical drive will be mounted. +/ When this function is enabled (1), each logical drive number can be bound to +/ arbitrary physical drive and partition listed in the VolToPart[]. Also f_fdisk() +/ funciton will be available. */ + + +#define FF_MIN_SS 512 +#define FF_MAX_SS 512 +/* This set of options configures the range of sector size to be supported. (512, +/ 1024, 2048 or 4096) Always set both 512 for most systems, generic memory card and +/ harddisk. But a larger value may be required for on-board flash memory and some +/ type of optical media. When FF_MAX_SS is larger than FF_MIN_SS, FatFs is configured +/ for variable sector size mode and disk_ioctl() function needs to implement +/ GET_SECTOR_SIZE command. */ + + +#define FF_USE_TRIM 0 +/* This option switches support for ATA-TRIM. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) +/ To enable Trim function, also CTRL_TRIM command should be implemented to the +/ disk_ioctl() function. */ + + +#define FF_FS_NOFSINFO 0 +/* If you need to know correct free space on the FAT32 volume, set bit 0 of this +/ option, and f_getfree() function at first time after volume mount will force +/ a full FAT scan. Bit 1 controls the use of last allocated cluster number. +/ +/ bit0=0: Use free cluster count in the FSINFO if available. +/ bit0=1: Do not trust free cluster count in the FSINFO. +/ bit1=0: Use last allocated cluster number in the FSINFO if available. +/ bit1=1: Do not trust last allocated cluster number in the FSINFO. +*/ + + + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ +/ System Configurations +/---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#define FF_FS_TINY 0 +/* This option switches tiny buffer configuration. (0:Normal or 1:Tiny) +/ At the tiny configuration, size of file object (FIL) is shrinked FF_MAX_SS bytes. +/ Instead of private sector buffer eliminated from the file object, common sector +/ buffer in the filesystem object (FATFS) is used for the file data transfer. */ + + +#define FF_FS_EXFAT 1 +/* This option switches support for exFAT filesystem. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) +/ To enable exFAT, also LFN needs to be enabled. (FF_USE_LFN >= 1) +/ Note that enabling exFAT discards ANSI C (C89) compatibility. */ + + +#define FF_FS_NORTC 1 +#define FF_NORTC_MON 1 +#define FF_NORTC_MDAY 1 +#define FF_NORTC_YEAR 2019 +/* The option FF_FS_NORTC switches timestamp function. If the system does not have +/ any RTC function or valid timestamp is not needed, set FF_FS_NORTC = 1 to disable +/ the timestamp function. Every object modified by FatFs will have a fixed timestamp +/ defined by FF_NORTC_MON, FF_NORTC_MDAY and FF_NORTC_YEAR in local time. +/ To enable timestamp function (FF_FS_NORTC = 0), get_fattime() function need to be +/ added to the project to read current time form real-time clock. FF_NORTC_MON, +/ FF_NORTC_MDAY and FF_NORTC_YEAR have no effect. +/ These options have no effect at read-only configuration (FF_FS_READONLY = 1). */ + + +#define FF_FS_LOCK 0 +/* The option FF_FS_LOCK switches file lock function to control duplicated file open +/ and illegal operation to open objects. This option must be 0 when FF_FS_READONLY +/ is 1. +/ +/ 0: Disable file lock function. To avoid volume corruption, application program +/ should avoid illegal open, remove and rename to the open objects. +/ >0: Enable file lock function. The value defines how many files/sub-directories +/ can be opened simultaneously under file lock control. Note that the file +/ lock control is independent of re-entrancy. */ + + +#define FF_FS_REENTRANT 0 +#define FF_FS_TIMEOUT 1000 +#define FF_SYNC_t HANDLE +/* The option FF_FS_REENTRANT switches the re-entrancy (thread safe) of the FatFs +/ module itself. Note that regardless of this option, file access to different +/ volume is always re-entrant and volume control functions, f_mount(), f_mkfs() +/ and f_fdisk() function, are always not re-entrant. Only file/directory access +/ to the same volume is under control of this function. +/ +/ 0: Disable re-entrancy. FF_FS_TIMEOUT and FF_SYNC_t have no effect. +/ 1: Enable re-entrancy. Also user provided synchronization handlers, +/ ff_req_grant(), ff_rel_grant(), ff_del_syncobj() and ff_cre_syncobj() +/ function, must be added to the project. Samples are available in +/ option/syscall.c. +/ +/ The FF_FS_TIMEOUT defines timeout period in unit of time tick. +/ The FF_SYNC_t defines O/S dependent sync object type. e.g. HANDLE, ID, OS_EVENT*, +/ SemaphoreHandle_t and etc. A header file for O/S definitions needs to be +/ included somewhere in the scope of ff.h. */ + + + +/*--- End of configuration options ---*/ diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffsystem.c b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffsystem.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8485c07d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffsystem.c @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Sample Code of OS Dependent Functions for FatFs */ +/* (C) ChaN, 2018 */ +/* (C) CTCaer, 2018 */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + +#include "ff.h" +#include "../../utils/types.h" +#include + + +#if FF_USE_LFN == 3 /* Dynamic memory allocation */ + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Allocate a memory block */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void* ff_memalloc ( /* Returns pointer to the allocated memory block (null if not enough core) */ + UINT msize /* Number of bytes to allocate */ +) +{ + return malloc(msize); /* Allocate a new memory block with POSIX API */ +} + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Free a memory block */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void ff_memfree ( + void* mblock /* Pointer to the memory block to free (nothing to do if null) */ +) +{ + free(mblock); /* Free the memory block with POSIX API */ +} + +#endif + diff --git a/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffunicode.c b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffunicode.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc23f806c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/libs/fatfs/ffunicode.c @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Unicode handling functions for FatFs R0.13c */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* This module will occupy a huge memory in the .const section when the / +/ FatFs is configured for LFN with DBCS. If the system has any Unicode / +/ utilitiy for the code conversion, this module should be modified to use / +/ that function to avoid silly memory consumption. / +/-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* +/ Copyright (C) 2018, ChaN, all right reserved. +/ +/ FatFs module is an open source software. Redistribution and use of FatFs in +/ source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided +/ that the following condition is met: +/ +/ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +/ this condition and the following disclaimer. +/ +/ This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS" +/ and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED. +/ The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused +/ by use of this software. +*/ + + +#include "ff.h" + +#if FF_USE_LFN /* This module will be blanked at non-LFN configuration */ + +#if FF_DEFINED != 86604 /* Revision ID */ +#error Wrong include file (ff.h). +#endif + +#define MERGE2(a, b) a ## b +#define CVTBL(tbl, cp) MERGE2(tbl, cp) + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Code Conversion Tables */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 437 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc437[] = { /* CP437(U.S.) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x00E5, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x00EC, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, + 0x00C9, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F2, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x00FF, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00A5, 0x20A7, 0x0192, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x00BF, 0x2310, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2229, + 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 720 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc720[] = { /* CP720(Arabic) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x0000, 0x00E0, 0x0000, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, + 0x0000, 0x0651, 0x0652, 0x00F4, 0x00A4, 0x0640, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x0621, 0x0622, 0x0623, 0x0624, 0x00A3, 0x0625, 0x0626, 0x0627, + 0x0628, 0x0629, 0x062A, 0x062B, 0x062C, 0x062D, 0x062E, 0x062F, 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0633, 0x0634, 0x0635, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x0636, 0x0637, 0x0638, 0x0639, 0x063A, 0x0641, 0x00B5, 0x0642, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0649, 0x064A, + 0x2261, 0x064B, 0x064C, 0x064D, 0x064E, 0x064F, 0x0650, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 737 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc737[] = { /* CP737(Greek) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x039A, 0x039B, 0x039C, 0x039D, 0x039E, 0x039F, 0x03A0, + 0x03A1, 0x03A3, 0x03A4, 0x03A5, 0x03A6, 0x03A7, 0x03A8, 0x03A9, 0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8, + 0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB, 0x03BC, 0x03BD, 0x03BE, 0x03BF, 0x03C0, 0x03C1, 0x03C3, 0x03C2, 0x03C4, 0x03C5, 0x03C6, 0x03C7, 0x03C8, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03C9, 0x03AC, 0x03AD, 0x03AE, 0x03CA, 0x03AF, 0x03CC, 0x03CD, 0x03CB, 0x03CE, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038A, 0x038C, 0x038E, + 0x038F, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x03AA, 0x03AB, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 771 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc771[] = { /* CP771(KBL) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042B, 0x042C, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F, + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x2558, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x0104, 0x0105, 0x010C, 0x010D, + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044B, 0x044C, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F, + 0x0118, 0x0119, 0x0116, 0x0117, 0x012E, 0x012F, 0x0160, 0x0161, 0x0172, 0x0173, 0x016A, 0x016B, 0x017D, 0x017E, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 775 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc775[] = { /* CP775(Baltic) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x0106, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x0101, 0x00E4, 0x0123, 0x00E5, 0x0107, 0x0142, 0x0113, 0x0156, 0x0157, 0x012B, 0x0179, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, + 0x00C9, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x014D, 0x00F6, 0x0122, 0x00A2, 0x015A, 0x015B, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00F8, 0x00A3, 0x00D8, 0x00D7, 0x00A4, + 0x0100, 0x012A, 0x00F3, 0x017B, 0x017C, 0x017A, 0x201D, 0x00A6, 0x00A9, 0x00AE, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x0141, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x0104, 0x010C, 0x0118, 0x0116, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x012E, 0x0160, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x0172, 0x016A, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x017D, + 0x0105, 0x010D, 0x0119, 0x0117, 0x012F, 0x0161, 0x0173, 0x016B, 0x017E, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x00D3, 0x00DF, 0x014C, 0x0143, 0x00F5, 0x00D5, 0x00B5, 0x0144, 0x0136, 0x0137, 0x013B, 0x013C, 0x0146, 0x0112, 0x0145, 0x2019, + 0x00AD, 0x00B1, 0x201C, 0x00BE, 0x00B6, 0x00A7, 0x00F7, 0x201E, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x00B9, 0x00B3, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 850 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc850[] = { /* CP850(Latin 1) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x00E5, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x00EC, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, + 0x00C9, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F2, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x00FF, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00F8, 0x00A3, 0x00D8, 0x00D7, 0x0192, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x00BF, 0x00AE, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00C1, 0x00C2, 0x00C0, 0x00A9, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x00A2, 0x00A5, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x00E3, 0x00C3, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x00A4, + 0x00F0, 0x00D0, 0x00CA, 0x00CB, 0x00C8, 0x0131, 0x00CD, 0x00CE, 0x00CF, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x00A6, 0x00CC, 0x2580, + 0x00D3, 0x00DF, 0x00D4, 0x00D2, 0x00F5, 0x00D5, 0x00B5, 0x00FE, 0x00DE, 0x00DA, 0x00DB, 0x00D9, 0x00FD, 0x00DD, 0x00AF, 0x00B4, + 0x00AD, 0x00B1, 0x2017, 0x00BE, 0x00B6, 0x00A7, 0x00F7, 0x00B8, 0x00B0, 0x00A8, 0x00B7, 0x00B9, 0x00B3, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 852 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc852[] = { /* CP852(Latin 2) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x016F, 0x0107, 0x00E7, 0x0142, 0x00EB, 0x0150, 0x0151, 0x00EE, 0x0179, 0x00C4, 0x0106, + 0x00C9, 0x0139, 0x013A, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x013D, 0x013E, 0x015A, 0x015B, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x0164, 0x0165, 0x0141, 0x00D7, 0x010D, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x0104, 0x0105, 0x017D, 0x017E, 0x0118, 0x0119, 0x00AC, 0x017A, 0x010C, 0x015F, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00C1, 0x00C2, 0x011A, 0x015E, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x017B, 0x017C, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x0102, 0x0103, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x00A4, + 0x0111, 0x0110, 0x010E, 0x00CB, 0x010F, 0x0147, 0x00CD, 0x00CE, 0x011B, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x0162, 0x016E, 0x2580, + 0x00D3, 0x00DF, 0x00D4, 0x0143, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x0160, 0x0161, 0x0154, 0x00DA, 0x0155, 0x0170, 0x00FD, 0x00DD, 0x0163, 0x00B4, + 0x00AD, 0x02DD, 0x02DB, 0x02C7, 0x02D8, 0x00A7, 0x00F7, 0x00B8, 0x00B0, 0x00A8, 0x02D9, 0x0171, 0x0158, 0x0159, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 855 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc855[] = { /* CP855(Cyrillic) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x0452, 0x0402, 0x0453, 0x0403, 0x0451, 0x0401, 0x0454, 0x0404, 0x0455, 0x0405, 0x0456, 0x0406, 0x0457, 0x0407, 0x0458, 0x0408, + 0x0459, 0x0409, 0x045A, 0x040A, 0x045B, 0x040B, 0x045C, 0x040C, 0x045E, 0x040E, 0x045F, 0x040F, 0x044E, 0x042E, 0x044A, 0x042A, + 0x0430, 0x0410, 0x0431, 0x0411, 0x0446, 0x0426, 0x0434, 0x0414, 0x0435, 0x0415, 0x0444, 0x0424, 0x0433, 0x0413, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x0445, 0x0425, 0x0438, 0x0418, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x0439, 0x0419, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x043A, 0x041A, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x00A4, + 0x043B, 0x041B, 0x043C, 0x041C, 0x043D, 0x041D, 0x043E, 0x041E, 0x043F, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x041F, 0x044F, 0x2580, + 0x042F, 0x0440, 0x0420, 0x0441, 0x0421, 0x0442, 0x0422, 0x0443, 0x0423, 0x0436, 0x0416, 0x0432, 0x0412, 0x044C, 0x042C, 0x2116, + 0x00AD, 0x044B, 0x042B, 0x0437, 0x0417, 0x0448, 0x0428, 0x044D, 0x042D, 0x0449, 0x0429, 0x0447, 0x0427, 0x00A7, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 857 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc857[] = { /* CP857(Turkish) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x00E5, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x0131, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, + 0x00C9, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F2, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x0130, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00F8, 0x00A3, 0x00D8, 0x015E, 0x015F, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x011E, 0x011F, 0x00BF, 0x00AE, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00C1, 0x00C2, 0x00C0, 0x00A9, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x00A2, 0x00A5, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x00E3, 0x00C3, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x00A4, + 0x00BA, 0x00AA, 0x00CA, 0x00CB, 0x00C8, 0x0000, 0x00CD, 0x00CE, 0x00CF, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x00A6, 0x00CC, 0x2580, + 0x00D3, 0x00DF, 0x00D4, 0x00D2, 0x00F5, 0x00D5, 0x00B5, 0x0000, 0x00D7, 0x00DA, 0x00DB, 0x00D9, 0x00EC, 0x00FF, 0x00AF, 0x00B4, + 0x00AD, 0x00B1, 0x0000, 0x00BE, 0x00B6, 0x00A7, 0x00F7, 0x00B8, 0x00B0, 0x00A8, 0x00B7, 0x00B9, 0x00B3, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 860 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc860[] = { /* CP860(Portuguese) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E3, 0x00E0, 0x00C1, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00CA, 0x00E8, 0x00CD, 0x00D4, 0x00EC, 0x00C3, 0x00C2, + 0x00C9, 0x00C0, 0x00C8, 0x00F4, 0x00F5, 0x00F2, 0x00DA, 0x00F9, 0x00CC, 0x00D5, 0x00DC, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00D9, 0x20A7, 0x00D3, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x00BF, 0x00D2, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x2558, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2229, + 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 861 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc861[] = { /* CP861(Icelandic) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x00E6, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00D0, 0x00F0, 0x00DE, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, + 0x00C9, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00FE, 0x00FB, 0x00DD, 0x00FD, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00F8, 0x00A3, 0x00D8, 0x20A7, 0x0192, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00C1, 0x00CD, 0x00D3, 0x00DA, 0x00BF, 0x2310, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2229, + 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 862 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc862[] = { /* CP862(Hebrew) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x05D0, 0x05D1, 0x05D2, 0x05D3, 0x05D4, 0x05D5, 0x05D6, 0x05D7, 0x05D8, 0x05D9, 0x05DA, 0x05DB, 0x05DC, 0x05DD, 0x05DE, 0x05DF, + 0x05E0, 0x05E1, 0x05E2, 0x05E3, 0x05E4, 0x05E5, 0x05E6, 0x05E7, 0x05E8, 0x05E9, 0x05EA, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00A5, 0x20A7, 0x0192, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x00BF, 0x2310, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2229, + 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 863 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc863[] = { /* CP863(Canadian French) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00C2, 0x00E0, 0x00B6, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x00EC, 0x2017, 0x00C0, + 0x00C9, 0x00C8, 0x00CA, 0x00F4, 0x00CB, 0x00CF, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x00A4, 0x00D4, 0x00DC, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00D9, 0x00DB, 0x0192, + 0x00A6, 0x00B4, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00A8, 0x00BB, 0x00B3, 0x00AF, 0x00CE, 0x3210, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00BE, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2219, + 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 864 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc864[] = { /* CP864(Arabic) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00B0, 0x00B7, 0x2219, 0x221A, 0x2592, 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x253C, 0x2524, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2534, 0x2510, 0x250C, 0x2514, 0x2518, + 0x03B2, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x00B1, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x2248, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, 0xFEF7, 0xFEF8, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xFEFB, 0xFEFC, 0x0000, + 0x00A0, 0x00AD, 0xFE82, 0x00A3, 0x00A4, 0xFE84, 0x0000, 0x20AC, 0xFE8E, 0xFE8F, 0xFE95, 0xFE99, 0x060C, 0xFE9D, 0xFEA1, 0xFEA5, + 0x0660, 0x0661, 0x0662, 0x0663, 0x0664, 0x0665, 0x0666, 0x0667, 0x0668, 0x0669, 0xFED1, 0x061B, 0xFEB1, 0xFEB5, 0xFEB9, 0x061F, + 0x00A2, 0xFE80, 0xFE81, 0xFE83, 0xFE85, 0xFECA, 0xFE8B, 0xFE8D, 0xFE91, 0xFE93, 0xFE97, 0xFE9B, 0xFE9F, 0xFEA3, 0xFEA7, 0xFEA9, + 0xFEAB, 0xFEAD, 0xFEAF, 0xFEB3, 0xFEB7, 0xFEBB, 0xFEBF, 0xFEC1, 0xFEC5, 0xFECB, 0xFECF, 0x00A6, 0x00AC, 0x00F7, 0x00D7, 0xFEC9, + 0x0640, 0xFED3, 0xFED7, 0xFEDB, 0xFEDF, 0xFEE3, 0xFEE7, 0xFEEB, 0xFEED, 0xFEEF, 0xFEF3, 0xFEBD, 0xFECC, 0xFECE, 0xFECD, 0xFEE1, + 0xFE7D, 0x0651, 0xFEE5, 0xFEE9, 0xFEEC, 0xFEF0, 0xFEF2, 0xFED0, 0xFED5, 0xFEF5, 0xFEF6, 0xFEDD, 0xFED9, 0xFEF1, 0x25A0, 0x0000 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 865 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc865[] = { /* CP865(Nordic) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x00E5, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x00EC, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, + 0x00C5, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F2, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x00FF, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00F8, 0x00A3, 0x00D8, 0x20A7, 0x0192, + 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x00BF, 0x2310, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00A4, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x2558, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2229, + 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 866 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc866[] = { /* CP866(Russian) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042B, 0x042C, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F, + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044B, 0x044C, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F, + 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x040E, 0x045E, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x2116, 0x00A4, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 869 || FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 +static const WCHAR uc869[] = { /* CP869(Greek 2) to Unicode conversion table */ + 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x0386, 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x00AC, 0x00A6, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x0388, 0x2015, 0x0389, + 0x038A, 0x03AA, 0x038C, 0x00B7, 0x00B7, 0x038E, 0x03AB, 0x00A9, 0x038F, 0x00B2, 0x00B3, 0x03AC, 0x00A3, 0x03AD, 0x03AE, 0x03AF, + 0x03CA, 0x0390, 0x03CC, 0x03CD, 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x00BD, 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x039A, 0x039B, 0x039C, 0x039D, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x039E, 0x039F, 0x2510, + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x0A30, 0x03A1, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x03A3, + 0x03A4, 0x03A5, 0x03A6, 0x03A7, 0x03A8, 0x03A9, 0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x2580, + 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8, 0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB, 0x03BC, 0x03BD, 0x03BE, 0x03BF, 0x03C0, 0x03C1, 0x03C3, 0x03C2, 0x03C4, 0x0384, + 0x00AD, 0x00B1, 0x03C5, 0x03C6, 0x03C7, 0x00A7, 0x03C8, 0x0385, 0x00B0, 0x00A8, 0x03C9, 0x03CB, 0x03B0, 0x03CE, 0x25A0, 0x00A0 +}; +#endif + + + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* OEM <==> Unicode conversions for static code page configuration */ +/* SBCS fixed code page */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_CODE_PAGE != 0 && FF_CODE_PAGE < 900 +WCHAR ff_uni2oem ( /* Returns OEM code character, zero on error */ + DWORD uni, /* UTF-16 encoded character to be converted */ + WORD cp /* Code page for the conversion */ +) +{ + WCHAR c = 0; + const WCHAR *p = CVTBL(uc, FF_CODE_PAGE); + + + if (uni < 0x80) { /* ASCII? */ + c = (WCHAR)uni; + + } else { /* Non-ASCII */ + if (uni < 0x10000 && cp == FF_CODE_PAGE) { /* Is it in BMP and valid code page? */ + for (c = 0; c < 0x80 && uni != p[c]; c++) ; + c = (c + 0x80) & 0xFF; + } + } + + return c; +} + +WCHAR ff_oem2uni ( /* Returns Unicode character, zero on error */ + WCHAR oem, /* OEM code to be converted */ + WORD cp /* Code page for the conversion */ +) +{ + WCHAR c = 0; + const WCHAR *p = CVTBL(uc, FF_CODE_PAGE); + + + if (oem < 0x80) { /* ASCII? */ + c = oem; + + } else { /* Extended char */ + if (cp == FF_CODE_PAGE) { /* Is it a valid code page? */ + if (oem < 0x100) c = p[oem - 0x80]; + } + } + + return c; +} + +#endif + + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* OEM <==> Unicode conversions for static code page configuration */ +/* DBCS fixed code page */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_CODE_PAGE >= 900 +WCHAR ff_uni2oem ( /* Returns OEM code character, zero on error */ + DWORD uni, /* UTF-16 encoded character to be converted */ + WORD cp /* Code page for the conversion */ +) +{ + const WCHAR *p; + WCHAR c = 0, uc; + UINT i = 0, n, li, hi; + + + if (uni < 0x80) { /* ASCII? */ + c = (WCHAR)uni; + + } else { /* Non-ASCII */ + if (uni < 0x10000 && cp == FF_CODE_PAGE) { /* Is it in BMP and valid code page? */ + uc = (WCHAR)uni; + p = CVTBL(uni2oem, FF_CODE_PAGE); + hi = sizeof CVTBL(uni2oem, FF_CODE_PAGE) / 4 - 1; + li = 0; + for (n = 16; n; n--) { + i = li + (hi - li) / 2; + if (uc == p[i * 2]) break; + if (uc > p[i * 2]) { + li = i; + } else { + hi = i; + } + } + if (n != 0) c = p[i * 2 + 1]; + } + } + + return c; +} + + +WCHAR ff_oem2uni ( /* Returns Unicode character, zero on error */ + WCHAR oem, /* OEM code to be converted */ + WORD cp /* Code page for the conversion */ +) +{ + const WCHAR *p; + WCHAR c = 0; + UINT i = 0, n, li, hi; + + + if (oem < 0x80) { /* ASCII? */ + c = oem; + + } else { /* Extended char */ + if (cp == FF_CODE_PAGE) { /* Is it valid code page? */ + p = CVTBL(oem2uni, FF_CODE_PAGE); + hi = sizeof CVTBL(oem2uni, FF_CODE_PAGE) / 4 - 1; + li = 0; + for (n = 16; n; n--) { + i = li + (hi - li) / 2; + if (oem == p[i * 2]) break; + if (oem > p[i * 2]) { + li = i; + } else { + hi = i; + } + } + if (n != 0) c = p[i * 2 + 1]; + } + } + + return c; +} +#endif + + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* OEM <==> Unicode conversions for dynamic code page configuration */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#if FF_CODE_PAGE == 0 + +static const WORD cp_code[] = { 437, 720, 737, 771, 775, 850, 852, 855, 857, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 869, 0}; +static const WCHAR* const cp_table[] = {uc437, uc720, uc737, uc771, uc775, uc850, uc852, uc855, uc857, uc860, uc861, uc862, uc863, uc864, uc865, uc866, uc869, 0}; + + +WCHAR ff_uni2oem ( /* Returns OEM code character, zero on error */ + DWORD uni, /* UTF-16 encoded character to be converted */ + WORD cp /* Code page for the conversion */ +) +{ + const WCHAR *p; + WCHAR c = 0, uc; + UINT i, n, li, hi; + + + if (uni < 0x80) { /* ASCII? */ + c = (WCHAR)uni; + + } else { /* Non-ASCII */ + if (uni < 0x10000) { /* Is it in BMP? */ + uc = (WCHAR)uni; + p = 0; + if (cp < 900) { /* SBCS */ + for (i = 0; cp_code[i] != 0 && cp_code[i] != cp; i++) ; /* Get conversion table */ + p = cp_table[i]; + if (p) { /* Is it valid code page ? */ + for (c = 0; c < 0x80 && uc != p[c]; c++) ; /* Find OEM code in the table */ + c = (c + 0x80) & 0xFF; + } + } else { /* DBCS */ + switch (cp) { /* Get conversion table */ + case 932 : p = uni2oem932; hi = sizeof uni2oem932 / 4 - 1; break; + case 936 : p = uni2oem936; hi = sizeof uni2oem936 / 4 - 1; break; + case 949 : p = uni2oem949; hi = sizeof uni2oem949 / 4 - 1; break; + case 950 : p = uni2oem950; hi = sizeof uni2oem950 / 4 - 1; break; + } + if (p) { /* Is it valid code page? */ + li = 0; + for (n = 16; n; n--) { /* Find OEM code */ + i = li + (hi - li) / 2; + if (uc == p[i * 2]) break; + if (uc > p[i * 2]) { + li = i; + } else { + hi = i; + } + } + if (n != 0) c = p[i * 2 + 1]; + } + } + } + } + + return c; +} + + +WCHAR ff_oem2uni ( /* Returns Unicode character, zero on error */ + WCHAR oem, /* OEM code to be converted (DBC if >=0x100) */ + WORD cp /* Code page for the conversion */ +) +{ + const WCHAR *p; + WCHAR c = 0; + UINT i, n, li, hi; + + + if (oem < 0x80) { /* ASCII? */ + c = oem; + + } else { /* Extended char */ + p = 0; + if (cp < 900) { /* SBCS */ + for (i = 0; cp_code[i] != 0 && cp_code[i] != cp; i++) ; /* Get table */ + p = cp_table[i]; + if (p) { /* Is it a valid CP ? */ + if (oem < 0x100) c = p[oem - 0x80]; + } + } else { /* DBCS */ + switch (cp) { + case 932 : p = oem2uni932; hi = sizeof oem2uni932 / 4 - 1; break; + case 936 : p = oem2uni936; hi = sizeof oem2uni936 / 4 - 1; break; + case 949 : p = oem2uni949; hi = sizeof oem2uni949 / 4 - 1; break; + case 950 : p = oem2uni950; hi = sizeof oem2uni950 / 4 - 1; break; + } + if (p) { + li = 0; + for (n = 16; n; n--) { + i = li + (hi - li) / 2; + if (oem == p[i * 2]) break; + if (oem > p[i * 2]) { + li = i; + } else { + hi = i; + } + } + if (n != 0) c = p[i * 2 + 1]; + } + } + } + + return c; +} +#endif + + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Unicode up-case conversion */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +DWORD ff_wtoupper ( /* Returns up-converted code point */ + DWORD uni /* Unicode code point to be up-converted */ +) +{ + const WORD *p; + WORD uc, bc, nc, cmd; + static const WORD cvt1[] = { /* Compressed up conversion table for U+0000 - U+0FFF */ + /* Basic Latin */ + 0x0061,0x031A, + /* Latin-1 Supplement */ + 0x00E0,0x0317, + 0x00F8,0x0307, + 0x00FF,0x0001,0x0178, + /* Latin Extended-A */ + 0x0100,0x0130, + 0x0132,0x0106, + 0x0139,0x0110, + 0x014A,0x012E, + 0x0179,0x0106, + /* Latin Extended-B */ + 0x0180,0x004D,0x0243,0x0181,0x0182,0x0182,0x0184,0x0184,0x0186,0x0187,0x0187,0x0189,0x018A,0x018B,0x018B,0x018D,0x018E,0x018F,0x0190,0x0191,0x0191,0x0193,0x0194,0x01F6,0x0196,0x0197,0x0198,0x0198,0x023D,0x019B,0x019C,0x019D,0x0220,0x019F,0x01A0,0x01A0,0x01A2,0x01A2,0x01A4,0x01A4,0x01A6,0x01A7,0x01A7,0x01A9,0x01AA,0x01AB,0x01AC,0x01AC,0x01AE,0x01AF,0x01AF,0x01B1,0x01B2,0x01B3,0x01B3,0x01B5,0x01B5,0x01B7,0x01B8,0x01B8,0x01BA,0x01BB,0x01BC,0x01BC,0x01BE,0x01F7,0x01C0,0x01C1,0x01C2,0x01C3,0x01C4,0x01C5,0x01C4,0x01C7,0x01C8,0x01C7,0x01CA,0x01CB,0x01CA, + 0x01CD,0x0110, + 0x01DD,0x0001,0x018E, + 0x01DE,0x0112, + 0x01F3,0x0003,0x01F1,0x01F4,0x01F4, + 0x01F8,0x0128, + 0x0222,0x0112, + 0x023A,0x0009,0x2C65,0x023B,0x023B,0x023D,0x2C66,0x023F,0x0240,0x0241,0x0241, + 0x0246,0x010A, + /* IPA Extensions */ + 0x0253,0x0040,0x0181,0x0186,0x0255,0x0189,0x018A,0x0258,0x018F,0x025A,0x0190,0x025C,0x025D,0x025E,0x025F,0x0193,0x0261,0x0262,0x0194,0x0264,0x0265,0x0266,0x0267,0x0197,0x0196,0x026A,0x2C62,0x026C,0x026D,0x026E,0x019C,0x0270,0x0271,0x019D,0x0273,0x0274,0x019F,0x0276,0x0277,0x0278,0x0279,0x027A,0x027B,0x027C,0x2C64,0x027E,0x027F,0x01A6,0x0281,0x0282,0x01A9,0x0284,0x0285,0x0286,0x0287,0x01AE,0x0244,0x01B1,0x01B2,0x0245,0x028D,0x028E,0x028F,0x0290,0x0291,0x01B7, + /* Greek, Coptic */ + 0x037B,0x0003,0x03FD,0x03FE,0x03FF, + 0x03AC,0x0004,0x0386,0x0388,0x0389,0x038A, + 0x03B1,0x0311, + 0x03C2,0x0002,0x03A3,0x03A3, + 0x03C4,0x0308, + 0x03CC,0x0003,0x038C,0x038E,0x038F, + 0x03D8,0x0118, + 0x03F2,0x000A,0x03F9,0x03F3,0x03F4,0x03F5,0x03F6,0x03F7,0x03F7,0x03F9,0x03FA,0x03FA, + /* Cyrillic */ + 0x0430,0x0320, + 0x0450,0x0710, + 0x0460,0x0122, + 0x048A,0x0136, + 0x04C1,0x010E, + 0x04CF,0x0001,0x04C0, + 0x04D0,0x0144, + /* Armenian */ + 0x0561,0x0426, + + 0x0000 /* EOT */ + }; + static const WORD cvt2[] = { /* Compressed up conversion table for U+1000 - U+FFFF */ + /* Phonetic Extensions */ + 0x1D7D,0x0001,0x2C63, + /* Latin Extended Additional */ + 0x1E00,0x0196, + 0x1EA0,0x015A, + /* Greek Extended */ + 0x1F00,0x0608, + 0x1F10,0x0606, + 0x1F20,0x0608, + 0x1F30,0x0608, + 0x1F40,0x0606, + 0x1F51,0x0007,0x1F59,0x1F52,0x1F5B,0x1F54,0x1F5D,0x1F56,0x1F5F, + 0x1F60,0x0608, + 0x1F70,0x000E,0x1FBA,0x1FBB,0x1FC8,0x1FC9,0x1FCA,0x1FCB,0x1FDA,0x1FDB,0x1FF8,0x1FF9,0x1FEA,0x1FEB,0x1FFA,0x1FFB, + 0x1F80,0x0608, + 0x1F90,0x0608, + 0x1FA0,0x0608, + 0x1FB0,0x0004,0x1FB8,0x1FB9,0x1FB2,0x1FBC, + 0x1FCC,0x0001,0x1FC3, + 0x1FD0,0x0602, + 0x1FE0,0x0602, + 0x1FE5,0x0001,0x1FEC, + 0x1FF3,0x0001,0x1FFC, + /* Letterlike Symbols */ + 0x214E,0x0001,0x2132, + /* Number forms */ + 0x2170,0x0210, + 0x2184,0x0001,0x2183, + /* Enclosed Alphanumerics */ + 0x24D0,0x051A, + 0x2C30,0x042F, + /* Latin Extended-C */ + 0x2C60,0x0102, + 0x2C67,0x0106, 0x2C75,0x0102, + /* Coptic */ + 0x2C80,0x0164, + /* Georgian Supplement */ + 0x2D00,0x0826, + /* Full-width */ + 0xFF41,0x031A, + + 0x0000 /* EOT */ + }; + + + if (uni < 0x10000) { /* Is it in BMP? */ + uc = (WORD)uni; + p = uc < 0x1000 ? cvt1 : cvt2; + for (;;) { + bc = *p++; /* Get the block base */ + if (bc == 0 || uc < bc) break; /* Not matched? */ + nc = *p++; cmd = nc >> 8; nc &= 0xFF; /* Get processing command and block size */ + if (uc < bc + nc) { /* In the block? */ + switch (cmd) { + case 0: uc = p[uc - bc]; break; /* Table conversion */ + case 1: uc -= (uc - bc) & 1; break; /* Case pairs */ + case 2: uc -= 16; break; /* Shift -16 */ + case 3: uc -= 32; break; /* Shift -32 */ + case 4: uc -= 48; break; /* Shift -48 */ + case 5: uc -= 26; break; /* Shift -26 */ + case 6: uc += 8; break; /* Shift +8 */ + case 7: uc -= 80; break; /* Shift -80 */ + case 8: uc -= 0x1C60; break; /* Shift -0x1C60 */ + } + break; + } + if (cmd == 0) p += nc; /* Skip table if needed */ + } + uni = uc; + } + + return uni; +} + + +#endif /* #if FF_USE_LFN */ diff --git a/emummc/source/main.c b/emummc/source/main.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee9835725 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "nx/svc.h" +#include "nx/smc.h" +#include "emuMMC/emummc.h" +#include "emuMMC/emummc_ctx.h" +#include "FS/FS_offsets.h" +#include "utils/fatal.h" + +// Prototypes +void __init(); +void __initheap(void); +void setup_hooks(void); +void setup_nintendo_paths(void); +void __libc_init_array(void); +void hook_function(uintptr_t source, uintptr_t target); + +void *__stack_top; +uintptr_t text_base; +char inner_heap[INNER_HEAP_SIZE]; +size_t inner_heap_size = INNER_HEAP_SIZE; +extern char _start; +extern char __injected_size__; + +// Nintendo Path +// TODO +static char nintendo_path[0x80] = "Nintendo"; + +static char nintendo_path_album_100[0x100] = "/Nintendo/Album"; +static char nintendo_path_contents_100[0x100] = "/Nintendo/Contents"; + +// FS offsets +static const fs_offsets_t *fs_offsets; + +// Defined by linkerscript +#define INJECTED_SIZE ((uintptr_t)&__injected_size__ - (uintptr_t)&_start) +#define INJECT_OFFSET(type, offset) (type)(text_base + INJECTED_SIZE + offset) + +#define GENERATE_ADD(register, register_target, value) (0x91000000 | value << 10 | register << 5 | register_target) +#define GENERATE_ADRP(register, page_addr) (0x90000000 | ((((page_addr) >> 12) & 0x3) << 29) | ((((page_addr) >> 12) & 0x1FFFFC) << 3) | ((register) & 0x1F)) +#define GENERATE_BRANCH(source, destination) (0x14000000 | ((((destination) - (source)) >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFF)) +#define GENERATE_NOP() (0xD503201F) + +#define INJECT_HOOK(offset, destination) hook_function(INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, offset), (uintptr_t)&destination) +#define INJECT_HOOK_RELATIVE(offset, relative_destination) hook_function(INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, offset), INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, offset) + relative_destination) +#define INJECT_NOP(offset) write_nop(INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, offset)) + +// emuMMC +extern _sdmmc_accessor_gc sdmmc_accessor_gc; +extern _sdmmc_accessor_sd sdmmc_accessor_sd; +extern _sdmmc_accessor_nand sdmmc_accessor_nand; +extern _lock_mutex lock_mutex; +extern _unlock_mutex unlock_mutex; +extern void *sd_mutex; +extern void *nand_mutex; +extern volatile int *active_partition; +extern volatile Handle *sdmmc_das_handle; + +// Storage +volatile __attribute__((aligned(0x1000))) emuMMC_ctx_t emuMMC_ctx = { + .magic = EMUMMC_STORAGE_MAGIC, + .id = 0, + .fs_ver = FS_VER_MAX, + + // SD Default Metadata + .SD_Type = emuMMC_SD, + .SD_StoragePartitionOffset = 0, + + // EMMC Default Metadata + .EMMC_Type = emuMMC_EMMC, + .EMMC_StoragePartitionOffset = 0, + + // File Default Path + .storagePath = "", +}; + +// TODO: move into another file +typedef struct +{ + void *_0x0; + void *_0x8; + void *_0x10; + void *_0x18; + void *_0x20; + void *_0x28; + void *_0x30; + void *_0x38; + void *_0x40; + Result (*set_min_v_clock_rate)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t); +} nn_clkrst_session_vt_t; + +typedef struct +{ + nn_clkrst_session_vt_t *vt; +} nn_clkrst_session_t; + +Result clkrst_set_min_v_clock_rate(nn_clkrst_session_t **_this, uint32_t clk_rate) +{ + Result rc = (*_this)->vt->set_min_v_clock_rate((void *)*_this, clk_rate, clk_rate); + + if (rc == 0x6C0 || rc == 0) + { // TODO #define + return 0; + } + if (rc != 0xAC0) + { // TODO #define + fatal_abort(Fatal_BadResult); + } + + return rc; +} + +void __initheap(void) +{ + void *addr = inner_heap; + size_t size = inner_heap_size; + + /* Newlib Heap Management */ + extern char *fake_heap_start; + extern char *fake_heap_end; + + fake_heap_start = (char *)addr; + fake_heap_end = (char *)addr + size; +} + +void hook_function(uintptr_t source, uintptr_t target) +{ + u32 branch_opcode = GENERATE_BRANCH(source, target); + smcWriteAddress32((void *)source, branch_opcode); +} + +void write_nop(uintptr_t source) +{ + smcWriteAddress32((void *)source, GENERATE_NOP()); +} + +void write_adrp_add(int reg, uintptr_t pc, intptr_t destination) +{ + uintptr_t add_opcode_location = pc + sizeof(uint32_t); + + intptr_t offset = (destination & 0xFFFFF000) - (pc & 0xFFFFF000); + uint32_t opcode_adrp = GENERATE_ADRP(reg, offset); + uint32_t opcode_add = GENERATE_ADD(reg, reg, (destination & 0x00000FFF)); + + // TODO: use 64 write? + smcWriteAddress32((void *)pc, opcode_adrp); + smcWriteAddress32((void *)add_opcode_location, opcode_add); +} + +void setup_hooks(void) +{ + // rtld + INJECT_HOOK_RELATIVE(fs_offsets->rtld, fs_offsets->rtld_destination); + // sdmmc_wrapper_read hook + INJECT_HOOK(fs_offsets->sdmmc_wrapper_read, sdmmc_wrapper_read); + // sdmmc_wrapper_write hook + INJECT_HOOK(fs_offsets->sdmmc_wrapper_write, sdmmc_wrapper_write); + + // On 8.0.0+, we need to hook the regulator setup, because + // otherwise it will abort because we have already turned it on. + if (emuMMC_ctx.fs_ver >= FS_VER_8_0_0) + { + INJECT_HOOK(fs_offsets->clkrst_set_min_v_clock_rate, clkrst_set_min_v_clock_rate); + } +} + +void populate_function_pointers(void) +{ + // Accessor getters + sdmmc_accessor_gc = INJECT_OFFSET(_sdmmc_accessor_gc, fs_offsets->sdmmc_accessor_gc); + sdmmc_accessor_sd = INJECT_OFFSET(_sdmmc_accessor_sd, fs_offsets->sdmmc_accessor_sd); + sdmmc_accessor_nand = INJECT_OFFSET(_sdmmc_accessor_nand, fs_offsets->sdmmc_accessor_nand); + + // MutexLock functions + lock_mutex = INJECT_OFFSET(_lock_mutex, fs_offsets->lock_mutex); + unlock_mutex = INJECT_OFFSET(_unlock_mutex, fs_offsets->unlock_mutex); + + // Other + sd_mutex = INJECT_OFFSET(void *, fs_offsets->sd_mutex); + nand_mutex = INJECT_OFFSET(void *, fs_offsets->nand_mutex); + active_partition = INJECT_OFFSET(volatile int *, fs_offsets->active_partition); + sdmmc_das_handle = INJECT_OFFSET(volatile Handle *, fs_offsets->sdmmc_das_handle); +} + +void write_nops(void) +{ + // This NOPs out a call to ShutdownSdCard when preparing for shutdown/reboot. + // This prevents the PatrolReader from hanging when saving its state, which + // occurs immediately afterwards (in ShutdownMmc). + INJECT_NOP(fs_offsets->shutdown_sd); + // On 7.0.0+, we need to attach to device address space ourselves. + // This patches an abort that happens when Nintendo's code sees SD + // is already attached + if (emuMMC_ctx.fs_ver >= FS_VER_7_0_0) + { + INJECT_NOP(fs_offsets->sd_das_init); + } +} + +static void load_emummc_ctx(void) +{ + exo_emummc_config_t config; + static struct + { + char storage_path[sizeof(emuMMC_ctx.storagePath)]; + char nintendo_path[sizeof(nintendo_path)]; + } __attribute__((aligned(0x1000))) paths; + + int x = smcGetEmummcConfig(EXO_EMUMMC_MMC_NAND, &config, &paths); + if (x != 0) + { + fatal_abort(Fatal_GetConfig); + } + + if (config.base_cfg.magic == EMUMMC_STORAGE_MAGIC) + { + emuMMC_ctx.magic = config.base_cfg.magic; + emuMMC_ctx.id = config.base_cfg.id; + emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_Type = (enum emuMMC_Type)config.base_cfg.type; + emuMMC_ctx.fs_ver = (enum FS_VER)config.base_cfg.fs_version; + if (emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_Type == emuMMC_SD) + { + emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_StoragePartitionOffset = config.partition_cfg.start_sector; + } + else if (emuMMC_ctx.EMMC_Type == emuMMC_SD_File) + { + memcpy((void *)emuMMC_ctx.storagePath, paths.storage_path, sizeof(emuMMC_ctx.storagePath) - 1); + emuMMC_ctx.storagePath[sizeof(emuMMC_ctx.storagePath) - 1] = 0; + } + memcpy(nintendo_path, paths.nintendo_path, sizeof(nintendo_path) - 1); + nintendo_path[sizeof(nintendo_path) - 1] = 0; + if (strcmp(nintendo_path, "") == 0) + { + snprintf(nintendo_path, sizeof(nintendo_path), "emummc/Nintendo_%04x", emuMMC_ctx.id); + } + } + else + { + fatal_abort(Fatal_GetConfig); + } +} + +void setup_nintendo_paths(void) +{ + if (emuMMC_ctx.fs_ver > FS_VER_1_0_0) + { + for (int i = 0; fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[i].adrp_offset; i++) + { + intptr_t nintendo_path_location = (intptr_t)&nintendo_path; + uintptr_t fs_adrp_opcode_location = INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[i].adrp_offset); + write_adrp_add(fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[i].opcode_reg, fs_adrp_opcode_location, nintendo_path_location); + } + } + else + { + // 1.0.0 needs special handling because it uses two paths. + // Do album path + { + int path_len = snprintf(nintendo_path_album_100, sizeof(nintendo_path_album_100), "/%s/Album", nintendo_path); + intptr_t nintendo_album_path_location = (intptr_t)&nintendo_path_album_100; + intptr_t album_path_location = nintendo_album_path_location + path_len - 6; // "/Album" + uintptr_t fs_n_adrp_opcode_location = INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[0].adrp_offset); + uintptr_t fs_adrp_opcode_location = INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[1].adrp_offset); + write_adrp_add(fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[0].opcode_reg, fs_n_adrp_opcode_location, nintendo_album_path_location); + write_adrp_add(fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[1].opcode_reg, fs_adrp_opcode_location, album_path_location); + } + // Do contents path + { + int path_len = snprintf(nintendo_path_contents_100, sizeof(nintendo_path_contents_100), "/%s/Contents", nintendo_path); + intptr_t nintendo_contents_path_location = (intptr_t)&nintendo_path_contents_100; + intptr_t contents_path_location = nintendo_contents_path_location + path_len - 9; // "/Contents" + uintptr_t fs_n_adrp_opcode_location = INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[2].adrp_offset); + uintptr_t fs_adrp_opcode_location = INJECT_OFFSET(uintptr_t, fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[3].adrp_offset); + write_adrp_add(fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[2].opcode_reg, fs_n_adrp_opcode_location, nintendo_contents_path_location); + write_adrp_add(fs_offsets->nintendo_paths[3].opcode_reg, fs_adrp_opcode_location, contents_path_location); + } + } +} + +// inject main func +void __init() +{ + // Call constructors. + __libc_init_array(); + + MemoryInfo meminfo; + u32 pageinfo; + svcQueryMemory(&meminfo, &pageinfo, (u64)&_start); + + text_base = meminfo.addr; + + load_emummc_ctx(); + + fs_offsets = get_fs_offsets(emuMMC_ctx.fs_ver); + + setup_hooks(); + populate_function_pointers(); + write_nops(); + setup_nintendo_paths(); + + sdmmc_initialize(); +} diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/cache.h b/emummc/source/nx/cache.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3a646d2d --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/cache.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/** + * @file cache.h + * @brief AArch64 cache operations. + * @author plutoo + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ +#pragma once +#include "../utils/types.h" + +/** + * @brief Performs a data cache flush on the specified buffer. + * @param addr Address of the buffer. + * @param size Size of the buffer, in bytes. + * @remarks Cache flush is defined as Clean + Invalidate. + * @note The start and end addresses of the buffer are forcibly rounded to cache line boundaries (read from CTR_EL0 system register). + */ +void armDCacheFlush(void* addr, size_t size); + +/** + * @brief Performs a data cache clean on the specified buffer. + * @param addr Address of the buffer. + * @param size Size of the buffer, in bytes. + * @note The start and end addresses of the buffer are forcibly rounded to cache line boundaries (read from CTR_EL0 system register). + */ +void armDCacheClean(void* addr, size_t size); + +/** + * @brief Performs an instruction cache invalidation clean on the specified buffer. + * @param addr Address of the buffer. + * @param size Size of the buffer, in bytes. + * @note The start and end addresses of the buffer are forcibly rounded to cache line boundaries (read from CTR_EL0 system register). + */ +void armICacheInvalidate(void* addr, size_t size); + +/** + * @brief Performs a data cache zeroing operation on the specified buffer. + * @param addr Address of the buffer. + * @param size Size of the buffer, in bytes. + * @note The start and end addresses of the buffer are forcibly rounded to cache line boundaries (read from CTR_EL0 system register). + */ +void armDCacheZero(void* addr, size_t size); diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/cache.s b/emummc/source/nx/cache.s new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7facecb1f --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/cache.s @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +/** + * @file cache.s + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ + +.macro CODE_BEGIN name + .section .text.\name, "ax", %progbits + .global \name + .type \name, %function + .align 2 + .cfi_startproc +\name: +.endm + +.macro CODE_END + .cfi_endproc +.endm + +CODE_BEGIN armDCacheFlush + add x1, x1, x0 + mrs x8, CTR_EL0 + lsr x8, x8, #16 + and x8, x8, #0xf + mov x9, #4 + lsl x9, x9, x8 + sub x10, x9, #1 + bic x8, x0, x10 + mov x10, x1 + +armDCacheFlush_L0: + dc civac, x8 + add x8, x8, x9 + cmp x8, x10 + bcc armDCacheFlush_L0 + + dsb sy + ret +CODE_END + +CODE_BEGIN armDCacheClean + add x1, x1, x0 + mrs x8, CTR_EL0 + lsr x8, x8, #16 + and x8, x8, #0xf + mov x9, #4 + lsl x9, x9, x8 + sub x10, x9, #1 + bic x8, x0, x10 + mov x10, x1 + +armDCacheClean_L0: + dc cvac, x8 + add x8, x8, x9 + cmp x8, x10 + bcc armDCacheClean_L0 + + dsb sy + ret +CODE_END + +CODE_BEGIN armICacheInvalidate + add x1, x1, x0 + mrs x8, CTR_EL0 + and x8, x8, #0xf + mov x9, #4 + lsl x9, x9, x8 + sub x10, x9, #1 + bic x8, x0, x10 + mov x10, x1 + +armICacheInvalidate_L0: + ic ivau, x8 + add x8, x8, x9 + cmp x8, x10 + bcc armICacheInvalidate_L0 + + dsb sy + ret +CODE_END + +CODE_BEGIN armDCacheZero + add x1, x1, x0 + mrs x8, CTR_EL0 + lsr x8, x8, #16 + and x8, x8, #0xf + mov x9, #4 + lsl x9, x9, x8 + sub x10, x9, #1 + bic x8, x0, x10 + mov x10, x1 + +armDCacheZero_L0: + dc zva, x8 + add x8, x8, x9 + cmp x8, x10 + bcc armDCacheZero_L0 + + dsb sy + ret +CODE_END diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/counter.h b/emummc/source/nx/counter.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..072be6417 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/counter.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/** + * @file counter.h + * @brief AArch64 system counter-timer. + * @author fincs + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ +#pragma once +#include "../utils/types.h" + +/** + * @brief Gets the current system tick. + * @return The current system tick. + */ +static inline u64 armGetSystemTick(void) { + u64 ret; + __asm__ __volatile__ ("mrs %x[data], cntpct_el0" : [data] "=r" (ret)); + return ret; +} + +/** + * @brief Gets the system counter-timer frequency + * @return The system counter-timer frequency, in Hz. + */ +static inline u64 armGetSystemTickFreq(void) { + u64 ret; + __asm__ ("mrs %x[data], cntfrq_el0" : [data] "=r" (ret)); + return ret; +} + +/** + * @brief Converts from nanoseconds to CPU ticks unit. + * @param ns Time in nanoseconds. + * @return Time in CPU ticks. + */ +static inline u64 armNsToTicks(u64 ns) { + return (ns * 12) / 625; +} + +/** + * @brief Converts from CPU ticks unit to nanoseconds. + * @param tick Time in ticks. + * @return Time in nanoseconds. + */ +static inline u64 armTicksToNs(u64 tick) { + return (tick * 625) / 12; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/dynamic.c b/emummc/source/nx/dynamic.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1a24f88c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/dynamic.c @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/** + * @file dynamic.c + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ + +#include +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include + +void __nx_dynamic(uintptr_t base, const Elf64_Dyn* dyn) +{ + const Elf64_Rela* rela = NULL; + u64 relasz = 0; + + for (; dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL; dyn++) + { + switch (dyn->d_tag) + { + case DT_RELA: + rela = (const Elf64_Rela*)(base + dyn->d_un.d_ptr); + break; + case DT_RELASZ: + relasz = dyn->d_un.d_val / sizeof(Elf64_Rela); + break; + } + } + + if (rela == NULL) { + while(true) + ; + } + + for (; relasz--; rela++) + { + switch (ELF64_R_TYPE(rela->r_info)) + { + case R_AARCH64_RELATIVE: + { + u64* ptr = (u64*)(base + rela->r_offset); + *ptr = base + rela->r_addend; + break; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/elf.h b/emummc/source/nx/elf.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79d3b974b --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/elf.h @@ -0,0 +1,3147 @@ +/* +From musl include/elf.h + +Copyright © 2005-2014 Rich Felker, et al. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#ifndef _ELF_H +#define _ELF_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include + +typedef uint16_t Elf32_Half; +typedef uint16_t Elf64_Half; + +typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word; +typedef int32_t Elf32_Sword; +typedef uint32_t Elf64_Word; +typedef int32_t Elf64_Sword; + +typedef uint64_t Elf32_Xword; +typedef int64_t Elf32_Sxword; +typedef uint64_t Elf64_Xword; +typedef int64_t Elf64_Sxword; + +typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr; +typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr; + +typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off; +typedef uint64_t Elf64_Off; + +typedef uint16_t Elf32_Section; +typedef uint16_t Elf64_Section; + +typedef Elf32_Half Elf32_Versym; +typedef Elf64_Half Elf64_Versym; + +#define EI_NIDENT (16) + +typedef struct { + unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; + Elf32_Half e_type; + Elf32_Half e_machine; + Elf32_Word e_version; + Elf32_Addr e_entry; + Elf32_Off e_phoff; + Elf32_Off e_shoff; + Elf32_Word e_flags; + Elf32_Half e_ehsize; + Elf32_Half e_phentsize; + Elf32_Half e_phnum; + Elf32_Half e_shentsize; + Elf32_Half e_shnum; + Elf32_Half e_shstrndx; +} Elf32_Ehdr; + +typedef struct { + unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; + Elf64_Half e_type; + Elf64_Half e_machine; + Elf64_Word e_version; + Elf64_Addr e_entry; + Elf64_Off e_phoff; + Elf64_Off e_shoff; + Elf64_Word e_flags; + Elf64_Half e_ehsize; + Elf64_Half e_phentsize; + Elf64_Half e_phnum; + Elf64_Half e_shentsize; + Elf64_Half e_shnum; + Elf64_Half e_shstrndx; +} Elf64_Ehdr; + +#define EI_MAG0 0 +#define ELFMAG0 0x7f + +#define EI_MAG1 1 +#define ELFMAG1 'E' + +#define EI_MAG2 2 +#define ELFMAG2 'L' + +#define EI_MAG3 3 +#define ELFMAG3 'F' + + +#define ELFMAG "\177ELF" +#define SELFMAG 4 + +#define EI_CLASS 4 +#define ELFCLASSNONE 0 +#define ELFCLASS32 1 +#define ELFCLASS64 2 +#define ELFCLASSNUM 3 + +#define EI_DATA 5 +#define ELFDATANONE 0 +#define ELFDATA2LSB 1 +#define ELFDATA2MSB 2 +#define ELFDATANUM 3 + +#define EI_VERSION 6 + + +#define EI_OSABI 7 +#define ELFOSABI_NONE 0 +#define ELFOSABI_SYSV 0 +#define ELFOSABI_HPUX 1 +#define ELFOSABI_NETBSD 2 +#define ELFOSABI_LINUX 3 +#define ELFOSABI_GNU 3 +#define ELFOSABI_SOLARIS 6 +#define ELFOSABI_AIX 7 +#define ELFOSABI_IRIX 8 +#define ELFOSABI_FREEBSD 9 +#define ELFOSABI_TRU64 10 +#define ELFOSABI_MODESTO 11 +#define ELFOSABI_OPENBSD 12 +#define ELFOSABI_ARM 97 +#define ELFOSABI_STANDALONE 255 + +#define EI_ABIVERSION 8 + +#define EI_PAD 9 + + + +#define ET_NONE 0 +#define ET_REL 1 +#define ET_EXEC 2 +#define ET_DYN 3 +#define ET_CORE 4 +#define ET_NUM 5 +#define ET_LOOS 0xfe00 +#define ET_HIOS 0xfeff +#define ET_LOPROC 0xff00 +#define ET_HIPROC 0xffff + + + +#define EM_NONE 0 +#define EM_M32 1 +#define EM_SPARC 2 +#define EM_386 3 +#define EM_68K 4 +#define EM_88K 5 +#define EM_860 7 +#define EM_MIPS 8 +#define EM_S370 9 +#define EM_MIPS_RS3_LE 10 + +#define EM_PARISC 15 +#define EM_VPP500 17 +#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 +#define EM_960 19 +#define EM_PPC 20 +#define EM_PPC64 21 +#define EM_S390 22 + +#define EM_V800 36 +#define EM_FR20 37 +#define EM_RH32 38 +#define EM_RCE 39 +#define EM_ARM 40 +#define EM_FAKE_ALPHA 41 +#define EM_SH 42 +#define EM_SPARCV9 43 +#define EM_TRICORE 44 +#define EM_ARC 45 +#define EM_H8_300 46 +#define EM_H8_300H 47 +#define EM_H8S 48 +#define EM_H8_500 49 +#define EM_IA_64 50 +#define EM_MIPS_X 51 +#define EM_COLDFIRE 52 +#define EM_68HC12 53 +#define EM_MMA 54 +#define EM_PCP 55 +#define EM_NCPU 56 +#define EM_NDR1 57 +#define EM_STARCORE 58 +#define EM_ME16 59 +#define EM_ST100 60 +#define EM_TINYJ 61 +#define EM_X86_64 62 +#define EM_PDSP 63 + +#define EM_FX66 66 +#define EM_ST9PLUS 67 +#define EM_ST7 68 +#define EM_68HC16 69 +#define EM_68HC11 70 +#define EM_68HC08 71 +#define EM_68HC05 72 +#define EM_SVX 73 +#define EM_ST19 74 +#define EM_VAX 75 +#define EM_CRIS 76 +#define EM_JAVELIN 77 +#define EM_FIREPATH 78 +#define EM_ZSP 79 +#define EM_MMIX 80 +#define EM_HUANY 81 +#define EM_PRISM 82 +#define EM_AVR 83 +#define EM_FR30 84 +#define EM_D10V 85 +#define EM_D30V 86 +#define EM_V850 87 +#define EM_M32R 88 +#define EM_MN10300 89 +#define EM_MN10200 90 +#define EM_PJ 91 +#define EM_OR1K 92 +#define EM_OPENRISC 92 +#define EM_ARC_A5 93 +#define EM_ARC_COMPACT 93 +#define EM_XTENSA 94 +#define EM_VIDEOCORE 95 +#define EM_TMM_GPP 96 +#define EM_NS32K 97 +#define EM_TPC 98 +#define EM_SNP1K 99 +#define EM_ST200 100 +#define EM_IP2K 101 +#define EM_MAX 102 +#define EM_CR 103 +#define EM_F2MC16 104 +#define EM_MSP430 105 +#define EM_BLACKFIN 106 +#define EM_SE_C33 107 +#define EM_SEP 108 +#define EM_ARCA 109 +#define EM_UNICORE 110 +#define EM_EXCESS 111 +#define EM_DXP 112 +#define EM_ALTERA_NIOS2 113 +#define EM_CRX 114 +#define EM_XGATE 115 +#define EM_C166 116 +#define EM_M16C 117 +#define EM_DSPIC30F 118 +#define EM_CE 119 +#define EM_M32C 120 +#define EM_TSK3000 131 +#define EM_RS08 132 +#define EM_SHARC 133 +#define EM_ECOG2 134 +#define EM_SCORE7 135 +#define EM_DSP24 136 +#define EM_VIDEOCORE3 137 +#define EM_LATTICEMICO32 138 +#define EM_SE_C17 139 +#define EM_TI_C6000 140 +#define EM_TI_C2000 141 +#define EM_TI_C5500 142 +#define EM_TI_ARP32 143 +#define EM_TI_PRU 144 +#define EM_MMDSP_PLUS 160 +#define EM_CYPRESS_M8C 161 +#define EM_R32C 162 +#define EM_TRIMEDIA 163 +#define EM_QDSP6 164 +#define EM_8051 165 +#define EM_STXP7X 166 +#define EM_NDS32 167 +#define EM_ECOG1X 168 +#define EM_MAXQ30 169 +#define EM_XIMO16 170 +#define EM_MANIK 171 +#define EM_CRAYNV2 172 +#define EM_RX 173 +#define EM_METAG 174 +#define EM_MCST_ELBRUS 175 +#define EM_ECOG16 176 +#define EM_CR16 177 +#define EM_ETPU 178 +#define EM_SLE9X 179 +#define EM_L10M 180 +#define EM_K10M 181 +#define EM_AARCH64 183 +#define EM_AVR32 185 +#define EM_STM8 186 +#define EM_TILE64 187 +#define EM_TILEPRO 188 +#define EM_MICROBLAZE 189 +#define EM_CUDA 190 +#define EM_TILEGX 191 +#define EM_CLOUDSHIELD 192 +#define EM_COREA_1ST 193 +#define EM_COREA_2ND 194 +#define EM_ARC_COMPACT2 195 +#define EM_OPEN8 196 +#define EM_RL78 197 +#define EM_VIDEOCORE5 198 +#define EM_78KOR 199 +#define EM_56800EX 200 +#define EM_BA1 201 +#define EM_BA2 202 +#define EM_XCORE 203 +#define EM_MCHP_PIC 204 +#define EM_KM32 210 +#define EM_KMX32 211 +#define EM_EMX16 212 +#define EM_EMX8 213 +#define EM_KVARC 214 +#define EM_CDP 215 +#define EM_COGE 216 +#define EM_COOL 217 +#define EM_NORC 218 +#define EM_CSR_KALIMBA 219 +#define EM_Z80 220 +#define EM_VISIUM 221 +#define EM_FT32 222 +#define EM_MOXIE 223 +#define EM_AMDGPU 224 +#define EM_RISCV 243 +#define EM_BPF 247 +#define EM_NUM 248 + +#define EM_ALPHA 0x9026 + +#define EV_NONE 0 +#define EV_CURRENT 1 +#define EV_NUM 2 + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word sh_name; + Elf32_Word sh_type; + Elf32_Word sh_flags; + Elf32_Addr sh_addr; + Elf32_Off sh_offset; + Elf32_Word sh_size; + Elf32_Word sh_link; + Elf32_Word sh_info; + Elf32_Word sh_addralign; + Elf32_Word sh_entsize; +} Elf32_Shdr; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word sh_name; + Elf64_Word sh_type; + Elf64_Xword sh_flags; + Elf64_Addr sh_addr; + Elf64_Off sh_offset; + Elf64_Xword sh_size; + Elf64_Word sh_link; + Elf64_Word sh_info; + Elf64_Xword sh_addralign; + Elf64_Xword sh_entsize; +} Elf64_Shdr; + + + +#define SHN_UNDEF 0 +#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xff00 +#define SHN_LOPROC 0xff00 +#define SHN_BEFORE 0xff00 + +#define SHN_AFTER 0xff01 + +#define SHN_HIPROC 0xff1f +#define SHN_LOOS 0xff20 +#define SHN_HIOS 0xff3f +#define SHN_ABS 0xfff1 +#define SHN_COMMON 0xfff2 +#define SHN_XINDEX 0xffff +#define SHN_HIRESERVE 0xffff + + + +#define SHT_NULL 0 +#define SHT_PROGBITS 1 +#define SHT_SYMTAB 2 +#define SHT_STRTAB 3 +#define SHT_RELA 4 +#define SHT_HASH 5 +#define SHT_DYNAMIC 6 +#define SHT_NOTE 7 +#define SHT_NOBITS 8 +#define SHT_REL 9 +#define SHT_SHLIB 10 +#define SHT_DYNSYM 11 +#define SHT_INIT_ARRAY 14 +#define SHT_FINI_ARRAY 15 +#define SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY 16 +#define SHT_GROUP 17 +#define SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX 18 +#define SHT_NUM 19 +#define SHT_LOOS 0x60000000 +#define SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTES 0x6ffffff5 +#define SHT_GNU_HASH 0x6ffffff6 +#define SHT_GNU_LIBLIST 0x6ffffff7 +#define SHT_CHECKSUM 0x6ffffff8 +#define SHT_LOSUNW 0x6ffffffa +#define SHT_SUNW_move 0x6ffffffa +#define SHT_SUNW_COMDAT 0x6ffffffb +#define SHT_SUNW_syminfo 0x6ffffffc +#define SHT_GNU_verdef 0x6ffffffd +#define SHT_GNU_verneed 0x6ffffffe +#define SHT_GNU_versym 0x6fffffff +#define SHT_HISUNW 0x6fffffff +#define SHT_HIOS 0x6fffffff +#define SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000 +#define SHT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff +#define SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000 +#define SHT_HIUSER 0x8fffffff + +#define SHF_WRITE (1 << 0) +#define SHF_ALLOC (1 << 1) +#define SHF_EXECINSTR (1 << 2) +#define SHF_MERGE (1 << 4) +#define SHF_STRINGS (1 << 5) +#define SHF_INFO_LINK (1 << 6) +#define SHF_LINK_ORDER (1 << 7) +#define SHF_OS_NONCONFORMING (1 << 8) + +#define SHF_GROUP (1 << 9) +#define SHF_TLS (1 << 10) +#define SHF_COMPRESSED (1 << 11) +#define SHF_MASKOS 0x0ff00000 +#define SHF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 +#define SHF_ORDERED (1 << 30) +#define SHF_EXCLUDE (1U << 31) + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word ch_type; + Elf32_Word ch_size; + Elf32_Word ch_addralign; +} Elf32_Chdr; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word ch_type; + Elf64_Word ch_reserved; + Elf64_Xword ch_size; + Elf64_Xword ch_addralign; +} Elf64_Chdr; + +#define ELFCOMPRESS_ZLIB 1 +#define ELFCOMPRESS_LOOS 0x60000000 +#define ELFCOMPRESS_HIOS 0x6fffffff +#define ELFCOMPRESS_LOPROC 0x70000000 +#define ELFCOMPRESS_HIPROC 0x7fffffff + + +#define GRP_COMDAT 0x1 + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word st_name; + Elf32_Addr st_value; + Elf32_Word st_size; + unsigned char st_info; + unsigned char st_other; + Elf32_Section st_shndx; +} Elf32_Sym; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word st_name; + unsigned char st_info; + unsigned char st_other; + Elf64_Section st_shndx; + Elf64_Addr st_value; + Elf64_Xword st_size; +} Elf64_Sym; + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Half si_boundto; + Elf32_Half si_flags; +} Elf32_Syminfo; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Half si_boundto; + Elf64_Half si_flags; +} Elf64_Syminfo; + +#define SYMINFO_BT_SELF 0xffff +#define SYMINFO_BT_PARENT 0xfffe +#define SYMINFO_BT_LOWRESERVE 0xff00 + +#define SYMINFO_FLG_DIRECT 0x0001 +#define SYMINFO_FLG_PASSTHRU 0x0002 +#define SYMINFO_FLG_COPY 0x0004 +#define SYMINFO_FLG_LAZYLOAD 0x0008 + +#define SYMINFO_NONE 0 +#define SYMINFO_CURRENT 1 +#define SYMINFO_NUM 2 + +#define ELF32_ST_BIND(val) (((unsigned char) (val)) >> 4) +#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(val) ((val) & 0xf) +#define ELF32_ST_INFO(bind, type) (((bind) << 4) + ((type) & 0xf)) + +#define ELF64_ST_BIND(val) ELF32_ST_BIND (val) +#define ELF64_ST_TYPE(val) ELF32_ST_TYPE (val) +#define ELF64_ST_INFO(bind, type) ELF32_ST_INFO ((bind), (type)) + +#define STB_LOCAL 0 +#define STB_GLOBAL 1 +#define STB_WEAK 2 +#define STB_NUM 3 +#define STB_LOOS 10 +#define STB_GNU_UNIQUE 10 +#define STB_HIOS 12 +#define STB_LOPROC 13 +#define STB_HIPROC 15 + +#define STT_NOTYPE 0 +#define STT_OBJECT 1 +#define STT_FUNC 2 +#define STT_SECTION 3 +#define STT_FILE 4 +#define STT_COMMON 5 +#define STT_TLS 6 +#define STT_NUM 7 +#define STT_LOOS 10 +#define STT_GNU_IFUNC 10 +#define STT_HIOS 12 +#define STT_LOPROC 13 +#define STT_HIPROC 15 + +#define STN_UNDEF 0 + +#define ELF32_ST_VISIBILITY(o) ((o) & 0x03) +#define ELF64_ST_VISIBILITY(o) ELF32_ST_VISIBILITY (o) + +#define STV_DEFAULT 0 +#define STV_INTERNAL 1 +#define STV_HIDDEN 2 +#define STV_PROTECTED 3 + + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Addr r_offset; + Elf32_Word r_info; +} Elf32_Rel; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Addr r_offset; + Elf64_Xword r_info; +} Elf64_Rel; + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Addr r_offset; + Elf32_Word r_info; + Elf32_Sword r_addend; +} Elf32_Rela; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Addr r_offset; + Elf64_Xword r_info; + Elf64_Sxword r_addend; +} Elf64_Rela; + + + +#define ELF32_R_SYM(val) ((val) >> 8) +#define ELF32_R_TYPE(val) ((val) & 0xff) +#define ELF32_R_INFO(sym, type) (((sym) << 8) + ((type) & 0xff)) + +#define ELF64_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 32) +#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xffffffff) +#define ELF64_R_INFO(sym,type) ((((Elf64_Xword) (sym)) << 32) + (type)) + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word p_type; + Elf32_Off p_offset; + Elf32_Addr p_vaddr; + Elf32_Addr p_paddr; + Elf32_Word p_filesz; + Elf32_Word p_memsz; + Elf32_Word p_flags; + Elf32_Word p_align; +} Elf32_Phdr; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word p_type; + Elf64_Word p_flags; + Elf64_Off p_offset; + Elf64_Addr p_vaddr; + Elf64_Addr p_paddr; + Elf64_Xword p_filesz; + Elf64_Xword p_memsz; + Elf64_Xword p_align; +} Elf64_Phdr; + + + +#define PT_NULL 0 +#define PT_LOAD 1 +#define PT_DYNAMIC 2 +#define PT_INTERP 3 +#define PT_NOTE 4 +#define PT_SHLIB 5 +#define PT_PHDR 6 +#define PT_TLS 7 +#define PT_NUM 8 +#define PT_LOOS 0x60000000 +#define PT_GNU_EH_FRAME 0x6474e550 +#define PT_GNU_STACK 0x6474e551 +#define PT_GNU_RELRO 0x6474e552 +#define PT_LOSUNW 0x6ffffffa +#define PT_SUNWBSS 0x6ffffffa +#define PT_SUNWSTACK 0x6ffffffb +#define PT_HISUNW 0x6fffffff +#define PT_HIOS 0x6fffffff +#define PT_LOPROC 0x70000000 +#define PT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff + + +#define PN_XNUM 0xffff + + +#define PF_X (1 << 0) +#define PF_W (1 << 1) +#define PF_R (1 << 2) +#define PF_MASKOS 0x0ff00000 +#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 + + + +#define NT_PRSTATUS 1 +#define NT_FPREGSET 2 +#define NT_PRPSINFO 3 +#define NT_PRXREG 4 +#define NT_TASKSTRUCT 4 +#define NT_PLATFORM 5 +#define NT_AUXV 6 +#define NT_GWINDOWS 7 +#define NT_ASRS 8 +#define NT_PSTATUS 10 +#define NT_PSINFO 13 +#define NT_PRCRED 14 +#define NT_UTSNAME 15 +#define NT_LWPSTATUS 16 +#define NT_LWPSINFO 17 +#define NT_PRFPXREG 20 +#define NT_SIGINFO 0x53494749 +#define NT_FILE 0x46494c45 +#define NT_PRXFPREG 0x46e62b7f +#define NT_PPC_VMX 0x100 +#define NT_PPC_SPE 0x101 +#define NT_PPC_VSX 0x102 +#define NT_386_TLS 0x200 +#define NT_386_IOPERM 0x201 +#define NT_X86_XSTATE 0x202 +#define NT_S390_HIGH_GPRS 0x300 +#define NT_S390_TIMER 0x301 +#define NT_S390_TODCMP 0x302 +#define NT_S390_TODPREG 0x303 +#define NT_S390_CTRS 0x304 +#define NT_S390_PREFIX 0x305 +#define NT_S390_LAST_BREAK 0x306 +#define NT_S390_SYSTEM_CALL 0x307 +#define NT_S390_TDB 0x308 +#define NT_ARM_VFP 0x400 +#define NT_ARM_TLS 0x401 +#define NT_ARM_HW_BREAK 0x402 +#define NT_ARM_HW_WATCH 0x403 +#define NT_ARM_SYSTEM_CALL 0x404 +#define NT_ARM_SVE 0x405 +#define NT_METAG_CBUF 0x500 +#define NT_METAG_RPIPE 0x501 +#define NT_METAG_TLS 0x502 +#define NT_VERSION 1 + + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Sword d_tag; + union { + Elf32_Word d_val; + Elf32_Addr d_ptr; + } d_un; +} Elf32_Dyn; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Sxword d_tag; + union { + Elf64_Xword d_val; + Elf64_Addr d_ptr; + } d_un; +} Elf64_Dyn; + + + +#define DT_NULL 0 +#define DT_NEEDED 1 +#define DT_PLTRELSZ 2 +#define DT_PLTGOT 3 +#define DT_HASH 4 +#define DT_STRTAB 5 +#define DT_SYMTAB 6 +#define DT_RELA 7 +#define DT_RELASZ 8 +#define DT_RELAENT 9 +#define DT_STRSZ 10 +#define DT_SYMENT 11 +#define DT_INIT 12 +#define DT_FINI 13 +#define DT_SONAME 14 +#define DT_RPATH 15 +#define DT_SYMBOLIC 16 +#define DT_REL 17 +#define DT_RELSZ 18 +#define DT_RELENT 19 +#define DT_PLTREL 20 +#define DT_DEBUG 21 +#define DT_TEXTREL 22 +#define DT_JMPREL 23 +#define DT_BIND_NOW 24 +#define DT_INIT_ARRAY 25 +#define DT_FINI_ARRAY 26 +#define DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ 27 +#define DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ 28 +#define DT_RUNPATH 29 +#define DT_FLAGS 30 +#define DT_ENCODING 32 +#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAY 32 +#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ 33 +#define DT_NUM 34 +#define DT_LOOS 0x6000000d +#define DT_HIOS 0x6ffff000 +#define DT_LOPROC 0x70000000 +#define DT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff +#define DT_PROCNUM DT_MIPS_NUM + +#define DT_VALRNGLO 0x6ffffd00 +#define DT_GNU_PRELINKED 0x6ffffdf5 +#define DT_GNU_CONFLICTSZ 0x6ffffdf6 +#define DT_GNU_LIBLISTSZ 0x6ffffdf7 +#define DT_CHECKSUM 0x6ffffdf8 +#define DT_PLTPADSZ 0x6ffffdf9 +#define DT_MOVEENT 0x6ffffdfa +#define DT_MOVESZ 0x6ffffdfb +#define DT_FEATURE_1 0x6ffffdfc +#define DT_POSFLAG_1 0x6ffffdfd + +#define DT_SYMINSZ 0x6ffffdfe +#define DT_SYMINENT 0x6ffffdff +#define DT_VALRNGHI 0x6ffffdff +#define DT_VALTAGIDX(tag) (DT_VALRNGHI - (tag)) +#define DT_VALNUM 12 + +#define DT_ADDRRNGLO 0x6ffffe00 +#define DT_GNU_HASH 0x6ffffef5 +#define DT_TLSDESC_PLT 0x6ffffef6 +#define DT_TLSDESC_GOT 0x6ffffef7 +#define DT_GNU_CONFLICT 0x6ffffef8 +#define DT_GNU_LIBLIST 0x6ffffef9 +#define DT_CONFIG 0x6ffffefa +#define DT_DEPAUDIT 0x6ffffefb +#define DT_AUDIT 0x6ffffefc +#define DT_PLTPAD 0x6ffffefd +#define DT_MOVETAB 0x6ffffefe +#define DT_SYMINFO 0x6ffffeff +#define DT_ADDRRNGHI 0x6ffffeff +#define DT_ADDRTAGIDX(tag) (DT_ADDRRNGHI - (tag)) +#define DT_ADDRNUM 11 + + + +#define DT_VERSYM 0x6ffffff0 + +#define DT_RELACOUNT 0x6ffffff9 +#define DT_RELCOUNT 0x6ffffffa + + +#define DT_FLAGS_1 0x6ffffffb +#define DT_VERDEF 0x6ffffffc + +#define DT_VERDEFNUM 0x6ffffffd +#define DT_VERNEED 0x6ffffffe + +#define DT_VERNEEDNUM 0x6fffffff +#define DT_VERSIONTAGIDX(tag) (DT_VERNEEDNUM - (tag)) +#define DT_VERSIONTAGNUM 16 + + + +#define DT_AUXILIARY 0x7ffffffd +#define DT_FILTER 0x7fffffff +#define DT_EXTRATAGIDX(tag) ((Elf32_Word)-((Elf32_Sword) (tag) <<1>>1)-1) +#define DT_EXTRANUM 3 + + +#define DF_ORIGIN 0x00000001 +#define DF_SYMBOLIC 0x00000002 +#define DF_TEXTREL 0x00000004 +#define DF_BIND_NOW 0x00000008 +#define DF_STATIC_TLS 0x00000010 + + + +#define DF_1_NOW 0x00000001 +#define DF_1_GLOBAL 0x00000002 +#define DF_1_GROUP 0x00000004 +#define DF_1_NODELETE 0x00000008 +#define DF_1_LOADFLTR 0x00000010 +#define DF_1_INITFIRST 0x00000020 +#define DF_1_NOOPEN 0x00000040 +#define DF_1_ORIGIN 0x00000080 +#define DF_1_DIRECT 0x00000100 +#define DF_1_TRANS 0x00000200 +#define DF_1_INTERPOSE 0x00000400 +#define DF_1_NODEFLIB 0x00000800 +#define DF_1_NODUMP 0x00001000 +#define DF_1_CONFALT 0x00002000 +#define DF_1_ENDFILTEE 0x00004000 +#define DF_1_DISPRELDNE 0x00008000 +#define DF_1_DISPRELPND 0x00010000 +#define DF_1_NODIRECT 0x00020000 +#define DF_1_IGNMULDEF 0x00040000 +#define DF_1_NOKSYMS 0x00080000 +#define DF_1_NOHDR 0x00100000 +#define DF_1_EDITED 0x00200000 +#define DF_1_NORELOC 0x00400000 +#define DF_1_SYMINTPOSE 0x00800000 +#define DF_1_GLOBAUDIT 0x01000000 +#define DF_1_SINGLETON 0x02000000 + +#define DTF_1_PARINIT 0x00000001 +#define DTF_1_CONFEXP 0x00000002 + + +#define DF_P1_LAZYLOAD 0x00000001 +#define DF_P1_GROUPPERM 0x00000002 + + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Half vd_version; + Elf32_Half vd_flags; + Elf32_Half vd_ndx; + Elf32_Half vd_cnt; + Elf32_Word vd_hash; + Elf32_Word vd_aux; + Elf32_Word vd_next; +} Elf32_Verdef; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Half vd_version; + Elf64_Half vd_flags; + Elf64_Half vd_ndx; + Elf64_Half vd_cnt; + Elf64_Word vd_hash; + Elf64_Word vd_aux; + Elf64_Word vd_next; +} Elf64_Verdef; + + + +#define VER_DEF_NONE 0 +#define VER_DEF_CURRENT 1 +#define VER_DEF_NUM 2 + + +#define VER_FLG_BASE 0x1 +#define VER_FLG_WEAK 0x2 + + +#define VER_NDX_LOCAL 0 +#define VER_NDX_GLOBAL 1 +#define VER_NDX_LORESERVE 0xff00 +#define VER_NDX_ELIMINATE 0xff01 + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word vda_name; + Elf32_Word vda_next; +} Elf32_Verdaux; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word vda_name; + Elf64_Word vda_next; +} Elf64_Verdaux; + + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Half vn_version; + Elf32_Half vn_cnt; + Elf32_Word vn_file; + Elf32_Word vn_aux; + Elf32_Word vn_next; +} Elf32_Verneed; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Half vn_version; + Elf64_Half vn_cnt; + Elf64_Word vn_file; + Elf64_Word vn_aux; + Elf64_Word vn_next; +} Elf64_Verneed; + + + +#define VER_NEED_NONE 0 +#define VER_NEED_CURRENT 1 +#define VER_NEED_NUM 2 + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word vna_hash; + Elf32_Half vna_flags; + Elf32_Half vna_other; + Elf32_Word vna_name; + Elf32_Word vna_next; +} Elf32_Vernaux; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word vna_hash; + Elf64_Half vna_flags; + Elf64_Half vna_other; + Elf64_Word vna_name; + Elf64_Word vna_next; +} Elf64_Vernaux; + + + +#define VER_FLG_WEAK 0x2 + + + +typedef struct { + uint32_t a_type; + union { + uint32_t a_val; + } a_un; +} Elf32_auxv_t; + +typedef struct { + uint64_t a_type; + union { + uint64_t a_val; + } a_un; +} Elf64_auxv_t; + + + +#define AT_NULL 0 +#define AT_IGNORE 1 +#define AT_EXECFD 2 +#define AT_PHDR 3 +#define AT_PHENT 4 +#define AT_PHNUM 5 +#define AT_PAGESZ 6 +#define AT_BASE 7 +#define AT_FLAGS 8 +#define AT_ENTRY 9 +#define AT_NOTELF 10 +#define AT_UID 11 +#define AT_EUID 12 +#define AT_GID 13 +#define AT_EGID 14 +#define AT_CLKTCK 17 + + +#define AT_PLATFORM 15 +#define AT_HWCAP 16 + + + + +#define AT_FPUCW 18 + + +#define AT_DCACHEBSIZE 19 +#define AT_ICACHEBSIZE 20 +#define AT_UCACHEBSIZE 21 + + + +#define AT_IGNOREPPC 22 + +#define AT_SECURE 23 + +#define AT_BASE_PLATFORM 24 + +#define AT_RANDOM 25 + +#define AT_HWCAP2 26 + +#define AT_EXECFN 31 + + + +#define AT_SYSINFO 32 +#define AT_SYSINFO_EHDR 33 + + + +#define AT_L1I_CACHESHAPE 34 +#define AT_L1D_CACHESHAPE 35 +#define AT_L2_CACHESHAPE 36 +#define AT_L3_CACHESHAPE 37 + + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word n_namesz; + Elf32_Word n_descsz; + Elf32_Word n_type; +} Elf32_Nhdr; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word n_namesz; + Elf64_Word n_descsz; + Elf64_Word n_type; +} Elf64_Nhdr; + + + + +#define ELF_NOTE_SOLARIS "SUNW Solaris" + + +#define ELF_NOTE_GNU "GNU" + + + + + +#define ELF_NOTE_PAGESIZE_HINT 1 + + +#define NT_GNU_ABI_TAG 1 +#define ELF_NOTE_ABI NT_GNU_ABI_TAG + + + +#define ELF_NOTE_OS_LINUX 0 +#define ELF_NOTE_OS_GNU 1 +#define ELF_NOTE_OS_SOLARIS2 2 +#define ELF_NOTE_OS_FREEBSD 3 + +#define NT_GNU_BUILD_ID 3 +#define NT_GNU_GOLD_VERSION 4 + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Xword m_value; + Elf32_Word m_info; + Elf32_Word m_poffset; + Elf32_Half m_repeat; + Elf32_Half m_stride; +} Elf32_Move; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Xword m_value; + Elf64_Xword m_info; + Elf64_Xword m_poffset; + Elf64_Half m_repeat; + Elf64_Half m_stride; +} Elf64_Move; + + +#define ELF32_M_SYM(info) ((info) >> 8) +#define ELF32_M_SIZE(info) ((unsigned char) (info)) +#define ELF32_M_INFO(sym, size) (((sym) << 8) + (unsigned char) (size)) + +#define ELF64_M_SYM(info) ELF32_M_SYM (info) +#define ELF64_M_SIZE(info) ELF32_M_SIZE (info) +#define ELF64_M_INFO(sym, size) ELF32_M_INFO (sym, size) + +#define EF_CPU32 0x00810000 + +#define R_68K_NONE 0 +#define R_68K_32 1 +#define R_68K_16 2 +#define R_68K_8 3 +#define R_68K_PC32 4 +#define R_68K_PC16 5 +#define R_68K_PC8 6 +#define R_68K_GOT32 7 +#define R_68K_GOT16 8 +#define R_68K_GOT8 9 +#define R_68K_GOT32O 10 +#define R_68K_GOT16O 11 +#define R_68K_GOT8O 12 +#define R_68K_PLT32 13 +#define R_68K_PLT16 14 +#define R_68K_PLT8 15 +#define R_68K_PLT32O 16 +#define R_68K_PLT16O 17 +#define R_68K_PLT8O 18 +#define R_68K_COPY 19 +#define R_68K_GLOB_DAT 20 +#define R_68K_JMP_SLOT 21 +#define R_68K_RELATIVE 22 +#define R_68K_NUM 23 + +#define R_386_NONE 0 +#define R_386_32 1 +#define R_386_PC32 2 +#define R_386_GOT32 3 +#define R_386_PLT32 4 +#define R_386_COPY 5 +#define R_386_GLOB_DAT 6 +#define R_386_JMP_SLOT 7 +#define R_386_RELATIVE 8 +#define R_386_GOTOFF 9 +#define R_386_GOTPC 10 +#define R_386_32PLT 11 +#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF 14 +#define R_386_TLS_IE 15 +#define R_386_TLS_GOTIE 16 +#define R_386_TLS_LE 17 +#define R_386_TLS_GD 18 +#define R_386_TLS_LDM 19 +#define R_386_16 20 +#define R_386_PC16 21 +#define R_386_8 22 +#define R_386_PC8 23 +#define R_386_TLS_GD_32 24 +#define R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH 25 +#define R_386_TLS_GD_CALL 26 +#define R_386_TLS_GD_POP 27 +#define R_386_TLS_LDM_32 28 +#define R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH 29 +#define R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL 30 +#define R_386_TLS_LDM_POP 31 +#define R_386_TLS_LDO_32 32 +#define R_386_TLS_IE_32 33 +#define R_386_TLS_LE_32 34 +#define R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32 35 +#define R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32 36 +#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF32 37 +#define R_386_SIZE32 38 +#define R_386_TLS_GOTDESC 39 +#define R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL 40 +#define R_386_TLS_DESC 41 +#define R_386_IRELATIVE 42 +#define R_386_GOT32X 43 +#define R_386_NUM 44 + + + + + +#define STT_SPARC_REGISTER 13 + + + +#define EF_SPARCV9_MM 3 +#define EF_SPARCV9_TSO 0 +#define EF_SPARCV9_PSO 1 +#define EF_SPARCV9_RMO 2 +#define EF_SPARC_LEDATA 0x800000 +#define EF_SPARC_EXT_MASK 0xFFFF00 +#define EF_SPARC_32PLUS 0x000100 +#define EF_SPARC_SUN_US1 0x000200 +#define EF_SPARC_HAL_R1 0x000400 +#define EF_SPARC_SUN_US3 0x000800 + + + +#define R_SPARC_NONE 0 +#define R_SPARC_8 1 +#define R_SPARC_16 2 +#define R_SPARC_32 3 +#define R_SPARC_DISP8 4 +#define R_SPARC_DISP16 5 +#define R_SPARC_DISP32 6 +#define R_SPARC_WDISP30 7 +#define R_SPARC_WDISP22 8 +#define R_SPARC_HI22 9 +#define R_SPARC_22 10 +#define R_SPARC_13 11 +#define R_SPARC_LO10 12 +#define R_SPARC_GOT10 13 +#define R_SPARC_GOT13 14 +#define R_SPARC_GOT22 15 +#define R_SPARC_PC10 16 +#define R_SPARC_PC22 17 +#define R_SPARC_WPLT30 18 +#define R_SPARC_COPY 19 +#define R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT 20 +#define R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT 21 +#define R_SPARC_RELATIVE 22 +#define R_SPARC_UA32 23 + + + +#define R_SPARC_PLT32 24 +#define R_SPARC_HIPLT22 25 +#define R_SPARC_LOPLT10 26 +#define R_SPARC_PCPLT32 27 +#define R_SPARC_PCPLT22 28 +#define R_SPARC_PCPLT10 29 +#define R_SPARC_10 30 +#define R_SPARC_11 31 +#define R_SPARC_64 32 +#define R_SPARC_OLO10 33 +#define R_SPARC_HH22 34 +#define R_SPARC_HM10 35 +#define R_SPARC_LM22 36 +#define R_SPARC_PC_HH22 37 +#define R_SPARC_PC_HM10 38 +#define R_SPARC_PC_LM22 39 +#define R_SPARC_WDISP16 40 +#define R_SPARC_WDISP19 41 +#define R_SPARC_GLOB_JMP 42 +#define R_SPARC_7 43 +#define R_SPARC_5 44 +#define R_SPARC_6 45 +#define R_SPARC_DISP64 46 +#define R_SPARC_PLT64 47 +#define R_SPARC_HIX22 48 +#define R_SPARC_LOX10 49 +#define R_SPARC_H44 50 +#define R_SPARC_M44 51 +#define R_SPARC_L44 52 +#define R_SPARC_REGISTER 53 +#define R_SPARC_UA64 54 +#define R_SPARC_UA16 55 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22 56 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10 57 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD 58 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL 59 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_HI22 60 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_LO10 61 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_ADD 62 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_CALL 63 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_HIX22 64 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_LOX10 65 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_ADD 66 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22 67 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10 68 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LD 69 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LDX 70 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD 71 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22 72 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10 73 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD32 74 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD64 75 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF32 76 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF64 77 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF32 78 +#define R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF64 79 +#define R_SPARC_GOTDATA_HIX22 80 +#define R_SPARC_GOTDATA_LOX10 81 +#define R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_HIX22 82 +#define R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_LOX10 83 +#define R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP 84 +#define R_SPARC_H34 85 +#define R_SPARC_SIZE32 86 +#define R_SPARC_SIZE64 87 +#define R_SPARC_GNU_VTINHERIT 250 +#define R_SPARC_GNU_VTENTRY 251 +#define R_SPARC_REV32 252 + +#define R_SPARC_NUM 253 + + + +#define DT_SPARC_REGISTER 0x70000001 +#define DT_SPARC_NUM 2 + + +#define EF_MIPS_NOREORDER 1 +#define EF_MIPS_PIC 2 +#define EF_MIPS_CPIC 4 +#define EF_MIPS_XGOT 8 +#define EF_MIPS_64BIT_WHIRL 16 +#define EF_MIPS_ABI2 32 +#define EF_MIPS_ABI_ON32 64 +#define EF_MIPS_FP64 512 +#define EF_MIPS_NAN2008 1024 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH 0xf0000000 + + + +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_1 0x00000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_2 0x10000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 0x20000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_4 0x30000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_5 0x40000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_32 0x50000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_64 0x60000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R2 0x70000000 +#define EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2 0x80000000 + + +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_1 0x00000000 +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_2 0x10000000 +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_3 0x20000000 +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_4 0x30000000 +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_5 0x40000000 +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_32 0x50000000 +#define E_MIPS_ARCH_64 0x60000000 + + + +#define SHN_MIPS_ACOMMON 0xff00 +#define SHN_MIPS_TEXT 0xff01 +#define SHN_MIPS_DATA 0xff02 +#define SHN_MIPS_SCOMMON 0xff03 +#define SHN_MIPS_SUNDEFINED 0xff04 + + + +#define SHT_MIPS_LIBLIST 0x70000000 +#define SHT_MIPS_MSYM 0x70000001 +#define SHT_MIPS_CONFLICT 0x70000002 +#define SHT_MIPS_GPTAB 0x70000003 +#define SHT_MIPS_UCODE 0x70000004 +#define SHT_MIPS_DEBUG 0x70000005 +#define SHT_MIPS_REGINFO 0x70000006 +#define SHT_MIPS_PACKAGE 0x70000007 +#define SHT_MIPS_PACKSYM 0x70000008 +#define SHT_MIPS_RELD 0x70000009 +#define SHT_MIPS_IFACE 0x7000000b +#define SHT_MIPS_CONTENT 0x7000000c +#define SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x7000000d +#define SHT_MIPS_SHDR 0x70000010 +#define SHT_MIPS_FDESC 0x70000011 +#define SHT_MIPS_EXTSYM 0x70000012 +#define SHT_MIPS_DENSE 0x70000013 +#define SHT_MIPS_PDESC 0x70000014 +#define SHT_MIPS_LOCSYM 0x70000015 +#define SHT_MIPS_AUXSYM 0x70000016 +#define SHT_MIPS_OPTSYM 0x70000017 +#define SHT_MIPS_LOCSTR 0x70000018 +#define SHT_MIPS_LINE 0x70000019 +#define SHT_MIPS_RFDESC 0x7000001a +#define SHT_MIPS_DELTASYM 0x7000001b +#define SHT_MIPS_DELTAINST 0x7000001c +#define SHT_MIPS_DELTACLASS 0x7000001d +#define SHT_MIPS_DWARF 0x7000001e +#define SHT_MIPS_DELTADECL 0x7000001f +#define SHT_MIPS_SYMBOL_LIB 0x70000020 +#define SHT_MIPS_EVENTS 0x70000021 +#define SHT_MIPS_TRANSLATE 0x70000022 +#define SHT_MIPS_PIXIE 0x70000023 +#define SHT_MIPS_XLATE 0x70000024 +#define SHT_MIPS_XLATE_DEBUG 0x70000025 +#define SHT_MIPS_WHIRL 0x70000026 +#define SHT_MIPS_EH_REGION 0x70000027 +#define SHT_MIPS_XLATE_OLD 0x70000028 +#define SHT_MIPS_PDR_EXCEPTION 0x70000029 + + + +#define SHF_MIPS_GPREL 0x10000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_MERGE 0x20000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_ADDR 0x40000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_STRINGS 0x80000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_NOSTRIP 0x08000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_LOCAL 0x04000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_NAMES 0x02000000 +#define SHF_MIPS_NODUPE 0x01000000 + + + + + +#define STO_MIPS_DEFAULT 0x0 +#define STO_MIPS_INTERNAL 0x1 +#define STO_MIPS_HIDDEN 0x2 +#define STO_MIPS_PROTECTED 0x3 +#define STO_MIPS_PLT 0x8 +#define STO_MIPS_SC_ALIGN_UNUSED 0xff + + +#define STB_MIPS_SPLIT_COMMON 13 + + + +typedef union { + struct { + Elf32_Word gt_current_g_value; + Elf32_Word gt_unused; + } gt_header; + struct { + Elf32_Word gt_g_value; + Elf32_Word gt_bytes; + } gt_entry; +} Elf32_gptab; + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word ri_gprmask; + Elf32_Word ri_cprmask[4]; + Elf32_Sword ri_gp_value; +} Elf32_RegInfo; + + + +typedef struct { + unsigned char kind; + + unsigned char size; + Elf32_Section section; + + Elf32_Word info; +} Elf_Options; + + + +#define ODK_NULL 0 +#define ODK_REGINFO 1 +#define ODK_EXCEPTIONS 2 +#define ODK_PAD 3 +#define ODK_HWPATCH 4 +#define ODK_FILL 5 +#define ODK_TAGS 6 +#define ODK_HWAND 7 +#define ODK_HWOR 8 + + + +#define OEX_FPU_MIN 0x1f +#define OEX_FPU_MAX 0x1f00 +#define OEX_PAGE0 0x10000 +#define OEX_SMM 0x20000 +#define OEX_FPDBUG 0x40000 +#define OEX_PRECISEFP OEX_FPDBUG +#define OEX_DISMISS 0x80000 + +#define OEX_FPU_INVAL 0x10 +#define OEX_FPU_DIV0 0x08 +#define OEX_FPU_OFLO 0x04 +#define OEX_FPU_UFLO 0x02 +#define OEX_FPU_INEX 0x01 + + + +#define OHW_R4KEOP 0x1 +#define OHW_R8KPFETCH 0x2 +#define OHW_R5KEOP 0x4 +#define OHW_R5KCVTL 0x8 + +#define OPAD_PREFIX 0x1 +#define OPAD_POSTFIX 0x2 +#define OPAD_SYMBOL 0x4 + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word hwp_flags1; + Elf32_Word hwp_flags2; +} Elf_Options_Hw; + + + +#define OHWA0_R4KEOP_CHECKED 0x00000001 +#define OHWA1_R4KEOP_CLEAN 0x00000002 + + + +#define R_MIPS_NONE 0 +#define R_MIPS_16 1 +#define R_MIPS_32 2 +#define R_MIPS_REL32 3 +#define R_MIPS_26 4 +#define R_MIPS_HI16 5 +#define R_MIPS_LO16 6 +#define R_MIPS_GPREL16 7 +#define R_MIPS_LITERAL 8 +#define R_MIPS_GOT16 9 +#define R_MIPS_PC16 10 +#define R_MIPS_CALL16 11 +#define R_MIPS_GPREL32 12 + +#define R_MIPS_SHIFT5 16 +#define R_MIPS_SHIFT6 17 +#define R_MIPS_64 18 +#define R_MIPS_GOT_DISP 19 +#define R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE 20 +#define R_MIPS_GOT_OFST 21 +#define R_MIPS_GOT_HI16 22 +#define R_MIPS_GOT_LO16 23 +#define R_MIPS_SUB 24 +#define R_MIPS_INSERT_A 25 +#define R_MIPS_INSERT_B 26 +#define R_MIPS_DELETE 27 +#define R_MIPS_HIGHER 28 +#define R_MIPS_HIGHEST 29 +#define R_MIPS_CALL_HI16 30 +#define R_MIPS_CALL_LO16 31 +#define R_MIPS_SCN_DISP 32 +#define R_MIPS_REL16 33 +#define R_MIPS_ADD_IMMEDIATE 34 +#define R_MIPS_PJUMP 35 +#define R_MIPS_RELGOT 36 +#define R_MIPS_JALR 37 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32 38 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32 39 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64 40 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64 41 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_GD 42 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_LDM 43 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 44 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 45 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL 46 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 47 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64 48 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 49 +#define R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 50 +#define R_MIPS_GLOB_DAT 51 +#define R_MIPS_COPY 126 +#define R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT 127 + +#define R_MIPS_NUM 128 + + + +#define PT_MIPS_REGINFO 0x70000000 +#define PT_MIPS_RTPROC 0x70000001 +#define PT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x70000002 +#define PT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS 0x70000003 + + + +#define PF_MIPS_LOCAL 0x10000000 + + + +#define DT_MIPS_RLD_VERSION 0x70000001 +#define DT_MIPS_TIME_STAMP 0x70000002 +#define DT_MIPS_ICHECKSUM 0x70000003 +#define DT_MIPS_IVERSION 0x70000004 +#define DT_MIPS_FLAGS 0x70000005 +#define DT_MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS 0x70000006 +#define DT_MIPS_MSYM 0x70000007 +#define DT_MIPS_CONFLICT 0x70000008 +#define DT_MIPS_LIBLIST 0x70000009 +#define DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO 0x7000000a +#define DT_MIPS_CONFLICTNO 0x7000000b +#define DT_MIPS_LIBLISTNO 0x70000010 +#define DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO 0x70000011 +#define DT_MIPS_UNREFEXTNO 0x70000012 +#define DT_MIPS_GOTSYM 0x70000013 +#define DT_MIPS_HIPAGENO 0x70000014 +#define DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP 0x70000016 +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASS 0x70000017 +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASS_NO 0x70000018 + +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_INSTANCE 0x70000019 +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_INSTANCE_NO 0x7000001a + +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_RELOC 0x7000001b +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_RELOC_NO 0x7000001c + +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_SYM 0x7000001d + +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_SYM_NO 0x7000001e + +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASSSYM 0x70000020 + +#define DT_MIPS_DELTA_CLASSSYM_NO 0x70000021 + +#define DT_MIPS_CXX_FLAGS 0x70000022 +#define DT_MIPS_PIXIE_INIT 0x70000023 +#define DT_MIPS_SYMBOL_LIB 0x70000024 +#define DT_MIPS_LOCALPAGE_GOTIDX 0x70000025 +#define DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTIDX 0x70000026 +#define DT_MIPS_HIDDEN_GOTIDX 0x70000027 +#define DT_MIPS_PROTECTED_GOTIDX 0x70000028 +#define DT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x70000029 +#define DT_MIPS_INTERFACE 0x7000002a +#define DT_MIPS_DYNSTR_ALIGN 0x7000002b +#define DT_MIPS_INTERFACE_SIZE 0x7000002c +#define DT_MIPS_RLD_TEXT_RESOLVE_ADDR 0x7000002d + +#define DT_MIPS_PERF_SUFFIX 0x7000002e + +#define DT_MIPS_COMPACT_SIZE 0x7000002f +#define DT_MIPS_GP_VALUE 0x70000030 +#define DT_MIPS_AUX_DYNAMIC 0x70000031 + +#define DT_MIPS_PLTGOT 0x70000032 + +#define DT_MIPS_RWPLT 0x70000034 +#define DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP_REL 0x70000035 +#define DT_MIPS_NUM 0x36 + + + +#define RHF_NONE 0 +#define RHF_QUICKSTART (1 << 0) +#define RHF_NOTPOT (1 << 1) +#define RHF_NO_LIBRARY_REPLACEMENT (1 << 2) +#define RHF_NO_MOVE (1 << 3) +#define RHF_SGI_ONLY (1 << 4) +#define RHF_GUARANTEE_INIT (1 << 5) +#define RHF_DELTA_C_PLUS_PLUS (1 << 6) +#define RHF_GUARANTEE_START_INIT (1 << 7) +#define RHF_PIXIE (1 << 8) +#define RHF_DEFAULT_DELAY_LOAD (1 << 9) +#define RHF_REQUICKSTART (1 << 10) +#define RHF_REQUICKSTARTED (1 << 11) +#define RHF_CORD (1 << 12) +#define RHF_NO_UNRES_UNDEF (1 << 13) +#define RHF_RLD_ORDER_SAFE (1 << 14) + + + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Word l_name; + Elf32_Word l_time_stamp; + Elf32_Word l_checksum; + Elf32_Word l_version; + Elf32_Word l_flags; +} Elf32_Lib; + +typedef struct { + Elf64_Word l_name; + Elf64_Word l_time_stamp; + Elf64_Word l_checksum; + Elf64_Word l_version; + Elf64_Word l_flags; +} Elf64_Lib; + + + + +#define LL_NONE 0 +#define LL_EXACT_MATCH (1 << 0) +#define LL_IGNORE_INT_VER (1 << 1) +#define LL_REQUIRE_MINOR (1 << 2) +#define LL_EXPORTS (1 << 3) +#define LL_DELAY_LOAD (1 << 4) +#define LL_DELTA (1 << 5) + + + +typedef Elf32_Addr Elf32_Conflict; + +typedef struct { + Elf32_Half version; + unsigned char isa_level; + unsigned char isa_rev; + unsigned char gpr_size; + unsigned char cpr1_size; + unsigned char cpr2_size; + unsigned char fp_abi; + Elf32_Word isa_ext; + Elf32_Word ases; + Elf32_Word flags1; + Elf32_Word flags2; +} Elf_MIPS_ABIFlags_v0; + +#define MIPS_AFL_REG_NONE 0x00 +#define MIPS_AFL_REG_32 0x01 +#define MIPS_AFL_REG_64 0x02 +#define MIPS_AFL_REG_128 0x03 + +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_DSP 0x00000001 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_DSPR2 0x00000002 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_EVA 0x00000004 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MCU 0x00000008 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MDMX 0x00000010 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MIPS3D 0x00000020 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MT 0x00000040 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_SMARTMIPS 0x00000080 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_VIRT 0x00000100 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MSA 0x00000200 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MIPS16 0x00000400 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MICROMIPS 0x00000800 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_XPA 0x00001000 +#define MIPS_AFL_ASE_MASK 0x00001fff + +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_XLR 1 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_OCTEON2 2 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_OCTEONP 3 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_LOONGSON_3A 4 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_OCTEON 5 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_5900 6 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_4650 7 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_4010 8 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_4100 9 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_3900 10 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_10000 11 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_SB1 12 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_4111 13 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_4120 14 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_5400 15 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_5500 16 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_LOONGSON_2E 17 +#define MIPS_AFL_EXT_LOONGSON_2F 18 + +#define MIPS_AFL_FLAGS1_ODDSPREG 1 + +enum +{ + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_ANY = 0, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_DOUBLE = 1, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_SINGLE = 2, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_SOFT = 3, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_OLD_64 = 4, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_XX = 5, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64 = 6, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64A = 7, + Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_MAX = 7 +}; + + + + +#define EF_PARISC_TRAPNIL 0x00010000 +#define EF_PARISC_EXT 0x00020000 +#define EF_PARISC_LSB 0x00040000 +#define EF_PARISC_WIDE 0x00080000 +#define EF_PARISC_NO_KABP 0x00100000 + +#define EF_PARISC_LAZYSWAP 0x00400000 +#define EF_PARISC_ARCH 0x0000ffff + + + +#define EFA_PARISC_1_0 0x020b +#define EFA_PARISC_1_1 0x0210 +#define EFA_PARISC_2_0 0x0214 + + + +#define SHN_PARISC_ANSI_COMMON 0xff00 + +#define SHN_PARISC_HUGE_COMMON 0xff01 + + + +#define SHT_PARISC_EXT 0x70000000 +#define SHT_PARISC_UNWIND 0x70000001 +#define SHT_PARISC_DOC 0x70000002 + + + +#define SHF_PARISC_SHORT 0x20000000 +#define SHF_PARISC_HUGE 0x40000000 +#define SHF_PARISC_SBP 0x80000000 + + + +#define STT_PARISC_MILLICODE 13 + +#define STT_HP_OPAQUE (STT_LOOS + 0x1) +#define STT_HP_STUB (STT_LOOS + 0x2) + + + +#define R_PARISC_NONE 0 +#define R_PARISC_DIR32 1 +#define R_PARISC_DIR21L 2 +#define R_PARISC_DIR17R 3 +#define R_PARISC_DIR17F 4 +#define R_PARISC_DIR14R 6 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL32 9 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL21L 10 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL17R 11 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL17F 12 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL14R 14 +#define R_PARISC_DPREL21L 18 +#define R_PARISC_DPREL14R 22 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL21L 26 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL14R 30 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF21L 34 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF14R 38 +#define R_PARISC_SECREL32 41 +#define R_PARISC_SEGBASE 48 +#define R_PARISC_SEGREL32 49 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF21L 50 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF14R 54 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR32 57 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR21L 58 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR14R 62 +#define R_PARISC_FPTR64 64 +#define R_PARISC_PLABEL32 65 +#define R_PARISC_PLABEL21L 66 +#define R_PARISC_PLABEL14R 70 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL64 72 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL22F 74 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL14WR 75 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL14DR 76 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL16F 77 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL16WF 78 +#define R_PARISC_PCREL16DF 79 +#define R_PARISC_DIR64 80 +#define R_PARISC_DIR14WR 83 +#define R_PARISC_DIR14DR 84 +#define R_PARISC_DIR16F 85 +#define R_PARISC_DIR16WF 86 +#define R_PARISC_DIR16DF 87 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL64 88 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL14WR 91 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL14DR 92 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL16F 93 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL16WF 94 +#define R_PARISC_GPREL16DF 95 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF64 96 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF14WR 99 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF14DR 100 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF16F 101 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF16WF 102 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF16DF 103 +#define R_PARISC_SECREL64 104 +#define R_PARISC_SEGREL64 112 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF14WR 115 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF14DR 116 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF16F 117 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF16WF 118 +#define R_PARISC_PLTOFF16DF 119 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR64 120 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR14WR 123 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR14DR 124 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR16F 125 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR16WF 126 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_FPTR16DF 127 +#define R_PARISC_LORESERVE 128 +#define R_PARISC_COPY 128 +#define R_PARISC_IPLT 129 +#define R_PARISC_EPLT 130 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL32 153 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL21L 154 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL14R 158 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP21L 162 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP14R 166 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP14F 167 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL64 216 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL14WR 219 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL14DR 220 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL16F 221 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL16WF 222 +#define R_PARISC_TPREL16DF 223 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP64 224 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP14WR 227 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP14DR 228 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP16F 229 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP16WF 230 +#define R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP16DF 231 +#define R_PARISC_GNU_VTENTRY 232 +#define R_PARISC_GNU_VTINHERIT 233 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_GD21L 234 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_GD14R 235 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_GDCALL 236 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LDM21L 237 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LDM14R 238 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LDMCALL 239 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LDO21L 240 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LDO14R 241 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_DTPMOD32 242 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_DTPMOD64 243 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_DTPOFF32 244 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_DTPOFF64 245 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LE21L R_PARISC_TPREL21L +#define R_PARISC_TLS_LE14R R_PARISC_TPREL14R +#define R_PARISC_TLS_IE21L R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP21L +#define R_PARISC_TLS_IE14R R_PARISC_LTOFF_TP14R +#define R_PARISC_TLS_TPREL32 R_PARISC_TPREL32 +#define R_PARISC_TLS_TPREL64 R_PARISC_TPREL64 +#define R_PARISC_HIRESERVE 255 + + + +#define PT_HP_TLS (PT_LOOS + 0x0) +#define PT_HP_CORE_NONE (PT_LOOS + 0x1) +#define PT_HP_CORE_VERSION (PT_LOOS + 0x2) +#define PT_HP_CORE_KERNEL (PT_LOOS + 0x3) +#define PT_HP_CORE_COMM (PT_LOOS + 0x4) +#define PT_HP_CORE_PROC (PT_LOOS + 0x5) +#define PT_HP_CORE_LOADABLE (PT_LOOS + 0x6) +#define PT_HP_CORE_STACK (PT_LOOS + 0x7) +#define PT_HP_CORE_SHM (PT_LOOS + 0x8) +#define PT_HP_CORE_MMF (PT_LOOS + 0x9) +#define PT_HP_PARALLEL (PT_LOOS + 0x10) +#define PT_HP_FASTBIND (PT_LOOS + 0x11) +#define PT_HP_OPT_ANNOT (PT_LOOS + 0x12) +#define PT_HP_HSL_ANNOT (PT_LOOS + 0x13) +#define PT_HP_STACK (PT_LOOS + 0x14) + +#define PT_PARISC_ARCHEXT 0x70000000 +#define PT_PARISC_UNWIND 0x70000001 + + + +#define PF_PARISC_SBP 0x08000000 + +#define PF_HP_PAGE_SIZE 0x00100000 +#define PF_HP_FAR_SHARED 0x00200000 +#define PF_HP_NEAR_SHARED 0x00400000 +#define PF_HP_CODE 0x01000000 +#define PF_HP_MODIFY 0x02000000 +#define PF_HP_LAZYSWAP 0x04000000 +#define PF_HP_SBP 0x08000000 + + + + + + +#define EF_ALPHA_32BIT 1 +#define EF_ALPHA_CANRELAX 2 + + + + +#define SHT_ALPHA_DEBUG 0x70000001 +#define SHT_ALPHA_REGINFO 0x70000002 + + + +#define SHF_ALPHA_GPREL 0x10000000 + + +#define STO_ALPHA_NOPV 0x80 +#define STO_ALPHA_STD_GPLOAD 0x88 + + + +#define R_ALPHA_NONE 0 +#define R_ALPHA_REFLONG 1 +#define R_ALPHA_REFQUAD 2 +#define R_ALPHA_GPREL32 3 +#define R_ALPHA_LITERAL 4 +#define R_ALPHA_LITUSE 5 +#define R_ALPHA_GPDISP 6 +#define R_ALPHA_BRADDR 7 +#define R_ALPHA_HINT 8 +#define R_ALPHA_SREL16 9 +#define R_ALPHA_SREL32 10 +#define R_ALPHA_SREL64 11 +#define R_ALPHA_GPRELHIGH 17 +#define R_ALPHA_GPRELLOW 18 +#define R_ALPHA_GPREL16 19 +#define R_ALPHA_COPY 24 +#define R_ALPHA_GLOB_DAT 25 +#define R_ALPHA_JMP_SLOT 26 +#define R_ALPHA_RELATIVE 27 +#define R_ALPHA_TLS_GD_HI 28 +#define R_ALPHA_TLSGD 29 +#define R_ALPHA_TLS_LDM 30 +#define R_ALPHA_DTPMOD64 31 +#define R_ALPHA_GOTDTPREL 32 +#define R_ALPHA_DTPREL64 33 +#define R_ALPHA_DTPRELHI 34 +#define R_ALPHA_DTPRELLO 35 +#define R_ALPHA_DTPREL16 36 +#define R_ALPHA_GOTTPREL 37 +#define R_ALPHA_TPREL64 38 +#define R_ALPHA_TPRELHI 39 +#define R_ALPHA_TPRELLO 40 +#define R_ALPHA_TPREL16 41 + +#define R_ALPHA_NUM 46 + + +#define LITUSE_ALPHA_ADDR 0 +#define LITUSE_ALPHA_BASE 1 +#define LITUSE_ALPHA_BYTOFF 2 +#define LITUSE_ALPHA_JSR 3 +#define LITUSE_ALPHA_TLS_GD 4 +#define LITUSE_ALPHA_TLS_LDM 5 + + +#define DT_ALPHA_PLTRO (DT_LOPROC + 0) +#define DT_ALPHA_NUM 1 + + + + +#define EF_PPC_EMB 0x80000000 + + +#define EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE 0x00010000 +#define EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB 0x00008000 + + + +#define R_PPC_NONE 0 +#define R_PPC_ADDR32 1 +#define R_PPC_ADDR24 2 +#define R_PPC_ADDR16 3 +#define R_PPC_ADDR16_LO 4 +#define R_PPC_ADDR16_HI 5 +#define R_PPC_ADDR16_HA 6 +#define R_PPC_ADDR14 7 +#define R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN 8 +#define R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN 9 +#define R_PPC_REL24 10 +#define R_PPC_REL14 11 +#define R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN 12 +#define R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN 13 +#define R_PPC_GOT16 14 +#define R_PPC_GOT16_LO 15 +#define R_PPC_GOT16_HI 16 +#define R_PPC_GOT16_HA 17 +#define R_PPC_PLTREL24 18 +#define R_PPC_COPY 19 +#define R_PPC_GLOB_DAT 20 +#define R_PPC_JMP_SLOT 21 +#define R_PPC_RELATIVE 22 +#define R_PPC_LOCAL24PC 23 +#define R_PPC_UADDR32 24 +#define R_PPC_UADDR16 25 +#define R_PPC_REL32 26 +#define R_PPC_PLT32 27 +#define R_PPC_PLTREL32 28 +#define R_PPC_PLT16_LO 29 +#define R_PPC_PLT16_HI 30 +#define R_PPC_PLT16_HA 31 +#define R_PPC_SDAREL16 32 +#define R_PPC_SECTOFF 33 +#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO 34 +#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI 35 +#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA 36 + + +#define R_PPC_TLS 67 +#define R_PPC_DTPMOD32 68 +#define R_PPC_TPREL16 69 +#define R_PPC_TPREL16_LO 70 +#define R_PPC_TPREL16_HI 71 +#define R_PPC_TPREL16_HA 72 +#define R_PPC_TPREL32 73 +#define R_PPC_DTPREL16 74 +#define R_PPC_DTPREL16_LO 75 +#define R_PPC_DTPREL16_HI 76 +#define R_PPC_DTPREL16_HA 77 +#define R_PPC_DTPREL32 78 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16 79 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_LO 80 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HI 81 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HA 82 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16 83 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_LO 84 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_HI 85 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_HA 86 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16 87 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_LO 88 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_HI 89 +#define R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_HA 90 +#define R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16 91 +#define R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16_LO 92 +#define R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16_HI 93 +#define R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16_HA 94 +#define R_PPC_TLSGD 95 +#define R_PPC_TLSLD 96 + + +#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32 101 +#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16 102 +#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO 103 +#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI 104 +#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA 105 +#define R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16 106 +#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16 107 +#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL 108 +#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 109 +#define R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF 110 +#define R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16 111 +#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO 112 +#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI 113 +#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA 114 +#define R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD 115 +#define R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA 116 + + +#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_LO 180 +#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_HI 181 +#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_HA 182 +#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_LO 183 +#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_HI 184 +#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_HA 185 + + +#define R_PPC_IRELATIVE 248 + + +#define R_PPC_REL16 249 +#define R_PPC_REL16_LO 250 +#define R_PPC_REL16_HI 251 +#define R_PPC_REL16_HA 252 + + + +#define R_PPC_TOC16 255 + + +#define DT_PPC_GOT (DT_LOPROC + 0) +#define DT_PPC_OPT (DT_LOPROC + 1) +#define DT_PPC_NUM 2 + +#define PPC_OPT_TLS 1 + + +#define R_PPC64_NONE R_PPC_NONE +#define R_PPC64_ADDR32 R_PPC_ADDR32 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR24 R_PPC_ADDR24 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16 R_PPC_ADDR16 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO R_PPC_ADDR16_LO +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HI R_PPC_ADDR16_HI +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA R_PPC_ADDR16_HA +#define R_PPC64_ADDR14 R_PPC_ADDR14 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRTAKEN R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN +#define R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN +#define R_PPC64_REL24 R_PPC_REL24 +#define R_PPC64_REL14 R_PPC_REL14 +#define R_PPC64_REL14_BRTAKEN R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN +#define R_PPC64_REL14_BRNTAKEN R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN +#define R_PPC64_GOT16 R_PPC_GOT16 +#define R_PPC64_GOT16_LO R_PPC_GOT16_LO +#define R_PPC64_GOT16_HI R_PPC_GOT16_HI +#define R_PPC64_GOT16_HA R_PPC_GOT16_HA + +#define R_PPC64_COPY R_PPC_COPY +#define R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT R_PPC_GLOB_DAT +#define R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT R_PPC_JMP_SLOT +#define R_PPC64_RELATIVE R_PPC_RELATIVE + +#define R_PPC64_UADDR32 R_PPC_UADDR32 +#define R_PPC64_UADDR16 R_PPC_UADDR16 +#define R_PPC64_REL32 R_PPC_REL32 +#define R_PPC64_PLT32 R_PPC_PLT32 +#define R_PPC64_PLTREL32 R_PPC_PLTREL32 +#define R_PPC64_PLT16_LO R_PPC_PLT16_LO +#define R_PPC64_PLT16_HI R_PPC_PLT16_HI +#define R_PPC64_PLT16_HA R_PPC_PLT16_HA + +#define R_PPC64_SECTOFF R_PPC_SECTOFF +#define R_PPC64_SECTOFF_LO R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO +#define R_PPC64_SECTOFF_HI R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI +#define R_PPC64_SECTOFF_HA R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA +#define R_PPC64_ADDR30 37 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR64 38 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHER 39 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHERA 40 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHEST 41 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHESTA 42 +#define R_PPC64_UADDR64 43 +#define R_PPC64_REL64 44 +#define R_PPC64_PLT64 45 +#define R_PPC64_PLTREL64 46 +#define R_PPC64_TOC16 47 +#define R_PPC64_TOC16_LO 48 +#define R_PPC64_TOC16_HI 49 +#define R_PPC64_TOC16_HA 50 +#define R_PPC64_TOC 51 +#define R_PPC64_PLTGOT16 52 +#define R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_LO 53 +#define R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_HI 54 +#define R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_HA 55 + +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_DS 56 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO_DS 57 +#define R_PPC64_GOT16_DS 58 +#define R_PPC64_GOT16_LO_DS 59 +#define R_PPC64_PLT16_LO_DS 60 +#define R_PPC64_SECTOFF_DS 61 +#define R_PPC64_SECTOFF_LO_DS 62 +#define R_PPC64_TOC16_DS 63 +#define R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS 64 +#define R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_DS 65 +#define R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_LO_DS 66 + + +#define R_PPC64_TLS 67 +#define R_PPC64_DTPMOD64 68 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16 69 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_LO 70 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HI 71 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HA 72 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL64 73 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16 74 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO 75 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HI 76 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HA 77 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL64 78 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16 79 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_LO 80 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HI 81 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HA 82 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16 83 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_LO 84 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HI 85 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HA 86 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_DS 87 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_LO_DS 88 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HI 89 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HA 90 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_DS 91 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_LO_DS 92 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HI 93 +#define R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HA 94 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_DS 95 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_LO_DS 96 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHER 97 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHERA 98 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHEST 99 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHESTA 100 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_DS 101 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO_DS 102 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHER 103 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHERA 104 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHEST 105 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHESTA 106 +#define R_PPC64_TLSGD 107 +#define R_PPC64_TLSLD 108 +#define R_PPC64_TOCSAVE 109 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGH 110 +#define R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHA 111 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGH 112 +#define R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHA 113 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGH 114 +#define R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHA 115 + + +#define R_PPC64_JMP_IREL 247 +#define R_PPC64_IRELATIVE 248 +#define R_PPC64_REL16 249 +#define R_PPC64_REL16_LO 250 +#define R_PPC64_REL16_HI 251 +#define R_PPC64_REL16_HA 252 + +#define EF_PPC64_ABI 3 + +#define DT_PPC64_GLINK (DT_LOPROC + 0) +#define DT_PPC64_OPD (DT_LOPROC + 1) +#define DT_PPC64_OPDSZ (DT_LOPROC + 2) +#define DT_PPC64_OPT (DT_LOPROC + 3) +#define DT_PPC64_NUM 4 + +#define PPC64_OPT_TLS 1 +#define PPC64_OPT_MULTI_TOC 2 + +#define STO_PPC64_LOCAL_BIT 5 +#define STO_PPC64_LOCAL_MASK 0xe0 +#define PPC64_LOCAL_ENTRY_OFFSET(x) (1 << (((x)&0xe0)>>5) & 0xfc) + + +#define EF_ARM_RELEXEC 0x01 +#define EF_ARM_HASENTRY 0x02 +#define EF_ARM_INTERWORK 0x04 +#define EF_ARM_APCS_26 0x08 +#define EF_ARM_APCS_FLOAT 0x10 +#define EF_ARM_PIC 0x20 +#define EF_ARM_ALIGN8 0x40 +#define EF_ARM_NEW_ABI 0x80 +#define EF_ARM_OLD_ABI 0x100 +#define EF_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT 0x200 +#define EF_ARM_VFP_FLOAT 0x400 +#define EF_ARM_MAVERICK_FLOAT 0x800 + +#define EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT 0x200 +#define EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD 0x400 + + +#define EF_ARM_SYMSARESORTED 0x04 +#define EF_ARM_DYNSYMSUSESEGIDX 0x08 +#define EF_ARM_MAPSYMSFIRST 0x10 +#define EF_ARM_EABIMASK 0XFF000000 + + +#define EF_ARM_BE8 0x00800000 +#define EF_ARM_LE8 0x00400000 + +#define EF_ARM_EABI_VERSION(flags) ((flags) & EF_ARM_EABIMASK) +#define EF_ARM_EABI_UNKNOWN 0x00000000 +#define EF_ARM_EABI_VER1 0x01000000 +#define EF_ARM_EABI_VER2 0x02000000 +#define EF_ARM_EABI_VER3 0x03000000 +#define EF_ARM_EABI_VER4 0x04000000 +#define EF_ARM_EABI_VER5 0x05000000 + + +#define STT_ARM_TFUNC STT_LOPROC +#define STT_ARM_16BIT STT_HIPROC + + +#define SHF_ARM_ENTRYSECT 0x10000000 +#define SHF_ARM_COMDEF 0x80000000 + + + +#define PF_ARM_SB 0x10000000 + +#define PF_ARM_PI 0x20000000 +#define PF_ARM_ABS 0x40000000 + + +#define PT_ARM_EXIDX (PT_LOPROC + 1) + + +#define SHT_ARM_EXIDX (SHT_LOPROC + 1) +#define SHT_ARM_PREEMPTMAP (SHT_LOPROC + 2) +#define SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES (SHT_LOPROC + 3) + +#define R_AARCH64_NONE 0 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_ABS32 1 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_COPY 180 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_GLOB_DAT 181 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_JUMP_SLOT 182 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_RELATIVE 183 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_TLS_DTPMOD 184 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_TLS_DTPREL 185 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_TLS_TPREL 186 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC 187 +#define R_AARCH64_P32_IRELATIVE 188 +#define R_AARCH64_ABS64 257 +#define R_AARCH64_ABS32 258 +#define R_AARCH64_ABS16 259 +#define R_AARCH64_PREL64 260 +#define R_AARCH64_PREL32 261 +#define R_AARCH64_PREL16 262 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0 263 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC 264 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1 265 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC 266 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2 267 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC 268 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G3 269 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G0 270 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G1 271 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G2 272 +#define R_AARCH64_LD_PREL_LO19 273 +#define R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_LO21 274 +#define R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 275 +#define R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC 276 +#define R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 277 +#define R_AARCH64_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC 278 +#define R_AARCH64_TSTBR14 279 +#define R_AARCH64_CONDBR19 280 +#define R_AARCH64_JUMP26 282 +#define R_AARCH64_CALL26 283 +#define R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC 284 +#define R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC 285 +#define R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC 286 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G0 287 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G0_NC 288 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G1 289 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G1_NC 290 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G2 291 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G2_NC 292 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G3 293 +#define R_AARCH64_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC 299 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0 300 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0_NC 301 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1 302 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1_NC 303 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2 304 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2_NC 305 +#define R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G3 306 +#define R_AARCH64_GOTREL64 307 +#define R_AARCH64_GOTREL32 308 +#define R_AARCH64_GOT_LD_PREL19 309 +#define R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTOFF_LO15 310 +#define R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE 311 +#define R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC 312 +#define R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTPAGE_LO15 313 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PREL21 512 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PAGE21 513 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADD_LO12_NC 514 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G1 515 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G0_NC 516 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PREL21 517 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PAGE21 518 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_LO12_NC 519 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_G1 520 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_G0_NC 521 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LD_PREL19 522 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G2 523 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1 524 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1_NC 525 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0 526 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0_NC 527 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_HI12 528 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12 529 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12_NC 530 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12 531 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12_NC 532 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12 533 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12_NC 534 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12 535 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12_NC 536 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12 537 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12_NC 538 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G1 539 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G0_NC 540 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21 541 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC 542 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19 543 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G2 544 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1 545 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1_NC 546 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0 547 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC 548 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12 549 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12 550 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC 551 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12 552 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12_NC 553 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12 554 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12_NC 555 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12 556 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12_NC 557 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12 558 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12_NC 559 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD_PREL19 560 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PREL21 561 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21 562 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12 563 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12 564 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G1 565 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G0_NC 566 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LDR 567 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD 568 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL 569 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12 570 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12_NC 571 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12 572 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12_NC 573 +#define R_AARCH64_COPY 1024 +#define R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT 1025 +#define R_AARCH64_JUMP_SLOT 1026 +#define R_AARCH64_RELATIVE 1027 +#define R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPMOD 1028 +#define R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPMOD64 1028 +#define R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPREL 1029 +#define R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPREL64 1029 +#define R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL 1030 +#define R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL64 1030 +#define R_AARCH64_TLSDESC 1031 + + +#define R_ARM_NONE 0 +#define R_ARM_PC24 1 +#define R_ARM_ABS32 2 +#define R_ARM_REL32 3 +#define R_ARM_PC13 4 +#define R_ARM_ABS16 5 +#define R_ARM_ABS12 6 +#define R_ARM_THM_ABS5 7 +#define R_ARM_ABS8 8 +#define R_ARM_SBREL32 9 +#define R_ARM_THM_PC22 10 +#define R_ARM_THM_PC8 11 +#define R_ARM_AMP_VCALL9 12 +#define R_ARM_TLS_DESC 13 +#define R_ARM_THM_SWI8 14 +#define R_ARM_XPC25 15 +#define R_ARM_THM_XPC22 16 +#define R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32 17 +#define R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32 18 +#define R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32 19 +#define R_ARM_COPY 20 +#define R_ARM_GLOB_DAT 21 +#define R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT 22 +#define R_ARM_RELATIVE 23 +#define R_ARM_GOTOFF 24 +#define R_ARM_GOTPC 25 +#define R_ARM_GOT32 26 +#define R_ARM_PLT32 27 +#define R_ARM_CALL 28 +#define R_ARM_JUMP24 29 +#define R_ARM_THM_JUMP24 30 +#define R_ARM_BASE_ABS 31 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_7_0 32 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_15_8 33 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_23_15 34 +#define R_ARM_LDR_SBREL_11_0 35 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_19_12 36 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_27_20 37 +#define R_ARM_TARGET1 38 +#define R_ARM_SBREL31 39 +#define R_ARM_V4BX 40 +#define R_ARM_TARGET2 41 +#define R_ARM_PREL31 42 +#define R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC 43 +#define R_ARM_MOVT_ABS 44 +#define R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC 45 +#define R_ARM_MOVT_PREL 46 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC 47 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVT_ABS 48 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC 49 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL 50 +#define R_ARM_THM_JUMP19 51 +#define R_ARM_THM_JUMP6 52 +#define R_ARM_THM_ALU_PREL_11_0 53 +#define R_ARM_THM_PC12 54 +#define R_ARM_ABS32_NOI 55 +#define R_ARM_REL32_NOI 56 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0_NC 57 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0 58 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1_NC 59 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1 60 +#define R_ARM_ALU_PC_G2 61 +#define R_ARM_LDR_PC_G1 62 +#define R_ARM_LDR_PC_G2 63 +#define R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G0 64 +#define R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G1 65 +#define R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G2 66 +#define R_ARM_LDC_PC_G0 67 +#define R_ARM_LDC_PC_G1 68 +#define R_ARM_LDC_PC_G2 69 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0_NC 70 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0 71 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1_NC 72 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1 73 +#define R_ARM_ALU_SB_G2 74 +#define R_ARM_LDR_SB_G0 75 +#define R_ARM_LDR_SB_G1 76 +#define R_ARM_LDR_SB_G2 77 +#define R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G0 78 +#define R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G1 79 +#define R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G2 80 +#define R_ARM_LDC_SB_G0 81 +#define R_ARM_LDC_SB_G1 82 +#define R_ARM_LDC_SB_G2 83 +#define R_ARM_MOVW_BREL_NC 84 +#define R_ARM_MOVT_BREL 85 +#define R_ARM_MOVW_BREL 86 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL_NC 87 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVT_BREL 88 +#define R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL 89 +#define R_ARM_TLS_GOTDESC 90 +#define R_ARM_TLS_CALL 91 +#define R_ARM_TLS_DESCSEQ 92 +#define R_ARM_THM_TLS_CALL 93 +#define R_ARM_PLT32_ABS 94 +#define R_ARM_GOT_ABS 95 +#define R_ARM_GOT_PREL 96 +#define R_ARM_GOT_BREL12 97 +#define R_ARM_GOTOFF12 98 +#define R_ARM_GOTRELAX 99 +#define R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY 100 +#define R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT 101 +#define R_ARM_THM_PC11 102 +#define R_ARM_THM_PC9 103 +#define R_ARM_TLS_GD32 104 + +#define R_ARM_TLS_LDM32 105 + +#define R_ARM_TLS_LDO32 106 + +#define R_ARM_TLS_IE32 107 + +#define R_ARM_TLS_LE32 108 +#define R_ARM_TLS_LDO12 109 +#define R_ARM_TLS_LE12 110 +#define R_ARM_TLS_IE12GP 111 +#define R_ARM_ME_TOO 128 +#define R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ 129 +#define R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ16 129 +#define R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ32 130 +#define R_ARM_THM_GOT_BREL12 131 +#define R_ARM_IRELATIVE 160 +#define R_ARM_RXPC25 249 +#define R_ARM_RSBREL32 250 +#define R_ARM_THM_RPC22 251 +#define R_ARM_RREL32 252 +#define R_ARM_RABS22 253 +#define R_ARM_RPC24 254 +#define R_ARM_RBASE 255 + +#define R_ARM_NUM 256 + + + + +#define EF_IA_64_MASKOS 0x0000000f +#define EF_IA_64_ABI64 0x00000010 +#define EF_IA_64_ARCH 0xff000000 + + +#define PT_IA_64_ARCHEXT (PT_LOPROC + 0) +#define PT_IA_64_UNWIND (PT_LOPROC + 1) +#define PT_IA_64_HP_OPT_ANOT (PT_LOOS + 0x12) +#define PT_IA_64_HP_HSL_ANOT (PT_LOOS + 0x13) +#define PT_IA_64_HP_STACK (PT_LOOS + 0x14) + + +#define PF_IA_64_NORECOV 0x80000000 + + +#define SHT_IA_64_EXT (SHT_LOPROC + 0) +#define SHT_IA_64_UNWIND (SHT_LOPROC + 1) + + +#define SHF_IA_64_SHORT 0x10000000 +#define SHF_IA_64_NORECOV 0x20000000 + + +#define DT_IA_64_PLT_RESERVE (DT_LOPROC + 0) +#define DT_IA_64_NUM 1 + + +#define R_IA64_NONE 0x00 +#define R_IA64_IMM14 0x21 +#define R_IA64_IMM22 0x22 +#define R_IA64_IMM64 0x23 +#define R_IA64_DIR32MSB 0x24 +#define R_IA64_DIR32LSB 0x25 +#define R_IA64_DIR64MSB 0x26 +#define R_IA64_DIR64LSB 0x27 +#define R_IA64_GPREL22 0x2a +#define R_IA64_GPREL64I 0x2b +#define R_IA64_GPREL32MSB 0x2c +#define R_IA64_GPREL32LSB 0x2d +#define R_IA64_GPREL64MSB 0x2e +#define R_IA64_GPREL64LSB 0x2f +#define R_IA64_LTOFF22 0x32 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF64I 0x33 +#define R_IA64_PLTOFF22 0x3a +#define R_IA64_PLTOFF64I 0x3b +#define R_IA64_PLTOFF64MSB 0x3e +#define R_IA64_PLTOFF64LSB 0x3f +#define R_IA64_FPTR64I 0x43 +#define R_IA64_FPTR32MSB 0x44 +#define R_IA64_FPTR32LSB 0x45 +#define R_IA64_FPTR64MSB 0x46 +#define R_IA64_FPTR64LSB 0x47 +#define R_IA64_PCREL60B 0x48 +#define R_IA64_PCREL21B 0x49 +#define R_IA64_PCREL21M 0x4a +#define R_IA64_PCREL21F 0x4b +#define R_IA64_PCREL32MSB 0x4c +#define R_IA64_PCREL32LSB 0x4d +#define R_IA64_PCREL64MSB 0x4e +#define R_IA64_PCREL64LSB 0x4f +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_FPTR22 0x52 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_FPTR64I 0x53 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_FPTR32MSB 0x54 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_FPTR32LSB 0x55 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_FPTR64MSB 0x56 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_FPTR64LSB 0x57 +#define R_IA64_SEGREL32MSB 0x5c +#define R_IA64_SEGREL32LSB 0x5d +#define R_IA64_SEGREL64MSB 0x5e +#define R_IA64_SEGREL64LSB 0x5f +#define R_IA64_SECREL32MSB 0x64 +#define R_IA64_SECREL32LSB 0x65 +#define R_IA64_SECREL64MSB 0x66 +#define R_IA64_SECREL64LSB 0x67 +#define R_IA64_REL32MSB 0x6c +#define R_IA64_REL32LSB 0x6d +#define R_IA64_REL64MSB 0x6e +#define R_IA64_REL64LSB 0x6f +#define R_IA64_LTV32MSB 0x74 +#define R_IA64_LTV32LSB 0x75 +#define R_IA64_LTV64MSB 0x76 +#define R_IA64_LTV64LSB 0x77 +#define R_IA64_PCREL21BI 0x79 +#define R_IA64_PCREL22 0x7a +#define R_IA64_PCREL64I 0x7b +#define R_IA64_IPLTMSB 0x80 +#define R_IA64_IPLTLSB 0x81 +#define R_IA64_COPY 0x84 +#define R_IA64_SUB 0x85 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF22X 0x86 +#define R_IA64_LDXMOV 0x87 +#define R_IA64_TPREL14 0x91 +#define R_IA64_TPREL22 0x92 +#define R_IA64_TPREL64I 0x93 +#define R_IA64_TPREL64MSB 0x96 +#define R_IA64_TPREL64LSB 0x97 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_TPREL22 0x9a +#define R_IA64_DTPMOD64MSB 0xa6 +#define R_IA64_DTPMOD64LSB 0xa7 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_DTPMOD22 0xaa +#define R_IA64_DTPREL14 0xb1 +#define R_IA64_DTPREL22 0xb2 +#define R_IA64_DTPREL64I 0xb3 +#define R_IA64_DTPREL32MSB 0xb4 +#define R_IA64_DTPREL32LSB 0xb5 +#define R_IA64_DTPREL64MSB 0xb6 +#define R_IA64_DTPREL64LSB 0xb7 +#define R_IA64_LTOFF_DTPREL22 0xba + + +#define EF_SH_MACH_MASK 0x1f +#define EF_SH_UNKNOWN 0x0 +#define EF_SH1 0x1 +#define EF_SH2 0x2 +#define EF_SH3 0x3 +#define EF_SH_DSP 0x4 +#define EF_SH3_DSP 0x5 +#define EF_SH4AL_DSP 0x6 +#define EF_SH3E 0x8 +#define EF_SH4 0x9 +#define EF_SH2E 0xb +#define EF_SH4A 0xc +#define EF_SH2A 0xd +#define EF_SH4_NOFPU 0x10 +#define EF_SH4A_NOFPU 0x11 +#define EF_SH4_NOMMU_NOFPU 0x12 +#define EF_SH2A_NOFPU 0x13 +#define EF_SH3_NOMMU 0x14 +#define EF_SH2A_SH4_NOFPU 0x15 +#define EF_SH2A_SH3_NOFPU 0x16 +#define EF_SH2A_SH4 0x17 +#define EF_SH2A_SH3E 0x18 + +#define R_SH_NONE 0 +#define R_SH_DIR32 1 +#define R_SH_REL32 2 +#define R_SH_DIR8WPN 3 +#define R_SH_IND12W 4 +#define R_SH_DIR8WPL 5 +#define R_SH_DIR8WPZ 6 +#define R_SH_DIR8BP 7 +#define R_SH_DIR8W 8 +#define R_SH_DIR8L 9 +#define R_SH_SWITCH16 25 +#define R_SH_SWITCH32 26 +#define R_SH_USES 27 +#define R_SH_COUNT 28 +#define R_SH_ALIGN 29 +#define R_SH_CODE 30 +#define R_SH_DATA 31 +#define R_SH_LABEL 32 +#define R_SH_SWITCH8 33 +#define R_SH_GNU_VTINHERIT 34 +#define R_SH_GNU_VTENTRY 35 +#define R_SH_TLS_GD_32 144 +#define R_SH_TLS_LD_32 145 +#define R_SH_TLS_LDO_32 146 +#define R_SH_TLS_IE_32 147 +#define R_SH_TLS_LE_32 148 +#define R_SH_TLS_DTPMOD32 149 +#define R_SH_TLS_DTPOFF32 150 +#define R_SH_TLS_TPOFF32 151 +#define R_SH_GOT32 160 +#define R_SH_PLT32 161 +#define R_SH_COPY 162 +#define R_SH_GLOB_DAT 163 +#define R_SH_JMP_SLOT 164 +#define R_SH_RELATIVE 165 +#define R_SH_GOTOFF 166 +#define R_SH_GOTPC 167 +#define R_SH_GOT20 201 +#define R_SH_GOTOFF20 202 +#define R_SH_GOTFUNCDESC 203 +#define R_SH_GOTFUNCDEST20 204 +#define R_SH_GOTOFFFUNCDESC 205 +#define R_SH_GOTOFFFUNCDEST20 206 +#define R_SH_FUNCDESC 207 +#define R_SH_FUNCDESC_VALUE 208 + +#define R_SH_NUM 256 + + + +#define R_390_NONE 0 +#define R_390_8 1 +#define R_390_12 2 +#define R_390_16 3 +#define R_390_32 4 +#define R_390_PC32 5 +#define R_390_GOT12 6 +#define R_390_GOT32 7 +#define R_390_PLT32 8 +#define R_390_COPY 9 +#define R_390_GLOB_DAT 10 +#define R_390_JMP_SLOT 11 +#define R_390_RELATIVE 12 +#define R_390_GOTOFF32 13 +#define R_390_GOTPC 14 +#define R_390_GOT16 15 +#define R_390_PC16 16 +#define R_390_PC16DBL 17 +#define R_390_PLT16DBL 18 +#define R_390_PC32DBL 19 +#define R_390_PLT32DBL 20 +#define R_390_GOTPCDBL 21 +#define R_390_64 22 +#define R_390_PC64 23 +#define R_390_GOT64 24 +#define R_390_PLT64 25 +#define R_390_GOTENT 26 +#define R_390_GOTOFF16 27 +#define R_390_GOTOFF64 28 +#define R_390_GOTPLT12 29 +#define R_390_GOTPLT16 30 +#define R_390_GOTPLT32 31 +#define R_390_GOTPLT64 32 +#define R_390_GOTPLTENT 33 +#define R_390_PLTOFF16 34 +#define R_390_PLTOFF32 35 +#define R_390_PLTOFF64 36 +#define R_390_TLS_LOAD 37 +#define R_390_TLS_GDCALL 38 + +#define R_390_TLS_LDCALL 39 + +#define R_390_TLS_GD32 40 + +#define R_390_TLS_GD64 41 + +#define R_390_TLS_GOTIE12 42 + +#define R_390_TLS_GOTIE32 43 + +#define R_390_TLS_GOTIE64 44 + +#define R_390_TLS_LDM32 45 + +#define R_390_TLS_LDM64 46 + +#define R_390_TLS_IE32 47 + +#define R_390_TLS_IE64 48 + +#define R_390_TLS_IEENT 49 + +#define R_390_TLS_LE32 50 + +#define R_390_TLS_LE64 51 + +#define R_390_TLS_LDO32 52 + +#define R_390_TLS_LDO64 53 + +#define R_390_TLS_DTPMOD 54 +#define R_390_TLS_DTPOFF 55 +#define R_390_TLS_TPOFF 56 + +#define R_390_20 57 +#define R_390_GOT20 58 +#define R_390_GOTPLT20 59 +#define R_390_TLS_GOTIE20 60 + + +#define R_390_NUM 61 + + + +#define R_CRIS_NONE 0 +#define R_CRIS_8 1 +#define R_CRIS_16 2 +#define R_CRIS_32 3 +#define R_CRIS_8_PCREL 4 +#define R_CRIS_16_PCREL 5 +#define R_CRIS_32_PCREL 6 +#define R_CRIS_GNU_VTINHERIT 7 +#define R_CRIS_GNU_VTENTRY 8 +#define R_CRIS_COPY 9 +#define R_CRIS_GLOB_DAT 10 +#define R_CRIS_JUMP_SLOT 11 +#define R_CRIS_RELATIVE 12 +#define R_CRIS_16_GOT 13 +#define R_CRIS_32_GOT 14 +#define R_CRIS_16_GOTPLT 15 +#define R_CRIS_32_GOTPLT 16 +#define R_CRIS_32_GOTREL 17 +#define R_CRIS_32_PLT_GOTREL 18 +#define R_CRIS_32_PLT_PCREL 19 + +#define R_CRIS_NUM 20 + + + +#define R_X86_64_NONE 0 +#define R_X86_64_64 1 +#define R_X86_64_PC32 2 +#define R_X86_64_GOT32 3 +#define R_X86_64_PLT32 4 +#define R_X86_64_COPY 5 +#define R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT 6 +#define R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT 7 +#define R_X86_64_RELATIVE 8 +#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL 9 + +#define R_X86_64_32 10 +#define R_X86_64_32S 11 +#define R_X86_64_16 12 +#define R_X86_64_PC16 13 +#define R_X86_64_8 14 +#define R_X86_64_PC8 15 +#define R_X86_64_DTPMOD64 16 +#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF64 17 +#define R_X86_64_TPOFF64 18 +#define R_X86_64_TLSGD 19 + +#define R_X86_64_TLSLD 20 + +#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF32 21 +#define R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF 22 + +#define R_X86_64_TPOFF32 23 +#define R_X86_64_PC64 24 +#define R_X86_64_GOTOFF64 25 +#define R_X86_64_GOTPC32 26 +#define R_X86_64_GOT64 27 +#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL64 28 +#define R_X86_64_GOTPC64 29 +#define R_X86_64_GOTPLT64 30 +#define R_X86_64_PLTOFF64 31 +#define R_X86_64_SIZE32 32 +#define R_X86_64_SIZE64 33 + +#define R_X86_64_GOTPC32_TLSDESC 34 +#define R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL 35 + +#define R_X86_64_TLSDESC 36 +#define R_X86_64_IRELATIVE 37 +#define R_X86_64_RELATIVE64 38 +#define R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX 41 +#define R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX 42 +#define R_X86_64_NUM 43 + + + +#define R_MN10300_NONE 0 +#define R_MN10300_32 1 +#define R_MN10300_16 2 +#define R_MN10300_8 3 +#define R_MN10300_PCREL32 4 +#define R_MN10300_PCREL16 5 +#define R_MN10300_PCREL8 6 +#define R_MN10300_GNU_VTINHERIT 7 +#define R_MN10300_GNU_VTENTRY 8 +#define R_MN10300_24 9 +#define R_MN10300_GOTPC32 10 +#define R_MN10300_GOTPC16 11 +#define R_MN10300_GOTOFF32 12 +#define R_MN10300_GOTOFF24 13 +#define R_MN10300_GOTOFF16 14 +#define R_MN10300_PLT32 15 +#define R_MN10300_PLT16 16 +#define R_MN10300_GOT32 17 +#define R_MN10300_GOT24 18 +#define R_MN10300_GOT16 19 +#define R_MN10300_COPY 20 +#define R_MN10300_GLOB_DAT 21 +#define R_MN10300_JMP_SLOT 22 +#define R_MN10300_RELATIVE 23 + +#define R_MN10300_NUM 24 + + + +#define R_M32R_NONE 0 +#define R_M32R_16 1 +#define R_M32R_32 2 +#define R_M32R_24 3 +#define R_M32R_10_PCREL 4 +#define R_M32R_18_PCREL 5 +#define R_M32R_26_PCREL 6 +#define R_M32R_HI16_ULO 7 +#define R_M32R_HI16_SLO 8 +#define R_M32R_LO16 9 +#define R_M32R_SDA16 10 +#define R_M32R_GNU_VTINHERIT 11 +#define R_M32R_GNU_VTENTRY 12 + +#define R_M32R_16_RELA 33 +#define R_M32R_32_RELA 34 +#define R_M32R_24_RELA 35 +#define R_M32R_10_PCREL_RELA 36 +#define R_M32R_18_PCREL_RELA 37 +#define R_M32R_26_PCREL_RELA 38 +#define R_M32R_HI16_ULO_RELA 39 +#define R_M32R_HI16_SLO_RELA 40 +#define R_M32R_LO16_RELA 41 +#define R_M32R_SDA16_RELA 42 +#define R_M32R_RELA_GNU_VTINHERIT 43 +#define R_M32R_RELA_GNU_VTENTRY 44 +#define R_M32R_REL32 45 + +#define R_M32R_GOT24 48 +#define R_M32R_26_PLTREL 49 +#define R_M32R_COPY 50 +#define R_M32R_GLOB_DAT 51 +#define R_M32R_JMP_SLOT 52 +#define R_M32R_RELATIVE 53 +#define R_M32R_GOTOFF 54 +#define R_M32R_GOTPC24 55 +#define R_M32R_GOT16_HI_ULO 56 + +#define R_M32R_GOT16_HI_SLO 57 + +#define R_M32R_GOT16_LO 58 +#define R_M32R_GOTPC_HI_ULO 59 + +#define R_M32R_GOTPC_HI_SLO 60 + +#define R_M32R_GOTPC_LO 61 + +#define R_M32R_GOTOFF_HI_ULO 62 + +#define R_M32R_GOTOFF_HI_SLO 63 + +#define R_M32R_GOTOFF_LO 64 +#define R_M32R_NUM 256 + +#define R_MICROBLAZE_NONE 0 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_32 1 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_32_PCREL 2 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_64_PCREL 3 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_32_PCREL_LO 4 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_64 5 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_32_LO 6 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_SRO32 7 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_SRW32 8 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_64_NONE 9 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_32_SYM_OP_SYM 10 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GNU_VTINHERIT 11 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GNU_VTENTRY 12 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GOTPC_64 13 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GOT_64 14 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_PLT_64 15 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_REL 16 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_JUMP_SLOT 17 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GLOB_DAT 18 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GOTOFF_64 19 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_GOTOFF_32 20 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_COPY 21 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLS 22 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSGD 23 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSLD 24 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSDTPMOD32 25 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSDTPREL32 26 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSDTPREL64 27 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSGOTTPREL32 28 +#define R_MICROBLAZE_TLSTPREL32 29 + +#define DT_NIOS2_GP 0x70000002 + +#define R_NIOS2_NONE 0 +#define R_NIOS2_S16 1 +#define R_NIOS2_U16 2 +#define R_NIOS2_PCREL16 3 +#define R_NIOS2_CALL26 4 +#define R_NIOS2_IMM5 5 +#define R_NIOS2_CACHE_OPX 6 +#define R_NIOS2_IMM6 7 +#define R_NIOS2_IMM8 8 +#define R_NIOS2_HI16 9 +#define R_NIOS2_LO16 10 +#define R_NIOS2_HIADJ16 11 +#define R_NIOS2_BFD_RELOC_32 12 +#define R_NIOS2_BFD_RELOC_16 13 +#define R_NIOS2_BFD_RELOC_8 14 +#define R_NIOS2_GPREL 15 +#define R_NIOS2_GNU_VTINHERIT 16 +#define R_NIOS2_GNU_VTENTRY 17 +#define R_NIOS2_UJMP 18 +#define R_NIOS2_CJMP 19 +#define R_NIOS2_CALLR 20 +#define R_NIOS2_ALIGN 21 +#define R_NIOS2_GOT16 22 +#define R_NIOS2_CALL16 23 +#define R_NIOS2_GOTOFF_LO 24 +#define R_NIOS2_GOTOFF_HA 25 +#define R_NIOS2_PCREL_LO 26 +#define R_NIOS2_PCREL_HA 27 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_GD16 28 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_LDM16 29 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_LDO16 30 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_IE16 31 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_LE16 32 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_DTPMOD 33 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_DTPREL 34 +#define R_NIOS2_TLS_TPREL 35 +#define R_NIOS2_COPY 36 +#define R_NIOS2_GLOB_DAT 37 +#define R_NIOS2_JUMP_SLOT 38 +#define R_NIOS2_RELATIVE 39 +#define R_NIOS2_GOTOFF 40 +#define R_NIOS2_CALL26_NOAT 41 +#define R_NIOS2_GOT_LO 42 +#define R_NIOS2_GOT_HA 43 +#define R_NIOS2_CALL_LO 44 +#define R_NIOS2_CALL_HA 45 + +#define R_OR1K_NONE 0 +#define R_OR1K_32 1 +#define R_OR1K_16 2 +#define R_OR1K_8 3 +#define R_OR1K_LO_16_IN_INSN 4 +#define R_OR1K_HI_16_IN_INSN 5 +#define R_OR1K_INSN_REL_26 6 +#define R_OR1K_GNU_VTENTRY 7 +#define R_OR1K_GNU_VTINHERIT 8 +#define R_OR1K_32_PCREL 9 +#define R_OR1K_16_PCREL 10 +#define R_OR1K_8_PCREL 11 +#define R_OR1K_GOTPC_HI16 12 +#define R_OR1K_GOTPC_LO16 13 +#define R_OR1K_GOT16 14 +#define R_OR1K_PLT26 15 +#define R_OR1K_GOTOFF_HI16 16 +#define R_OR1K_GOTOFF_LO16 17 +#define R_OR1K_COPY 18 +#define R_OR1K_GLOB_DAT 19 +#define R_OR1K_JMP_SLOT 20 +#define R_OR1K_RELATIVE 21 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_GD_HI16 22 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_GD_LO16 23 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_LDM_HI16 24 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_LDM_LO16 25 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_LDO_HI16 26 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_LDO_LO16 27 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_IE_HI16 28 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_IE_LO16 29 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_LE_HI16 30 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_LE_LO16 31 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_TPOFF 32 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_DTPOFF 33 +#define R_OR1K_TLS_DTPMOD 34 + +#define R_BPF_NONE 0 +#define R_BPF_MAP_FD 1 + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/smc.c b/emummc/source/nx/smc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..921d9be69 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/smc.c @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +/** + * @file smc.c + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ + +#include +#include +#include "smc.h" + +void smcRebootToRcm(void) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xC3000401; /* smcSetConfig */ + args.X[1] = SplConfigItem_NeedsReboot; /* Exosphere reboot */ + args.X[3] = 1; /* Perform reboot to RCM. */ + svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); +} + +void smcRebootToIramPayload(void) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xC3000401; /* smcSetConfig */ + args.X[1] = SplConfigItem_NeedsReboot; /* Exosphere reboot */ + args.X[3] = 2; /* Perform reboot to payload at 0x40010000 in IRAM. */ + svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); +} + +void smcPerformShutdown(void) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xC3000401; /* smcSetConfig */ + args.X[1] = SplConfigItem_NeedsShutdown; /* Exosphere shutdown */ + args.X[3] = 1; /* Perform shutdown. */ + svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); +} + +Result smcGetConfig(SplConfigItem config_item, u64 *out_config) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xC3000002; /* smcGetConfig */ + args.X[1] = (u64)config_item; /* config item */ + Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); + if (rc == 0) + { + if (args.X[0] == 0) + { + if (out_config) + { + *out_config = args.X[1]; + } + } + else + { + /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ + rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); + } + } + return rc; +} + +Result smcCopyToIram(uintptr_t iram_addr, const void *src_addr, u32 size) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xF0000201; /* smcAmsIramCopy */ + args.X[1] = (u64)src_addr; /* DRAM address */ + args.X[2] = (u64)iram_addr; /* IRAM address */ + args.X[3] = size; /* Amount to copy */ + args.X[4] = 1; /* 1 = Write */ + Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); + if (rc == 0) + { + if (args.X[0] != 0) + { + /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ + rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); + } + } + return rc; +} + +Result smcCopyFromIram(void *dst_addr, uintptr_t iram_addr, u32 size) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xF0000201; /* smcAmsIramCopy */ + args.X[1] = (u64)dst_addr; /* DRAM address */ + args.X[2] = (u64)iram_addr; /* IRAM address */ + args.X[3] = size; /* Amount to copy */ + args.X[4] = 0; /* 0 = Read */ + Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); + if (rc == 0) + { + if (args.X[0] != 0) + { + /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ + rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); + } + } + return rc; +} + +Result smcReadWriteRegister(u32 phys_addr, u32 value, u32 mask) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xF0000002; /* smcAmsReadWriteRegister */ + args.X[1] = phys_addr; /* MMIO address */ + args.X[2] = mask; /* mask */ + args.X[3] = value; /* value */ + Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); + if (rc == 0) + { + if (args.X[0] != 0) + { + /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ + rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); + } + } + return rc; +} + +static Result _smcWriteAddress(void *dst_addr, u64 val, u32 size) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xF0000003; /* smcAmsWriteAddress */ + args.X[1] = (u64)dst_addr; /* DRAM address */ + args.X[2] = val; /* value */ + args.X[3] = size; /* Amount to write */ + Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); + if (rc == 0) + { + if (args.X[0] != 0) + { + /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ + rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); + } + } + return rc; +} + +Result smcWriteAddress8(void *dst_addr, u8 val) +{ + return _smcWriteAddress(dst_addr, val, 1); +} + +Result smcWriteAddress16(void *dst_addr, u16 val) +{ + return _smcWriteAddress(dst_addr, val, 2); +} + +Result smcWriteAddress32(void *dst_addr, u32 val) +{ + return _smcWriteAddress(dst_addr, val, 4); +} + +Result smcWriteAddress64(void *dst_addr, u64 val) +{ + return _smcWriteAddress(dst_addr, val, 8); +} + +Result smcGetEmummcConfig(exo_emummc_mmc_t mmc_id, exo_emummc_config_t *out_cfg, void *out_paths) +{ + SecmonArgs args; + args.X[0] = 0xF0000404; /* smcAmsGetEmunandConfig */ + args.X[1] = mmc_id; + args.X[2] = (u64)out_paths; /* out path */ + Result rc = svcCallSecureMonitor(&args); + if (rc == 0) + { + if (args.X[0] != 0) + { + /* SPL result n = SMC result n */ + rc = (26u | ((u32)args.X[0] << 9u)); + } + if (rc == 0) + { + memcpy(out_cfg, &args.X[1], sizeof(*out_cfg)); + } + } + return rc; + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/smc.h b/emummc/source/nx/smc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb8069b28 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/smc.h @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/** + * @file smc.h + * @brief Wrappers for secure monitor calls. + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ +#pragma once +#include "../utils/types.h" +#include "svc.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef enum { + SplConfigItem_DisableProgramVerification = 1, + SplConfigItem_DramId = 2, + SplConfigItem_SecurityEngineIrqNumber = 3, + SplConfigItem_Version = 4, + SplConfigItem_HardwareType = 5, + SplConfigItem_IsRetail = 6, + SplConfigItem_IsRecoveryBoot = 7, + SplConfigItem_DeviceId = 8, + SplConfigItem_BootReason = 9, + SplConfigItem_MemoryArrange = 10, + SplConfigItem_IsDebugMode = 11, + SplConfigItem_KernelMemoryConfiguration = 12, + SplConfigItem_IsChargerHiZModeEnabled = 13, + SplConfigItem_IsKiosk = 14, + SplConfigItem_NewHardwareType = 15, + SplConfigItem_NewKeyGeneration = 16, + SplConfigItem_Package2Hash = 17, + + SplConfigItem_ExosphereVersion = 65000, + SplConfigItem_NeedsReboot = 65001, + SplConfigItem_NeedsShutdown = 65002, + SplConfigItem_ExosphereVerHash = 65003, + SplConfigItem_HasRcmBugPatch = 65004, +} SplConfigItem; + +typedef enum { + EXO_EMUMMC_TYPE_NONE = 0, + EXO_EMUMMC_TYPE_PARTITION = 1, + EXO_EMUMMC_TYPE_FILES = 2, +} exo_emummc_type_t; + +typedef enum { + EXO_EMUMMC_MMC_NAND = 0, + EXO_EMUMMC_MMC_SD = 1, + EXO_EMUMMC_MMC_GC = 2, +} exo_emummc_mmc_t; + +typedef struct { + uint32_t magic; + uint32_t type; + uint32_t id; + uint32_t fs_version; +} exo_emummc_base_config_t; + +typedef struct { + uint64_t start_sector; +} exo_emummc_partition_config_t; + +typedef struct { + exo_emummc_base_config_t base_cfg; + union { + exo_emummc_partition_config_t partition_cfg; + }; +} exo_emummc_config_t; + +Result smcGetConfig(SplConfigItem config_item, u64 *out_config); + +void smcRebootToRcm(void); +void smcRebootToIramPayload(void); +void smcPerformShutdown(void); + +Result smcCopyToIram(uintptr_t iram_addr, const void *src_addr, u32 size); +Result smcCopyFromIram(void *dst_addr, uintptr_t iram_addr, u32 size); + +Result smcReadWriteRegister(u32 phys_addr, u32 value, u32 mask); + +Result smcWriteAddress8(void *dst_addr, u8 val); +Result smcWriteAddress16(void *dst_addr, u16 val); +Result smcWriteAddress32(void *dst_addr, u32 val); +Result smcWriteAddress64(void *dst_addr, u64 val); + +Result smcGetEmummcConfig(exo_emummc_mmc_t mmc_id, exo_emummc_config_t *out_cfg, void *out_paths); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/start.s b/emummc/source/nx/start.s new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdca838e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/start.s @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/** + * @file start.s + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ + +.macro push_all + SUB SP, SP, #0x100 + STP X29, X30, [SP, #0x0] + STP X27, X28, [SP, #0x10] + STP X25, X26, [SP, #0x20] + STP X23, X24, [SP, #0x30] + STP X21, X22, [SP, #0x40] + STP X19, X20, [SP, #0x50] + STP X17, X18, [SP, #0x60] + STP X15, X16, [SP, #0x70] + STP X13, X14, [SP, #0x80] + STP X11, X12, [SP, #0x90] + STP X9, X10, [SP, #0xA0] + STP X7, X8, [SP, #0xB0] + STP X5, X6, [SP, #0xC0] + STP X3, X4, [SP, #0xD0] + STP X1, X2, [SP, #0xE0] + STR X0, [SP, #0xF0] +.endm + +.macro pop_all + LDR X0, [SP, #0xF0] + LDP X1, X2, [SP, #0xE0] + LDP X3, X4, [SP, #0xD0] + LDP X5, X6, [SP, #0xC0] + LDP X7, X8, [SP, #0xB0] + LDP X9, X10, [SP, #0xA0] + LDP X11, X12, [SP, #0x90] + LDP X13, X14, [SP, #0x80] + LDP X15, X16, [SP, #0x70] + LDP X17, X18, [SP, #0x60] + LDP X19, X20, [SP, #0x50] + LDP X21, X22, [SP, #0x40] + LDP X23, X24, [SP, #0x30] + LDP X25, X26, [SP, #0x20] + LDP X27, X28, [SP, #0x10] + LDP X29, X30, [SP, #0x0] + ADD SP, SP, #0x100 +.endm + +.section ".crt0","ax" +.global _start +_start: + B startup +.org _start+0xc + B sdmmc_wrapper_read +.org _start+0x18 + B sdmmc_wrapper_write +.org _start+0x80 + +.section ".crt0","ax" +startup: + # Save LR + MOV X7, X30 + + # Retrieve ASLR Base + BL +4 + SUB X6, X30, #0x88 + + # Context Ptr and MainThread Handle + MOV X5, X0 + MOV X4, X1 + + # Inject start + push_all + + MOV W0, #0xFFFF8001 + ADR X1, __rodata_start + ADR X2, __data_start + SUB X2, X2, X1 + MOV X3, #1 + SVC 0x73 + + MOV W0, #0xFFFF8001 + ADR X1, __data_start + ADR X2, __end__ + SUB X2, X2, X1 + MOV X3, #3 + SVC 0x73 + + pop_all + + MOV X27, X7 + MOV X25, X5 + MOV X26, X4 + + # Clear .bss + ADRP X0, __bss_start__ + ADRP X1, __bss_end__ + ADD X0, X0, #:lo12:__bss_start__ + ADD X1, X1, #:lo12:__bss_end__ + SUB X1, X1, X0 + ADD X1, X1, #7 + BIC X1, X1, #7 + +bss_loop: + STR XZR, [X0], #8 + SUBS X1, X1, #8 + BNE bss_loop + + # Store SP + MOV X1, SP + ADRP X0, __stack_top + STR X1, [X0, #:lo12:__stack_top] + + # Process _DYNAMIC Section + MOV X0, X6 + ADRP X1, _DYNAMIC + ADD X1, X1, #:lo12:_DYNAMIC + BL __nx_dynamic + + # TODO: handle in code + MOV X0, X25 + MOV X1, X26 + MOV X2, X27 + + BL __initheap + BL __init + + MOV X0, X25 + MOV X1, X26 + MOV X30, X27 + + # FS main + ADR X16, __injected_size__ + BR X16 diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/svc.h b/emummc/source/nx/svc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69819ec34 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/svc.h @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/** + * @file svc.h + * @brief Wrappers for kernel syscalls. + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ +#pragma once +#include "../utils/types.h" + +/// Memory information structure. +typedef struct { + u64 addr; ///< Base address. + u64 size; ///< Size. + u32 type; ///< Memory type (see lower 8 bits of \ref MemoryState). + u32 attr; ///< Memory attributes (see \ref MemoryAttribute). + u32 perm; ///< Memory permissions (see \ref Permission). + u32 device_refcount; ///< Device reference count. + u32 ipc_refcount; ///< IPC reference count. + u32 padding; ///< Padding. +} MemoryInfo; + +/// Memory permission bitmasks. +typedef enum { + Perm_None = 0, ///< No permissions. + Perm_R = BIT(0), ///< Read permission. + Perm_W = BIT(1), ///< Write permission. + Perm_X = BIT(2), ///< Execute permission. + Perm_Rw = Perm_R | Perm_W, ///< Read/write permissions. + Perm_Rx = Perm_R | Perm_X, ///< Read/execute permissions. + Perm_DontCare = BIT(28), ///< Don't care +} Permission; + +/// Secure monitor arguments. +typedef struct { + u64 X[8]; ///< Values of X0 through X7. +} SecmonArgs; + +_Static_assert(sizeof(SecmonArgs) == 0x40, "SecmonArgs definition"); + +#define DeviceName_SDMMC1A 19 +#define DeviceName_SDMMC2A 20 +#define DeviceName_SDMMC3A 21 +#define DeviceName_SDMMC4A 22 + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * @brief Returns a virtual address mapped to a given IO range. + * @return Result code. + * @note Syscall number 0x55. + * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available. + */ +Result svcQueryIoMapping(u64* virtaddr, u64 physaddr, u64 size); + +/** + * @brief Attaches a device address space to a device. + * @return Result code. + * @note Syscall number 0x57. + * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available. + */ +Result svcAttachDeviceAddressSpace(u64 device, Handle handle); + +/** + * @brief Query information about an address. Will always fetch the lowest page-aligned mapping that contains the provided address. + * @param[out] meminfo_ptr \ref MemoryInfo structure which will be filled in. + * @param[out] pageinfo Page information which will be filled in. + * @param[in] addr Address to query. + * @return Result code. + * @note Syscall number 0x06. + */ +Result svcQueryMemory(MemoryInfo* meminfo_ptr, u32 *pageinfo, u64 addr); + +/** + * @brief Sets the memory permissions for the specified memory with the supplied process handle. + * @param[in] proc Process handle. + * @param[in] addr Address of the memory. + * @param[in] size Size of the memory. + * @param[in] perm Permissions (see \ref Permission). + * @return Result code. + * @remark This returns an error (0xD801) when \p perm is >0x5, hence -WX and RWX are not allowed. + * @note Syscall number 0x73. + * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available. + */ +Result svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(Handle proc, u64 addr, u64 size, u32 perm); + +/** + * @brief Set the memory permissions of a (page-aligned) range of memory. + * @param[in] addr Start address of the range. + * @param[in] size Size of the range, in bytes. + * @param[in] perm Permissions (see \ref Permission). + * @return Result code. + * @remark Perm_X is not allowed. Setting write-only is not allowed either (Perm_W). + * This can be used to move back and forth between Perm_None, Perm_R and Perm_Rw. + * @note Syscall number 0x01. + */ +Result svcSetMemoryPermission(void* addr, u64 size, u32 perm); + +/** + * @brief Calls a secure monitor function (TrustZone, EL3). + * @param regs Arguments to pass to the secure monitor. + * @return Return value from the secure monitor. + * @note Syscall number 0x7F. + * @warning This is a privileged syscall. Use \ref envIsSyscallHinted to check if it is available. + */ +u64 svcCallSecureMonitor(SecmonArgs* regs); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +///@} diff --git a/emummc/source/nx/svc.s b/emummc/source/nx/svc.s new file mode 100644 index 000000000..360d9c0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/nx/svc.s @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/** + * @file svc.s + * @copyright libnx Authors + */ + +.macro SVC_BEGIN name + .section .text.\name, "ax", %progbits + .global \name + .type \name, %function + .align 2 + .cfi_startproc +\name: +.endm + +.macro SVC_END + .cfi_endproc +.endm + +SVC_BEGIN svcQueryIoMapping + STR X0, [SP, #-16]! + SVC 0x55 + LDR X2, [SP], #16 + STR X1, [X2] + RET +SVC_END + +SVC_BEGIN svcAttachDeviceAddressSpace + SVC 0x57 + RET +SVC_END + +SVC_BEGIN svcQueryMemory + STR X1, [SP, #-16]! + SVC 0x6 + LDR X2, [SP], #16 + STR W1, [X2] + RET +SVC_END + +SVC_BEGIN svcSetMemoryPermission + SVC 0x2 + RET +SVC_END + +SVC_BEGIN svcSetProcessMemoryPermission + SVC 0x73 + RET +SVC_END + +SVC_BEGIN svcCallSecureMonitor + STR X0, [SP, #-16]! + MOV X8, X0 + LDP X0, X1, [X8] + LDP X2, X3, [X8, #0x10] + LDP X4, X5, [X8, #0x20] + LDP X6, X7, [X8, #0x30] + SVC 0x7F + LDR X8, [SP], #16 + STP X0, X1, [X8] + STP X2, X3, [X8, #0x10] + STP X4, X5, [X8, #0x20] + STP X6, X7, [X8, #0x30] + RET +SVC_END \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/emummc/source/power/max77620.h b/emummc/source/power/max77620.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fcce30980 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/power/max77620.h @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +/* + * Defining registers address and its bit definitions of MAX77620 and MAX20024 + * + * Copyright (C) 2016 NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + */ + +#ifndef _MFD_MAX77620_H_ +#define _MFD_MAX77620_H_ + +#define MAX77620_I2C_ADDR 0x3C + +/* GLOBAL, PMIC, GPIO, FPS, ONOFFC, CID Registers */ +#define MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL1 0x00 +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC_EN (1 << 7) +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_MPPLD (1 << 6) +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBHYST ((1 << 5) | (1 << 4)) +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBHYST_N (1 << 4) +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC 0x0E +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC_N (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBRSTEN (1 << 0) + +#define MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL2 0x01 +#define MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL3 0x02 +#define MAX77620_WDTC_MASK 0x3 +#define MAX77620_WDTOFFC (1 << 4) +#define MAX77620_WDTSLPC (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_WDTEN (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_TWD_MASK 0x3 +#define MAX77620_TWD_2s 0x0 +#define MAX77620_TWD_16s 0x1 +#define MAX77620_TWD_64s 0x2 +#define MAX77620_TWD_128s 0x3 + +#define MAX77620_REG_CNFG1_32K 0x03 +#define MAX77620_CNFG1_32K_OUT0_EN (1 << 2) + +#define MAX77620_REG_CNFGBBC 0x04 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_ENABLE (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_CURRENT_MASK 0x06 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_CURRENT_SHIFT 1 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_VOLTAGE_MASK 0x18 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_VOLTAGE_SHIFT 3 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_LOW_CURRENT_DISABLE (1 << 5) +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_MASK 0xC0 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_SHIFT 6 +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_100 (0 << MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_SHIFT) +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_1K (1 << MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_SHIFT) +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_3K (2 << MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_SHIFT) +#define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_6K (3 << MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_SHIFT) + +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQTOP 0x05 +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GLBL_MASK (1 << 7) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_SD_MASK (1 << 6) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_LDO_MASK (1 << 5) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GPIO_MASK (1 << 4) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_RTC_MASK (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_32K_MASK (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_ONOFF_MASK (1 << 1) + +#define MAX77620_REG_INTLBT 0x06 +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQTOPM 0x0D +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LBM_MASK (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TJALRM1_MASK (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_TJALRM2_MASK (1 << 1) + +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQSD 0x07 +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_LVL2_L0_7 0x08 +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_LVL2_L8 0x09 +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO 0x0A +#define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFIRQ 0x0B +#define MAX77620_REG_NVERC 0x0C + +#define MAX77620_REG_INTENLBT 0x0E +#define MAX77620_GLBLM_MASK (1 << 0) + +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQMASKSD 0x0F +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_MSK_L0_7 0x10 +#define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_MSK_L8 0x11 +#define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFIRQM 0x12 +#define MAX77620_REG_STATLBT 0x13 +#define MAX77620_REG_STATSD 0x14 +#define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFSTAT 0x15 + +/* SD and LDO Registers */ +#define MAX77620_REG_SD0 0x16 +#define MAX77620_REG_SD1 0x17 +#define MAX77620_REG_SD2 0x18 +#define MAX77620_REG_SD3 0x19 +#define MAX77620_REG_SD4 0x1A +#define MAX77620_SDX_VOLT_MASK 0xFF +#define MAX77620_SD0_VOLT_MASK 0x3F +#define MAX77620_SD1_VOLT_MASK 0x7F +#define MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK 0x3F +#define MAX77620_REG_DVSSD0 0x1B +#define MAX77620_REG_DVSSD1 0x1C +#define MAX77620_REG_SD0_CFG 0x1D +#define MAX77620_REG_SD1_CFG 0x1E +#define MAX77620_REG_SD2_CFG 0x1F +#define MAX77620_REG_SD3_CFG 0x20 +#define MAX77620_REG_SD4_CFG 0x21 +#define MAX77620_REG_SD_CFG2 0x22 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO0_CFG 0x23 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO0_CFG2 0x24 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO1_CFG 0x25 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO1_CFG2 0x26 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO2_CFG 0x27 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO2_CFG2 0x28 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO3_CFG 0x29 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO3_CFG2 0x2A +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO4_CFG 0x2B +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO4_CFG2 0x2C +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO5_CFG 0x2D +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO5_CFG2 0x2E +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG 0x2F +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG2 0x30 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO7_CFG 0x31 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO7_CFG2 0x32 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO8_CFG 0x33 +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO8_CFG2 0x34 +#define MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK 0xC0 +#define MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT 6 +#define MAX77620_POWER_MODE_NORMAL 3 +#define MAX77620_POWER_MODE_LPM 2 +#define MAX77620_POWER_MODE_GLPM 1 +#define MAX77620_POWER_MODE_DISABLE 0 +#define MAX20024_LDO_CFG2_MPOK_MASK (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_MASK (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_DISABLE 0 +#define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_ENABLE (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_SS_MASK (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_SS_FAST (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_SS_SLOW 0 + +#define MAX77620_REG_LDO_CFG3 0x35 +#define MAX77620_TRACK4_MASK (1 << 5) +#define MAX77620_TRACK4_SHIFT 5 + +#define MAX77620_LDO_SLEW_RATE_MASK 0x1 + +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO0 0x36 +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO1 0x37 +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO2 0x38 +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO3 0x39 +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO4 0x3A +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO5 0x3B +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO6 0x3C +#define MAX77620_REG_GPIO7 0x3D +#define MAX77620_REG_PUE_GPIO 0x3E +#define MAX77620_REG_PDE_GPIO 0x3F +#define MAX77620_REG_AME_GPIO 0x40 + +#define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFCNFG1 0x41 +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_SFT_RST (1 << 7) +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_MRT_MASK 0x38 +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_MRT_SHIFT 0x3 +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_SLPEN (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_PWR_OFF (1 << 1) +#define MAX20024_ONOFFCNFG1_CLRSE 0x18 + +#define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFCNFG2 0x42 +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_SFT_RST_WK (1 << 7) +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_WD_RST_WK (1 << 6) +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_SLP_LPM_MSK (1 << 5) +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_WK_ALARM1 (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_WK_EN0 (1 << 0) + +/* FPS Registers */ +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_CFG0 0x43 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_CFG1 0x44 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_CFG2 0x45 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO0 0x46 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO1 0x47 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO2 0x48 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO3 0x49 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO4 0x4A +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO5 0x4B +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO6 0x4C +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO7 0x4D +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO8 0x4E +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD0 0x4F +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD1 0x50 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD2 0x51 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD3 0x52 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD4 0x53 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_NONE 0 +#define MAX77620_FPS_SRC_MASK 0xC0 +#define MAX77620_FPS_SRC_SHIFT 6 +#define MAX77620_FPS_PU_PERIOD_MASK 0x38 +#define MAX77620_FPS_PU_PERIOD_SHIFT 3 +#define MAX77620_FPS_PD_PERIOD_MASK 0x07 +#define MAX77620_FPS_PD_PERIOD_SHIFT 0 + +/* Minimum and maximum FPS period time (in microseconds) are + * different for MAX77620 and Max20024. + */ +#define MAX77620_FPS_COUNT 3 + +#define MAX77620_FPS_PERIOD_MIN_US 40 +#define MAX20024_FPS_PERIOD_MIN_US 20 + +#define MAX77620_FPS_PERIOD_MAX_US 2560 +#define MAX20024_FPS_PERIOD_MAX_US 5120 + +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_GPIO1 0x54 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_GPIO2 0x55 +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_GPIO3 0x56 +#define MAX77620_FPS_TIME_PERIOD_MASK 0x38 +#define MAX77620_FPS_TIME_PERIOD_SHIFT 3 +#define MAX77620_FPS_EN_SRC_MASK 0x06 +#define MAX77620_FPS_EN_SRC_SHIFT 1 +#define MAX77620_FPS_ENFPS_SW_MASK 0x01 +#define MAX77620_FPS_ENFPS_SW 0x01 + +#define MAX77620_REG_FPS_RSO 0x57 +#define MAX77620_REG_CID0 0x58 +#define MAX77620_REG_CID1 0x59 +#define MAX77620_REG_CID2 0x5A +#define MAX77620_REG_CID3 0x5B +#define MAX77620_REG_CID4 0x5C +#define MAX77620_REG_CID5 0x5D + +#define MAX77620_REG_DVSSD4 0x5E +#define MAX20024_REG_MAX_ADD 0x70 + +#define MAX77620_CID_DIDM_MASK 0xF0 +#define MAX77620_CID_DIDM_SHIFT 4 + +/* CNCG2SD */ +#define MAX77620_SD_CNF2_ROVS_EN_SD1 (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_SD_CNF2_ROVS_EN_SD0 (1 << 2) + +/* Device Identification Metal */ +#define MAX77620_CID5_DIDM(n) (((n) >> 4) & 0xF) +/* Device Indentification OTP */ +#define MAX77620_CID5_DIDO(n) ((n) & 0xF) + +/* SD CNFG1 */ +#define MAX77620_SD_SR_MASK 0xC0 +#define MAX77620_SD_SR_SHIFT 6 +#define MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_MASK 0x30 +#define MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_SHIFT 4 +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_ADE_MASK (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_ADE_DISABLE 0 +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_ADE_ENABLE (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_SD_FPWM_MASK 0x04 +#define MAX77620_SD_FPWM_SHIFT 2 +#define MAX77620_SD_FSRADE_MASK 0x01 +#define MAX77620_SD_FSRADE_SHIFT 0 +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FPWM_SD_MASK (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FPWM_SD_SKIP 0 +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FPWM_SD_FPWM (1 << 2) +#define MAX20024_SD_CFG1_MPOK_MASK (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FSRADE_SD_MASK (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FSRADE_SD_DISABLE 0 +#define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FSRADE_SD_ENABLE (1 << 0) + +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DRV_MASK (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DRV_PUSHPULL (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DRV_OPENDRAIN 0 +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DIR_MASK (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DIR_INPUT (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT 0 +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INPUT_VAL_MASK (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL_MASK (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL_HIGH (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL_LOW 0 +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INT_MASK (0x3 << 4) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INT_FALLING (1 << 4) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INT_RISING (1 << 5) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_MASK (0x3 << 6) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_None (0x0 << 6) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_8ms (0x1 << 6) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_16ms (0x2 << 6) +#define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_32ms (0x3 << 6) + +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE0 (1 << 0) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE1 (1 << 1) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE2 (1 << 2) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE3 (1 << 3) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE4 (1 << 4) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE5 (1 << 5) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE6 (1 << 6) +#define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE7 (1 << 7) + +/* Interrupts */ +enum { + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GLBL, /* Low-Battery */ + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_SD, /* SD power fail */ + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_LDO, /* LDO power fail */ + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GPIO, /* TOP GPIO internal int to MAX77620 */ + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_RTC, /* RTC */ + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_32K, /* 32kHz oscillator */ + MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_ONOFF, /* ON/OFF oscillator */ + MAX77620_IRQ_LBT_MBATLOW, /* Thermal alarm status, > 120C */ + MAX77620_IRQ_LBT_TJALRM1, /* Thermal alarm status, > 120C */ + MAX77620_IRQ_LBT_TJALRM2, /* Thermal alarm status, > 140C */ +}; + +/* GPIOs */ +enum { + MAX77620_GPIO0, + MAX77620_GPIO1, + MAX77620_GPIO2, + MAX77620_GPIO3, + MAX77620_GPIO4, + MAX77620_GPIO5, + MAX77620_GPIO6, + MAX77620_GPIO7, + MAX77620_GPIO_NR, +}; + +/* FPS Source */ +enum max77620_fps_src { + MAX77620_FPS_SRC_0, + MAX77620_FPS_SRC_1, + MAX77620_FPS_SRC_2, + MAX77620_FPS_SRC_NONE, + MAX77620_FPS_SRC_DEF, +}; + +enum max77620_chip_id { + MAX77620, + MAX20024, +}; + +#endif /* _MFD_MAX77620_H_ */ diff --git a/emummc/source/power/max7762x.c b/emummc/source/power/max7762x.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c8cff402 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/power/max7762x.c @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "max7762x.h" +#include "max77620.h" +#include "../soc/i2c.h" +#include "../utils/util.h" + +#define REGULATOR_SD 0 +#define REGULATOR_LDO 1 + +typedef struct _max77620_regulator_t +{ + u8 type; + const char *name; + u8 reg_sd; + + u32 mv_step; + u32 mv_min; + u32 mv_default; + u32 mv_max; + + u8 volt_addr; + u8 cfg_addr; + + u8 volt_mask; + u8 enable_mask; + u8 enable_shift; + u8 status_mask; + + u8 fps_addr; + u8 fps_src; + u8 pd_period; + u8 pu_period; +} max77620_regulator_t; + +static const max77620_regulator_t _pmic_regulators[] = { + { REGULATOR_SD, "sd0", 0x16, 12500, 600000, 625000, 1400000, MAX77620_REG_SD0, MAX77620_REG_SD0_CFG, MAX77620_SD0_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x80, MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD0, 1, 7, 1 }, + { REGULATOR_SD, "sd1", 0x17, 12500, 600000, 1125000, 1125000, MAX77620_REG_SD1, MAX77620_REG_SD1_CFG, MAX77620_SD1_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x40, MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD1, 0, 1, 5 }, + { REGULATOR_SD, "sd2", 0x18, 12500, 600000, 1325000, 1350000, MAX77620_REG_SD2, MAX77620_REG_SD2_CFG, MAX77620_SDX_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x20, MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD2, 1, 5, 2 }, + { REGULATOR_SD, "sd3", 0x19, 12500, 600000, 1800000, 1800000, MAX77620_REG_SD3, MAX77620_REG_SD3_CFG, MAX77620_SDX_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x10, MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD3, 0, 3, 3 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo0", 0x00, 25000, 800000, 1200000, 1200000, MAX77620_REG_LDO0_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO0_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO0, 3, 7, 0 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo1", 0x00, 25000, 800000, 1050000, 1050000, MAX77620_REG_LDO1_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO1_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO1, 3, 7, 0 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo2", 0x00, 50000, 800000, 1800000, 3300000, MAX77620_REG_LDO2_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO2_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO2, 3, 7, 0 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo3", 0x00, 50000, 800000, 3100000, 3100000, MAX77620_REG_LDO3_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO3_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO3, 3, 7, 0 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo4", 0x00, 12500, 800000, 850000, 850000, MAX77620_REG_LDO4_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO4_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO4, 0, 7, 1 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo5", 0x00, 50000, 800000, 1800000, 1800000, MAX77620_REG_LDO5_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO5_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO5, 3, 7, 0 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo6", 0x00, 50000, 800000, 2900000, 2900000, MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO6, 3, 7, 0 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo7", 0x00, 50000, 800000, 1050000, 1050000, MAX77620_REG_LDO7_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO7_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO7, 1, 4, 3 }, + { REGULATOR_LDO, "ldo8", 0x00, 50000, 800000, 1050000, 1050000, MAX77620_REG_LDO8_CFG, MAX77620_REG_LDO8_CFG2, MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK, MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT, 0x00, MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO8, 3, 7, 0 } +}; + +int max77620_regulator_get_status(u32 id) +{ + if (id > REGULATOR_MAX) + return 0; + + const max77620_regulator_t *reg = &_pmic_regulators[id]; + + if (reg->type == REGULATOR_SD) + return (i2c_recv_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, MAX77620_REG_STATSD) & reg->status_mask) ? 0 : 1; + return (i2c_recv_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, reg->cfg_addr) & 8) ? 1 : 0; +} + +int max77620_regulator_config_fps(u32 id) +{ + if (id > REGULATOR_MAX) + return 0; + + const max77620_regulator_t *reg = &_pmic_regulators[id]; + + i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, reg->fps_addr, + (reg->fps_src << MAX77620_FPS_SRC_SHIFT) | (reg->pu_period << MAX77620_FPS_PU_PERIOD_SHIFT) | (reg->pd_period)); + + return 1; +} + +int max77620_regulator_set_voltage(u32 id, u32 mv) +{ + if (id > REGULATOR_MAX) + return 0; + + const max77620_regulator_t *reg = &_pmic_regulators[id]; + + if (mv < reg->mv_min || mv > reg->mv_max) + return 0; + + u32 mult = (mv + reg->mv_step - 1 - reg->mv_min) / reg->mv_step; + u8 val = i2c_recv_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, reg->volt_addr); + val = (val & ~reg->volt_mask) | (mult & reg->volt_mask); + i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, reg->volt_addr, val); + usleep(1000); + + return 1; +} + +int max77620_regulator_enable(u32 id, int enable) +{ + if (id > REGULATOR_MAX) + return 0; + + const max77620_regulator_t *reg = &_pmic_regulators[id]; + + u32 addr = reg->type == REGULATOR_SD ? reg->cfg_addr : reg->volt_addr; + u8 val = i2c_recv_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, addr); + if (enable) + val = (val & ~reg->enable_mask) | ((MAX77620_POWER_MODE_NORMAL << reg->enable_shift) & reg->enable_mask); + else + val &= ~reg->enable_mask; + i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, addr, val); + usleep(1000); + + return 1; +} + +int max77620_regulator_set_volt_and_flags(u32 id, u32 mv, u8 flags) +{ + if (id > REGULATOR_MAX) + return 0; + + const max77620_regulator_t *reg = &_pmic_regulators[id]; + + if (mv < reg->mv_min || mv > reg->mv_max) + return 0; + + u32 mult = (mv + reg->mv_step - 1 - reg->mv_min) / reg->mv_step; + u8 val = ((flags << reg->enable_shift) & ~reg->volt_mask) | (mult & reg->volt_mask); + i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, reg->volt_addr, val); + usleep(1000); + + return 1; +} + +void max77620_config_default() +{ + for (u32 i = 1; i <= REGULATOR_MAX; i++) + { + i2c_recv_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, MAX77620_REG_CID4); + max77620_regulator_config_fps(i); + max77620_regulator_set_voltage(i, _pmic_regulators[i].mv_default); + if (_pmic_regulators[i].fps_src != MAX77620_FPS_SRC_NONE) + max77620_regulator_enable(i, 1); + } + i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, MAX77620_REG_SD_CFG2, 4); +} + +void max77620_low_battery_monitor_config() +{ + i2c_send_byte(I2C_5, MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL1, + MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC_EN | MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBHYST_N | MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC_N); +} diff --git a/emummc/source/power/max7762x.h b/emummc/source/power/max7762x.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eefa11295 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/power/max7762x.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (c) 2019 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _MAX7762X_H_ +#define _MAX7762X_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +/* +* Switch Power domains (max77620): +* Name | Usage | uV step | uV min | uV default | uV max | Init +*-------+---------------+---------+--------+------------+---------+------------------ +* sd0 | core | 12500 | 600000 | 625000 | 1400000 | 1.125V (pkg1.1) +* sd1 | SDRAM | 12500 | 600000 | 1125000 | 1125000 | 1.1V (pkg1.1) +* sd2 | ldo{0-1, 7-8} | 12500 | 600000 | 1325000 | 1350000 | 1.325V (pcv) +* sd3 | 1.8V general | 12500 | 600000 | 1800000 | 1800000 | +* ldo0 | Display Panel | 25000 | 800000 | 1200000 | 1200000 | 1.2V (pkg1.1) +* ldo1 | XUSB, PCIE | 25000 | 800000 | 1050000 | 1050000 | 1.05V (pcv) +* ldo2 | SDMMC1 | 50000 | 800000 | 1800000 | 3300000 | +* ldo3 | GC ASIC | 50000 | 800000 | 3100000 | 3100000 | 3.1V (pcv) +* ldo4 | RTC | 12500 | 800000 | 850000 | 850000 | +* ldo5 | GC ASIC | 50000 | 800000 | 1800000 | 1800000 | 1.8V (pcv) +* ldo6 | Touch, ALS | 50000 | 800000 | 2900000 | 2900000 | 2.9V +* ldo7 | XUSB | 50000 | 800000 | 1050000 | 1050000 | +* ldo8 | XUSB, DC | 50000 | 800000 | 1050000 | 1050000 | +*/ + +/* +* MAX77620_AME_GPIO: control GPIO modes (bits 0 - 7 correspond to GPIO0 - GPIO7); 0 -> GPIO, 1 -> alt-mode +* MAX77620_REG_GPIOx: 0x9 sets output and enable +*/ + +/*! MAX77620 partitions. */ +#define REGULATOR_SD0 0 +#define REGULATOR_SD1 1 +#define REGULATOR_SD2 2 +#define REGULATOR_SD3 3 +#define REGULATOR_LDO0 4 +#define REGULATOR_LDO1 5 +#define REGULATOR_LDO2 6 +#define REGULATOR_LDO3 7 +#define REGULATOR_LDO4 8 +#define REGULATOR_LDO5 9 +#define REGULATOR_LDO6 10 +#define REGULATOR_LDO7 11 +#define REGULATOR_LDO8 12 +#define REGULATOR_MAX 12 + +#define MAX77621_CPU_I2C_ADDR 0x1B +#define MAX77621_GPU_I2C_ADDR 0x1C + +#define MAX77621_VOUT_REG 0 +#define MAX77621_VOUT_DVC_REG 1 +#define MAX77621_CONTROL1_REG 2 +#define MAX77621_CONTROL2_REG 3 + +/* MAX77621_VOUT */ +#define MAX77621_VOUT_ENABLE (1 << 7) +#define MAX77621_VOUT_MASK 0x7F + +/* MAX77621_VOUT_DVC_DVS */ +#define MAX77621_DVS_VOUT_MASK 0x7F + +/* MAX77621_CONTROL1 */ +#define MAX77621_SNS_ENABLE (1 << 7) +#define MAX77621_FPWM_EN_M (1 << 6) +#define MAX77621_NFSR_ENABLE (1 << 5) +#define MAX77621_AD_ENABLE (1 << 4) +#define MAX77621_BIAS_ENABLE (1 << 3) +#define MAX77621_FREQSHIFT_9PER (1 << 2) + +#define MAX77621_RAMP_12mV_PER_US 0x0 +#define MAX77621_RAMP_25mV_PER_US 0x1 +#define MAX77621_RAMP_50mV_PER_US 0x2 +#define MAX77621_RAMP_200mV_PER_US 0x3 +#define MAX77621_RAMP_MASK 0x3 + +/* MAX77621_CONTROL2 */ +#define MAX77621_WDTMR_ENABLE (1 << 6) +#define MAX77621_DISCH_ENBABLE (1 << 5) +#define MAX77621_FT_ENABLE (1 << 4) +#define MAX77621_T_JUNCTION_120 (1 << 7) + +#define MAX77621_CKKADV_TRIP_DISABLE 0xC +#define MAX77621_CKKADV_TRIP_75mV_PER_US 0x0 +#define MAX77621_CKKADV_TRIP_150mV_PER_US 0x4 +#define MAX77621_CKKADV_TRIP_75mV_PER_US_HIST_DIS 0x8 + +#define MAX77621_INDUCTOR_MIN_30_PER 0x0 +#define MAX77621_INDUCTOR_NOMINAL 0x1 +#define MAX77621_INDUCTOR_PLUS_30_PER 0x2 +#define MAX77621_INDUCTOR_PLUS_60_PER 0x3 + +int max77620_regulator_get_status(u32 id); +int max77620_regulator_config_fps(u32 id); +int max77620_regulator_set_voltage(u32 id, u32 mv); +int max77620_regulator_enable(u32 id, int enable); +int max77620_regulator_set_volt_and_flags(u32 id, u32 mv, u8 flags); +void max77620_config_default(); +void max77620_low_battery_monitor_config(); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/clock.c b/emummc/source/soc/clock.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ea1920865 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/clock.c @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "../soc/clock.h" +#include "../soc/t210.h" +#include "../utils/util.h" +#include "../emmc/sdmmc.h" + +static const sclock_t _clock_i2c5 = { + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_H, CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_H, CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_I2C5, 0xF, 0, 4 //81.6MHz -> 400KHz +}; + +void clock_enable(const sclock_t *clk) +{ + // Put clock into reset. + CLOCK(clk->reset) = (CLOCK(clk->reset) & ~(1 << clk->index)) | (1 << clk->index); + // Disable. + CLOCK(clk->enable) &= ~(1 << clk->index); + // Configure clock source if required. + if (clk->source) + CLOCK(clk->source) = clk->clk_div | (clk->clk_src << 29); + // Enable. + CLOCK(clk->enable) = (CLOCK(clk->enable) & ~(1 << clk->index)) | (1 << clk->index); + // Take clock off reset. + CLOCK(clk->reset) &= ~(1 << clk->index); +} + +void clock_disable(const sclock_t *clk) +{ + // Put clock into reset. + CLOCK(clk->reset) = (CLOCK(clk->reset) & ~(1 << clk->index)) | (1 << clk->index); + // Disable. + CLOCK(clk->enable) &= ~(1 << clk->index); +} + +void clock_enable_i2c5() +{ + clock_enable(&_clock_i2c5); +} + +void clock_disable_i2c5() +{ + clock_disable(&_clock_i2c5); +} + +#define L_SWR_SDMMC1_RST (1 << 14) +#define L_SWR_SDMMC2_RST (1 << 9) +#define L_SWR_SDMMC4_RST (1 << 15) +#define U_SWR_SDMMC3_RST (1 << 5) + +#define L_CLK_ENB_SDMMC1 (1 << 14) +#define L_CLK_ENB_SDMMC2 (1 << 9) +#define L_CLK_ENB_SDMMC4 (1 << 15) +#define U_CLK_ENB_SDMMC3 (1 << 5) + +#define L_SET_SDMMC1_RST (1 << 14) +#define L_SET_SDMMC2_RST (1 << 9) +#define L_SET_SDMMC4_RST (1 << 15) +#define U_SET_SDMMC3_RST (1 << 5) + +#define L_CLR_SDMMC1_RST (1 << 14) +#define L_CLR_SDMMC2_RST (1 << 9) +#define L_CLR_SDMMC4_RST (1 << 15) +#define U_CLR_SDMMC3_RST (1 << 5) + +#define L_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC1 (1 << 14) +#define L_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC2 (1 << 9) +#define L_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC4 (1 << 15) +#define U_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC3 (1 << 5) + +#define L_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC1 (1 << 14) +#define L_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC2 (1 << 9) +#define L_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC4 (1 << 15) +#define U_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC3 (1 << 5) + +static int _clock_sdmmc_is_reset(u32 id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_L) & L_SWR_SDMMC1_RST; + case SDMMC_2: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_L) & L_SWR_SDMMC2_RST; + case SDMMC_3: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_U) & U_SWR_SDMMC3_RST; + case SDMMC_4: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_L) & L_SWR_SDMMC4_RST; + } + return 0; +} + +static void _clock_sdmmc_set_reset(u32 id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_SET) = L_SET_SDMMC1_RST; + break; + case SDMMC_2: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_SET) = L_SET_SDMMC2_RST; + break; + case SDMMC_3: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_U_SET) = U_SET_SDMMC3_RST; + break; + case SDMMC_4: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_SET) = L_SET_SDMMC4_RST; + break; + } +} + +static void _clock_sdmmc_clear_reset(u32 id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_CLR) = L_CLR_SDMMC1_RST; + break; + case SDMMC_2: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_CLR) = L_CLR_SDMMC2_RST; + break; + case SDMMC_3: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_U_CLR) = U_CLR_SDMMC3_RST; + break; + case SDMMC_4: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_CLR) = L_CLR_SDMMC4_RST; + break; + } +} + +static int _clock_sdmmc_is_enabled(u32 id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_L) & L_CLK_ENB_SDMMC1; + case SDMMC_2: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_L) & L_CLK_ENB_SDMMC2; + case SDMMC_3: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_U) & U_CLK_ENB_SDMMC3; + case SDMMC_4: + return CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_L) & L_CLK_ENB_SDMMC4; + } + return 0; +} + +static void _clock_sdmmc_set_enable(u32 id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_SET) = L_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC1; + break; + case SDMMC_2: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_SET) = L_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC2; + break; + case SDMMC_3: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_U_SET) = U_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC3; + break; + case SDMMC_4: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_SET) = L_SET_CLK_ENB_SDMMC4; + break; + } +} + +static void _clock_sdmmc_clear_enable(u32 id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_CLR) = L_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC1; + break; + case SDMMC_2: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_CLR) = L_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC2; + break; + case SDMMC_3: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_U_CLR) = U_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC3; + break; + case SDMMC_4: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_CLR) = L_CLR_CLK_ENB_SDMMC4; + break; + } +} + +static u32 _clock_sdmmc_table[8] = { 0 }; + +#define PLLP_OUT0 0x0 + +static int _clock_sdmmc_config_clock_source_inner(u32 *pout, u32 id, u32 val) +{ + u32 divisor = 0; + u32 source = PLLP_OUT0; + + switch (val) + { + case 25000: + *pout = 24728; + divisor = 31; + break; + case 26000: + *pout = 25500; + divisor = 30; + break; + case 40800: + *pout = 40800; + divisor = 18; + break; + case 50000: + *pout = 48000; + divisor = 15; + break; + case 52000: + *pout = 51000; + divisor = 14; + break; + case 100000: + *pout = 90667; + divisor = 7; + break; + case 200000: + *pout = 163200; + divisor = 3; + break; + case 208000: + *pout = 204000; + divisor = 2; + break; + default: + *pout = 24728; + divisor = 31; + } + + _clock_sdmmc_table[2 * id] = val; + _clock_sdmmc_table[2 * id + 1] = *pout; + + switch (id) + { + case SDMMC_1: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC1) = (source << 29) | divisor; + break; + case SDMMC_2: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC2) = (source << 29) | divisor; + break; + case SDMMC_3: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC3) = (source << 29) | divisor; + break; + case SDMMC_4: + CLOCK(CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC4) = (source << 29) | divisor; + break; + } + + return 1; +} + +void clock_sdmmc_config_clock_source(u32 *pout, u32 id, u32 val) +{ + if (_clock_sdmmc_table[2 * id] == val) + { + *pout = _clock_sdmmc_table[2 * id + 1]; + } + else + { + int is_enabled = _clock_sdmmc_is_enabled(id); + if (is_enabled) + _clock_sdmmc_clear_enable(id); + _clock_sdmmc_config_clock_source_inner(pout, id, val); + if (is_enabled) + _clock_sdmmc_set_enable(id); + _clock_sdmmc_is_reset(id); + } +} + +void clock_sdmmc_get_params(u32 *pout, u16 *pdivisor, u32 type) +{ + switch (type) + { + case 0: + *pout = 26000; + *pdivisor = 66; + break; + case 1: + *pout = 26000; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 2: + *pout = 52000; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 3: + case 4: + case 11: + *pout = 200000; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 5: + *pout = 25000; + *pdivisor = 64; + break; + case 6: + case 8: + *pout = 25000; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 7: + *pout = 50000; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 10: + *pout = 100000; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 13: + *pout = 40800; + *pdivisor = 1; + break; + case 14: + *pout = 200000; + *pdivisor = 2; + break; + } +} + +int clock_sdmmc_is_not_reset_and_enabled(u32 id) +{ + return !_clock_sdmmc_is_reset(id) && _clock_sdmmc_is_enabled(id); +} + +void clock_sdmmc_enable(u32 id, u32 val) +{ + u32 div = 0; + + if (_clock_sdmmc_is_enabled(id)) + _clock_sdmmc_clear_enable(id); + _clock_sdmmc_set_reset(id); + _clock_sdmmc_config_clock_source_inner(&div, id, val); + _clock_sdmmc_set_enable(id); + _clock_sdmmc_is_reset(id); + usleep((100000 + div - 1) / div); + _clock_sdmmc_clear_reset(id); + _clock_sdmmc_is_reset(id); +} + +void clock_sdmmc_disable(u32 id) +{ + _clock_sdmmc_set_reset(id); + _clock_sdmmc_clear_enable(id); + _clock_sdmmc_is_reset(id); +} diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/clock.h b/emummc/source/soc/clock.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bad138bbe --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/clock.h @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _CLOCK_H_ +#define _CLOCK_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +/*! Clock registers. */ +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_SOURCE 0x0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_L 0x4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_H 0x8 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_U 0xC +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_L 0x10 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_H 0x14 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_U 0x18 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CCLK_BURST_POLICY 0x20 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SUPER_CCLK_DIVIDER 0x24 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SCLK_BURST_POLICY 0x28 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SUPER_SCLK_DIVIDER 0x2C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SYSTEM_RATE 0x30 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_MISC_CLK_ENB 0x48 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_OSC_CTRL 0x50 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLC_BASE 0x80 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLC_MISC 0x88 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLM_BASE 0x90 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLM_MISC1 0x98 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLM_MISC2 0x9C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLP_BASE 0xA0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLD_BASE 0xD0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLX_BASE 0xE0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLX_MISC 0xE4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLE_BASE 0xE8 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLE_MISC 0xEC +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRA 0xF8 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRB 0xFC +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_PWM 0x110 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_I2C1 0x124 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_I2C5 0x128 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_VI 0x148 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC1 0x150 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC2 0x154 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC4 0x164 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_UARTA 0x178 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_UARTB 0x17C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_HOST1X 0x180 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_UARTC 0x1A0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_I2C3 0x1B8 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC3 0x1BC +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_CSITE 0x1D4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_EMC 0x19C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_TSEC 0x1F4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_X 0x280 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_X_SET 0x284 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_X_CLR 0x288 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_X 0x28C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_X_SET 0x290 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_X_CLR 0x294 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_Y 0x298 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_Y_SET 0x29C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_Y_CLR 0x2A0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_Y 0x2A4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_Y_SET 0x2A8 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_Y_CLR 0x2AC +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_SET 0x300 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_L_CLR 0x304 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_H_SET 0x308 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_H_CLR 0x30C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_U_SET 0x310 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEV_U_CLR 0x314 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_SET 0x320 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_L_CLR 0x324 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_H_SET 0x328 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_H_CLR 0x32C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_U_SET 0x330 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_U_CLR 0x334 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_V 0x358 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_DEVICES_W 0x35C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_V 0x360 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_OUT_ENB_W 0x364 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CPU_SOFTRST_CTRL2 0x388 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRC 0x3A0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRD 0x3A4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_MSELECT 0x3B4 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SOR1 0x410 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SE 0x42C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_V_SET 0x440 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_W_SET 0x448 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_ENB_W_CLR 0x44C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_CPUG_CMPLX_SET 0x450 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_CPUG_CMPLX_CLR 0x454 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_UTMIP_PLL_CFG2 0x488 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLE_AUX 0x48C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S0 0x4A0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLX_MISC_3 0x518 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRE 0x554 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SPARE_REG0 0x55C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLMB_BASE 0x5E8 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_DSIA_LP 0x620 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_EMC_DLL 0x664 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_UART_FST_MIP_CAL 0x66C +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_SDMMC_LEGACY_TM 0x694 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_NVENC 0x6A0 +#define CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SE_SUPER_CLK_DIVIDER 0x704 + +#define CLK_NO_SOURCE 0x0 + +/*! Generic clock descriptor. */ +typedef struct _sclock_t +{ + u32 reset; + u32 enable; + u32 source; + u8 index; + u8 clk_src; + u8 clk_div; +} sclock_t; + +/*! Generic clock enable/disable. */ +void clock_enable(const sclock_t *clk); +void clock_disable(const sclock_t *clk); + +/*! Clock control for specific hardware portions. */ +void clock_enable_i2c5(); +void clock_disable_i2c5(); +void clock_sdmmc_config_clock_source(u32 *pout, u32 id, u32 val); +void clock_sdmmc_get_params(u32 *pout, u16 *pdivisor, u32 type); +int clock_sdmmc_is_not_reset_and_enabled(u32 id); +void clock_sdmmc_enable(u32 id, u32 val); +void clock_sdmmc_disable(u32 id); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/gpio.c b/emummc/source/soc/gpio.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..053c43a07 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/gpio.c @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "../soc/gpio.h" +#include "../soc/t210.h" + +static const u16 _gpio_cnf[31] = { + 0x000, 0x004, 0x008, 0x00C, + 0x100, 0x104, 0x108, 0x10C, + 0x200, 0x204, 0x208, 0x20C, + 0x300, 0x304, 0x308, 0x30C, + 0x400, 0x404, 0x408, 0x40C, + 0x500, 0x504, 0x508, 0x50C, + 0x600, 0x604, 0x608, 0x60C, + 0x700, 0x704, 0x708 +}; + +static const u16 _gpio_oe[31] = { + 0x010, 0x014, 0x018, 0x01C, + 0x110, 0x114, 0x118, 0x11C, + 0x210, 0x214, 0x218, 0x21C, + 0x310, 0x314, 0x318, 0x31C, + 0x410, 0x414, 0x418, 0x41C, + 0x510, 0x514, 0x518, 0x51C, + 0x610, 0x614, 0x618, 0x61C, + 0x710, 0x714, 0x718 +}; + +static const u16 _gpio_out[31] = { + 0x020, 0x024, 0x028, 0x02C, + 0x120, 0x124, 0x128, 0x12C, + 0x220, 0x224, 0x228, 0x22C, + 0x320, 0x324, 0x328, 0x32C, + 0x420, 0x424, 0x428, 0x42C, + 0x520, 0x524, 0x528, 0x52C, + 0x620, 0x624, 0x628, 0x62C, + 0x720, 0x724, 0x728 +}; + +static const u16 _gpio_in[31] = { + 0x030, 0x034, 0x038, 0x03C, + 0x130, 0x134, 0x138, 0x13C, + 0x230, 0x234, 0x238, 0x23C, + 0x330, 0x334, 0x338, 0x33C, + 0x430, 0x434, 0x438, 0x43C, + 0x530, 0x534, 0x538, 0x53C, + 0x630, 0x634, 0x638, 0x63C, + 0x730, 0x734, 0x738 +}; + +void gpio_config(u32 port, u32 pins, int mode) +{ + if (mode) + GPIO(_gpio_cnf[port]) |= pins; + else + GPIO(_gpio_cnf[port]) &= ~pins; + (void)GPIO(_gpio_cnf[port]); +} + +void gpio_output_enable(u32 port, u32 pins, int enable) +{ + if (enable) + GPIO(_gpio_oe[port]) |= pins; + else + GPIO(_gpio_oe[port]) &= ~pins; + (void)GPIO(_gpio_oe[port]); +} + +void gpio_write(u32 port, u32 pins, int high) +{ + if (high) + GPIO(_gpio_out[port]) |= pins; + else + GPIO(_gpio_out[port]) &= ~pins; + (void)GPIO(_gpio_out[port]); +} + +int gpio_read(u32 port, u32 pins) +{ + return (GPIO(_gpio_in[port]) & pins) ? 1 : 0; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/gpio.h b/emummc/source/soc/gpio.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83170b0c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/gpio.h @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _GPIO_H_ +#define _GPIO_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +#define GPIO_MODE_SPIO 0 +#define GPIO_MODE_GPIO 1 +#define GPIO_OUTPUT_DISABLE 0 +#define GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE 1 +#define GPIO_LOW 0 +#define GPIO_HIGH 1 + +/*! GPIO pins (0-7 for each port). */ +#define GPIO_PIN_0 (1 << 0) +#define GPIO_PIN_1 (1 << 1) +#define GPIO_PIN_2 (1 << 2) +#define GPIO_PIN_3 (1 << 3) +#define GPIO_PIN_4 (1 << 4) +#define GPIO_PIN_5 (1 << 5) +#define GPIO_PIN_6 (1 << 6) +#define GPIO_PIN_7 (1 << 7) + +/*! GPIO ports (A-EE). */ +#define GPIO_PORT_A 0 +#define GPIO_PORT_B 1 +#define GPIO_PORT_C 2 +#define GPIO_PORT_D 3 +#define GPIO_PORT_E 4 +#define GPIO_PORT_F 5 +#define GPIO_PORT_G 6 +#define GPIO_PORT_H 7 +#define GPIO_PORT_I 8 +#define GPIO_PORT_J 9 +#define GPIO_PORT_K 10 +#define GPIO_PORT_L 11 +#define GPIO_PORT_M 12 +#define GPIO_PORT_N 13 +#define GPIO_PORT_O 14 +#define GPIO_PORT_P 15 +#define GPIO_PORT_Q 16 +#define GPIO_PORT_R 17 +#define GPIO_PORT_S 18 +#define GPIO_PORT_T 19 +#define GPIO_PORT_U 20 +#define GPIO_PORT_V 21 +#define GPIO_PORT_W 22 +#define GPIO_PORT_X 23 +#define GPIO_PORT_Y 24 +#define GPIO_PORT_Z 25 +#define GPIO_PORT_AA 26 +#define GPIO_PORT_BB 27 +#define GPIO_PORT_CC 28 +#define GPIO_PORT_DD 29 +#define GPIO_PORT_EE 30 + +void gpio_config(u32 port, u32 pins, int mode); +void gpio_output_enable(u32 port, u32 pins, int enable); +void gpio_write(u32 port, u32 pins, int high); +int gpio_read(u32 port, u32 pins); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/i2c.c b/emummc/source/soc/i2c.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8212d3d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/i2c.c @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include + +#include "i2c.h" +#include "../utils/util.h" +#include "t210.h" + +static u32 i2c_addrs[] = { + 0x7000C000, 0x7000C400, 0x7000C500, + 0x7000C700, 0x7000D000, 0x7000D100 +}; + +static void _i2c_wait(vu32 *base) +{ + base[I2C_CONFIG_LOAD] = 0x25; + for (u32 i = 0; i < 20; i++) + { + usleep(1); + if (!(base[I2C_CONFIG_LOAD] & 1)) + break; + } +} + +static int _i2c_send_pkt(u32 idx, u32 x, u8 *buf, u32 size) +{ + if (size > 4) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = 0; + memcpy(&tmp, buf, size); + + vu32 *base = (vu32 *)QueryIoMapping(i2c_addrs[0], 0x2000); + base = base + (i2c_addrs[idx] - i2c_addrs[0]); + base[I2C_CMD_ADDR0] = x << 1; //Set x (send mode). + base[I2C_CMD_DATA1] = tmp; //Set value. + base[I2C_CNFG] = (2 * size - 2) | 0x2800; //Set size and send mode. + _i2c_wait(base); //Kick transaction. + + base[I2C_CNFG] = (base[I2C_CNFG] & 0xFFFFFDFF) | 0x200; + while (base[I2C_STATUS] & 0x100) + ; + + if (base[I2C_STATUS] << 28) + return 0; + + return 1; +} + +static int _i2c_recv_pkt(u32 idx, u8 *buf, u32 size, u32 x) +{ + if (size > 8) + return 0; + + vu32 *base = (vu32 *)QueryIoMapping(i2c_addrs[0], 0x2000); + base = base + (i2c_addrs[idx] - i2c_addrs[0]); + + base[I2C_CMD_ADDR0] = (x << 1) | 1; // Set x (recv mode). + base[I2C_CNFG] = (size - 1) << 1 | 0x2840; // Set size and recv mode. + _i2c_wait(base); // Kick transaction. + + base[I2C_CNFG] = (base[I2C_CNFG] & 0xFFFFFDFF) | 0x200; + while (base[I2C_STATUS] & 0x100) + ; + + if (base[I2C_STATUS] << 28) + return 0; + + u32 tmp = base[I2C_CMD_DATA1]; // Get LS value. + if (size > 4) + { + memcpy(buf, &tmp, 4); + tmp = base[I2C_CMD_DATA2]; // Get MS value. + memcpy(buf + 4, &tmp, size - 4); + } + else + memcpy(buf, &tmp, size); + + return 1; +} + +void i2c_init(u32 idx) +{ + vu32 *base = (vu32 *)QueryIoMapping(i2c_addrs[0], 0x2000); + base = base + (i2c_addrs[idx] - i2c_addrs[0]); + + base[I2C_CLK_DIVISOR_REGISTER] = 0x50001; + base[I2C_BUS_CLEAR_CONFIG] = 0x90003; + _i2c_wait(base); + + for (u32 i = 0; i < 10; i++) + { + usleep(20000); + if (base[INTERRUPT_STATUS_REGISTER] & 0x800) + break; + } + + (vu32)base[I2C_BUS_CLEAR_STATUS]; + base[INTERRUPT_STATUS_REGISTER] = base[INTERRUPT_STATUS_REGISTER]; +} + +int i2c_send_buf_small(u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y, u8 *buf, u32 size) +{ + u8 tmp[4]; + + if (size > 3) + return 0; + + tmp[0] = y; + memcpy(tmp + 1, buf, size); + + return _i2c_send_pkt(idx, x, tmp, size + 1); +} + +int i2c_recv_buf_small(u8 *buf, u32 size, u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y) +{ + int res = _i2c_send_pkt(idx, x, (u8 *)&y, 1); + if (res) + res = _i2c_recv_pkt(idx, buf, size, x); + return res; +} + +int i2c_send_byte(u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y, u8 b) +{ + return i2c_send_buf_small(idx, x, y, &b, 1); +} + +u8 i2c_recv_byte(u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y) +{ + u8 tmp = 0; + i2c_recv_buf_small(&tmp, 1, idx, x, y); + return tmp; +} + diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/i2c.h b/emummc/source/soc/i2c.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2b2af50c --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/i2c.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _I2C_H_ +#define _I2C_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +#define I2C_1 0 +#define I2C_2 1 +#define I2C_3 2 +#define I2C_4 3 +#define I2C_5 4 +#define I2C_6 5 + +#define I2C_CNFG 0x00 +#define I2C_CMD_ADDR0 0x01 +#define I2C_CMD_DATA1 0x03 +#define I2C_CMD_DATA2 0x04 +#define I2C_STATUS 0x07 +#define INTERRUPT_STATUS_REGISTER 0x1A +#define I2C_CLK_DIVISOR_REGISTER 0x1B +#define I2C_BUS_CLEAR_CONFIG 0x21 +#define I2C_BUS_CLEAR_STATUS 0x22 +#define I2C_CONFIG_LOAD 0x23 + +void i2c_init(u32 idx); +int i2c_send_buf_small(u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y, u8 *buf, u32 size); +int i2c_recv_buf_small(u8 *buf, u32 size, u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y); +int i2c_send_byte(u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y, u8 b); +u8 i2c_recv_byte(u32 idx, u32 x, u32 y); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/pinmux.c b/emummc/source/soc/pinmux.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5966be205 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/pinmux.c @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "../soc/pinmux.h" +#include "../soc/t210.h" + +void pinmux_config_i2c(u32 idx) +{ + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_X_I2C_SCL(idx)) = PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE; + PINMUX_AUX(PINMUX_AUX_X_I2C_SDA(idx)) = PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/pinmux.h b/emummc/source/soc/pinmux.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c44b97c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/pinmux.h @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _PINMUX_H_ +#define _PINMUX_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +/*! APB MISC registers. */ +#define APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_CLK_LPBK_CONTROL 0x8D4 +#define APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC3_CLK_LPBK_CONTROL 0x8D8 +#define APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_PAD_CFGPADCTRL 0xA98 +#define APB_MISC_GP_VGPIO_GPIO_MUX_SEL 0xB74 + +/*! Pinmux registers. */ +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_CLK 0x00 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_CMD 0x04 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT3 0x08 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT2 0x0C +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT1 0x10 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC1_DAT0 0x14 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC3_CLK 0x1C +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC3_CMD 0x20 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC3_DAT0 0x24 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC3_DAT1 0x28 +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC3_DAT2 0x2C +#define PINMUX_AUX_SDMMC3_DAT3 0x30 +#define PINMUX_AUX_DMIC3_CLK 0xB4 +#define PINMUX_AUX_UART2_TX 0xF4 +#define PINMUX_AUX_UART3_TX 0x104 +#define PINMUX_AUX_WIFI_EN 0x1B4 +#define PINMUX_AUX_WIFI_RST 0x1B8 +#define PINMUX_AUX_NFC_EN 0x1D0 +#define PINMUX_AUX_NFC_INT 0x1D4 +#define PINMUX_AUX_LCD_BL_PWM 0x1FC +#define PINMUX_AUX_LCD_BL_EN 0x200 +#define PINMUX_AUX_LCD_RST 0x204 +#define PINMUX_AUX_GPIO_PE6 0x248 +#define PINMUX_AUX_GPIO_PH6 0x250 +#define PINMUX_AUX_GPIO_PZ1 0x280 +/*! 0:UART-A, 1:UART-B, 3:UART-C, 3:UART-D */ +#define PINMUX_AUX_UARTX_TX(x) (0xE4 + 0x10 * (x)) +#define PINMUX_AUX_UARTX_RX(x) (0xE8 + 0x10 * (x)) +#define PINMUX_AUX_UARTX_RTS(x) (0xEC + 0x10 * (x)) +#define PINMUX_AUX_UARTX_CTS(x) (0xF0 + 0x10 * (x)) +/*! 0:GEN1, 1:GEN2, 2:GEN3, 3:CAM, 4:PWR */ +#define PINMUX_AUX_X_I2C_SCL(x) (0xBC + 8 * (x)) +#define PINMUX_AUX_X_I2C_SDA(x) (0xC0 + 8 * (x)) + +#define PINMUX_FUNC_MASK (3 << 0) + +#define PINMUX_PULL_MASK (3 << 2) +#define PINMUX_PULL_NONE (0 << 2) +#define PINMUX_PULL_DOWN (1 << 2) +#define PINMUX_PULL_UP (2 << 2) + +#define PINMUX_TRISTATE (1 << 4) +#define PINMUX_PARKED (1 << 5) +#define PINMUX_INPUT_ENABLE (1 << 6) +#define PINMUX_LOCK (1 << 7) +#define PINMUX_LPDR (1 << 8) +#define PINMUX_HSM (1 << 9) + +#define PINMUX_IO_HV (1 << 10) +#define PINMUX_OPEN_DRAIN (1 << 11) +#define PINMUX_SCHMT (1 << 12) + +#define PINMUX_DRIVE_1X (0 << 13) +#define PINMUX_DRIVE_2X (1 << 13) +#define PINMUX_DRIVE_3X (2 << 13) +#define PINMUX_DRIVE_4X (3 << 13) + +void pinmux_config_i2c(u32 idx); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/pmc.h b/emummc/source/soc/pmc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec8eb99a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/pmc.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (c) 2018 st4rk + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _PMC_H_ +#define _PMC_H_ + +/*! PMC registers. */ +#define APBDEV_PMC_CNTRL 0x0 +#define PMC_CNTRL_MAIN_RST (1 << 4) +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE 0x4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_TOGGLE 0x30 +#define APBDEV_PMC_PWRGATE_STATUS 0x38 +#define APBDEV_PMC_NO_IOPOWER 0x44 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH0 0x50 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH1 0x54 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH20 0xA0 +#define APBDEV_PMC_PWR_DET_VAL 0xE4 +#define PMC_PWR_DET_SDMMC1_IO_EN (1 << 12) +#define APBDEV_PMC_DDR_PWR 0xE8 +#define APBDEV_PMC_CRYPTO_OP 0xF4 +#define PMC_CRYPTO_OP_SE_ENABLE 0 +#define PMC_CRYPTO_OP_SE_DISABLE 1 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH33 0x120 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH40 0x13C +#define APBDEV_PMC_OSC_EDPD_OVER 0x1A4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_RST_STATUS 0x1B4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD_REQ 0x1B8 +#define APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD2_REQ 0x1C0 +#define APBDEV_PMC_VDDP_SEL 0x1CC +#define APBDEV_PMC_DDR_CFG 0x1D0 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH45 0x234 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH46 0x238 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH49 0x244 +#define APBDEV_PMC_TSC_MULT 0x2B4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE2 0x2C4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_WEAK_BIAS 0x2C8 +#define APBDEV_PMC_REG_SHORT 0x2CC +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE3 0x2D8 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH21 0x334 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH32 0x360 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SECURE_SCRATCH49 0x3A4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_CNTRL2 0x440 +#define APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD3_REQ 0x45C +#define APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD4_REQ 0x464 +#define APBDEV_PMC_UTMIP_PAD_CFG1 0x4C4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_UTMIP_PAD_CFG3 0x4CC +#define APBDEV_PMC_DDR_CNTRL 0x4E4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE4 0x5B0 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE5 0x5B4 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE6 0x5B8 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE7 0x5BC +#define APBDEV_PMC_SEC_DISABLE8 0x5C0 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH188 0x810 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH190 0x818 +#define APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH200 0x840 + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/soc/pmc_lp0_t210.h b/emummc/source/soc/pmc_lp0_t210.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..641d9f735 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/soc/pmc_lp0_t210.h @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2010-2015, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + */ + +#ifndef _TEGRA210_PMC_H_ +#define _TEGRA210_PMC_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +struct tegra_pmc_regs +{ + u32 cntrl; + u32 sec_disable; + u32 pmc_swrst; + u32 wake_mask; + u32 wake_lvl; + u32 wake_status; + u32 sw_wake_status; + u32 dpd_pads_oride; + u32 dpd_sample; + u32 dpd_enable; + u32 pwrgate_timer_off; + u32 clamp_status; + u32 pwrgate_toggle; + u32 remove_clamping_cmd; + u32 pwrgate_status; + u32 pwrgood_timer; + u32 blink_timer; + u32 no_iopower; + u32 pwr_det; + u32 pwr_det_latch; + u32 scratch0; + u32 scratch1; + u32 scratch2; + u32 scratch3; + u32 scratch4; + u32 scratch5; + u32 scratch6; + u32 scratch7; + u32 scratch8; + u32 scratch9; + u32 scratch10; + u32 scratch11; + u32 scratch12; + u32 scratch13; + u32 scratch14; + u32 scratch15; + u32 scratch16; + u32 scratch17; + u32 scratch18; + u32 scratch19; + u32 odmdata; + u32 scratch21; + u32 scratch22; + u32 scratch23; + u32 secure_scratch0; + u32 secure_scratch1; + u32 secure_scratch2; + u32 secure_scratch3; + u32 secure_scratch4; + u32 secure_scratch5; + u32 cpupwrgood_timer; + u32 cpupwroff_timer; + u32 pg_mask; + u32 pg_mask_1; + u32 auto_wake_lvl; + u32 auto_wake_lvl_mask; + u32 wake_delay; + u32 pwr_det_val; + u32 ddr_pwr; + u32 usb_debounce_del; + u32 usb_a0; + u32 crypto_op; + u32 pllp_wb0_override; + u32 scratch24; + u32 scratch25; + u32 scratch26; + u32 scratch27; + u32 scratch28; + u32 scratch29; + u32 scratch30; + u32 scratch31; + u32 scratch32; + u32 scratch33; + u32 scratch34; + u32 scratch35; + u32 scratch36; + u32 scratch37; + u32 scratch38; + u32 scratch39; + u32 scratch40; + u32 scratch41; + u32 scratch42; + u32 bondout_mirror[3]; + u32 sys_33v_en; + u32 bondout_mirror_access; + u32 gate; + u32 wake2_mask; + u32 wake2_lvl; + u32 wake2_status; + u32 sw_wake2_status; + u32 auto_wake2_lvl_mask; + u32 pg_mask_2; + u32 pg_mask_ce1; + u32 pg_mask_ce2; + u32 pg_mask_ce3; + u32 pwrgate_timer_ce[7]; + u32 pcx_edpd_cntrl; + u32 osc_edpd_over; + u32 clk_out_cntrl; + u32 sata_pwrgt; + u32 sensor_ctrl; + u32 rst_status; + u32 io_dpd_req; + u32 io_dpd_status; + u32 io_dpd2_req; + u32 io_dpd2_status; + u32 sel_dpd_tim; + u32 vddp_sel; + u32 ddr_cfg; + u32 e_no_vttgen; + u8 _rsv0[4]; + u32 pllm_wb0_override_freq; + u32 test_pwrgate; + u32 pwrgate_timer_mult; + u32 dis_sel_dpd; + u32 utmip_uhsic_triggers; + u32 utmip_uhsic_saved_state; + u32 utmip_pad_cfg; + u32 utmip_term_pad_cfg; + u32 utmip_uhsic_sleep_cfg; + u32 utmip_uhsic_sleepwalk_cfg; + u32 utmip_sleepwalk_p[3]; + u32 uhsic_sleepwalk_p0; + u32 utmip_uhsic_status; + u32 utmip_uhsic_fake; + u32 bondout_mirror3[5 - 3]; + u32 secure_scratch6; + u32 secure_scratch7; + u32 scratch43; + u32 scratch44; + u32 scratch45; + u32 scratch46; + u32 scratch47; + u32 scratch48; + u32 scratch49; + u32 scratch50; + u32 scratch51; + u32 scratch52; + u32 scratch53; + u32 scratch54; + u32 scratch55; + u32 scratch0_eco; + u32 por_dpd_ctrl; + u32 scratch2_eco; + u32 utmip_uhsic_line_wakeup; + u32 utmip_bias_master_cntrl; + u32 utmip_master_config; + u32 td_pwrgate_inter_part_timer; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_triggers; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_saved_state; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_sleep_cfg; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_sleepwalk_cfg; + u32 uhsic2_sleepwalk_p1; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_status; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_fake; + u32 utmip_uhsic2_line_wakeup; + u32 utmip_master2_config; + u32 utmip_uhsic_rpd_cfg; + u32 pg_mask_ce0; + u32 pg_mask3[5 - 3]; + u32 pllm_wb0_override2; + u32 tsc_mult; + u32 cpu_vsense_override; + u32 glb_amap_cfg; + u32 sticky_bits; + u32 sec_disable2; + u32 weak_bias; + u32 reg_short; + u32 pg_mask_andor; + u8 _rsv1[0x2c]; + u32 secure_scratch8; /* offset 0x300 */ + u32 secure_scratch9; + u32 secure_scratch10; + u32 secure_scratch11; + u32 secure_scratch12; + u32 secure_scratch13; + u32 secure_scratch14; + u32 secure_scratch15; + u32 secure_scratch16; + u32 secure_scratch17; + u32 secure_scratch18; + u32 secure_scratch19; + u32 secure_scratch20; + u32 secure_scratch21; + u32 secure_scratch22; + u32 secure_scratch23; + u32 secure_scratch24; + u32 secure_scratch25; + u32 secure_scratch26; + u32 secure_scratch27; + u32 secure_scratch28; + u32 secure_scratch29; + u32 secure_scratch30; + u32 secure_scratch31; + u32 secure_scratch32; + u32 secure_scratch33; + u32 secure_scratch34; + u32 secure_scratch35; + u32 secure_scratch36; + u32 secure_scratch37; + u32 secure_scratch38; + u32 secure_scratch39; + u32 secure_scratch40; + u32 secure_scratch41; + u32 secure_scratch42; + u32 secure_scratch43; + u32 secure_scratch44; + u32 secure_scratch45; + u32 secure_scratch46; + u32 secure_scratch47; + u32 secure_scratch48; + u32 secure_scratch49; + u32 secure_scratch50; + u32 secure_scratch51; + u32 secure_scratch52; + u32 secure_scratch53; + u32 secure_scratch54; + u32 secure_scratch55; + u32 secure_scratch56; + u32 secure_scratch57; + u32 secure_scratch58; + u32 secure_scratch59; + u32 secure_scratch60; + u32 secure_scratch61; + u32 secure_scratch62; + u32 secure_scratch63; + u32 secure_scratch64; + u32 secure_scratch65; + u32 secure_scratch66; + u32 secure_scratch67; + u32 secure_scratch68; + u32 secure_scratch69; + u32 secure_scratch70; + u32 secure_scratch71; + u32 secure_scratch72; + u32 secure_scratch73; + u32 secure_scratch74; + u32 secure_scratch75; + u32 secure_scratch76; + u32 secure_scratch77; + u32 secure_scratch78; + u32 secure_scratch79; + u32 _rsv0x420[8]; + u32 cntrl2; /* 0x440 */ + u32 _rsv0x444[2]; + u32 event_counter; /* 0x44C */ + u32 fuse_control; + u32 scratch1_eco; + u32 _rsv0x458[1]; + u32 io_dpd3_req; /* 0x45C */ + u32 io_dpd3_status; + u32 io_dpd4_req; + u32 io_dpd4_status; + u32 _rsv0x46C[30]; + u32 ddr_cntrl; /* 0x4E4 */ + u32 _rsv0x4E8[70]; + u32 scratch56; /* 0x600 */ + u32 scratch57; + u32 scratch58; + u32 scratch59; + u32 scratch60; + u32 scratch61; + u32 scratch62; + u32 scratch63; + u32 scratch64; + u32 scratch65; + u32 scratch66; + u32 scratch67; + u32 scratch68; + u32 scratch69; + u32 scratch70; + u32 scratch71; + u32 scratch72; + u32 scratch73; + u32 scratch74; + u32 scratch75; + u32 scratch76; 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you can redistribute it and/or modify it +* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, +* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. +* +* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT +* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for +* more details. +* +* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +* along with this program. If not, see . +*/ + +#ifndef _T210_H_ +#define _T210_H_ + +#include "../utils/types.h" + +intptr_t QueryIoMapping(u64 addr, u64 size); + +#define TMR_BASE 0x60005000 +#define CLOCK_BASE 0x60006000 +#define GPIO_BASE 0x6000D000 +#define GPIO_1_BASE (GPIO_BASE) +#define GPIO_2_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x100) +#define GPIO_3_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x200) +#define GPIO_4_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x300) +#define GPIO_5_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x400) +#define GPIO_6_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x500) +#define GPIO_7_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x600) +#define GPIO_8_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x700) +#define APB_MISC_BASE 0x70000000 +#define PINMUX_AUX_BASE 0x70003000 +#define PWM_BASE 0x7000A000 +#define RTC_BASE 0x7000E000 +#define PMC_BASE 0x7000E400 + +#define _REG(base, off) *(vu32 *)(QueryIoMapping((u64)base, 0) + (off)) +#define _REG_IO(base, off, size) *(vu32 *)(QueryIoMapping((u64)base, size) + (off)) + +#define RTC(off) _REG_IO(RTC_BASE, off, 0x4000) +#define TMR(off) _REG_IO(TMR_BASE, off, 0x3FF) +#define CLOCK(off) _REG_IO(CLOCK_BASE, off, 0x1000) + +#define PMC(off) _REG_IO(PMC_BASE, off, 0x1000) // ?????????? + +#define APB_MISC(off) _REG_IO(APB_MISC_BASE, off, 0x4000) +#define PINMUX_AUX(off) _REG_IO(APB_MISC_BASE, off + (PINMUX_AUX_BASE - APB_MISC_BASE), 0x4000) + +#define GPIO(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off, 0x1000) +#define GPIO_1(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_1_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_2(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_2_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_3(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_3_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_4(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_4_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_5(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_5_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_6(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_6_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_7(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_7_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) +#define GPIO_8(off) _REG_IO(GPIO_BASE, off + (GPIO_8_BASE - GPIO_BASE), 0x1000) + +#define HOST1X(off) _REG(HOST1X_BASE, off) +#define BPMP_CACHE_CTRL(off) _REG(BPMP_CACHE_BASE, off) +#define DISPLAY_A(off) _REG(DISPLAY_A_BASE, off) +#define DSI(off) _REG(DSI_BASE, off) +#define VIC(off) _REG(VIC_BASE, off) +#define TSEC(off) _REG(TSEC_BASE, off) +#define SOR1(off) _REG(SOR1_BASE, off) +#define FLOW_CTLR(off) _REG(FLOW_CTLR_BASE, off) +#define SYSREG(off) _REG(SYSREG_BASE, off) +#define SB(off) _REG(SB_BASE, off) +#define EXCP_VEC(off) _REG(EXCP_VEC_BASE, off) +#define PWM(off) _REG(PWM_BASE, off) +#define SYSCTR0(off) _REG(SYSCTR0_BASE, off) +#define FUSE(off) _REG(FUSE_BASE, off) +#define KFUSE(off) _REG(KFUSE_BASE, off) +#define SE(off) _REG(SE_BASE, off) +#define MC(off) _REG(MC_BASE, off) +#define EMC(off) _REG(EMC_BASE, off) +#define MIPI_CAL(off) _REG(MIPI_CAL_BASE, off) +#define I2S(off) _REG(I2S_BASE, off) +#define CL_DVFS(off) _REG(CL_DVFS_BASE, off) +#define TEST_REG(off) _REG(0x0, off) + +/*! Misc registers. */ +#define APB_MISC_PP_STRAPPING_OPT_A 0x08 +#define APB_MISC_PP_PINMUX_GLOBAL 0x40 +#define APB_MISC_GP_LCD_BL_PWM_CFGPADCTRL 0xA34 +#define APB_MISC_GP_SDMMC1_PAD_CFGPADCTRL 0xA98 +#define APB_MISC_GP_EMMC4_PAD_CFGPADCTRL 0xAB4 +#define APB_MISC_GP_WIFI_EN_CFGPADCTRL 0xB64 +#define APB_MISC_GP_WIFI_RST_CFGPADCTRL 0xB68 + +/*! System registers. */ +#define AHB_ARBITRATION_XBAR_CTRL 0xE0 +#define AHB_AHB_SPARE_REG 0x110 + +/*! RTC registers. */ +#define APBDEV_RTC_SECONDS 0x8 +#define APBDEV_RTC_SHADOW_SECONDS 0xC +#define APBDEV_RTC_MILLI_SECONDS 0x10 + +/*! TMR registers. */ +#define TIMERUS_CNTR_1US (0x10 + 0x0) +#define TIMERUS_USEC_CFG (0x10 + 0x4) +#define TIMER_TMR9_TMR_PTV 0x80 +#define TIMER_EN (1 << 31) +#define TIMER_PER_EN (1 << 30) +#define TIMER_WDT4_CONFIG (0x100 + 0x80) +#define TIMER_SRC(TMR) (TMR & 0xF) +#define TIMER_PER(PER) ((PER & 0xFF) << 4) +#define TIMER_SYSRESET_EN (1 << 14) +#define TIMER_PMCRESET_EN (1 << 15) +#define TIMER_WDT4_COMMAND (0x108 + 0x80) +#define TIMER_START_CNT (1 << 0) +#define TIMER_CNT_DISABLE (1 << 1) +#define TIMER_WDT4_UNLOCK_PATTERN (0x10C + 0x80) +#define TIMER_MAGIC_PTRN 0xC45A + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/utils/fatal.c b/emummc/source/utils/fatal.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e76937b9f --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/utils/fatal.c @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "fatal.h" + +void __attribute__((noreturn)) fatal_abort(enum FatalReason abortReason) +{ + // Reboot to RCM + smcRebootToRcm(); + + while(true) + ; // Should never be reached +} diff --git a/emummc/source/utils/fatal.h b/emummc/source/utils/fatal.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccbcd6fd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/utils/fatal.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 m4xw + * Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#pragma once +#include "../nx/smc.h" + +enum FatalReason { + Fatal_InitMMC = 0, + Fatal_InitSD, + Fatal_InvalidAccessor, + Fatal_ReadNoAccessor, + Fatal_WriteNoAccessor, + Fatal_IoMapping, + Fatal_UnknownVersion, + Fatal_BadResult, + Fatal_GetConfig, + Fatal_Max +}; + +void __attribute__((noreturn)) fatal_abort(enum FatalReason abortReason); diff --git a/emummc/source/utils/types.h b/emummc/source/utils/types.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b39359e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/utils/types.h @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* +* Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert +* +* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, +* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. +* +* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT +* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for +* more details. +* +* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +* along with this program. If not, see . +*/ + +#ifndef _TYPES_H_ +#define _TYPES_H_ + +#include + +#define ALIGN(x, a) (((x) + (a) - 1) & ~((a) - 1)) +#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) +#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) + +#define OFFSET_OF(t, m) ((u32)&((t *)NULL)->m) +#define CONTAINER_OF(mp, t, mn) ((t *)((u32)mp - OFFSET_OF(t, mn))) + +/// Creates a bitmask from a bit number. +#ifndef BIT +#define BIT(n) (1U<<(n)) +#endif + +typedef signed char s8; +typedef short s16; +typedef short SHORT; +typedef int s32; +typedef int INT; +typedef long LONG; +typedef long long int s64; +typedef unsigned char u8; +typedef unsigned char BYTE; +typedef unsigned short u16; +typedef unsigned short WORD; +typedef unsigned short WCHAR; +typedef unsigned int u32; +typedef unsigned int UINT; +typedef unsigned long DWORD; +typedef unsigned long long QWORD; +typedef unsigned long long int u64; +typedef volatile unsigned char vu8; +typedef volatile unsigned short vu16; +typedef volatile unsigned int vu32; + +typedef u32 Handle; ///< Kernel object handle. +typedef u32 Result; ///< Function error code result type. + +#ifndef __cplusplus +typedef int bool; +#define true 1 +#define false 0 +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#define BOOT_CFG_AUTOBOOT_EN (1 << 0) +#define BOOT_CFG_FROM_LAUNCH (1 << 1) +#define BOOT_CFG_SEPT_RUN (1 << 7) + +#define EXTRA_CFG_KEYS (1 << 0) +#define EXTRA_CFG_PAYLOAD (1 << 1) +#define EXTRA_CFG_MODULE (1 << 2) + +typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) _boot_cfg_t +{ + u8 boot_cfg; + u8 autoboot; + u8 autoboot_list; + u8 extra_cfg; + u8 rsvd[128]; +} boot_cfg_t; + +typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) _ipl_ver_meta_t +{ + u32 magic; + u32 version; + u16 rsvd0; + u16 rsvd1; +} ipl_ver_meta_t; + +typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) _reloc_meta_t +{ + u32 start; + u32 stack; + u32 end; + u32 ep; +} reloc_meta_t; + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/source/utils/util.c b/emummc/source/utils/util.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee95032b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/utils/util.c @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* +* Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert +* Copyright (C) 2018 CTCaer +* Copyright (C) 2019 M4xw +* Copyright (c) 2019 Atmosphere-NX +* +* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, +* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. +* +* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT +* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for +* more details. +* +* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +* along with this program. If not, see . +*/ + +#include "util.h" +#include "fatal.h" +#include "types.h" +#include "../nx/counter.h" +#include "../nx/svc.h" +#include "../soc/t210.h" + +typedef struct _io_mapping_t +{ + u64 phys; + u64 virt; + u64 size; +} io_mapping_t; +static io_mapping_t io_mapping_list[10] = {0}; // Max 10 Mappings +#define IO_MAPPING_COUNT (sizeof(io_mapping_list) / sizeof(io_mapping_t)) + +static inline uintptr_t _GetIoMapping(u64 io_addr, u64 io_size) +{ + u64 vaddr; + u64 aligned_addr = (io_addr & ~0xFFFul); + u64 aligned_size = io_size + (io_addr - aligned_addr); + if (svcQueryIoMapping(&vaddr, aligned_addr, aligned_size) != 0) { + fatal_abort(Fatal_IoMapping); + } + return (uintptr_t)(vaddr + (io_addr - aligned_addr)); +} + +intptr_t QueryIoMapping(u64 addr, u64 size) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < IO_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) + { + if (io_mapping_list[i].phys == addr && io_mapping_list[i].size == size) + { + return io_mapping_list[i].virt; + } + } + + u64 ioMap = _GetIoMapping(addr, size); + + for (int i = 0; i < IO_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) + { + if (io_mapping_list[i].phys == 0 && io_mapping_list[i].virt == 0 && io_mapping_list[i].size == 0) // First empty + { + io_mapping_list[i].virt = ioMap; + io_mapping_list[i].phys = addr; + io_mapping_list[i].size = size; + break; + } + } + + return (intptr_t)ioMap; +} + +u64 get_tmr_s() +{ + return armTicksToNs(armGetSystemTick()) / 1e+9; +} + +u64 get_tmr_ms() +{ + return armTicksToNs(armGetSystemTick()) / 1000000; +} + +u64 get_tmr_us() +{ + return armTicksToNs(armGetSystemTick()) / 1000; +} + +// TODO: Figure if Sleep or Busy loop +void msleep(u64 milliseconds) +{ + u64 now = get_tmr_ms(); + while (get_tmr_ms() - now < milliseconds) + ; + //svcSleepThread(1000000 * milliseconds); +} + +// TODO: Figure if Sleep or Busy loop +void usleep(u64 microseconds) +{ + u64 now = get_tmr_us(); + while (get_tmr_us() - now < microseconds) + ; + //svcSleepThread(1000 * microseconds); +} + +void exec_cfg(u32 *base, const cfg_op_t *ops, u32 num_ops) +{ + for (u32 i = 0; i < num_ops; i++) + base[ops[i].off] = ops[i].val; +} diff --git a/emummc/source/utils/util.h b/emummc/source/utils/util.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0571d01c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/source/utils/util.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 naehrwert + * Copyright (C) 2018 CTCaer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef _UTIL_H_ +#define _UTIL_H_ + +#include "types.h" + +intptr_t QueryIoMapping(u64 addr, u64 size); +#define byte_swap_32(num) ((num >> 24) & 0xff) | ((num << 8) & 0xff0000) | \ + ((num >> 8 )& 0xff00) | ((num << 24) & 0xff000000) + +typedef struct _cfg_op_t +{ + u32 off; + u32 val; +} cfg_op_t; + +u64 get_tmr_us(); +u64 get_tmr_ms(); +u64 get_tmr_s(); +void usleep(u64 ticks); +void msleep(u64 milliseconds); +void exec_cfg(u32 *base, const cfg_op_t *ops, u32 num_ops); + +#endif diff --git a/emummc/tools/fs_ida_nintendo_folder_xref_formatter.au3 b/emummc/tools/fs_ida_nintendo_folder_xref_formatter.au3 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e28f869b --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/tools/fs_ida_nintendo_folder_xref_formatter.au3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +ParseClipboard() + +Func FormatLineData($sLineData) + Local $lineData = StringReplace($sLineData, @TAB, " ") + Local $isADRP = false + $lineData = StringReplace($lineData, "Up o sub_71000" , "0x") + $isADRP = StringInStr($lineData, "ADRP") + + Local $targetRegister = StringSplit(StringSplit($lineData, "X")[2], ",")[1] + $lineData = StringSplit($lineData, " ")[1] + $lineDataAddr = StringSplit($lineData, "+")[1] + $lineDataAddition = StringSplit($lineData, "+")[2] + + $lineDataAddr = StringReplace($lineDataAddr, "0x" , "") + $lineDataAddition = StringReplace($lineDataAddition, "0x" , "") + + If $isADRP Then + $lineData = "0x" & Hex(Dec($lineDataAddr) + Dec($lineDataAddition)) + Else + Return "" + EndIf + + Return "{.opcode_reg = " & $targetRegister & ", .adrp_offset = " & $lineData & "}, \" & @LF +EndFunc + +Func ParseClipboard() + Local $sData = ClipGet() + Local $oData = "" + Local $sLineData = StringSplit(StringReplace($sData, @CRLF, @LF), @LF) + For $i = 2 to UBound($sLineData) - 2 + Local $lineData = FormatLineData($sLineData[$i]) + ;ConsoleWrite($lineData) + $oData = $oData & $lineData + Next + ClipPut($oData) +EndFunc diff --git a/emummc/tools/kip1converter.py b/emummc/tools/kip1converter.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..471e1e4af --- /dev/null +++ b/emummc/tools/kip1converter.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# Modified kip1 conversion script, originally by jakibaki +# Used for dev purposes, will be replaced in the future + +from struct import pack, unpack +from sys import argv + +f = open(argv[1], "rb") + +header_start = f.read(0x20) + +section_names = [".text", ".rodata", ".data", ".bss"] + +sections = [] +for i in range(6): + section_bytes = f.read(0x10) + section = {} + + if i < len(section_names): + section["Name"] = section_names[i] + + section["OutOffset"], section["DecompressedSize"], section["CompressedSize"], section["Attribute"] = unpack( + "IIII", section_bytes) + sections.append(section) + print(section) + +assert (sections[3]["OutOffset"] + sections[3]["DecompressedSize"]) % 0x1000 == 0 + +kernel_caps = [] +for i in range(0x20): + val, = unpack("I", f.read(4)) + kernel_caps.append(val) + +f.seek(0x100) + +for i in range(3): + section = sections[i] + section["Buffer"] = f.read(section["DecompressedSize"]) +print(f.read()) + +f.close() + +f = open(argv[2], "wb") + +for i in range(3): + section = sections[i] + f.seek(section["OutOffset"]) + f.write(section["Buffer"]) + +f.seek(sections[3]["OutOffset"]) +f.write(b'\0' * sections[3]["DecompressedSize"]) + +caps = open("emummc.caps", "wb") +for i in range(0x20): + caps.write(pack("I", kernel_caps[i])) diff --git a/exosphere/Makefile b/exosphere/Makefile index 7c638dfab..3b9792116 100644 --- a/exosphere/Makefile +++ b/exosphere/Makefile @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ARCH := -march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a57 -mgeneral-regs-only #<- important DEFINES := -D__CCPLEX__ -DATMOSPHERE_GIT_BRANCH=\"$(AMSBRANCH)\" -DATMOSPHERE_GIT_REV=\"$(AMSREV)\" -DATMOSPHERE_RELEASE_VERSION_HASH="0x$(AMSHASH)" CFLAGS := \ -g \ - -O2 \ + -Os \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -fomit-frame-pointer \ diff --git a/exosphere/lp0fw/Makefile b/exosphere/lp0fw/Makefile index e8afccfd1..b3b032b84 100644 --- a/exosphere/lp0fw/Makefile +++ b/exosphere/lp0fw/Makefile @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ARCH := -march=armv4t -mtune=arm7tdmi -mthumb -mthumb-interwork CFLAGS := \ -g \ - -O2 \ + -Os \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -fomit-frame-pointer \ diff --git a/exosphere/rebootstub/Makefile b/exosphere/rebootstub/Makefile index 0eadd1314..ff265beef 100644 --- a/exosphere/rebootstub/Makefile +++ b/exosphere/rebootstub/Makefile @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ARCH := -march=armv4t -mtune=arm7tdmi -mthumb -mthumb-interwork CFLAGS := \ -g \ - -O2 \ + -Os \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -fomit-frame-pointer \ diff --git a/exosphere/sc7fw/Makefile b/exosphere/sc7fw/Makefile index 0eadd1314..ff265beef 100644 --- a/exosphere/sc7fw/Makefile +++ b/exosphere/sc7fw/Makefile @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ARCH := -march=armv4t -mtune=arm7tdmi -mthumb -mthumb-interwork CFLAGS := \ -g \ - -O2 \ + -Os \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -fomit-frame-pointer \ diff --git a/exosphere/src/emummc_cfg.h b/exosphere/src/emummc_cfg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a2f6d124 --- /dev/null +++ b/exosphere/src/emummc_cfg.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef EXOSPHERE_EMUMMC_CONFIG_H +#define EXOSPHERE_EMUMMC_CONFIG_H + +#include +#include +#include "utils.h" + +/* "EFS0" */ +#define MAGIC_EMUMMC_CONFIG (0x30534645) + +#define EMUMMC_FILE_PATH_MAX (0x80) + +typedef enum { + EMUMMC_TYPE_NONE = 0, + EMUMMC_TYPE_PARTITION = 1, + EMUMMC_TYPE_FILES = 2, +} emummc_type_t; + +typedef enum { + EMUMMC_MMC_NAND = 0, + EMUMMC_MMC_SD = 1, + EMUMMC_MMC_GC = 2, +} emummc_mmc_t; + +typedef struct { + uint32_t magic; + uint32_t type; + uint32_t id; + uint32_t fs_version; +} emummc_base_config_t; + +typedef struct { + uint64_t start_sector; +} emummc_partition_config_t; + +typedef struct { + char path[EMUMMC_FILE_PATH_MAX]; +} emummc_file_config_t; + +typedef struct { + emummc_base_config_t base_cfg; + union { + emummc_partition_config_t partition_cfg; + emummc_file_config_t file_cfg; + }; + char emu_dir_path[EMUMMC_FILE_PATH_MAX]; +} exo_emummc_config_t; + +_Static_assert(sizeof(exo_emummc_config_t) == 0x110, "exo_emummc_config_t definition!"); + +#endif diff --git a/exosphere/src/exocfg.c b/exosphere/src/exocfg.c index 533de8beb..7cf9488bd 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/exocfg.c +++ b/exosphere/src/exocfg.c @@ -83,3 +83,11 @@ unsigned int exosphere_should_disable_usermode_exception_handlers(void) { return EXOSPHERE_CHECK_FLAG(EXOSPHERE_FLAG_DISABLE_USERMODE_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS); } + +const exo_emummc_config_t *exosphere_get_emummc_config(void) { + if (!g_has_loaded_config) { + generic_panic(); + } + + return &g_exosphere_cfg.emummc_cfg; +} diff --git a/exosphere/src/exocfg.h b/exosphere/src/exocfg.h index ba53be403..316aa5646 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/exocfg.h +++ b/exosphere/src/exocfg.h @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ #include "utils.h" #include "memory_map.h" +#include "emummc_cfg.h" /* This serves to set configuration for *exosphere itself*, separate from the SecMon Exosphere mimics. */ @@ -42,12 +43,15 @@ #define EXOSPHERE_FLAGS_DEFAULT (EXOSPHERE_FLAG_IS_DEBUGMODE_PRIV) typedef struct { - unsigned int magic; - unsigned int target_firmware; - unsigned int flags; - unsigned int reserved; + uint32_t magic; + uint32_t target_firmware; + uint32_t flags; + uint32_t reserved[5]; + exo_emummc_config_t emummc_cfg; } exosphere_config_t; +_Static_assert(sizeof(exosphere_config_t) == 0x20 + sizeof(exo_emummc_config_t), "exosphere config definition"); + unsigned int exosphere_load_config(void); unsigned int exosphere_get_target_firmware(void); unsigned int exosphere_should_perform_620_keygen(void); @@ -55,6 +59,8 @@ unsigned int exosphere_should_override_debugmode_priv(void); unsigned int exosphere_should_override_debugmode_user(void); unsigned int exosphere_should_disable_usermode_exception_handlers(void); +const exo_emummc_config_t *exosphere_get_emummc_config(void); + static inline unsigned int exosphere_get_target_firmware_for_init(void) { const unsigned int magic = MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIG_PHYS.magic; if (magic == MAGIC_EXOSPHERE_CONFIG) { diff --git a/exosphere/src/my_libc.c b/exosphere/src/my_libc.c index 35bd35bbb..2117f2483 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/my_libc.c +++ b/exosphere/src/my_libc.c @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ strcpy (char *dst0, #if defined(PREFER_SIZE_OVER_SPEED) || defined(__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) char *s = dst0; - while (*dst0++ = *src0++) + while ((*dst0++ = *src0++)) ; return s; diff --git a/exosphere/src/smc_ams.c b/exosphere/src/smc_ams.c index a84c44e82..621a56639 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/smc_ams.c +++ b/exosphere/src/smc_ams.c @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ - - + + #include #include #include @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ #include "synchronization.h" #include "memory_map.h" #include "mmu.h" +#include "userpage.h" +#include "exocfg.h" static atomic_flag g_ams_userpage_mapped = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; static atomic_flag g_ams_iram_page_mapped = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; @@ -94,42 +96,42 @@ uint32_t ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args) { /* args->X[2] = IRAM address, must be 4-byte aligned. */ /* args->X[3] = size (must be <= 0x1000 and 4-byte aligned). */ /* args->X[4] = 0 for read, 1 for write. */ - + const uintptr_t dram_address = (uintptr_t)args->X[1]; const uintptr_t iram_address = (uintptr_t)args->X[2]; const uintptr_t dram_page_offset = (dram_address & 0xFFFULL); const uintptr_t iram_page_offset = (iram_address & 0xFFFULL); const size_t size = args->X[3]; const uint32_t option = (uint32_t)args->X[4]; - + /* Validate addresses. */ if (!ams_is_user_addr_valid(dram_address) || !ams_is_iram_addr_valid(iram_address)) { return 2; } - + /* Validate size. */ if (size > 0x1000 || (size + dram_page_offset) > 0x1000 || (size + iram_page_offset) > 0x1000) { return 2; } - + /* Validate alignment. */ if (size % sizeof(uint32_t) || dram_page_offset % sizeof(uint32_t) || iram_page_offset % sizeof(uint32_t)) { return 2; } - + /* Validate argument. */ if (option != 0 && option != 1) { return 2; } - + /* Map pages. */ ams_map_userpage(dram_address); ams_map_irampage(iram_address); - + /* Set source/destination for copy. */ volatile uint32_t *dram_ptr = (volatile uint32_t *)(AMS_USER_PAGE_SECURE_MONITOR_ADDR + dram_page_offset); volatile uint32_t *iram_ptr = (volatile uint32_t *)(AMS_IRAM_PAGE_SECURE_MONITOR_ADDR + iram_page_offset); - + volatile uint32_t *dst; volatile uint32_t *src; const size_t num_dwords = size / sizeof(uint32_t); @@ -140,18 +142,149 @@ uint32_t ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args) { dst = iram_ptr; src = dram_ptr; } - + /* Actually copy data. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_dwords; i++) { dst[i] = src[i]; } - + /* Flush! */ - flush_dcache_range((void *)dst, (void *)(dst + num_dwords)); - + flush_dcache_range((void *)dst, (void *)(dst + num_dwords)); + /* Unmap pages. */ ams_unmap_irampage(); ams_unmap_userpage(); - + return 0; } + +uint32_t ams_write_address(smc_args_t *args) { + /* Implements a write to a DRAM page. */ + /* This operation can be used to write to read-only pages. */ + /* args->X[1] = Virtual address, must be size-bytes aligned and readable by EL0. */ + /* args->X[2] = Value. */ + /* args->X[3] = size (must be 1, 2, 4, or 8). */ + + const uintptr_t el0_virtual_address = (uintptr_t)args->X[1]; + const uintptr_t dram_address = get_physical_address_el0(el0_virtual_address); + const uintptr_t dram_page_offset = (dram_address & 0xFFFULL); + const size_t size = (size_t)(args->X[3]); + + /* Validate addresses. */ + if (!ams_is_user_addr_valid(dram_address)) { + return 2; + } + + /* Validate size. */ + switch (size) { + case 1: + case 2: + case 4: + case 8: + if ((size + dram_page_offset) > 0x1000) { + return 2; + } + break; + default: + return 2; + } + + /* Validate alignment. */ + if (dram_page_offset % size) { + return 2; + } + + /* Map pages. */ + ams_map_userpage(dram_address); + + /* Write data. */ + uintptr_t dram_ptr = (uintptr_t)(AMS_USER_PAGE_SECURE_MONITOR_ADDR + dram_page_offset); + switch (size) { + case 1: + *((volatile uint8_t *)dram_ptr) = (uint8_t)(args->X[2]); + break; + case 2: + *((volatile uint16_t *)dram_ptr) = (uint16_t)(args->X[2]); + break; + case 4: + *((volatile uint32_t *)dram_ptr) = (uint32_t)(args->X[2]); + break; + case 8: + *((volatile uint64_t *)dram_ptr) = args->X[2]; + break; + default: + generic_panic(); + } + + /* Flush! */ + flush_dcache_range((void *)dram_ptr, (void *)(dram_ptr + size)); + + /* Unmap pages. */ + ams_unmap_userpage(); + + return 0; +} + +uint32_t ams_get_emummc_config(smc_args_t *args) { + /* This retrieves configuration for the current emummc context. */ + /* args->X[1] = MMC id, must be size-bytes aligned and readable by EL0. */ + /* args->X[2] = Pointer to output (for paths for filebased + nintendo dir), must be at least 0x100 bytes. */ + const uint32_t mmc_id = (uint32_t)args->X[1]; + const uintptr_t dram_address = args->X[2]; + const uintptr_t dram_page_offset = (dram_address & 0xFFFULL); + const exo_emummc_config_t *emummc_cfg = exosphere_get_emummc_config(); + + if (mmc_id != EMUMMC_MMC_NAND) { + /* Emummc config for non-NAND storage is not yet implemented. */ + return 1; + } + + /* Require page alignment for input address. */ + if (!ams_is_user_addr_valid(dram_address) || dram_page_offset > 0x1000 - 0x100) { + return 2; + } + + /* Map pages. */ + ams_map_userpage(dram_address); + + void *user_address = (void *)(AMS_USER_PAGE_SECURE_MONITOR_ADDR + dram_page_offset); + + /* Copy redirection dir out to user. */ + memcpy((void *)((uintptr_t)user_address + sizeof(emummc_cfg->file_cfg)), emummc_cfg->emu_dir_path, sizeof(emummc_cfg->emu_dir_path)); + + if (emummc_cfg->base_cfg.type == EMUMMC_TYPE_NONE) { + /* Just copy base config. */ + memset(args, 0, sizeof(*args)); + memcpy(&args->X[1], emummc_cfg, sizeof(emummc_cfg->base_cfg)); + _Static_assert(sizeof(emummc_cfg->base_cfg) <= sizeof(*args) - sizeof(args->X[0]), "Emunand base config too big!"); + + /* Unmap pages. */ + ams_unmap_userpage(); + return 0; + } else if (emummc_cfg->base_cfg.type == EMUMMC_TYPE_PARTITION) { + /* Copy base config and partition config. */ + memset(args, 0, sizeof(*args)); + memcpy(&args->X[1], emummc_cfg, sizeof(emummc_cfg->base_cfg) + sizeof(emummc_cfg->partition_cfg)); + _Static_assert(sizeof(emummc_cfg->base_cfg) + sizeof(emummc_cfg->partition_cfg) <= sizeof(*args) - sizeof(args->X[0]), "Emunand partition config too big!"); + + /* Unmap pages. */ + ams_unmap_userpage(); + return 0; + } else if (emummc_cfg->base_cfg.type == EMUMMC_TYPE_FILES) { + /* Copy file dir path output to user. */ + memcpy(user_address, &emummc_cfg->file_cfg, sizeof(emummc_cfg->file_cfg)); + + /* Copy base config afterwards, since this can't fail. */ + memset(args, 0, sizeof(*args)); + memcpy(&args->X[1], emummc_cfg, sizeof(emummc_cfg->base_cfg)); + _Static_assert(sizeof(emummc_cfg->base_cfg) <= sizeof(*args) - sizeof(args->X[0]), "Emunand base config too big!"); + + /* Unmap pages. */ + ams_unmap_userpage(); + return 0; + } else { + /* Unmap pages. */ + ams_unmap_userpage(); + return 2; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exosphere/src/smc_ams.h b/exosphere/src/smc_ams.h index 01ec5a07a..4061dd454 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/smc_ams.h +++ b/exosphere/src/smc_ams.h @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ #include "smc_api.h" uint32_t ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args); +uint32_t ams_write_address(smc_args_t *args); + +uint32_t ams_get_emummc_config(smc_args_t *args); void ams_map_irampage(uintptr_t iram_address); void ams_unmap_irampage(void); diff --git a/exosphere/src/smc_api.c b/exosphere/src/smc_api.c index 8e8f798da..5a5d6cadc 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/smc_api.c +++ b/exosphere/src/smc_api.c @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ uint32_t smc_read_write_register(smc_args_t *args); /* Atmosphere SMC prototypes */ uint32_t smc_ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args); +uint32_t smc_ams_write_address(smc_args_t *args); +uint32_t smc_ams_get_emummc_config(smc_args_t *args); /* TODO: Provide a way to set this. It's 0 on non-recovery boot anyway... */ static uint32_t g_smc_blacklist_mask = 0; @@ -133,6 +135,8 @@ static smc_table_entry_t g_smc_ams_table[] = { {0, 4, NULL}, {0xF0000201, 0, smc_ams_iram_copy}, {0xF0000002, 0, smc_read_write_register}, + {0xF0000003, 0, smc_ams_write_address}, + {0xF0000404, 0, smc_ams_get_emummc_config}, }; #define SMC_AMS_HANDLERS (sizeof(g_smc_ams_table) / sizeof(g_smc_ams_table[0])) @@ -718,3 +722,11 @@ uint32_t smc_panic(smc_args_t *args) { uint32_t smc_ams_iram_copy(smc_args_t *args) { return smc_wrapper_sync(args, ams_iram_copy); } + +uint32_t smc_ams_write_address(smc_args_t *args) { + return smc_wrapper_sync(args, ams_write_address); +} + +uint32_t smc_ams_get_emummc_config(smc_args_t *args) { + return smc_wrapper_sync(args, ams_get_emummc_config); +} diff --git a/exosphere/src/userpage.c b/exosphere/src/userpage.c index 3be1d5335..51cdf48b0 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/userpage.c +++ b/exosphere/src/userpage.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ static uintptr_t g_user_page_user_address = 0ull; -static inline uintptr_t get_page_for_address(void *address) { +static inline uintptr_t get_page_for_address(const void *address) { return ((uintptr_t)(address)) & ~0xFFFULL; } @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ bool upage_init(upage_ref_t *upage, void *user_address) { return upage->secure_monitor_address != 0ull; } -bool user_copy_to_secure(upage_ref_t *upage, void *secure_dst, void *user_src, size_t size) { +bool user_copy_to_secure(upage_ref_t *upage, void *secure_dst, const void *user_src, size_t size) { /* Fail if the page doesn't match. */ if (get_page_for_address(user_src) != upage->user_address) { return false; @@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ bool user_copy_to_secure(upage_ref_t *upage, void *secure_dst, void *user_src, s return false; } - void *secure_src = (void *)(upage->secure_monitor_address + ((uintptr_t)user_src - upage->user_address)); + const void *secure_src = (const void *)(upage->secure_monitor_address + ((uintptr_t)user_src - upage->user_address)); if (size != 0) { memcpy(secure_dst, secure_src, size); } return true; } -bool secure_copy_to_user(upage_ref_t *upage, void *user_dst, void *secure_src, size_t size) { +bool secure_copy_to_user(upage_ref_t *upage, void *user_dst, const void *secure_src, size_t size) { /* Fail if the page doesn't match. */ if (get_page_for_address(user_dst) != upage->user_address) { return false; diff --git a/exosphere/src/userpage.h b/exosphere/src/userpage.h index 19c140b20..23742db1c 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/userpage.h +++ b/exosphere/src/userpage.h @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ typedef struct { bool upage_init(upage_ref_t *user_page, void *user_address); -bool user_copy_to_secure(upage_ref_t *user_page, void *secure_dst, void *user_src, size_t size); -bool secure_copy_to_user(upage_ref_t *user_page, void *user_dst, void *secure_src, size_t size); +bool user_copy_to_secure(upage_ref_t *user_page, void *secure_dst, const void *user_src, size_t size); +bool secure_copy_to_user(upage_ref_t *user_page, void *user_dst, const void *secure_src, size_t size); #endif diff --git a/exosphere/src/utils.h b/exosphere/src/utils.h index 9cc801959..727713aeb 100644 --- a/exosphere/src/utils.h +++ b/exosphere/src/utils.h @@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ static inline uintptr_t get_physical_address(const void *vaddr) { return (PAR & 1) ? 0ull : (PAR & MASK2L(40, 12)) | ((uintptr_t)vaddr & MASKL(12)); } +static inline uintptr_t get_physical_address_el0(const uintptr_t el0_vaddr) { + uintptr_t PAR; + __asm__ __volatile__ ("at s1e0r, %0" :: "r"(el0_vaddr)); + __asm__ __volatile__ ("mrs %0, par_el1" : "=r"(PAR)); + return (PAR & 1) ? 0ull : (PAR & MASK2L(40, 12)) | ((uintptr_t)el0_vaddr & MASKL(12)); +} + static inline uint32_t read32le(const volatile void *dword, size_t offset) { return *(uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)dword + offset); } diff --git a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/fs_utils.c b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/fs_utils.c index e82a10627..070dfca08 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/fs_utils.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/fs_utils.c @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ bool mount_sd(void) if (!g_sd_initialized) { /* Initialize SD. */ - if (sdmmc_device_sd_init(&g_sd_device, &g_sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104)) + if (sdmmc_device_sd_init(&g_sd_device, &g_sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104)) { g_sd_initialized = true; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/main.c b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/main.c index 3b4614bc8..46e949536 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/main.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/main.c @@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ int main(void) { /* Finally, after the cleanup routines (__libc_fini_array, etc.) are called, jump to Stage2. */ __program_exit_callback = exit_callback; return 0; -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c index f5ed83e3c..9b022f9ee 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c @@ -727,11 +727,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else if (status[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR50) /* High-speed SDR50 is supported. */ @@ -741,11 +741,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else if (status[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR12) /* High-speed SDR12 is supported. */ @@ -755,11 +755,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_high(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25)) return 0; /* Peek the SD card's status. */ @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b memset(device, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_device_t)); /* Try to initialize the driver. */ - if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_3V3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR)) + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_3V3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to initialize the SDMMC driver!"); return 0; @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b sdmmc_info(sdmmc, "Sent if cond to SD card!"); /* Get the SD card's operating conditions. */ - if (!sdmmc_sd_send_op_cond(device, is_sd_ver2, (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT) && (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104))) + if (!sdmmc_sd_send_op_cond(device, is_sd_ver2, (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT) && (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104))) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to send op cond!"); return 0; @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b if (!device->is_180v) { /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed!"); return 0; @@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b sdmmc_info(sdmmc, "Switched to high-speed from low voltage!"); } - else if ((device->scr.sda_vsn & (SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_1 | SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_2)) && ((bus_speed != SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6))) + else if ((device->scr.sda_vsn & (SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_1 | SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_2)) && ((bus_speed != SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY))) { /* Switch to high-speed from high voltage (if possible). */ if (!sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_high(device, switch_status)) @@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs(sdmmc_device_t *device, bool ignore_status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS52)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS)) return 0; /* Check the status if necessary. */ @@ -1292,11 +1292,11 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs200(sdmmc_device_t *device) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS200)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200)) return 0; /* Execute tuning procedure. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS200, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) return 0; /* Peek the current status. */ @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(sdmmc_device_t *device) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS400)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400)) return 0; /* Peek the current status. */ @@ -1340,14 +1340,14 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(sdmmc_device_t *device) static int sdmmc_mmc_select_timing(sdmmc_device_t *device, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { - if ((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) && + if ((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) && (device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT) && (device->ext_csd.raw_card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_8V)) { /* Switch to HS400. */ return sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(device); } - else if (((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) || (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS200)) && + else if (((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) || (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200)) && ((device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT) || (device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT)) && (device->ext_csd.raw_card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_8V)) { @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_mmc_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth memset(device, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_device_t)); /* Try to initialize the driver. */ - if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_1V8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS)) + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_1V8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to initialize the SDMMC driver!"); return 0; @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_mmc_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth sdmmc_warn(sdmmc, "Got unknown CSD structure (0x%08x)!", device->csd.structure); /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS26)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed!"); return 0; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c index aa79fc5ff..0352c2418 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c @@ -289,26 +289,28 @@ static int sdmmc_get_sdclk_freq(SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: return 26000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: return 52000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: return 200000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: return 25000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: return 50000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: return 100000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: return 40800; - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: return 200000; default: return 0; @@ -320,22 +322,23 @@ static int sdmmc_get_sdclk_div(SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: return 66; - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - // TODO: TRM says return 64? - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: return 1; - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: return 2; default: return 0; @@ -354,35 +357,35 @@ static int sdmmc_clk_set_source(SdmmcControllerNum controller, uint32_t clk_freq { case 25000: out_freq = 24728; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR12; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR12; break; case 26000: out_freq = 25500; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS26; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_LEGACY; break; case 40800: out_freq = 40800; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_DDR50; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_DDR50; break; case 50000: out_freq = 48000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR25; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR25; break; case 52000: out_freq = 51000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS52; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS; break; case 100000: out_freq = 90667; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR50; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR50; break; case 200000: out_freq = 163200; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS200; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS200; break; case 208000: out_freq = 204000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR104; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR104; break; default: return 0; @@ -747,7 +750,7 @@ void sdmmc_select_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusVoltage voltage) static void sdmmc_tap_config(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) { /* Clear and set DQS_TRIM_VAL (used in HS400) */ sdmmc->regs->vendor_cap_overrides &= ~(0x3F00); @@ -757,7 +760,7 @@ static void sdmmc_tap_config(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) /* Clear TAP_VAL_UPDATED_BY_HW */ sdmmc->regs->vendor_tuning_cntrl0 &= ~(0x20000); - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) { /* We must have obtained the tap value from the tuning procedure here. */ if (sdmmc->is_tuning_tap_val_set) @@ -863,41 +866,43 @@ int sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) /* Set the appropriate host speed. */ switch (bus_speed) { /* 400kHz initialization mode and a few others. */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: sdmmc->regs->host_control &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_HISPD); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180); break; /* 50MHz high speed (SD) and 52MHz high speed (MMC). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: sdmmc->regs->host_control |= SDHCI_CTRL_HISPD; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180); break; /* 200MHz UHS-I (SD) and other modes due to errata. */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_SDR104; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; break; /* 200MHz single-data rate (MMC). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_HS400; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; break; /* 25MHz default speed (SD). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_SDR12; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; @@ -936,7 +941,7 @@ int sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) sdmmc_enable_sd_clock(sdmmc); /* Run DLLCAL for HS400 only */ - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) return sdmmc_dllcal_run(sdmmc); return 1; @@ -1720,7 +1725,7 @@ int sdmmc_switch_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) sdmmc_disable_sd_clock(sdmmc); /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed for low voltage support!"); return 0; @@ -1883,15 +1888,16 @@ int sdmmc_execute_tuning(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed, uint32_t opcod switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: max_tuning_loop = 0x80; tuning_cntrl_flag = 0x4000; break; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: max_tuning_loop = 0x100; tuning_cntrl_flag = 0x8000; break; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h index 70eda4ff8..8f00fb766 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h @@ -210,33 +210,33 @@ typedef enum { } SdmmcBusWidth; typedef enum { - SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS = 0, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS26 = 1, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS52 = 2, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS200 = 3, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS400 = 4, - SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR = 5, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6 = 6, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25 = 7, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12 = 8, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK9 = 9, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50 = 10, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104 = 11, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK12 = 12, - SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50 = 13, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14 = 14, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT = 0, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY = 1, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS = 2, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200 = 3, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400 = 4, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT = 5, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY = 6, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS = 7, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12 = 8, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25 = 9, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50 = 10, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104 = 11, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_RESERVED = 12, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50 = 13, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52 = 14, + SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104 = 255, /* Custom speed mode. Prevents low voltage switch in MMC emulation. */ } SdmmcBusSpeed; typedef enum { - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR12 = 31, // (16.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR25 = 15, // (8.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR50 = 7, // (4.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR104 = 2, // (2 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_DDR50 = 18, // (5 * 2 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS26 = 30, // (16 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS52 = 14, // (8 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS200 = 3, // (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0) - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS400 = 3, // (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0) + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR12 = 31, /* (16.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR25 = 15, /* (8.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR50 = 7, /* (4.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR104 = 2, /* (2 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_DDR50 = 18, /* (5 * 2 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_LEGACY = 30, /* (16 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS = 14, /* (8 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS200 = 3, /* (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0, same as HS400) */ } SdmmcCarDivider; /* Structure for describing a SDMMC device. */ @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ typedef struct { uint32_t opcode; uint32_t arg; uint32_t resp[4]; - uint32_t flags; /* expected response type */ + uint32_t flags; /* Expected response type. */ } sdmmc_command_t; /* Structure for describing a SDMMC request. */ diff --git a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/stage2.h b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/stage2.h index d20254c6a..f3b2fdc7c 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-primary/src/stage2.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-primary/src/stage2.h @@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ typedef struct { const char *stage2_get_program_path(void); void load_stage2(const char *bct0); -#endif +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/Makefile b/fusee/fusee-secondary/Makefile index 2970e9a09..844dc8cf0 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/Makefile +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/Makefile @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ $(AMS)/exosphere $(AMS)/exosphere/lp0fw $(AMS)/exosphere/rebootstub \ $(AMS)/thermosphere $(AMS)/fusee/fusee-primary $(AMS)/sept/sept-primary \ - $(AMS)/sept/sept-secondary $(KIPDIRS) + $(AMS)/sept/sept-secondary $(AMS)/emummc $(KIPDIRS) export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD) @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s))) KIPFILES := loader.kip pm.kip sm.kip ams_mitm.kip spl.kip boot.kip BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*))) fusee-primary.bin \ exosphere.bin lp0fw.bin rebootstub.bin thermosphere.bin splash_screen.bmp \ - sept-primary.bin sept-secondary.enc \ + sept-primary.bin sept-secondary.enc emummc.kip \ $(KIPFILES) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) .PHONY: $(BUILD) clean all -.PHONY: check_fusee_primary check_exosphere check_sept check_thermosphere check_stratosphere +.PHONY: check_fusee_primary check_exosphere check_sept check_emummc check_thermosphere check_stratosphere #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all: $(BUILD) @@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ check_exosphere: check_sept: @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/sept all +check_emummc: + @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/emummc EMUMMCDIR=$(AMS)/emummc all + check_thermosphere: @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/thermosphere all @@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ check_stratosphere: @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/stratosphere all -$(BUILD): check_fusee_primary check_exosphere check_sept check_thermosphere check_stratosphere +$(BUILD): check_fusee_primary check_exosphere check_sept check_emummc check_thermosphere check_stratosphere @[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile @@ -161,6 +164,7 @@ clean: @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/thermosphere clean @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/stratosphere clean @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/sept clean + @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/emummc clean @rm -fr $(BUILD) $(TARGET).bin $(TARGET).elf #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/linker.ld b/fusee/fusee-secondary/linker.ld index d6025f626..26e8cc445 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/linker.ld +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/linker.ld @@ -246,4 +246,6 @@ SECTIONS PROVIDE(__splash_screen_bmp_size__ = splash_screen_bmp_end - splash_screen_bmp); PROVIDE(__thermosphere_bin_start__ = thermosphere_bin - __start__); PROVIDE(__thermosphere_bin_size__ = thermosphere_bin_end - thermosphere_bin); + PROVIDE(__emummc_kip_start__ = emummc_kip - __start__); + PROVIDE(__emummc_kip_size__ = emummc_kip_end - emummc_kip); } diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.c index e5c4251fe..076aaf58d 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.c @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ - + +#include #include #include "device_partition.h" @@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ int device_partition_read_data(device_partition_t *devpart, void *dst, uint64_t return rc; } } - if (devpart->read_cipher != NULL && devpart->crypto_mode != DevicePartitionCryptoMode_None) { + if ((devpart->read_cipher != NULL) && (devpart->crypto_mode != DevicePartitionCryptoMode_None)) { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_sectors; i += devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors) { uint64_t n = (i + devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors > num_sectors) ? (num_sectors - i) : devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors; rc = devpart->reader(devpart, devpart->crypto_work_buffer, sector + i, n); @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ int device_partition_write_data(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, ui return rc; } } - if (devpart->read_cipher != NULL && devpart->crypto_mode != DevicePartitionCryptoMode_None) { + if ((devpart->write_cipher != NULL) && (devpart->crypto_mode != DevicePartitionCryptoMode_None)) { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_sectors; i += devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors) { uint64_t n = (i + devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors > num_sectors) ? (num_sectors - i) : devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors; memcpy(devpart->crypto_work_buffer, src + (size_t)(devpart->sector_size * i), (size_t)(devpart->sector_size * n)); @@ -72,3 +73,149 @@ int device_partition_write_data(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, ui return devpart->writer(devpart, src, sector, num_sectors); } } + +int emu_device_partition_read_data(device_partition_t *devpart, void *dst, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors, const char *origin_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit) +{ + int rc = 0; + uint64_t target_sector = sector; + char target_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + + /* Perform initialization steps, if necessary. */ + if (!devpart->initialized) { + rc = devpart->initializer(devpart); + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + } + + /* Prepare the right file path if using file mode. */ + if (devpart->emu_use_file && (origin_path != NULL)) { + /* Handle data in multiple parts, if necessary. */ + if (num_parts > 0) { + int target_part = 0; + uint64_t data_offset = sector * devpart->sector_size; + + if (data_offset >= part_limit) { + uint64_t data_offset_aligned = (data_offset + (part_limit - 1)) & ~(part_limit - 1); + target_part = (data_offset_aligned == data_offset) ? (data_offset / part_limit) : (data_offset_aligned / part_limit) - 1; + target_sector = (data_offset - (target_part * part_limit)) / devpart->sector_size; + + /* Target part is invalid. */ + if (target_part > num_parts) { + return -1; + } + } + + /* Treat the path as a folder with each part inside. */ + snprintf(target_path, sizeof(target_path) - 1, "%s/%02d", origin_path, target_part); + } else { + target_sector = sector; + strcpy(target_path, origin_path); + } + + /* Update the target file path. */ + devpart->emu_file_path = target_path; + } + + /* Read the partition data. */ + if ((devpart->read_cipher != NULL) && (devpart->crypto_mode != DevicePartitionCryptoMode_None)) { + for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_sectors; i += devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors) { + uint64_t n = (i + devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors > num_sectors) ? (num_sectors - i) : devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors; + + /* Read partition data. */ + rc = devpart->reader(devpart, devpart->crypto_work_buffer, target_sector + i, n); + + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + + /* Decrypt partition data. */ + rc = devpart->read_cipher(devpart, target_sector + i, n); + + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + + /* Copy partition data to destination. */ + memcpy(dst + (size_t)(devpart->sector_size * i), devpart->crypto_work_buffer, (size_t)(devpart->sector_size * n)); + } + } else { + /* Read partition data. */ + rc = devpart->reader(devpart, dst, target_sector, num_sectors); + } + + return rc; +} + +int emu_device_partition_write_data(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors, const char *origin_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit) +{ + int rc = 0; + uint64_t target_sector = sector; + char target_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + + /* Perform initialization steps, if necessary. */ + if (!devpart->initialized) { + rc = devpart->initializer(devpart); + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + } + + /* Prepare the right file path if using file mode. */ + if (devpart->emu_use_file && (origin_path != NULL)) { + /* Handle data in multiple parts, if necessary. */ + if (num_parts > 0) { + int target_part = 0; + uint64_t data_offset = sector * devpart->sector_size; + + if (data_offset >= part_limit) { + uint64_t data_offset_aligned = (data_offset + (part_limit - 1)) & ~(part_limit - 1); + target_part = (data_offset_aligned == data_offset) ? (data_offset / part_limit) : (data_offset_aligned / part_limit) - 1; + target_sector = (data_offset - (target_part * part_limit)) / devpart->sector_size; + + /* Target part is invalid. */ + if (target_part > num_parts) { + return -1; + } + } + + /* Treat the path as a folder with each part inside. */ + snprintf(target_path, sizeof(target_path) - 1, "%s/%02d", origin_path, target_part); + } else { + target_sector = sector; + strcpy(target_path, origin_path); + } + + /* Update the target file path. */ + devpart->emu_file_path = target_path; + } + + /* Write the partition data. */ + if ((devpart->write_cipher != NULL) && (devpart->crypto_mode != DevicePartitionCryptoMode_None)) { + for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_sectors; i += devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors) { + uint64_t n = (i + devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors > num_sectors) ? (num_sectors - i) : devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors; + + /* Copy partition data from source. */ + memcpy(devpart->crypto_work_buffer, src + (size_t)(devpart->sector_size * i), (size_t)(devpart->sector_size * n)); + + /* Encrypt data. */ + rc = devpart->write_cipher(devpart, target_sector + i, n); + + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + + /* Write partition data. */ + rc = devpart->writer(devpart, devpart->crypto_work_buffer, target_sector + i, n); + + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + } + } else { + /* Write partition data. */ + rc = devpart->writer(devpart, src, target_sector, num_sectors); + } + + return rc; +} diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.h index 2bb059ffd..53b9c3df4 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/device_partition.h @@ -65,9 +65,14 @@ typedef struct device_partition_t { uint8_t __attribute__((aligned(16))) keys[DEVPART_KEY_MAX][DEVPART_KEY_MAX_SIZE]; /* Key. */ uint8_t __attribute__((aligned(16))) iv[DEVPART_IV_MAX_SIZE]; /* IV. */ bool initialized; + + char *emu_file_path; /* Emulated device file path. */ + bool emu_use_file; } device_partition_t; int device_partition_read_data(device_partition_t *devpart, void *dst, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors); int device_partition_write_data(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors); +int emu_device_partition_read_data(device_partition_t *devpart, void *dst, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors, const char *origin_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit); +int emu_device_partition_write_data(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors, const char *origin_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit); #endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emu_dev.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emu_dev.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d21d2a686 --- /dev/null +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emu_dev.c @@ -0,0 +1,563 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "emu_dev.h" +#include "utils.h" + +static int emudev_open(struct _reent *r, void *fileStruct, const char *path, int flags, int mode); +static int emudev_close(struct _reent *r, void *fd); +static ssize_t emudev_write(struct _reent *r, void *fd, const char *ptr, size_t len); +static ssize_t emudev_read(struct _reent *r, void *fd, char *ptr, size_t len); +static off_t emudev_seek(struct _reent *r, void *fd, off_t pos, int whence); +static int emudev_fstat(struct _reent *r, void *fd, struct stat *st); +static int emudev_stat(struct _reent *r, const char *file, struct stat *st); +static int emudev_fsync(struct _reent *r, void *fd); + +typedef struct emudev_device_t { + devoptab_t devoptab; + + char origin_path[0x300+1]; + int num_parts; + uint64_t part_limit; + uint8_t *tmp_sector; + device_partition_t devpart; + char name[32+1]; + char root_path[34+1]; + bool setup, registered; +} emudev_device_t; + +typedef struct emudev_file_t { + emudev_device_t *device; + int open_flags; + uint64_t offset; +} emudev_file_t; + +static emudev_device_t g_emudev_devices[EMUDEV_MAX_DEVICES] = {0}; + +static devoptab_t g_emudev_devoptab = { + .structSize = sizeof(emudev_file_t), + .open_r = emudev_open, + .close_r = emudev_close, + .write_r = emudev_write, + .read_r = emudev_read, + .seek_r = emudev_seek, + .fstat_r = emudev_fstat, + .stat_r = emudev_stat, + .fsync_r = emudev_fsync, + .deviceData = NULL, +}; + +static emudev_device_t *emudev_find_device(const char *name) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < EMUDEV_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { + if (g_emudev_devices[i].setup && strcmp(g_emudev_devices[i].name, name) == 0) { + return &g_emudev_devices[i]; + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +int emudev_mount_device(const char *name, const device_partition_t *devpart, const char *origin_path) { + emudev_device_t *device = NULL; + + if (name[0] == '\0' || devpart == NULL) { + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + if (strlen(name) > 32) { + errno = ENAMETOOLONG; + return -1; + } + if (emudev_find_device(name) != NULL) { + errno = EEXIST; /* Device already exists */ + return -1; + } + + /* Find an unused slot. */ + for (size_t i = 0; i < EMUDEV_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { + if (!g_emudev_devices[i].setup) { + device = &g_emudev_devices[i]; + break; + } + } + if (device == NULL) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return -1; + } + + memset(device, 0, sizeof(emudev_device_t)); + device->devoptab = g_emudev_devoptab; + device->devpart = *devpart; + strcpy(device->name, name); + strcpy(device->root_path, name); + strcat(device->root_path, ":/"); + + /* Copy the file path for file mode. */ + if (devpart->emu_use_file) + strcpy(device->origin_path, origin_path); + + device->num_parts = 0; + device->part_limit = 0; + + device->devoptab.name = device->name; + device->devoptab.deviceData = device; + + /* Initialize immediately. */ + int rc = device->devpart.initializer(&device->devpart); + if (rc != 0) { + errno = rc; + return -1; + } + + /* Allocate memory for our intermediate sector. */ + device->tmp_sector = (uint8_t *)malloc(devpart->sector_size); + if (device->tmp_sector == NULL) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return -1; + } + + device->setup = true; + device->registered = false; + + return 0; +} + +int emudev_mount_device_multipart(const char *name, const device_partition_t *devpart, const char *origin_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit) { + emudev_device_t *device = NULL; + + if (name[0] == '\0' || devpart == NULL) { + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + if (strlen(name) > 32) { + errno = ENAMETOOLONG; + return -1; + } + if (emudev_find_device(name) != NULL) { + errno = EEXIST; /* Device already exists */ + return -1; + } + + /* Invalid number of parts. */ + if (num_parts <= 1) { + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + /* Part limit is invalid. */ + if ((part_limit % (1ull << 30)) != 0) { + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + /* Find an unused slot. */ + for (size_t i = 0; i < EMUDEV_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { + if (!g_emudev_devices[i].setup) { + device = &g_emudev_devices[i]; + break; + } + } + if (device == NULL) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return -1; + } + + memset(device, 0, sizeof(emudev_device_t)); + device->devoptab = g_emudev_devoptab; + device->devpart = *devpart; + strcpy(device->name, name); + strcpy(device->root_path, name); + strcat(device->root_path, ":/"); + strcpy(device->origin_path, origin_path); + device->num_parts = num_parts; + device->part_limit = part_limit; + + device->devoptab.name = device->name; + device->devoptab.deviceData = device; + + /* Initialize immediately. */ + int rc = device->devpart.initializer(&device->devpart); + if (rc != 0) { + errno = rc; + return -1; + } + + /* Allocate memory for our intermediate sector. */ + device->tmp_sector = (uint8_t *)malloc(devpart->sector_size); + if (device->tmp_sector == NULL) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return -1; + } + + device->setup = true; + device->registered = false; + + return 0; +} + +int emudev_register_device(const char *name) { + emudev_device_t *device = emudev_find_device(name); + if (device == NULL) { + errno = ENOENT; + return -1; + } + + if (device->registered) { + /* Do nothing if the device is already registered. */ + return 0; + } + + if (AddDevice(&device->devoptab) == -1) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return -1; + } else { + device->registered = true; + return 0; + } +} + +int emudev_unregister_device(const char *name) { + emudev_device_t *device = emudev_find_device(name); + char drname[40]; + + if (device == NULL) { + errno = ENOENT; + return -1; + } + + if (!device->registered) { + /* Do nothing if the device is not registered. */ + return 0; + } + + strcpy(drname, name); + strcat(drname, ":"); + + if (RemoveDevice(drname) == -1) { + errno = ENOENT; + return -1; + } else { + device->registered = false; + return 0; + } +} + +int emudev_unmount_device(const char *name) { + int rc; + emudev_device_t *device = emudev_find_device(name); + + if (device == NULL) { + errno = ENOENT; + return -1; + } + + rc = emudev_unregister_device(name); + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + free(device->tmp_sector); + device->devpart.finalizer(&device->devpart); + memset(device, 0, sizeof(emudev_device_t)); + + return 0; +} + +int emudev_unmount_all(void) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < EMUDEV_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { + int rc = emudev_unmount_device(g_emudev_devices[i].name); + if (rc != 0) { + return rc; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int emudev_open(struct _reent *r, void *fileStruct, const char *path, int flags, int mode) { + (void)mode; + emudev_file_t *f = (emudev_file_t *)fileStruct; + emudev_device_t *device = (emudev_device_t *)(r->deviceData); + + /* Only allow "device:/". */ + if (strcmp(path, device->root_path) != 0) { + r->_errno = ENOENT; + return -1; + } + + /* Forbid some flags that we explicitly don't support.*/ + if (flags & (O_APPEND | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL)) { + r->_errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + memset(f, 0, sizeof(emudev_file_t)); + f->device = device; + f->open_flags = flags; + return 0; +} + +static int emudev_close(struct _reent *r, void *fd) { + (void)r; + emudev_file_t *f = (emudev_file_t *)fd; + memset(f, 0, sizeof(emudev_file_t)); + + return 0; +} + +static ssize_t emudev_write(struct _reent *r, void *fd, const char *ptr, size_t len) { + emudev_file_t *f = (emudev_file_t *)fd; + emudev_device_t *device = f->device; + size_t sector_size = device->devpart.sector_size; + uint64_t sector_begin = f->offset / sector_size; + uint64_t sector_end = (f->offset + len + sector_size - 1) / sector_size; + uint64_t sector_end_aligned; + uint64_t current_sector = sector_begin; + const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)ptr; + + int no = 0; + + if (sector_end >= device->devpart.num_sectors) { + len = (size_t)(sector_size * device->devpart.num_sectors - f->offset); + sector_end = device->devpart.num_sectors; + } + + sector_end_aligned = sector_end - ((f->offset + len) % sector_size != 0 ? 1 : 0); + + if (len == 0) { + return 0; + } + + /* Unaligned at the start, we need to read the sector and incorporate the data. */ + if (f->offset % sector_size != 0) { + size_t nb = (size_t)(len <= (sector_size - (f->offset % sector_size)) ? len : sector_size - (f->offset % sector_size)); + no = emu_device_partition_read_data(&device->devpart, device->tmp_sector, sector_begin, 1, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + + memcpy(device->tmp_sector + (f->offset % sector_size), data, nb); + + no = emu_device_partition_write_data(&device->devpart, device->tmp_sector, sector_begin, 1, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + + /* Advance */ + data += sector_size - (f->offset % sector_size); + current_sector++; + } + + /* Check if we're already done (otherwise this causes a bug in handling the last sector of the range). */ + if (current_sector == sector_end) { + f->offset += len; + return len; + } + + /* Write all of the sector-aligned data. */ + if (current_sector != sector_end_aligned) { + no = emu_device_partition_write_data(&device->devpart, data, current_sector, sector_end_aligned - current_sector, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + } + + data += sector_size * (sector_end_aligned - current_sector); + current_sector = sector_end_aligned; + + /* Unaligned at the end, we need to read the sector and incorporate the data. */ + if (sector_end != sector_end_aligned) { + no = emu_device_partition_read_data(&device->devpart, device->tmp_sector, sector_end_aligned, 1, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + + memcpy(device->tmp_sector, data, (size_t)((f->offset + len) % sector_size)); + + no = emu_device_partition_write_data(&device->devpart, device->tmp_sector, sector_end_aligned, 1, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + + /* Advance */ + data += sector_size - ((f->offset + len) % sector_size); + current_sector++; + } + + f->offset += len; + return len; +} + +static ssize_t emudev_read(struct _reent *r, void *fd, char *ptr, size_t len) { + emudev_file_t *f = (emudev_file_t *)fd; + emudev_device_t *device = f->device; + size_t sector_size = device->devpart.sector_size; + uint64_t sector_begin = f->offset / sector_size; + uint64_t sector_end = (f->offset + len + sector_size - 1) / sector_size; + uint64_t sector_end_aligned; + uint64_t current_sector = sector_begin; + uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)ptr; + + int no = 0; + + if (sector_end >= device->devpart.num_sectors) { + len = (size_t)(sector_size * device->devpart.num_sectors - f->offset); + sector_end = device->devpart.num_sectors; + } + + sector_end_aligned = sector_end - ((f->offset + len) % sector_size != 0 ? 1 : 0); + + if (len == 0) { + return 0; + } + + /* Unaligned at the start, we need to read the sector and incorporate the data. */ + if (f->offset % sector_size != 0) { + size_t nb = (size_t)(len <= (sector_size - (f->offset % sector_size)) ? len : sector_size - (f->offset % sector_size)); + no = emu_device_partition_read_data(&device->devpart, device->tmp_sector, sector_begin, 1, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + + memcpy(data, device->tmp_sector + (f->offset % sector_size), nb); + + /* Advance */ + data += sector_size - (f->offset % sector_size); + current_sector++; + } + + /* Check if we're already done (otherwise this causes a bug in handling the last sector of the range). */ + if (current_sector == sector_end) { + f->offset += len; + return len; + } + + /* Read all of the sector-aligned data. */ + if (current_sector != sector_end_aligned) { + no = emu_device_partition_read_data(&device->devpart, data, current_sector, sector_end_aligned - current_sector, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + } + + data += sector_size * (sector_end_aligned - current_sector); + current_sector = sector_end_aligned; + + /* Unaligned at the end, we need to read the sector and incorporate the data. */ + if (sector_end != sector_end_aligned) { + no = emu_device_partition_read_data(&device->devpart, device->tmp_sector, sector_end_aligned, 1, device->origin_path, device->num_parts, device->part_limit); + if (no != 0) { + r->_errno = no; + return -1; + } + + memcpy(data, device->tmp_sector, (size_t)((f->offset + len) % sector_size)); + + /* Advance */ + data += sector_size - ((f->offset + len) % sector_size); + current_sector++; + } + + f->offset += len; + return len; +} + +static off_t emudev_seek(struct _reent *r, void *fd, off_t pos, int whence) { + emudev_file_t *f = (emudev_file_t *)fd; + emudev_device_t *device = f->device; + uint64_t off; + + switch (whence) { + case SEEK_SET: + off = 0; + break; + case SEEK_CUR: + off = f->offset; + break; + case SEEK_END: + off = device->devpart.num_sectors * device->devpart.sector_size; + break; + default: + r->_errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + if (pos < 0 && pos + off < 0) { + /* don't allow seek to before the beginning of the file */ + r->_errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + f->offset = (uint64_t)(pos + off); + return (off_t)(pos + off); +} + +static void emudev_stat_impl(emudev_device_t *device, struct stat *st) { + memset(st, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); + st->st_size = (off_t)(device->devpart.num_sectors * device->devpart.sector_size); + st->st_nlink = 1; + + st->st_blksize = device->devpart.sector_size; + st->st_blocks = st->st_size / st->st_blksize; + + st->st_mode = S_IFBLK | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH; +} + +static int emudev_fstat(struct _reent *r, void *fd, struct stat *st) { + (void)r; + emudev_file_t *f = (emudev_file_t *)fd; + emudev_device_t *device = f->device; + emudev_stat_impl(device, st); + + return 0; +} + +static int emudev_stat(struct _reent *r, const char *file, struct stat *st) { + emudev_device_t *device = (emudev_device_t *)(r->deviceData); + if (strcmp(file, device->root_path) != 0) { + r->_errno = ENOENT; + return -1; + } + + emudev_stat_impl(device, st); + return 0; +} + +static int emudev_fsync(struct _reent *r, void *fd) { + /* Nothing to do. */ + (void)r; + (void)fd; + return 0; +} diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emu_dev.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emu_dev.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8aa6901a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emu_dev.h @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef FUSEE_EMU_DEV_H +#define FUSEE_EMU_DEV_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include "device_partition.h" + +#define EMUDEV_MAX_DEVICES 16 + +int emudev_mount_device(const char *name, const device_partition_t *devpart, const char *origin_path); +int emudev_mount_device_multipart(const char *name, const device_partition_t *devpart, const char *origin_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit); +int emudev_register_device(const char *name); +int emudev_unregister_device(const char *name); +int emudev_unmount_device(const char *name); /* also unregisters. */ + +int emudev_unmount_all(void); + +#endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emummc_cfg.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emummc_cfg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91d5bb515 --- /dev/null +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/emummc_cfg.h @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef EXOSPHERE_EMUMMC_CONFIG_H +#define EXOSPHERE_EMUMMC_CONFIG_H + +#include +#include + +/* "EFS0" */ +#define MAGIC_EMUMMC_CONFIG (0x30534645) + +#define EMUMMC_FILE_PATH_MAX (0x80) + +typedef enum { + EMUMMC_TYPE_NONE = 0, + EMUMMC_TYPE_PARTITION = 1, + EMUMMC_TYPE_FILES = 2, +} emummc_type_t; + +typedef enum { + EMUMMC_MMC_NAND = 0, + EMUMMC_MMC_SD = 1, + EMUMMC_MMC_GC = 2, +} emummc_mmc_t; + +typedef enum { + FS_VER_1_0_0 = 0, + + FS_VER_2_0_0, + FS_VER_2_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_2_1_0, + FS_VER_2_1_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_3_0_0, + FS_VER_3_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_3_0_1, + FS_VER_3_0_1_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_4_0_0, + FS_VER_4_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_4_1_0, + FS_VER_4_1_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_5_0_0, + FS_VER_5_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_5_1_0, + FS_VER_5_1_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_6_0_0, + FS_VER_6_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_7_0_0, + FS_VER_7_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_8_0_0, + FS_VER_8_0_0_EXFAT, + + FS_VER_MAX, +} emummc_fs_ver_t; + + +typedef struct { + uint32_t magic; + uint32_t type; + uint32_t id; + uint32_t fs_version; +} emummc_base_config_t; + +typedef struct { + uint64_t start_sector; +} emummc_partition_config_t; + +typedef struct { + char path[EMUMMC_FILE_PATH_MAX]; +} emummc_file_config_t; + +typedef struct { + emummc_base_config_t base_cfg; + union { + emummc_partition_config_t partition_cfg; + emummc_file_config_t file_cfg; + }; + char emu_dir_path[EMUMMC_FILE_PATH_MAX]; +} exo_emummc_config_t; + +_Static_assert(sizeof(exo_emummc_config_t) == 0x110, "exo_emummc_config_t definition!"); + +#endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/exocfg.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/exocfg.h index e8054ec9d..dc00de45e 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/exocfg.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/exocfg.h @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ #ifndef FUSEE_EXOSPHERE_CONFIG_H #define FUSEE_EXOSPHERE_CONFIG_H +#include #include +#include "emummc_cfg.h" /* This serves to set configuration for *exosphere itself*, separate from the SecMon Exosphere mimics. */ @@ -31,12 +33,15 @@ #define EXOSPHERE_FLAGS_DEFAULT (EXOSPHERE_FLAG_IS_DEBUGMODE_PRIV) typedef struct { - unsigned int magic; - unsigned int target_firmware; - unsigned int flags; - unsigned int reserved; + uint32_t magic; + uint32_t target_firmware; + uint32_t flags; + uint32_t reserved[5]; + exo_emummc_config_t emummc_cfg; } exosphere_config_t; +_Static_assert(sizeof(exosphere_config_t) == 0x20 + sizeof(exo_emummc_config_t), "exosphere config definition"); + #define MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION ((volatile exosphere_config_t *)(0x8000F000ull)) #define EXOSPHERE_TARGETFW_KEY "target_firmware" diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.c index ac76e54c1..288d49cf6 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.c @@ -246,6 +246,19 @@ int fsdev_set_default_device(const char *name) { return ret; } +int fsdev_is_exfat(const char *name) { + fsdev_device_t *device = fsdev_find_device(name); + + if (device != NULL) { + if (device->registered) { + return ((device->fatfs.fs_type == FS_EXFAT) ? 1 : 0); + } + } + + errno = ENOENT; + return -1; +} + int fsdev_unmount_device(const char *name) { int ret; char drname[40]; @@ -287,6 +300,21 @@ int fsdev_unmount_all(void) { return 0; } +int fsdev_set_attr(const char *file, int attr, int mask) { + return fsdev_convert_rc(NULL, f_chmod(file, (BYTE)attr, (BYTE)mask)); +} + +int fsdev_get_attr(const char *file) { + FILINFO info; + FRESULT rc = f_stat(file, &info); + + if (rc == FR_OK) { + return info.fattrib; + } + + return fsdev_convert_rc(NULL, rc); +} + /* Adapted from https://github.com/benemorius/openOBC-devboard/blob/bf0a4a33e22d24e7c299f921d185da27377310e0/lib/fatfs/FatFS.cpp#L173 */ static int fsdev_convert_rc(struct _reent *r, FRESULT rc) { int errornumber; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.h index 7d348a032..fa499e9bf 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_dev.h @@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ int fsdev_mount_device(const char *name, const device_partition_t *devpart, bool initialize_immediately); int fsdev_register_device(const char *name); -int fsdev_set_default_device(const char *name); /* must be registered. */ - int fsdev_unregister_device(const char *name); -int fsdev_unmount_device(const char *name); /* also unregisters. */ +int fsdev_unmount_device(const char *name); /* also unregisters. */ + +int fsdev_set_attr(const char *file, int attr, int mask); /* Non-standard function to set file DOS attributes. */ +int fsdev_get_attr(const char *file); /* Non-standard function to get file DOS attributes. */ + +int fsdev_set_default_device(const char *name); /* must be registered. */ +int fsdev_is_exfat(const char *name); /* must be registered. */ int fsdev_unmount_all(void); diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.c index f6224e373..5a8b2d11a 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.c @@ -48,3 +48,21 @@ size_t dump_to_file(const void *src, size_t src_size, const char *filename) { return sz; } } + +bool is_valid_folder(const char *path) { + struct stat st; + if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +bool is_valid_file(const char *path) { + struct stat st; + if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { + return true; + } + + return false; +} diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.h index 271c79f06..4f740caab 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/fs_utils.h @@ -18,10 +18,11 @@ #define FUSEE_FS_UTILS_H #include "utils.h" -#include "sdmmc/sdmmc.h" size_t get_file_size(const char *filename); size_t read_from_file(void *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *filename); size_t dump_to_file(const void *src, size_t src_size, const char *filename); +bool is_valid_folder(const char *path); +bool is_valid_file(const char *path); #endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.c index 2f3ae2aed..52c7843b6 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.c @@ -112,3 +112,42 @@ int gpt_iterate_through_entries(FILE *disk, size_t sector_size, gpt_entry_iterat return 0; } + +int gpt_iterate_through_emu_entries(FILE *disk, size_t sector_size, gpt_emu_entry_iterator_t callback, void *param, const char *origin_path, bool is_multipart, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit) { + efi_header_t hdr; + efi_entry_t entry; + size_t offset = 2 * 512; /* Sector #2. */ + size_t delta; + + /* Get the header. */ + if (gpt_get_header(&hdr, disk, sector_size) == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Seek to the entry table. */ + if (fseek(disk, sector_size * hdr.entries_first_lba - offset, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { + return -1; + } + + offset = sector_size * hdr.entries_first_lba; + delta = hdr.entry_size - sizeof(efi_entry_t); + + /* Iterate through the entries. */ + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hdr.entry_count; i++) { + if (!fread(&entry, sizeof(efi_entry_t), 1, disk)) { + return -1; + } + + if (callback(&entry, param, offset, disk, origin_path, is_multipart, num_parts, part_limit) != 0) { + return -1; + } + + if (delta != 0 && fseek(disk, delta, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { + return -1; + } + + offset += hdr.entry_size; + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.h index ff8a2b52f..862f00727 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/gpt.h @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ #define FUSEE_GPT_H #include - #include +#include typedef struct efi_entry_t { uint8_t type_uuid[16]; @@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ typedef struct efi_header { } __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) efi_header_t; typedef int (*gpt_entry_iterator_t)(const efi_entry_t *entry, void *param, size_t entry_offset, FILE *disk); +typedef int (*gpt_emu_entry_iterator_t)(const efi_entry_t *entry, void *param, size_t entry_offset, FILE *disk, const char *origin_path, bool is_multipart, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit); int gpt_get_header(efi_header_t *out, FILE *disk, size_t sector_size); int gpt_iterate_through_entries(FILE *disk, size_t sector_size, gpt_entry_iterator_t callback, void *param); +int gpt_iterate_through_emu_entries(FILE *disk, size_t sector_size, gpt_emu_entry_iterator_t callback, void *param, const char *origin_path, bool is_multipart, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit); #endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.c index a4f791bc0..d94b31e5e 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.c @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ #include #include #include "utils.h" +#include "exocfg.h" #include "se.h" #include "lib/log.h" #include "ips.h" @@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ static void kip1_blz_uncompress(void *hdr_end) { } } -static kip1_header_t *kip1_uncompress(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t *size) { +kip1_header_t *kip1_uncompress(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t *size) { kip1_header_t new_header = *kip; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { new_header.section_headers[i].compressed_size = new_header.section_headers[i].out_size; @@ -372,10 +373,60 @@ static kip1_header_t *kip1_uncompress(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t *size) { return (kip1_header_t *)new_kip; } -kip1_header_t *apply_kip_ips_patches(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t kip_size) { +static const uint8_t g_fs_hashes[FS_VER_MAX][0x8] = { + "\xde\x9f\xdd\xa4\x08\x5d\xd5\xfe", /* FS_VER_1_0_0 */ + + "\xcd\x7b\xbe\x18\xd6\x13\x0b\x28", /* FS_VER_2_0_0 */ + "\xe7\x66\x92\xdf\xaa\x04\x20\xe9", /* FS_VER_2_0_0_EXFAT */ + + "\x0d\x70\x05\x62\x7b\x07\x76\x7c", /* FS_VER_2_1_0 */ + "\xdb\xd8\x5f\xca\xcc\x19\x3d\xa8", /* FS_VER_2_1_0_EXFAT */ + + "\xa8\x6d\xa5\xe8\x7e\xf1\x09\x7b", /* FS_VER_3_0_0 */ + "\x98\x1c\x57\xe7\xf0\x2f\x70\xf7", /* FS_VER_3_0_0_EXFAT */ + + "\x57\x39\x7c\x06\x3f\x10\xb6\x31", /* FS_VER_3_0_1 */ + "\x07\x30\x99\xd7\xc6\xad\x7d\x89", /* FS_VER_3_0_1_EXFAT */ + + "\x06\xe9\x07\x19\x59\x5a\x01\x0c", /* FS_VER_4_0_0 */ + "\x54\x9b\x0f\x8d\x6f\x72\xc4\xe9", /* FS_VER_4_0_0_EXFAT */ + + "\x80\x96\xaf\x7c\x6a\x35\xaa\x82", /* FS_VER_4_1_0 */ + "\x02\xd5\xab\xaa\xfd\x20\xc8\xb0", /* FS_VER_4_1_0_EXFAT */ + + "\xa6\xf2\x7a\xd9\xac\x7c\x73\xad", /* FS_VER_5_0_0 */ + "\xce\x3e\xcb\xa2\xf2\xf0\x62\xf5", /* FS_VER_5_0_0_EXFAT */ + + "\x76\xf8\x74\x02\xc9\x38\x7c\x0f", /* FS_VER_5_1_0 */ + "\x10\xb2\xd8\x16\x05\x48\x85\x99", /* FS_VER_5_1_0_EXFAT */ + + "\x3a\x57\x4d\x43\x61\x86\x19\x1d", /* FS_VER_6_0_0 */ + "\x33\x05\x53\xf6\xb5\xfb\x55\xc4", /* FS_VER_6_0_0_EXFAT */ + + "\x2A\xDB\xE9\x7E\x9B\x5F\x41\x77", /* FS_VER_7_0_0 */ + "\x2C\xCE\x65\x9C\xEC\x53\x6A\x8E", /* FS_VER_7_0_0_EXFAT */ + + "\xB2\xF5\x17\x6B\x35\x48\x36\x4D", /* FS_VER_8_0_0 */ + "\xDB\xD9\x41\xC0\xC5\x3C\x52\xCC", /* FS_VER_8_0_0_EXFAT */ +}; + +kip1_header_t *apply_kip_ips_patches(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t kip_size, emummc_fs_ver_t *out_fs_ver) { uint8_t hash[0x20]; se_calculate_sha256(hash, kip, kip_size); + if (kip->title_id == FS_TITLE_ID) { + bool found = false; + for (size_t i = 0; i < FS_VER_MAX; i++) { + if (memcmp(hash, g_fs_hashes[i], 0x8) == 0) { + found = true; + *out_fs_ver = (emummc_fs_ver_t)i; + } + } + if (!found) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to identify FS version..."); + } + } + if (!has_needed_default_kip_patches(kip->title_id, hash, sizeof(hash))) { fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Missing default patch for KIP %08x%08x...\n", (uint32_t)(kip->title_id >> 32), (uint32_t)kip->title_id); } diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.h index fbd95e970..5b718fcef 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/ips.h @@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ #ifndef FUSEE_IPS_H #define FUSEE_IPS_H +#include #include "utils.h" #include "kip.h" -#include +#include "exocfg.h" + +#define FS_TITLE_ID 0x0100000000000000ull void apply_kernel_ips_patches(void *kernel, size_t kernel_size); -kip1_header_t *apply_kip_ips_patches(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t kip_size); +kip1_header_t *apply_kip_ips_patches(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t kip_size, emummc_fs_ver_t *out_fs_ver); +kip1_header_t *kip1_uncompress(kip1_header_t *kip, size_t *size); void kip_patches_set_enable_nogc(void); diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/lib/fatfs/ffconf.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/lib/fatfs/ffconf.h index 78a3133ce..491977d4b 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/lib/fatfs/ffconf.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/lib/fatfs/ffconf.h @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ /* This option switches f_expand function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */ -#define FF_USE_CHMOD 0 +#define FF_USE_CHMOD 1 /* This option switches attribute manipulation functions, f_chmod() and f_utime(). / (0:Disable or 1:Enable) Also FF_FS_READONLY needs to be 0 to enable this option. */ diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/main.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/main.c index cc749b517..2db33a4bd 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/main.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/main.c @@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ static void setup_env(void) { /* Set up exception handlers. */ setup_exception_handlers(); - if (nxfs_mount_all() < 0) { - fatal_error("Failed to mount at least one parition: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + /* Initialize the file system by mounting the SD card. */ + if (nxfs_init() < 0) { + fatal_error("Failed to initialize the file system: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } /* Train DRAM. */ @@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ static void setup_env(void) { static void cleanup_env(void) { /* Unmount everything (this causes all open files to be flushed and closed) */ - nxfs_unmount_all(); + nxfs_end(); + //console_end(); } static void exit_callback(int rc) { diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.c index f7badf580..dd8769a9b 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.c @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ #include "exosphere_bin.h" #include "sept_secondary_enc.h" #include "lp0fw_bin.h" +#include "emummc_kip.h" #include "lib/log.h" #undef u8 #undef u32 @@ -100,12 +101,41 @@ static const uint8_t dev_pkc_modulus[0x100] = { 0xD5, 0x52, 0xDA, 0xEC, 0x41, 0xA4, 0xAD, 0x7B, 0x36, 0x86, 0x18, 0xB4, 0x5B, 0xD1, 0x30, 0xBB }; +static int emummc_ini_handler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { + emummc_config_t *emummc_cfg = (emummc_config_t *)user; + if (strcmp(section, "emummc") == 0) { + if (strcmp(name, EMUMMC_ENABLED_KEY) == 0) { + int tmp = 0; + sscanf(value, "%d", &tmp); + emummc_cfg->enabled = (tmp != 0); + } + if (strcmp(name, EMUMMC_SECTOR_KEY) == 0) { + uintptr_t sector = 0; + sscanf(value, "%x", §or); + emummc_cfg->sector = sector; + } else if (strcmp(name, EMUMMC_ID_KEY) == 0) { + sscanf(value, "%lx", &emummc_cfg->id); + } else if (strcmp(name, EMUMMC_PATH_KEY) == 0) { + strncpy(emummc_cfg->path, value, sizeof(emummc_cfg->path) - 1); + emummc_cfg->path[sizeof(emummc_cfg->path) - 1] = '\0'; + } else if (strcmp(name, EMUMMC_NINTENDO_PATH_KEY) == 0) { + strncpy(emummc_cfg->nintendo_path, value, sizeof(emummc_cfg->nintendo_path) - 1); + emummc_cfg->nintendo_path[sizeof(emummc_cfg->nintendo_path) - 1] = '\0'; + } else { + return 0; + } + } else { + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + static int exosphere_ini_handler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { exosphere_config_t *exo_cfg = (exosphere_config_t *)user; int tmp = 0; if (strcmp(section, "exosphere") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, EXOSPHERE_TARGETFW_KEY) == 0) { - sscanf(value, "%d", &exo_cfg->target_firmware); + sscanf(value, "%ld", &exo_cfg->target_firmware); } else if (strcmp(name, EXOSPHERE_DEBUGMODE_PRIV_KEY) == 0) { sscanf(value, "%d", &tmp); if (tmp) { @@ -172,7 +202,7 @@ static uint32_t nxboot_get_target_firmware(const void *package1loader) { } else if (memcmp(package1loader_header->build_timestamp, "20181107", 8) == 0) { return ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_620; } else { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Unable to identify package1!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Unable to identify package1!\n"); } } case 0x0F: /* 7.0.0 - 7.0.1 */ @@ -180,15 +210,108 @@ static uint32_t nxboot_get_target_firmware(const void *package1loader) { case 0x10: /* 8.0.0 */ return ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_800; default: - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Unable to identify package1!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Unable to identify package1!\n"); } } -static void nxboot_configure_exosphere(uint32_t target_firmware, unsigned int keygen_type) { +static bool nxboot_configure_emummc(exo_emummc_config_t *exo_emummc_config) { + emummc_config_t emummc_cfg = {.enabled = false, .id = 0, .sector = -1, .path = "", .nintendo_path = ""}; + + char *emummc_ini = calloc(1, 0x10000); + if (!read_from_file(emummc_ini, 0xFFFF, "emummc/emummc.ini")) { + free(emummc_ini); + return false; + } + + /* Load emummc settings from emummc.ini file. */ + if (ini_parse_string(emummc_ini, emummc_ini_handler, &emummc_cfg) < 0) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to parse emummc.ini!\n"); + } + + free(emummc_ini); + + memset(exo_emummc_config, 0, sizeof(*exo_emummc_config)); + exo_emummc_config->base_cfg.magic = MAGIC_EMUMMC_CONFIG; + exo_emummc_config->base_cfg.type = EMUMMC_TYPE_NONE; + exo_emummc_config->base_cfg.id = emummc_cfg.id; + exo_emummc_config->base_cfg.fs_version = FS_VER_1_0_0; /* Will be filled out later. */ + strncpy(exo_emummc_config->emu_dir_path, emummc_cfg.nintendo_path, sizeof(exo_emummc_config->emu_dir_path)); + exo_emummc_config->emu_dir_path[sizeof(exo_emummc_config->emu_dir_path) - 1] = '\0'; + + if (emummc_cfg.enabled) { + if (emummc_cfg.sector >= 0) { + exo_emummc_config->base_cfg.type = EMUMMC_TYPE_PARTITION; + exo_emummc_config->partition_cfg.start_sector = emummc_cfg.sector; + + /* Mount emulated NAND from SD card partition. */ + if (nxfs_mount_emummc_partition(emummc_cfg.sector) < 0) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to mount EmuMMC from SD card partition!\n"); + } + } else if (is_valid_folder(emummc_cfg.path)) { + exo_emummc_config->base_cfg.type = EMUMMC_TYPE_FILES; + strncpy(exo_emummc_config->file_cfg.path, emummc_cfg.path, sizeof(exo_emummc_config->file_cfg.path)); + exo_emummc_config->file_cfg.path[sizeof(exo_emummc_config->file_cfg.path) - 1] = '\0'; + + int num_parts = 0; + uint64_t part_limit = 0; + char emummc_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + char emummc_boot0_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + char emummc_boot1_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + char emummc_rawnand_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + + /* Prepare base folder path. */ + snprintf(emummc_path, sizeof(emummc_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%s", emummc_cfg.path, "eMMC"); + + /* Check if eMMC folder is present. */ + if (!is_valid_folder(emummc_path)) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to find EmuMMC eMMC folder!\n"); + } + + /* Prepare expected file paths. */ + snprintf(emummc_boot0_path, sizeof(emummc_boot0_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%s", emummc_path, "boot0"); + snprintf(emummc_boot1_path, sizeof(emummc_boot1_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%s", emummc_path, "boot1"); + + /* Check if boot0 and boot1 image files are present. */ + if (!is_valid_file(emummc_boot0_path) || !is_valid_file(emummc_boot1_path)) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to find EmuMMC boot0/boot1 image files!\n"); + } + + /* Find raw image files (single or multi part). */ + for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { + snprintf(emummc_rawnand_path, sizeof(emummc_rawnand_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%02d", emummc_path, i); + if (is_valid_file(emummc_rawnand_path)) { + if (i == 0) { + /* The size of the first file should tell us the part limit. */ + part_limit = get_file_size(emummc_rawnand_path); + } + num_parts++; + } + } + + /* Check if at least one raw image file is present. */ + if ((num_parts == 0) || (part_limit == 0)) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to find EmuMMC raw image files!\n"); + } + + /* Mount emulated NAND from files. */ + if (nxfs_mount_emummc_file(emummc_path, num_parts, part_limit) < 0) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to mount EmuMMC from files!\n"); + } + } else { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Invalid EmuMMC setting!\n"); + } + } + + return emummc_cfg.enabled; +} + +static void nxboot_configure_exosphere(uint32_t target_firmware, unsigned int keygen_type, exo_emummc_config_t *exo_emummc_cfg) { exosphere_config_t exo_cfg = {0}; exo_cfg.magic = MAGIC_EXOSPHERE_CONFIG; exo_cfg.target_firmware = target_firmware; + memcpy(&exo_cfg.emummc_cfg, exo_emummc_cfg, sizeof(*exo_emummc_cfg)); + if (keygen_type) { exo_cfg.flags = EXOSPHERE_FLAGS_DEFAULT | EXOSPHERE_FLAG_PERFORM_620_KEYGEN; } else { @@ -196,11 +319,11 @@ static void nxboot_configure_exosphere(uint32_t target_firmware, unsigned int ke } if (ini_parse_string(get_loader_ctx()->bct0, exosphere_ini_handler, &exo_cfg) < 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to parse BCT.ini!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to parse BCT.ini!\n"); } if ((exo_cfg.target_firmware < ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_MIN) || (exo_cfg.target_firmware > ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_MAX)) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Invalid Exosphere target firmware!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Invalid Exosphere target firmware!\n"); } *(MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION) = exo_cfg; @@ -209,7 +332,7 @@ static void nxboot_configure_exosphere(uint32_t target_firmware, unsigned int ke static void nxboot_configure_stratosphere(uint32_t target_firmware) { stratosphere_cfg_t strat_cfg = {0}; if (ini_parse_string(get_loader_ctx()->bct0, stratosphere_ini_handler, &strat_cfg) < 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to parse BCT.ini!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to parse BCT.ini!\n"); } /* Enable NOGC patches if the user requested it, or if the user is booting into 4.0.0+ with 3.0.2- fuses. */ @@ -234,18 +357,18 @@ static void nxboot_set_bootreason(void *bootreason_base) { /* Allocate memory for the BCT. */ bct = malloc(sizeof(nvboot_config_table)); if (bct == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Out of memory!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); } /* Open boot0. */ boot0 = fopen("boot0:/", "rb"); if (boot0 == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to open boot0!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to open boot0!\n"); } /* Read the BCT. */ if (fread(bct, sizeof(nvboot_config_table), 1, boot0) == 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to read the BCT!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to read the BCT!\n"); } /* Close boot0. */ @@ -292,17 +415,17 @@ static void nxboot_move_bootconfig() { /* Allocate memory for reading BootConfig. */ bootconfig = memalign(0x1000, 0x4000); if (bootconfig == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Out of memory!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); } /* Get BootConfig from the Package2 partition. */ bcfile = fopen("bcpkg21:/", "rb"); if (bcfile == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to open BootConfig from eMMC!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to open BootConfig from eMMC!\n"); } if (fread(bootconfig, 0x4000, 1, bcfile) < 1) { fclose(bcfile); - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to read BootConfig!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to read BootConfig!\n"); } fclose(bcfile); @@ -338,86 +461,121 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { void *warmboot_memaddr; void *package1loader; size_t package1loader_size; + void *emummc; + size_t emummc_size; uint32_t available_revision; FILE *boot0, *pk2file; void *exosphere_memaddr; + exo_emummc_config_t exo_emummc_cfg; + + /* Configure emummc or mount the real NAND. */ + if (!nxboot_configure_emummc(&exo_emummc_cfg)) { + emummc = NULL; + emummc_size = 0; + if (nxfs_mount_emmc() < 0) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to mount eMMC!\n"); + } + } else { + emummc_size = get_file_size("atmosphere/emummc.kip"); + if (emummc_size != 0) { + /* Allocate memory for the TSEC firmware. */ + emummc = memalign(0x100, emummc_size); + + if (emummc == NULL) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); + } + if (read_from_file(emummc, emummc_size, "atmosphere/emummc.kip") != emummc_size) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Could not read the emummc kip!\n"); + } + } else { + /* Use embedded copy. */ + emummc_size = emummc_kip_size; + emummc = memalign(0x100, emummc_size); + + if (emummc == NULL) { + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); + } + + memcpy(emummc, emummc_kip, emummc_size); + } + } /* Allocate memory for reading Package2. */ package2 = memalign(0x1000, PACKAGE2_SIZE_MAX); if (package2 == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Out of memory!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); } /* Read Package2 from a file, otherwise from its partition(s). */ - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Reading package2...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Reading package2...\n"); if (loader_ctx->package2_path[0] != '\0') { pk2file = fopen(loader_ctx->package2_path, "rb"); if (pk2file == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to open Package2 from %s: %s!\n", loader_ctx->package2_path, strerror(errno)); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to open Package2 from %s: %s!\n", loader_ctx->package2_path, strerror(errno)); } } else { pk2file = fopen("bcpkg21:/", "rb"); if (pk2file == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to open Package2 from eMMC: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to open Package2 from eMMC: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); } if (fseek(pk2file, 0x4000, SEEK_SET) != 0) { fclose(pk2file); - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to seek Package2 in eMMC: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to seek Package2 in eMMC: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); } } setvbuf(pk2file, NULL, _IONBF, 0); /* Workaround. */ if (fread(package2, sizeof(package2_header_t), 1, pk2file) < 1) { fclose(pk2file); - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to read Package2!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to read Package2!\n"); } package2_size = package2_meta_get_size(&package2->metadata); if ((package2_size > PACKAGE2_SIZE_MAX) || (package2_size <= sizeof(package2_header_t))) { fclose(pk2file); - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Package2 is too big or too small!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Package2 is too big or too small!\n"); } if (fread(package2->data, package2_size - sizeof(package2_header_t), 1, pk2file) < 1) { fclose(pk2file); - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to read Package2!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to read Package2!\n"); } fclose(pk2file); /* Read and parse boot0. */ - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Reading boot0...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Reading boot0...\n"); boot0 = fopen("boot0:/", "rb"); if ((boot0 == NULL) || (package1_read_and_parse_boot0(&package1loader, &package1loader_size, g_keyblobs, &available_revision, boot0) == -1)) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Couldn't parse boot0: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Couldn't parse boot0: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); } fclose(boot0); /* Find the system's target firmware. */ uint32_t target_firmware = nxboot_get_target_firmware(package1loader); if (!target_firmware) - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to detect target firmware!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to detect target firmware!\n"); else - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Detected target firmware %ld!\n", target_firmware); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Detected target firmware %ld!\n", target_firmware); /* Read the TSEC firmware from a file, otherwise from PK1L. */ if (loader_ctx->tsecfw_path[0] != '\0') { tsec_fw_size = get_file_size(loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); if ((tsec_fw_size != 0) && (tsec_fw_size != 0xF00 && tsec_fw_size != 0x2900 && tsec_fw_size != 0x3000)) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: TSEC firmware from %s has a wrong size!\n", loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] TSEC firmware from %s has a wrong size!\n", loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); } else if (tsec_fw_size == 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Could not read the TSEC firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Could not read the TSEC firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); } /* Allocate memory for the TSEC firmware. */ tsec_fw = memalign(0x100, tsec_fw_size); if (tsec_fw == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Out of memory!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); } if (read_from_file(tsec_fw, tsec_fw_size, loader_ctx->tsecfw_path) != tsec_fw_size) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Could not read the TSEC firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Could not read the TSEC firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->tsecfw_path); } } else { if (!package1_get_tsec_fw(&tsec_fw, package1loader, package1loader_size)) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to read the TSEC firmware from Package1loader!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to read the TSEC firmware from Package1loader!\n"); } if (target_firmware >= ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_700) { tsec_fw_size = 0x3000; @@ -428,7 +586,7 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { } } - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Loaded firmware from eMMC...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Loaded firmware from eMMC...\n"); /* Get the TSEC keys. */ uint8_t tsec_key[0x10] = {0}; @@ -439,7 +597,7 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { reboot_to_sept(tsec_fw, tsec_fw_size, sept_secondary_enc, sept_secondary_enc_size); } else { if (mkey_detect_revision(fuse_get_retail_type() != 0) != 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Sept derived incorrect keys!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Sept derived incorrect keys!\n"); } } get_and_clear_has_run_sept(); @@ -455,7 +613,7 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { } else { /* Run the TSEC payload and get the key. */ if (tsec_get_key(tsec_key, 1, tsec_fw, tsec_fw_size) != 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Failed to get TSEC key!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Failed to get TSEC key!\n"); } } @@ -467,16 +625,16 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { unsigned int keygen_type = 0; if (target_firmware < ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_700) { if (derive_nx_keydata(target_firmware, g_keyblobs, available_revision, tsec_key, tsec_root_keys, &keygen_type) != 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Key derivation failed!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Key derivation failed!\n"); } } /* Setup boot configuration for Exosphère. */ - nxboot_configure_exosphere(target_firmware, keygen_type); + nxboot_configure_exosphere(target_firmware, keygen_type, &exo_emummc_cfg); /* Initialize Boot Reason on older firmware versions. */ if (target_firmware < ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_400) { - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Initializing Boot Reason...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Initializing Boot Reason...\n"); nxboot_set_bootreason((void *)MAILBOX_NX_BOOTLOADER_BOOT_REASON_BASE(target_firmware)); } @@ -484,17 +642,17 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { if (loader_ctx->warmboot_path[0] != '\0') { warmboot_fw_size = get_file_size(loader_ctx->warmboot_path); if (warmboot_fw_size == 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Could not read the warmboot firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->warmboot_path); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Could not read the warmboot firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->warmboot_path); } /* Allocate memory for the warmboot firmware. */ warmboot_fw = malloc(warmboot_fw_size); if (warmboot_fw == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Out of memory!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); } if (read_from_file(warmboot_fw, warmboot_fw_size, loader_ctx->warmboot_path) != warmboot_fw_size) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Could not read the warmboot firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->warmboot_path); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Could not read the warmboot firmware from %s!\n", loader_ctx->warmboot_path); } } else { /* Use Atmosphere's warmboot firmware implementation. */ @@ -502,13 +660,13 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { warmboot_fw = malloc(warmboot_fw_size); if (warmboot_fw == NULL) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Out of memory!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Out of memory!\n"); } memcpy(warmboot_fw, lp0fw_bin, warmboot_fw_size); if (warmboot_fw_size == 0) { - fatal_error("[NXBOOT]: Could not read the warmboot firmware from Package1!\n"); + fatal_error("[NXBOOT] Could not read the warmboot firmware from Package1!\n"); } } @@ -537,7 +695,7 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { warmboot_memaddr = (void *)0x4003E000; } - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Copying warmboot firmware...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Copying warmboot firmware...\n"); /* Copy the warmboot firmware and set the address in PMC if necessary. */ if (warmboot_fw && (warmboot_fw_size > 0)) { @@ -546,17 +704,20 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { pmc->scratch1 = (uint32_t)warmboot_memaddr; } - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Rebuilding package2...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Rebuilding package2...\n"); /* Parse stratosphere config. */ nxboot_configure_stratosphere(MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION->target_firmware); - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, u8"[NXBOOT]: Configured Stratosphere...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, u8"[NXBOOT] Configured Stratosphere...\n"); /* Patch package2, adding Thermosphère + custom KIPs. */ - package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2, MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION->target_firmware); + package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2, MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION->target_firmware, emummc, emummc_size); - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, u8"[NXBOOT]: Reading Exosphère...\n"); + /* Set detected FS version. */ + MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION->emummc_cfg.base_cfg.fs_version = stratosphere_get_fs_version(); + + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, u8"[NXBOOT] Reading Exosphère...\n"); /* Select the right address for Exosphère. */ if (MAILBOX_EXOSPHERE_CONFIGURATION->target_firmware < ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_400) { @@ -569,21 +730,21 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { if (loader_ctx->exosphere_path[0] != '\0') { size_t exosphere_size = get_file_size(loader_ctx->exosphere_path); if (exosphere_size == 0) { - fatal_error(u8"[NXBOOT]: Could not read Exosphère from %s!\n", loader_ctx->exosphere_path); + fatal_error(u8"[NXBOOT] Could not read Exosphère from %s!\n", loader_ctx->exosphere_path); } else if (exosphere_size > 0x10000) { /* The maximum is actually a bit less than that. */ - fatal_error(u8"[NXBOOT]: Exosphère from %s is too big!\n", loader_ctx->exosphere_path); + fatal_error(u8"[NXBOOT] Exosphère from %s is too big!\n", loader_ctx->exosphere_path); } if (read_from_file(exosphere_memaddr, exosphere_size, loader_ctx->exosphere_path) != exosphere_size) { - fatal_error(u8"[NXBOOT]: Could not read Exosphère from %s!\n", loader_ctx->exosphere_path); + fatal_error(u8"[NXBOOT] Could not read Exosphère from %s!\n", loader_ctx->exosphere_path); } } else { memcpy(exosphere_memaddr, exosphere_bin, exosphere_bin_size); } /* Move BootConfig. */ - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Moving BootConfig...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Moving BootConfig...\n"); nxboot_move_bootconfig(); /* Set 3.0.0/3.0.1/3.0.2 warmboot security check. */ @@ -605,10 +766,10 @@ uint32_t nxboot_main(void) { } free(package2); - print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT]: Powering on the CCPLEX...\n"); + print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[NXBOOT] Powering on the CCPLEX...\n"); /* Unmount everything. */ - nxfs_unmount_all(); + nxfs_end(); /* Return the memory address for booting CPU0. */ return (uint32_t)exosphere_memaddr; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.h index a91624456..8a736ec26 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxboot.h @@ -19,6 +19,20 @@ #include "utils.h" +#define EMUMMC_ENABLED_KEY "emummc_enabled" +#define EMUMMC_SECTOR_KEY "emummc_sector" +#define EMUMMC_PATH_KEY "emummc_path" +#define EMUMMC_NINTENDO_PATH_KEY "emummc_nintendo_path" +#define EMUMMC_ID_KEY "emummc_id" + +typedef struct { + bool enabled; + uint32_t id; + uint64_t sector; + char path[0x80]; + char nintendo_path[0x80]; +} emummc_config_t; + #define MAILBOX_NX_BOOTLOADER_BASE_100_620 0x40002E00 #define MAILBOX_NX_BOOTLOADER_BASE_700 0x40000000 #define MAILBOX_NX_BOOTLOADER_BASE(targetfw) ((targetfw >= ATMOSPHERE_TARGET_FIRMWARE_700) ? (MAILBOX_NX_BOOTLOADER_BASE_700) : (MAILBOX_NX_BOOTLOADER_BASE_100_620)) diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.c index 4094b20e0..51ff312c0 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.c @@ -26,10 +26,18 @@ #include "utils.h" #include "sdmmc/sdmmc.h" +#include "lib/fatfs/ff.h" + static bool g_ahb_redirect_enabled = false; static bool g_sd_device_initialized = false; static bool g_emmc_device_initialized = false; +static bool g_fsdev_ready = false; +static bool g_rawdev_ready = false; +static bool g_emudev_ready = false; + +static bool g_is_emummc = false; + static sdmmc_t g_sd_sdmmc = {0}; static sdmmc_t g_emmc_sdmmc = {0}; @@ -74,7 +82,7 @@ static int mmc_partition_initialize(device_partition_t *devpart) { /* Initialize hardware. */ if (mmcpart->device == &g_sd_device) { if (!g_sd_device_initialized) { - int rc = sdmmc_device_sd_init(mmcpart->device, &g_sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104) ? 0 : EIO; + int rc = sdmmc_device_sd_init(mmcpart->device, &g_sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104) ? 0 : EIO; if (rc) return rc; g_sd_device_initialized = true; @@ -83,7 +91,7 @@ static int mmc_partition_initialize(device_partition_t *devpart) { return 0; } else if (mmcpart->device == &g_emmc_device) { if (!g_emmc_device_initialized) { - int rc = sdmmc_device_mmc_init(mmcpart->device, &g_emmc_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) ? 0 : EIO; + int rc = sdmmc_device_mmc_init(mmcpart->device, &g_emmc_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) ? 0 : EIO; if (rc) return rc; g_emmc_device_initialized = true; @@ -100,6 +108,9 @@ static void mmc_partition_finalize(device_partition_t *devpart) { /* Finalize hardware. */ if (mmcpart->device == &g_sd_device) { + if (g_is_emummc) { + return; + } if (g_sd_device_initialized) { sdmmc_device_finish(&g_sd_device); g_sd_device_initialized = false; @@ -149,6 +160,61 @@ static int mmc_partition_write(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, uin return sdmmc_device_write(mmcpart->device, (uint32_t)(devpart->start_sector + sector), (uint32_t)num_sectors, (void *)src) ? 0 : EIO; } +static int emummc_partition_initialize(device_partition_t *devpart) { + /* Allocate the crypto work buffer. */ + if ((devpart->read_cipher != NULL) || (devpart->write_cipher != NULL)) { + devpart->crypto_work_buffer = memalign(16, devpart->sector_size * 16); + if (devpart->crypto_work_buffer == NULL) { + return ENOMEM; + } else { + devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors = devpart->sector_size * 16; + } + } else { + devpart->crypto_work_buffer = NULL; + devpart->crypto_work_buffer_num_sectors = 0; + } + devpart->initialized = true; + + return 0; +} + +static void emummc_partition_finalize(device_partition_t *devpart) { + /* Free the crypto work buffer. */ + if (devpart->crypto_work_buffer != NULL) { + free(devpart->crypto_work_buffer); + } +} + +static int emummc_partition_read(device_partition_t *devpart, void *dst, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors) { + if (devpart->emu_use_file) { + /* Read partition data using our backing file. */ + int rc = 0; + FILE *emummc_file = fopen(devpart->emu_file_path, "rb"); + fseek(emummc_file, sector * devpart->sector_size, SEEK_CUR); + rc = (fread(dst, devpart->sector_size, num_sectors, emummc_file) > 0) ? 0 : -1; + fclose(emummc_file); + return rc; + } else { + /* Read partition data directly from the SD card device. */ + return sdmmc_device_read(&g_sd_device, (uint32_t)(devpart->start_sector + sector), (uint32_t)num_sectors, dst) ? 0 : EIO; + } +} + +static int emummc_partition_write(device_partition_t *devpart, const void *src, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors) { + if (devpart->emu_use_file) { + /* Write partition data using our backing file. */ + int rc = 0; + FILE *emummc_file = fopen(devpart->emu_file_path, "wb"); + fseek(emummc_file, sector * devpart->sector_size, SEEK_CUR); + rc = (fwrite(src, devpart->sector_size, num_sectors, emummc_file) > 0) ? 0 : -1; + fclose(emummc_file); + return rc; + } else { + /* Write partition data directly to the SD card device. */ + return sdmmc_device_write(&g_sd_device, (uint32_t)(devpart->start_sector + sector), (uint32_t)num_sectors, (void *)src) ? 0 : EIO; + } +} + static int nxfs_bis_crypto_decrypt(device_partition_t *devpart, uint64_t sector, uint64_t num_sectors) { unsigned int keyslot_a = 4; /* These keyslots are never used by exosphere, and should be safe. */ unsigned int keyslot_b = 5; @@ -197,6 +263,14 @@ static const device_partition_t g_mmc_devpart_template = { .writer = mmc_partition_write, }; +static const device_partition_t g_emummc_devpart_template = { + .sector_size = 512, + .initializer = emummc_partition_initialize, + .finalizer = emummc_partition_finalize, + .reader = emummc_partition_read, + .writer = emummc_partition_write, +}; + static int nxfs_mount_partition_gpt_callback(const efi_entry_t *entry, void *param, size_t entry_offset, FILE *disk) { (void)entry_offset; (void)disk; @@ -278,53 +352,158 @@ static int nxfs_mount_partition_gpt_callback(const efi_entry_t *entry, void *par return 0; } -int nxfs_mount_all(void) { +static int nxfs_mount_emu_partition_gpt_callback(const efi_entry_t *entry, void *param, size_t entry_offset, FILE *disk, const char *origin_path, bool is_multipart, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit) { + (void)entry_offset; + (void)disk; + device_partition_t *parent = (device_partition_t *)param; + device_partition_t devpart = *parent; + char name_buffer[128]; + const uint16_t *utf16name = entry->name; + uint32_t name_len; + int rc; + + static const struct { + const char *partition_name; + const char *mount_point; + bool is_fat; + bool is_encrypted; + bool register_immediately; + } known_partitions[] = { + {"PRODINFO", "prodinfo", false, true, false}, + {"PRODINFOF", "prodinfof", true, true, false}, + {"BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main", "bcpkg21", false, false, true}, + {"BCPKG2-2-Normal-Sub", "bcpkg22", false, false, false}, + {"BCPKG2-3-SafeMode-Main", "bcpkg23", false, false, false}, + {"BCPKG2-4-SafeMode-Sub", "bcpkg24", false, false, false}, + {"BCPKG2-5-Repair-Main", "bcpkg25", false, false, false}, + {"BCPKG2-6-Repair-Sub", "bcpkg26", false, false, false}, + {"SAFE", "safe", true, true, false}, + {"SYSTEM", "system", true, true, false}, + {"USER", "user", true, true, false}, + }; + + /* Convert the partition name to ASCII, for comparison. */ + for (name_len = 0; name_len < sizeof(entry->name) && *utf16name != 0; name_len++) { + name_buffer[name_len] = (char)*utf16name++; + } + name_buffer[name_len] = '\0'; + + /* Mount the partition, if we know about it. */ + for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(known_partitions)/sizeof(known_partitions[0]); i++) { + if (strcmp(name_buffer, known_partitions[i].partition_name) == 0) { + devpart.start_sector += entry->first_lba; + devpart.num_sectors = (entry->last_lba + 1) - entry->first_lba; + if (parent->num_sectors < devpart.num_sectors) { + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + + if (known_partitions[i].is_encrypted) { + devpart.read_cipher = nxfs_bis_crypto_decrypt; + devpart.write_cipher = nxfs_bis_crypto_encrypt; + devpart.crypto_mode = DevicePartitionCryptoMode_Xts; + } + + if (known_partitions[i].is_fat) { + rc = fsdev_mount_device(known_partitions[i].mount_point, &devpart, false); + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + if (known_partitions[i].register_immediately) { + rc = fsdev_register_device(known_partitions[i].mount_point); + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + } + } else { + if (is_multipart) { + rc = emudev_mount_device_multipart(known_partitions[i].mount_point, &devpart, origin_path, num_parts, part_limit); + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + } else { + rc = emudev_mount_device(known_partitions[i].mount_point, &devpart, origin_path); + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + } + if (known_partitions[i].register_immediately) { + rc = emudev_register_device(known_partitions[i].mount_point); + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + } + } + } + } + + return 0; +} + +int nxfs_mount_sd() { device_partition_t model; int rc; - FILE *rawnand; - /* Initialize the SD card and its primary partition. */ + /* Setup a template for the SD card. */ model = g_mmc_devpart_template; model.device_struct = &g_sd_mmcpart; model.start_sector = 0; model.num_sectors = 1u << 30; /* arbitrary numbers of sectors. TODO: find the size of the SD in sectors. */ + /* Mount the SD card device. */ rc = fsdev_mount_device("sdmc", &model, true); if (rc == -1) { return -1; } + /* Register the SD card device. */ rc = fsdev_register_device("sdmc"); if (rc == -1) { return -1; } + + /* All fs devices are ready. */ + if (rc == 0) { + g_fsdev_ready = true; + } + + return rc; +} - /* Boot0. */ +int nxfs_mount_emmc() { + device_partition_t model; + int rc; + FILE *rawnand; + + /* Setup a template for boot0. */ model = g_mmc_devpart_template; model.device_struct = &g_emmc_boot0_mmcpart; model.start_sector = 0; model.num_sectors = 0x184000 / model.sector_size; + /* Mount boot0 device. */ rc = rawdev_mount_device("boot0", &model, true); if (rc == -1) { return -1; } + /* Register boot0 device. */ rc = rawdev_register_device("boot0"); if (rc == -1) { return -1; } - /* Boot1. */ + /* Setup a template for boot1. */ model = g_mmc_devpart_template; model.device_struct = &g_emmc_boot1_mmcpart; model.start_sector = 0; model.num_sectors = 0x80000 / model.sector_size; + /* Mount boot1 device. */ rc = rawdev_mount_device("boot1", &model, false); if (rc == -1) { @@ -333,33 +512,321 @@ int nxfs_mount_all(void) { /* Don't register boot1 for now. */ - /* Raw NAND (excluding boot partitions), and its partitions. */ - model = g_mmc_devpart_template; + /* Setup a template for raw NAND. */ model = g_mmc_devpart_template; model.device_struct = &g_emmc_user_mmcpart; model.start_sector = 0; model.num_sectors = (256ull << 30) / model.sector_size; + /* Mount raw NAND device. */ rc = rawdev_mount_device("rawnand", &model, false); if (rc == -1) { return -1; } + /* Register raw NAND device. */ rc = rawdev_register_device("rawnand"); if (rc == -1) { return -1; } + /* Open raw NAND device. */ rawnand = fopen("rawnand:/", "rb"); if (rawnand == NULL) { return -1; } + /* Iterate the GPT and mount each raw NAND partition. */ rc = gpt_iterate_through_entries(rawnand, model.sector_size, nxfs_mount_partition_gpt_callback, &model); + + /* Close raw NAND device. */ fclose(rawnand); + /* All raw devices are ready. */ + if (rc == 0) { + g_rawdev_ready = true; + } + + return rc; +} + +int nxfs_mount_emummc_partition(uint64_t emummc_start_sector) { + device_partition_t model; + int rc; + FILE *rawnand; + + /* Setup an emulation template for boot0. */ + model = g_emummc_devpart_template; + model.start_sector = emummc_start_sector + (0x400000 * 0 / model.sector_size); + model.num_sectors = 0x400000 / model.sector_size; + model.emu_use_file = false; + + /* Mount emulated boot0 device. */ + rc = emudev_mount_device("boot0", &model, NULL); + + /* Failed to mount boot0 device. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Register emulated boot0 device. */ + rc = emudev_register_device("boot0"); + + /* Failed to register boot0 device. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -2; + } + + /* Setup an emulation template for boot1. */ + model = g_emummc_devpart_template; + model.start_sector = emummc_start_sector + (0x400000 * 1 / model.sector_size); + model.num_sectors = 0x400000 / model.sector_size; + model.emu_use_file = false; + + /* Mount emulated boot1 device. */ + rc = emudev_mount_device("boot1", &model, NULL); + + /* Failed to mount boot1. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -3; + } + + /* Don't register emulated boot1 for now. */ + + /* Setup a template for raw NAND. */ + model = g_emummc_devpart_template; + model.start_sector = emummc_start_sector + (0x400000 * 2 / model.sector_size); + model.num_sectors = (256ull << 30) / model.sector_size; + model.emu_use_file = false; + + /* Mount emulated raw NAND device. */ + rc = emudev_mount_device("rawnand", &model, NULL); + + /* Failed to mount raw NAND. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -4; + } + + /* Register emulated raw NAND device. */ + rc = emudev_register_device("rawnand"); + + /* Failed to register raw NAND device. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -5; + } + + /* Open emulated raw NAND device. */ + rawnand = fopen("rawnand:/", "rb"); + + /* Failed to open emulated raw NAND device. */ + if (rawnand == NULL) { + return -6; + } + + /* Iterate the GPT and mount each emulated raw NAND partition. */ + rc = gpt_iterate_through_emu_entries(rawnand, model.sector_size, nxfs_mount_emu_partition_gpt_callback, &model, NULL, false, 0, 0); + + /* Close emulated raw NAND device. */ + fclose(rawnand); + + /* All emulated devices are ready. */ + if (rc == 0) { + g_emudev_ready = true; + g_is_emummc = true; + } + + return rc; +} + +int nxfs_mount_emummc_file(const char *emummc_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit) { + device_partition_t model; + int rc; + FILE *rawnand; + bool is_exfat; + char emummc_boot0_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + char emummc_boot1_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + char emummc_rawnand_path[0x300 + 1] = {0}; + + /* Check if the SD card is EXFAT formatted. */ + rc = fsdev_is_exfat("sdmc"); + + /* Failed to detect file system type. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Set EXFAT status. */ + is_exfat = (rc == 1); + + /* We want a folder with the archive bit set. */ + rc = fsdev_get_attr(emummc_path); + + /* Failed to get file DOS attributes. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Our path is not a directory. */ + if (!(rc & AM_DIR)) { + return -1; + } + + /* Check if the archive bit is not set. */ + if (!(rc & AM_ARC)) { + /* Try to set the archive bit. */ + rc = fsdev_set_attr(emummc_path, AM_ARC, AM_ARC); + + /* Failed to set file DOS attributes. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + } + + /* Setup an emulation template for boot0. */ + model = g_emummc_devpart_template; + model.start_sector = 0; + model.num_sectors = 0x400000 / model.sector_size; + model.emu_use_file = true; + + /* Prepare boot0 file path. */ + snprintf(emummc_boot0_path, sizeof(emummc_boot0_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%s", emummc_path, "boot0"); + + /* Mount emulated boot0 device. */ + rc = emudev_mount_device("boot0", &model, emummc_boot0_path); + + /* Failed to mount boot0 device. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Register emulated boot0 device. */ + rc = emudev_register_device("boot0"); + + /* Failed to register boot0 device. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Setup an emulation template for boot1. */ + model = g_emummc_devpart_template; + model.start_sector = 0; + model.num_sectors = 0x400000 / model.sector_size; + model.emu_use_file = true; + + /* Prepare boot1 file path. */ + snprintf(emummc_boot1_path, sizeof(emummc_boot1_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%s", emummc_path, "boot1"); + + /* Mount emulated boot1 device. */ + rc = emudev_mount_device("boot1", &model, emummc_boot1_path); + + /* Failed to mount boot1. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Don't register emulated boot1 for now. */ + + /* Setup a template for raw NAND. */ + model = g_emummc_devpart_template; + model.start_sector = 0; + model.num_sectors = (256ull << 30) / model.sector_size; + model.emu_use_file = true; + + /* Prepare single raw NAND file path. */ + snprintf(emummc_rawnand_path, sizeof(emummc_rawnand_path) - 1, "sdmc:/%s/%02d", emummc_path, 0); + + /* Mount emulated raw NAND device from single or multiple parts. */ + if (!is_exfat) { + rc = emudev_mount_device_multipart("rawnand", &model, emummc_path, num_parts, part_limit); + } else { + rc = emudev_mount_device("rawnand", &model, emummc_rawnand_path); + } + + /* Failed to mount raw NAND. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Register emulated raw NAND device. */ + rc = emudev_register_device("rawnand"); + + /* Failed to register raw NAND device. */ + if (rc == -1) { + return -1; + } + + /* Open emulated raw NAND device. */ + rawnand = fopen("rawnand:/", "rb"); + + /* Failed to open emulated raw NAND device. */ + if (rawnand == NULL) { + return -1; + } + + /* Iterate the GPT and mount each emulated raw NAND partition. */ + if (!is_exfat) { + rc = gpt_iterate_through_emu_entries(rawnand, model.sector_size, nxfs_mount_emu_partition_gpt_callback, &model, emummc_path, true, num_parts, part_limit); + } else { + rc = gpt_iterate_through_emu_entries(rawnand, model.sector_size, nxfs_mount_emu_partition_gpt_callback, &model, emummc_rawnand_path, false, 0, 0); + } + + /* Close emulated raw NAND device. */ + fclose(rawnand); + + /* All emulated devices are ready. */ + if (rc == 0) { + g_emudev_ready = true; + g_is_emummc = true; + } + + return rc; +} + +int nxfs_unmount_sd() { + int rc = 0; + + /* Unmount all fs devices. */ + if (g_fsdev_ready) { + rc = fsdev_unmount_all(); + g_fsdev_ready = false; + } + + return rc; +} + +int nxfs_unmount_emmc() { + int rc = 0; + + /* Unmount all raw devices. */ + if (g_rawdev_ready) { + rc = rawdev_unmount_all(); + g_rawdev_ready = false; + } + + return rc; +} + +int nxfs_unmount_emummc() { + int rc = 0; + + /* Unmount all emulated devices. */ + if (g_emudev_ready) { + rc = emudev_unmount_all(); + g_emudev_ready = false; + } + + return rc; +} + +int nxfs_init() { + int rc; + + /* Mount and register the SD card. */ + rc = nxfs_mount_sd(); + + /* Set the SD card as the default file system device. */ if (rc == 0) { rc = fsdev_set_default_device("sdmc"); } @@ -367,6 +834,6 @@ int nxfs_mount_all(void) { return rc; } -int nxfs_unmount_all(void) { - return ((fsdev_unmount_all() || rawdev_unmount_all()) ? -1 : 0); +int nxfs_end() { + return ((nxfs_unmount_sd() || nxfs_unmount_emmc() || nxfs_unmount_emummc()) ? -1 : 0); } diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.h index c82958b4d..ca3cba697 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/nxfs.h @@ -19,8 +19,17 @@ #include "fs_dev.h" #include "raw_dev.h" +#include "emu_dev.h" -int nxfs_mount_all(void); -int nxfs_unmount_all(void); +int nxfs_init(); +int nxfs_end(); + +int nxfs_mount_sd(); +int nxfs_mount_emmc(); +int nxfs_mount_emummc_partition(uint64_t emummc_start_sector); +int nxfs_mount_emummc_file(const char *emummc_path, int num_parts, uint64_t part_limit); +int nxfs_unmount_sd(); +int nxfs_unmount_emmc(); +int nxfs_unmount_emummc(); #endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.c index ee988cf25..de7af5b70 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.c @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static void package2_decrypt(package2_header_t *package2); static size_t package2_get_src_section(void **section, package2_header_t *package2, unsigned int id); static size_t package2_get_thermosphere(void **thermosphere); -static ini1_header_t *package2_rebuild_ini1(ini1_header_t *ini1, uint32_t target_firmware); +static ini1_header_t *package2_rebuild_ini1(ini1_header_t *ini1, uint32_t target_firmware, void *emummc, size_t emummc_size); static void package2_append_section(unsigned int id, package2_header_t *package2, void *data, size_t size); static void package2_fixup_header_and_section_hashes(package2_header_t *package2, size_t size); @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static inline size_t align_to_4(size_t s) { return ((s + 3) >> 2) << 2; } -void package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2_header_t *package2, uint32_t target_firmware) { +void package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2_header_t *package2, uint32_t target_firmware, void *emummc, size_t emummc_size) { package2_header_t *rebuilt_package2; size_t rebuilt_package2_size; void *kernel; @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2_header_t *package2, uint32_t target_firm } /* Perform any patches to the INI1, rebuilding it (This is where our built-in sysmodules will be added.) */ - rebuilt_ini1 = package2_rebuild_ini1(orig_ini1, target_firmware); + rebuilt_ini1 = package2_rebuild_ini1(orig_ini1, target_firmware, emummc, emummc_size); print(SCREEN_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Rebuilt INI1...\n"); /* Allocate the rebuilt package2. */ @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ static size_t package2_get_thermosphere(void **thermosphere) { return 0; } -static ini1_header_t *package2_rebuild_ini1(ini1_header_t *ini1, uint32_t target_firmware) { +static ini1_header_t *package2_rebuild_ini1(ini1_header_t *ini1, uint32_t target_firmware, void *emummc, size_t emummc_size) { /* TODO: Do we want to support loading another INI from sd:/whatever/INI1.bin? */ ini1_header_t *inis_to_merge[STRATOSPHERE_INI1_MAX] = {0}; ini1_header_t *merged; @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ static ini1_header_t *package2_rebuild_ini1(ini1_header_t *ini1, uint32_t target inis_to_merge[STRATOSPHERE_INI1_PACKAGE2] = ini1; /* Merge all of the INI1s. */ - merged = stratosphere_merge_inis(inis_to_merge, STRATOSPHERE_INI1_MAX); + merged = stratosphere_merge_inis(inis_to_merge, STRATOSPHERE_INI1_MAX, emummc, emummc_size); /* Free temporary buffer. */ stratosphere_free_ini1(); diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.h index dd20869a7..1b3d6d492 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/package2.h @@ -86,6 +86,6 @@ static inline uint8_t package2_meta_get_header_version(const package2_meta_t *me return (uint8_t)((metadata->ctr_dwords[1] ^ (metadata->ctr_dwords[1] >> 16) ^ (metadata->ctr_dwords[1] >> 24)) & 0xFF); } -void package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2_header_t *package2, uint32_t target_firmware); +void package2_rebuild_and_copy(package2_header_t *package2, uint32_t target_firmware, void *emummc, size_t emummc_size); #endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/raw_dev.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/raw_dev.h index a1b9e03c5..4c5910d7b 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/raw_dev.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/raw_dev.h @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ int rawdev_mount_device(const char *name, const device_partition_t *devpart, bool initialize_immediately); int rawdev_register_device(const char *name); - int rawdev_unregister_device(const char *name); -int rawdev_unmount_device(const char *name); /* also unregisters. */ +int rawdev_unmount_device(const char *name); /* also unregisters. */ + int rawdev_unmount_all(void); #endif diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c index f5ed83e3c..9b022f9ee 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c @@ -727,11 +727,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else if (status[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR50) /* High-speed SDR50 is supported. */ @@ -741,11 +741,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else if (status[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR12) /* High-speed SDR12 is supported. */ @@ -755,11 +755,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_high(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25)) return 0; /* Peek the SD card's status. */ @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b memset(device, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_device_t)); /* Try to initialize the driver. */ - if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_3V3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR)) + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_3V3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to initialize the SDMMC driver!"); return 0; @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b sdmmc_info(sdmmc, "Sent if cond to SD card!"); /* Get the SD card's operating conditions. */ - if (!sdmmc_sd_send_op_cond(device, is_sd_ver2, (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT) && (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104))) + if (!sdmmc_sd_send_op_cond(device, is_sd_ver2, (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT) && (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104))) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to send op cond!"); return 0; @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b if (!device->is_180v) { /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed!"); return 0; @@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b sdmmc_info(sdmmc, "Switched to high-speed from low voltage!"); } - else if ((device->scr.sda_vsn & (SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_1 | SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_2)) && ((bus_speed != SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6))) + else if ((device->scr.sda_vsn & (SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_1 | SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_2)) && ((bus_speed != SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY))) { /* Switch to high-speed from high voltage (if possible). */ if (!sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_high(device, switch_status)) @@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs(sdmmc_device_t *device, bool ignore_status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS52)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS)) return 0; /* Check the status if necessary. */ @@ -1292,11 +1292,11 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs200(sdmmc_device_t *device) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS200)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200)) return 0; /* Execute tuning procedure. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS200, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) return 0; /* Peek the current status. */ @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(sdmmc_device_t *device) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS400)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400)) return 0; /* Peek the current status. */ @@ -1340,14 +1340,14 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(sdmmc_device_t *device) static int sdmmc_mmc_select_timing(sdmmc_device_t *device, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { - if ((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) && + if ((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) && (device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT) && (device->ext_csd.raw_card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_8V)) { /* Switch to HS400. */ return sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(device); } - else if (((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) || (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS200)) && + else if (((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) || (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200)) && ((device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT) || (device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT)) && (device->ext_csd.raw_card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_8V)) { @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_mmc_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth memset(device, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_device_t)); /* Try to initialize the driver. */ - if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_1V8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS)) + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_1V8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to initialize the SDMMC driver!"); return 0; @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_mmc_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth sdmmc_warn(sdmmc, "Got unknown CSD structure (0x%08x)!", device->csd.structure); /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS26)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed!"); return 0; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c index aa79fc5ff..0352c2418 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c @@ -289,26 +289,28 @@ static int sdmmc_get_sdclk_freq(SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: return 26000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: return 52000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: return 200000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: return 25000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: return 50000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: return 100000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: return 40800; - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: return 200000; default: return 0; @@ -320,22 +322,23 @@ static int sdmmc_get_sdclk_div(SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: return 66; - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - // TODO: TRM says return 64? - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: return 1; - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: return 2; default: return 0; @@ -354,35 +357,35 @@ static int sdmmc_clk_set_source(SdmmcControllerNum controller, uint32_t clk_freq { case 25000: out_freq = 24728; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR12; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR12; break; case 26000: out_freq = 25500; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS26; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_LEGACY; break; case 40800: out_freq = 40800; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_DDR50; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_DDR50; break; case 50000: out_freq = 48000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR25; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR25; break; case 52000: out_freq = 51000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS52; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS; break; case 100000: out_freq = 90667; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR50; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR50; break; case 200000: out_freq = 163200; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS200; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS200; break; case 208000: out_freq = 204000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR104; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR104; break; default: return 0; @@ -747,7 +750,7 @@ void sdmmc_select_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusVoltage voltage) static void sdmmc_tap_config(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) { /* Clear and set DQS_TRIM_VAL (used in HS400) */ sdmmc->regs->vendor_cap_overrides &= ~(0x3F00); @@ -757,7 +760,7 @@ static void sdmmc_tap_config(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) /* Clear TAP_VAL_UPDATED_BY_HW */ sdmmc->regs->vendor_tuning_cntrl0 &= ~(0x20000); - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) { /* We must have obtained the tap value from the tuning procedure here. */ if (sdmmc->is_tuning_tap_val_set) @@ -863,41 +866,43 @@ int sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) /* Set the appropriate host speed. */ switch (bus_speed) { /* 400kHz initialization mode and a few others. */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: sdmmc->regs->host_control &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_HISPD); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180); break; /* 50MHz high speed (SD) and 52MHz high speed (MMC). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: sdmmc->regs->host_control |= SDHCI_CTRL_HISPD; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180); break; /* 200MHz UHS-I (SD) and other modes due to errata. */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_SDR104; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; break; /* 200MHz single-data rate (MMC). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_HS400; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; break; /* 25MHz default speed (SD). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_SDR12; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; @@ -936,7 +941,7 @@ int sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) sdmmc_enable_sd_clock(sdmmc); /* Run DLLCAL for HS400 only */ - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) return sdmmc_dllcal_run(sdmmc); return 1; @@ -1720,7 +1725,7 @@ int sdmmc_switch_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) sdmmc_disable_sd_clock(sdmmc); /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed for low voltage support!"); return 0; @@ -1883,15 +1888,16 @@ int sdmmc_execute_tuning(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed, uint32_t opcod switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: max_tuning_loop = 0x80; tuning_cntrl_flag = 0x4000; break; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: max_tuning_loop = 0x100; tuning_cntrl_flag = 0x8000; break; diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h index 70eda4ff8..8f00fb766 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h @@ -210,33 +210,33 @@ typedef enum { } SdmmcBusWidth; typedef enum { - SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS = 0, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS26 = 1, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS52 = 2, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS200 = 3, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS400 = 4, - SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR = 5, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6 = 6, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25 = 7, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12 = 8, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK9 = 9, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50 = 10, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104 = 11, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK12 = 12, - SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50 = 13, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14 = 14, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT = 0, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY = 1, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS = 2, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200 = 3, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400 = 4, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT = 5, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY = 6, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS = 7, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12 = 8, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25 = 9, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50 = 10, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104 = 11, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_RESERVED = 12, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50 = 13, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52 = 14, + SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104 = 255, /* Custom speed mode. Prevents low voltage switch in MMC emulation. */ } SdmmcBusSpeed; typedef enum { - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR12 = 31, // (16.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR25 = 15, // (8.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR50 = 7, // (4.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR104 = 2, // (2 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_DDR50 = 18, // (5 * 2 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS26 = 30, // (16 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS52 = 14, // (8 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS200 = 3, // (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0) - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS400 = 3, // (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0) + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR12 = 31, /* (16.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR25 = 15, /* (8.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR50 = 7, /* (4.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR104 = 2, /* (2 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_DDR50 = 18, /* (5 * 2 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_LEGACY = 30, /* (16 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS = 14, /* (8 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS200 = 3, /* (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0, same as HS400) */ } SdmmcCarDivider; /* Structure for describing a SDMMC device. */ @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ typedef struct { uint32_t opcode; uint32_t arg; uint32_t resp[4]; - uint32_t flags; /* expected response type */ + uint32_t flags; /* Expected response type. */ } sdmmc_command_t; /* Structure for describing a SDMMC request. */ diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stage2.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stage2.h index bfc88ace1..41861c5e6 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stage2.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stage2.h @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ #define FUSEE_STAGE2_H #include "lib/log.h" -#include "sdmmc/sdmmc.h" #include "utils.h" /* TODO: Is there a more concise way to do this? */ @@ -35,4 +34,4 @@ typedef struct { char bct0[BCTO_MAX_SIZE]; } stage2_args_t; -#endif +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/start.s b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/start.s index a47b9fd65..f6da2a185 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/start.s +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/start.s @@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ _metadata: #define CONTENT_TYPE_SP2 5 #define CONTENT_TYPE_KIP 6 #define CONTENT_TYPE_BMP 7 +#define CONTENT_TYPE_EMC 8 _content_headers: /* ams_mitm content header */ @@ -191,6 +192,14 @@ _content_headers: .asciz "spl" .align 5 +/* emummc content header */ +.word __emummc_kip_start__ +.word __emummc_kip_size__ +.word CONTENT_TYPE_EMC +.word 0xCCCCCCCC +.asciz "emummc" +.align 5 + /* splash_screen content header */ .word __splash_screen_bmp_start__ .word __splash_screen_bmp_size__ diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.c b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.c index 954cc2b7d..e4461c422 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.c +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.c @@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ static bool g_stratosphere_boot_enabled = true; extern const uint8_t loader_kip[], pm_kip[], sm_kip[], spl_kip[], boot_kip[], ams_mitm_kip[]; extern const uint32_t loader_kip_size, pm_kip_size, sm_kip_size, spl_kip_size, boot_kip_size, ams_mitm_kip_size; +static emummc_fs_ver_t g_fs_ver = FS_VER_1_0_0; + +emummc_fs_ver_t stratosphere_get_fs_version(void) { + return g_fs_ver; +} + /* GCC doesn't consider the size as const... we have to write it ourselves. */ ini1_header_t *stratosphere_get_ini1(uint32_t target_firmware) { @@ -152,8 +158,6 @@ void stratosphere_free_ini1(void) { } } - - static void try_add_sd_kip(ini1_header_t *ini1, const char *kip_path) { size_t file_size = get_file_size(kip_path); @@ -180,6 +184,60 @@ static void try_add_sd_kip(ini1_header_t *ini1, const char *kip_path) { ini1->num_processes++; } +static kip1_header_t *inject_emummc_kip(kip1_header_t *fs_kip, kip1_header_t *emummc_kip) { + /* Ensure KIPs are uncompressed. */ + size_t fs_kip_size, emummc_kip_size; + fs_kip = kip1_uncompress(fs_kip, &fs_kip_size); + emummc_kip = kip1_uncompress(emummc_kip, &emummc_kip_size); + + /* Allocate kip. */ + kip1_header_t *injected_kip = calloc(1, fs_kip_size + emummc_kip_size); + if (injected_kip == NULL) { + fatal_error("Failed to allocate memory for emummc kip injection!"); + } + memcpy(injected_kip, fs_kip, sizeof(*fs_kip)); + + const size_t fs_contents_size = kip1_get_size_from_header(fs_kip) - sizeof(kip1_header_t); + + const size_t emummc_data_size = emummc_kip->section_headers[3].out_offset + emummc_kip->section_headers[3].out_size; + if (emummc_data_size & 0xFFF) { + fatal_error("Invalid emummc kip!"); + } + + /* Copy over capabilities. */ + memcpy(injected_kip->capabilities, emummc_kip->capabilities, sizeof(emummc_kip->capabilities)); + + /* Add extra cap for 1.0.0 */ + if (stratosphere_get_fs_version() == FS_VER_1_0_0) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) { + if (injected_kip->capabilities[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF) { + /* Map PMC registers in. */ + injected_kip->capabilities[i] = 0x07000E7F; + break; + } + } + } + + /* Update sections. */ + injected_kip->section_headers[0].out_size += emummc_data_size; + injected_kip->section_headers[0].compressed_size += emummc_data_size; + for (size_t i = 1; i < 4; i++) { + injected_kip->section_headers[i].out_offset += emummc_data_size; + } + + /* Copy data. */ + { + size_t ofs = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + memcpy(injected_kip->data + emummc_kip->section_headers[i].out_offset, emummc_kip->data + ofs, emummc_kip->section_headers[i].compressed_size); + ofs += emummc_kip->section_headers[i].compressed_size; + } + } + memcpy(injected_kip->data + emummc_data_size, fs_kip->data, fs_contents_size); + + return injected_kip; +} + ini1_header_t *stratosphere_get_sd_files_ini1(void) { if (g_sd_files_ini1 != NULL) { return g_sd_files_ini1; @@ -246,7 +304,7 @@ ini1_header_t *stratosphere_get_sd_files_ini1(void) { } /* Merges some number of INI1s into a single INI1. It's assumed that the INIs are in order of preference. */ -ini1_header_t *stratosphere_merge_inis(ini1_header_t **inis, size_t num_inis) { +ini1_header_t *stratosphere_merge_inis(ini1_header_t **inis, size_t num_inis, void *emummc, size_t emummc_size) { uint32_t total_num_processes = 0; /* Validate all ini headers. */ @@ -305,11 +363,16 @@ ini1_header_t *stratosphere_merge_inis(ini1_header_t **inis, size_t num_inis) { fatal_error("Not enough space for all the KIP1s!\n"); } - kip1_header_t *patched_kip = apply_kip_ips_patches(current_kip, current_kip_size); + kip1_header_t *patched_kip = apply_kip_ips_patches(current_kip, current_kip_size, &g_fs_ver); + + if (current_kip->title_id == FS_TITLE_ID && emummc != NULL) { + patched_kip = inject_emummc_kip(patched_kip != NULL ? patched_kip : current_kip, (kip1_header_t *)emummc); + } + if (patched_kip != NULL) { size_t patched_kip_size = kip1_get_size_from_header(patched_kip); if (patched_kip_size > remaining_size) { - fatal_error("Not enough space for all the KIP1s!\n"); + fatal_error("Not enough space for all the KIP1s! %08x %08x\n", remaining_size, patched_kip_size); } memcpy(current_dst_kip, patched_kip, patched_kip_size); remaining_size -= patched_kip_size; @@ -326,6 +389,9 @@ ini1_header_t *stratosphere_merge_inis(ini1_header_t **inis, size_t num_inis) { } } merged->size = sizeof(ini1_header_t) + (uint32_t)(current_dst_kip - merged->kip_data); + if (merged->size & 3) { + merged->size = (merged->size + 3) & ~3; + } return merged; } diff --git a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.h b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.h index 64d1d5a89..7e7be848f 100644 --- a/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.h +++ b/fusee/fusee-secondary/src/stratosphere.h @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ #include "utils.h" #include "kip.h" +#include "exocfg.h" #define STRATOSPHERE_INI1_SDFILES 0x0 #define STRATOSPHERE_INI1_EMBEDDED 0x1 @@ -29,7 +30,9 @@ ini1_header_t *stratosphere_get_ini1(uint32_t target_firmware); ini1_header_t *stratosphere_get_sd_files_ini1(void); void stratosphere_free_ini1(void); -ini1_header_t *stratosphere_merge_inis(ini1_header_t **inis, unsigned int num_inis); +emummc_fs_ver_t stratosphere_get_fs_version(void); + +ini1_header_t *stratosphere_merge_inis(ini1_header_t **inis, unsigned int num_inis, void *emummc, size_t emummc_size); typedef struct { bool has_nogc_config; diff --git a/sept/sept-primary/Makefile b/sept/sept-primary/Makefile index 107b32f55..96a026436 100644 --- a/sept/sept-primary/Makefile +++ b/sept/sept-primary/Makefile @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ DEFINES := -D__BPMP__ -DFUSEE_STAGE1_SRC -DATMOSPHERE_GIT_BRANCH=\"$(AMSBRANCH)\ CFLAGS := \ -g \ - -O2 \ + -Os \ -fomit-frame-pointer \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ @@ -76,15 +76,14 @@ export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET) export TOPDIR := $(CURDIR) export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ - $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ - $(AMS)/exosphere/rebootstub + $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD) CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))) CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))) SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s))) -BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*))) rebootstub.bin +BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C @@ -111,13 +110,10 @@ export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \ export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) -.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean all check_rebootstub +.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean all #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -all: check_rebootstub $(BUILD) - -check_rebootstub: - @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/exosphere/rebootstub all +all: $(BUILD) $(BUILD): @[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@ @@ -126,7 +122,6 @@ $(BUILD): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean: @echo clean ... - @$(MAKE) -C $(AMS)/exosphere/rebootstub clean @rm -fr $(BUILD) $(TARGET).bin $(TARGET).elf diff --git a/sept/sept-primary/linker.ld b/sept/sept-primary/linker.ld index 7d135168c..56e9f66cd 100644 --- a/sept/sept-primary/linker.ld +++ b/sept/sept-primary/linker.ld @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ PHDRS MEMORY { NULL : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x1000 - main : ORIGIN = 0x40010040, LENGTH = 0x1000 + main : ORIGIN = 0x40010000, LENGTH = 0x1000 high_iram : ORIGIN = 0x4003F000, LENGTH = 0x1000 low_iram : ORIGIN = 0x40003000, LENGTH = 0x8000 } @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ MEMORY SECTIONS { PROVIDE(__crt0_start__ = 0x4003F000); - PROVIDE(__main_start__ = 0x40010040); + PROVIDE(__main_start__ = 0x40010000); PROVIDE(__stack_top__ = 0x40010000); PROVIDE(__stack_bottom__ = 0x4000C000); PROVIDE(__heap_start__ = 0); diff --git a/sept/sept-primary/src/main.c b/sept/sept-primary/src/main.c index 5a55f44e2..62a5c15d6 100644 --- a/sept/sept-primary/src/main.c +++ b/sept/sept-primary/src/main.c @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int load_tsec_fw(void) { int main(void) { /* Setup vectors */ setup_exception_vectors(); - + volatile tegra_pmc_t *pmc = pmc_get_regs(); volatile tegra_car_t *car = car_get_regs(); diff --git a/sept/sept-primary/src/start.s b/sept/sept-primary/src/start.s index 1c335685f..cd0c9d81a 100644 --- a/sept/sept-primary/src/start.s +++ b/sept/sept-primary/src/start.s @@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ ipatch_word: .global jump_to_main .type jump_to_main, %function jump_to_main: + /* Insert 0x40 of NOPs, for version compatibility. */ +.rept 16 + nop +.endr /* Just jump to main */ ldr sp, =__stack_top__ b main diff --git a/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.c b/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.c index 04df56a7a..be59a2b5f 100644 --- a/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.c +++ b/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.c @@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ #include -#define u8 uint8_t -#define u32 uint32_t -#include "rebootstub_bin.h" -#undef u8 -#undef u32 - void wait(uint32_t microseconds) { uint32_t old_time = TIMERUS_CNTR_1US_0; while (TIMERUS_CNTR_1US_0 - old_time <= microseconds) { @@ -63,29 +57,12 @@ __attribute__((noreturn)) void pmc_reboot(uint32_t scratch0) { } } -__attribute__((noreturn)) void reboot_to_self(void) { - /* Patch SDRAM init to perform an SVC immediately after second write */ - APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH45_0 = 0x2E38DFFF; - APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH46_0 = 0x6001DC28; - /* Set SVC handler to jump to reboot stub in IRAM. */ - APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH33_0 = 0x4003F000; - APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH40_0 = 0x6000F208; - - /* Copy reboot stub into IRAM high. */ - for (size_t i = 0; i < rebootstub_bin_size; i += sizeof(uint32_t)) { - write32le((void *)0x4003F000, i, read32le(rebootstub_bin, i)); - } - - /* Trigger warm reboot. */ - pmc_reboot(1 << 0); -} - __attribute__((noreturn)) void wait_for_button_and_reboot(void) { uint32_t button; while (true) { button = btn_read(); if (button & BTN_POWER) { - reboot_to_self(); + pmc_reboot(2); } } } diff --git a/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.h b/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.h index 90133d352..445637695 100644 --- a/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.h +++ b/sept/sept-primary/src/utils.h @@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ void hexdump(const void* data, size_t size, uintptr_t addrbase); __attribute__((noreturn)) void watchdog_reboot(void); __attribute__((noreturn)) void pmc_reboot(uint32_t scratch0); -__attribute__((noreturn)) void reboot_to_self(void); __attribute__((noreturn)) void wait_for_button_and_reboot(void); __attribute__((noreturn)) void generic_panic(void); diff --git a/sept/sept-secondary/src/fs_utils.c b/sept/sept-secondary/src/fs_utils.c index e82a10627..070dfca08 100644 --- a/sept/sept-secondary/src/fs_utils.c +++ b/sept/sept-secondary/src/fs_utils.c @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ bool mount_sd(void) if (!g_sd_initialized) { /* Initialize SD. */ - if (sdmmc_device_sd_init(&g_sd_device, &g_sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104)) + if (sdmmc_device_sd_init(&g_sd_device, &g_sd_sdmmc, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104)) { g_sd_initialized = true; diff --git a/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c b/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c index f5ed83e3c..9b022f9ee 100644 --- a/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c +++ b/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc.c @@ -727,11 +727,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else if (status[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR50) /* High-speed SDR50 is supported. */ @@ -741,11 +741,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else if (status[13] & SD_MODE_UHS_SDR12) /* High-speed SDR12 is supported. */ @@ -755,11 +755,11 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_low(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12)) return 0; /* Run tuning. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) return 0; } else @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ static int sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_high(sdmmc_device_t *device, uint8_t *status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25)) return 0; /* Peek the SD card's status. */ @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b memset(device, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_device_t)); /* Try to initialize the driver. */ - if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_3V3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR)) + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_1, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_3V3, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to initialize the SDMMC driver!"); return 0; @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b sdmmc_info(sdmmc, "Sent if cond to SD card!"); /* Get the SD card's operating conditions. */ - if (!sdmmc_sd_send_op_cond(device, is_sd_ver2, (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT) && (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104))) + if (!sdmmc_sd_send_op_cond(device, is_sd_ver2, (bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT) && (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104))) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to send op cond!"); return 0; @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b if (!device->is_180v) { /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed!"); return 0; @@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_sd_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth b sdmmc_info(sdmmc, "Switched to high-speed from low voltage!"); } - else if ((device->scr.sda_vsn & (SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_1 | SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_2)) && ((bus_speed != SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6))) + else if ((device->scr.sda_vsn & (SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_1 | SD_SCR_SPEC_VER_2)) && ((bus_speed != SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY))) { /* Switch to high-speed from high voltage (if possible). */ if (!sdmmc_sd_switch_hs_high(device, switch_status)) @@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs(sdmmc_device_t *device, bool ignore_status) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS52)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS)) return 0; /* Check the status if necessary. */ @@ -1292,11 +1292,11 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs200(sdmmc_device_t *device) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS200)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200)) return 0; /* Execute tuning procedure. */ - if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS200, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) + if (!sdmmc_execute_tuning(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200, MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200)) return 0; /* Peek the current status. */ @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(sdmmc_device_t *device) return 0; /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS400)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400)) return 0; /* Peek the current status. */ @@ -1340,14 +1340,14 @@ static int sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(sdmmc_device_t *device) static int sdmmc_mmc_select_timing(sdmmc_device_t *device, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { - if ((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) && + if ((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) && (device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT) && (device->ext_csd.raw_card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS400_1_8V)) { /* Switch to HS400. */ return sdmmc_mmc_select_hs400(device); } - else if (((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) || (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS200)) && + else if (((bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) || (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200)) && ((device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_8BIT) || (device->sdmmc->bus_width == SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT)) && (device->ext_csd.raw_card_type & EXT_CSD_CARD_TYPE_HS200_1_8V)) { @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_mmc_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth memset(device, 0, sizeof(sdmmc_device_t)); /* Try to initialize the driver. */ - if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_1V8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS)) + if (!sdmmc_init(sdmmc, SDMMC_4, SDMMC_VOLTAGE_1V8, SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to initialize the SDMMC driver!"); return 0; @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ int sdmmc_device_mmc_init(sdmmc_device_t *device, sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusWidth sdmmc_warn(sdmmc, "Got unknown CSD structure (0x%08x)!", device->csd.structure); /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_HS26)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(device->sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed!"); return 0; diff --git a/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c b/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c index aa79fc5ff..0352c2418 100644 --- a/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c +++ b/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.c @@ -289,26 +289,28 @@ static int sdmmc_get_sdclk_freq(SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: return 26000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: return 52000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: return 200000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: return 25000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: return 50000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: return 100000; - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: return 40800; - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: return 200000; default: return 0; @@ -320,22 +322,23 @@ static int sdmmc_get_sdclk_div(SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: return 66; - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - // TODO: TRM says return 64? - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: return 1; - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: return 2; default: return 0; @@ -354,35 +357,35 @@ static int sdmmc_clk_set_source(SdmmcControllerNum controller, uint32_t clk_freq { case 25000: out_freq = 24728; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR12; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR12; break; case 26000: out_freq = 25500; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS26; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_LEGACY; break; case 40800: out_freq = 40800; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_DDR50; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_DDR50; break; case 50000: out_freq = 48000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR25; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR25; break; case 52000: out_freq = 51000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS52; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS; break; case 100000: out_freq = 90667; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR50; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR50; break; case 200000: out_freq = 163200; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS200; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS200; break; case 208000: out_freq = 204000; - car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR104; + car_div = SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR104; break; default: return 0; @@ -747,7 +750,7 @@ void sdmmc_select_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusVoltage voltage) static void sdmmc_tap_config(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) { - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) { /* Clear and set DQS_TRIM_VAL (used in HS400) */ sdmmc->regs->vendor_cap_overrides &= ~(0x3F00); @@ -757,7 +760,7 @@ static void sdmmc_tap_config(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) /* Clear TAP_VAL_UPDATED_BY_HW */ sdmmc->regs->vendor_tuning_cntrl0 &= ~(0x20000); - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) { /* We must have obtained the tap value from the tuning procedure here. */ if (sdmmc->is_tuning_tap_val_set) @@ -863,41 +866,43 @@ int sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) /* Set the appropriate host speed. */ switch (bus_speed) { /* 400kHz initialization mode and a few others. */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS26: - case SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY: sdmmc->regs->host_control &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_HISPD); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180); break; /* 50MHz high speed (SD) and 52MHz high speed (MMC). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25: sdmmc->regs->host_control |= SDHCI_CTRL_HISPD; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180); break; /* 200MHz UHS-I (SD) and other modes due to errata. */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_SDR104; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; break; /* 200MHz single-data rate (MMC). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_HS400; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; break; /* 25MHz default speed (SD). */ - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12: sdmmc->regs->host_control2 &= ~(SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_MASK); sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_UHS_SDR12; sdmmc->regs->host_control2 |= SDHCI_CTRL_VDD_180; @@ -936,7 +941,7 @@ int sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed) sdmmc_enable_sd_clock(sdmmc); /* Run DLLCAL for HS400 only */ - if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_HS400) + if (bus_speed == SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400) return sdmmc_dllcal_run(sdmmc); return 1; @@ -1720,7 +1725,7 @@ int sdmmc_switch_voltage(sdmmc_t *sdmmc) sdmmc_disable_sd_clock(sdmmc); /* Reconfigure the internal clock. */ - if (!sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12)) + if (!sdmmc_select_speed(sdmmc, SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12)) { sdmmc_error(sdmmc, "Failed to apply the correct bus speed for low voltage support!"); return 0; @@ -1883,15 +1888,16 @@ int sdmmc_execute_tuning(sdmmc_t *sdmmc, SdmmcBusSpeed bus_speed, uint32_t opcod switch (bus_speed) { - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS200: - case SDMMC_SPEED_HS400: - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104: + case SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104: max_tuning_loop = 0x80; tuning_cntrl_flag = 0x4000; break; - case SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50: - case SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50: + case SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52: max_tuning_loop = 0x100; tuning_cntrl_flag = 0x8000; break; diff --git a/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h b/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h index 70eda4ff8..8f00fb766 100644 --- a/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h +++ b/sept/sept-secondary/src/sdmmc/sdmmc_core.h @@ -210,33 +210,33 @@ typedef enum { } SdmmcBusWidth; typedef enum { - SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_HS = 0, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS26 = 1, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS52 = 2, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS200 = 3, - SDMMC_SPEED_HS400 = 4, - SDMMC_SPEED_INIT_SDR = 5, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK6 = 6, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR25 = 7, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR12 = 8, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK9 = 9, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR50 = 10, - SDMMC_SPEED_SDR104 = 11, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK12 = 12, - SDMMC_SPEED_DDR50 = 13, - SDMMC_SPEED_UNK14 = 14, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_INIT = 0, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_LEGACY = 1, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS = 2, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS200 = 3, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_HS400 = 4, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_INIT = 5, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_LEGACY = 6, + SDMMC_SPEED_SD_HS = 7, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR12 = 8, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR25 = 9, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR50 = 10, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_SDR104 = 11, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_RESERVED = 12, + SDMMC_SPEED_UHS_DDR50 = 13, + SDMMC_SPEED_MMC_DDR52 = 14, + SDMMC_SPEED_EMU_SDR104 = 255, /* Custom speed mode. Prevents low voltage switch in MMC emulation. */ } SdmmcBusSpeed; typedef enum { - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR12 = 31, // (16.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR25 = 15, // (8.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR50 = 7, // (4.5 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_SDR104 = 2, // (2 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_DDR50 = 18, // (5 * 2 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS26 = 30, // (16 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS52 = 14, // (8 * 2) - 2 - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS200 = 3, // (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0) - SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_HS400 = 3, // (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0) + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR12 = 31, /* (16.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR25 = 15, /* (8.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR50 = 7, /* (4.5 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_SDR104 = 2, /* (2 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_UHS_DDR50 = 18, /* (5 * 2 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_LEGACY = 30, /* (16 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS = 14, /* (8 * 2) - 2 */ + SDMMC_CAR_DIVIDER_MMC_HS200 = 3, /* (2.5 * 2) - 2 (for PLLP_OUT0, same as HS400) */ } SdmmcCarDivider; /* Structure for describing a SDMMC device. */ @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ typedef struct { uint32_t opcode; uint32_t arg; uint32_t resp[4]; - uint32_t flags; /* expected response type */ + uint32_t flags; /* Expected response type. */ } sdmmc_command_t; /* Structure for describing a SDMMC request. */ diff --git a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.cpp b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52f0a71ca --- /dev/null +++ b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../utils.hpp" +#include "fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.hpp" +#include "fs_path_utils.hpp" + +static char *GetNormalizedDirectory(const char *dir_prefix) { + /* Normalize the path. */ + char normal_path[FS_MAX_PATH + 1]; + size_t normal_path_len; + Result rc = FsPathUtils::Normalize(normal_path, sizeof(normal_path), dir_prefix, &normal_path_len); + if (R_FAILED(rc)) { + /* N calls svcBreak here. */ + std::abort(); + } + + /* Ensure terminating '/' */ + if (normal_path[normal_path_len-1] != '/') { + if (normal_path_len + 2 > sizeof(normal_path)) { + std::abort(); + } + + strncat(normal_path, "/", 2); + normal_path[sizeof(normal_path)-1] = 0; + normal_path_len++; + } + + char *output = static_cast(malloc(normal_path_len + 1)); + if (output == nullptr) { + std::abort(); + /* TODO: Result error code? */ + } + + std::strncpy(output, normal_path, normal_path_len + 1); + output[normal_path_len] = 0; + return output; +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::Initialize(const char *before, const char *after) { + if (strnlen(before, FS_MAX_PATH) >= FS_MAX_PATH || strnlen(after, FS_MAX_PATH) >= FS_MAX_PATH) { + return ResultFsTooLongPath; + } + + this->before_dir = GetNormalizedDirectory(before); + this->after_dir = GetNormalizedDirectory(after); + this->before_dir_len = strlen(this->before_dir); + this->after_dir_len = strlen(this->after_dir); + + return ResultSuccess; +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::GetFullPath(char *out, size_t out_size, const char *relative_path) { + FsPath tmp_rel_path; + Result rc = FsPathUtils::Normalize(tmp_rel_path.str, sizeof(tmp_rel_path), relative_path, nullptr); + if (R_FAILED(rc)) { + return rc; + } + + if (std::strncmp(tmp_rel_path.str, this->before_dir, this->before_dir_len) == 0) { + if (this->after_dir_len + strnlen(tmp_rel_path.str, FS_MAX_PATH) - this->before_dir_len > out_size) { + return ResultFsTooLongPath; + } + + /* Copy after path. */ + std::strncpy(out, this->after_dir, out_size); + out[out_size - 1] = 0; + + /* Normalize it. */ + return FsPathUtils::Normalize(out + this->after_dir_len - 1, out_size - (this->after_dir_len - 1), relative_path + this->before_dir_len - 1, nullptr); + } else if (std::memcmp(tmp_rel_path.str, this->before_dir, this->before_dir_len - 1) == 0) { + /* Handling raw directory. */ + if (this->after_dir_len + 1 > out_size) { + return ResultFsTooLongPath; + } + std::strncpy(out, this->after_dir, out_size); + out[out_size - 1] = 0; + return ResultSuccess; + } else { + return FsPathUtils::Normalize(out, out_size, relative_path, nullptr); + } +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::CreateFileImpl(const FsPath &path, uint64_t size, int flags) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->CreateFile(full_path, size, flags); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::DeleteFileImpl(const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->DeleteFile(full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::CreateDirectoryImpl(const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->CreateDirectory(full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::DeleteDirectoryImpl(const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->DeleteDirectory(full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::DeleteDirectoryRecursivelyImpl(const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->DeleteDirectoryRecursively(full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::RenameFileImpl(const FsPath &old_path, const FsPath &new_path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_old_path, full_new_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_old_path, old_path)))) { + return rc; + } + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_new_path, new_path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->RenameFile(full_old_path, full_new_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::RenameDirectoryImpl(const FsPath &old_path, const FsPath &new_path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_old_path, full_new_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_old_path, old_path)))) { + return rc; + } + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_new_path, new_path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->RenameDirectory(full_old_path, full_new_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::GetEntryTypeImpl(DirectoryEntryType *out, const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->GetEntryType(out, full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::OpenFileImpl(std::unique_ptr &out_file, const FsPath &path, OpenMode mode) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->OpenFile(out_file, full_path, mode); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::OpenDirectoryImpl(std::unique_ptr &out_dir, const FsPath &path, DirectoryOpenMode mode) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->OpenDirectory(out_dir, full_path, mode); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::CommitImpl() { + return this->base_fs->Commit(); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::GetFreeSpaceSizeImpl(uint64_t *out, const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->GetFreeSpaceSize(out, full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::GetTotalSpaceSizeImpl(uint64_t *out, const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->GetTotalSpaceSize(out, full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::CleanDirectoryRecursivelyImpl(const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->CleanDirectoryRecursively(full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::GetFileTimeStampRawImpl(FsTimeStampRaw *out, const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->GetFileTimeStampRaw(out, full_path); +} + +Result DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem::QueryEntryImpl(char *out, uint64_t out_size, const char *in, uint64_t in_size, int query, const FsPath &path) { + Result rc; + FsPath full_path; + + if (R_FAILED((rc = GetFullPath(full_path, path)))) { + return rc; + } + + return this->base_fs->QueryEntry(out, out_size, in, in_size, query, full_path); +} diff --git a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.hpp b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95d7b342b --- /dev/null +++ b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#pragma once +#include +#include + +#include "fs_ifilesystem.hpp" +#include "fs_path_utils.hpp" + +class DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem : public IFileSystem { + private: + std::shared_ptr base_fs; + char *before_dir = nullptr; + size_t before_dir_len = 0; + char *after_dir = nullptr; + size_t after_dir_len = 0; + + public: + DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem(IFileSystem *fs, const char *before, const char *after) : base_fs(fs) { + Result rc = this->Initialize(before, after); + if (R_FAILED(rc)) { + fatalSimple(rc); + } + } + + DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem(std::shared_ptr fs, const char *before, const char *after) : base_fs(fs) { + Result rc = this->Initialize(before, after); + if (R_FAILED(rc)) { + fatalSimple(rc); + } + } + + + virtual ~DirectoryRedirectionFileSystem() { + if (this->before_dir != nullptr) { + free(this->before_dir); + } + if (this->after_dir != nullptr) { + free(this->after_dir); + } + } + + private: + Result Initialize(const char *before, const char *after); + protected: + Result GetFullPath(char *out, size_t out_size, const char *relative_path); + Result GetFullPath(FsPath &full_path, const FsPath &relative_path) { + return GetFullPath(full_path.str, sizeof(full_path.str), relative_path.str); + } + + public: + virtual Result CreateFileImpl(const FsPath &path, uint64_t size, int flags) override; + virtual Result DeleteFileImpl(const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result CreateDirectoryImpl(const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result DeleteDirectoryImpl(const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result DeleteDirectoryRecursivelyImpl(const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result RenameFileImpl(const FsPath &old_path, const FsPath &new_path) override; + virtual Result RenameDirectoryImpl(const FsPath &old_path, const FsPath &new_path) override; + virtual Result GetEntryTypeImpl(DirectoryEntryType *out, const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result OpenFileImpl(std::unique_ptr &out_file, const FsPath &path, OpenMode mode) override; + virtual Result OpenDirectoryImpl(std::unique_ptr &out_dir, const FsPath &path, DirectoryOpenMode mode) override; + virtual Result CommitImpl() override; + virtual Result GetFreeSpaceSizeImpl(uint64_t *out, const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result GetTotalSpaceSizeImpl(uint64_t *out, const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result CleanDirectoryRecursivelyImpl(const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result GetFileTimeStampRawImpl(FsTimeStampRaw *out, const FsPath &path) override; + virtual Result QueryEntryImpl(char *out, uint64_t out_size, const char *in, uint64_t in_size, int query, const FsPath &path) override; +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.cpp b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.cpp index c3a5a9113..0cbcb97f8 100644 --- a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.cpp +++ b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.cpp @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #include "fs_save_utils.hpp" #include "fs_file_storage.hpp" #include "fs_subdirectory_filesystem.hpp" +#include "fs_directory_redirection_filesystem.hpp" #include "fs_directory_savedata_filesystem.hpp" #include "../debug.hpp" @@ -161,6 +162,43 @@ Result FsMitmService::OpenFileSystemWithId(OutOpenHblWebContentFileSystem(out_fs); } +Result FsMitmService::OpenSdCardFileSystem(Out> out_fs) { + /* We only care about redirecting this for NS/Emummc. */ + if (this->title_id != TitleId_Ns) { + return ResultAtmosphereMitmShouldForwardToSession; + } + if (!IsEmummc()) { + return ResultAtmosphereMitmShouldForwardToSession; + } + + std::shared_ptr fs = nullptr; + u32 out_domain_id = 0; + Result rc = ResultSuccess; + + ON_SCOPE_EXIT { + if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { + out_fs.SetValue(std::move(fs)); + if (out_fs.IsDomain()) { + out_fs.ChangeObjectId(out_domain_id); + } + } + }; + + /* Mount the SD card. */ + FsFileSystem sd_fs; + if (R_FAILED((rc = fsMountSdcard(&sd_fs)))) { + return rc; + } + + std::shared_ptr redir_fs = std::make_shared(new ProxyFileSystem(sd_fs), "/Nintendo", GetEmummcNintendoDirPath()); + fs = std::make_shared(redir_fs); + if (out_fs.IsDomain()) { + out_domain_id = sd_fs.s.object_id; + } + + return rc; +} + Result FsMitmService::OpenSaveDataFileSystem(Out> out_fs, u8 space_id, FsSave save_struct) { bool should_redirect_saves = false; const bool has_redirect_save_flags = Utils::HasFlag(this->title_id, "redirect_save"); diff --git a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.hpp b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.hpp index 1e818aba2..54f8b6ff6 100644 --- a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.hpp +++ b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/fs_mitm/fsmitm_service.hpp @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ enum FspSrvCmd : u32 { FspSrvCmd_OpenFileSystemWithPatch = 7, FspSrvCmd_OpenFileSystemWithId = 8, + FspSrvCmd_OpenSdCardFileSystem = 18, + FspSrvCmd_OpenSaveDataFileSystem = 51, FspSrvCmd_OpenBisStorage = 12, @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ class FsMitmService : public IMitmServiceObject { /* Overridden commands. */ Result OpenFileSystemWithPatch(Out> out, u64 title_id, u32 filesystem_type); Result OpenFileSystemWithId(Out> out, InPointer path, u64 title_id, u32 filesystem_type); + Result OpenSdCardFileSystem(Out> out); Result OpenSaveDataFileSystem(Out> out, u8 space_id, FsSave save_struct); Result OpenBisStorage(Out> out, u32 bis_partition_id); Result OpenDataStorageByCurrentProcess(Out> out); @@ -84,6 +87,7 @@ class FsMitmService : public IMitmServiceObject { /* TODO MakeServiceCommandMeta(), */ MakeServiceCommandMeta(), MakeServiceCommandMeta(), + MakeServiceCommandMeta(), MakeServiceCommandMeta(), MakeServiceCommandMeta(), MakeServiceCommandMeta(), diff --git a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/utils.cpp b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/utils.cpp index d208d7829..ab30b8682 100644 --- a/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/utils.cpp +++ b/stratosphere/ams_mitm/source/utils.cpp @@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ static FsFile g_cal0_file = {0}; static u8 g_cal0_storage_backup[ProdinfoSize]; static u8 g_cal0_backup[ProdinfoSize]; +/* Emummc-related file. */ +static FsFile g_emummc_file = {0}; + static bool IsHexadecimal(const char *str) { while (*str) { if (isxdigit(*str)) { @@ -196,6 +199,17 @@ void Utils::InitializeThreadFunc(void *args) { } Utils::RefreshConfiguration(); + + /* If we're emummc, persist a write handle to prevent other processes from touching the image. */ + if (IsEmummc()) { + const char *emummc_file_path = GetEmummcFilePath(); + if (emummc_file_path != nullptr) { + char emummc_path[0x100] = {0}; + std::strncpy(emummc_path, emummc_file_path, 0x80); + std::strcat(emummc_path, "/eMMC"); + fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, emummc_file_path, FS_OPEN_READ | FS_OPEN_WRITE, &g_emummc_file); + } + } /* Initialize set:sys. */ DoWithSmSession([&]() { diff --git a/stratosphere/libstratosphere b/stratosphere/libstratosphere index 05c58ef00..afcd07535 160000 --- a/stratosphere/libstratosphere +++ b/stratosphere/libstratosphere @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 05c58ef00263552d4925ed29ac0828cacdfc2ed1 +Subproject commit afcd075354dec43fae882c3ad4d5220336231d04